Results for 'Alain Juppé'

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  1.  17
    The Winter is Over: Writings on Transformation Denied, 1989-1995.Giuseppe Caccia, Isabella Bertoletti, James Cascaito & Andrea Casson (eds.) - 2013 - Semiotext(E).
    Automation and information technology have transformed the organization of labor to such an extent that the processes of exploitation have moved beyond the labor class and now work upon society as a whole. If this displacement has destroyed the political primacy of the labor class, it has not, however, eliminated exploitation; rather, it has broadened it, implanting it within the given conditions of the most diverse spheres of society. -- from The Winter Is Over In late 1995, in opposition to (...)
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    The Winter is Over: Writings on Transformation Denied, 1989-1995.Antonio Negri & Jason E. Smith - 2013 - Semiotext(E).
    Writings by Negri on the brief thaw in the cold winter of neoliberalism, Thatcherism, Reaganomics, and counterrevolution. Automation and information technology have transformed the organization of labor to such an extent that the processes of exploitation have moved beyond the labor class and now work upon society as a whole. If this displacement has destroyed the political primacy of the labor class, it has not, however, eliminated exploitation; rather, it has broadened it, implanting it within the given conditions of the (...)
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  3. Neglected Sources of Joy.W. J. Jupp - 1920 - Hibbert Journal 19:679-89.
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    Freud and Pseudo-Science.V. L. Jupp - 1977 - Philosophy 52 (202):441 - 453.
    It is a strange fact that people's opinions of psychoanalysis are only rarely tentative or unemphatic. It seems that one must either love it or hate it. Professor Cioffi, in a recent paper, has shown that he is no lover of psychoanalysis, and he makes what appears to be a devastating attack on Freud's theories and methods and on the credibility of the whole psychoanalytic discipline. Without wanting to ally myself wholeheartedly with the opposite camp, I want to show that (...)
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    Virtue, ethics, and sociology: issues of modernity and religion.Kieran Flanagan & Peter C. Jupp (eds.) - 2001 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    This collection of 13 specially commissioned essays expands a new intellectual terrain for sociology: virtue ethics. Using a variety of religious perspectives, of Catholicism, Protestantism, Hinduism, Quakerism, with considerations of Islam and the New Age, this engaged and topical collection deals with properties of virtue in relation to the person, celibacy, hope, the apocalypse, mourning, and moral ambiguity. It also treats the concept of virtue in response to MacIntyre, Bauman, Weber, Durkheim, and Giddens. It seeks to move sociology past disabling (...)
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    Postmodernity, Sociology and Religion.Kieran Flanagan & Peter C. Jupp - 1996
    This topical collection of eleven commissioned essays by well-established contributors from sociology, religious studies and theology, is one of the first treatments of the relationship between postmodernity and religion from a sociological perspective. The essays cover a diversity of interests, but treat postmodernity in terms of its implications for the self, the New Age and theology, particularly Catholicism and Judaism. Two of the essays are original appraisals of two important French writers on religion: Jean-Luc Marion and Daniele Hervieu-Leger.
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    Metapolitics.Alain Badiou - 2005 - New York: Verso. Edited by Jason Barker.
    Against "political philosophy" -- Politics as thought -- Althusser -- Politics unbound -- A speculative disquisition on the concept of democracy -- Truths and justice -- Rancière and the community of equals -- Rancière and apolitics -- What is a thermidorean? -- Politics as truth procedure.
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    Manifesto for Philosophy.Alain Badiou & Norman Madarasz (eds.) - 1999 - Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press.
    Contra those proclaiming the end of philosophy, Badiou aims to restore philosophical thought to the complete space of the truths that condition it.
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  9. Logiques des mondes.Alain Badiou - 2006 - Paris: Editions du Seuil.
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    Simplexity: simplifying principles for a complex world.Alain Berthoz - 2012 - New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
    In this book a noted physiologist and neuroscientist introduces the concept of simplexity, the set of solutions living organisms find that enable them to deal with information and situations, while taking into account past experiences and anticipating future ones. Such solutions are new ways of addressing problems so that actions may be taken more quickly, more elegantly, and more efficiently. In a sense, the history of living organisms may be summed up by their remarkable ability to find solutions that avoid (...)
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    (1 other version)Philosophy for Militants.Alain Badiou - 2012 - New York: Verso. Edited by Bruno Bosteels.
    Enigmatic relationship between philosophy and politics -- Figure of the soldier -- Politics as a nonexpressive dialectics.
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  12. An Introduction to the Study of Social Movements.Alain Touraine - 1985 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 52.
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    Philosophy and the Event.Alain Badiou - 2013 - Malden, MA: Polity. Edited by Alain Badiou, Fabien Tarby & Louise Burchill.
    This concise and accessible book is the perfect introduction to Badiou’s thought. Responding to Tarby’s questions, Badiou takes us on a journey that interrogates and explores the four conditions of philosophy: politics, love, art and science. In all these domains, events occur that bring to light possibilities that were invisible or even unthinkable; they propose something to us. Everything then depends on how the possibility opened up by the event is grasped, elaborated and embedded in the world – this is (...)
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    What Is a Book? Kant and the Law of the Letter.Alain Pottage & Mario Biagioli - 2023 - Critical Inquiry 49 (4):605-625.
    Kant’s essay on the question of literary piracy has so far been read as a foundational text in the history of literary property. When Kant refers to the book as a “mute instrument,” scholars of intellectual property already know how to interpret that formulation because they presume the distinction that the contemporary jurisprudence of intellectual property makes between matter and form and its concomitant assumption that print is just an inert, nonagentive medium. In fact, Kant begins his analysis of unauthorized (...)
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    Emotion and Reason: The Cognitive Neuroscience of Decision Making.Alain Berthoz - 2006 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Decision making is an area of profound importance to a wide range of specialities - for psychologists, economists, lawyers, clinicians, managers, and of course philosophers. Only relatively recently, though, have we begun to really understand how decision making processes are implemented in the brain, and how they might interact with our emotions. 'Emotion and Reason' presents a groundbreaking new approach to understanding decision making processes and their neural bases. The book presents a sweeping survey of the science of decision making. (...)
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  16. [no title].Alain Bresson - unknown
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    The Defeat of the Mind.Alain Finkielkraut - 1995 - Columbia University Press.
    A passionate critique of Enlightenment--both in its contemporary invocation and its historical and cultural use--and a call to arms to rethink human equality and liberty without the sacrifice of individual rights and ethnicities.
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  18. On a finally objectless subject.Alain Badiou - 1988 - Topoi 7 (2):93-98.
  19. Gregor Mendel's Experiments on Plant Hybrids: A Guided Study.Alain F. Corcos & Floyd V. Monaghan - 1994 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 37 (2):308.
  20. The Oxford and Paris traditions in logic.Alain de Libera - 1982 - In Norman Kretzmann, Anthony Kenny & Jan Pinborg, Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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    Theories d'Algebres de Boole Munies d'Ideaux Distingues. I. Theories Elementaires.Alain Touraille - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (4):1027-1043.
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    La relation énigmatique entre philosophie et politique.Alain Badiou - 2011 - [Meaux]: Germina.
  23.  8
    (1 other version)Système des beaux-arts.Alain - 1920 - [Paris]: Gallimard.
    Les idées ici proposées ne dépendent point de quelque idée supérieure d'abord posée, et ne conduisent même point à quelque notion commune qui puisse définir tous les arts en peu de mots. Au contraire je me suis attaché à marquer les différences, les séparations, les oppositions, me réglant ainsi, autant que peut faire la critique, sur les oeuvres elles-mêmes, dont chacune s'affirme si bien et n'affirme qu'elle.
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  24. Mathematics and philosophy.Alain Badiou - 2006 - In Simon Duffy, Virtual Mathematics: the logic of difference. Clinamen. pp. 12--30.
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    Approximate number sense theory or approximate theory of magnitude?Alain Content, Michael Vande Velde & Andrea Adriano - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    How Real are Statistics?Alain Desrosières - 2001 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 68.
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    Splendeurs et misères des sciences sociales: esquisses d'une mythologie.Alain Caillé - 1986 - Genève: Libr. Droz.
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    Intimacy and Imagination.Alain Beauclair - 2024 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 38 (1):15-30.
    ABSTRACT This article offers an analysis of the concept of intimacy, arguing that it concerns moments of mutual imaginings generative of desire. As a peculiar mode of shared conduct, it is difficult to categorize the value of such actions insofar as they fall outside our ordinary conception of the public and private spheres. Nonetheless, when achieved, intimacy is not only an expansion of the private and a realization of a good-in-itself, but also has a bearing on our orientation to the (...)
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    Strategies Used by Musicians to Identify Notes’ Pitch: Cognitive Bricks and Mental Representations.Alain Letailleur, Erica Bisesi & Pierre Legrain - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    To this day, the study of the substratum of thought and its implied mechanisms is rarely directly addressed. Nowadays, systemic approaches based on introspective methodologies are no longer fashionable and are often overlooked or ignored. Most frequently, reductionist approaches are followed for deciphering the neuronal circuits functionally associated with cognitive processes. However, we argue that systemic studies of individual thought may still contribute to a useful and complementary description of the multimodal nature of perception, because they can take into account (...)
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    Aristotle and the Dominion of Nature.Alain Ducharme - 2014 - Environmental Ethics 36 (2):203-214.
    Although it is often held that Aristotle endorses anthropocentric dominionism, Aristotle’s writings include an account of nonhuman value. The interpretation of Aristotle’s natural teleology which assumes that the claim that plants and animals are “for the sake of humans” entails an axiologically anthropocentric view of nature. However, a combination of aspects of Aristotle ethics and natural teleology shows that nature is valuable insofar as it is constituted by natural objects, things with natures. In virtue of having a nature, an object (...)
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    Ours Is Not a Terrible Situation.Alain Badiou & Simon Critchley - 2007 - Philosophy Today 51 (3):357-365.
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  32. Plato, our dear Plato!Alain Badiou & Alberto Toscano - 2006 - Angelaki 11 (3):39 – 41.
  33. Lévinas, entre l’allemand et le français.Alain David - 2007 - Studia Phaenomenologica 7 (1):55-72.
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    (1 other version)The double inconceivability of the pure gift.Alain Caillé - 2001 - Angelaki 6 (2):23-39.
  35. Philosophy and politics.Alain Badiou - 1999 - Radical Philosophy 96:29-32.
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    Heuretics: The Logic of Invention.Alain Gabon & Gregory L. Ulmer - 1996 - Substance 25 (1):146.
  37. L’intention, l’événement et l’Autre.Alain David - 2007 - Studia Phaenomenologica 7 (9999):21-54.
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  38. Our geological contemporary.Alain Pottage - 2017 - In Justin Desautels-Stein & Christopher Tomlins, Searching for Contemporary Legal Thought. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
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  39. History of Exposure to Self-Focusing Stimuli As a Developmental Antecedent of Self-Consciousness.Alain Morin - 1997 - Psychological Reports 80:1252-1254.
    Szmimary.—The present report investigated the question of how individual differences in self-consciousness devdop. Rimé and LeBon proposed that high self-consciousness follows a history of frequent exposure to selffocusing stimuli, i.e., mirrors, audiences, audio and video devices, and cameras. To explore this hypothesis private and public self-consciousness and past exposure to self-focusing stimuli were assessed in 438 subjects. Analysis indicated that history of frequent exposure to self-focusing stimuli is significantly but weakly related to high private self-consciousness in men and to high (...)
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  40. Twenty-Four Notes on the Uses of the Word "People".Alain Badiou - 2016 - In Georges Didi-Huberman, Sadri Khiari, Jacques Rancière, Pierre Bourdieu, Alain Badiou & Judith Butler, What Is a People? New York: Columbia University Press.
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  41. Artificial consciousness, artificial emotions, and autonomous robots.Alain Cardon - 2006 - Cognitive Processing 7 (4):245-267.
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    Segmental Analysis Abilities Constitute a Powerful Accelerator of Reading Acquisition.Alain Content - 1991 - Mind and Language 6 (2):113-121.
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    The decorative truck as a communicative device.Alain Lefebvre - 1989 - Semiotica 75 (3-4):215-228.
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  44. A Unique and different subject of law.Alain Pottage - 1998 - In Peter Goodrich & David Carlson, Law and the postmodern mind: essays on psychoanalysis and jurisprudence. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
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    Three Studies on the History of Sampling Surveys: Norway, Russia-USSR, United States.Alain Desrosires - 2002 - Science in Context 15 (3):377-383.
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    Aristotle’s Mark of Sentience.Alain Ducharme - 2014 - Apeiron 47 (3):293-309.
    I reconsider Aristotle’s account of perception by way of an ‘organic’ reading of the sensitive mean. I argue that the mean serves as a homeostatic mechanism that allows for the replication of forms in the organs in the process of perceptual alteration. The mean, as a product of properly constituted organs, is that by which Aristotle separates animals from plants.
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  47. Conférence de Ljubljana.Alain Badiou - forthcoming - Filozofski Vestnik.
    While Logics of Worlds already emphasized that one’s participation in a process of truth is signalized by an affect and already pointed out some of the affects connected with these processes (enthusiasm, joy, pleasure, beatitude), the further elaboration of this topics remains the task of the third part of the Being and Event, which has yet to be written and is entitled The Immanence of Truths. The first part of the lecture discusses the very reasons for this work, its necessity, (...)
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    The Universality of Economics and Cultural Diversity.Alain Bienaymé - 2008 - Diogenes 55 (3):47-54.
    The very diversity of cultures impels the economist to respect a principle of modesty when it comes to specifying the degree of universality to which the science of economics can lay claim. In considering this issue, this paper: a) criticizes the ambition of certain forms of economic thought to arrive at truths which are universal, and b) explores the modes by which contemporary economic science participates in a renewed pursuit of a universalist doctrine. It concludes that the logic of economic (...)
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    Abrégés pour les aveugles.Alain - 1943 - Paris: P. Hartmann.
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    Cours de philosophie: Rouen, 1900-1901.Alain - 2006 - Paris: Institut Alain.
    Les degrés et les formes de la vie pensante -- Théorie de la connaissance -- La perception -- L'imagination.
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