Results for ' people confusing belief and faith'

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  1.  4
    Indigenous Peoples’ human genomic sovereignty: Lessons for Africa.Faith Kabata - forthcoming - Developing World Bioethics.
    Human genomics research with indigenous peoples has often been characterised by tension between the ‘western’ science ideologies and indigenous peoples’ cultural beliefs in relation to their human genetic resources and data. This article explores this tension from the lens of the concept of indigenous peoples’ human genomic sovereignty and tests the applicability of the concept in Africa. The article achieves this by first highlighting the tension between ‘western’ science and indigenous peoples through three case studies from Canada, the USA, and (...)
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    Centering Black, Indigenous, People of Color Through Racialized Workplace Conflict Resolution.Matt LaVine, Faith Garnett & Kevin Wright - 2022 - In Ursula Thomas, Cases on Servant Leadership and Equity. pp. Ch. 14.
    Conflict is inevitable in the workplace and manifests in different ways. It is a common dysfunction when working in teams. A diversity of thoughts, ideologies, and beliefs always creates a risk of disagreement and misalignment. When examining identity and positionality in the workplace, conflict is usually resolved in favor of those who have identities within the dominant White culture. In light of this common reality, an opportunity is created to examine and determine how conflict can be resolved from an inclusive (...)
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  3. A notional worlds approach to confusion.Krista Lawlor - 2007 - Mind and Language 22 (2):150–172.
    People often become confused, mistaking one thing for another, or taking two things to be the same. How should we assign semantic values to confused statements? Recently, philosophers have taken a pessimistic view of confusion, arguing that understanding confused belief demands significant departure from our normal interpretive practice. I argue for optimism. Our semantic treatment of confusion can be a lot like our semantic treatment of empty names. Surprisingly, perhaps, the resulting semantics lets us keep in place more (...)
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    Atheist out of the Foxhole.Joe Haldeman - 2009 - In Russell Blackford & Udo Schüklenk, 50 Voices of Disbelief. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 187–190.
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    Faith No More Why People Reject Religion by Phil Zuckerman (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012), 224 pages, ISBN: 9780199740017. [REVIEW]Nafiye Aydın - 2023 - Atebe 10:179-185.
    This study evaluates the book “Faith No More Why People Reject Religion” written by Phil Zuckerman. Zuckerman, who conducts research in the fields of atheism, agnosticism, skepticism, humanism, and naturalism, examines the intellectual and social characteristics of people who abandon their beliefs in his book “Faith No More Why People Reject Religion” and questions whether people need a God to be truly moral. In our study, the apostasy stories in the book have been examined (...)
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    Pastoral care with young people suffering from depression in the context of Soweto.Mwansa C. Kimpinde & Yolanda Dreyer - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (3):8.
    The situation and challenges of young people with depression in the urban African context of Soweto, Johannesburg, South Africa, are investigated from a pastoral care perspective. Depression is one of the more prevalent mental disorders. In African contexts it is often equated with demon possession. The aim of this article is to investigate the interplay between Western understandings of depression and African perspectives, and to come to a deeper understanding of the way in which support and healing are approached (...)
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    Why People Matter: A Christian Engagement with Rival Views of Human Significance ed. by John F. Kilner.Laura Alexander - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (1):190-192.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Why People Matter: A Christian Engagement with Rival Views of Human Significance ed. by John F. KilnerLaura AlexanderWhy People Matter: A Christian Engagement with Rival Views of Human Significance Edited by John F. Kilner grand rapids, mi: baker academic, 2017. 240 pp. $26.99Although Why People Matter does not use the word, it is an apologetic for the Christian faith and ethical tradition. Its argument (...)
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    The Faith Frame: Or, Belief is Easy, Faith is Hard.T. M. Luhrmann - 2018 - Contemporary Pragmatism 15 (3):302-318.
    This paper argues for thinking about religious commitments as different in kind from everyday ordinary understandings of the world. It argues against the straightforward assertion from the cognitive science of religion that belief in the supernatural is easy. That is, there is a way in which intuitions of invisible presence come very easily to people. Yet to sustain that belief commitment is hard, especially when the invisible other is omnipotent and benevolent. Here I suggest that it makes (...)
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    In bad faith: what's wrong with the opium of the people.Andrew Levine - 2011 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Atheism: young Hegelian style -- A social thing -- The tenacity of an illusion -- Beyond God and evil -- The liberal turn -- A precarious left.
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    Doctor at War, Doctor Washing Feet.Luke Miller - 2014 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 4 (3):202-204.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Doctor at War, Doctor Washing FeetLuke MillerThis man is any one of my patients. Cancer is in his body, he has been told, and now this story has become connected with some fact of bodily functioning. The tumor is now in his brain, the MRI report says, and now some weakness, headache, confusion, or dimming of his sight corroborates this finding. In the white–walled clinic room he speaks with (...)
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  11. Faith Without Belief?Louis Pojman - 1986 - Faith and Philosophy 3 (2):157-176.
    For many religious people there is a problem of doubting various credal statements contained in their religions. Often propositional beliefs are looked upon as necessary conditions for salvation. This causes great anxiety in doubters and raises the question of the importance of belief in religion and in life in general. It is a question that has been neglected in philosophy of religion and theology. In this paper I shall explore the question of the importance of belief as (...)
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  12. How to write a phenomenological dissertation: a step-by-step guide.Katarzyna Peoples - 2021 - Los Angeles: SAGE Publications.
    Conducting phenomenological research for dissertations can be an involved and challenging process, and writing it up is often the most challenging part. How to Write a Phenomenological Dissertation gives students practical, applied advice on how to structure and develop each chapter of the dissertation specifically for phenomenological research. Phenomenology is about personal experience and personal experience varies from researcher to researcher. However, this variation is a big source of confusion for new researchers in the social, behavioral, or health sciences. This (...)
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  13. A Rejoinder to Hart,'.Belief Faith & Religious Truth - 1994 - Philosophy and Theology 8 (3):257-266.
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  14. Exploring people’s beliefs about the experience of time.Jack Shardlow, Ruth Lee, Christoph Hoerl, Teresa McCormack, Patrick Burns & Alison S. Fernandes - 2021 - Synthese 198 (11):10709-10731.
    Philosophical debates about the metaphysics of time typically revolve around two contrasting views of time. On the A-theory, time is something that itself undergoes change, as captured by the idea of the passage of time; on the B-theory, all there is to time is events standing in before/after or simultaneity relations to each other, and these temporal relations are unchanging. Philosophers typically regard the A-theory as being supported by our experience of time, and they take it that the B-theory clashes (...)
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    The Judas syndrome: why good people do awful things.George K. Simon - 2013 - Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press.
    When bad people do bad things -- When well-intentioned, basically good people do harm -- When good people don't do enough -- When decent people fail the character test -- Beliefs and behavior -- Faith and the human condition.
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    Some Basic Fallacies of the People of the Book in the Qurʾān.Yunus AKÇA - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (3):961-982.
    The phenomenon of fallacy is directly related to the nature of the person himself and the environment in which he lives. Knowing in which situations and how people are wrong will greatly prevent them from making Fallacies. For this reason, one of the most important aims of religions is to bring their followers to the happiness in this world and the hereafter, to determine the Fallacies that people may fall into beforehand and to reveal their reasons and solutions. (...)
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    The Truth Will Set You Free, or How a Troubled Philosophical Theory May Help to Understand How People Talk About Their Addiction.Patricia A. Ross - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (3):227-231.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Truth Will Set You Free, or How a Troubled Philosophical Theory May Help to Understand How People Talk About Their AddictionPatricia A. Ross (bio)Keywordsveridicality of narrative, contingency of theories, belief-behavior, causal connectionConsider the following proposition: If one were to recognize the unsatisfactory implications of maintaining a certain theoretical position, one would thereby be motivated to accept a more adequate theory, which would alter one's beliefs and, (...)
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  18. How to Change People’s Beliefs? Doxastic Coercion vs. Evidential Persuasion.Gheorghe-Ilie Farte - 2016 - Argumentum. Journal of the Seminar of Discursive Logic, Argumentation Theory and Rhetoric 14 (2):47-76.
    The very existence of society depends on the ability of its members to influence formatively the beliefs, desires, and actions of their fellows. In every sphere of social life, powerful human agents (whether individuals or institutions) tend to use coercion as a favorite shortcut to achieving their aims without taking into consideration the non-violent alternatives or the negative (unintended) consequences of their actions. This propensity for coercion is manifested in the doxastic sphere by attempts to shape people’s beliefs (and (...)
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  19. Confusion is Corruptive Belief in False Identity.Elmar Unnsteinsson - 2016 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 46 (2):204-227.
    Speakers are confused about identity if they mistake one thing for two or two things for one. I present two plausible models of confusion, the Frege model and the Millikan model. I show how a prominent objection to Fregean models fails and argue that confusion consists in having false implicit beliefs involving the identity relation. Further, I argue that confused identity has characteristic corruptive effects on singular cognition and on the proper function of singular terms in linguistic communication.
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    Reasoned Faith ed. by Eleonore Stump.Hugo Meynell - 1995 - The Thomist 59 (3):498-503.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:498 BOOK REVIEWS generations of theologians across denominational lines. Both Placher and Hunsinger at the end of their essays choose quotations from within Frei's own writings to give a synoptic portrait of the man and his work. Placher chooses a remark about Niebuhr's sense of vocation as a theologian (20), and Hunsinger one about knowledge of that seemingly elusive reality, a person's identity (257). However one might come away (...)
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  21. Three Varieties of Faith.Ryan Preston-Roedder - 2018 - Philosophical Topics 46 (1):173-199.
    Secular moral philosophy has devoted little attention to the nature and significance of faith. Perhaps this is unsurprising. The significance of faith is typically thought to depend on the truth of theism, and so it may seem that a careful study of faith has little to offer non-religious philosophy. But I argue that, whether or not theism holds, certain kinds of faith are centrally important virtues, that is, character traits that are morally admirable or admirable from (...)
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    Plugging a tooth before anaesthetising the patient? The influence of people's beliefs on reasoning about the temporal order of actions.Vicky Dierckx, André Vandierendonck, Baptist Liefooghe & Evelien Christiaens - 2004 - Thinking and Reasoning 10 (4):371-404.
  23. Multi-faith meeting: A Humanist perspective.Harry Gardner - 2013 - The Australian Humanist 110 (110):13.
    Gardner, Harry On 6 December 2012, a meeting was held of people of several faiths and philosophical traditions in the Victorian State Office of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship, located in Melbourne, to discuss 'the need for more education about diverse religious and non-religious beliefs in Victorian schools.'.
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    Faith.Anna Hickey-Moody - 2019 - Philosophy Today 63 (4):927-941.
    This essay advances a new materialist philosophy of faith. Mobilizing affect, I show that a change in the capacity to act, such as that created through belief or non-belief, is an experience that unites both secular and religious people. Belief in the superiority of secular culture over religious culture, or vice versa, are affectively similar corporeal orientations.
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    Liberal Faith: Essays in Honor of Philip Quinn.Philip L. Quinn & Paul J. Weithman (eds.) - 2008 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    Philip Quinn, John A. O’Brien Professor at the University of Notre Dame from 1985 until his death in 2004, was well known for his work in the philosophy of religion, political philosophy, and core areas of analytic philosophy. Although the breadth of his interests was so great that it would be virtually impossible to identify any subset of them as representative, the contributors to this volume provide an excellent introduction to, and advance the discussion of, some of the questions of (...)
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    A Role in Practical Reasoning for People's Beliefs about Value.Brian Feltham - 2003 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 6 (3):12-31.
  27. Presupposing, Believing, Having Faith.Carlos Miguel Gómez Rincón - 2019 - Sophia 60 (1):103-121.
    This paper traces the borders between presupposing, believing, and having faith. These three attitudes are often equated and confused in the contemporary image of the historically and culturally situated character of rationality. This confusion is problematic because, on the one hand, it prevents us from fully appreciating the way in which this image of rationality points towards a dissolving of the opposition between faith and reason; on the other hand, it leads to forms of fideism. After bringing this (...)
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  28. Is intuition best treated as a sui generis mental state, or as a belief?Joshua Kelsall - 2017 - Aporia 16.
    It is common in philosophy for philosophers to consult their intuitions regarding philosophical issues, and then use those intuitions as evidence for their arguments. For instance, an incompatibilist about moral responsibility might argue that her position is correct because it is intuitive that, given a deterministic world, people cannot be morally responsible. One might ask whether or not the philosopher is justified in using intuitions in her argument, but it seems that in order to answer this, we require an (...)
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  29. Unamuno’s Religious Faith in San Manuel Bueno, mártir.Alberto Oya - 2023 - In M. J. M. Branco & J. Constâncio, Essays on Values — Volume 3. Lisboa: Instituto de Filosofia da Nova (IFILNOVA). pp. 383-410.
    In 1930, the Spanish philosopher Miguel de Unamuno (1864–1936) wrote one of his most well-known novels, San Manuel Bueno, mártir [Saint Manuel Bueno, Martyr]. The novel is about the fictional character Manuel Bueno, a catholic priest from a small Spanish village who, despite being unable to believe the Christian claim that there is an after earthly death life, devotes himself to the spiritual care of his people, being thereby sanctified after his death. The aim of this paper is to (...)
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  30. Separatory Confusion Does Not Corrupt.Alex Radulescu - forthcoming - Croatian Journal of Philosophy.
    If I am confused, and I think two people are one and the same, that may impair my ability to refer to either of them. This is combinatory confusion. What if I am confused, and think that one person is actually two people? This is separatory confusion, and it seems quite different. After all, even in my confusion, my thoughts and my referential devices seem to track back to a single individual. Elmar Unnsteinsson has recently argued that both (...)
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    On the Practice of Faith: A Lutheran's Interior Dialogue with Buddhism.Paul O. Ingram - 2001 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 21 (1):43-50.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 21.1 (2001) 43-50 [Access article in PDF] On the Practice of Faith: A Lutheran's Interior Dialogue with Buddhism Paul O. Ingram Pacific Lutheran University I earn my living practicing the craft of history of religions. In Lutheran theological language, this is my "calling" and "vocation." I know this to be true because of how I was first opened to an amazing world of religious pluralism nearly (...)
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  32. An Argument for the Prima Facie Wrongness of Having Propositional Faith.Rob Lovering - 2019 - Philosophy – Journal of the Higher School of Economics 3 (3):95-128.
    W. K. Clifford famously argued that it is “wrong always, everywhere and for anyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence.” Though the spirit of this claim resonates with me, the letter does not. To wit, I am inclined to think that it is not morally wrong for, say, an elderly woman on her death bed to believe privately that she is going to heaven even if she does so on insufficient evidence—indeed, and lest there be any confusion, even if the (...)
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    The Moment Of Faith: Against Relativism Through A Reinterpretation Of The Story Of Abraham.Justin M. Zyla - 2014 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 13 (39):45-67.
    In the United States, it is common for people entering christian organizations to receive explanation of what the Bible means before being handed the book and asked to read. Religious ideological transfer stems from this strict codification, and the Story of Abraham highlights the effective blending between original text and interpretation. Recognizing how the Story of Abraham calls for, as Kierkegaard suggested, a suspension of the ethical for obedience, it justifies entrance into a religious state of exception, a fully (...)
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  34. Belief: An Essay.Jamie Iredell - 2011 - Continent 1 (4):279-285.
    continent. 1.4 (2011): 279—285. Concerning its Transitive Nature, the Conversion of Native Americans of Spanish Colonial California, Indoctrinated Catholicism, & the Creation There’s no direct archaeological evidence that Jesus ever existed. 1 I memorized the Act of Contrition. I don’t remember it now, except the beginning: Forgive me Father for I have sinned . . . This was in preparation for the Sacrament of Holy Reconciliation, where in a confessional I confessed my sins to Father Scott, who looked like Jesus, (...)
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    Death in the Greek World: From Homer to the Classical Age by Maria Serena Mirto (review).Joseph W. Day - 2013 - American Journal of Philology 134 (2):337-340.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Death in the Greek World: From Homer to the Classical Age by Maria Serena MirtoJoseph W. DayMaria Serena Mirto. Death in the Greek World: From Homer to the Classical Age. Trans. by A. M. Osborne. Oklahoma Series in Classical Culture 44 Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2012. x + 197 pp. 10 black-and-white figs. Paper, $19.95.Mirto (with Osborne) has given us a readable book on a topic of (...)
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  36. Meillassoux’s Virtual Future.Graham Harman - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):78-91.
    continent. 1.2 (2011): 78-91. This article consists of three parts. First, I will review the major themes of Quentin Meillassoux’s After Finitude . Since some of my readers will have read this book and others not, I will try to strike a balance between clear summary and fresh critique. Second, I discuss an unpublished book by Meillassoux unfamiliar to all readers of this article, except those scant few that may have gone digging in the microfilm archives of the École normale (...)
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    Belief: a short history for today.Gillian Rosemary Evans - 2006 - New York: I.B. Tauris.
    'What am I to believe?' is perhaps the fundamental question of human existence. It is unlikely that most people reach the end of their lives without wondering what it has all been for and what happens next. But the question of belief is more than just academic, since what people believe is now a more critical issue than ever. As G. R. Evans shows, an ignorance of the history of beliefs can leave individuals susceptible to the influence (...)
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    Mothering the Fatherland: A Protestant Sisterhood Repents for the Holocaust.George Faithful - 2014 - Oup Usa.
    George Faithful tells the story of a group of young Lutheran women who formed the Ecumenical Sisterhood of Mary in 1947 in order to advocate collective national guilt for the sins of the German people (Volk) against God and against the Jews.
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    (1 other version)The moral challenges of health care providers brain drain phenomenon.Faith Atte - forthcoming - Sage Publications: Clinical Ethics.
    Clinical Ethics, Ahead of Print. The migration of health-care professionals has often produced morally charged discussions among ethicists, politicians, and policy makers in the migrant-sending and migrant-receiving countries because of its devastating effects on the health of those left behind in the countries of origin.This movement of skilled professionals – their decision to leaving their countries of origin in search of better work environments – has created a phenomenon that has been described as brain drain. Although the migration of health (...)
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    Life After Faith: The Case for Secular Humanism.Philip Kitcher - 2014 - Yale University Press.
    _A positive assessment of secularism and the possibilities it offers for a genuinely meaningful life without religion_ Although there is no shortage of recent books arguing against religion, few offer a positive alternative—how anyone might live a fulfilling life without the support of religious beliefs. This enlightening book fills the gap. Philip Kitcher constructs an original and persuasive secular perspective, one that answers human needs, recognizes the objectivity of values, and provides for the universal desire for meaningfulness. Kitcher thoughtfully and (...)
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    Thinking like Jesus: the psychology of a faithful disciple.Ray Guarendi - 2018 - Irondale, Alabama: EWTN Publishing.
    How do I handle difficult family members? What do I do if I can’t control my emotions? When do I correct others, and when do I hold my tongue? Too often we are late in realizing that we mishandled a situation, causing both resentment and frustration. But what if you could approach every situation with the mind of Christ? Distilled from his decades of experience as a clinical psychologist and a practicing Catholic, Dr. Ray Guarendi, popular radio and TV host, (...)
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  42. Disbelief in belief: On the cognitive status of supernatural beliefs.Maarten Boudry & Jerry Coyne - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (4):601-615.
    Religious people seem to believe things that range from the somewhat peculiar to the utterly bizarre. Or do they? According to a new paper by Neil Van Leeuwen, religious “credence” is nothing like mundane factual belief. It has, he claims, more in common with fictional imaginings. Religious folk do not really “believe”—in the ordinary sense of the word—what they profess to believe. Like fictional imaginings, but unlike factual beliefs, religious credences are activated only within specific settings. We argue (...)
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    Three People Make a Tiger: the Illusory Truth Effect is Detrimental to a Network’s Likelihood of Reaching True Beliefs.Nathan Gabriel - forthcoming - Social Epistemology.
    The illusory truth effect is exhibited when repeated exposure to a statement increases an individual’s credence in that statement. While most investigations of the illusory truth effect focus on individuals’ belief formation, humans typically form beliefs within a social structure. This is particularly relevant because various social structures can give rise to repeated exposure to statements; e.g. one or two foundational papers might always be cited by a particular lab. So, how does the illusory truth effect influence learning and (...)
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    Cohabitation among Tertiary Education Students: An Exploratory Study in Bulawayo.Faith Kurete & Mathew Svodziwa - 2017 - Human and Social Studies. Research and Practice 6 (1):138-148.
    Cohabiting has been associated with a number of problems including sexually transmitted diseases and HIV and AIDS, abortions, sexual abuse and violence, low academic performance, increased cost of medical care and unwanted pregnancies. However, there is little documented information on the extent and the factors influencing cohabitation among the youth and especially among tertiary education students. This study therefore sought to fill this gap by investigating factors that lead to the prevalence and practice of cohabitation by tertiary education students. The (...)
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    Superstition: Belief in the Age of Science.Robert L. Park - 2010 - Princeton University Press.
    From uttering a prayer before boarding a plane, to exploring past lives through hypnosis, has superstition become pervasive in contemporary culture? Robert Park, the best-selling author of Voodoo Science, argues that it has. In Superstition, Park asks why people persist in superstitious convictions long after science has shown them to be ill-founded. He takes on supernatural beliefs from religion and the afterlife to New Age spiritualism and faith-based medical claims. He examines recent controversies and concludes that science is (...)
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    Reason in Belief, or Faith for an Age of Science. [REVIEW]J. Macbride Sterrett - 1906 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 3 (21):578-580.
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  47. (1 other version)Helping People to Think Critically about Their Religious Beliefs.Michael Tooley - 2009 - In 50 Voices of Disbelief: Why We Are Atheists. Wiley-Blackwell.
    In the debate volume, ’Knowledge of God’, co-authored with Alvin Plantinga, I argued that there is an inductively sound version of the argument from evil, and recently, several popular books criticizing religious belief have appeared, often focusing on that issue of the existence of God. In the present essay I argue, however, that to help ordinary people think more critically about religious beliefs, it is better to focus on beliefs associated with specific religions, such as Christianity. I then (...)
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    The 2004 Meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies.Frances S. Adeney - 2005 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 25 (1):149-152.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The 2004 Meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian StudiesFrances S. AdeneyThe 2004 meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies was held in San Antonio, Texas, 19–20 November 2004. This year's theme was "Dealing with Illness and Promoting Healing: Buddhist and Christian Resources." During the first session panelists Laura Habgood Arsta, Jay McDaniel, and Beth Blizman presented Christian views on dealing with illness, and Rita Gross responded from a Buddhist (...)
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    The four principles of phenomenology.Michel Henry, Joseph Rivera & George E. Faithful - 2015 - Continental Philosophy Review 48 (1):1-21.
    This article, published originally in French just after the 1989 release of Jean-Luc Marion’s book Reduction and Givenness, consists of a sustained critical study of the manner in which Marion advances from the basic principles of phenomenology. Henry outlines briefly three principles, “so much appearance, so much being,” “the principle of principles” of Ideas I, “to the things themselves!” before entering into a lengthy dialogue with Marion’s proposal of a fourth principle: “so much reduction, so much givenness.” Henry submits each (...)
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  50. Taking ‘the leap of faith’. How religious views affect people’s’ way of living?Tudor Cosmin Ciocan & Pratibha Gramann - 2020 - Dialogo 7 (1):91-102.
    There is consistent evidence that everything coming out from the religious/spiritual phenomenon bends us most harshly. And that occurs regardless of the form religiousness or spirituality takes in practice or theory, despite the broad range of embracing religious concepts and creeds from atheism to fanatism, or moreover disregarding the impossibility of labeling as good or wrong these creeds from another perspective than the one that produced it. Many people adhere to religion for the sake of their souls, but it (...)
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