Results for ' threats'

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  1. Part IV how to improve european east-west cooperation in the face of existential environmental threats?Existential Environmental Threats - 1990 - World Futures 29 (3):173.
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  2. The Ethics of the Nuclear Security Summit Process.Alexandra I. Toma & Nuclear Terrorism Threat - forthcoming - Ethics.
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  3. Stereotype Threat, Epistemic Agency, and Self-Identity.Stacey Goguen - 2016 - Dissertation, Boston University
    Stereotype threat is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when individuals become aware that their behavior could potentially confirm a negative stereotype. Though stereotype threat is a widely studied phenomenon in social psychology, there has been relatively little scholarship on it in philosophy, despite its relevance to issues such as implicit cognition, epistemic injustice, and diversity in philosophy. However, most psychological research on stereotype threat discusses the phenomenon by using an overly narrow picture of it, which focuses on one of its (...)
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  4. Stereotype threat and intellectual virtue.Mark Alfano - 2014 - In Owen Flanagan & Abrol Fairweather, Naturalizing Virtue. Cambridge University Press. pp. 155-74.
    For decades, intelligence and achievement tests have registered significant differences between people of different races, ethnicities, classes, and genders. We argue that most of these differences are explained not as reflections of differences in the distribution of intellectual virtues but as evidence for the metacognitive mediation of the intellectual virtues. For example, in the United States, blacks typically score worse than whites on tests of mathematics. This might lead one to think that fewer blacks possess the relevant intellectual virtues, or (...)
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  5. Stereotype Threat, Epistemic Injustice, and Rationality.Stacey Goguen - 2016 - In Michael Brownstein & Jennifer Mather Saul, Implicit Bias and Philosophy, Volume 1: Metaphysics and Epistemology. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 216-237.
    Though stereotype threat is most well-known for its ability to hinder performance, it actually has a wide range of effects. For instance, it can also cause stress, anxiety, and doubt. These additional effects are as important and as central to the phenomenon as its effects on performance are. As a result, stereotype threat has more far-reaching implications than many philosophers have realized. In particular, the phenomenon has a number of unexplored “epistemic effects.” These are effects on our epistemic lives—i.e., the (...)
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  6. Stereotype Threat and Attributional Ambiguity for Trans Women.Rachel McKinnon - 2014 - Hypatia 29 (1):857-872.
    In this paper I discuss the interrelated topics of stereotype threat and attributional ambiguity as they relate to gender and gender identity. The former has become an emerging topic in feminist philosophy and has spawned a tremendous amount of research in social psychology and elsewhere. But the discussion, at least in how it connects to gender, is incomplete: the focus is only on cisgender women and their experiences. By considering trans women's experiences of stereotype threat and attributional ambiguity, we gain (...)
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  7. The Threat of Algocracy: Reality, Resistance and Accommodation.John Danaher - 2016 - Philosophy and Technology 29 (3):245-268.
    One of the most noticeable trends in recent years has been the increasing reliance of public decision-making processes on algorithms, i.e. computer-programmed step-by-step instructions for taking a given set of inputs and producing an output. The question raised by this article is whether the rise of such algorithmic governance creates problems for the moral or political legitimacy of our public decision-making processes. Ignoring common concerns with data protection and privacy, it is argued that algorithmic governance does pose a significant threat (...)
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    Conditional Threats.Gerhard Øverland - 2010 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 7 (3):334-345.
    In this paper I ponder the moral status of conditional threats, in particular the extent to which a threatened party would be permitted to use (lethal) defensive force. I first investigate a mugger case before turning briefly to the more complicated issue of national defence in the face of an invading army. One should not exaggerate the level of protection people under threat owe their conditioned killers simply because what is extorted is of little value. After all, either the (...)
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    Threat directionality modulates defensive reactions in humans: cardiac and electrodermal responses.Mariana Xavier, Eliane Volchan, Arthur V. Machado, Isabel A. David, Letícia Oliveira, Liana C. L. Portugal, Gabriela G. L. Souza, Fátima S. Erthal, Rita de Cássia S. Alves, Izabela Mocaiber & Mirtes G. Pereira - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (6):954-962.
    Features of threatening cues and the associated context influence the perceived imminence of threat and the defensive responses evoked. To provide additional knowledge about how the directionality of a threat (i.e. directed-towards or away from the viewer) might impact defensive responses in humans, participants were shown pictures of a man carrying a gun (threat) or nonlethal object (neutral) directed-away from or towards the participant. Cardiac and electrodermal responses were collected. Compared to neutral images, threatening images depicting a gun directed-towards the (...)
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  10. Innocent Threats and the Moral Problem of Carnivorous Animals.Rainer Ebert & Tibor R. Machan - 2012 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 29 (2):146-159.
    The existence of predatory animals is a problem in animal ethics that is often not taken as seriously as it should be. We show that it reveals a weakness in Tom Regan's theory of animal rights that also becomes apparent in his treatment of innocent human threats. We show that there are cases in which Regan's justice-prevails-approach to morality implies a duty not to assist the jeopardized, contrary to his own moral beliefs. While a modified account of animal rights (...)
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  11. (1 other version)Coercion, Threats, and the Puzzle of Blackmail.Grant Lamond - 1996 - In A. P. Simester & A. T. H. Smith, Harm and culpability. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 215-38.
    This paper discusses the puzzle of blackmail, i.e. the way in which the threat of an otherwise legally permissible action can in some cases constitute blackmail. It argues that the key to understanding blackmail is in terms of coercion and threats, and the effect such threats have on the validity of a victim’s consent. The nature of coercion and of coercive threats is considered in detail to support the thesis that threats are prima facie impermissible, though (...)
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  12. The threat simulation theory of the evolutionary function of dreaming: Evidence from dreams of traumatized children.Katja Valli, Antti Revonsuo, Outi Pälkäs, Kamaran Hassan Ismail, Karzan Jalal Ali & Raija-Leena Punamäki - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14 (1):188-218.
    The threat simulation theory of dreaming states that dream consciousness is essentially an ancient biological defence mechanism, evolutionarily selected for its capacity to repeatedly simulate threatening events. Threat simulation during dreaming rehearses the cognitive mechanisms required for efficient threat perception and threat avoidance, leading to increased probability of reproductive success during human evolution. One hypothesis drawn from TST is that real threatening events encountered by the individual during wakefulness should lead to an increased activation of the system, a threat simulation (...)
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    Threats, Victims and Unimaginable Subjects of Rights: A Genealogy of Sex Worker Governance in Poland.Agata Dziuban - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (2):243-263.
    This paper sketches the emergence of, and shifts within, the social, legal, and political figurations of sex workers in Poland. By adopting a genealogical perspective, I investigate how sex workers have been (re)constituted as subjects of governance and unimaginable social justice claimants in legislation, political debates, and law enforcement strategies. With a broad temporal scope, this article traces continuities, transformations, and disruptions within modes of sex work governance in Poland from the adoption of the first laws relating to sex work (...)
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  14. Two threats to representation.Michael Wheeler - 2001 - Synthese 129 (2):211-231.
    I consider two threats to the idea that on-line intelligent behaviour (the production of fluid and adaptable responses to ongoing sensory input) must or should be explained by appeal to neurally located representations. The first of these threats occurs when extra-neural factors account for the kind of behavioural richness and flexibility normally associated with representation-based control. I show how this anti-representational challenge can be met, if we apply the thought that, to be a representational system, an action-oriented neural (...)
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  15. Threats of a Global Internet Web.Andrzej Kiepas - 2005 - In Mariusz M. Żydowo, Ethical problems in the rapid advancement of science. Warsaw: Polish Academy of Sciences. pp. 19.
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    Threats to the Common Good: Biochemical Weapons and Human Subjects Research.Alex John London - 2003 - Hastings Center Report 33 (5):17-25.
    The threat of biological and chemical terrorism highlights a growing tension in research ethics between respecting the interests of individuals and safeguarding and protecting the common good. But what it actually means to protect the common good is rarely scrutinized. There are two conceptions of the common good that provide very different accounts of the limits of permissible medical research. Decisions about the limits of acceptable medical research in defense of the common good should be carried out only within the (...)
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    Facing threat: Infants' and adults' visual scanning of faces with neutral, happy, sad, angry, and fearful emotional expressions.Sabine Hunnius, Tessa Cj de Wit, Sven Vrins & Claes von Hofsten - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (2):193-205.
    Human faces are among the most important visual stimuli that we encounter at all ages. This importance partly stems from the face as a conveyer of information on the emotional state of other individuals. Previous research has demonstrated specific scanning patterns in response to threat-related compared to non-threat-related emotional expressions. This study investigated how visual scanning patterns toward faces which display different emotional expressions develop during infancy. The visual scanning patterns of 4-month-old and 7-month-old infants and adults when looking at (...)
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    Stereotype Threat Effects on Learning From a Cognitively Demanding Mathematics Lesson.Emily McLaughlin Lyons, Nina Simms, Kreshnik N. Begolli & Lindsey E. Richland - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (2):678-690.
    Stereotype threat—a situational context in which individuals are concerned about confirming a negative stereotype—is often shown to impact test performance, with one hypothesized mechanism being that cognitive resources are temporarily co-opted by intrusive thoughts and worries, leading individuals to underperform despite high content knowledge and ability. We test here whether stereotype threat may also impact initial student learning and knowledge formation when experienced prior to instruction. Predominantly African American fifth-grade students provided either their race or the date before a videotaped, (...)
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    Just Threats.Yuval Eylon - 2009 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 6 (1):94-108.
    The paper argues that Rawls's account of the obligation to keep promises entails that inasmuch as we are obliged to keep promises, we are also obliged to carry out threats. On the basis of the principle of fairness, Rawls claimed that a social practice creates a moral obligation if it is just, and one has benefited from it or entered it voluntarily. A practice of threats meets Rawls's first principle of justice. We may reasonably assume that immoral (...), just like immoral promises, are not socially obliging. Threats meet Rawls's second principle of justice mainly because weaker parties benefit from drawing red lines, backed by credible threats. Finally, threats create social benefits: they contribute to social cooperation and collaboration. The argument entails that we must either accept the counterintuitive claim that threats are morally binding, or reject Rawls's account of the obligation to keep promises. (shrink)
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  20. Veiled Threats: Representing the Muslim Woman in Public Policy Discourses.[author unknown] - 2016
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  21. The threat of intergenerational extortion: on the temptation to become the climate mafia, masquerading as an intergenerational Robin Hood.Stephen M. Gardiner - 2017 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47 (2-3):368-394.
    This paper argues that extortion is a clear threat in intergenerational relations, and that the threat is manifest in some existing proposals in climate policy and latent in some background tendencies in mainstream moral and political philosophy. The paper also claims that although some central aspects of the concern about extortion might be pursued in terms of the entitlements of future generations, this approach is likely to be incomplete. In particular, intergenerational extortion raises issues about the appropriate limits to the (...)
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    Peer threat evaluations shape one’s own threat perceptions and feelings of distress.Lisa Espinosa, Erik C. Nook, Martin Asperholm, Therese Collins, Juliet Y. Davidow & Andreas Olsson - 2025 - Cognition and Emotion 39 (2):431-444.
    We are continuously exposed to what others think and feel about content online. How do others’ evaluations shared in this medium influence our own beliefs and emotional responses? In two pre-registered studies, we investigated the social transmission of threat and safety evaluations in a paradigm that mimicked online social media platforms. In Study 1 (N = 103), participants viewed images and indicated how distressed they made them feel. Participants then categorised these images as threatening or safe for others to see, (...)
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  23. The threat of an Anglo-american hegemony.Crane Brinton - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  24. European Threats and Chances.Michał Dobroczyński - 1985 - Dialectics and Humanism 12 (1):209-218.
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  25. The Threat to the Atheists' Good Life.Albert Lyngzeidetson - 1995 - Free Inquiry 16.
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    Threat Interpretation and Innovation in the Context of Climate Change: An Ethical Perspective.Aoife Brophy Haney - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 143 (2):261-276.
    The ability of managers to identify and interpret challenges in the external environment is one of the micro-foundations of dynamic capabilities. The underlying literature on strategic issue interpretation suggests that interpreting environmental challenges as opportunities rather than threats is more likely to lead to proactive and innovative responses, but there are also potentially positive effects of threat interpretation, for instance high levels of commitment and risk-seeking behaviour. In this paper, I use the context of climate change to explore the (...)
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  27. The Threat from Manipulation Arguments.Benjamin Matheson - 2018 - American Philosophical Quarterly 55 (1):37-50.
    Most seem to presume that what is threatening about manipulation arguments is the ‘no difference’ premise – that is, the claim that there are no responsibility-relevant differences between a manipulated agent and her merely causally determined counterpart. This presumption underlies three recent replies to manipulation arguments from Kearns (2012), King (2013), and Schlosser (2015). But these replies fail to appreciate the true threat from manipulation arguments – namely, the manipulation cases that are allegedly counterexamples to the leading compatibilist conditions on (...)
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    Welcome Threats and Coercive Offers.Daniel Lyons - 1975 - Philosophy 50 (194):425 - 436.
    In American legal journals over the last decade there were hundreds of pages of articles worrying over threats to justice and freedom arising from the power to withhold benefits. Government officials have tremendous discretion to offer or withhold foreign aid, ration-books, government contracts and jobs, welfare subsidies, public housing, tariff protection, academic grants, alien resident status, paroles, or exemption from conscription or combat, from arrest or prosecution or imprisonment. Right-wing economists have worried about welfare-state emphasis on administrative discretion rather (...)
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  29. Is that a Threat?Henry Ian Schiller - 2021 - Erkenntnis 86 (5):1161-1183.
    I introduce game-theoretic models for threats to the discussion of threats in speech act theory. I first distinguish three categories of verbal threats: conditional threats, categorical threats, and covert threats. I establish that all categories of threats can be characterized in terms of an underlying conditional structure. I argue that the aim—or illocutionary point—of a threat is to change the conditions under which an agent makes decisions in a game. Threats are moves (...)
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  30. The Threat of Israel's Religious Right.T. Flynn - 1988 - Free Inquiry 8 (2).
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  31. New Threats to Academic Freedom.David Koepsell - 2006 - Free Inquiry 26:16-17.
  32. The Threat and the Power.Hans-Joachim Kraus & Keith Crim - 1971
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    Status Threat and Ethical Leadership: A Power-Dependence Perspective.Guangxi Zhang, Jianan Zhong & Muammer Ozer - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 161 (3):665-685.
    Whether, how and when do leaders engage in ethical leadership as a response to status threat? We propose that leaders facing status threat are likely to develop ethical leadership behaviors toward subordinates. Drawing on power dependence theory, we theorize that experiencing status threat augments leaders’ dependence on subordinates who can provide them with status-relevant resources. Dependence on subordinates further motivates leaders to absorb the resource constraints through displaying ethical leadership. However, if leaders are able to obtain alternative resources to cope (...)
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    Identity, Morality, and Threat: Studies in Violent Conflict.David G. Alpher, Sandra I. Cheldelin, Rom Harre, S. Ayse Kadayifici-Orellana, Joseph V. Montville, Marc H. Ross, Dennis J. D. Sandole, Peter N. Stearns, Lena Tan & Edward A. Tiryakian (eds.) - 2006 - Lexington Books.
    Identity, Morality, and Threat offers a critical examination of the social psychological processes that generate outgroup devaluation and ingroup glorification as the source of conflict. Daniel Rothbart and Karyna Korostelina bring together essays analyzing the causal relationship between escalating violence and opposing images of the Self and Other.
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    Threats and punishment.Richard Brook - 1988 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 17 (3):235-239.
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    Identity Threat.Michael Cholbi - 2017 - The Forum 2017.
    Michael Cholbi on the ways in which paternalism shows disrespect.
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    Threats and offers in community mental healthcare.Michael Dunn, Daniel Maughan, Tony Hope, Krysia Canvin, Jorun Rugkåsa, Julia Sinclair & Tom Burns - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (4):204-209.
    Next SectionMaking threats and offers to patients is a strategy used in community mental healthcare to increase treatment adherence. In this paper, an ethical analysis of these types of proposal is presented. It is argued (1) that the primary ethical consideration is to identify the professional duties of care held by those working in community mental health because the nature of these duties will enable a threat to be differentiated from an offer, (2) that threatening to act in a (...)
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    Threat in dreams: An adaptation?Susan Malcolm-Smith, Mark Solms, Oliver Turnbull & Colin Tredoux - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (4):1281-1291.
    Revonsuo’s influential Threat Simulation Theory predicts that people exposed to survival threats will have more threat dreams, and evince enhanced responses to dream threats, compared to those living in relatively safe conditions. Participants in a high crime area differed significantly from participants in a low crime area in having greater recent exposure to a life-threatening event . Contrary to TST’s predictions, the SA participants reported significantly fewer threat dreams , and did not differ from the Welsh participants in (...)
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    Ambiguous Threats.Sarah Fisher & Jeffrey Howard - 2024 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 28 (2).
    In a recent case, a Facebook user in Iran posted “death to Khamenei”, which the platform removed as a violation of its policy against threats and incitement. Facebook ultimately overturned the decision on the grounds that the speech, while contravening its rules, was newsworthy. Yet the company’s Oversight Board offered a distinct rationale for allowing the post: “death to Khamenei” wasn’t a threat or an incitement at all, but rather a rhetorical expression of criticism, disdain, or disgust. Who was (...)
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  40. Threats, bystanders and obstructors.Helen Frowe - 2008 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 108 (1pt3):365-372.
    In this paper I argue that the widespread view that obstructors are a special sort of bystander is mistaken. Obstructors make Victim worse off by their presence, and thus are more properly described as innocent threats. Only those characters who do not make Victim worse off by their presence can be classified as bystanders.
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    Professional Threats and Self-Censorship in Lithuanian Journalism.Deimantas Jastramskis, Giedrė Plepytė-Davidavičienė & Ingrida Gečienė-Janulionė - 2023 - Filosofija. Sociologija 34 (4).
    The article examines the professional threats experienced by journalists working in Lithuanian newsrooms. The analysis is based on a representative survey of Lithuanian journalists conducted from October 2022 to February 2023 (N = 302). The study revealed that physical attacks against Lithuanian journalists are quite rare, but psychological threats related to the profession are relatively common. The results of the study show that male journalists face different threats more often than female journalists, and journalists working in regional (...)
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    Perceived threat in compliance and adherence research.Roger Carpenter - 2005 - Nursing Inquiry 12 (3):192-199.
    Within the broader agenda of adherence research, health beliefs have been identified as being significant predictors of adherence. Specifically, perceived threat as a health belief has received considerable attention in compliance and adherence research from multiple perspectives in multiple patient populations. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the concept of perceived threat as it relates to treatment adherence through a series of perspectives: conceptual, methodological, and empirical. Analysis of the literature reveals that there is lack of consistency in (...)
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    Threats to nurses’ dignity and intent to leave the profession.Leila Valizadeh, Vahid Zamanzadeh, Hosein Habibzadeh, Leyla Alilu, Mark Gillespie & Ali Shakibi - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (4):520-531.
    Background: It is essential to pay attention to and respect the dignity of nurses to maintain them in their profession while they deliver skilled nursing care. Little is known, however, about how a sense of dignity influences the practitioner. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to describe nurses’ experiences of threats to their dignity occurring within clinical settings, which generates an intention to leave clinical practice. Research design and method: The study was performed using qualitative content analysis. The (...)
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    A threat like no other threat, George Berkeley against the freethinkers.Timo Airaksinen & Heta Gylling - 2017 - History of European Ideas 43 (6):598-613.
    ABSTRACTIn this paper, our purpose is to show what George Berkeley really said about ethics and the background conditions of religious life. The point is that true happiness is only possible in a religious sense; it means happiness in afterlife. The major threat to this is freethinking, or what we see as emerging enlightened modernism. His rather quixotic fix against freethinking shows the man as he is behind all the conventional panegyrics. He is a real Anglican soldier who anticipated but (...)
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    True Threats, Self-Defense, and the Second Amendment.Joseph Blocher & Bardia Vaseghi - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (S4):112-118.
    Does the Second Amendment protect those who threaten others by negligently or recklessly wielding firearms? What line separates constitutionally legitimate gun displays from threatening activities that can be legally proscribed? This article finds guidance in the First Amendment doctrine of true threats, which permits punishment of “statements where the speaker means to communicate a serious expression of an intent to commit an act of unlawful violence to a particular individual or group of individual.” The Second Amendment, like the First, (...)
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    New Threats to Academic Freedom.Francesca Minerva - 2013 - Bioethics 28 (4):157-162.
    Using a specific case as an example, the article argues that the Internet allows dissemination of academic ideas to the general public in ways that can sometimes pose a threat to academic freedom. Since academic freedom is a fundamental element of academia and since it benefits society at large, it is important to safeguard it. Among measures that can be taken in order to achieve this goal, the publication of anonymous research seems to be a good option.
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  47. A Threat for Physicalism: a new Gedankenexperiment.Claudio Calosi & Vincenzo Fano - 2012 - Epistemologia 1:130-140.
    We present a new thought experiment that raises a threat for Minimal Physicalism, i.e. the thesis according to which mental properties supervene on physical properties. Our proposal is an example of the so called hard problems in philosophy of mind, in particular the problem of maximal consciousness. We do not however presuppose anything about its very nature apart from the minimal, weak assumption that it is determined by first order mental properties. We argue that either Minimal Physicalism is unable to (...)
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  48. From Threat to Walking Corpse: Spatial Disruption and the Phenomenology of ‘Living Under Drones.Sabeen Ahmed - 2018 - Theory and Event 21 (2):382-410.
    The use of armed drones in post-9/11 US military conflicts has increasingly been the subject of academic writings; few, however, examine its collateral effects from a biopolitically-framed, phenomenological lens. This article examines how the indeterminate field of threat produced and sustained by the preventive military paradigm of drone warfare transforms potential threats into determinate targets of military violence. The spatial disruption experienced by inhabitants of the "space of death" generated by the "drone zone" thus transforms their existential comportment of (...)
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    A Threat to Autonomy? The Intrusion of Predictive Brain Implants.Frederic Gilbert - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 6 (4):4-11.
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  50. Standard Threats: How to Violate Basic Human Rights.Anthony R. Reeves - 2015 - Social Theory and Practice 41 (3):403-434.
    The paper addresses the nature of duties grounded in human rights. Rather than being protections against harm, per se, I contend that human rights largely shield against risk impositions to protected interests. “Risk imposition” is a normative idea requiring explication, but understanding dutiful action in its terms enables human rights to provide prospective policy guidance, hold institutions accountable, operate in non-ideal circumstances, embody impartiality among persons, and define the moral status of agencies in international relations. Slightly differently, I indicate a (...)
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