Results for 'Action sentence processing'

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  1.  32
    Time-Course of Motor Involvement in Literal and Metaphoric Action Sentence Processing: A TMS Study.Megan Reilly, Olivia Howerton & Rutvik H. Desai - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    A Computational Evaluation of Sentence Processing Deficits in Aphasia.Umesh Patil, Sandra Hanne, Frank Burchert, Ria De Bleser & Shravan Vasishth - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (1):5-50.
    Individuals with agrammatic Broca's aphasia experience difficulty when processing reversible non-canonical sentences. Different accounts have been proposed to explain this phenomenon. The Trace Deletion account attributes this deficit to an impairment in syntactic representations, whereas others propose that the underlying structural representations are unimpaired, but sentence comprehension is affected by processing deficits, such as slow lexical activation, reduction in memory resources, slowed processing and/or intermittent deficiency, among others. We test the claims of two processing accounts, (...)
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    The ActionSentence Compatibility Effect: It's All in the Timing.Kristin L. Borreggine & Michael P. Kaschak - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (6):1097-1112.
    When participants are asked to make sensibility judgments on sentences that describe action toward the body (i.e., “Mark dealt the cards to you”) or away from the body (i.e., “You dealt the cards to Mark”), they are faster to respond when the response requires an arm movement in the same direction as the action described by the sentence. This congruence effect is known as the ActionSentence Compatibility Effect (ACE). This study reports 4 experiments that extend (...)
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  4.  21
    Explicit (Not Implicit) Attitudes Mediate the Focus of Attention During Sentence Processing.Oleksandr V. Horchak & Margarida Vaz Garrido - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Many studies showed that comprehenders monitor changes in protagonists’ emotions and actions. This article reports two experiments that explored how focusing comprehenders’ attention on a particular property of the protagonist dimension affects the accessibility of information about target objects mentioned in the sentence. Furthermore, the present research examined whether participants’ attitudes toward the issues described in the sentence can modulate comprehension processes. To this end, we asked participants to read sentences about environmental issues that focused comprehenders’ attention on (...)
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    Spatial and Motor Aspects in the “Action-Sentence Compatibility Effect”.Alberto Greco - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The Action-sentence Compatibility Effect is often taken as supporting the fundamental role of the motor system in understanding sentences that describe actions. This effect would be related to an internal “simulation,” i.e., the reactivation of past perceptual and motor experiences. However, it is not easy to establish whether this simulation predominantly involves spatial imagery or motor anticipation. In the classical ACE experiments, where a real motor response is required, the direction and motor representations are mixed. In order to (...)
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    Action verbs are processed differently in metaphorical and literal sentences depending on the semantic match of visual primes.Melissa Troyer, Lauren B. Curley, Luke E. Miller, Ayse P. Saygin & Benjamin K. Bergen - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  7.  80
    Impulse Processing: A Dynamical Systems Model of Incremental Eye Movements in the Visual World Paradigm.Anuenue Kukona & Whitney Tabor - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (6):1009-1051.
    The Visual World Paradigm (VWP) presents listeners with a challenging problem: They must integrate two disparate signals, the spoken language and the visual context, in support of action (e.g., complex movements of the eyes across a scene). We present Impulse Processing, a dynamical systems approach to incremental eye movements in the visual world that suggests a framework for integrating language, vision, and action generally. Our approach assumes that impulses driven by the language and the visual context impinge (...)
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    Embodied Simulations Are Modulated by Sentential Perspective.O. Dam Wessel & H. Desai Rutvik - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (6):1613-1628.
    There is considerable evidence that language comprehenders derive lexical-semantic meaning by mentally simulating perceptual and motor attributes of described events. However, the nature of these simulations—including the level of detail that is incorporated and contexts under which simulations occur—is not well understood. Here, we examine the effects of first- versus third-person perspective on mental simulations during sentence comprehension. First-person sentences describing physical transfer towards or away from the body modulated response latencies when responses were made along a front-back axis, (...)
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    Embodied Simulations Are Modulated by Sentential Perspective.O. van Dam Wessel & H. Desai Rutvik - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (6):1613-1628.
    There is considerable evidence that language comprehenders derive lexical‐semantic meaning by mentally simulating perceptual and motor attributes of described events. However, the nature of these simulations—including the level of detail that is incorporated and contexts under which simulations occur—is not well understood. Here, we examine the effects of first‐ versus third‐person perspective on mental simulations during sentence comprehension. First‐person sentences describing physical transfer towards or away from the body (e.g., “You threw the microphone,” “You caught the microphone”) modulated response (...)
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    The Cognitive Dynamics of Negated Sentence Verification.Rick Dale & Nicholas D. Duran - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (5):983-996.
    We explored the influence of negation on cognitive dynamics, measured using mouse‐movement trajectories, to test the classic notion that negation acts as an operator on linguistic processing. In three experiments, participants verified the truth or falsity of simple statements, and we tracked the computer‐mouse trajectories of their responses. Sentences expressing these facts sometimes contained a negation. Such negated statements could be true (e.g., “elephants are not small”) or false (e.g., “elephants are not large”). In the first experiment, as predicted (...)
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  11.  27
    Draw a Star and Make it Perfect: Incremental Processing of Telicity.Francesca Foppolo, Jasmijn E. Bosch, Ciro Greco, Maria N. Carminati & Francesca Panzeri - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (10):e13052.
    Predicates like “coloring‐the‐star” denote events that have a temporal duration and a culmination point (telos). When combined with perfective aspect (e.g., “Valeria has colored the star”), a culmination inference arises implying that the action has stopped, and the star is fully colored. While the perfective aspect is known to constrain the conceptualization of the event as telic, many reading studies have demonstrated that readers do not make early commitments as to whether the event is bounded or unbounded. A few (...)
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  12.  11
    The Study of Speech Processes: Addressing the Writing Bias in Language Science.Victor J. Boucher - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    There has been a longstanding bias in the study of spoken language towards using writing to analyse speech. This approach is problematic in that it assumes language to be derived from an autonomous mental capacity to assemble words into sentences, while failing to acknowledge culture-specific ideas linked to writing. Words and sentences are writing constructs that hardly capture the sound-making actions involved in spoken language. This book brings to light research that has long revealed structures present in all languages but (...)
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    “Pushing the Button While Pushing the Argument”: Motor Priming of Abstract Action Language.Franziska Schaller, Sabine Weiss & Horst M. Müller - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (5):1328-1349.
    In a behavioral study we analyzed the influence of visual action primes on abstract action sentence processing. We thereby aimed at investigating mental motor involvement during processes of meaning constitution of action verbs in abstract contexts. In the first experiment, participants executed either congruous or incongruous movements parallel to a video prime. In the second experiment, we added a no-movement condition. After the execution of the movement, participants rendered a sensibility judgment on action (...) targets. It was expected that congruous movements would facilitate both concrete and abstract action sentence comprehension in comparison to the incongruous and the no-movement condition. Results in Experiment 1 showed a concreteness effect but no effect of motor priming. Experiment 2 revealed a concreteness effect as well as an interaction effect of the sentence and the movement condition. The findings indicate an involvement of motor processes in abstract action language processing on a behavioral level. (shrink)
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    The federal sentencing guidelines for organizations: A framework for ethical compliance. [REVIEW]O. C. Ferrell, Debbie Thorne LeClair & Linda Ferrell - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (4):353-363.
    After years of debate over the importance of ethical conduct in organizations, the federal government has decided to institutionalize ethics as a buffer to prevent legal violations in organizations. The key requirements of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines (FSG) are outlined, and suggested actions managers should adopt to improve ethical compliance are presented. An effective compliance program is more a process and commitment than a specific blueprint for conduct. The organization has the responsibility to create an organizational climate to reduce misconduct. (...)
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  15.  45
    Moral competence, moral teamwork and moral action - the European Moral Case Deliberation Outcomes (Euro-MCD) Instrument 2.0 and its revision process. [REVIEW]J. C. de Snoo-Trimp, H. C. W. de Vet, G. A. M. Widdershoven, A. C. Molewijk & M. Svantesson - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-18.
    BackgroundClinical Ethics Support (CES) services are offered to support healthcare professionals in dealing with ethically difficult situations. Evaluation of CES is important to understand if it is indeed a supportive service in order to inform and improve future implementation of CES. Yet, methods to measure outcomes of CES are scarce. In 2014, the European Moral Case Deliberation Outcomes Instrument (Euro-MCD) was developed to measure outcomes of Moral Case Deliberation (MCD). To further validate the instrument, we tested it in field studies (...)
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    The Role of Animacy in Children's Interpretation of Relative Clauses in English: Evidence From Sentence–Picture Matching and Eye Movements.Ross Macdonald, Silke Brandt, Anna Theakston, Elena Lieven & Ludovica Serratrice - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (8):e12874.
    Subject relative clauses (SRCs) are typically processed more easily than object relative clauses (ORCs), but this difference is diminished by an inanimate head‐noun in semantically non‐reversible ORCs (“The book that the boy is reading”). In two eye‐tracking experiments, we investigated the influence of animacy on online processing of semantically reversible SRCs and ORCs using lexically inanimate items that were perceptually animate due to motion (e.g., “Where is the tractor that the cow is chasing”). In Experiment 1, 48 children (aged (...)
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  17.  79
    Event, state, and process in arrow logic.Satoshi Tojo - 1999 - Minds and Machines 9 (1):81-103.
    Artificial agents, which are embedded in a virtual world, need to interpret a sequence of commands given to them adequately, considering the temporal structure for each command. In this paper, we start with the semantics of natural language and classify the temporal structures of various eventualities into such aspectual classes as action, process, and event. In order to formalize these temporal structures, we adopt Arrow Logic. This logic specifies the domain for the valuation of a sentence as an (...)
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  18.  11
    Forgiveness as a spiritual construct experienced by men serving long-term sentences in Zonderwater, South Africa.Christina Landman & Tanya Pieterse - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (4).
    This article presents the findings of research conducted on ‘forgiveness’ as a spiritual construct, religious survival strategy and meaning-giving tool during incarceration. The research was conducted with 30 men serving long-term sentences in Zonderwater, a correctional centre outside Pretoria, South Africa. A review of literature showed that forgiveness has mainly been seen as something the perpetrator owed the victim and that asking for and granting forgiveness were religious imperatives. However, this study shows that offenders, in the troubled space of incarceration, (...)
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    Maternal Socioeconomic Status Influences the Range of Expectations During Language Comprehension in Adulthood.Melissa Troyer & Arielle Borovsky - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (S6):1405-1433.
    In infancy, maternal socioeconomic status is associated with real-time language processing skills, but whether or not this relationship carries into adulthood is unknown. We explored the effects of maternal SES in college-aged adults on eye-tracked, spoken sentence comprehension tasks using the visual world paradigm. When sentences ended in highly plausible, expected target nouns, higher SES was associated with a greater likelihood of considering alternative endings related to the action of the sentence. Moreover, for unexpected sentence (...)
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  20. On the Metaphysical Distinction Between Processes and Events.Kathleen Gill - 1993 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 23 (3):365-384.
    In theMetaphysics, Aristotle pointed out that some activities are engaged in for their own sake, while others are directed at some end. The test for distinguishing between them is to ask, ‘At any time during a period in which someone is Xing, is it also true that they have Xed?’ If both are true, the activity is being done for its own sake. If not, it is being done for the sake of some end other than itself. For example, if (...)
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  21.  11
    Mental Illness as a Life Sentence: The (Mis)treatment of Individuals with Psychiatric Diagnoses in the Courtroom.K. Petrozzo - 2024 - In Arnold Cantù, Eric Maisel & Chuck Ruby, Institutionalized Madness: The Interplay of Psychiatry and Society’s Institutions. Cambridge, UK: Ethics Press. pp. 136–152.
    In the United States, when an individual commits a criminal act, there are due processes to assess their responsibility and respective punishment. However, if that individual was unable to conform to the necessary standards due to symptoms caused by a mental illness, they may be excused or exempt from standard legal punishment. While we may not want to hold certain individuals responsible, or in some courtrooms, “not guilty by reason of insanity,” how should they be punished? Should they be considered (...)
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  22.  31
    Sentence processing assessed through intrasentence word associations.Robert W. Weisberg - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 82 (2):332.
  23. Sentence processing.Michael K. Tanenhaus - 2003 - In L. Nadel, Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Nature Publishing Group.
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    Sentence Processing and Syntactic Theory.Dave Kush & Brian Dillon - 2021 - In Nicholas Allott, Terje Lohndal & Georges Rey, A Companion to Chomsky. Wiley. pp. 305–324.
    In the 1950s, Noam Chomsky offered a new vision for linguistic research and syntacticians. This chapter explores some ways in which Chomsky's linguistic work has influenced research on one domain of linguistic performance, sentence processing, over the last half century. It shows that Chomsky's claim in Aspects of the Theory of Syntax is largely borne out: "the study of performance will proceed only as far as the study of the underlying competence permits". The chapter briefly addresses a question (...)
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    Predictive Sentence Processing at Speed: Evidence from Online Mouse Cursor Tracking.Anuenue Kukona - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (4):e13285.
    Three online mouse cursor-tracking experiments investigated predictive sentence processing at speed. Participants viewed visual arrays with objects like a bike and kite while hearing predictive sentences like, “What the man will ride, which is shown on this page, is the bike,” or non-predictive sentences like, “What the man will spot, which is shown on this page, is the bike.” Based on the selectional restrictions of “ride” (i.e., vs. “spot”), participants made mouse cursor movements to the bike before hearing (...)
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    Connectionist Sentence Processing in Perspective.Mark Steedman - 1999 - Cognitive Science 23 (4):615-634.
    The emphasis in the connectionist sentenceprocessing literature on distributed representation and emergence of grammar from such systems can easily obscure the often close relations between connectionist and symbolist systems. This paper argues that the Simple Recurrent Network (SRN) models proposed by Jordan (1989) and Elman (1990) are more directly related to stochastic Part‐of‐Speech (POS) Taggers than to parsers or grammars as such, while auto‐associative memory models of the kind pioneered by Longuet–Higgins, Willshaw, Pollack and others may be useful (...)
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  27. Sentence processing strategies in adult bilinguals.Kerry Kilborn & Takehiko Ito - 1989 - In Brian MacWhinney & Elizabeth Bates, The Crosslinguistic study of sentence processing. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 257--291.
  28.  36
    Uncertainty and Expectation in Sentence Processing: Evidence From Subcategorization Distributions.Tal Linzen & T. Florian Jaeger - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (6):1382-1411.
    There is now considerable evidence that human sentence processing is expectation based: As people read a sentence, they use their statistical experience with their language to generate predictions about upcoming syntactic structure. This study examines how sentence processing is affected by readers' uncertainty about those expectations. In a self-paced reading study, we use lexical subcategorization distributions to factorially manipulate both the strength of expectations and the uncertainty about them. We compare two types of uncertainty: uncertainty (...)
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  29.  56
    Agrammatic sentence processing: Severity, complexity, and priming.Herman H. J. Kolk & Robert J. Hartsuiker - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (1):39-40.
    Grodzinsky's theory of agrammatic sentence processing fails to account for crucial empirical facts. In contrast to his predictions, the data show that there are (1) degrees of severity and (2) problems with sentences that do not require movement, and that (3) under the right task circumstances, full-fledged syntactic trees are constructed.
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    Sentence processing in an artificial language: Learning and using combinatorial constraints.Michael S. Amato & Maryellen C. MacDonald - 2010 - Cognition 116 (1):143-148.
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    An Activation‐Based Model of Sentence Processing as Skilled Memory Retrieval.Richard L. Lewis & Shravan Vasishth - 2005 - Cognitive Science 29 (3):375-419.
    We present a detailed process theory of the moment‐by‐moment working‐memory retrievals and associated control structure that subserve sentence comprehension. The theory is derived from the application of independently motivated principles of memory and cognitive skill to the specialized task of sentence parsing. The resulting theory construes sentence processing as a series of skilled associative memory retrievals modulated by similarity‐based interference and fluctuating activation. The cognitive principles are formalized in computational form in the Adaptive Control of Thought–Rational (...)
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  32. Symbolic models of human sentence processing.Shravan Vasishth & Richard L. Lewis - 2005 - In Keith Brown, Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. pp. 410--419.
  33.  34
    Lossy‐Context Surprisal: An Information‐Theoretic Model of Memory Effects in Sentence Processing.Richard Futrell, Edward Gibson & Roger P. Levy - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (3):e12814.
    A key component of research on human sentence processing is to characterize the processing difficulty associated with the comprehension of words in context. Models that explain and predict this difficulty can be broadly divided into two kinds, expectation‐based and memory‐based. In this work, we present a new model of incremental sentence processing difficulty that unifies and extends key features of both kinds of models. Our model, lossy‐context surprisal, holds that the processing difficulty at a (...)
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  34. Speed of sentence processing in young and old adults.Jt Hartley, Ta Annon, C. Johnson & Tj Mushaney - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):330-330.
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    Auditory Sentence Processing in Bilinguals: The Role of Cognitive Control.Niloofar Akhavan, Henrike K. Blumenfeld & Tracy Love - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Sentence processing in the face of semantic loss: a case study.Sarah D. Breedin & Eleanor M. Saffran - 1999 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 128 (4):547.
  37.  24
    Sentence processing and the mental representation of verbs.Lewis P. Shapiro, Edgar Zurif & Jane Grimshaw - 1987 - Cognition 27 (3):219-246.
  38. Sentence Processing: Mechanisms.Matthias Schlesewsky & Angela D. Friederici - 2003 - In L. Nadel, Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Nature Publishing Group.
  39. Spoken sentence processing strategies vary with reading skill.Dj Townsend, C. Carrithers & T. Bever - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):322-322.
  40.  53
    The Crosslinguistic study of sentence processing.Brian MacWhinney & Elizabeth Bates (eds.) - 1989 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
  41. Bilingual sentence processing.Arturo E. Hernández, Eva M. Fernández & Aznar-Besé & Noémi - 2009 - In Gareth Gaskell, Oxford Handbook of Psycholinguistics. Oxford University Press.
  42.  33
    Exploratory and Confirmatory Analyses in Sentence Processing: A Case Study of Number Interference in German.Bruno Nicenboim, Shravan Vasishth, Felix Engelmann & Katja Suckow - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (S4):1075-1100.
    Given the replication crisis in cognitive science, it is important to consider what researchers need to do in order to report results that are reliable. We consider three changes in current practice that have the potential to deliver more realistic and robust claims. First, the planned experiment should be divided into two stages, an exploratory stage and a confirmatory stage. This clear separation allows the researcher to check whether any results found in the exploratory stage are robust. The second change (...)
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  43. Assessing Intervention Effects in Sentence Processing: Object Relatives vs. Subject Control.João Delgado, Ana Raposo & Ana Lúcia Santos - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:610909.
    Object relative clauses are harder to process than subject relative clauses. UnderGrillo’s (2009)Generalized Minimality framework, complexity effects of object relatives are construed as intervention effects, which result from an interaction between locality constraints on movement (Relativized Minimality) and the sentence processing system. Specifically, intervention of the subject DP in the movement dependency is expected to generate a minimality violation whenever processing limitations render the moved object underspecified, resulting in compromised comprehension. In the present study, assuming Generalized Minimality, (...)
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    A Probabilistic Model of Semantic Plausibility in Sentence Processing.Ulrike Padó, Matthew W. Crocker & Frank Keller - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (5):794-838.
    Experimental research shows that human sentence processing uses information from different levels of linguistic analysis, for example, lexical and syntactic preferences as well as semantic plausibility. Existing computational models of human sentence processing, however, have focused primarily on lexico‐syntactic factors. Those models that do account for semantic plausibility effects lack a general model of human plausibility intuitions at the sentence level. Within a probabilistic framework, we propose a wide‐coverage model that both assigns thematic roles to (...)
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  45.  63
    Incrementality and Prediction in Human Sentence Processing.Gerry T. M. Altmann & Jelena Mirković - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (4):583-609.
    We identify a number of principles with respect to prediction that, we argue, underpin adult language comprehension: (a) comprehension consists in realizing a mapping between the unfolding sentence and the event representation corresponding to the real‐world event being described; (b) the realization of this mapping manifests as the ability to predict both how the language will unfold, and how the real‐world event would unfold if it were being experienced directly; (c) concurrent linguistic and nonlinguistic inputs, and the prior internal (...)
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    On look-ahead in language: navigating a multitude of familiar paths.Shimon Edelman - unknown
    Language is a rewarding field if you are in the prediction business. A reader who is fluent in English and who knows how academic papers are typically structured will readily come up with several possible guesses as to where the title of this section could have gone, had it not been cut short by the ellipsis. Indeed, in the more natural setting of spoken language, anticipatory processing is a must: performance of machine systems for speech interpretation depends critically on (...)
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    Motor features of abstract verbs determine their representations in the motor system.Xiang Li, Dan Luo, Chao Wang, Yaoyuan Xia & Hua Jin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Embodied cognition theory posits that concept representations inherently rely on sensorimotor experiences that accompany their acquisitions. This is well established through concrete concepts. However, it is debatable whether representations of abstract concepts are based on sensorimotor representations. This study investigated the causal role of associated motor experiences that accompany concept acquisition in the involvement of the motor system in the abstract verb processing. Through two experiments, we examined the actionsentence compatibility effect, in the test phase after an (...)
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  48. Plural Action Sentences and Logical Form: Reply to Himmelreich.Kirk Ludwig - 2017 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 95 (4):800-806.
    This paper replies to Himmelreich's ‘The Paraphrase Argument Against Collective Actions’ [2017], which presents three putative counterexamples to the multiple agents analysis of plural action sentences. The paper shows that the argument from the first example, the discursive dilemma, fails because it relies crucially on a simplification of the target analysis, and that the others don't bear on the question because they turn out on examination to be about individual rather than group action sentences.
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    A Computational Evaluation of Two Models of Retrieval Processes in Sentence Processing in Aphasia.Paula Lissón, Dorothea Pregla, Bruno Nicenboim, Dario Paape, Mick L. Van het Nederend, Frank Burchert, Nicole Stadie, David Caplan & Shravan Vasishth - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (4):e12956.
    Can sentence comprehension impairments in aphasia be explained by difficulties arising from dependency completion processes in parsing? Two distinct models of dependency completion difficulty are investigated, the Lewis and Vasishth (2005) activation-based model and the direct-access model (DA; McElree, 2000). These models' predictive performance is compared using data from individuals with aphasia (IWAs) and control participants. The data are from a self-paced listening task involving subject and object relative clauses. The relative predictive performance of the models is evaluated using (...)
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    Conversation through actions and the changing of epistemic states in a game.Tianqun Pan - 2010 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 5 (4):666-673.
    When a person performs a certain action, it signifies that he is causing a certain event to occur. Therefore the action is conveying a certain true sentence. Playing a game is a mutual activity, namely the listener and the speaker undertake an exchange through a linguistic dialogue or communicate through action. Because of the peculiar nature of the action, the actions in games belong to an activity where the speaker speaks true words and the listener (...)
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