Results for ' relation to the Other'

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  1.  22
    The Literary Relation to the Other in the Greek Tragic Text.Ian Maley - 2019 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 33 (3):501-511.
    Reading literature allows for an experience of the Other1 that necessarily implies distance, blindness and unsurpassable separation. The writer reaches the reader through text, the sole means for the reader to encounter the writer in her work. Writing and reading are essentially and inescapably mediated activities where the two poles reach each other through a curtain or a screen, a mask without a face. A writer may read her own text, or she may give it to others, but she (...)
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    Essential Vulnerabilities: Plato and Levinas on Relations to the Other.Deborah Achtenberg - 2014 - Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
    In _Essential Vulnerabilities, _Deborah Achtenberg contests Emmanuel Levinas’s idea that Plato is a philosopher of freedom for whom thought is a return to the self. Instead, Plato, like Levinas, is a philosopher of the other. Nonetheless, Achtenberg argues, Plato and Levinas are different. Though they share the view that human beings are essentially vulnerable and essentially in relation to others, they conceive human vulnerability and responsiveness differently. For Plato, when we see beautiful others, we are overwhelmed by the (...)
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    Hospitality and Welcome as Christian Imperatives in Relation to ‘the Other’.Corneliu Constantineanu - 2018 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 35 (2):109-116.
    Many would acknowledge today that the question of understanding and relating to ‘the other’ has become a vital and urgent question in our globalised world, which brings ‘the other’ right in front of us. The tragic realities of migration around the world and the recent refugee crisis point forcefully to the scale and urgency of the matter. This article offers a biblical perspective on the unambiguous love and concern of God for strangers, immigrants and refugees, with the resulting (...)
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    CCF, an invertebrate analogue of TNF, is not related to the other lytic components from Eisenia foetida earthworm.Alain Beschin, Patrick De Baetselier & Martin Bilej - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (10):974-974.
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    Relating to Each Other as Free and as Equals: Beyond the Egalitarian Justification of Democracy.Anna Milioni - 2024 - Res Publica 30 (4):625-641.
    Why is it important to live in a democratic state? A common response pictures democracy as an ideal of equal freedom: in a democratic state, individuals are free to determine under which rules they want to live. However, Niko Kolodny recently argued that freedom-based justifications of the democratic state are implausible. These justifications, characterised by Kolodny as _Kantian-Republican_, appeal to an ideal of non-domination which is self-defeating: far from being free from domination, individuals who live under the democratic state are (...)
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    The Atomistic Self versus the Holistic Self in Structural Relation to the Other.Simon Glynn - 2005 - Human Studies 28 (4):363-374.
    I argue that meaning or significanceper se, along with the capacity to be conscious thereof, and the values, motives and aspirations, etc. central to the constitution of our intrinsic personal identities, arise, as indeed do our extrinsic social identities, and our very self-consciousness as such, from socio-cultural structures and relations to others. However, so far from our identities and behavior therefore being determined, I argue that the capacity for critical reflection and evaluation emerge from these same structural relations, the more (...)
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    Method in the study of literature in its relation to the other fine arts.G. Giovannini - 1950 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 8 (3):185-195.
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    Memoirs of a Ballet MasterModern Dance Forms in Relation to the Other Modern Arts.Vitale Fokine, Anatole Chujoy, Louis Horst & Carroll Russell - 1962 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 20 (3):329.
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    The Relation of Mathematics to the Other Sciences.Evandro Agazzi - 1997 - In Evandro Agazzi & György Darvas (eds.), Philosophy of Mathematics Today. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 235--259.
  10.  28
    Ethical issues related to the use of gerontechnology in older people care: A scoping review.Suvi Sundgren, Minna Stolt & Riitta Suhonen - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (1):88-103.
    Background: Demographic trends indicate growth of population aged 65 and older in Western countries. One of the greatest challenges is to provide high-quality care for all. Technological solutions designed for older people, gerontechnology, can somewhat balance the gap between resources and the increasing demand of healthcare services. However, there are also ethical issues in the use of gerontechnology that need to be pointed out. Purpose: To describe what ethical issues are related to the use of gerontechnology in the care of (...)
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    Three Pamphlets Collected: Blast at Ballet, 1937; Ballet Alphabet, 1939; What Ballet Is All about, 1959Modern Dance Forms in Relation to the Other Modern Arts. [REVIEW]Juana de Laban, Lincoln Kirstein, Louis Horst & Carroll Russell - 1968 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 27 (1):116.
  12.  62
    How are neural signals related to each other and to the world?Christoph von der Malsburg - 2002 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 9 (1):47-60.
    The core of this paper is a discussion of how the physical signals of the nervous system acquire significance and meaning on the basis of relationships with each other and with the environment. Signal relations are discussed in terms of coherence , prediction, intentionality, inner reality and meaning. The original and most basic type of signal relation has the form of temporal correlations on coarser or finer time scales, and all other relations must ultimately be built up (...)
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    On divine madness, its relations to the good, and the erotic aspect of the agapeic good.Francis P. Coolidge - 2003 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 65 (1):93 - 119.
    In this paper I argue that there are seven stages, or orientations, of thought about divine madness (initially understood by Plato as eros) with each stage offering claims, or critiques of claims, about its nature. Moreover, each orientation offers a claim, or a critique of a claim, about a relation to the Good that comes through divine madness. My account of the stages is greatly indebted to, but divergent from, the work of William Desmond. Hence, my thought is metaxological (...)
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    Review of Deborah Achtenberg's "Essential Vulnerabilities: Plato and Levinas on Relations to the Other". [REVIEW]James Greenaway - 2018 - Review of Metaphysics 71 (4):789-791.
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    Experimental Evidence Relating to the Person-Situation Interactionist Model of Ethical Decision Making.Bryan Church, James C. Gaa, S. M. Khalid Nainar & Mohamed M. Shehata - 2005 - Business Ethics Quarterly 15 (3):363-383.
    According to a widely credited model in the business ethics literature, ethical decisions are a function of two kinds of factors, personal(individual) and situational, and these factors interact with each other. According to a contrary view of decision making that is widely held in some areas of business research, individuals’ decisions about ethical issues (and subsequent actions) are purely a function of their self-interest.The laboratory experiment reported in this paper provides a test of the person-situation interactionist model, using the (...)
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  16.  13
    Criminal liability for crimes related to the illegal conduct of a medical experiment.Rafał Kubiak - 2023 - Diametros 20 (78):37-71.
    In 2021, there was a significant amendment to the legislation on medical experimentation. In particular, Chapter 4 of the Law of December 5, 1996 on the Profession of Physician and Dentist (Journal of Laws 2023, item 1516) was amended, in which the prerequisites of legally relevant consent given by the participant in the experiment or by other entities that express a position on their behalf were specified. In addition, procedures related to the opinion of the research project by the (...)
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    Individuation, Relationality, Affect: Rethinking the Human in Relation to the Living.Couze Venn - 2010 - Body and Society 16 (1):129-161.
    This article searches for a way of theorizing the interconnectedness of processes of individuation, relationality and affect, with the aim of clearing the ground for an approach that establishes the basis of this interconnectedness by reference to mechanisms common to all living things. It establishes a number of shifts that enable us to think the categories and concepts like the individual, the subject, the group, the threshold, relationality, co-implication and so on according to a fundamental decentring, finally breaking with both (...)
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  18.  48
    From the Alien to the Other: Steps toward a Phenomenological Theory of Spirit Possession.Bernhard Leistle - 2014 - Anthropology of Consciousness 25 (1):53-90.
    In this article, I apply a structural-phenomenological conception of experience and self to the anthropological theorizing of spirit possession. In particular, I argue that a phenomenology of the alien, as elaborated by the philosopher Bernhard Waldenfels, allows for a more differentiated understanding of possession phenomena. Following a characterization of alienness—in conceptual distinction from the more common term “otherness”—as a dimension that necessarily eludes experience, I describe spirit possession as a cultural technology to appropriate the experiential alien by transforming it into (...)
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  19.  52
    Experimental Evidence Relating to the Person-Situation Interactionist Model of Ethical Decision Making.Bryan Church, James C. Gaa, Sm Khalid Nainar & Mohamed M. Shehata - 2005 - Business Ethics Quarterly 15 (3):363-383.
    According to a widely credited model in the business ethics literature, ethical decisions are a function of two kinds of factors, personal(individual) and situational, and these factors interact with each other. According to a contrary view of decision making that is widely held in some areas of business research, individuals’ decisions about ethical issues (and subsequent actions) are purely a function of their self-interest.The laboratory experiment reported in this paper provides a test of the person-situation interactionist model, using the (...)
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  20.  21
    Affective Language, Interpretation Bias and Its Molecular Genetic Variations: Exploring the Relationship Between Genetic Variations of the OXTR Gene and the Emotional Evaluation of Words Related to the Self or the Other.Friedrich Meixner, Christian Montag & Cornelia Herbert - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Human behavior, in relation to the study of educational, social, and ethical problems.Stewart Paton - 1921 - New York,: C. Scribner's sons.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain (...)
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  22.  62
    The Individual in Relation to the Sangha in American Buddhism: An Examination of ''Privatized Religion''.Kenneth K. Tanaka - 2007 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 27 (1):115-127.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Individual in Relation to the Sangha in American Buddhism:An Examination of "Privatized Religion"Kenneth K. TanakaIn his celebrated book Bowling Alone (2000), Robert Putnam noted the increased level in the phenomenon of "privatized religion" within the previous thirty-five years. Many of the Baby Boomer generation left churches in the late 1960s and the 1970s. Some sought out new religious movements and religious therapies, but most simply "dropped out" (...)
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    The Mysterious Relations to the East.Lin Ma - 2008 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 39 (3):275-292.
    In The Mysterious Relations to the East, Lin Ma takes a stance against a recent trend to see in Heidegger a thinker whose thought has been formed in an 'intercultural dialogue' with the Asian, Oriental tradition of thinking. In fact, Lin Ma demonstrates, words like 'Morning-Land', 'Orient', 'East' or 'Asia' can be shown to refer in each case to the beginning of philosophy in preSocratic, Greek thought. Thus to speak of the "mysterious relations [of philosophy] to the East" is not (...)
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  24.  47
    EEG Beta Oscillations in the Temporoparietal Area Related to the Accuracy in Estimating Others' Preference.Jonghyeok Park, Hackjin Kim, Jeong-Woo Sohn, Jong-Ryul Choi & Sung-Phil Kim - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Løgstrup, Levinas and the Mother: Ethics, Love, and the Relationship to the Other.Anne-Marie Søndergaard Christensen - 2020 - The Monist 103 (1):1-15.
    In this article, I investigate the similarities and differences between the ways we relate to the other in ethics and in love through an engagement with the thinking of K.E. Løgstrup and Emmanuel Levinas. My point of departure will be a reading of a novel by Maja Lucas, Mother, which brings out the important and complicated nature of the relation between ethics and love. My main concern, however, is to investigate how Løgstrup’s and Levinas’s different conceptions of natural (...)
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  26. The other Wittgenstein : the philosophical implications of Denkbewegungen and their relation to the development of Wittgenstein's "official" philosophy.von Jakub Gomulka - 2019 - In Ilse Somavilla, Carl Humphries & Bożena Sieradzka-Baziur (eds.), Wittgensteins "Denkbewegungen" (Tagebücher 1930-1932/1936-1937) aus interdisziplinärer Sicht =. Innsbruck: Studien Verlag.
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    Returning to the Relations Between Logic and Argumentation, and Other Classic Issues.Henrique Jales Ribeiro - 2013 - Argumentation 27 (4):1-5.
  28.  42
    The technology of relating to the past and the conditions of memory.Albrecht Fritzsche - 2011 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 2 (2):195-206.
    Depending on the modality of the argument, memory can be a source of influence from an indeterminate past or a means of reference to the historical conditions of human life. The historic perspective is strongly related to the Enlightenment. Based on recent contributions to the philosophy of technology, which describe thinking in terms of tools and machines as a general human activity, historic memory can be interpreted as a technical approach to the past. Similar to the determinate operations in technology, (...)
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  29.  13
    Indian logic in the early schools: a study of the Nyāyadarśana in its relation to the early logic of other schools.H. N. Randle - 1930 - New Delhi: Oriental Books Reprint Corp. : distributed by Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.
    Description: Ancient Indian logic by itself is a very vast subject. The ancient Sanskrit term nyaya which was first used in a different or in a much more general sense, was later specifically applied to the Nyaya school. The physics and physiology and psychology of the Nyaya doctrine are not specifically its own, being from the first indistinguishable from those of its sister Sastra, the Vaisesika. What characterizes it specifically is the development of the nyaya or five-membered method of demonstration (...)
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  30.  48
    Practical Ethical Issues Related To the Care of Elderly People With Dementia.Roger Watson - 1994 - Nursing Ethics 1 (3):151-162.
    The care of elderly people with dementia poses ethical problems in several respects. This paper considers the problems in relation to treatment, withdrawal of treatment (including nutrition and hydration) in terminal care, and consent to involvement in research. It is ultimately the responsibility of the physician to take the decision about whether or not to proceed with treatment, according to the best interests of the patient, but nurses, families and significant others can be involved in making the decision. When (...)
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  31.  19
    The Others Are Too Loud! Children’s Experiences and Thoughts Related to Voice, Noise, and Communication in Nordic Preschools.Anita McAllister, Leena Rantala & Valdís Ingibjörg Jónsdóttir - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Hosting the others’ child? Relational work and embodied responsibility in altruistic surrogate motherhood.Kristin Zeiler & Sarah Jane Toledano - 2017 - Feminist Theory 18 (2):159-175.
    Studies on surrogate motherhood have mostly explored paid arrangements through the lens of a contract model, as clinical work or as a maternal identity-building project. Turning to the under-examined case of unpaid, so-called altruistic surrogate motherhood and based on an analysis of interviews with women who had been unpaid surrogate mothers in a full gestational surrogacy with a friend or relative in Canada, the United States or Australia, this article explores altruistic surrogate motherhood as relational work. It argues that this (...)
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  33.  14
    Portraying the Other in International Relations: Cases of Othering, Their Dynamics and the Potential for Transformation.Sybille Reinke de Buitrago (ed.) - 2012 - Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Presents an analysis by international scholars on othering processes and self-other constructions within international relations, attempting to fill a gap in the debate on this topic and its socio-political implications.
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    Environmentalism's relation to the history of Western Philosophy.D. McGowan Tress - 1998 - Global Bioethics 11 (1-4):69-76.
    Environmentalists have levelled severe criticism against the history of Western philosophy for failing to protect the environment and for aiding in its destruction. The paper reviews that criticism and its shortcomings. It is proposed here, on the other hand, that environmentalism is deeply indebted to several key ideas in the West's intellectual tradition and that environmentalism is itself the product of these ideas. The paper examines these constituitive notions and considers reasons why the derivation of environmentalism from them has (...)
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    Working memory impairment in relation to the severity of anxiety symptoms.Delila Lisica, Maida Koso-Drljević, Birgit Stürmer, Amela Džubur & Christian Valt - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (6):1093-1108.
    A working memory (WM) deficit is a reliable observation in people experiencing anxiety. Whether the level of anxiety is related to the severity of WM difficulties is still an open question. In the present experiment, we investigated this aspect by testing the WM performance of people with different levels of anxiety symptoms. Participants were grouped according to self-report anxiety into a control group with low anxiety scores and an experimental group with clinically relevant anxiety. The experimental group was then divided (...)
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  36. Are computer simulations experiments? And if not, how are they related to each other?Claus Beisbart - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 8 (2):171-204.
    Computer simulations and experiments share many important features. One way of explaining the similarities is to say that computer simulations just are experiments. This claim is quite popular in the literature. The aim of this paper is to argue against the claim and to develop an alternative explanation of why computer simulations resemble experiments. To this purpose, experiment is characterized in terms of an intervention on a system and of the observation of the reaction. Thus, if computer simulations are experiments, (...)
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  37.  22
    From the Self to the Other and Back Again: Intersubjectivity as a Perpetual Motion Around the Self.Anna Michalska - 2020 - Gestalt Theory 42 (3):303-318.
    Summary In the methodology of science, intersubjectivity is usually associated with replicability of experimental results. A related, judicial conception of objectivity as impartiality has it that a theory or judgment is objective if it covers all the relevant angles of the object or phenomenon in question, ensuring that the latter is not ephemeral and the concepts referring to them are valid. Based on the assumption that in the social sciences, the researcher is also a participant, an alternative view was conceived, (...)
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    Translation of Two Unpublished Arabic Documents, Relating to the Doctrines of the Ism''ilis and the Other B'tinian SectsTranslation of Two Unpublished Arabic Documents, Relating to the Doctrines of the Isma'ilis and the Other Batinian Sects.Edaward E. Salisbury - 1851 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 2:257.
  39.  23
    The Role of Phantasy in Relation to the Socially Innovative Potential of Filmic Experience.Federico Giorgi - 2020 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 4 (1):57-69.
    The aim of my essay is to distinguish the aspects of the filmic experience that are decisive in relation to the film’s capability to sensitize the viewer to social issues in Williams’s sociology of culture. In order to do that, I will take into consideration Williams’s understanding of film as a particular medium that is connected with the general dramatic tradition and is able to realize a total expression of the structure of feeling rooted in every aspect of community (...)
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  40. The Relation between Sovereignty and Guilt in Nietzsche's Genealogy.Gabriel Zamosc - 2012 - European Journal of Philosophy 20 (S1):E107-e142.
    This paper interprets the relation between sovereignty and guilt in Nietzsche's Genealogy. I argue that, contrary to received opinion, Nietzsche was not opposed to the moral concept of guilt. I analyse Nietzsche's account of the emergence of the guilty conscience out of a pre-moral bad conscience. Drawing attention to Nietzsche's references to many different forms of conscience and analogizing to his account of punishment, I propose that we distinguish between the enduring and the fluid elements of a ‘conscience’, defining (...)
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    (1 other version)Thomas Reid on the Animate Creation: Papers Relating to the Life Sciences.Paul Wood (ed.) - 1995 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Best known as a moralist and one of the founders of the Scottish Common Sense school of philosophy, Thomas Reid was also an influential scientific thinker. Here his work on the life sciences is studied in detail, bringing together unpublished transcripts of his most important papers on natural history, physiology, and materialist metaphysics. Part I provides the first published account of Reid's reflections on the highly controversial theories surrounding muscular motion and the reproduction of plants and animals and relates them (...)
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    Emerging Ethical Issues Related to the Use of Brain-Computer Interfaces for Patients with Total Locked-in Syndrome.Michael N. Abbott & Steven L. Peck - 2016 - Neuroethics 10 (2):235-242.
    New brain-computer interface and neuroimaging techniques are making differentiation less ambiguous and more accurate between unresponsive wakefulness syndrome patients and patients with higher cognitive function and awareness. As research into these areas continues to progress, new ethical issues will face physicians of patients suffering from total locked-in syndrome, characterized by complete loss of voluntary muscle control, with retention of cognitive function and awareness detectable only with neuroimaging and brain-computer interfaces. Physicians, researchers, ethicists and hospital ethics committees should be aware of (...)
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    Relating spatial perspective taking to the perception of other's affordances: providing a foundation for predicting the future behavior of others.Sarah H. Creem-Regehr, Kyle T. Gagnon, Michael N. Geuss & Jeanine K. Stefanucci - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  44. Organizational Structure and its Relation to the Prevailing Pattern of Communication in Palestinian Universities.Suliman A. El Talla, Mazen J. Al Shobaki, Samy S. Abu-Naser & Youssef M. Abu Amuna - 2018 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 2 (5):22-43.
    The aim of the study was to identify the organizational structure and its relation to the prevailing pattern of communication in the Palestinian universities. The researchers used the analytical descriptive method through a questionnaire randomly distributed among Palestinian university workers in the Gaza Strip. The study was conducted on a sample of (274) administrative staff from the three universities, and the response rate was (81.87%). The study found that there is a high satisfaction with the nature of the organizational (...)
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    Ren-li, reciprocity, judgment, and the question of openness to the Other in the Confucian Lunyu.Meiyao Wu - 2013 - Journal of Moral Education 42 (4):430-442.
    Here the author takes ren-humanity to be, as Confucius says, an underlying, ineffable, potentially universal human quality, and draws a distinction between three different types of moral capacity in the Lunyu: the man of ren’s capacity for li-proper interactions, his capacity for total reciprocity with another, and his capacity to make moral discriminations. The nature of these moral judgments is then discussed in relation to the praxis of entering into shu-reciprocity with another and that of recognizing others’ actions as (...)
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    Emotional and social competencies and perceptions of the interpersonal environment of an organization as related to the engagement of IT professionals.Linda M. Pittenger - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:122147.
    There is a dearth of research focused on the engagement of information technology (IT) professionals. This study analyzed the relationship between emotional and social competencies and the quality of the IT professional’s perceptions of the interpersonal environment in an organization as they relate to employee engagement. Validated instruments were used and data was collected from 795 IT professionals in North America to quantitatively analyze the relationship between emotional and social competencies, role breadth self-efficacy (RBSE), with the quality of the IT (...)
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    La Austrialia del Espiritu Santo. The Journal of Fray Martin de Munilla O.F.M. and Other Documents Relating to the Voyage of Pedro Fernandez de Quiros to the South Sea and the Franciscan Missionary Plan . Celsus Kelly. [REVIEW]John Dunmore - 1967 - Isis 58 (2):276-277.
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    Returning to the Relations Between Logic and Argumentation, and Other Classic Issues: Manuel Maria Carrilho (ed): La rhétorique CNRS Éditions, Paris, 167pp. 2012. [REVIEW]Henrique Jales Ribeiro - 2013 - Argumentation 27 (4):459-463.
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    Some remarks about philosophy and its relation to the empirical sciences.Arno Ros - 2002 - Manuscrito 25 (2):489-512.
    There are currently two different views about the relation between philosophy and the empirical sciences. One of them – the “Quinean” view – holds that there is only a difference in degree: both are trying to gain insights in parts of the world, but philosophy, in opposition to the empirical sciences, which deal with concrete parts of the world, tries to find out insights of a very general type. The other view – which has a century old history, (...)
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    Cultural Politics in Action: Developing User Scripts in Relation to the Electric Vehicle.Mikael Hård & Heidi Gjøen - 2002 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 27 (2):262-281.
    This article addresses two interrelated questions: Why is it often difficult to create better environmental conditions in the world using traditional political processes and new technological fixes? May science and technology studies analyses of user strategies and micropolitics contribute to societies’ treatment of these difficulties? Focusing on the problems that the electric car has confronted in establishing itself as a viable alternative to the internal combustion car, the authors argue that its failure illustrates the poverty of organized politics, on one (...)
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