Results for ' working-class academics'

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  1.  2
    Striving to Be Super: The Contradictions of Academic Success in High-Achieving, Working-Class Girls’ Pathways to High-Tariff Universities.Katherine Davey - forthcoming - British Journal of Educational Studies.
    Although higher education is positioned as a site of opportunity for young women in the UK, not all female applicants experience straightforward pathways into this arena. This paper focuses on a group of 16 high-achieving girls from working-class backgrounds who are striving for academic success, in the form of top grades and places at high-tariff UK universities. Against the backdrop of neoliberalism and postfeminism, the stereotype of an academic ‘supergirl’ incites these young women to construct their pathways to (...)
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    Is Higher Education Working Class? The Politics of Labor in Neoliberal Academe.Jeffrey R. Di Leo - 2014 - Rhizomes 27 (1).
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    Working Class Women in Elite Academia: A Philosophical Inquiry.Claudia Leeb - 2004 - Peter Lang Publisher.
    In this original book, I use a poststructuralist perspective to chart explicit and tacit assumptions about the working class in general and the working-class woman, specifically in the classical texts of prominent political philosophers and social critics, including Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Rousseau, Marx, Weber, and Bourdieu. Drawing on Michel Foucault, I argue that philosophical discourses that construct these categories as the Other function as disciplinary practices that aim at keeping working-class women either out of (...)
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    Observations of a Working Class Family: Implications for Self-Regulated Learning Development.Stephen Vassallo - 2012 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 48 (6):501-529.
    Guardians have been implicated in the development of children's academic self-regulation. In this case study, which involved naturalistic observations and interviews, the everyday practices of a working class family were considered in the context of self-regulated learning development. The family's practices, beliefs, dispositions and home structures were not aligned with conditions recognized as supporting self-regulated learning development. It is suggested that for the family to adapt or adjust home practices in a way that supports their children's self-regulation means (...)
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    A working-class Anti-Pygmalion aesthetics of the female grotesque in the photographs of Richard Billingham.Frances Hatherley - 2018 - European Journal of Women's Studies 25 (3):355-370.
    ‘Femininity’ is a concept formed by structures of class difference: to be ‘feminine’ is to fit into an idealised higher-class position. Working-class women, without the financial or cultural capital to successfully perform femininity, are regularly cast down into the realms of the grotesque. This ‘fall from grace’ has repercussions on the representation and lived experiences of women who are then defined negatively. Contemporary British media stories are full of demonising depictions of working-class women deemed (...)
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    What causes social class disparities in education? The role of the mismatches between academic contexts and working-class socialization contexts and how the effects of these mismatches are explained.Sébastien Goudeau, Nicole M. Stephens, Hazel R. Markus, Céline Darnon, Jean-Claude Croizet & Andrei Cimpian - forthcoming - Psychological Review.
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  7. Anarchist Philosophy and Working Class Struggle: A Brief History and Commentary.Nathan Jun - 2009 - WorkingUSA: The Journal of Labor and Society 12 (3):505-519.
    Anarchist philosophy has often played and continues to play a crucial role in interventions in working-class and labor movements. Anarchist philosophy influenced real-world struggles and touched the lives of real, flesh-and-blood workers, especially those belonging to the industrial, immigrant working classes of late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century America. Too often the writings, which were disseminated to, and hungrily consumed by, these workers are dismissed as “propaganda.” However, insofar as they articulate and define political, economic, and social concepts; (...)
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    ‘Toned Habitus’, Self-Emancipation and the Contingency of Reflexivity: A Life Story Study of Working-Class Students at Elite Universities in China.Jin Jin & Stephen J. Ball - 2020 - British Journal of Educational Studies 68 (2):241-262.
    ABSTRACTstudies in relation to working-class students at elite universities document on the one hand the role of ‘mundane reflexivity’ in dealing with class domination while on the other indicate a new form of domination and disadvantages working on these working-class ‘exceptions’ – they may achieve academically at university but experience various exclusions and self-exclusions in areas of social life. By drawing on a very small sample of ‘counter-evidence’ and ‘exceptions within exceptions’ – working- (...) students who achieve great social accomplishments at elite universities – this paper further explores the role of ‘mundane reflexivity’ in negotiating class domination and the possibilities of transcendence. We demonstrate the creative and transformative ways in which class domination is dealt with and document the prevalence of high-level reflexivity. Furthermore, we distinguish different forms and degrees of reflexivity, which then indicate the ‘contingency’ of reflexivity – the relation of the possibilities of reflexivity to the unequal distribution of social, cultural and economic capitals. We further argue that what appears to be a form of self-emancipation achieved by the ‘transcending group’ in our study also involves the discrete and insidious reproduction of social inequality. (shrink)
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  9. Jake Ryan and Charles Sackrey, "Strangers in Paradise: Academics from the Working Class". [REVIEW]Sue Curry Jansen - 1985 - Theory and Society 14 (6):897.
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    Alongside desire: Object Lessons and Working-Class Studies.Matt Brim - 2023 - Feminist Theory 24 (2):285-293.
    This article reconsiders Robyn Wiegman’s Object Lessons (2012) as a book that helps to discern a necessary relation between Queer Studies and Working-Class Studies, two fields that do not often share a footprint in the US academy. That relation emerges for the author in the unexpected resonance between Object Lessons and Vivian Gornick’s recently republished The Romance of American Communism (2020), a classic text about the politics of passionate longing for a better world. Likewise, Wiegman understands political desire (...)
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    Hysteresis, academic biography, and political field in the People’s Republic of Poland.Agata Zysiak - 2019 - Theory and Society 48 (3):483-508.
    I enter a debate about state-socialism elite’s reproduction and higher education to propose an implementation of Bourdieu’s hysteresis effect. I argue that the intelligentsia and the interwar university shaped biographical paths of academics stronger than the political factors, which are usually brought to the forefront by contemporary researchers. I analyse academic biographies shaped by the socialist university and reconstruct a model academic biography in the post-WWII period, in particular, in Poland. I compare it with biographies of professors from (...)-class and peasant backgrounds, and arrive at the conclusion that the differences are minor. Those who formed a seemingly perfect new intelligentsia were socialized by the traditional academic habitus. A few who entered the new academic world from working class or peasant backgrounds had to embrace the interwar university ethos in order to justify their own merits in belonging. I propose a model of opposite hysteresis vectors to explain tensions between academia and political field. (shrink)
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    Does academic dishonesty relate to unethical behavior in professional practice? An exploratory study.Donald D. Carpenter, Trevor S. Harding, Cynthia J. Finelli & Honor J. Passow - 2004 - Science and Engineering Ethics 10 (2):311-324.
    Previous research indicates that students in engineering self-report cheating in college at higher rates than those in most other disciplines. Prior work also suggests that participation in one deviant behavior is a reasonable predictor of future deviant behavior. This combination of factors leads to a situation where engineering students who frequently participate in academic dishonesty are more likely to make unethical decisions in professional practice. To investigate this scenario, we propose the hypotheses that (1) there are similarities in the decision-making (...)
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  13. 'Nowhere at Home’: Toward a Phenomenology of Working Class Consciousness.Christine Overall - 1995 - In C. L. Barney Dewes & Carolyn Leste Law, This Fine Place So Far From Home: Voices of Academics From the Working Class. Temple University Press.
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    Academic Integrity in a Mandatory Physics Lab: The Influence of Post-Graduate Aspirations and Grade Point Averages.Tricia Bertram Gallant, Michael G. Anderson & Christine Killoran - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (1):219-235.
    Research on academic cheating by high school students and undergraduates suggests that many students will do whatever it takes, including violating ethical classroom standards, to not be left behind or to race to the top. This behavior may be exacerbated among pre-med and pre-health professional school students enrolled in laboratory classes because of the typical disconnect between these students, their instructors and the perceived legitimacy of the laboratory work. There is little research, however, that has investigated the relationship between high (...)
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    Gendered and classed performances of ‘good’ mother and academic in Greece.Maria Tsouroufli - 2020 - European Journal of Women's Studies 27 (1):9-24.
    The enduring significance of gender and how it intersects with class in the organization of parenting, domestic and professional work has been obscured in contemporary neoliberal contexts. This article examines how Greek academic women conceptualize and enact motherhood and the classed and gendered strategies they adopt to reconcile ‘good’ motherhood with notions of the ‘good’ academic professional. It draws on semi-structured interviews about the career narratives of 15 women in Greek medical schools in the aftermath of the Greek recession. (...)
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    Does the University Have a Future?Bryan S. Turner - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (7-8):123-135.
    Although this article examines the problems facing modern universities such as their loss of independence and shortage of funding, similar problems faced universities throughout the 20th century. The focus is on the post-war generation, the creation of new universities and the political and economic changes that were brought about by Thatcherism. In the growth period between 1945 and the 1970s, many working-class children gained social mobility through the expansion of the university sector. This period also attracted large numbers (...)
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    Die Diskursive Disziplinierung von Frauen aus ArbeiterInnenkontexten in der Wissenschaft.Claudia Leeb - 2002 - In Gerald Echterhoff & Michael Eggers, Der Stoff, an dem wir hängen: Faszination und Selektion von Material in kulturwissenschaftlicher Arbeit. Königshausen & Neumann. pp. 81-94.
    In this chapter, I draw on Michel Foucault to explain the mechanisms of marginalization of women from working-class origins in academic institutions in the context of the U.S.A. Next, I explain how the discursive construction of the working classes as “the Other” in academic knowledge production is part of a disciplinary power that functions to keep women from working-class origins either out or at the margins of academic institutions. In academic institutions, disciplinary power aims to (...)
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    Encouraging Active Classroom Discussion of Academic Integrity and Misconduct in Higher Education Business Contexts.Mark Baetz, Lucia Zivcakova, Eileen Wood, Amanda Nosko, Domenica De Pasquale & Karin Archer - 2011 - Journal of Academic Ethics 9 (3):217-234.
    The present study assessed business students’ responses to an innovative interactive presentation on academic integrity that employed quoted material from previous students as launching points for discussion. In total, 15 business classes ( n = 412 students) including 2nd, 3rd and 4th year level students participated in the presentations as part of the ethics component of ongoing courses. Students’ perceptions of the importance of academic integrity, self-reports of cheating behaviors, and factors contributing to misconduct were examined along with perceptions about (...)
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    Students' Perceptions of Teacher Effectiveness and Academic Misconduct: An Inquiry into the Multivariate Nature of a Complex Phenomenon.Amie R. McKibban - 2013 - Ethics and Behavior 23 (5):378-395.
    Using the classroom as the unit of analyses, the current article discusses the methodological issues surrounding the literature with regard to the study of academic misconduct. Arguing for a shift in research, the present empirical investigation assesses the relationship between students' perceptions of classroom environment and academic misconduct by utilizing valid and reliable multidimensional measures with established constructs. By utilizing the classroom as the unit of analysis, a better understanding of the unique variance in academic dishonesty across classes may be (...)
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    Changing the Engineering Student Culture with Respect to Academic Integrity and Ethics.Tammy VanDeGrift, Heather Dillon & Loreal Camp - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (4):1159-1182.
    Engineers create airplanes, buildings, medical devices, and software, amongst many other things. Engineers abide by a professional code of ethics to uphold people’s safety and the reputation of the profession. Likewise, students abide by a code of academic integrity while learning the knowledge and necessary skills to prepare them for the engineering and computing professions. This paper reports on studies designed to improve the engineering student culture with respect to academic integrity and ethics. To understand the existing culture at a (...)
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    Feminism and Class Politics: A Round-Table Discussion.Elizabeth Wilson, Angela Weir, Anne Phillips, Beatrix Campbell, Michèle Barrett, Lynne Segal & Clara Connolly - 1986 - Feminist Review 23 (1):13-30.
    In December 1984 Angela Weir and Elizabeth Wilson, two founding members of Feminist Review, published an article assessing contemporary British feminism and its relationship to the left and to class struggle. They suggested that the women's movement in general, and socialist-feminism in particular, had lost its former political sharpness. The academic focus of socialist-feminism has proved more interested in theorizing the ideological basis of sexual difference than the economic contradictions of capitalism. Meanwhile the conditions of working-class and (...)
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    Diagnosis of the Current State of University Academic Performance: Applied Educational Research in the Peruvian Context.Luis Miguel Olórtegui Alcalde - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1538-1552.
    The present study is quantitative applied educational research that first analyzes a theoretical framework that affirms that the academic performance of students constitutes a central element in university education since it represents a measure of the learning achieved by individuals and, at the same time, an indicator of the quality of higher education institutions and systems. Likewise, it is specified that the problem of the study is: How does the academic performance of university students’ impact in the Peruvian context? Considering (...)
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    Which Side are You On? The Class Consciousness of Punk.Tiffany Elise Montoya - 2022 - Chicago: Open Universe. Edited by Joshua Heter & Richard Greene.
    Both the music and subculture of punk historically arose from disaffected working-class youth. This socio-economic starting point was absolutely crucial for making punk what it is. However, along with this standpoint came various levels of class consciousness that we can see evidence of in the lyrics and in various practices of people within the scene itself. I divide this consciousness into 3 specific levels of structural understanding and agency. Inspired by Georg Lukacs' analysis of class consciousness (...)
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    Creative Class, Creative Economy, and the Wisdom Society as a Solution to their Controversy.František Murgaš - 2011 - Creative and Knowledge Society 1 (2):120-140.
    Creative Class, Creative Economy, and the Wisdom Society as a Solution to their Controversy The paper briefly introduces the notion of creativity, linking the concepts of creative class and the related creative economy that are considered by Florida and his followers as the driving force of the current social and economic development. The concept of creative economy and its quantification in form of the Creative Class Index 3T or the Euro-Creativity Index were submitted to strong critique.The critics (...)
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    Evaluating teaching and students' learning of academic research ethics.Deni Elliott & Judy E. Stern - 1996 - Science and Engineering Ethics 2 (3):345-366.
    A team of philosophers and scientists at Dartmouth College worked for three years to create, train faculty and pilot test an adequate and exportable class in research methods for graduate students of science and engineering. Developing and testing methods for evaluating students’ progress in learning research ethics were part of the project goals. Failure of methods tried in the first year led to the refinement of methods for the second year. These were used successfully in the pilot course and (...)
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    Out of Place: William Connolly, Resounding Events and Stephen Turner, Mad Hazard.Bryan S. Turner - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (7-8):259-267.
    This article examines a post-war generation of academics in the United States and in Britain, who, coming from lower-class families without any previous experience of university education, became internationally famous but nevertheless continued to feel out of place in the academic world. Pierre Bourdieu’s framework of habitus, field and doxa is useful in studying the world of such outsiders and exiles who shaped post-war sociology. Without an established canon of sociology, these students typically developed critical and creative perspectives (...)
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    Latent Classes of Principals’ Transformational Leadership and the Organizational Climate of Kindergartens.Pingping Wang, Xinrui Deng, Xiaowei Li, Yuan Dong & Runkai Jiao - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Background: Organizational climate refers to an individual's perception and experience of the climate of the work environment, and it is the most important environmental variable that affects individuals’ work performance. This study aims to classify characteristics of transformational leadership among kindergarten principals and examine their relationship to organizational climate. Methods: Convenience sampling yielded 498 kindergarten principals who completed the “Questionnaire on the Principal’s Transformational Leadership Behavior” and “Questionnaire on Organizational Climate.” Ethics approval was obtained from the Academic Ethics Committee of (...)
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  28. The work of professing (A letter to home).Michael Schwalbe - 1995 - In C. L. Barney Dewes & Carolyn Leste Law, This Fine Place So Far From Home: Voices of Academics From the Working Class. Temple University Press. pp. 309--331.
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  29. Working it out: Values, perspectives, and autobiography.John Sumser - 1995 - In C. L. Barney Dewes & Carolyn Leste Law, This Fine Place So Far From Home: Voices of Academics From the Working Class. Temple University Press. pp. 297--308.
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    CONFESSIONS OF LOSS:: Maternal Grief in True Story, 1920- 1985.Wendy Simonds - 1988 - Gender and Society 2 (2):149-171.
    This article analyzes articles appearing in True Story from 1920 to 1985 that concern women's grief after pregnancy and child loss. They are discussed as a historical link between nineteenth-century consolation literature and current psychological and academic discussions of grief. True Story is a confession magazine marketed for working-class women, whose reproductive losses have generally been minimized or ignored by previous literary and current professional and journalistic treatments of maternal grief. Articles are examined within the constructs of confession (...)
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    Globality, Organization, Class.Samuel Weber - 2001 - Diacritics 31 (3):15-29.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diacritics 31.3 (2001) 15-29 [Access article in PDF] Globality, Organization, Class Samuel Weber 1 Although one could hardly imagine a topic more far-ranging than "Theory, Globalization, and the Remains of the University," it can be argued that it does not range far enough. Or perhaps ranges too far. For the questions suggested by this concatenation of terms cannot be limited to the fate or future of "theory" in (...)
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    Soul Projects: Class-Related Spiritual Practices in Higher Education.Linda Rosema, Daniel T. Haase, Donald Ratcliff, David P. Setran & James C. Wilhoit - 2009 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 2 (2):153-178.
    In recent years, scholars have urged those working in Christian higher education to attend more purposefully to student spiritual and character formation. Anchored by the belief that college is a formative time for the development of values, commitments, identity, and life purpose, these calls have taken many different forms. One consistent theme, however, has been the need to expand character formation beyond ethical training and moral decision-making. While such tools are necessary, these scholars note, there is also a pressing (...)
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    The Concept of Social Class Applied to the World-System.Antonio L. - 2022 - Philosophy International Journal 5 (4):1-6.
    At present, the concept of «social class» is in a pauperized cultural state, fully integrated within political channels that are unfavorable to its identification, understanding and acceptance. As it has been defined in two previous works by the present author, the concept can only be associated with territorially undelimited and specialized societies, originated in postindustrial western Europe, under a division of labor based on productive objectives rather than professional roles. The notion of «social class» is nowadays subsumed within (...)
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    Economics invents the economy: Mathematics, statistics, and models in the work of Irving Fisher and Wesley Mitchell. [REVIEW]Daniel Breslau - 2003 - Theory and Society 32 (3):379-411.
    The “embeddedness” of economic life in social relations has become a productive analytical principle and the basis of a penetrating critique of economic orthodoxy. But this critique raises another important, social and historical question, of how the economy became “disembedded” in the first place – how the multitude of transactions designated (somewhat arbitrarily) as economic were abstracted from the rest of social life and reconstituted as an object, the economy, which behaves according to its own logic. This article investigates the (...)
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    Marxism and Intersectionality: Race, Gender, Class and Sexuality under Contemporary Capitalism.Ashley J. Bohrer - 2019 - transcript Verlag.
    What does the development of a truly robust contemporary theory of domination require? Ashley J. Bohrer argues that it is only by considering all of the dimensions of race, gender, sexuality, and class within the structures of capitalism and imperialism that we can understand power relations as we find them nowadays. Bohrer explains how many of the purported incompatibilities between Marxism and intersectionality arise more from miscommunication rather than a fundamental conceptual antagonism. As the first monograph entirely devoted to (...)
  36. Liquid culture, the art of life and dancing with Tracey Emin: A feminist art historian/cultural analyst’s perspective on Bauman’s missing cultural hermeneutics.Griselda Pollock - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 156 (1):10-26.
    In this article I chart an indirect if not oblique path through my own theoretical formation as a social and feminist art historian, informed by Marxist cultural studies but deeply engaged with issues of difference and gender, to the response Zygmunt Bauman made to a book I gave him that I had reason to believe would resonate with his work. It did not. Indeed, my kind of theoretically informed visual and cultural analysis was indecipherable despite the influence of his writing (...)
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    The will to injustice. An autoethnography of learning to hear uncomfortable truths.Eevi E. Beck - 2022 - Ethics and Education 17 (2):211-229.
    ABSTRACT Activists and writers on injustice have highlighted as a structural problem that injustice is experienced differentially. What injustices of privilege lie hidden in my daily academic life? Three deeply discomforting moments relating to Class, climate, and Whiteness privilege, form the core of an account of gradually admitting to my passive acceptance of injustice in the form of privileges from which I benefit. My ignorance has perpetuated privilege despite this not being my conscious will. From this crisis, the paper (...)
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    Back to Kant: The Revival of Kantianism in German Social and Historical Thought, 1860-1914.Thomas E. Willey - 1978 - Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
    Back to Kant is a study of the rise of the neo-Kantian movement from its origins in the 1850s to its academic preeminence in the years before World War I. Thomas E. Willey describes early neo-Kantianism as a reaction of scientists and scientific philosophers against both the then discredited Hegelianism and Naturphilosophie of the preceding era and the simplistic and deterministic scientific materialism of the 1850s. "Back to Kant" was the slogan of a revolt against theories of knowledge which seemed (...)
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  39. "Draupadi" by Mahasveta Devi.Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak - 1981 - Critical Inquiry 8 (2):381-402.
    I have suggested elsewhere that, when we wander out of our own academic and First-World enclosure, we share something like a relationship with Senanayak's doublethink.2 When we speak for ourselves, we urge with conviction: the personal is also political. For the rest of the world's women, the sense of whose personal micrology is difficult for us to acquire, we fall back on a colonialist theory of most efficient information retrieval. We will not be able t speak to the women out (...)
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    Elite Girls' Schooling, Social Class and Sexualised Popular Culture.Claire Charles - 2013 - Routledge.
    Young women’s identities are an issue of public and academic interest across a number of western nations at the present time. This book explores how young women attending an elite school for girls understand and construct ‘empowerment’. It investigates the extent to which, and the ways in which, their constructions of empowerment and identity work to overturn, or resist, key regulations and normative expectations for girls in post-feminist, hyper-sexualised cultural contexts. The book provides a succinct overview of feminist theorisations of (...)
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    Debating Mobilisation, Class Struggle and the Left: A Response to a Reply.Gregor Gail - 2000 - Historical Materialism 7 (1):175-180.
    John Kelly has replied to my assessment of his Rethinking Industrial Relations published earlier in this journal in a fraternal and constructive manner. Here, I wish to undertake two tasks. The first is to assess the response of other academics and writers to his book, in terms of reviews and the use of his work by others. The second is to engage with the points he makes to take the debate further forward.
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  42. The Prescience of the Untimely: A Review of Arab Spring, Libyan Winter by Vijay Prashad. [REVIEW]Sasha Ross - 2012 - Continent 2 (3):218-223.
    continent. 2.3 (2012): 218–223 Vijay Prashad. Arab Spring, Libyan Winter . Oakland: AK Press. 2012. 271pp, pbk. $14.95 ISBN-13: 978-1849351126. Nearly a decade ago, I sat in a class entitled, quite simply, “Corporations,” taught by Vijay Prashad at Trinity College. Over the course of the semester, I was amazed at the extent of Prashad’s knowledge, and the complexity and erudition of his style. He has since authored a number of classic books that have gained recognition throughout the world. The (...)
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    Enlightenment and Political Fiction: The Everyday Intellectual.Cecilia Miller - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    ENLIGHTENMENT AND POLITICAL FICTION: -/- THE EVERYDAY INTELLECTUAL -/- (New York/London: Routledge, 2016). -/- Abstract -/- Advanced, theoretical ideas can be found in the most unlikely books. A handful of books—sometimes surprising ones—not only entertain the reader but also contribute to new ways of seeing the world. Indeed, some theorists explicitly cite literature. Adam Smith, for example, makes repeated references to Voltaire, and Marx later claims numerous literary sources, including Don Quixote. Why, though, should an historian of ideas direct sustained (...)
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    Beautiful democracy: aesthetics and anarchy in a global era.Russ Castronovo - 2007 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    The photographer and reformer Jacob Riis once wrote, “I have seen an armful of daisies keep the peace of a block better than a policeman and his club.” Riis was not alone in his belief that beauty could tame urban chaos, but are aesthetic experiences always a social good? Could aesthetics also inspire violent crime, working-class unrest, and racial murder? To answer these questions, Russ Castronovo turns to those who debated claims that art could democratize culture—civic reformers, anarchists, (...)
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  45. Doing Academia Differently: “I Needed Self-Help Less Than I Needed a Fair Society”.Laura Bisaillon, Alana Cattapan, Annelieke Driessen, Esther van Duin, Shannon Spruit, Lorena Anton & Nancy S. Jecker - 2020 - Feminist Studies 46 (1):130-157.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:130 Feminist Studies 46, no. 1. © 2020 by Feminist Studies, Inc. Laura Bisaillon, Alana Cattapan, Annelieke Driessen, Esther van Duin, Shannon Spruit, Lorena Anton, and Nancy S. Jecker Doing Academia Differently: “I Needed Self-Help Less Than I Needed a Fair Society” A great deal of harm is being done by belief in the virtuousness of work. — Bertrand Russell, “In Praise of Idleness” We are committed to doing (...)
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    Communism: The Philosophical Foundations.Antony Flew - 1991 - Philosophy 66 (257):269 - 282.
    ‘Karl Marx was a German philosopher.’ It is with this seminal sentence that Leszek Kolakowski begins his great work on The Main Currents of Marxism: its Rise, Growth and Dissolution. Both the two terms in the predicate expression are crucial. It is most illuminating to think of Marx as originally a philosopher, even though nothing in his vastly voluminous works makes any significant contribution to philosophy in any academic understanding of that term. It is also essential to recognize that for (...)
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    Removing Veils of Ignorance.Claudia Card - 1991 - Noûs 25 (2):194.
    For more than two millennia the development of philosophy in what is called the West has been the province of men who trace their intellectual heritage to men in ancient Greece. Within “the development of philosophy” I include the training of philosophers as well as publishing and preserving philosophical work in libraries. Thus I regard philosophy as a very material as well as spiritual enterprise. My focus here is on the spiritual impact, actual and potential, of recent changes in the (...)
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    Rita Gross as Teacher, Mentor, Friend.Kathleen M. Erndl - 2011 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 31:57-61.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Rita Gross as Teacher, Mentor, FriendKathleen M. ErndlI have been asked to speak about the work of Rita Gross from the point of view of someone who was once her student. Not only was I her student, I was one of her very first students. She was my first teacher of religious studies during my first semester of college in the first semester of her first full-time academic position. (...)
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    Activity Workstations in High Schools: Decreasing Sedentary Behavior Without Negatively Impacting Schoolwork.June J. Pilcher, Timothy L. Hulett, Paige S. Harrill, Jessie M. Cashman, G. Lawson Hamilton & Eva Diaz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    High school students are at risk for increased sedentary behavior due in part to a decrease in physical activity throughout adolescence and to required sedentary behavior during much of the school day. The purpose of the current study is to examine the impact of using activity workstations in a high school English class for struggling readers. Twenty high school students participated in the study. The participants completed a 16-week study where each participant used an activity workstation for 8 weeks (...)
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    The Intersection of Realist Traditions and Modern Experiences in Vincent van Gogh’s The Road Menders of 1889.Heather Shepherd - 2013 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 4 (2).
    Last summer I was given the opportunity to work closely with an extensive exhibition of Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh’s paintings at the National Gallery of Canada. I focused my research for the class on unpacking the significance of an unorthodox painting in the show entitled The Large Plane Trees, which presents Jean François Millet-inspired digging figures in a markedly diminished and experimental way. Looking to the overt spirituality of Van Gogh’s personal writings, Van Gogh’s curious obsession of copying (...)
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