Results for ' the Interest Theory and the Will Theory'

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  1.  48
    A Care Ethical Justification for an Interest Theory of Human Rights.Thomas E. Randall - 2023 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 26 (4):554-578.
    Care ethics is often criticized for being incapable of outlining what responsibilities we have to persons beyond our personal relations, especially toward distant others. This criticism centres on care theorists’ claim that the concerns of morality emerge between people, generated through our relations of interdependent care: it is difficult to see how moral duties can be applied to those with whom we do not forge a relationship. In this article, I respond to this criticism by outlining a care ethical justification (...)
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  2. Decidability of mereological theories.Hsing-Chien Tsai - 2009 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 18 (1):45-63.
    Mereological theories are theories based on a binary predicate ‘being a part of’. It is believed that such a predicate must at least define a partial ordering. A mereological theory can be obtained by adding on top of the basic axioms of partial orderings some of the other axioms posited based on pertinent philosophical insights. Though mereological theories have aroused quite a few philosophers’ interest recently, not much has been said about their meta-logical properties. In this paper, I (...)
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  3. (1 other version)Liberal Theories of Multiculturalism.Will Kymlicka - 2003 - In Lukas H. Meyer, Stanley L. Paulson & Thomas Winfried Menko Pogge, Rights, culture, and the law: themes from the legal and political philosophy of Joseph Raz. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  4. Realism in political theory.William A. Galston - 2010 - European Journal of Political Theory 9 (4):385-411.
    In recent decades, a ‘realist’ alternative to ideal theories of politics has slowly taken shape. Bringing together philosophers, political theorists, and political scientists, this countermovement seeks to reframe inquiry into politics and political norms. Among the hallmarks of this endeavor are a moral psychology that includes the passions and emotions; a robust conception of political possibility and rejection of utopian thinking; the belief that political conflict — of values as well as interests — is both fundamental and ineradicable; a focus (...)
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  5. Might Theory X Be a Theory of Diminishing Marginal Value?Theodore Sider - 1991 - Analysis 51 (4):265 - 271.
    Act Utilitarianisms divide into Total and Average versions. Total versions seem to imply Parfit’s “Repugnant Conclusion”. Average versions are proposed in part to avoid the Repugnant Conclusion, but these are subject to “Mere Addition” arguments as detailed by Hudson in “The Diminishing Marginal Value of Happy People”. Thus, various intermediate versions of utilitarianism, such as the one investigated by Hurka in “Value and Population Size”, take on interest. But Hudson argues that such compromise theories are subject to the mere (...)
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  6. Decision theory presupposes free will.Christian List - manuscript
    This paper argues that decision theory presupposes free will. Although decision theorists seldom acknowledge this, the way decision theory represents, explains, or rationalizes choice behaviour acquires its intended interpretation only under the assumption that decision-makers are agents capable of making free choices between alternative possibilities. Without that assumption, both normative and descriptive decision theory, including the revealed-preference paradigm, would have to be reinterpreted in implausible ways. The hypothesis that decision-makers have free will is therefore explanatorily (...)
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  7. A Moral Theory of Political Reconciliation.Colleen Murphy - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Following extended periods of conflict or repression, political reconciliation is indispensable to the establishment or restoration of democratic relationships and critical to the pursuit of peacemaking globally. In this book, Colleen Murphy offers an innovative analysis of the moral problems plaguing political relationships under the strain of civil conflict and repression. Focusing on the unique moral damage that attends the deterioration of political relationships, Murphy identifies the precise kinds of repair and transformation that processes of political reconciliation ought to promote. (...)
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  8. (1 other version)Theory of science.Bernard Bolzano - 1973 - Boston,: D. Reidel Pub. Co.. Edited by Jan Berg.
    EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION Throughout his life Bolzano's interest was divided between ethics and mathematics, between his will to reform the religion of the ...
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  9. Divine Will Theory: Desires or Intentions?Christian Miller - 2013 - In L. Kvanvig Jonathan, Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion. Oxford University Press.
    Due largely to the work of Mark Murphy and Philip Quinn, divine will theory has emerged as a legitimate alternative to divine command theory in recent years. As an initial characterization, divine will theory is a view of deontological properties according to which, for instance, an agent S‟s obligation to perform action A in circumstances C is grounded in God‟s will that S A in C. Characterized this abstractly, divine will theory does (...)
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    Political Theory for Mortals. [REVIEW]Tim Dare - 2000 - Dialogue 39 (1):189-191.
    John Seery begins his book with a stirring condemnation of current political theory. He was attracted to the discipline, he reports, because it promised more than a life of idle speculation and disinterested contemplation. Though ensconced in academe, political theorists "at least have one foot out the door." However, political theory has lost its connection to the real world. Much current writing is predictable and formulaic, too much time is spent scoring points, establishing professional authority, and promoting career (...)
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  11. A New Theory of Free Will.Marcus Arvan - 2013 - Philosophical Forum 44 (1):1-48.
    This paper shows that several live philosophical and scientific hypotheses – including the holographic principle and multiverse theory in quantum physics, and eternalism and mind-body dualism in philosophy – jointly imply an audacious new theory of free will. This new theory, "Libertarian Compatibilism", holds that the physical world is an eternally existing array of two-dimensional information – a vast number of possible pasts, presents, and futures – and the mind a nonphysical entity or set of properties (...)
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  12.  44
    An Intersectional Feminist Theory of Moral Responsibility.Michelle Ciurria - 2019 - New York: Routledge.
    This book develops an intersectional feminist approach to moral responsibility. It accomplisheses four main goals. First, it outlines a concise list of the main principles of intersectional feminism. Second, it uses these principles to critique prevailing philosophical theories of moral responsibility. Third, it offers an account of moral responsibility that is compatible with the ethos of intersectional feminism. And fourth, it uses intersectional feminist principles to critique culturally normative responsibility practices. -/- This is the first book to provide an explicitly (...)
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    Quantum Theory from a Nonlinear Perspective : Riccati Equations in Fundamental Physics.Dieter Schuch - 2018 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book provides a unique survey displaying the power of Riccati equations to describe reversible and irreversible processes in physics and, in particular, quantum physics. Quantum mechanics is supposedly linear, invariant under time-reversal, conserving energy and, in contrast to classical theories, essentially based on the use of complex quantities. However, on a macroscopic level, processes apparently obey nonlinear irreversible evolution equations and dissipate energy. The Riccati equation, a nonlinear equation that can be linearized, has the potential to link these two (...)
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  14. Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights.Will Kymlicka - 1995 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    For them, citizenship is by definition a matter of treating people as individuals with equal rights under the law. This is what distinguishes democratic citizenship from feudal and other pre-modern views that determined people's political status by ...
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  15.  15
    Handbook of Sociological Theory.Jonathan H. Turner - 2006 - Springer Verlag.
    Sociology is experiencing what can only be described as hyperdifferentiation of theories - there are now many approaches competing for attention in the intellectual arena. From this perspective, we should see a weeding out of theories to a small number, but this is not likely to occur because each of the many theoretical perspectives has a resource base of adherents. As a result, theories in sociology do not compete head on with each other as much as they coexist. This seminal (...)
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  16.  48
    Bioethics: methods, theories, domains.Marcus Düwell - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    This book is a philosophically-oriented introduction to bioethics. It offers the reader an overview of key debates in bioethics relevant to various areas including; organ retrieval, stem cell research, justice in healthcare and issues in environmental ethics, including issues surrounding food and agriculture. The book also seeks to go beyond simply describing the issues in order to provide the reader with the methodological and theoretical tools for a more comprehensive understanding of current bioethical debates. The aim of the book is (...)
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    Stolzmann´s influence on Schumpeter´s interest theory.Gerhard Lechner - 2016 - Canadian International Journal of Social Sciences and Education 9:49-61.
    This paper investigates Joseph Schumpeter’s interest theory by specifically focusing on the influence of the relatively unknown author Rudolf Stolzmann. Though Schumpeter spoke about Stolzmann in his early works, the influence has so far not been part of a research paper. The aim of this paper is to show that major contents of the interest theory were developed from a critical review of Stolzmann´s “Soziale Kategorie der Volkswirtschaft”. It can be demonstrated that the definition of entrepreneurial (...)
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  18. Towards a Bayesian theory of second-order uncertainty: lessons from non- standard logics.Hykel Hosni - unknown
    Second-order uncertainty, also known as model uncertainty and Knightian uncertainty, arises when decision-makers can (partly) model the parameters of their decision problems. It is widely believed that subjective probability, and more generally Bayesian theory, are ill-suited to represent a number of interesting second-order uncertainty features, especially “ignorance” and “ambiguity”. This failure is sometimes taken as an argument for the rejection of the whole Bayesian approach, triggering a Bayes vs anti-Bayes debate which is in many ways analogous to what the (...)
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  19.  23
    John Punch's Hybrid Theory of Relations.Lukáš Novák - 2022 - Franciscan Studies 80 (1):137-170.
    John Punch (or Ponce; Latin Joannes Poncius, or, occasionally, Pontius, 1599/1603–1661), an Irish Franciscan in exile, unorthodox Scotist and a skilled collaborator of the famous Luke Wadding, is interesting for his fresh and open-minded approach to traditional Scotist doctrines. His take on the theory of relations, which is the topic of this paper, is no exception. As I will show, in his Integer philosophiae cursus ad mentem Scoti1 he only pretends to be defending a doctrine considered to be (...)
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    A Study in Moral Theory (Routledge Revivals).John Laird - 1926 - London,: Routledge.
    First published in 1926, this study addresses the theory of morality using four overarching approaches: analytical, psychological, theoretical, and finally, philosophical. Within these methodologies, chapters explore such areas as the character of moral enquiry, the knowledge of good and evil, freedom and self-determination and moral philosophy. This is an interesting reissue, which will be of particular value to students researching the philosophy of ethics and morality.
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  21. Hobbes's theory of rights – a modern interest theory.Eleanor Curran - 2002 - The Journal of Ethics 6 (1):63-86.
    The received view in Thomas Hobbes scholarship is that theindividual rights described by Hobbes in his political writings andspecifically in Leviathan are simple freedoms or libertyrights, that is, rights that are not correlated with duties orobligations on the part of others. In other words, it is usually arguedthat there are no claim rights for individuals in Hobbes''s politicaltheory. This paper argues, against that view, that Hobbes does describeclaim rights, that they come into being when individuals conform to thesecond law of (...)
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  22.  18
    Elements of an Evolutionary Theory of Welfare: Assessing Welfare When Preferences Change.Martin Binder - 2010 - Routledge.
    It has always been an important task of economics to assess individual and social welfare. The traditional approach has assumed that the measuring rod for welfare is the satisfaction of the individual’s given and unchanging preferences, but recent work in behavioural economics has called this into question by pointing out the inconsistencies and context-dependencies of human behaviour. When preferences are no longer consistent, we have to ask whether a different measure for individual welfare can, and should, be found. This book (...)
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    Die Theorie multikultureller Bürgerrechte eröffnet auch eine spannende Perspektive auf die Frage der Tierrechte.Sue Donaldson, Will Kymlicka & Hilal Sezgin - 2014 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 62 (1):108-119.
    In this interview, Sue Donaldson and Will Kymlicka reply to some questions and objections to their book Zoopolis . A distinctive feature of their approach is the idea that domesticated animals should be seen as cocitizens of our political community. Donaldson and Kymlicka discuss how this view of animal citizenship relates to issues regarding the right to vote, the right to political representation, and rights to residence and membership. The authors also explore how their political account of animal rights (...)
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  24. Kant’s Theory of Contract.B. Sharon Byrd - 1997 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 36 (S1):131-153.
    First, this article considers Kant's rather odd requirement that every contract consist of four declarations of will: an offer, an approval of the offer, a promise and an acceptance of this promise. It explains Kant's theory as a stepping stone for Savigny's later development of the principle of abstraction, a principle which separates the contract of obligation from the contract of ownership transfer and makes the validity of each independent of the validity of the other. Second, the article (...)
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  25.  37
    La théorie kantienne de la séparation des pouvoirs.Hans Friedrich Fulda - 2001 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 56 (1):3-18.
    Kant développe en faveur de la séparation des pouvoirs d’autres arguments que les fondateurs de la théorie moderne de la division des pouvoirs ; or ses raisons sont les seules à conduire de manière contraignante à la triade aujourd’hui familière : pouvoir législatif, exécutif, judiciaire. L’article voudrait explorer ces raisons et montrer aussi précisément que possible à quel résultat elles concourent. En fin de compte, cinq questions demeurent ouvertes : 1 / Les raisons de Kant suffisent-elles à énumérer de manière (...)
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    Quantum theory is not only about information.Laura Felline - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 72:256-265.
    In his recent book Bananaworld. Quantum mechanics for primates, Jeff Bub revives and provides a mature version of his influential information-theoretic interpretation of Quantum Theory (QT). In this paper, I test Bub’s conjecture that QT should be interpreted as a theory about information, by examining whether his information-theoretic interpretation has the resources to explain (or explain away) quantum conundrums. The discussion of Bub’s theses will also serve to investigate, more in general, whether other approaches succeed in defending (...)
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  27. Bergson's Theory of Free Will.Joel Dolbeault - 2020 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 28 (2):94-115.
    Bergson argues that there is an incompatibility between free will and determinism: while free will has a dimension of creation, of invention, determinism corresponds to the idea that the future is fixed in advance by laws. In addition, he rejects determinism. According to him, the singularity of our deep-seated psychic states makes that their evolution cannot be governed by laws. However, Bergson does not defend classical indeterminism because it reduces free will to a choice between alternative possibilities, (...)
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  28. A Complete Theory of Everything (will be subjective).Marcus Hutter - 2010 - Algorithms 3 (4):329-350.
    Increasingly encompassing models have been suggested for our world. Theories range from generally accepted to increasingly speculative to apparently bogus. The progression of theories from ego- to geo- to helio-centric models to universe and multiverse theories and beyond was accompanied by a dramatic increase in the sizes of the postulated worlds, with humans being expelled from their center to ever more remote and random locations. Rather than leading to a true theory of everything, this trend faces a turning point (...)
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  29. Theories of Metaphor.Sherrill Jean Begres - 1986 - Dissertation, Wayne State University
    Metaphor, I argue, is a type of expression that is used to communicate information beyond that communicated by its literal meaning. I argue that the literal meaning of metaphors are essential. I attempt to account for metaphor in such a way as to retain the literal meaning, while also accounting for what is called the "metaphorical meaning" of metaphors. Secondly, I am concerned with the mechanisms in virtue of which we are able to distinguish the metaphorical from the literal. ;Chapter (...)
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  30. David Hodgson's theory of plausible reasoning.Christopher Birch - 2019 - In Allan McCay & Michael Sevel, Free Will and the Law: New Perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  31. David Hodgson's theory of plausible legal reasoning.Christopher Birch - 2019 - In Allan McCay & Michael Sevel, Free Will and the Law: New Perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Meinong's theory of knowledge.Marie-Luise Schubert Kalsi - 1987 - Boston: M. Nijhoff.
    In recent years there has been a renewal of interest in Meinong's work; but since the bulk of it is still encased in his quite forbidding German, most students are limited to the few available translations and to secondary sources. Unfortunately Meinong has been much maligned - only in a few instances with good reason - and has consequently been dealt with lightly. Meinong stood at a very important junction of European philosophical and scien tific thought. In all fields (...)
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    Neutrosophic graphs: a new dimension to graph theory.Vasantha Kandasamy & B. W. - 2015 - Bruxelles, Belgium: EuropaNova. Edited by K. Ilanthenral & Florentin Smarandache.
    Studies to neutrosophic graphs happens to be not only innovative and interesting, but gives a new dimension to graph theory. The classic coloring of edge problem happens to give various results. Neutrosophic tree will certainly find lots of applications in data mining when certain levels of indeterminacy is involved in the problem. Several open problems are suggested.
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    Political Theory[REVIEW]J. E. B. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (2):361-361.
    An introductory study of some basic problems in political theory, including discussions of the state, sovereignty, liberty, nationalism, political parties, and democracy. The writing is clear and non-technical. The most interesting sections are those dealing with democracy, in which special attention is given to the historical roots of that concept.--J. E. B.
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  35. Measurement Theory.Fred S. Roberts (ed.) - 1985 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book provides an introduction to measurement theory for non-specialists and puts measurement in the social and behavioural sciences on a firm mathematical foundation. Results are applied to such topics as measurement of utility, psychophysical scaling and decision-making about pollution, energy, transportation and health. The results and questions presented should be of interest to both students and practising mathematicians since the author sets forth an area of mathematics unfamiliar to most mathematicians, but which has many potentially significant applications.
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  36. A Combinatorial Theory of Possibility.David Malet Armstrong - 1989 - Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.
    David Armstrong's book is a contribution to the philosophical discussion about possible worlds. Taking Wittgenstein's Tractatus as his point of departure, Professor Armstrong argues that nonactual possibilities and possible worlds are recombinations of actually existing elements, and as such are useful fictions. There is an extended criticism of the alternative-possible-worlds approach championed by the American philosopher David Lewis. This major work will be read with interest by a wide range of philosophers.
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  37.  40
    Jordan's theory of corporate will: Criticism.Glenn Negley - 1947 - Philosophical Review 56 (4):406-415.
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    A Virtue Theory of Aesthetics.David M. Woodruff - 2001 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 35 (3):23--36.
    Recent work examining and expanding traditional accounts of a virtue has been used as the foundation for a virtue-based approach to epistemology. A similar approach to aesthetics yields some striking features, which coincide with contemporary philosophical concerns about the nature and definition of art. Those writing on virtue-based epistemology have offered epistemic theories based on intellectual virtues, defining knowledge from the nature of such virtues. This basic program can be applied to aesthetics so that art is defined using a virtue (...)
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  39.  85
    Political theory: An overview.Paul Edwards & Philip Pettit - unknown
    ‘By political thcory," ]0hn Plamcnatz wrote, "I d0 not mean explanations of how governments function; I mean systematic thinking about the purposes of govcrnmcnt."l Political theory is a normative disciplinc, designed t0 let us evaluate rather than explain; in this it resembles moral or ethical theory. What distinguishes it among normative disciplines is that it is designed to facilitate in particular the evaluation of government or, if that is something more general, the statc.2 We are to identify the (...)
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    Undermining Indirect Duty Theories.Robert Bass - 2006 - Between the Species (6):1.
    There is a class of views about our moral relations with non-human animals that share the idea that animals do not matter directly for ethical purposes: whatever duties or obligations we have with respect to animals are indirect, connected somehow to other duties or obligations – to other human beings, for example – in which the well-being or interests of animals do not figure. Criticisms of indirect duty theories have often focused either upon denying the link that is supposed to (...)
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  41. (1 other version)Theory of Intentionality.Ronald McIntyre - 1989 - In Jitendra Nath Mohanty & William R. McKenna, Husserl's Phenomenology. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America.
    Although ‘intentionality’ is a technical term in philosophy, it stands for something familiar to us all: a characteristic feature of our mental states and experiences, especially evident in what we commonly call being “conscious” or “aware”. As conscious beings, or persons, we are not merely affected by the things in our environment; we are also conscious of these things – of physical objects and events, of our own selves and other persons, of abstract objects such as numbers and propositions, and (...)
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  42.  34
    Jordan's theory of corporate will: Rejoinder.E. T. Mitchell - 1947 - Philosophical Review 56 (4):416-421.
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    Berkeley's Theory of Vision. A Critical Examination of Bishop Berkeley's Essay towards a New Theory of Vision (review).T. E. Jessop - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (2):265-269.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 265 concluding chapter (pp. 150-52), Dr. Clair deals with "Comment lire l'oeuvre du P. Thomassin," providing much guidance to anyone who wishes to avail himself of the rich resources in Thomassin's writings. From the point of view of the history of philosophy, the most interesting aspects of Thomassin's thought seem to be (1) his "Cartesianism," that is, the extent to which he early imbibed Descartes' new ideas, (...)
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  44. Social Contract Theories: Political Obligation or Anarchy?Vicente Medina - 1990 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    '. . . this book will be valuable to upper-division and graduate students interested in the validity of SC theories.'-PERSPECTIVES ON POLITICAL SCIENCE.
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    Rethinking economics as social theory.Richard E. Wagner - 2022 - Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    Taking an innovative look at the origins of economics, this forward-thinking book relocates economics from a materialistic general theory of rational action into an idealistic theory of social organization and individual action. Adding new insightful analytical methods such as complexity theory, graph theory and computational modelling to the original insights of the Scottish Enlightenment, Richard Wagner explores economics in an ever-changing society, looking at the key civilizing processes and the important social questions. Rethinking Economics as Social (...)
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  46. (1 other version)Divine Will Theory: Intentions or Desires?Christian Miller - 2009 - In Jonathan L. Kvanvig, Oxford Studies in the Philosophy of Religion, vol. 2. Oxford University Press.
  47. New theory about old evidence. A framework for open-minded Bayesianism.Sylvia9 Wenmackers & Jan-Willem Romeijn - 2016 - Synthese 193 (4).
    We present a conservative extension of a Bayesian account of confirmation that can deal with the problem of old evidence and new theories. So-called open-minded Bayesianism challenges the assumption—implicit in standard Bayesianism—that the correct empirical hypothesis is among the ones currently under consideration. It requires the inclusion of a catch-all hypothesis, which is characterized by means of sets of probability assignments. Upon the introduction of a new theory, the former catch-all is decomposed into a new empirical hypothesis and a (...)
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  48. (1 other version)Theory of knowledge.Keith Lehrer - 2000 - Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.
    In this impressive second edition of Theory of Knowledge, Keith Lehrer introduces students to the major traditional and contemporary accounts of knowing. Beginning with the traditional definition of knowledge as justified true belief, Lehrer explores the truth, belief, and justification conditions on the way to a thorough examination of foundation theories of knowledge,the work of Platinga, externalism and naturalized epistemologies, internalism and modern coherence theories, contextualism, and recent reliabilist and causal theories. Lehrer gives all views careful examination and concludes (...)
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  49. Hegel's theory of freedom.Craig Matarrese - 2007 - Philosophy Compass 2 (2):170–186.
    Hegel’s theory of freedom is complex and sweeping, and while most interpreters of Hegel will readily agree that it is the centerpiece of his political philosophy, perhaps also of his social philosophy and philosophy of history, they will just as readily disagree about what exactly the theory claims. Such interpretive disagreements have fueled, in large part, the resurgence of interest in Hegelian philosophy over the last few decades.
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  50. A simple theory of promising.David Owens - 2006 - Philosophical Review 115 (1):51-77.
    Why do human beings make and accept promises? What human interest is served by this procedure? Many hold that promising serves what I shall call an information interest, an interest in information about what will happen. And they hold that human beings ought to keep their promises because breaches of promise threaten this interest. On this view human beings take promises seriously because we want correct information about how other human beings are going to act. (...)
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