Results for 'Adriana Alice Norma McCrea'

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  1. Responsabilidade Socioambiental Coletiva: Um Olhar Sobre o Papel da Educação Ambiental No Enfrentamento Das Mudanças Climáticas.Adriana dos Santos Souza & Ana Alice De Carli - 2024 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 18 (35):1-16.
    This academic essay aims to bring to light important reflections on the responsibility of all members of society, in relation to the protection of the natural environment. Furthermore, highlight the importance of environmental education as a tool for combating climate change. This is an exploratory research, with a bibliographic review.
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    Consultores 2009.Adriana Benevides Soares, Adriana Nobre De Paula Simão, Adriana Wagner, Alessandra Turini Bolsoni-Silva, Alice Maggi, Alvaro Roberto Crespo Merlo, Ana Cristina Gonçalves Dantas de Araújo, Ana Paula de Ávila Gomide, Ana Paula Porto Noronha & Ana Raquel Rosas Torres - 2009 - Revista Aletheia 30:1.
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    Sustainability and the Humanities.Adriana Consorte McCrea & Walter Leal Filho (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book explores the strong links between sustainability and the humanities, which go beyond the inclusion of social sciences in discussions on sustainability, and offers a holistic discussion on the intellectual and moral aspects of sustainable development. The contributions from researchers in the fields of education, social sciences, religion, humanities, and sustainable development fulfill three main aims: They provide university lecturers interested in humanities and sustainable development with an opportunity to present their work; foster the exchange of information, ideas and (...)
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    Editorial: Perceptual Linguistic Salience: Modeling Causes and Consequences.Alice Blumenthal-Dramé, Adriana Hanulíková & Bernd Kortmann - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Systematic reviews showed insufficient evidence for clinical practice in 2004: what about in 2011? The next appeal for the evidence‐based medicine age. [REVIEW]Paulo José Fortes Villas Boas, Regina Stella Spagnuolo, Amélia Kamegasawa, Leandro Gobbo Braz, Adriana Polachini do Valle, Eliane Chaves Jorge, Hugo Hyung Bok Yoo, Antônio José Maria Cataneo, Ione Corrêa, Fernanda Bono Fukushima, Paulo do Nascimento, Norma Sueli Pinheiro Módolo, Marise Silva Teixeira, Edison Iglesias de Oliveira Vidal, Solange Ramires Daher & Regina El Dib - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (4):633-637.
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    Carricaburo, Norma (2015): Las fórmulas de tratamiento en el español actual. [REVIEW]Adriana Collado - 2017 - Pragmática Sociocultural 5 (1):119-123.
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    Normalidad, Normatividad y Normalización. Reinscripciones Kantianas Para Nuevas Institucionalizaciones de Filosofía y Educación.Adriana Barrionuevo - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 14:18-35.
    Este texto se propõe a explorar alguns itinerários de pensamentos inventivos e audazes de figuras magistrais argentinas que souberam olhar com suspeita a soberania estatal sem renunciar à liberdade que promete. As leituras de Kant ressoam quando norma e liberdade podem se conjugar no momento de fazer filosofia nas instituições educativas.
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    Habilidades sociais e adaptação acadêmica: um estudo comparativo em instituições de ensino público e privado.Adriana Benevides Soares, Lincoln Nunes Poubel & Thatiana Valory dos Santos Mello - 2009 - Revista Aletheia 29 (29):213-227.
    Este artigo tem como objetivo estabelecer as relações entre as habilidades sociais e as vivências acadêmicas necessárias à adaptação ao contexto universitário. A pesquisa foi realizada com 200 estudantes do curso de Psicologia de instituições públicas e privadas. Os dois instrumentos utilizados (IHS-Del Prette, 2001 e QVA de Villar, 2003) foram aplicados em conjunto em consonância com as normas do QVA. Os resultados permitem aÞ rmar que os alunos de instituições públicas apresentam melhor adaptação acadêmica do que os de instituições (...)
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    Las trayectorias del concepto de vida en el pensamiento de Judith Butler.Adriana Zaharijević & Sanja Milutinović Bojanić - 2017 - Isegoría 56:169-185.
    En este ensayo, nos proponemos explorar los diferentes significados de los conceptos de vivibilidad y vida en el pensamiento de Judith butler. si bien es crucial para su obra temprana —butler se refiere por primera vez a este concepto en su introducción del libro, El género en disputa de 1999—, el concepto en sí emerge con más claridad y elaboración en su obra tardía (Deshacer el género, Vida precaria y Apuntes hacia una teoría performativa de asamblea). nuestra pregunta principal sería: (...)
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    Giro ético del normativismo humanitario: el derecho a ser llorado.Adriana María Ruiz Gutiérrez - 2022 - Co-herencia 19 (36):71-93.
    Nuestra deflación espiritual ante la muerte de los otros debido a nuestro deseo intenso por negar la propia muerte constituye, más que un obstáculo insalvable, una oportunidad ética y política para pensar y construir otros discursos y prácticas normativas frente a la destructividad de la que somos capaces y a la que estamos expuestos de manera irremediable. Sin duda, las normas de aprehensión y de reconocimiento de lo humano dependen, ante todo, de nuestras disposiciones afectivas ante la muerte de los (...)
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  11. Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Imagination and Creativity.Amy Kind & Julia Langkau (eds.) - forthcoming - Oxford University Press.
    Philosophy has long either dismissed or paid only minimal attention to creativity, and even with the rise of research on imagination, the creative imagination has largely been ignored as well. The aim of this volume is to correct this neglect. By bringing together existing research in various sub-disciplines, we also aim to open up new avenues of research. The chapters in Part I provide some framing and history on the philosophical study of imagination and creativity, along with an overview of (...)
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    Review of Norma Haan, Robert N. Bellah, Paul Rabinow and William M. Sullivan: Social Science as Moral Inquiry[REVIEW]Norma Haan - 1984 - Ethics 94 (3):539-541.
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  13. Relating Narratives: Storytelling and Selfhood.Adriana Cavarero - 1997 - Routledge.
    Relating Narratives is a major new work by the philosopher and feminist thinker Adriana Cavarero. First published in Italian to widespread acclaim, Relating Narratives is a fascinating and challenging new account of the relationship between selfhood and narration. Drawing a diverse array of thinkers from both the philosophical and the literary tradition, from Sophocles and Homer to Hannah Arendt, Karen Blixen, Walter Benjamin and Borges, Adriana Cadarero's theory of the `narratable self' shows how narrative models in philosophy and (...)
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    Surging democracy: notes on Hannah Arendt's political thought.Adriana Cavarero - 2021 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. Edited by Matthew Gervase.
    What does a truly democratic experience of political action look like today? In this provocative new work, Adriana Cavarero weighs in on contemporary debates about the relationship between democracy, happiness, and dissent. Drawing upon Arendt's understanding of politics as a participatory experience, but also discussing texts by Émile Zola, Elias Canetti, Boris Pasternak, and Roland Barthes, along with engaging Judith Butler, Cavarero proposes a new view of democracy, based not on violence, but rather on the spontaneous experience of a (...)
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    Confronting Ideals of Proof with the Ways of Proving of the Research Mathematician.Norma B. Goethe & Michèle Friend - 2010 - Studia Logica 96 (2):273-288.
    In this paper, we discuss the prevailing view amongst philosophers and many mathematicians concerning mathematical proof. Following Cellucci, we call the prevailing view the “axiomatic conception” of proof. The conception includes the ideas that: a proof is finite, it proceeds from axioms and it is the final word on the matter of the conclusion. This received view can be traced back to Frege, Hilbert and Gentzen, amongst others, and is prevalent in both mathematical text books and logic text books.
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    The scientific reinterpretation of form.Norma E. Emerton - 1984 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
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    Horrorism: Naming Contemporary Violence.Adriana Cavarero - 2008 - Columbia University Press.
    Words like "terrorism" and "war" no longer encompass the scope of contemporary violence. With this explosive book, Adriana Cavarero, one of the world's most provocative feminist theorists and political philosophers, effectively renders such terms obsolete. She introduces a new word—"horrorism"—to capture the experience of violence. Unlike terror, horrorism is a form of violation grounded in the offense of disfiguration and massacre. Numerous outbursts of violence fall within Cavarero's category of horrorism, especially when the phenomenology of violence is considered from (...)
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    Bianchi identities and the automatic conservation of energy-momentum and angular momentum in general-relativistic field theories.Friedrich W. Hehl & J. Dermott McCrea - 1986 - Foundations of Physics 16 (3):267-293.
    Automatic conservation of energy-momentum and angular momentum is guaranteed in a gravitational theory if, via the field equations, the conservation laws for the material currents are reduced to the contracted Bianchi identities. We first execute an irreducible decomposition of the Bianchi identities in a Riemann-Cartan space-time. Then, starting from a Riemannian space-time with or without torsion, we determine those gravitational theories which have automatic conservation: general relativity and the Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble theory, both with cosmological constant, and the nonviable pseudoscalar model. The (...)
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    On moral grounds: the search for practical morality.Norma Haan - 1985 - New York: New York University Press. Edited by Eliane Aerts & Bruce A. B. Cooper.
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    Speaking through the mask: Hannah Arendt and the politics of social identity.Norma Claire Moruzzi - 2001 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    Nonetheless, psychoanalytic feminist theory can offer a new interpretive strategy for deconstructing her equally famous opposition between the social and the ...
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  21. Anthropomorphism in AI: Hype and Fallacy.Adriana Placani - 2024 - AI and Ethics.
    This essay focuses on anthropomorphism as both a form of hype and fallacy. As a form of hype, anthropomorphism is shown to exaggerate AI capabilities and performance by attributing human-like traits to systems that do not possess them. As a fallacy, anthropomorphism is shown to distort moral judgments about AI, such as those concerning its moral character and status, as well as judgments of responsibility and trust. By focusing on these two dimensions of anthropomorphism in AI, the essay highlights negative (...)
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    For More Than One Voice: Toward a Philosophy of Vocal Expression.Adriana Cavarero - 2005 - Stanford University Press.
    The human voice does not deceive. The one who is speaking is inevitably revealed by the singular sound of her voice, no matter “what” she says. We take this fact for granted—for example, every time someone asks, over the telephone, “Who is speaking?” and receives as a reply the familiar utterance, “It’s me.” Starting from the given uniqueness of every voice, Cavarero rereads the history of philosophy through its peculiar evasion of this embodied uniqueness. She shows how this history—along with (...)
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    Social Science as Moral Inquiry.Norma Haan, Robert N. Bellah, Paul Rabinow & William M. Sullivan (eds.) - 1983 - Columbia University Press.
    Studies the social science of moral inquiry as an attempt to develop a psychology and sociology that would explain the complex in terms of the simple as the new physics was doing in the natural realm.
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    Making Digital Territory: Cybersecurity, Techno-nationalism, and the Moral Boundaries of the State.Norma Möllers - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (1):112-138.
    Drawing on an analysis of German national cybersecurity policy, this paper argues that cybersecurity has become a key site in which states mobilize science and technology to produce state power. Contributing to science and technology studies work on technoscience and statecraft, I develop the concepts of “territorialization projects” and “digital territory” to capture how the production of state power in the digital age increasingly relies on technoscientific expertise about information infrastructure, shifting tasks of government into the domain of computer scientists (...)
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    A Problem with Headscarves.Norma Claire Moruzzi - 1994 - Political Theory 22 (4):653-672.
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    Progress in metric-affine gauge theories of gravity with local scale invariance.Friedrich W. Hehl, J. Dermott McCrea, Eckehard W. Mielke & Yuval Ne'eman - 1989 - Foundations of Physics 19 (9):1075-1100.
    Einstein's general relativity theory describes very well the gravitational phenomena in themacroscopic world. In themicroscopic domain of elementary particles, however, it does not exhibit gauge invariance or approximate Bjorken type scaling, properties which are believed to be indispensible for arenormalizable field theory. We argue that thelocal extension of space-time symmetries, such as of Lorentz and scale invariance, provides the clue for improvement. Eventually, this leads to aGL(4, R)-gauge approach to gravity in which the metric and the affine connection acquire the (...)
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    From Man to Ape: Darwinism in Argentina, 1870-1920.Adriana Novoa - 2010 - University of Chicago Press. Edited by Alex Levine.
    Adriana Novoa and Alex Levine offer here a history and interpretation of the reception of Darwinism in Argentina, illuminating the ways culture shapes ...
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    Inclining Mimesis: Continuing the Dialogue with Adriana Cavarero.Nidesh Lawtoo & Adriana Cavarero - 2023 - Critical Horizons 24 (2):195-213.
    In this article, Adriana Cavarero and Nidesh Lawtoo resume a dialogue on mimetic inclinations in view of furthering a relational, embodied and affective conception of subjectivity that challenges homo erectus from the immanent perspective of homo mimeticus. If a dominant philosophical tradition tends to restrict mimesis to an illusory representation of reality, Plato was the first to know that mimesis also operates as an affective force, or pathos, that dispossesses the subject. While Plato tended to emphasize the pathological implications (...)
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  29. When the Risk of Harm Harms.Adriana Placani - 2017 - Law and Philosophy 36 (1):77-100.
    This essay answers two questions that continue to drive debate in moral and legal philosophy; namely, ‘Is a risk of harm a wrong?’ and ‘Is a risk of harm a harm?’. The essay’s central claim is that to risk harm can be both to wrong and to harm. This stands in contrast to the respective positions of Heidi Hurd and Stephen Perry, whose views represent prominent extremes in this debate about risks. The essay shows that there is at least one (...)
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    To Be or Not to Be Śiśupāla: Which Version of the Key Speech in Māgha's Great Poem Did He Really Write?Yigal Bronner & Lawrence McCrea - 2012 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 132 (3):427.
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    The poetics of distortive talk plot and character in ratnākara's ``fifty verbal pervesions (vakroktipañcāśikā).Yigal Bronner & Lawrence McCrea - 2001 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 29 (4):435-464.
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  32. Relating Narratives: Storytelling and Selfhood.Adriana Cavarero & Denise Riley - 2002 - Political Theory 30 (6):852-857.
  33. In spite of Plato: a feminist rewriting of ancient philosophy.Adriana Cavarero - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    This pathbreaking work pursues two interwoven themes. Firstly, it engages in a deconstruction of Ancient philosopher's texts--mainly from Plato, but also from Homer and Parmenides--in order to free four Greek female figures from the patriarchal discourse which for centuries had imprisoned them in a particular role. Secondly, it attempts to construct a symbolic female order, reinterpreting these figures from a new perspective. Building on the theory of sexual difference, Cavarero shows that death is the central category on which the whole (...)
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    Revolutionary popular feminism in nicaragua:: Articulating class, gender, and national sovereignty.Norma Stoltz Chinchilla - 1990 - Gender and Society 4 (3):370-397.
    On March 8, 1987, the Sandinista Liberation Front published its statement on the relation of women's struggles to the Nicaraguan revolution. The author argues that this official statement is consistent with the views of modern feminists on some key points relating to the need to eliminate women's double day, promote women's self-organization, and wage an ideological struggle against sexism if women's subordination is to be eliminated. The author believes that the Sandinista Front's emphasis on ideological struggle and political organization represents (...)
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    10. An Interactional Morality of Everyday Life.Norma Haan - 1983 - In Norma Haan, Robert N. Bellah, Paul Rabinow & William M. Sullivan (eds.), Social Science as Moral Inquiry. Columbia University Press. pp. 218-250.
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  36. Minimal states of awareness across sleep and wakefulness: A multidimensional framework to guide scientific research.Adriana Alcaraz - forthcoming - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences.
    I introduce a novel multidimensional framework tailored to investigate a set of phenomena that might appear intractable and render them amenable to scientific inquiry. In particular, I focus on examining altered states of consciousness that appear to the experiencing subject as “contentless” or “objectless” states in some form, either by having disrupted or reduced content of awareness, or content that appears as missing altogether. By drawing on empirical research, I propose a cluster of phenomenological dimensions aimed at enhancing our understanding (...)
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    The Interrelations Between Mathematics and Philosophy in Leibniz’s Thought.Norma B. Goethe, Philip Beeley & David Rabouin - 2015 - In Douglas M. Jesseph (ed.), G.W. Leibniz, Interrelations Between Mathematics and Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 3-21.
    This paper consists of three main sections. In the first section, we consider how early attempts at understanding the relationship between mathematics and philosophy in Leibniz’s thought were often made within the framework of grand reconstructions guided by intellectual trends such as the search for “the ideal of system”. In the second section, we proceed to recount Leibniz’s first encounter with contemporary mathematics during his four years of study in Paris presenting some of the earliest mathematical successes which he made (...)
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  38. Kripke's knowledge argument against materialism.Adriana Renero - 2023 - Philosophical Perspectives 37 (1):370-387.
    In his unpublished 1979 Lectures on the Philosophy of Mind, Saul Kripke offers a knowledge argument against materialism focusing on deaf people who lack knowledge of auditory experience. Kripke's argument is a precursor of Frank Jackson's better‐known knowledge argument against materialism (1982). The paper sets out Kripke's argument, brings out its interest and philosophical importance, and explores some similarities and differences between Kripke's knowledge argument and Jackson's.
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    Nurse Leaders as Stewards At the Point of Service.Norma Murphy & Deborah Roberts - 2008 - Nursing Ethics 15 (2):243-253.
    Nurse leaders, including clinical nurse educators, who exercise stewardship at the point of service, may facilitate practising nurses' articulation of their shared value priorities, including respect for persons' dignity and self-determination, as well as equity and fairness. A steward preserves and promotes what is intrinsically valuable in an experience. Theories of virtue ethics and discourse ethics supply contexts for clinical nurse educators to clarify how they may facilitate nurses' articulation of their shared value priorities through particularism and universalism, as well (...)
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    Inclinations: a critique of rectitude.Adriana Cavarero - 2016 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
    Barnett Newman : Adam's line -- Kant and the newborn -- Virginia Woolf and the shadow of the "I" -- Plato erectus sed -- Men and trees -- We are not monkeys : on erect posture -- Hobbes and the macroanthropos -- Elias Canetti : upright before the dead -- Artemisia : the allegory of inclination -- Leonardo and maternal inclination -- Hannah Arendt : "a child has been born unto us" -- Schemata for a postural ethics -- Coda : (...)
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    Marxism, feminism, and the struggle for democracy in latin America.Norma Stoltz Chinchilla - 1991 - Gender and Society 5 (3):291-310.
    While discussions of dissolving the hyphen between Marxism and feminism were put on the back burner in the United States and England in the 1980s, the author argues that changes in Latin America during the same decade favor a possible convergence of contemporary Marxist and feminist theory and practice. These conditions include the emergence of a second-wave feminist movement in many Latin America countries, the central role of women in contemporary social movements, and an internal critique within Latin American Marxism. (...)
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    Inquiry-and-intervention in systems planning: Probing methodological rationalities.Norma Romm - 1996 - World Futures 47 (1):25-36.
    (1996). Inquiry‐and‐intervention in systems planning: Probing methodological rationalities. World Futures: Vol. 47, Unity and Diversity in Contemporary Systems Tinking: Systematic Pictures at an Exhibition, pp. 25-36.
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    Reconsidering Methodological Arguments: A Commentary on Stephen L. Smith’s Paper ‘Naïve Expertise: Spacious Alternative to the Standard Account of Method (SAM)’.Norma Romm - 2011 - Philosophy of Management 10 (2):75-90.
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    Moral Dimensions of Offsetting Luxury Emissions.Adriana Placani & Stearns Broadhead - 2022 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 25 (3):297-315.
    This essay addresses moral aspects of using carbon offsets for counteracting individuals’ luxury emissions. After introducing and outlining the main topics and terms related to carbon offsetting, this essay answers three objections that have been levied against carbon offsetting: objections from the indulgences analogy, objections from the directness of the duty not to harm, and separateness objections. The essay argues that advocates for offsetting have resources to defend against these criticisms by pointing to particularities of individual emissions’ harmfulness, as well (...)
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    “A Child Has Been Born unto Us”: Arendt on Birth.Adriana Cavarero, Silvia Guslandi & Cosette Bruhns - 2014 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 4 (1):12-30.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:“A Child Has Been Born unto Us”Arendt on BirthAdriana CavareroTranslated by Silvia Guslandi and Cosette BruhnsIn The Human Condition, at the end of the dense chapter on action, Hannah Arendt reiterates that action, that is, the political faculty for excellence, “is ontologically rooted” in the fact of natality, “like an ever-present reminder that men, though they must die, are not born in order to die but in order to (...)
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    3. Respect in the Ethics of Aristotle.Norma Thompson - 2017 - In What is Honor? Yale University Press. pp. 23-39.
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  47. Exploration of Contentless Awareness During Sleep: An Online Survey.Adriana Alcaraz - 2024 - Dreaming:1-21.
    This paper presents the results of the first study part of the research project ‘Objectless sleep experiences’ aimed at exploring the phenomenological blueprints of conscious sleep states that lack a distinct object of awareness. A total of 573 responses were collected from an online survey that asked about the incidence, frequency, and phenomenology of a range of sleep phenomena. The survey’s results provide a better understanding of the variety of sleep experiences by yielding preliminary insights into the phenomenology of objectless (...)
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    (1 other version)Politicizing Theory.Adriana Cavarero - 2002 - Political Theory 30 (4):506-532.
  49. Exploration of Contentless Awareness During Sleep: An Online Survey (Supplementary Materials).Adriana Alcaraz - 2024 - Dreaming.
    These are the supplementary materials of the article "Exploration of Contentless Awareness During Sleep: An Online Survey".
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  50. Risk and Blameworthiness by Degree.Adriana Placani & Stearns Broadhead - 2022 - Journal of Value Inquiry 56 (4):663-677.
    This work shows that two problems—the reference class and the mental state of the agent—undermine the plausibility of the ‘blameworthiness tracks risk thesis’ (BTRT), which states, prima facie, an agent is more blameworthy for imposing a greater rather than smaller risk. The article first outlines core concepts. It then shows how the two problems undermine BTRT; namely, (1) no blame attribution based on risk imposition is unequivocal; (2) when the materialization of risk is subject to chance, an agent’s decision can (...)
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