Results for 'Aaron Jensen'

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  1.  11
    Life Trajectories Through the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Repeated Measures Diary Survey Dataset From 2020-2021.Eric Allen Jensen, Axel Pfleger, Lars Lorenz, Aaron Michael Jensen, Brady Wagoner, Meike Watzlawik & Lisa Herbig - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    A strengthening of Jensen's □ principles.Aaron Beller & Ami Litman - 1980 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 45 (2):251-264.
    The aim of this paper is to prove strengthenings of three theorems appearing in Jensen [1].
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    Trying to make race science the “civil” science: charisma in the race and intelligence debates.Kushan Dasgupta, Aaron Panofsky & Nicole Iturriaga - 2022 - Theory and Society 51 (4):595-627.
    When studying science contexts, scholars typically position charismatic authority as an adjunct or something that provides a meaning-laden boost to rational authority. In this paper, we re-theorize these relationships. We re-center charismatic authority as an interpretive resource that allows scientists and onlookers to recast a professional conflict in terms of a public drama. In this mode, both professionals and lay enthusiasts portray involvement in the scientific process as a story of suppression and persecution, in which only a few remarkable figures (...)
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  4. Filosofi og dekonstruktion.Esbern Krause-Jensen - 1980 - In Filosofi, politik og psykoanalyse: Jacques Derrida. Kongerslev: GMT.
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  5. Does Universalism Entail Extensionalism?Aaron Cotnoir - 2016 - Noûs 50 (1):121-132.
    Does a commitment to mereological universalism automatically bring along a commitment to the controversial doctrine of mereological extensionalism—the view that objects with the same proper parts are identical? A recent argument suggests the answer is ‘yes’. This paper attempts a systematic response to the argument, considering nearly every available line of reply. It argues that only one approach—the mutual parts view—can yield a viable mereology where universalism does not entail extensionalism.
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  6. Mere Exposure to Bad Art.Aaron Meskin, Mark Phelan, Margaret Moore & Matthew Kieran - 2009 - British Journal of Aesthetics 53 (2):139-164.
  7.  37
    Representing the agent through second-order states.David A. Jensen - 2013 - Philosophical Psychology 26 (1):69 - 88.
    Some recent views of action have claimed that a correct conceptual account of action must include second-order motivational states. This follows from the fact that first-order motivational states such as desires account for action or mere behavior in which the agent's participation is lacking; thus, first-order motivational states cannot by themselves account for action in which the agent participates, so-called full-blooded action. I argue that representing the agent's participation by means of second-order states is bound to fail because it misrepresents (...)
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    Shadow of Virtue: On a Painful if not Principled Compromise Inherent in Business Ethics.Kipton E. Jensen - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (1):99-107.
    From a certain philosophical perspective, one that is at least as old as Plato but which is addressed also by Aristotle and Kant, business ethics – to the extent that it is marketed as form of enlightened self-interest — constitutes a Thrasymachean compromise: to argue that it is to our advantage to conduct business ethically, perhaps even advantageous to the bottom-line, comes curiously close to endorsing what Plato called the 'shadow of virtue' — i.e., of becoming temperate for the sake (...)
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  9. Validity for Strong Pluralists.Aaron J. Cotnoir - 2013 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 86 (3):563-579.
  10. Uncertainty Without All the Doubt.Aaron Norby - 2015 - Mind and Language 30 (1):70-94.
    I investigate whether degreed beliefs are able to play the predictive, explanatory, and modeling roles that they are frequently taken to play. The investigation focuses on evidence—both from sources familiar in epistemology as well as recent work in behavioral economics and cognitive psychology—of variability in agents' apparent degrees of belief. Although such variability has been noticed before, there has been little philosophical discussion of its breadth or of the psychological mechanisms underlying it. Once these are appreciated, the inadequacy of degrees (...)
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    Ethnomedical Specialists and their Supernatural Theories of Disease.Aaron D. Lightner, Cynthiann Heckelsmiller & Edward H. Hagen - 2023 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 14 (2):611-646.
    Religious healing specialists such as shamans often use magic. Evolutionary theories that seek to explain why laypersons find these specialists convincing focus on the origins of magical cognition and belief in the supernatural. In two studies, we reframe the problem by investigating relationships among ethnomedical specialists, who possess extensive theories of disease that can often appear “supernatural,” and religious healing specialists. In study 1, we coded and analyzed cross-cultural descriptions of ethnomedical specialists in 47 cultures, finding 24% were also religious (...)
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    The Fact of Unreasonable Pluralism.Aaron Ancell - 2019 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 5 (4):410-428.
    Proponents of political liberalism standardly assume that the citizens of an ideal liberal society would be overwhelmingly reasonable. I argue that this assumption violates political liberalism's own constraints of realism—constraints that are necessary to frame the central problem that political liberalism aims to solve, that is, the problem of reasonable pluralism. To be consistent with these constraints, political liberalism must recognize that, as with reasonable pluralism, widespread support for unreasonable moral and political views is an inevitable feature of any liberal (...)
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  13.  18
    Criminal Law and the Internal Logic of Punishmen.Katrine Krause-Jensen - 2015 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 5 (1).
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    Anti-reflexivity.Aaron M. McCright & Riley E. Dunlap - 2010 - Theory, Culture and Society 27 (2-3):100-133.
    The American conservative movement is a force of anti-reflexivity insofar as it attacks two key elements of reflexive modernization: the environmental movement and environmental impact science. Learning from its mistakes in overtly attacking environmental regulations in the early 1980s, this counter-movement has subsequently exercised a more subtle form of power characterized by non-decision-making. We examine the conservative movement’s efforts to undermine climate science and policy in the USA over the last two decades by using this second dimension of power. The (...)
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  15. Half-Hearted Humeanism.Aaron Segal - 2015 - Oxford Studies in Metaphysics 9:262-305.
    Many contemporary philosophers endorse the Humean-Lewisian Denial of Absolutely Necessary Connections (‘DANC’). Among those philosophers, many deny all or part of the Humean-Lewisian package of views about causation and laws. I argue that they maintain an inconsistent set of views. DANC entails that (1) causal properties and relations are, with a few possible exceptions, always extrinsic to their bearers, (2) nomic properties and relations are, with a few possible exceptions, always extrinsic to their bearers, and (3) causal and nomic properties (...)
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  16. Against Fragmentation.Aaron Norby - 2014 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):30-38.
    I criticize the idea that theories of ‘fragmented’ or ‘compartmentalized’ belief (as found in, e.g., Lewis 1982, Egan 2008) can help to account for the puzzling phenomena they are often taken to account for. After introducing fragmentationalism and a paradigm case that purportedly motivates it, I criticize the view primarily on the grounds that the models and explanations it offers are at best trivial—as witnessed by examples of over-generation—and should be seen as merely re-describing in figurative terms the phenomena it (...)
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    Policy, research design and the socially situated researcher.Kari B. Jensen & Amy K. Glasmeier - 2010 - In Dydia DeLyser (ed.), The SAGE handbook of qualitative geography. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE. pp. 82--93.
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    The Relational Potential Standard: Rethinking the Ethical Justification for Life‐Sustaining Treatment for Children with Profound Cognitive Disabilities.Aaron Wightman, Jennifer Kett, Georgina Campelia & Benjamin S. Wilfond - 2019 - Hastings Center Report 49 (3):18-25.
    Caregivers should usually accede to parents’ requests for life-sustaining treatment. For such decision-making, the best interests standard is too limited. John Arras’s “relational potential standard,” con-joined to a contemporary care ethics framework, provides a better guide.
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  19. Humor.Aaron Smuts - 2006 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    According to the standard analysis, humor theories can be classified into three neatly identifiable groups:incongruity, superiority, and relief theories. Incongruity theory is the leading approach and includes historical figures such as Immanuel Kant, Søren Kierkegaard, and perhaps has its origins in comments made by Aristotle in the Rhetoric. Primarily focusing on the object of humor, this school sees humor as a response to an incongruity, a term broadly used to include ambiguity, logical impossibility, irrelevance, and inappropriateness. The paradigmatic Superiority theorist (...)
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  20. The Salacious and the Satirical: In Defense of Symmetric Comic Moralism.Aaron Smuts - 2013 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 47 (4):45-62.
    A common view holds that humor and morality are antithetical: Moral flaws enhance amusement, and moral virtues detract. I reject both of these claims. If we distinguish between merely outrageous jokes and immoral jokes, the problems with the common view become apparent. What we find is that genuine morals flaws tend to inhibit amusement. Further, by looking at satire, we can see that moral virtues sometimes enhance amusement. The position I defend is called symmetric comic moralism. It is widely regarded (...)
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  21. Persons in 20th and 21st Century Anglophone Philosophy.Aaron Preston - 2019 - In Antonia LoLordo (ed.), Persons: a history of the concept. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter surveys the respective influences of Personalism and of analytic philosophy on twentieth-century thought about persons. It shows that personalism promoted a concept of personhood that is supportive of human dignity and conducive to positive moral and social engagement, as exemplified in Personalism’s best-known representative, Martin Luther King, Jr. By contrast, the analytic tradition has exhibited a persistent tendency to undermine personhood as King and the Personalists understood it, while failing to supply a metaphysically and morally adequate alternative. This (...)
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  22. Non-rational behaviour, value conflicts, stakeholder theory, and firm behaviour.M. C. Jensen - 2008 - Business Ethics Quarterly 18 (2):167-171.
  23.  30
    Across May ‘68 Reading Friendships in Jacques Derrida’s Dissemination and Glas.Aaron Matthews - unknown
    This thesis, titled ‘Across May ’68; Reading friendships in Jacques Derrida’s Dissemination and Glas’, challenges the claims of a ‘political turn’ occurring for only the first time in Jacques Derrida’s writings in the 1980s, with many citing his ordeal in Prague in 1981 as catalysing this turn. While his writings may be thought to become more explicit in the 1980s and 1990s—a turbulent decade that indeed encompassed polemics against and, even within, the coterie of Deconstruction, over the Paul de Man (...)
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  24. Whatever Happened to Hell and Going to Heaven: Why Churches Promoting “Going to Heaven” Are Soon to Disappear (9/11/2121).Aaron Milavec - manuscript
    In my first year at the Graduate Theological Union (Berkeley); I was required to read Oscar Cullmann's <b> Immortality of the Soul or the Resurrection of the Dead? </b> (1956). I was shocked and dumbfounded by what I discovered. Giving my religious instruction under the guidance of the Ursuline nuns at Holy Cross Grade School, it never entered my mind that Jesus did not believe that every person had an immortal soul that survived the death of the body. After a (...)
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    Researcher Perspectives on Conflicts of Interest: A Qualitative Analysis of Views from Academia.Jensen T. Mecca, Carter Gibson, Vincent Giorgini, Kelsey E. Medeiros, Michael D. Mumford & Shane Connelly - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (4):843-855.
    The increasing interconnectedness of academic research and external industry has left research vulnerable to conflicts of interest. These conflicts have the potential to undermine the integrity of scientific research as well as to threaten public trust in scientific findings. The present effort sought to identify themes in the perspectives of faculty researchers regarding conflicts of interest. Think-aloud interview responses were qualitatively analyzed in an effort to provide insights with regard to appropriate ways to address the threat of conflicts of interest (...)
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    Locke's Externalism about 'Sensitive Knowledge'.Aaron Bruce Wilson - 2014 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 22 (3):425-445.
    Locke characterizes sensitive knowledge as knowledge of the existence of external objects present to the senses, and in terms of an ‘assurance’ that falls short of the certainty of intuition and demonstration. But it is unclear how this fits with his general definition of knowledge, as the perception of the agreement or disagreement of ideas, and it is unclear how that assurance can amount to knowledge, rather than amounting to mere probability (which he contrasts with knowledge). Some contend that Locke (...)
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  27.  40
    The nature of the black–white difference on various psychometric tests: Spearman's hypothesis.Arthur R. Jensen - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (2):193-219.
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    Jacob Stegenga, "Medical Nihilism." Reviewed by.Aaron Landry - 2019 - Philosophy in Review 39 (3):153-155.
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    Mridu Rai, hindu rulers, muslim subjects: Islam, rights, and the history of kashmir.Aaron Peron Ogletree - 2006 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 10 (1):119-120.
  30. Astral guts: the nemocentric self in Byron and Brassier.Aaron Ottinger - 2019 - In Chris Washington & Anne C. McCarthy (eds.), Romanticism and speculative realism. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Shamanism and efficacious exceptionalism.Aaron D. Blackwell & Benjamin Grant Purzycki - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
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    Parental Decision Making and the Limitations of the Equivalence Thesis.Aaron Wightman & Douglas Diekema - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (3):43-45.
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    Spontaneous recovery interval as a factor in reacquisition of T maze behavior.John W. Cotton, Glen D. Jensen & Donald J. Lewis - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (6):555.
  34.  29
    The black–white difference in g: A phenomenon in search of a theory.Arthur R. Jensen - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (2):246-263.
  35.  81
    Altricial self-organising information-processing systems ∗.Aaron Sloman - unknown
    It is often thought that there is one key design principle or at best a small set of design principles, underlying the success of biological organisms. Candidates include neural nets, ‘swarm intelligence’, evolutionary computation, dynamical systems, particular types of architecture or use of a powerful uniform learning mechanism, e.g. reinforcement learning. All of those support types of self-organising, self-modifying behaviours. But we are nowhere near understanding the full variety of powerful information-processing principles ‘discovered’ by evolution. By attending closely to the (...)
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    An Antinomy Between Regulative Principles: An Aporetic Resolution to the Antinomy of Teleological Judgment.Aaron Halper - 2019 - Kant Studien 110 (2):211-235.
    The antinomy of teleological judgment has increasingly been understood as a conflict between regulative principles. But it is not clear why regulative principles can be in conflict at all, since Kant otherwise takes the realization that two conflicting principles are regulative to be sufficient to resolve an antinomy. I argue that in Kant’s view regulative principles do not conflict with one another only if they are reducible to reason’s interest in systematicity. Given that the principles of this antinomy do conflict, (...)
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    Smooth categories and global □.Ronald B. Jensen & Martin Zeman - 2000 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 102 (1-2):101-138.
    We shall construct a smooth category of mice and embeddings in the core model for measures of order 0. The existence of such a category implies that the global principle □ holds in K. We then prove a much stronger, the so-called condensation-coherent version of global □. The key tool of the whole construction is a new criterion on preserving soundness under condensation.
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    Spinoza on Learning to Live Together, by Susan James.Aaron Garrett - 2023 - Mind 132 (525):288-295.
    Spinoza on Learning to Live Together is a collection of nine of Susan James’ previously published papers alongside four more essays published for the first time.
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    The Ritual-Less Jew: Jewish Studies between the Universal and the Particular.Aaron W. Hughes - 2022 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 30 (1):172-188.
    This article uses Kalman P. Bland’s The Artless Jew as a way to think about the recent history of the study of Judaism. The discipline’s preoccupation with disembodied texts has led to a way to conceptualize and situate Jews and Judaism that leaves certain blind spots and lacunae within our dominant narratives. To illumine some of these, the article focuses on ritual and what we can learn about the study of ritual in Judaism – and the study of Judaism more (...)
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    Assessing attitudes towards medical assisted dying in Canadian family medicine residents: a cross-sectional study.Aaron Wong, Amy T. Hsu & Peter Tanuseputro - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-8.
    Background Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada came into effect in 2016 with the passing of Bill C-14. As patient interest and requests for MAID continue to evolve in Canada, it is important to understand the attitudes of future providers and the factors that may influence their participation. Attitudes towards physician hastened death in general and the specific provision of MAID are unknown among Canadian residents. This study examined residents’ attitudes towards PHD and MAID, and identified factors that may influence (...)
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  41. Prolegomena to any future history of analytic philosophy.Aaron Preston - 2004 - Metaphilosophy 35 (4):445-465.
    The careful historical and metaphilosophical attention recently bestowed upon analytic philosophy has revealed that traditional ways of defining it are inadequate. In the face of this inadequacy, contemporary authors have proposed new definitions that detach analytic philosophy from its turn of the twentieth century origins. I argue that this contemporary trend in defining analytic philosophy is misguided, and that it diminishes the likelihood of our coming to an accurate historical and metaphilosophical understanding of it. This is especially unsatisfactory since such (...)
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  42. Does the Bible require that marriage be limited to one man and one woman? Four Case Studies: November, 2019.Aaron Milavec - forthcoming - Current Research: Gender Theologies.
    The four case studies below were designed as a workshop in a research setting. They could also be used as a lesson plan for college students. The material is divided into four case studies. One can use any of the case studies independently. One can change the order in which the case studies are used. If you want to share with me how you plan to use these case studies, communicate to me at [email protected] • Case 1: Does the Bible (...)
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    Absolute Suffering, Loyalty, and Morality: On the Development of Royce’s Religious Philosophy.Aaron Pratt Shepherd - 2018 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 39 (2):33-45.
    The philosophical career of Josiah Royce is defined in part by his relationship with G. H. Howison. Biographically speaking, this assertion recalls the mythic tale of how Royce received his appointment at Harvard after James “forgot” about Howison.2 Philosophically speaking, however, Howison’s interchange with Royce concerning his philosophical conception of God in the 1895 debate held at Berkeley was a crucial intersection of these two philosophers that set the directions for their future work. It was a chance for Howison to (...)
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    Sovereignty and Grand Strategy: Some Observations on the Rise of China and Decline of the Americans.Aaron Zack - 2017 - Télos 2017 (181):113-129.
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    Loyalty, Betrayal, and Atonement: A Philosophy of Moral Injury.Aaron Pratt Shepherd - 2022 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 57 (4):511-533.
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    Critical notices.R. I. Aaron - 1930 - Mind 39 (156):86-92.
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  47. Locke and Berkeley's commonplace book.R. I. Aaron - 1931 - Mind 40 (160):439-459.
  48. Our Knowledge of Universals Annual Philosophical Lecture, Henriette Hertz Trust, British Academy, 1945.Richard I. Aaron - 1945
  49.  11
    Combinatorial Bounds in Distal Structures.Aaron Anderson - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-29.
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    Thomas Hobbes: an English philosopher in the age of reason.Aaron Rosenberg - 2005 - New York: Rosen Pub. Group.
    Highlights the life and accomplishments of English philosopher, scholar, mathematician, and teacher Thomas Hobbes.
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