Results for ' popular sectors in Cordoba'

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  1.  10
    The Cases of Death and Disappearance of Young People and Their Mothers in Popular Sectors (Córdoba, Argentina).Natalia Bermúdez - 2021 - Anthropos 116 (1):17-28.
    Within the framework of broader processes in Latin America Argentina has seen a progressive policing of the governance of security. Criminal policies in recent decades have focused on police militarization, increased incarceration, spatial segregation and judicial expansion that especially affect the sectors that are economically most impoverished. I am interested in showing, from ethnographic cases, how the dynamics of delinquency mainly affect young men from popular sectors, both residents and police. Each one of the deaths and disappearances (...)
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    (1 other version)Grutas y altares moralizados. O de cómo territorializar las muertes violentas en sectores populares (Córdoba, Argentina)1Grottos and altars moralized. Or how to territorialize violent deaths in popular sectors.Natalia Bermúdez - 2019 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana.
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    Reorganizing Popular Sector Incorporation: Propositions from Bolivia, Ecuador, and Venezuela.Eduardo Silva - 2017 - Politics and Society 45 (1):91-122.
    Bolivia, Ecuador, and Venezuela are cases in which, despite of the collapse of party systems, the fragmentation of popular sectors, and the dismantling of corporatism that resulted from neoliberal reforms, a new mode of incorporation nonetheless emerged. This article argues that left government responses to the demands of heterogeneous, mobilized, popular sectors shaped a new incorporation in the political arena. In it governments deal differentially with the proliferation of politically significant popular sectors and subaltern (...)
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    Corporate Responsibility for Arts and Culture.Rafael Cejudo Córdoba - 2023 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 42 (2):205-224.
    Multinational companies (MNCs) in the creative and IT sectors play a decisive role in the production of cultural goods and in global cultural trends. Therefore, MNCs impinge on the right to take part in cultural life and must be held accountable for their impact on arts and culture on a global scale. As a dynamic and evolving process, open to alien influences, cultural life can be seen as a global social process, and as such is susceptible to structural injustices. (...)
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    Australian public understandings of artificial intelligence.Neil Selwyn & Beatriz Gallo Cordoba - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (4):1645-1662.
    In light of the growing need to pay attention to general public opinions and sentiments toward AI, this paper examines the levels of understandings amongst the Australian public toward the increased societal use of AI technologies. Drawing on a nationally representative survey of 2019 adults across Australia, the paper examines how aware people consider themselves to be of recent developments in AI; variations in popular conceptions of what AI is; and the extent to which levels of support for AI (...)
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    Measuring Ethical Organizational Culture: Validation of the Spanish Version of the Shortened Corporate Ethical Virtues Model.Juliana Toro-Arias, Pablo Ruiz-Palomino & María del Pilar Rodríguez-Córdoba - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 176 (3):551-574.
    A key issue in the business ethics field is the design of effective measures for assessing the ethical culture of organizations. The Corporate Ethical Virtues Model (CEV), developed by Kaptein in 2008, is an instrument for measuring ethical culture, and has been applied, adapted and validated in different contexts. In 2013, DeBode, Armenakis, Field and Walker developed the CEV–S, a shortened version of the original scale. Both the CEV and CEV–S assess eight dimensions based on corporate ethical virtues: clarity, congruency (...)
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  7.  11
    Las Prácticas Articulatorias de Las Luchas Por Derechos Desde Situaciones de Contaminación En El Sector Sur de la Ciudad de Córdoba, 2012.Diego Ariel Astudillo & Cecilia Cecilia Carrizo - 2018 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 20:276-301.
    Como habitantes e investigadores de las luchas que emergen desde situaciones de contaminación en la zona sur de la ciudad de Córdoba, nuestro interés es analizar los modos de construcción de las identidades políticas en estos contextos discursivos situados. Metodológicamente, apelamos a los desarrollos de Laclau para el análisis de las prácticas articulatorias, tomando como herramientas para el análisis del discurso las figuras de la retórica clásica (sinécdoque, catacresis, metáfora y metonimia); como unidad de análisis, cuatro experiencias de luchas desde (...)
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    Outcomes to Partners in Multi-Stakeholder Cross-Sector Partnerships: A Resource-Based View.Adriane MacDonald & Amelia Clarke - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (2):298-332.
    The prevalence and complexity of local sustainable development challenges require coordinated action from multiple actors in the business, public, and civil society sectors. Large multi-stakeholder partnerships that build capacity by developing and leveraging the diverse perspectives and resources of partner organizations are becoming an increasingly popular approach to addressing such challenges. Multi-stakeholder partnerships are designed to address and prioritize a social problem, so it can be challenging to define the value proposition to each specific partner. Using a resource-based (...)
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  9.  24
    LA OTRA CARA. Políticas públicas, inclusión laboral y jóvenes urbanos de sectores populares en un movimiento social.Analia Elizabeth Otero - 2015 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 16:139-160.
    El propósito del artículo es reflexionar sobre las políticas públicas implementadas desde el gobierno nacional hacia los movimientos sociales en el contexto argentino actual. El interés es debatir la influencia de los programas sociales –en particular el Programa de Ingreso Social con Trabajo (en adelante PAT)– en la situación de los jóvenes de sectores urbanos populares. Lo haremos a partir de abordar la compleja relación entre los emprendimientos cooperativos, las políticas de subsidio y las estrategias de los jóvenes participantes en (...)
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  10.  7
    Peasant Women in Popular Agroecology: ¿An Emancipatory Praxis? The Experience of MOCASE - Vía Campesina.Mariela Pena - 2025 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 34:308-335.
    En este artículo indago el accionar de mujeres campesinas en experiencias agroecológicas que se inscriben en proyectos de economía popular impulsadas desde programas estatales y, al mismo tiempo, en una trayectoria organizacional de tintes más autonomistas. Poniendo en diálogo diferentes líneas de trabajo y discusiones, complejizo el interrogante en torno a las posibilidades de reapropiación de proyectos económicos diseñados para una población pensada de modo homogéneo como “sectores populares”, en el marco de una territorialidad específica. En función de ello, (...)
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  11. Saving the world through private‐sector efficiency and local empowerment? Discursive legitimacy construction for social entrepreneurship in the Global South.Eva Katzer & Tina Sendlhofer - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (3):1020-1041.
    In efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, social entrepreneurship has gained popularity as a vehicle for positive change in developing countries. The multiplicity of stakeholders, diverging sociocultural contexts and the hybrid mission complicate the process of legitimacy construction for social entrepreneurs as a basis for the acquisition of scarce resources. This study investigates how social entrepreneurs operating in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia tackle this challenge of bridging conflicting directions in discursive interaction with their European funders. We conduct a multimodal (...)
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  12.  32
    To the market and back? A study of the interplay between public policy and market-driven initiatives to improve farm animal welfare in the Danish pork sector.Lars Esbjerg - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (4):963-981.
    This article discusses the interplay of public policy and market-driven initiatives to improve farm animal welfare. Over the last couple of decades, the notion of ‘market-driven animal welfare’ has become popular, but can the market deliver the FAW that consumers and politicians expect? Using the Danish pork sector as the empirical setting, this article studies efforts to improve private FAW standards following changes to general regulations. The analysis shows that ethical misgivings regarding the adequacy of current and prospective FAW (...)
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  13. Autonomia popular e socialismo democrático no pensamento de Rosa Luxemburgo.Tatiana de Macedo Soares Rotolo - 2006 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 9:131-146.
    Resumo: Este texto busca abordar o pensamento de Rosa Luxemburgo a partir da idéia fundamental que sustenta toda sua concepção de política: a noção de que a participação ativa das massas é a base de qualquer processo político e é essencial nos processos revolucionários. Esta idéia nos encaminha para a compreensão da política em Rosa Luxemburgo como aquisição de autonomia popular e é também o cerne de suas idéias acerca de um modelo de socialismo democrático, atravessando sua obra como (...)
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  14.  72
    Martial Bliss: War and Peace in Popular Science Robotics. [REVIEW]Robert M. Geraci - 2011 - Philosophy and Technology 24 (3):339-354.
    In considering how to best deploy robotic systems in public and private sectors, we must consider what individuals will expect from the robots with which they interact. Public awareness of robotics—as both military machines and domestic helpers—emerges out of a braided stream composed of science fiction and popular science. These two genres influence news media, government and corporate spending, and public expectations. In the Euro-American West, both science fiction and popular science are ambivalent about the military applications (...)
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  15.  22
    Creating Shared Value Through an Inclusive Development Lens: A Case Study of a CSV Strategy in Ghana’s Cocoa Sector.David Ollivier de Leth & Mirjam A. F. Ros-Tonen - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (2):339-354.
    Despite the widespread popularity of the Creating Shared Value discourse, its ‘business case’ and ‘win–win’ rhetoric remain problematic. This paper adds an inclusive development perspective to the debate, arguing that analysing CSV strategies through an inclusivity lens contributes to a better operationalisation of societal value; makes tensions and contradictions between economic and societal value explicit and uncovers processes of inclusion, exclusion and adverse inclusion. We illustrate this by analysing Nestlé’s CSV strategy in its cocoa supply chains in Ghana based on (...)
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  16.  39
    The Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Model in Terms of Islamic Law.Yunus Araz - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (3):1177-1198.
    The Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) model is a financing model used especially in the financing of infrastructure projects in developing countries. It is one of the most common methods used by the countries to provide non-budgetary financing. The fact that becoming popular in the world as of the 20th Century, this model started to be implemented in the Islamic countries created the need for examining the model in terms of Islamic law. No substantive studies have been conducted on this matter in (...)
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  17.  55
    Islam, Women and Gender Justice: A Discourse on the Traditional Islamic Practices among the Tausug in Southern Philippines.Jamail A. Kamlian - 2005 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 2 (1).
    As in many parts of the world, Islam in Southern Philippines is generally seen as subjecting women to unfair treatment. The concept of gender justice is thought to be non-existent. Among the minority populations in the region are the Tausug of Sulu who practice an Islam that is heavily influenced by their pre-Islamic traditions, popularly known in the community as Adat or customary laws. This study, conducted from January to June 2004, documents and analyzes the influence of the traditional Islamic (...)
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  18.  82
    The socio-cultural context and practical implications of ethnoveterinary medical pluralism in western Kenya.Peter Auma Nyamanga, Collette Suda & Jens Aagaard-Hansen - 2008 - Agriculture and Human Values 25 (4):513-527.
    This article discusses ethnoveterinary medical pluralism in Western Kenya. Qualitative methods of data collection such as key informant interviews, open-ended in-depth interviews, focus group discussions (FGDs), narratives, and participant and direct observations were applied. The study shows that farmers in Nyang’oma seek both curative and preventive medical services for their animals from the broad range of health care providers available to them within a pluralistic medical system. Kleinman’s model of medical pluralism, which describes the professional, folk, and popular (...), informs this discussion because of its relevance and appropriateness to the study. It is, however, important to note the overlap in the three sectors and to point out that livestock farmers engage in multiple “consultations” based on a combination of their own characteristics and the cost, availability and specialization of health care providers. The study concludes by recognizing the complexity of ethnoveterinary medical pluralism and calls for the integration of a pluralistic perspective into the planning and implementation of animal health care interventions and services. (shrink)
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    Assessment of the Financial Condition of Knowledge Based Economy Entities – an Example of Polish Video Game Sector.Rafał Rydzewski - 2021 - Studia Humana 10 (3):19-29.
    The video game producers are currently in spotlight of market information services. Successes and huge budgets of such companies attract many readers. However, scientific studies related to this sector do not share the same popularity. A reflection on the source of value in this sector shows that what generates revenues is not disclosed in the report. Great examples are customers’ relationships or the value of employees creating the game code and story of the game. Video games producers sector presents a (...)
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  20. Hordes of vigilantes & popular elements defeat Mai, for now.Noam Chomsky - unknown
    This is a follow up to my article on the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) in the May issue . That went to press a few weeks before the April 27 target date for signing of the MAI by the OECD countries. At the time, it was fairly clear that agreement would not be reached, and it was not—an important event, worth considering carefully. In part the failure resulted from internal disputes—for example, European objections to the U.S. federal system and (...)
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  21.  37
    Growing Trees for a Degrowth Society: An Approach to Switzerland's Forest Sector.Leonard Creutzburg - 2022 - Environmental Values 31 (6):721-750.
    Forests are under immense stress globally. Economic growth is one reason for this: its impacts can lead to deforestation and put tremendous harvesting pressure on forests. In light of increasingly popular – and growth-based – bio-economy strategies, the need for more wood is likely to accelerate. Degrowth, in contrast, rejects economic growth as the central economic principle, arguing that the material throughput of countries in the Global North must shrink to achieve global sustainability. Although the concept has gained importance, (...)
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  22.  49
    Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Finite Quantum Systems: a decoherent-histories approach.David Wallace - unknown
    Spontaneous symmetry breaking in quantum systems, such as ferromagnets, is normally described as degeneracy of the ground state; however, it is well established that this degeneracy only occurs in spatially infinite systems, and even better established that ferromagnets are not spatially infinite. I review this well-known paradox, and consider a popular solution where the symmetry is explicitly broken by some external field which goes to zero in the infinite-volume limit; although this is formally satisfactory, I argue that it must (...)
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  23.  18
    Popularizing precision: cultures of exactness at the Paris observatory, 1667–1742.David Aubin - 2024 - Annals of Science 81 (1-2):139-159.
    This article maps out the lexical landscape of precision from the late seventeenth to the early eighteenth century and investigate the various meanings of precision, both as a word and a concept, within the Paris Observatory and beyond. It argues that precision was first an attribute of instruments supposed to produce numerical measurements, like clocks and divided circles or sectors attached to optical devices. Less often, precision was applied to observers, the handling of instruments, and observational methods, including mathematical (...)
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  24.  48
    Social Innovation, Local Governance and Social Quality: The Case of Intersectoral Collaboration in Hangzhou City.Yong Li, Ying Sun & Ka Lin - 2012 - International Journal of Social Quality 2 (1):56-73.
    In contemporary European policy discussion, “innovation“ is a term popularly used for finding responses to the pressure of global competition. In various forms of innovation, the accent is mainly given to technical and business innovation but less to social innovation. This article studies the issue of social innovation with reference to the local practice in Hangzhou city, which aims to strengthen the life quality of citizens in this city. These practices develop various forms of inter-sectoral collaboration, resulting in numerous “common (...)
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  25. Public Choice Analysis in Historical Perspective.Alan Peacock - 1997 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this volume, Sir Alan Peacock, one of Britain's most noted public economists, poses the question as to whether the history of economic thought is an essential part of the training of public finance economists. He argues that the perspective gained by studying the origins of public choice analysis can offer an important stimulus to scientific progress. The first lecture analyses the increasing popularity in recent years of the modernist, anti-historical point of view. The second criticises those theories of growth (...)
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  26.  14
    Human specialization in design and technology: the current wave for learning, culture, industry, and beyond.Patricia A. Young - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Human Specialization in Design and Technology explores emerging trends in learning and training-standardization, customization, personalization-with a unique focus on human needs and conditions. Analyzing evidence from current academic research as well as the popular press, this concise volume defines and examines the trajectory of instructional design and technologies toward more human-centered and specialized products, services, processes, environments, and systems. Examples from education, healthcare, business, and other sectors offer real-world demonstrations for scholars and graduate students of educational technology, instructional (...)
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  27.  32
    Gender, Race, and Politics in Contemporary Argentina: Understanding the Criminalization of Activist Milagro Sala, Leader of the Organización Barrial Tupac Amaru.Constanza Tabbush & Melina Gaona - 2017 - Feminist Studies 43 (2):314.
    Abstract:This article unveils the gendered, racialized, and silent sexual dimensions at play in the criminalization of Milagro Sala, the charismatic and controversial female indigenous leader of the Organización Barrial Tupac Amaru in Argentina. It argues this organization was able to contest narrow definitions of women's welfare used in local state bureaucracies in terms of certain redistribution and recognition, while fostering complex and controversial state-movement relations in terms of transparency and accountability. In important ways, Tupac Amaru politicized the “undeserving poor.” Women (...)
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  28.  29
    Qualitative insights into promotion of pharmaceutical products in Bangladesh: how ethical are the practices?Mahrukh Mohiuddin, Sabina Faiz Rashid, Mofijul Islam Shuvro, Nahitun Nahar & Syed Masud Ahmed - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundThe pharmaceutical market in Bangladesh is highly concentrated. Due to high competition aggressive marketing strategies are adopted for greater market share, which sometimes cross limit. There is lack of data on this aspect in Bangladesh. This exploratory study aimed to fill this gap by investigating current promotional practices of the pharmaceutical companies including the role of their medical representatives.MethodsThis qualitative study was conducted as part of a larger study to explore the status of governance in health sector in 2009. Data (...)
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  29.  3
    Impact of Tourist Motivation on Consumption Behaviour in Ice and Snow Sports Destinations.Liang Xiao & Shi Feng* - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:841-853.
    Sports tourism involves traveling to either observe or engage in a sports event while being away from tourists' usual environment. The rapid growth of the Ice and Snow (I&S) tourism sector in the current duration has encouraged the sustainable improvement of the relationship between motivational factors and consumption behaviour. Tourism stakeholders could acquire significant insights by understanding the causes of consumer behaviour, particularly in light of the increasing popularity of winter sports and tourism. The tourism business has witnessed the emergence (...)
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    Conspicuous consumption in postwar Japan: The case of a rite of passage.Melinda Papp - 2012 - Human Affairs 22 (2):196-213.
    This paper focuses on a specific aspect of a Japanese rite of passage called Shichigosan. Although its origins go back to premodern Japan, its contemporary pattern truly reflects the modern living conditions of the Japanese. Today the ritual is one of the most popular family celebrations. Commercialization has significantly influenced the pattern of celebration in the postwar period and as a result, consumption practices have become inherent parts of the ritual. The paper examines this development from a historical perspective. (...)
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  31.  14
    Exploring the integration of teaching and research in the contemporary classroom: An autoethnographic inquiry into designing an undergraduate music module on Adele’s 25 album.Christopher Wiley - 2021 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 21 (1):74-93.
    Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, Volume 21, Issue 1, Page 74-93, February 2022. This study seeks to investigate aspects of the relationship between the core academic activities of teaching and research in higher education, through a theoretically enriched discussion of the design of an innovative popular music module on Adele’s 25 album and its delivery to first-year undergraduates on a general-purpose music degree during the academic years 2015–21. Drawing on autoethnographic approaches, it contemplates the challenges associated with the (...)
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  32.  49
    Solidarity in Swedish Welfare – Standing the Test of Time?Åke Bergmark - 2000 - Health Care Analysis 8 (4):395-411.
    Swedish welfare has for decades served as a role model foruniversalistic welfare. When the economic recession hit Swedish economyin the beginning of the 1990s, a period of more than 50 years ofcontinuous expansion and reforms in the welfare sector came to an end.Summing up the past decade, we can see that the economic downturnenforced rationing measures in most parts of the welfare state, althoughmost of this took place in the beginning of the decade. Today, most ofthe retrenchment has stopped and (...)
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  33.  32
    Evaluating the liberal arts model in the context of the Dutch University College.Nathan Cooper - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (11):1060-1067.
    The Liberal Arts model of undergraduate education within small, internationally-focused University Colleges is becoming increasingly popular in Europe. This trend is most notable in the Netherlands, where the liberal arts model is acclaimed as filling a gap in Dutch undergraduate education at conventional research universities. This paper explores the status of the Dutch University College as simultaneously continuing the liberal arts tradition of the US, with its civic and pedagogic values, and providing a truly modern education preparing students to (...)
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    Moving Toward a Quasifederal System: Intergovernmental Relations in Italy.Giorgio Brosio - 2003 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 13 (4).
    The paper illustrates the evolution of the territorial system of government in Italy. A traditionally centralized state is turning into a quasifederation. The reasons underpinning this transformation are the growing insatisfaction with the inefficiency of the central government, the quest for autonomy by the fastest growing regions and the opposition by the latter to the interterritorial redistribution of resources made by the central government with the use of nontransparent and inefficient instruments.A substantial degree of subnational tax autonomy has been reintroduced. (...)
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    Conceptualizing and Key Development Factors of the Sharing Economy in Contemporary Environment.Anna Valer’Yevna Markeeva - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (3Sup1):94-112.
    We are already witnessing the emergence of a new economic paradigm - the sharing economy - that will radical transform way of life of society. The new economic paradigm is based on the values of a post-modern society - the imperative of sustainable development models, the growth of meaningful consumption and the development of new types of solidarity. The diversity of business and non-profit sharing services is a result of the growing areas of the sharing economy, the improvement of the (...)
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    Making the ‘reserve army’ invisible: Lengthy parental leave and women’s economic marginalisation in Hungary.Erika Kispeter & Eva Fodor - 2014 - European Journal of Women's Studies 21 (4):382-398.
    Generous parental leave policies are popular in a number of countries around the world and are usually seen as a sign of the ‘family friendliness’ of the state. Relying on in-depth interviews with mothers on parental leave in Hungary, the authors argue that the context in which the policies are implemented should be examined when evaluating their consequences. In semi-peripheral, resource-poor Hungary lengthy parental leave policies turn women into an invisible ‘reserve army of labourers’. While their employment is mostly (...)
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    The social practice of medical guanxi and patient–physician trust in China: an anthropological and ethical study.Xiang Zou, Yu Cheng & Jing-Bao Nie - 2018 - Developing World Bioethics 18 (1):45-55.
    In China's healthcare sector, a popular and socio-culturally distinctive phenomenon known as guanxi jiuyi, whereby patients draw on their guanxi with physicians when seeking healthcare, is thriving. Integrating anthropological investigation with normative inquiry, this paper examines medical guanxi through the lens of patient–physician trust and mistrust. The first-hand empirical data acquired – on the lived experiences and perspectives of both patients and physicians – is based on six months' fieldwork carried out in a county hospital in Guangdong, southern China, (...)
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    Technologies in older people’s care.Maria Andersson Marchesoni, Karin Axelsson, Ylva Fältholm & Inger Lindberg - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (2):125-137.
    Background: The tension between care-based and technology-based rationalities motivates studies concerning how technology can be used in the care sector to support the relational foundation of care. Objectives: This study interprets values related to care and technologies connected to the practice of good care. Research design: This research study was part of a development project aimed at developing innovative work practices through information and communication technology. Participants and research context: All staff (n = 18) working at two wards in a (...)
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    ‘Mens sana in corpore Sano’: Home food consumption implications over child cognitive performance in vulnerable contexts.Rosalba Company-Córdoba, Michela Accerenzi, Ian Craig Simpson & Joaquín A. Ibáñez-Alfonso - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Diet directly affects children’s physical and mental development. Nonetheless, how food insecurity and household food consumption impact the cognitive performance of children at risk of social exclusion remains poorly understood. In this regard, children in Guatemala face various hazards, mainly related to the socioeconomic difficulties that thousands of families have in the country. The main objective of this study was to analyze the differences in cognitive performance considering food insecurity and household food consumption in a sample of rural and urban (...)
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    The AI doctor will see you now: assessing the framing of AI in news coverage.Mercedes Bunz & Marco Braghieri - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (1):9-22.
    One of the sectors for which Artificial Intelligence applications have been considered as exceptionally promising is the healthcare sector. As a public-facing sector, the introduction of AI applications has been subject to extended news coverage. This article conducts a quantitative and qualitative data analysis of English news media articles covering AI systems that allow the automation of tasks that so far needed to be done by a medical expert such as a doctor or a nurse thereby redistributing their agency. (...)
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    Artificial intelligence in local governments: perceptions of city managers on prospects, constraints and choices.Tan Yigitcanlar, Duzgun Agdas & Kenan Degirmenci - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (3):1135-1150.
    Highly sophisticated capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) have skyrocketed its popularity across many industry sectors globally. The public sector is one of these. Many cities around the world are trying to position themselves as leaders of urban innovation through the development and deployment of AI systems. Likewise, increasing numbers of local government agencies are attempting to utilise AI technologies in their operations to deliver policy and generate efficiencies in highly uncertain and complex urban environments. While the popularity of AI (...)
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  42. Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education in South Africa: Some Ethical Considerations.Tanya de Villiers-Botha - 2024 - Kagisano 15:165-188.
    There are calls from various sectors, including the popular press, industry, and academia, to incorporate artificial intelligence (AI)-based technologies in general, and large language models (LLMs) (such as ChatGPT and Gemini) in particular, into various spheres of the South African higher education sector. Nonetheless, the implementation of such technologies is not without ethical risks, notably those related to bias, unfairness, privacy violations, misinformation, lack of transparency, and threats to autonomy. This paper gives an overview of the more pertinent (...)
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    Green Energy Growth: Enhancing Agricultural Sustainability through Agrivoltaic Solutions in the Modern Era.Khairul Imtihan, Beny Harjadi, Zulzain Ilahude, Tirsa Neyatri Bandrang, Yudia Azmi, Nurhayati & Andiyan Andiyan - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:671-680.
    Agrivoltaic is a system that integrates agricultural activities with the production of solar photovoltaic electricity on the same piece of land. Agrivoltaic systems are gaining popularity in Indonesia since they enable farmers to generate renewable energy while making efficient use of agricultural land. This research technique employs the analytical descriptive approach, which aims to offer a comprehensive description or overview of the topic of study using acquired data or samples without undertaking further analysis to draw generalizable conclusions. An instance of (...)
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  44.  32
    Negotiating Meaning Systems in Multi-stakeholder Partnerships Addressing Grand Challenges: Homelessness in Western Canada.Sarah Easter, Matt Murphy & Mary Yoko Brannen - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (1):31-52.
    While multi-stakeholder partnerships are emerging as an increasingly popular approach to address grand challenges, they are not well studied or understood. Such partnerships are rife with difficulties arising from the fact that actors in the partnership have different understandings of the grand challenge based on meaning systems which have distinct and often opposing assumptions, values, and practices. Each partnership actor brings with them their individual values as well as the values and work practices of their home organization’s culture, alongside (...)
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    Philosophy in a Developing Country.Udo Etuk - 1987 - Philosophy 62 (239):59 - 66.
    Philosophy as an academic programme is very young in higher institutions of learning in Nigeria. Third World developing countries usually have concerns other than the teaching of philosophy on their agenda when trying to disburse their meagre resources for the educational sector. They would want to clothe, feed, house and provide medical care for their teeming populations first, and then people who want to T philosophize can do so. So their priority in the area of education is not I for (...)
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    Toward an Ethical Understanding of the Controversial Technology of Online Reverse Auctions.Mohamed Hédi Charki, Emmanuel Josserand & Nabila Boukef Charki - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (1):17-37.
    B2B online reverse auctions technology (ORAs) emerged as a popular tool for large buying firms in the late 1990s. However, its growing use has been accompanied by a corresponding increase in unethical behaviors to a point that it has been described as the technology that has triggered more ethical concerns in the e-commerce arena than in any other segment of activity. Our findings first indicate that the establishment of formal ethical criteria based on the restrictive interpretation of ethics as (...)
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    Biological identity and ‘restitution’ in Argentina. Further critical arguments.Mariana Córdoba, María José Ferreira Ruiz & Fiorela Alassia - 2021 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 25 (2):267-288.
    In this paper we will briefly explain the context in which the appropriation of 500 children occurred during the most recent Argentinian dictatorship, in order to analyze the political demand of identity restitution of these people. We will describe the phenomenon of restitution that took place thanks to the strategy of Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo, and we will analyze both the role of genetics on the restitution as well as some criticisms to a notion of biological identity considered to (...)
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    Le MIR, la révolution et ses classes sociales dans le Chili des années 1960.Eugénia Palieraki - 2015 - Actuel Marx 58 (2):46-60.
    This paper focuses on the years preceding Salvador Allende’s Popular Unity in Chile (1970-1973) and, more precisely, on the Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR). Since 1969, this Marxist revolutionary group had actively participated in the class struggle in Chile. However its political and social activism was not oriented towards the working class, but instead towards marginalized social sectors (inhabitants of informal settlements and landless rural workers). The paper thus seeks to elucidate the process which led the MIR to (...)
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    Gender bias in visual generative artificial intelligence systems and the socialization of AI.Larry G. Locke & Grace Hodgdon - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-8.
    Substantial research over the last ten years has indicated that many generative artificial intelligence systems (“GAI”) have the potential to produce biased results, particularly with respect to gender. This potential for bias has grown progressively more important in recent years as GAI has become increasingly integrated in multiple critical sectors, such as healthcare, consumer lending, and employment. While much of the study of gender bias in popular GAI systems is focused on text-based GAI such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT and (...)
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    Strategies and Instruments for Organising CSR by Small and Large Businesses in the Netherlands.Johan Graafland, Bert van de Ven & Nelleke Stoffele - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 47 (1):45-60.
    This paper analyses the use of strategies and instruments for organising ethics by small and large business in the Netherlands. We find that large firms mostly prefer an integrity strategy to foster ethical behaviour in the organisation, whereas small enterprises prefer a dialogue strategy. Both large and small firms make least use of a compliance strategy that focuses on controlling and sanctioning the ethical behaviour of workers. The size of the business is found to have a positive impact on the (...)
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