Results for '*Self Esteem'

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  1. Self-esteem and competition.Pablo Gilabert - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (6):711-742.
    This paper explores the relations between self-esteem and competition. Self-esteem is a very important good and competition is a widespread phenomenon. They are commonly linked, as people often seek self-esteem through success in competition. Although competition in fact generates valuable consequences and can to some extent foster self-esteem, empirical research suggests that competition has a strong tendency to undermine self-esteem. To be sure, competition is not the source of all problematic deficits in self-esteem, and (...)
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    Self-esteem and emotional reactivity of actors and magicians: a comparative study.Wojciech Napora & Vebjørn Ekroll - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin:229-244.
    Self-esteem and emotional reactivity may be important personality determinants of human functioning in situations of social exposure. In this study, we compared the levels of these personality variables in a group of professional theater actors and a group of professional illusionists with a control group of participants who were neither actors nor illusionists and had no artistic education. We also examined the correlations between emotional reactivity and self-esteem in the three groups. For emotional reactivity, we found (1) very (...)
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    Self-Esteem: The Kindly Apocalypse.Richard Smith - 2002 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 36 (1):87-100.
    Self-esteem has become an educational shibboleth. But over-valuing it brings dangers, particularly of dishonesty, manipulation and devaluation of human relationships. Yet there is clearly something here we want to save: a gentler culture with wider possibilities of self-fulfilment. Here I try to distinguish three levels of self-esteem talk. There is the exaltation of self-esteem as the chief aim of education, the therapeutic approach to education and the recognition of self-esteem as one educational value among many. It (...)
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    Self-Esteem, Social Esteem, and Pride.Alessandro Salice - 2020 - Emotion Review 12 (3):193-205.
    This article explores self-esteem as an episodic self-conscious emotion. Episodic self-esteem is first distinguished from trait self-esteem, which is described as an enduring state related to the subject’s sense of self-worth. Episodic self-esteem is further compared with pride by claiming that the two attitudes differ in crucial respects. Importantly, episodic self-esteem—but not pride—is a function of social esteem: in episodic self-esteem, the subject evaluates herself in the same way in which others evaluate her. (...)
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  5. Epistemic self-esteem of philosophers in the face of philosophical disagreement.János Tőzsér & László Bernáth - 2020 - Human Affairs 30 (3):328-342.
    Our paper consists of four parts. In the first part, we describe the challenge of the pervasive and permanent philosophical disagreement over philosophers’ epistemic self-esteem. In the second part, we investigate the attitude of philosophers who have high epistemic self-esteem even in the face of philosophical disagreement and who believe they have well-grounded philosophical knowledge. In the third section, we focus on the attitude of philosophers who maintain a moderate level of epistemic self-esteem because they do not (...)
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    Self-esteem predicts positive affect directly and self-efficacy indirectly: a 10-year longitudinal study.Mohsen Joshanloo - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (6):1211-1217.
    Self-esteem (a positive attitude toward oneself) and self-efficacy (confidence in one's ability to perform actions that lead to desired outcomes) are predictors of affective well-being. However, there is a lack of longitudinal research on their relative importance in predicting positive and negative affect. This study sought to examine the relative strength of these 2 variables in predicting affective well-being. Data from the German Aging Survey (DEAS), collected in 4 waves between 2008 and 2017, were used. The random-intercept cross-lagged panel (...)
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    Self-Esteem, Self-Monitoring, and Temperamental Traits in Action: Who Is Involved in Humanitarian, Political, and Religious Non-profit Organizations?Dorota Kanafa-Chmielewska - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Self-esteem, self-monitoring, and temperamental traits are important factors that influence human behavior. The purpose of the present study was to compare groups involved in humanitarian (n= 61), political (n= 68), and religious (n= 54) activities in terms of intergroup differences in self-esteem, self-monitoring, and temperamental traits. There are two research questions that we sought to address: “What are the relationships between self-esteem, self-monitoring, and temperamental traits among those involved in social, religious, and humanitarian aid activities?” and “Do (...)
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  8. Self-Esteem Feelings.Ingrid Vendrell-Ferran - 2024 - In Maik Niemeck & Stefan Lang, Self and Affect: Philosophical Intersections. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
    In contrast to previous conceptualizations of episodic self-esteem as a cognitive assessment of one’s own self, recent proposals have categorized this phenomenon as an affective state. In this vein, self-esteem has been regarded as a self-conscious emotion (Salice 2020) and an existential feeling (Bortolan 2018, 2020). While concurring with these recent accounts on the affective nature of self-esteem, this chapter also argues that none of them fully captures its nature. It argues that self-esteem is better understood (...)
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    Excessive self-esteem, and the social consequences of Mandeville’s analysis: a comment on Robin Douglass’s Mandeville’s Fable.Alexandra Chadwick - 2025 - History of European Ideas 51 (1):154-156.
    This contribution to a roundtable on Robin Douglass's Mandeville's Fable: Pride, Hypocrisy and Sociability (Princeton University Press, 2023) focuses on two themes raised in the book. First, Mandeville's definition of pride as over-valuing oneself. I ask whether Mandeville seriously entertains the possibility that high self-esteem can be justified, and I consider how his position might compare with that of Hobbes. The second theme concerns Mandeville's claim that pride is the ‘hidden spring' behind all human actions. Douglass's Mandeville sees some (...)
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  10. The Relationship Between Anxiety and Self-Esteem Among Senior High School Students.Elisha Mae Batiola, Nicole Boleche, Savanah Waverly Falcis & Jhoselle Tus - 2022 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 1 (1):1-8.
    Self-esteem can influence educational success, and educational success can also be influenced by self-esteem. Hence, high self-esteem has been recognized as a key predictor of academic success in students. Thus, this study investigates the relationship between self-esteem and anxiety of senior high school students. Employing descriptive-correlational design with 194 senior high school students enrolled in private schools during the school year 2021-2022. Based on the statistical analysis, there is a correlation between self-esteem and anxiety (r.=.125).
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  11.  45
    Self-esteem and social esteem: Is Adam Smith right?Geoffrey Brennan - 2020 - Human Affairs 30 (3):302-315.
    In Part III of The Theory of Moral Sentiments, Adam Smith declares that people desire to be both esteemed and to be esteem-worthy, but that the latter desire both does and ought to take priority. The main object of this paper is to challenge that priority claim—mainly in its descriptive aspect. If that claim were true, then: agents would be at pains to eliminate any distortions in their self-evaluations; and the effects of the size (especially of total secrecy) and (...)
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  12.  50
    Envy, self-esteem, and distributive justice.Vegard Stensen - 2024 - European Journal of Political Theory 23 (3):320-339.
    Most agree that envy, or at least the malicious kind(s), should not have any role in the moral justification of distributive arrangements. This paper defends a contrary position. It argues that at the very least John Rawls, Axel Honneth and others that care about the social bases of self-esteem have good reasons to care about the levels of envy that different distributive principles reliably generate. The basic argument is that (1) envy involves a particular kind of harm to self- (...) such that excluding envy-avoidance from the more general commitment to protect self-esteem requires a justification. (2) There are no strong reasons for this exclusion. I discuss three objections to the second premise: that envy is irrational, that it is unfair to prevent and compensate for it, and that envy-avoidance is unreasonable due to the vicious or antisocial nature of envy. The response is that envy can be rational with respect to opportunities for attaining social esteem; that it is not unfair to prevent or compensate for envy that is reasonably unavoidable and relatively burdensome; and the kind of envy-avoidance I defend does not appear unreasonable if distinguished from a form of preference-satisfaction. (shrink)
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    Self-esteem and sociosexuality – differences in sexual behavior among people dating online.Kamila Kacprzak-Wachniew & Natalia Pilarska - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin:67-75.
    The present study aimed to investigate the importance of self-esteem for sociosexual orientation and to compare groups of dating online users in terms of engaging in casual sex, performed in one night stand (ONS) and friends with benefit (FWB). This issue seems particularly important in the context of psychosexual health. The exploratory study was conducted online among 416 adults who have participated in online dating. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), the revised Sociosexual Orientation Inventory (SOI-R), the author’s questionnaire, (...)
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    Situated self-esteem.Ruth Cigman - 2004 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 38 (1):91–105.
    Pervasive though it is in modern life, the concept of self‐esteem is often viewed with distrust. This paper departs from an idea that was recently aired by Richard Smith: that we might be better off without this concept. The meaning of self‐esteem is explored within four ‘homes’: the self‐help industry, social science, therapy and education. It is suggested that the first two use a ‘simple’ concept of self‐esteem that indeed we are better off without. This concept eliminates (...)
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  15. Self‐Esteem: On the Form of Self‐Worth Worth Having.Jessica Isserow - 2023 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 104 (4):686-719.
    Self‐esteem is traditionally regarded as an important human good. But it has suffered a number of injuries to its good name. Critics allege that endeavours to promote self‐esteem merely foster narcissism or entitlement, and urge that we redirect our efforts elsewhere. I argue that such criticisms are symptomatic of a normative decline in how we think and theorize about self‐esteem rather than a defect in the construct itself. After exposing the shortcomings of alternative proposals, I develop an (...)
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    (2 other versions)Reasonable Self-Esteem: A Life of Meaning.Richard Keshen - 2017 - McGill-Queen's University Press.
    In this fascinating look at the philosophy of self-esteem, Richard Keshen develops and defends the idea of reasonable self-esteem -- a concept based on an ideal of reasonableness -- and argues that individuals who think of themselves in terms of this paradigm will lead happier and more fulfilling lives. Keshen presents a set of guidelines for analysing self-esteem and examines various factors that influence our self-esteem, such as other people's evaluations, comparisons with others, social relationships, and (...)
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    Justified self-esteem.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 41 (2):247–261.
    This paper develops a thread of argument from previous contributions to this journal by Richard Smith and Ruth Cigman about the educational salience of self-esteem. It is argued—contra Smith and Cigman—that the social science conception of self-esteem does serve a useful educational function, most importantly in undermining the inflated self-help conception of self-esteem that has commonly been transposed to the educational arena. Recent findings about a lack of significant correlation between low global self-esteem and relevant educational (...)
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  18.  68
    Self‐Esteem And The Confidence To Fail.Ruth Cigman - 2001 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 35 (4):561–576.
    This paper takes a sideways look at the controversial topic of educational assessment, raising the question: what place should the success/failure distinction have in an effective and humane educational system? Though the experience of failure may undermine the self-esteem that is conducive to learning, its possibility is clearly important educationally. Instead of asking whether teachers should be truthful about children’s achievements or dishonestly promote their self-esteem, we need to recognise a certain logical indeterminacy about what young children can (...)
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  19.  13
    Self-esteem and social support in the occupational stress-subjective health relationship among medical professionals.Tadeusz Ostrowski - 2009 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 40 (1):13-19.
    Self-esteem and social support in the occupational stress-subjective health relationship among medical professionals The starting point for the presented study was the concept by House who construed social support as buffering the impact of work-related stress on health. Self-esteem was taken under consideration as the other potential stress buffer. It was hypothesized that both social support and self-esteem would have a salutogenic effect, since they attenuate the experience of occupational stress and reduce health problems associated with the (...)
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  20.  44
    Self-Esteem.Geoffrey Brennan - 2017 - In Thomas Christiano, Ingrid Creppell & Jack Knight, Morality, Governance, and Social Institutions: Reflections on Russell Hardin. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 57-83.
    The aim of this chapter is to apply the analytic apparatus developed in Brennan and Pettit for the case of social esteem to the case of self-esteem. The thought is that whereas the standard social case involves actor and observer being different persons, in the self-esteem case the actor and the observer are the same person. Attention is thereby directed to the distinctive features of the actor as an observer of her own ‘performance’ in relevant esteem (...)
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  21. Reasonable Self-Esteem.Richard Keshen - 2000 - Mind 109 (436):944-947.
    In this fascinating look at the philosophy of self-esteem, Richard Keshen develops and defends the idea of reasonable self-esteem -- a concept based on an ideal of reasonableness -- and argues that individuals who think of themselves in terms of this paradigm will lead happier and more fulfilling lives.
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    Professional values, self-esteem, and ethical confidence of baccalaureate nursing students.Trisha A. Iacobucci, Barbara J. Daly, Debbie Lindell & Mary Quinn Griffin - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (4):479-490.
    Professional identity and competent ethical behaviors of nursing students are commonly developed through curricular inclusion of professional nursing values education. Despite the enactment of this approach, nursing students continue to express difficulty in managing ethical conflicts encountered in their practice. This descriptive correlational study explores the relationships between professional nursing values, self-esteem, and ethical decision making among senior baccalaureate nursing students. A convenience sample of 47 senior nursing students from the United States were surveyed for their level of internalized (...)
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    5. Self-Esteem, Amour Propre, Pride.Simon Blackburn - 2014 - In Mirror, Mirror: The Uses and Abuses of Self-Love. Princeton University Press. pp. 79-108.
  24. Ideology, Self-Esteem, and Religious Doctrine: Toward a Socio-Psychological Understanding of the Popularity of Evangelicalism in Moderm, Capitalist America.Anton K. Jacobs - 1990 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 13 (2):122-133.
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  25. Should we enhance self-esteem?Rebecca Roache - 2007 - Philosophica 79 (1):71-91.
    The conviction that high self-esteem is beneficial both to the individual and to society in general has been pervasive both in academia and in popular culture. If it is indeed beneficial, it is a prime candidate for pharmacological enhancement. There is evidence to suggest, however, that the benefits of high self-esteem to the individual have been exaggerated; and that there are few - if any - social benefits. With this evidence in mind, I consider in what ways high (...)
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    Reasonable Self-Esteem.Richard Keshen - 1995 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Keshen presents a set of guidelines for analysing self-esteem and examines various factors that influence our self-esteem, such as other people's evaluations, comparisons with others, social relationships, and inherent qualities. He asserts that self-esteem not founded on individual achievement leads to a continual search for external supports and is easily shaken when such supports are not found. A key element of Keshen's argument is the idea of egalitarian respect, and he shows how we can integrate this idea (...)
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    Self-esteem regulation in an emotional priming task.M. J. Power & C. R. Brewin - 1990 - Cognition and Emotion 4 (1):39-51.
  28. Self-Esteem, Pride, Embarrassment, and Shyness.Anna Bortolan - 1920 - In Thomas Szanto & Hilge Landweer, The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Emotion. New York, NY: Routledge.
    Extensively investigated in the field of psychology, psychiatry, education, and social policy, self-esteem has been comparatively under-researched in philosophy. However, a number of theories and notions relevant to the understanding of self-esteem and related experiences have been put forward in both classical and contemporary phenomenology of emotion. Drawing upon this body of research, in this chapter I will present a phenomenological account of self-esteem. First, I will suggest that this is best understood as a particular kind of (...)
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    Self-esteem, readiness for self-improvement and life satisfaction in Indian and Polish female students.Małgorzata Niesiobędzka, Natasza Kosakowska-Berezecka & Anna Maria Zawadzka - 2016 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 47 (2):179-185.
    The study examines the question of how personal self-esteem, collective self-esteem and readiness for self-improvement are linked to satisfaction with life in women from countries differing with regard to level of collectivism. Our study participants were Polish and Indian female students. The obtained results indicate that personal self-esteem plays a very important role in satisfaction with life of women from the two countries. However, collective self-esteem is not directly related to satisfaction with life among women from (...)
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    Collective Self-Esteem and School Segregation in Chilean Secondary Students.Olga Cuadros, Francisco Leal-Soto, Andrés Rubio & Benjamín Sánchez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Chile has established hybrid policies for the administrative distribution of its educational establishments, leading to significant gaps in educational results and school conditions between public, mixed, and private schools. As a result, there are high levels of segregation, and social and economic vulnerability that put public schools at a disadvantage, affecting their image and causing a constant decrease in enrollment. An abbreviated version of Luhtanen and Crocker’s collective self-esteem scale was adapted and validated for the Chilean educational context because (...)
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    Defining Self-Esteem as a Relationship between Competence and Worthiness: How a Two-Factor Approach Integrates the Cognitive and Affective Dimensions of Self-Esteem.Christopher J. Mruk - 2013 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 44 (2):157-164.
    Although the importance of operational definitions is obvious while researching new areas of work, taking time to define terms, especially key ones, is also important for mature fields. The study of self-esteem, for instance, is one of the oldest themes in psychology and it is characterized by work based on at least three different definitions of selfesteem. Each one of them has given rise to a school of thought with its own body of supportive research and findings. Such situations (...)
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    Self-Esteem at University: Proposal of an Artificial Neural Network Based on Resilience, Stress, and Sociodemographic Variables.Juan Pedro Martínez-Ramón, Francisco Manuel Morales-Rodríguez, Cecilia Ruiz-Esteban & Inmaculada Méndez - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Artificial intelligence is a useful predictive tool for a wide variety of fields of knowledge. Despite this, the educational field is still an environment that lacks a variety of studies that use this type of predictive tools. In parallel, it is postulated that the levels of self-esteem in the university environment may be related to the strategies implemented to solve problems. For these reasons, the aim of this study was to analyze the levels of self-esteem presented by teaching (...)
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    Can Self-Esteem Help Teens Resist Unhealthy Influence of Materialistic Goals Promoted By Role Models?Anna Maria Zawadzka, Judyta Borchet, Magdalena Iwanowska & Aleksandra Lewandowska-Walter - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The aim of the study was to examine the role of self-esteem in resisting the influence of materialistic goals of four social role models in adolescents. Previous studies showed a negative correlation between the psychological health of teens and striving for materialistic goals, one of the main sources is the social modeling of materialism. Two studies were carried out. The first, correlational study, was conducted on target teens and their mothers, fathers, and peers of their choice. It examined if (...)
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    Self-Esteem and Happiness as Predictors of School Teachers’ Health: The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction.Paula Benevene, Maya M. Ittan & Michela Cortini - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The mediating role of self-esteem in the relationship between childhood maltreatment and god image among Turkish Muslims.Ferdi Kıraç - 2021 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 43 (3):297-316.
    Childhood maltreatment is widespread in predominantly Muslim countries. However, the research investigating the impact of childhood maltreatment on the adult survivors’ religious and spiritual lives has mainly focused on Western Judeo-Christian samples. Considering cross-cultural differences in religious beliefs, in this study, we investigated the relationship between childhood maltreatment and god image, and the mediating role of self-esteem in a sample of Muslim Turkish adults. Eight hundred two participants completed Childhood Trauma Questionnaire–Short Form, God Perception Scale, and Self-Esteem Scale. (...)
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    Social bases of self-esteem: Rawls, Honneth and beyond.Arto Laitinen - 2012 - Nordicum-Mediterraneum 7 (2).
    This paper discusses Rawls’s thesis that the social basis of self-respect is one of the primarysocial goods. While the central element of the social basis consists in the attitudes of others(e.g. respect or esteem) the social basis may include also possession of various goods. Further,one may distinguish, following Honneth, universalistic basic respect from differential esteem andfrom loving care. This paper focuses on esteem, and further distinguishes three importantvarieties thereof (anti-stigmatization; contributions to societal goods, projects of self-realization),which all (...)
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    Professional values, self-esteem, and ethical confidence of baccalaureate nursing students.T. A. Iacobucci, B. J. Daly, D. Lindell & M. Quinn Griffin - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (4):0969733012458608.
    Professional identity and competent ethical behaviors of nursing students are commonly developed through curricular inclusion of professional nursing values education. Despite the enactment of this approach, nursing students continue to express difficulty in managing ethical conflicts encountered in their practice. This descriptive correlational study explores the relationships between professional nursing values, self-esteem, and ethical decision making among senior baccalaureate nursing students. A convenience sample of 47 senior nursing students from the United States were surveyed for their level of internalized (...)
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    Self-esteem revisited: Performance on the implicit relational assessment procedure as a measure of self- versus ideal self-related cognitions in dysphoria.Jonathan Remue, Jan De Houwer, Dermot Barnes-Holmes, Marie-Anne Vanderhasselt & Rudi De Raedt - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (8):1441-1449.
  39.  50
    Self-esteem modulates automatic attentional responses to self-relevant stimuli: evidence from event-related brain potentials.Jie Chen, Qing Shui & Yiping Zhong - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  40. Fixed Intelligence Mindset, Self-Esteem, and Failure-Related Negative Emotions: A Cross-Cultural Mediation Model.Éva Gál, István Tóth-Király & Gábor Orosz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    A growing body of literature supports that fixed intelligence mindset promotes the emergence of maladaptive emotional reactions, especially when self-threat is imminent. Previous studies have confirmed that in adverse academic situations, students endorsing fixed intelligence mindset experience higher levels of negative emotions, although little is known about the mechanisms through which fixed intelligence mindset exerts its influence. Thus, the present study proposed to investigate self-esteem as a mediator of this relationship in two different cultural contexts, in Hungary and the (...)
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    Esteem and self-esteem as an interweaving polarity. Max Weber´s analysis from the Protestant ethic to the ideal-type of politician.Cristiana Senigaglia - 2020 - Human Affairs 30 (3):353-364.
    Although Max Weber does not specifically analyze the topic of esteem, his investigation of the Protestant ethic offers interesting insights into it. The change in mentality it engendered essentially contributed to enhancing the meaning and importance of esteem in modern society. In his analysis, Weber ascertains that esteem was fundamental to being accepted and integrated into the social life of congregations. Nevertheless, he also highlights that esteem was supported by a form of self-esteem which was (...)
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    Building Internal Strength, Sustainable Self-Esteem, and Inner Motivation as a Researcher.Carlos Andres Trujillo - 2007 - Journal of Research Practice 3 (1):Article M8.
    Having a “normal” professional job and doing research impose different social and personal connotations. These differences materialize at least in two clear ways. First, it is common that researchers in the making find it very difficult to communicate to their closest social network (e.g., family and old close friends) the content and the importance of their work, as they lose known sources of social comparison. Meanwhile, professional job titles (e.g., brand manager, auditor, lawyer) are self-explanatory, and they provide for the (...)
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    The Impact of Self-Esteem, Machiavellianism, and Social Capital on Attorneys' Traditional Gender Outlook.Sean Valentine & Gary Fleischman - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 43 (4):323 - 335.
    Utilizing a national sample of 106 attorneys and hierarchical regression analysis, this study identified several individual tendencies that could adversely affect women attorneys' career experiences. The findings indicated that self-esteem was negatively associated with a traditional gender outlook, and that Machiavellianism was positively associated with conservative beliefs about gender. Tolerance for diversity was negatively related to a traditional gender outlook, while work-based social agency was positively related to the preference for established gender roles. The results imply that confidence brings (...)
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  44. Self-esteem.Robert J. Yanal - 1987 - Noûs 21 (3):363-379.
  45.  93
    Self-Esteem and Problematic Smartphone Use Among Adolescents: A Moderated Mediation Model of Depression and Interpersonal Trust.Chen Li, Dong Liu & Yan Dong - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  46.  30
    Self-Esteem Mediates the Relationships Between Social Support, Subjective Well-Being, and Perceived Discrimination in Chinese People With Physical Disability.Yinyin Ji, Chandni Rana, Congying Shi & Yuan Zhong - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Self-esteem Stability Scale for Cross-Sectional Direct Assessment of Self-esteem Stability.Tobias Altmann & Marcus Roth - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  48. High self-esteem buffers negative feedback: Once more with feeling.Jonathon D. Brown - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (8):1389-1404.
  49.  3
    Self-Esteem, Risk, and Transcendence: Seamus Heaney’s Philosophical Reflections on Ethnic Identity and Poetic Revisions in the Context of Religious Thought.Mingxi Chen - 2025 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 17 (1):138-161.
    Seamus Heaney's exploration of identity politics has long been a subject of debate among scholars. While some view him as a creator of his own ethnic identity, others critique him as a fabricator of myths and idealized origins. However, the truth of Heaney’s engagement with ethnic identity is far more nuanced. His journey, evolving from a focus on communal attachment to active alienation, and ultimately to the deconstruction of binary oppositions, marks a significant shift from essentialism to pluralism. This transformation (...)
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  50. Self-Trust, Autonomy, and Self-Esteem.Trudy Govier - 1993 - Hypatia 8 (1):99 - 120.
    Self-trust is a necessary condition of personal autonomy and self-respect. Self-trust involves a positive sense of the motivations and competence of the trusted person; a willingness to depend on him or her; and an acceptance of vulnerability. It does not preclude trust in others. A person may be rightly said to have too much self-trust; however core self-trust is essential for functioning as an autonomous human being.
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