Results for 'AIDS, CD4 Count'

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  1.  1
    Translating Care for the Voiceless Patient.Leo Almazan - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (3):152-154.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Translating Care for the Voiceless PatientLeo AlmazanUndocumented immigrants do not have the luxury of having a professional interpreter by their bedside to help them navigate the complexities of their often-dire situation. Most of the time, they have to rely on the kindness of volunteers or untrained medical personnel to help them. In 2001, I was a non-clinical student in training at a level 1 trauma hospital in the Midwest. (...)
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  2. HIV exceptionalism, CD4+ cell testing, and conscientious subversion.L. A. Jansen - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (6):322-326.
    In recent years, many states in the United States have passed legislation requiring laboratories to report the names of patients with low CD4 cell counts to their state Departments of Health. This name reporting is an integral part of the growing number of “HIV Reporting and Partner Notification Laws” which have emerged in response to recently revised guidelines suggested by the National Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Name reporting for patients with low CD4 cell counts allows for a more accurate (...)
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    The AIDS Virus Dispute: Awarding Priority for the Discovery of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV.Alison Rawling - 1994 - Science, Technology and Human Values 19 (3):342-360.
    The bitter, public contest for priority over the discovery of the virus that causes AIDS was officially closed in 1987 with equal credit being awarded to two parties from opposite sides of the Atlantic. One was led by Robert C. Gallo of the Laboratory of Tumor Cell Biology at the National Cancer Institute in the United States and the other was led by Luc Montagnier of the viral-oncology unit at the Pasteur Institute in France. Using citation counts from articles published (...)
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    Linear Spatial–Numeric Associations Aid Memory for Single Numbers.John Opfer, Dan Kim, Christopher J. Young & Francesca Marciani - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Memory for numbers improves with age. One source of this improvement may be learning linear spatial-numeric associations, but previous evidence for this hypothesis likely confounded memory span with quality of numerical magnitude representations and failed to distinguish spatial-numeric mappings from other numeric abilities, such as counting or number word-cardinality mapping. To obviate the influence of memory span on numerical memory, we examined 39 3- to 5-year-olds’ ability to recall one spontaneously produced number (1-20) after a delay, and the relation between (...)
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  5. Association Between Socio-Affective Symptoms and Glutathione and CD4 and CD8 Lymphocytes in College Students.Cecilia Luz Balderas-Vazquez, Blandina Bernal-Morales, Eliud Alfredo Garcia-Montalvo, Libia Vega, Emma Virginia Herrera-Huerta, Juan Francisco Rodríguez-Landa, José Felipe Velázquez-Hernández, María del Carmen Xotlanihua-Gervacio & Olga Lidia Valenzuela - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: The prevalence of anxiety and depression in young students is associated with biosocial factors and scholastic stress. However, few studies have evaluated emotional-affective symptoms that are related to the immune system and antioxidant parameters in young individuals without diagnoses of affective disorders.Aim: This study aims to assess the relationship between emotional-affective symptoms and glutathione concentrations and CD4 and CD8 lymphocyte counts in college students.Methods: College students completed standardized psychometric instruments, including the Perceived Stress Scale, Hamilton Anxiety Scale, Beck Depression (...)
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    Improving global health: Counting reasons why.Michael J. Selgelid - 2007 - Developing World Bioethics 8 (2):115-125.
    This paper examines cumulative ethical and self-interested reasons why wealthy developed nations should be motivated to do more to improve health care in developing countries. Egalitarian and human rights reasons why wealthy nations should do more to improve global health are that doing so would (1) promote equality of opportunity, (2) improve the situation of the worst-off, (3) promote respect of the human right to have one's most basic needs met, and (4) reduce undeserved inequalities in well-being. Utilitarian reasons for (...)
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    What Should HIV/AIDS be Called in Malawi?Adamson S. Muula - 2005 - Nursing Ethics 12 (2):187-192.
    HIV/AIDS is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the southern African country of Malawi. At the largest referral health facility in Blantyre, the Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital, the majority of patients hospitalized in medical wards and up to a third of those in the maternity unit are infected with HIV. Many patients in the surgical wards also have HIV/AIDS. Health professionals in Blantyre, however, often choose not to write down the diagnosis of HIV or AIDS; rather, they prefer (...)
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    Counting the poor: An elementary difficulty in the measurement of proverty.S. Subramanian - 2002 - Economics and Philosophy 18 (2):277-285.
    This note suggests that the exercise of measuring poverty in a society is greatly aided by clarity on precisely what one means by “the extent of poverty”. The latter concept may refer to the extent of poverty normalized for population size, or to the extent of poverty not so normalized. Absence of clarity on this distinction – which is both simple and non-trivial – could lead to rather straightforward problems of coherence and consistency in the measurement of poverty.
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    Qualidade de vida em mulheres portadoras de HIV/Aids.Prisla Ücker Calvetti, Grazielly Rita Marques Giovelli, Clarissa Trevisan da Rosa, Gabriel José Chittó Gauer & João Feliz Moraes - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 38:25-38.
    O trabalho teve como objetivo investigar a qualidade de vida em mulheres portadoras de HIV/AIDS, em destaque as relações sociais e a sexualidade. Foram analisados também aspectos sociodemográficos e situação clínica (marcadores biológicos CD4+ e carga viral) de 63 mulheres entre 18 e 65 anos em uso ..
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    Hunting, the Duty to Aid, and Wild Animal Ethics.S. P. Morris - 2023 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 17 (4):422-431.
    Herein I engage with the very difficult question of whether the duty to aid (sometimes called a duty of assistance or a duty of beneficence) extends so far as to justify harming persons, perhaps even lethally, in order to protect wild animals. I argue that this question is not nearly as settled as our intuitions may suggest and that Shelly Kagan’s arguments on Defending Animals, contained in his book How to Count Animals, More or Less, provide a rich substrate (...)
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    Closing the Gaps in Pediatric HIV/AIDS Care, One Step at a Time.Lisa V. Adams, Helga Naburi, Goodluck Lyatuu, Paul Palumbo & C. Fordham von Reyn - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (2):75-78.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Closing the Gaps in Pediatric HIV/AIDS Care, One Step at a TimeLisa V. Adams, Helga Naburi, Goodluck Lyatuu, Paul Palumbo, and C. Fordham von ReynFatuma's* doctors were completely perplexed. It was 2003 and she had returned to the DARDAR clinic in her hometown of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania three times that week with vague complaints of various pains and aches. Her doctors were considering whether these symptoms were due (...)
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    In Assessing the Character and Quality of Contemporary Bioethical Discourse, “Counting Heads” May Not Be Very Helpful.Arthur Kuflik - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (9):38-39.
    Pierson et al. (2024) surveyed 824 U.S. bioethicists on a wide range of ethical issues, including topics related to abortion, medical aid in dying, and resource allocation, among others. They conte...
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    A trained communication partner’s use of responsive strategies in aided communication with three adults with Rett syndrome: A case report.Helena Wandin, Per Lindberg & Karin Sonnander - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    PurposeTo explore and describe a trained communication partner’s use of responsive strategies in dyadic interaction with adults with Rett syndrome.IntroductionResponsive partner strategies facilitate social, communicative, and linguistic development. The common feature is that the communication partner responds contingently to the other’s focus of attention and interprets their acts as communicative. Research on responsive partner strategies that involves individuals with significant communication and motor disabilities remains sparse. The same applies to if, and how, the use of communication aids impacts on the (...)
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    Beyond bean counting: Establishing high ethical standards in the public accounting profession. [REVIEW]Jeffrey R. Cohen & Laurie W. Pant - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (1):45 - 56.
    Business professions are increasingly faced with the question of how to best monitor the ethical behavior of their members. Conflicts could exist between a profession's desire to self-regulate and its accountability to the public at large. This study examines how members of one profession, public accounting, evaluate the relative effectiveness of various self-regulatory and externally imposed mechanisms for promoting a climate of high ethical behavior. Specifically, the roles of independent public accountants, regulatory and rule setting agencies, and undergraduate accounting education (...)
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    Two Thumbs Up: How Critics Aid Appreciation.Stephanie Ross - 2020 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Far from an elite practice reserved for the highly educated, criticism is all around us. We turn to the Yelp reviewers to decide what restaurants are best, to Rotten Tomatoes to guide our movie choices, and to a host of voices on social media for critiques of political candidates, beach resorts, and everything in between. Yet even amid this ever-expanding sea of opinions, professional critics still hold considerable power in guiding how we make aesthetic judgements. Philosophers and lovers of art (...)
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    Catholic Ethicists on HIV/Aids Prevention: Edited by J F Keenan SJ. Continuum, 2000, US$24.95, pp 351. ISBN 0826412300. [REVIEW]D. Bell - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (1):59-2.
    This impressive and informative book deserves a wider readership than it is likely to get. Unfortunately there are still too many people who consider they have no need to read anything about the virus as it will, to their way of thinking, never touch them. In addition there will be those who think that a volume by Catholic ethicists will be too narrow in outlook to be worthwhile. Both sets of people are mistaken: HIV is here to stay, there is (...)
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    HIV Disease Progression: Overexpression of the Ectoenzyme CD38 as a Contributory Factor?Juan C. Rodríguez-Alba, Amayrani Abrego-Peredo, Carlos Gallardo-Hernández, Jocelyn Pérez-Lara, Wendolaine Santiago-Cruz, Wei Jiang & Enrique Espinosa - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (1):1800128.
    Despite abundant evidence associating CD38 overexpression and CD4 T cell depletion in HIV infection, no causal relation has been investigated. To address this issue, a series of mechanisms are proposed, supported by evidence from different fields, by which CD38 overexpression can facilitate CD4 T cell depletion in HIV infection. According to this model, increased catalytic activity of CD38 may reduce CD4 T cells’ cytoplasmic nicotin‐amide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), leading to a chronic Warburg effect. This will reduce mitochondrial function. Simultaneously, CD38's (...)
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    Constrained Pseudo-Propositional Logic.Ahmad-Saher Azizi-Sultan - 2020 - Logica Universalis 14 (4):523-535.
    Propositional logic, with the aid of SAT solvers, has become capable of solving a range of important and complicated problems. Expanding this range, to contain additional varieties of problems, is subject to the complexity resulting from encoding counting constraints in conjunctive normal form. Due to the limitation of the expressive power of propositional logic, generally, such an encoding increases the numbers of variables and clauses excessively. This work eliminates the indicated drawback by interpolating constraint symbols and the set of natural (...)
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    Doing Away with the Agential Bias: Agency and Patiency in Health Monitoring Applications.Nils-Frederic Wagner - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 32 (1):135-154.
    Mobile health devices pose novel questions at the intersection of philosophy and technology. Many such applications not only collect sensitive data, but also aim at persuading users to change their lifestyle for the better. A major concern is that persuasion is paternalistic as it intentionally aims at changing the agent’s actions, chipping away at their autonomy. This worry roots in the philosophical conviction that perhaps the most salient feature of living autonomous lives is displayed via agency as opposed to patiency—our (...)
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    Robert Brandom.Jeremy Wanderer - 2006 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    "Robert Brandom" is one of the most significant philosophers writing today, yet paradoxically philosophers have found it difficult to get to grips with the details and implications of his work. This book aims to facilitate critical engagement with Brandom's ideas by providing an accessible overview of Brandom's project and the context for an initial assessment. Jeremy Wanderer's examination focuses on Brandom's inferentialist conception of rationality, and the core part of this conception that aims to specify the structure that a set (...)
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    Philosophy's Second Revolution: Early and Recent Analytic Philosophy, and: The Rise of Analytic Philosophy, and: Early Analytic Philosophy: Frege, Russell, Wittgenstein. Essays in Honor of Leonard Linsky (review).Charles Landesman - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (3):481-481.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Philosophy’s Second Revolution: Early and Recent Analytic Philosophy by D. S. Clarke, and: The Rise of Analytic Philosophy ed. by Hans-Johann Glock, and: Early Analytic Philosophy: Frege, Russell, Wittgenstein. Essays in Honor of Leonard Linsky by William W. TaitCharles LandesmanD. S. Clarke. Philosophy’s Second Revolution: Early and Recent Analytic Philosophy. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Company, 1997. Pp. xii + 232. Cloth, $42.95. Paper, $19.95.Hans-Johann Glock, editor. The Rise (...)
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  22. (1 other version)Towards a theory of mathematical argument.Ian J. Dove - 2009 - Foundations of Science 14 (1-2):136-152.
    In this paper, I assume, perhaps controversially, that translation into a language of formal logic is not the method by which mathematicians assess mathematical reasoning. Instead, I argue that the actual practice of analyzing, evaluating and critiquing mathematical reasoning resembles, and perhaps equates with, the practice of informal logic or argumentation theory. It doesn’t matter whether the reasoning is a full-fledged mathematical proof or merely some non-deductive mathematical justification: in either case, the methodology of assessment overlaps to a large extent (...)
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    Religiosity and Depressive Episodes among African Migrant HIV-positive: The Mediation of Subjective Health.Constance Mambet Doué & Nicolas Roussiau - 2015 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 37 (3):358-378.
    Religion and spirituality seem to be very important for HIV-positive patients believers. Indeed, a recurring number of studies show strong correlations between religiosity/spirituality of individuals and different dimensions of health. The majority of these studies show most positive associations of religiosity/spirituality to physical health through reducing emotional distress, reduced rates of depression, greater optimism, better psychological adjustment, better preservation of CD4 cells, better control of viral load. The objective of this research is to understand the nature of the relationship between (...)
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  24. The Extended Mind.Andy Clark - 2006 - Analysis 58 (1):7-19.
    In the movie, Memento, the hero, Leonard, suffers from a form of anterograde amnesia that results in an inability to lay down new memories. Nonetheless, he sets out on a quest to find his wife’s killer, aided by the use of notes, annotated polaroids, and body tattoos. Using these resources he attempts to build up a stock of new beliefs and to thus piece together the puzzle of his wife’s death. At one point in the movie, a character exasperated by (...)
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    Hooker's rule‐consequentialism, disasters, demandingness, and arbitrary distinctions.Fiona Woollard - 2022 - Ratio 35 (4):289-300.
    According to Brad Hooker's rule-consequentialism, as well as ordinary moral prohibitions against lying, stealing, killing, and harming others, the optimific code will include an over-riding “prevent disaster clause”. This paper explores two issues related to the disaster clause. The first issue is whether the disaster clause is vague—and whether this is a problem for rule-consequentialism. I argue that on Hooker's rule-consequentialism, there will be cases where it is indeterminate whether a given outcome counts as a disaster such that it is (...)
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    How and Why Seeing is Not Believing.John O. Nelson - 1984 - Philosophy Research Archives 10:117-137.
    In this paper I attempt to show, first, that doxastic theories of seeing must be rejected on at least two counts: paradoxically, they commit us on the one hand to pyrrhonic skepticism and on the other they fail to account for cases of defeasibility that a theory of perceiving ought to account for. So much for the “why”. As for the “how” I attempt to show that a non-doxastic conception of seeing can be formulated, with the aid of theoretic interpretations (...)
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    Examining the Determinants of Extra-Judicial Killings in the Philippines at the Subnational Level: the Role of Penal Populism and Vertical Accountability.Rollin F. Tusalem - 2019 - Human Rights Review 20 (1):67-101.
    Since the election of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte in 2016, extra-judicial killings have become commonplace as a result of his administration’s declaration of war on drugs. Empirical cross-national work on examining determinants behind state repression remains scant especially in understanding the phenomenon at the sub-national level. This study investigates what accounts for variations on EJKs at the level of Philippine provinces. Using monthly panel-data for 62 provinces and employing various count-model regressions, the findings indicate that Philippine provinces which have (...)
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    Knowledge Held in Common: Tales of Luther Burbank and Science in the American Vernacular.Katherine Pandora - 2001 - Isis 92 (3):484-516.
    During the first half of the twentieth century, the horticulturist Luther Burbank was largely considered an irrelevant figure by the scientific community, despite winning acclaim from the public as an eminent scientist. In examining the intellectual, social, and political claims embedded in texts by and about Burbank, this essay argues that consideration of the Burbank stories as they circulated in the vernacular realm can aid historians in understanding the dynamics of science in American life. Among the themes it addresses are (...)
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  29. The Desperation Argument for Geoengineering.Stephen Gardiner - 2013 - PS: Political Science and Politics 46 (1):28-33.
    Radical forms of geoengineering, such as stratospheric sulfate injection (SSI), raise serious concerns about justice and the plight of the most vulnerable. However, these are sometimes dismissed on the basis of a challenge: “What if, in the face of catastrophic impacts, the most vulnerable countries initiate geoengineering themselves, or beg the richer, more technically sophisticated countries to do it? Wouldn’t geoengineering then be ethically permissible? Who could refuse them?” As a US tech billionaire put it, “Frankly, the Maldives could say, (...)
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    Cartesian Aseity in the Third Meditation.Landon McBrayer - 2018 - Journal of Analytic Theology 6:217-233.
    The notion that something can exist a se is central to Descartes’s overall metaphysics of causation. In the Meditations, divine aseity plays the role of explaining not only God’s existence but ultimately the existence of everything else apart from God. Yet in the Meditations proper, as well as in the early Replies, Descartes does little to clarify exactly what his view of divine aseity is and how it might differ from the sort of aseity commonly posited by the Scholastics. Despite (...)
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    Competing Principles for Allocating Health Care Resources.Drew Carter, Jason Gordon & Amber M. Watt - 2016 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 41 (5):558-583.
    We clarify options for conceptualizing equity, or what we refer to as justice, in resource allocation. We do this by systematically differentiating, expounding, and then illustrating eight different substantive principles of justice. In doing this, we compare different meanings that can be attributed to “need” and “the capacity to benefit”. Our comparison is sharpened by two analytical tools. First, quantification helps to clarify the divergent consequences of allocations commended by competing principles. Second, a diagrammatic approach developed by economists Culyer and (...)
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    Technology and Mathematics.Sven Ove Hansson - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 33 (1):117-139.
    In spite of their practical importance, the connections between technology and mathematics have not received much scholarly attention. This article begins by outlining how the technology–mathematics relationship has developed, from the use of simple aide-mémoires for counting and arithmetic, via the use of mathematics in weaving, building and other trades, and the introduction of calculus to solve technological problems, to the modern use of computers to solve both technological and mathematical problems. Three important philosophical issues emerge from this historical résumé: (...)
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    Learning from lines: Critical COVID data visualizations and the quarantine quotidian.Shannon Mattern, Erin Simmons & Emily Bowe - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    In response to the ubiquitous graphs and maps of COVID-19, artists, designers, data scientists, and public health officials are teaming up to create counter-plots and subaltern maps of the pandemic. In this intervention, we describe the various functions served by these projects. First, they offer tutorials and tools for both dataviz practitioners and their publics to encourage critical thinking about how COVID-19 data is sourced and modeled—and to consider which subjects are not interpellated in those data sets, and why not. (...)
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    The Influence of the Debunker’s Identity and Emotional Expression on the Sharing Behavior of Debunking Information.Fan Chao, Xin Wang & Guang Yu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Owing to the proliferation of rumors on social media, it is necessary to disseminate debunking information to minimize the harm caused by them. Using content analysis, sentiment analysis, and regression analysis, this study examined the mediating role of follower count in the relationship between the debunker’s identity and sharing behavior, and it explored the relationship between the text sentiment of debunking information and sharing behavior based on data on the spread of three rumors that circulated extensively on social media. (...)
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    Don't look but think: Imaginary scenarios in Wittgenstein's later philosophy.David R. Cerbone - 1994 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 37 (2):159 – 183.
    David Bloor has claimed that Wittgenstein is best read as offering the beginnings of a sociological theory of knowledge, despite Wittgenstein's reluctance to view his work this way. This leads him to dismiss Wittgenstein's many self?characterizations as mere ?prejudice?. In doing so, however, Bloor misses the import of Wittgenstein's work as a ?grammatical investigation?. The problems inherent in Bloor's interpretative approach can be discerned in his attitude toward Wittgenstein's use of imaginary scenarios: he demands that they be replaced by real (...)
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  36. The medical model, with a human face.Justis Koon - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (12):3747-3770.
    In this paper, I defend a version of the medical model of disability, which defines disability as an enduring biological dysfunction that causes its bearer a significant degree of impairment. We should accept the medical model, I argue, because it succeeds in capturing our judgments about what conditions do and do not qualify as disabilities, because it offers a compelling explanation for what makes a condition count as a disability, and because it justifies why the federal government should spend (...)
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  37. Obligations of Nearness.Francesco Orsi - 2008 - Journal of Value Inquiry 42 (1):1-21.
    Frances Kamm argues that physical distance is per se relevant to our duty to give aid to strangers.
    Her methods, however, fail to bring into light the relevance per se of distance. To understand the claim that
    distance is per se morally relevant, it is helpful to use distinctions devised by Jonathan Dancy among
    different roles a feature may play in the explanation of moral reasons, yielding thus different senses of
    relevance. A feature can directly count in favor of an action, enable another (...)
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  38. Inter-theory Relations in Quantum Gravity: Correspondence, Reduction and Emergence.Karen Crowther - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 63:74-85.
    Relationships between current theories, and relationships between current theories and the sought theory of quantum gravity (QG), play an essential role in motivating the need for QG, aiding the search for QG, and defining what would count as QG. Correspondence is the broad class of inter-theory relationships intended to demonstrate the necessary compatibility of two theories whose domains of validity overlap, in the overlap regions. The variety of roles that correspondence plays in the search for QG are illustrated, using (...)
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  39. The Inadequacy of our Traditional Conception of the Duties Imposed by Human Rights.Elizabeth Ashford - 2006 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 19 (2).
    I argue that our traditional conception of the duties imposed by human rights is unable to acknowledge the nature of many contemporary human rights violations. The traditional conception is based on a broadly deontological view according to which human rights impose primarily negative and perfect duties, and these duties are held to be specific prohibitions on certain kinds of actions . I argue that given this conception of the nature of the duties imposed by human rights, not only claims to (...)
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    The Philosophies of America Reader: From the Popol Vuh to the Present ed. by Kim Díaz and Mathew A. Foust (review).Bernardo R. Vargas - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (2):1-4.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Philosophies of America Reader: From the Popol Vuh to the Present ed. by Kim Díaz and Mathew A. FoustBernardo R. Vargas (bio)The Philosophies of America Reader: From the Popol Vuh to the Present. Edited by Kim Díaz and Mathew A. Foust. New York: Bloomsbury, 2021. Pp. 480. Paperback $46.75, isbn 978-1-4742-9626-7.Philosophy in the United States continues to be among the least diverse disciplines in the humanities, dominated (...)
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    Battlefield Triage.Christopher Bobier & Daniel Hurst - 2024 - Voices in Bioethics 10.
    Photo ID 222412412 © US Navy Medicine | ABSTRACT In a non-military setting, the answer is clear: it would be unethical to treat someone based on non-medical considerations such as nationality. We argue that Battlefield Triage is a moral tragedy, meaning that it is a situation in which there is no morally blameless decision and that the demands of justice cannot be satisfied. INTRODUCTION Medical resources in an austere environment without quick recourse for resupply or casualty evacuation are often (...)
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    “Not all Differences are Created Equal”: Multiple Jeopardy in a Gendered Organization.Jane Ward - 2004 - Gender and Society 18 (1):82-102.
    The dictate in feminist intersectional theory to not “count oppressions” is difficult to reconcile with the experience of many lesbians of color that “not all differences are created equal” inside social movement organizations. Meso-level factors, such as organizational structure and sociopolitical environment, may result in the perception of individuals or groups that one form of structural inequality is more oppressive than others. The author focuses on the experiences of lesbian staff and clients at Bienestar, a large Latino health organization (...)
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    Care of the terminal patient: Are we on the same page?Lauren Wancata - 2015 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 5 (1):28-30.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Care of the terminal patient:Are we on the same page?Lauren WancataIn surgical training a “service” or care team consists of sick patients admitted to the hospital and the medical team caring for the patient. Each service consists of an attending physician, a chief resident, a senior resident and junior residents structured as a hierarchy. The chief was gone for the week. As a senior trainee I would be the (...)
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    Interpretation in Legal Theory.Andrei Marmor (ed.) - 1990 - Hart Publishing.
    Chapter 1: An Introduction: The ‘Semantic Sting’ Argument Describes Dworkin’s theory as concerning the conditions of legal validity. “A legal system is a system of norms. Validity is a logical property of norms in a way akin to that in which truth is a logical property of propositions. A statement about the law is true if and only if the norm it purports to describe is a valid legal norm…It follows that there must be certain conditions which render certain norms, (...)
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    The Purchased Patient Advocate.Carl Elliott - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (2):40-41.
    Thirty years ago, the only people drug companies thought worth buying were doctors and politicians. But the ground began to shift in the 1980s, when HIV/aids activists showed everyone how powerful patient advocates could be. It didn't hurt that many advocates were so strapped for money that they could be purchased at bargain prices. Today over 80 percent of patient advocacy groups accept money from the pharmaceutical industry, and the testimony of marginalized patients carries such cultural power that drug companies (...)
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    Naming as History: Dickinson's Poems of Definition.Sharon Cameron - 1978 - Critical Inquiry 5 (2):223-251.
    For Emily Dickinson, perhaps no more so than for the rest of us, there was a powerful discrepancy between what was "inner than the Bone"1 and what could be acknowledged. To the extent that her poems are a response to that discrepancy—are, on one hand, a defiant attempt to deny that the discrepancy poses a problem and, on the other, an admission of defeat at the problem's enormity—they have much to teach us about the way in which language articulates our (...)
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  47. (1 other version)David Lewis and the Kangaroo: Graphing philosophical progress.Benj Hellie - 2017 - In Russell Blackford & Damien Broderick (eds.), Philosophy's Future: The Problem of Philosophical Progress. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 213–225.
    Data-driven historiography of philosophy looks to objective modeling tools for illumination of the propagation of influence. While the system of David Lewis, the most influential philosopher of our time, raises historiographic puzzles to stymie conventional analytic methods, it proves amenable to data-driven analysis. A striking result is that Lewis only becomes the metaphysician of current legend following the midpoint of his career: his initial project is to frame a descriptive science of mind and meaning; the transition to metaphysics is a (...)
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    Justice and the Just War Tradition: Human Worth, Moral Formation, and Armed Conflict.Christopher J. Eberle - 2016 - Routledge.
    _Justice and the Just War Tradition_ articulates a distinctive understanding of the reasons that can justify war, of the reasons that cannot justify war, and of the role that those reasons should play in the motivational and attitudinal lives of the citizens, soldiers, and statesmen who participate in war. Eberle does so by relying on a robust conception of human worth, rights, and justice. He locates this theoretical account squarely in the Just War Tradition. But his account is not merely (...)
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  49. (1 other version)Making Room for Options: Moral Reasons, Imperfect Duties, and Choice: Patricia Greenspan.Patricia Greenspan - 2010 - Social Philosophy and Policy 27 (2):181–205.
    An imperfect duty such as the duty to aid those in need is supposed to leave leeway for choice as to how to satisfy it, but if our reason for a certain way of satisfying it is our strongest, that leeway would seem to be eliminated. This paper defends a conception of practical reasons designed to preserve it, without slighting the binding force of moral requirements, though it allows us to discount certain moral reasons. Only reasons that offer criticism of (...)
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  50. Foundations for a Realist Ontology of Mental Disease.Werner Ceusters & Barry Smith - 2010 - Journal of Biomedical Semantics 1 (10):1-23.
    While classifications of mental disorders have existed for over one hundred years, it still remains unspecified what terms such as 'mental disorder', 'disease' and 'illness' might actually denote. While ontologies have been called in aid to address this shortfall since the GALEN project of the early 1990s, most attempts thus far have sought to provide a formal description of the structure of some pre-existing terminology or classification, rather than of the corresponding structures and processes on the side of the patient. (...)
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