Results for 'Agent based Computational Economy'

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  1. Agent-Based Computational Economics: A Constructive Approach to Economic Theory.Leigh Tesfatsion - 2006 - In Leigh Tesfatsion & Kenneth L. Judd, Handbook of Computational Economics, Volume 2: Agent-Based Computational Economics. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier.
    Economies are complicated systems encompassing micro behaviors, interaction patterns, and global regularities. Whether partial or general in scope, studies of economic systems must consider how to handle difficult real-world aspects such as asymmetric information, imperfect competition, strategic interaction, collective learning, and the possibility of multiple equilibria. Recent advances in analytical and computational tools are permitting new approaches to the quantitative study of these aspects. One such approach is Agent-based Computational Economics (ACE), the computational study of (...)
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  2. Handbook of Computational Economics, Volume 2: Agent-Based Computational Economics.Leigh Tesfatsion & Kenneth L. Judd (eds.) - 2006 - Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier.
    The explosive growth in computational power over the past several decades offers new tools and opportunities for economists. This handbook volume surveys recent research on Agent-based Computational Economics (ACE), the computational study of economic processes modeled as open-ended dynamic systems of interacting agents. Empirical referents for “agents” in ACE models can range from individuals or social groups with learning capabilities to physical world features with no cognitive function. Topics covered include: learning; empirical validation; network economics; (...)
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    Ontology, a mediator for Agent Based Modeling in Social Science.Pierre Livet, Jean-Pierre Müller, Denis Phan & Lena Sanders - 2010 - Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 13 (1).
    Agent-Based Models are useful to describe and understand social, economic and spatial systems' dynamics. But, beside the facilities which this methodology offers, evaluation and comparison of simulation models are sometimes problematic. A rigorous conceptual frame needs to be developed. This is in order to ensure the coherence in the chain linking at the one extreme the scientist's hypotheses about the modeled phenomenon and at the other the structure of rules in the computer program. This also systematizes the model (...)
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    Why do we need Ontology for Agent-Based Models?Pierre Livet, Denis Phan & Lena Sanders - 2008 - In Klaus Schredelseker & Florian Hauser, Complexity and Artificial Markets, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems Vol. 614. Springer. pp. 133-144.
    The aim of this paper is to stress some ontological and methodological issues for Agent-Based Model (ABM) building, exploration, and evaluation in the Social and Human Sciences. Two particular domain of interest are to compare ABM and simulations (Model To Model) within a given academic field or across different disciplines and to use ontology for to discuss about the epistemic and methodological consequences of modeling choices. The paper starts with some definitions of ontology in philosophy and computer sciences. (...)
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    An agent-based approach to the limits of economic planning.Emanuele Martinelli - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    Mises’ and Hayek’s arguments against central economic planning have long been taken as definitive proof that a centrally planned economy managed by the government would be impossible. Today, however, the exponential rise in the capacities of AI has opened up the possibility that supercomputers could have what it takes to plan the national economy. The ‘economic calculation debate’ has thus reignited. Arguably, this is because neither Mises nor Hayek have given a clear and conclusive argument why central planning (...)
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  6. Modeling economic systems as locally-constructive sequential games.Leigh Tesfatsion - 2017 - Journal of Economic Methodology 24 (4):1-26.
    Real-world economies are open-ended dynamic systems consisting of heterogeneous interacting participants. Human participants are decision-makers who strategically take into account the past actions and potential future actions of other participants. All participants are forced to be locally constructive, meaning their actions at any given time must be based on their local states; and participant actions at any given time affect future local states. Taken together, these essential properties imply real-world economies are locally-constructive sequential games. This paper discusses a modeling (...)
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    Agentbased computational models and generative social science.Joshua M. Epstein - 1999 - Complexity 4 (5):41-60.
  8. Agent-Based Computational Economics: Overview and Brief History.Leigh Tesfatsion - 2023 - In Ragupathy Venkatachalam, Artificial Intelligence, Learning, and Computation in Economics and Finance. Cham: Springer. pp. 41-58.
    Scientists and engineers seek to understand how real-world systems work and could work better. Any modeling method devised for such purposes must simplify reality. Ideally, however, the modeling method should be flexible as well as logically rigorous; it should permit model simplifications to be appropriately tailored for the specific purpose at hand. Flexibility and logical rigor have been the two key goals motivating the development of Agent-based Computational Economics (ACE), a completely agent-based modeling method characterized (...)
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    Complex Mimetic Systems.Hans Weigand - 2008 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 15:63-87.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Complex Mimetic SystemsHans Weigand (bio)The goal of science is to make the wonderful and complex understandable and simple—but not less wonderful.—Herb Simon, The Sciences of the Artificial11. IntroductionComplex systems theory stands for an approach in the social as well as natural and computational sciences that studies how interactions between parts give rise to collective behaviors of a system, and how the system interacts and forms relationships with its (...)
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    Knowledge transfer in agent-based computational social science.David Anzola - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 77:29-38.
  11.  29
    On the Ontological Turn in Economics: The Promises of Agent-Based Computational Economics.Shu-Heng Chen - 2020 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 50 (3):238-259.
    This article argues that agent-based modeling (ABM) is the methodological implication of Lawson’s championed ontological turn in economics. We single out three major properties of agent-based computational economics (ACE), namely, autonomous agents, social interactions, and the micro-macro links, which have been well accepted by the ACE community. We then argue that ACE does make a full commitment to the ontology of economics as proposed by Lawson, based on his prompted critical realism. Nevertheless, the article (...)
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    Generative Social Science: Studies in Agent-Based Computational Modeling.Joshua M. Epstein - 2006 - Princeton University Press.
    This book argues that this powerful technique permits the social sciences to meet an explanation, in which one 'grows' the phenomenon of interest in an artificial society of interacting agents: heterogeneous, boundedly rational actors.
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    Emergence, Equilibrium, and Agent-Based Modeling: Updating James Buchanan’s Democratic Political Economy.Abigail N. Devereaux & Richard E. Wagner - 2018 - In Richard E. Wagner, James M. Buchanan: A Theorist of Political Economy and Social Philosophy. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 109-129.
    Nicholas Vriend asked whether F.A. Hayek was an “ace,” and answered affirmatively. By “ace,” Vriend meant someone who worked with agent-based modeling. To be sure, Hayek could not have worked with agent-based models because that platform did not exist when Hayek was developing his ideas about the distribution and use of knowledge in society. All the same, Vriend explained convincingly that Hayek could have made good use of the agent-based platform had it been available (...)
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  14.  50
    On agent-based modeling and computational social science.Rosaria Conte & Mario Paolucci - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  15.  69
    Metaverse, SED Model, and New Theory of Value.Jianguo Wang, Tongsan Wang, Yuna Shi, Diwei Xu, Yutian Chen & Jie Wu - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-26.
    The metaverse concept constructs a virtual world parallel to the real world. The social economic dynamics model establishes a systematic model for social economic dynamics simulation that integrates macroeconomy and microeconomy based on modeling mechanism of the new theory of value by analogy with Newtonian mechanics and the modeling approach of Agent-based computational economics. This article describes the SED model’s modeling mechanisms, modeling rules, and behavior equations. At the same time, this article introduces the methods, testing (...)
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    Alcohol consumption among college students: An agentbased computational simulation.Laura A. Garrison & David S. Babcock - 2009 - Complexity 14 (6):35-44.
  17. Agent-Based Simulation and Sociological Understanding.Petri Ylikoski - 2014 - Perspectives on Science 22 (3):318-335.
    This article discusses agent-based simulation (ABS) as a tool of sociological understanding. I argue that agent-based simulations can play an important role in the expansion of explanatory understanding in the social sciences. The argument is based on an inferential account of understanding (Ylikoski 2009, Ylikoski & Kuorikoski 2010), according to which computer simulations increase our explanatory understanding by expanding our ability to make what-if inferences about social processes and by making these inferences more reliable. The (...)
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  18.  37
    Agent Based Modelling and Simulations in the Human and Social Siences.Denis Phan & Phan Amblard (eds.) - 2007 - Oxford: The Bardwell Press.
    This book brings together contributions from leading researchers in the field of agent-based modelling and simulation. This approach has grown out of some recent and innovative ideas in the social sciences, computer sciences, life sciences, physics and game theory. It is proving helpful in understanding complexity in many domains. The opportunities it offers to explore the experimental approach to social and human behaviour is proving of theoretical and empirical value across a wide range of fields. With contributions from (...)
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    Agent-based Modelling and Simulation in the Social and Human Sciences.Denis Phan & Frédéric Amblard (eds.) - 2007 - Oxford: The Bardwell Press.
    This volume brings together contributions from leading researchers in the field of agent-based modelling and simulation. This approach has grown out of some recent and innovative ideas in the social sciences, computer sciences, life sciences, physics and game theory. It is proving helpful in understanding complexity in many domains. The opportunities it offers to explore the experimental approach to social and human behaviour is proving of theoretical and empirical value across a wide range of fields. With contributions from (...)
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    A Contrast‐Based Computational Model of Surprise and Its Applications.Luis Macedo & Amílcar Cardoso - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (1):88-102.
    This paper reviews computational models of surprise, with a specific focus on the authors’ probabilistic, contrast model. The contrast model casts surprise, and its intensity, as emerging from the difference between the probability of the surprising event and the probability of the highest expected‐event in a given situation. Strong arguments are made for the central role of surprise in creativity and learning by natural and artificial agents.
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    AgentBased Modeling in Molecular Systems Biology.Mohammad Soheilypour & Mohammad R. K. Mofrad - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (7):1800020.
    Molecular systems orchestrating the biology of the cell typically involve a complex web of interactions among various components and span a vast range of spatial and temporal scales. Computational methods have advanced our understanding of the behavior of molecular systems by enabling us to test assumptions and hypotheses, explore the effect of different parameters on the outcome, and eventually guide experiments. While several different mathematical and computational methods are developed to study molecular systems at different spatiotemporal scales, there (...)
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  22. (1 other version)Agent-Based Models and Simulations in Economics and Social Sciences: from conceptual exploration to distinct ways of experimenting.Franck Varenne & Denis Phan - 2008 - In Nuno David, José Castro Caldas & Helder Coelho, Proceedings of the 3rd EPOS congress (Epistemological Perspectives On Simulations). pp. 51-69.
    Now that complex Agent-Based Models and computer simulations spread over economics and social sciences - as in most sciences of complex systems -, epistemological puzzles (re)emerge. We introduce new epistemological tools so as to show to what precise extent each author is right when he focuses on some empirical, instrumental or conceptual significance of his model or simulation. By distinguishing between models and simulations, between types of models, between types of computer simulations and between types of empiricity, section (...)
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    How to build and use agent-based models in social science.Nigel Gilbert & Pietro Terna - 2000 - Mind and Society 1 (1):57-72.
    The use of computer simulation for building theoretical models in social science is introduced. It is proposed that agent-based models have potential as a “third way” of carrying out social science, in addition to argumentation and formalisation. With computer simulations, in contrast to other methods, it is possible to formalise complex theories about processes, carry out experiments and observe the occurrence of emergence. Some suggestions are offered about techniques for building agent-based models and for debugging them. (...)
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  24. (1 other version)Agent-Based Modeling: The Right Mathematics for the Social Sciences?Paul Borrill & Leigh Tesfatsion - 2011 - In J. B. Davis & D. W. Hands, Elgar Companion to Recent Economic Methodology. Edward Elgar Publishers. pp. 228.
    This study provides a basic introduction to agent-based modeling (ABM) as a powerful blend of classical and constructive mathematics, with a primary focus on its applicability for social science research. The typical goals of ABM social science researchers are discussed along with the culture-dish nature of their computer experiments. The applicability of ABM for science more generally is also considered, with special attention to physics. Finally, two distinct types of ABM applications are summarized in order to illustrate concretely (...)
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    Classical Econophysics.Allin F. Cottrell, Paul Cockshott, Gregory John Michaelson, Ian P. Wright & Victor Yakovenko - 2009 - Routledge.
    This monograph examines the domain of classical political economy using the methodologies developed in recent years both by the new discipline of econo-physics and by computing science. This approach is used to re-examine the classical subdivisions of political economy: production, exchange, distribution and finance. The book begins by examining the most basic feature of economic life – production – and asks what it is about physical laws that allows production to take place. How is it that human labour (...)
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    Agent-based Models as Fictive Instantiations of Ecological Processes.Steven L. Peck - 2012 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 4 (20130604).
    Frigg and Reiss (2009) argue that philosophical problems in simulation bear enough resemblance to recognized issues in the philosophy of modeling that they only pose challenges analogous to those found in standard analytic models used to represent natural systems. They suggest that there are no new philosophical problems in computer simulation modeling beyond those found in traditional mathematical modeling. Winsberg (2009) has countered that there appear to be genuinely new epistemological problems in simulation modeling because the knowledge obtained from them (...)
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    Neminem laedere. An evolutionary agent-based model of the interplay between punishment and damaging behaviours.Nicola Lettieri & Domenico Parisi - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 21 (4):425-453.
    This article aims at contributing to the discussion about the relationships between ICT, computer science and policy-making by focusing on agent-based social simulation. Enabled, from a technical point of view, by the developments of Distributed Artificial Intelligence in the 1990s and by the features of the object-oriented programming paradigm, agent-based social simulations are a tool for the analysis of social dynamics that can be used also to support the design and the evaluation of public policies. After (...)
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    Agent-based social simulation and its necessity for understanding socially embedded phenomena.Bruce Edmonds - unknown
    Some issues and varieties of computational and other approaches to understanding socially embedded phenomena are discussed. It is argued that of all the approaches currently available, only agent-based simulation holds out the prospect for adequately representing and understanding phenomena such as social norms.
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    Methodological Investigations in Agent-Based Modelling: With Applications for the Social Sciences.Eric Silverman - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This open access book examines the methodological complications of using complexity science concepts within the social science domain. The opening chapters take the reader on a tour through the development of simulation methodologies in the fields of artificial life and population biology, then demonstrates the growing popularity and relevance of these methods in the social sciences. Following an in-depth analysis of the potential impact of these methods on social science and social theory, the text provides substantive examples of the application (...)
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    A Minimalist Epistemology for Agent-Based Simulations in the Artificial Sciences.Giuseppe Primiero - 2019 - Minds and Machines 29 (1):127-148.
    The epistemology of computer simulations has become a mainstream topic in the philosophy of technology. Within this large area, significant differences hold between the various types of models and simulation technologies. Agent-based and multi-agent systems simulations introduce a specific constraint on the types of agents and systems modelled. We argue that such difference is crucial and that simulation for the artificial sciences requires the formulation of its own specific epistemological principles. We present a minimally committed epistemology which (...)
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    Theorizing risk attitudes and rationality using agent based modeling.Rebecca Sutton Koeser & Lara Buchak - unknown
    This poster presents results from applying agent-based modeling to an exploration of risk attitudes and rational decision making in the context of group interaction. We are also interested in the place of agent-based modeling and computational philosophy within the computational humanities. Computational philosophy has not typically been included in Digital Humanities; computational work has been done using philosophy texts as a source for analysis (Kinney 2022; Malaterre et al. 2021; Fletcher et al. (...)
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  32. Constructivism and Computation: Can Computer-Based Modeling Add to the Case for Constructivism?M. Füllsack - 2013 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (1):7-16.
    Problem: Is constructivism contradicted by the reductionist determinism inherent in digital computation? Method: Review of examples from dynamical systems sciences, agent-based modeling and artificial intelligence. Results: Recent scientific insights seem to give reason to consider constructivism in line with what computation is adding to our knowledge of interacting dynamics and the functioning of our brains. Implications: Constructivism is not necessarily contradictory to digital computation, in particular to computer-based modeling and simulation. Constructivist content: When viewed through the lens (...)
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    The Signature of Risk: Agent-based Models, Boolean Networks and Economic Vulnerability.Ron Wallace - 2017 - Economic Thought 6 (1):1.
    Neoclassical economic theory, which still dominates the science, has proven inadequate to predict financial crises. In an increasingly globalised world, the consequences of that inadequacy are likely to become more severe. This article attributes much of the difficulty to an emphasis on equilibrium as an idealised property of economic systems. Alternatively, this article proposes that actual economies are typically out of balance, and that any equilibrium which may exist is transitory. That single changed assumption is central to complexity economics, a (...)
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  34. A multi-agent based framework for the simulation of human and social behaviors during emergency evacuations.Xiaoshan Pan, Charles S. Han, Ken Dauber & Kincho H. Law - 2007 - AI and Society 22 (2):113-132.
    Many computational tools for the simulation and design of emergency evacuation and egress are now available. However, due to the scarcity of human and social behavioral data, these computational tools rely on assumptions that have been found inconsistent or unrealistic. This paper presents a multi-agent based framework for simulating human and social behavior during emergency evacuation. A prototype system has been developed, which is able to demonstrate some emergent behaviors, such as competitive, queuing, and herding behaviors. (...)
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    On the Exploratory Function of Agent-Based Modeling.Meinard Kuhlmann - 2021 - Perspectives on Science 29 (4):510-536.
    Agent-based models derive the behavior of artificial socio-economic entities computationally from the actions of a large number of agents. One objection is that highly idealized ABMs fail to represent the real world in any reasonable sense. Another objection is that they at best show how observed patterns may have come about, because simulations are easy to produce and there is no evidence that this is really what happens. Moreover, different models may well yield the same result. I will (...)
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    A GPU Algorithm for Agent-Based Models to Simulate the Integration of Cell Membrane Signals.Arthur Douillet & Pascal Ballet - 2019 - Acta Biotheoretica 68 (1):61-71.
    Simulation of complex biological systems with agent-based models is becoming more relevant with the increase in Graphics Processing Unit power. In those simulations, up to millions of virtual cells are individually computed, involving daunting processing times. An important part of computational models is the algorithm that manages how agents perceive their surroundings. This can be particularly problematic in three-dimensional environments where agents have deformable virtual membranes. This article presents a GPU algorithm that gives the possibility for agents (...)
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    The Energetic Dimension of Emotions: An Evolution-Based Computer Simulation with General Implications.Luc Ciompi & Martin Baatz - 2008 - Biological Theory 3 (1):42-50.
    Viewed from an evolutionary standpoint, emotions can be understood as situation-specific patterns of energy consumption related to behaviors that have been selected by evolution for their survival value, such as environmental exploration, flight or fight, and socialization. In the present article, the energy linked with emotions is investigated by a strictly energy-based simulation of the evolution of simple autonomous agents provided with random cognitive and motor capacities and operating among food and predators. Emotions are translated into evolving patterns of (...)
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    The Theory-Practice Gap in the Evaluation of Agent-Based Social Simulations.David Anzola - 2021 - Science in Context 34 (3):393-410.
    ArgumentAgent-based social simulations have historically been evaluated using two criteria: verification and validation. This article questions the adequacy of this dual evaluation scheme. It claims that the scheme does not conform to everyday practices of evaluation, and has, over time, fostered a theory-practice gap in the assessment of social simulations. This gap originates because the dual evaluation scheme, inherited from computer science and software engineering, on one hand, overemphasizes the technical and formal aspects of the implementation process and, on (...)
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    Agent based Mathematical Reasoning.Christoph Benzmüller, Mateja Jamnik, Manfred Kerber & Volker Sorge - 1999 - Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier 23 (3):21-33.
    In this contribution we propose an agent architecture for theorem proving which we intend to investigate in depth in the future. The work reported in this paper is in an early state, and by no means finished. We present and discuss our proposal in order to get feedback from the Calculemus community.
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    The status–power arena: a comprehensive agent-based model of social status dynamics and gender in groups of children.Gert Jan Hofstede, Jillian Student & Mark R. Kramer - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (6):2511-2531.
    Despite the urgency of this issue, AI still struggles to represent social life. This article presents a comprehensive agent-based model that investigates status-power dynamics in groups. Kemper’s sociological status–power theory of social relationships, and a literature review on school children in middle youth, is its basis. The model allows us to investigate causation of the near-ubiquitous phenomenon that females have lower social status on average than males. Possible causes included in the model are children’s dispositional traits (kindness, beauty, (...)
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    Rational Choice and Asymmetric Learning in Iterated Social Interactions – Some Lessons from Agent-Based Modeling.Dominik Klein, Johannes Marx & Simon Scheller - 2018 - In Karl Marker, Annette Schmitt & Jürgen Sirsch, Demokratie und Entscheidung. Beiträge zur Analytischen Politischen Theorie. Springer. pp. 277-294.
    In this contribution we analyze how the actions of rational agents feed back on their beliefs. We present two agent-based computer simulations studying complex social interactions in which agents that follow utility maximizing strategies thereby deteriorate their own long-term quality of beliefs. We take these results as a starting point to discuss the complex relationship between rational action couched in terms of maximizing utility and the emergence of informational inequalities.
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    Self-emerging coordination mechanisms for knowledge integration processes.Edoardo Mollona & Andrea Marcozzi - 2009 - Mind and Society 8 (2):223-241.
    The increasing knowledge intensity of jobs, typical of a knowledge economy, highlights the role of firms as integrators of know-how and skills. As economic activity becomes mainly intellectual and requires the integration of specific and idiosyncratic skills, firms need to allocate skills to tasks and traditional hierarchical control results increasingly ineffective. In this work, we explore under what circumstances networks of agents, which bear specific skills, may self-organize in order to complete tasks. We use a computer simulation approach and (...)
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    Validation of Agent-Based Models in Economics and Finance.Giorgio Fagiolo, Mattia Guerini, Francesco Lamperti, Alessio Moneta & Andrea Roventini - 2019 - In Claus Beisbart & Nicole J. Saam, Computer Simulation Validation: Fundamental Concepts, Methodological Frameworks, and Philosophical Perspectives. Springer Verlag. pp. 763-787.
    Since Economics survey by Windrum et al., research on empirical validation of agent-based Agent-based model in Economics has made substantial advances, thanks to a constant flow of high-quality contributions. This Chapter attempts to take stock of such recent literature to offer an updated critical review of the existing validation techniques. We sketch a simple theoretical framework that conceptualizes existing validation approaches, which we examine along three different dimensions: Comparison between artificial and real-world Data; Calibration and estimation (...)
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    I-ABM: combining institutional frameworks and agent-based modelling for the design of enforcement policies.Tina Balke, Marina De Vos & Julian Padget - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 21 (4):371-398.
    Computer science advocates institutional frameworks as an effective tool for modelling policies and reasoning about their interplay. In practice, the rules or policies, of which the institutional framework consists, are often specified using a formal language, which allows for the full verification and validation of the framework (e.g. the consistency of policies) and the interplay between the policies and actors (e.g. violations). However, when modelling large-scale realistic systems, with numerous decision-making entities, scalability and complexity issues arise making it possible only (...)
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    Social Epistemology and Validation in Agent-Based Social Simulation.David Anzola - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1333-1361.
    The literature in agent-based social simulation suggests that a model is validated when it is shown to ‘successfully’, ‘adequately’ or ‘satisfactorily’ represent the target phenomenon. The notion of ‘successful’, ‘adequate’ or ‘satisfactory’ representation, however, is both underspecified and difficult to generalise, in part, because practitioners use a multiplicity of criteria to judge representation, some of which are not entirely dependent on the testing of a computational model during validation processes. This article argues that practitioners should address social (...)
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  46. Agent-based control in a global-vision robotic soccer team.John Anderson & Jacky Baltes - forthcoming - Proceedings of the Agents Meet Robots Workshop, 17th Conference of the Canadian Society for the Computational Studies of Intelligence (Ai-04).
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    Evidence-based AI, ethics and the circular economy of knowledge.Caterina Berbenni-Rehm - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):889-895.
    Everything we do in life involves a connection with information, experience and know-how: together these represent the most valuable of intangible human assets encompassing our history, cultures and wisdom. However, the more easily new technologies gather information, the more we are confronted with our limited capacity to distinguish between what is essential, important or merely ‘nice-to-have’. This article presents the case study of a multilingual Knowledge Management System, the Business enabling e-Platform that gathers and protects tacit knowledge, as the key (...)
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  48. Epistemic Landscapes Reloaded: An Examination of Agent-Based Models in Social Epistemology.Manuela Fernández Pinto & Daniel Fernández Pinto - 2018 - Historical Social Research 43 (1):48-71.
    Weisberg and Muldoon’s epistemic landscape model (ELM) has been one of the most significant contributions to the use of agent-based models in philosophy. The model provides an innovative approach to establishing the optimal distribution of cognitive labor in scientific communities, using an epistemic landscape. In the paper, we provide a critical examination of ELM. First, we show that the computing mechanism for ELM is correct insofar as we are able to replicate the results using another programming language. Second, (...)
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  49. Information, Computation, Cognition. Agency-Based Hierarchies of Levels.Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic - 2016 - In Vincent C. Müller, Fundamental Issues of Artificial Intelligence. Cham: Springer. pp. 139-159.
    This paper connects information with computation and cognition via concept of agents that appear at variety of levels of organization of physical/chemical/cognitive systems – from elementary particles to atoms, molecules, life-like chemical systems, to cognitive systems starting with living cells, up to organisms and ecologies. In order to obtain this generalized framework, concepts of information, computation and cognition are generalized. In this framework, nature can be seen as informational structure with computational dynamics, where an (info-computational) agent is (...)
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    Perspectives on Culture and Agent-based Simulations: Integrating Cultures.Frank Dignum & Virginia Dignum (eds.) - 2014 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume analyses, from a computational point of view, how culture may arise, develop and evolve through time. The four sections in this book examine and analyse the modelling of culture, group and organisation culture, culture simulation, and culture-sensitive technology design. Different research disciplines have different perspectives on culture, making it difficult to compare and integrate different concepts and models of culture. By taking a computational perspective this book nevertheless enables the integration of concepts that play a role (...)
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