Results for 'Alexandra Kolesnik'

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  1. Філософсько-освітня методологія дослідження мережевої парадигми управління освітою.Olga Kolesnik - 2014 - Схід 2 (128):150-153.
    Defining features of the research methodology of network management of education paradigm is the main subject of the article. First of all, we are talking about the need to adapt existing methodologies such as synergistic, systems analysis, activity approach, philosophical hermeneutic methodology. Their use requires consideration of social and cultural characteristics of network-information society and its education sector. The main reason for adaptation of methodologies is consideration of educational networking features, including horizontal interaction between actors in the educational process of (...)
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  2. Comment rendre l'âme «comme matérielle»? Le Cas de Malebranche.Delphine Kolesnik-Antoine - 2011 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 61:205-219.
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  3. Entrée: Cordemoy.Delphine Kolesnik-Antoine - 2008 - In Luc Foisneau, The dictionary of seventeenth-century French philosophers. New York: Thoemmes.
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    Élisabeth de Bohême face à Descartes, deux philosophes?Delphine Kolesnik-Antoine & Marie-Frédérique Pellegrin (eds.) - 2014 - Paris: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin.
    English summary: This book examines the philosophy of Elisabeth of Bohemia in conjunction with Descartess. She maintained a philosophical dialogue with another philosopher employing pertinent arguments. In addition, she perhaps developed her own theses, truly philosophical theses which can be better understood in consideration with her numerous correspondents. The study seeks to better understand Elisabeths role in Cartesian thought, and to determine her own philosophical thought. French description: Le titre meme de ce volume, sous forme d'interrogation, est a comprendre comme (...)
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    Les Malebranchismes des Lumières: études sur les réceptions contrastées de la philosophie de Malebranche, fin XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles.Delphine Kolesnik-Antoine (ed.) - 2014 - Paris: Honoré Champion Éditeur.
    Plus que Malebranche lui-même, ce volume interroge les potentialités complexes de ses textes et les différents prismes qui les ont réfractées, dans des contextes et à des desseins souvent bien différents de ceux de l'Oratorien. Plus que de savoir si telle ou telle réception est ou non "fidèle" aux "intentions" de Malebranche, ce volume entend participer à une réflexion plus large sur une méthodologie de l'histoire des idées soucieuse de n'occulter aucune des lectures réelles d'une œuvre à la fois apologétique (...)
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    Les Passions de l'ame, Première Partie, Descartes.Delphine Kolesnik-Antoine, Philippe Drieux & René Descartes - 1998 - Ellipses Marketing.
    Pour la première fois en 1649, Descartes consacre une attention méticuleuse à la description de " toute la nature de l'homme ". Les passions ne lui fournissent pas une simple occasion parmi d'autres d'en traiter. Elles l'obligent surtout (et son lecteur avec lui) à se placer du point de vue du composé psychosomatique lui-même, soit à décrire, dans toutes ses manifestations et implications (éthiques notamment), cette " troisième notion primitive " que ni la philosophie première seule, ni la physique seule, (...)
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    La structure passionnelle de l'âme malebranchiste: entre Descartes et Regius?Delphine Kolesnik-Antoine - 2012 - In Sabrina Ebbersmeyer, Emotional Minds: The Passions and the Limits of Pure Inquiry in Early Modern Philosophy. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 51.
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    Physics and metaphysics in Descartes and in his reception.Delphine Kolesnik-Antoine & Sophie Roux (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
    This volume explores the relationship between physics and metaphysics in Descartes’ philosophy. According to the standard account, Descartes modified the objects of metaphysics and physics and inverted the order in which these two disciplines were traditionally studied. This book challenges the standard account in which Descartes prioritizes metaphysics over physics. It does so by taking into consideration the historical reception of Descartes and the ways in which Descartes himself reacted to these receptions in his own lifetime. The book stresses the (...)
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    Peut-on s'exempter de vieillir ? L'apport cartésien.Delphine Kolesnik-Antoine - 2011 - Astérion 8 (8).
    La revendication de la capacité de la science mécaniste nouvelle à prolonger la vie, dans des proportions dont on s’est souvent complu à exhiber le caractère irrationnel, est plus complexe qu’il n’y paraît. L’étude du détail des textes de Descartes, en particulier de la correspondance, montre ainsi que ce n’est pas d’abord l’étude de la médecine, si parfaite et démonstrative soit-elle, qui peut fournir à l’homme les moyens de vivre mieux et plus longtemps. C’est, inversement, la mise au jour des (...)
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    Qu'est-ce qu'être cartésien.Delphine Kolesnik-Antoine & Jean-Christophe Angaut (eds.) - 2013 - Lyon: ENS éditions.
    Qu'est-ce qu'être cartésien? Qu'est-ce qui fait la spécificité du cartésianisme dans l'histoire des idées? Ce volume propose une réponse â cette question : le cartésianisme peut tout aussi bien se penser à l'aide des outils d'une histoire de la philosophie classique recourant à la philologie, aux " sources " et à l'intertextualité, y compris en des termes critiques ; que dans les lexiques de la réfraction, de la transformation voire de la construction, rationnelle ou imaginaire. Dans ce dernier cas, on (...)
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  11. Review of the Evidence of Sentience in Cephalopod Molluscs and Decapod Crustaceans.Jonathan Birch, Charlotte Burn, Alexandra Schnell, Heather Browning & Andrew Crump - manuscript
    Sentience is the capacity to have feelings, such as feelings of pain, pleasure, hunger, thirst, warmth, joy, comfort and excitement. It is not simply the capacity to feel pain, but feelings of pain, distress or harm, broadly understood, have a special significance for animal welfare law. Drawing on over 300 scientific studies, we evaluate the evidence of sentience in two groups of invertebrate animals: the cephalopod molluscs or, for short, cephalopods (including octopods, squid and cuttlefish) and the decapod crustaceans or, (...)
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  12.  26
    de mouvoir le corps»: Descartes, Malebranche, Rennes, Presses Uni-versitaires de Rennes, 2009, pp. 310. Come può l'anima, immateriale, muovere il corpo? Siamo ve-ramente sicuri che sia l'anima a muoverlo? Il libro di Delphine. [REVIEW]Delphine Kolesnik-Antoine - 2010 - Rivista di Filosofia 101 (2).
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    (1 other version)Géraldine Caps, Les « médecins cartésiens ». Héritage et diffusion de la représentation mécaniste du corps humain . Hildesheim, Zürich, New-York, Georg Olms Verlag, 2010, 789 pages, 98 €. [REVIEW]Delphine Kolesnik-Antoine - 2014 - Astérion 12.
    L’imposant ouvrage de Géraldine Caps résulte du remaniement d’une thèse de philosophie et d’histoire des sciences soutenue le 14 décembre 2007 à l’université Nancy 2 sous la direction de Simone Mazauric. Il présente une synthèse inédite sur la notion de « médecins cartésiens », dont G. Caps commence par rechercher les occurrences lexicales et les variations. Après avoir souligné que l’expression apparaît pour la première fois en 1643 au singulier pou..
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    Reviewing the womb.Elizabeth Chloe Romanis, Dunja Begović, Margot R. Brazier & Alexandra Katherine Mullock - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):820-829.
    Throughout most of human history women have been defined by their biological role in reproduction, seen first and foremost as gestators, which has led to the reproductive system being subjected to outside interference. The womb was perceived as dangerous and an object which husbands, doctors and the state had a legitimate interest in controlling. In this article, we consider how notions of conflict surrounding the womb have endured over time. We demonstrate how concerns seemingly generated by the invisibility of reproduction (...)
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    Theoretical foundations of the labor market and employment digital transformation of in a single-industry town.Olga Antonova, Elena Kolesnik & Elena Maslennikova - 2021 - Sotsium I Vlast 3:25-45.
    Introduction. On the territory of the Chelyabinsk region there are 16 single-industry towns, the labor market and employment of which depend on the socio-economic situation of the single-industry enterprise. This state of matters results in the growth of unemployment, decrease in the level of human capital, the population’s life quality, and the loss of scientific and production potential. According to the authors, developing the theoretical foundations of the labor market and employment digital transformation in a single-industry town will make it (...)
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    Moral Standards for Research in Developing Countries from "Reasonable Availability" to "Fair Benefits".Maged El Setouhy, Tsiri Agbenyega, Francis Anto, Christine Alexandra Clerk, Kwadwo A. Koram, Michael English, Rashid Juma, Catherine Molyneux, Norbert Peshu, Newton Kumwenda, Joseph Mfutso-Bengu, Malcolm Molyneux, Terrie Taylor, Doumbia Aissata Diarra, Saibou Maiga, Mamadou Sylla, Dione Youssouf, Catherine Olufunke Falade, Segun Gbadegesin, Reidar Lie, Ferdinand Mugusi, David Ngassapa, Julius Ecuru, Ambrose Talisuna, Ezekiel Emanuel, Christine Grady, Elizabeth Higgs, Christopher Plowe, Jeremy Sugarman & David Wendler - 2004 - Hastings Center Report 34 (3):17.
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  17. Reconceptualizing Emotion Regulation.Joseph J. Campos, Eric A. Walle, Audun Dahl & Alexandra Main - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (1):26-35.
    Emotion regulation is one of the major foci of study in the fields of emotion and emotional development. This article proposes that to properly study emotion regulation, one must consider not only an intrapersonal view of emotion, but a relational one as well. Defining properties of intrapersonal and relational approaches are spelled out, and implications drawn for how emotion regulation is conceptualized, how studies are designed, how findings are interpreted, and how generalizations are drawn. Most research to date has been (...)
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    Ethical and Regulatory Considerations for Using Social Media Platforms to Locate and Track Research Participants.Ananya Bhatia-Lin, Alexandra Boon-Dooley, Michelle K. Roberts, Caroline Pronai, Dylan Fisher, Lea Parker, Allison Engstrom, Leah Ingraham & Doyanne Darnell - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (6):47-61.
    As social media becomes increasingly popular, human subjects researchers are able to use these platforms to locate, track, and communicate with study participants, thereby increasing participant retention and the generalizability and validity of research. The use of social media; however, raises novel ethical and regulatory issues that have received limited attention in the literature and federal regulations. We review research ethics and regulations and outline the implications for maintaining participant privacy, respecting participant autonomy, and promoting researcher transparency when using social (...)
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    Seeking consent for research with indigenous communities: a systematic review.Emily F. M. Fitzpatrick, Alexandra L. C. Martiniuk, Heather D’Antoine, June Oscar, Maureen Carter & Elizabeth J. Elliott - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):65.
    BackgroundWhen conducting research with Indigenous populations consent should be sought from both individual participants and the local community. We aimed to search and summarise the literature about methods for seeking consent for research with Indigenous populations.MethodsA systematic literature search was conducted for articles that describe or evaluate the process of seeking informed consent for research with Indigenous participants. Guidelines for ethical research and for seeking consent with Indigenous people are also included in our review.ResultsOf 1447 articles found 1391 were excluded (...)
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    Cognitive and neural plasticity in older adults’ prospective memory following training with the Virtual Week computer game.Nathan S. Rose, Peter G. Rendell, Alexandra Hering, Matthias Kliegel, Gavin M. Bidelman & Fergus I. M. Craik - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  21. Abusive Sexting in Adolescence: Prevalence and Characteristics of Abusers and Victims.Ricardo Barroso, Eduarda Ramião, Patrícia Figueiredo & Alexandra M. Araújo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Sexting has been defined as sending, receiving, or forwarding sexually explicit messages, images, or photos to others through digital platforms, and can assume more consensual or more abusive and violent forms. This study aims to explore the prevalence of abusive sexting in Portuguese adolescents and the psychological characteristics of sexting abusers in terms of emotional and behavioral problems, potential markers of psychopathy, childhood trauma and maltreatment, and different forms of aggression. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 4,281 participants, aged 12–20 (...)
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    The Aim Justifies the Means—Differences Among Musical and Nonmusical Means of Relaxation or Activation Induction in Daily Life.Mattes B. Kappert, Alexandra Wuttke-Linnemann, Wolff Schlotz & Urs M. Nater - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    When Core Self-Evaluations Influence Employees’ Deviant Reactions to Abusive Supervision: The Moderating Role of Cognitive Ability.Donald H. Kluemper, Kevin W. Mossholder, Dan Ispas, Mark N. Bing, Dragos Iliescu & Alexandra Ilie - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (2):435-453.
    Viewing workplace deviance within a victim precipitation framework, we explore how abusive supervisors target subordinates low in core self-evaluations to explain when such employees respond by engaging in workplace deviance. We theorize that employees who are lower in CSE receive more abusive supervision, which generates subsequent harmful reactions toward supervisors, peers, and the organization. This occurs primarily when employees lack sufficient cognitive resources in dealing with supervisor abuse. We test, replicate, and extend our theoretical model in three empirical studies. Results (...)
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    In Memory of Edward Diener: Reflections on His Career, Contributions and the Science of Happiness.Weiting Ng, William Tov, Ruut Veenhoven, Sebastiaan Rothmann, Maria José Chambel, Sufen Chen, Matthew L. Cole, Chiara Consiglio, Arianna Costantini, Jesus Alfonso Daep Datu, Zelda Di Blasi, Susana Llorens Gumbau, Alexandra Huber, Saskia M. Kelders, Jeff Klibert, Hans Henrik Knoop, Claude-Hélène Mayer, Mirna Nel, Marisa Salanova, Marijke Schotanus-Dijkstra, Rebecca Shankland, Akihito Shimazu, Peter M. ten Klooster, Maria Vera, Maria A. J. Zondervan-Zwijnenburg & Llewellyn Ellardus van Zyl - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Lived Experience in New Models of Care for Substance Use Disorder: A Systematic Review of Peer Recovery Support Services and Recovery Coaching.David Eddie, Lauren Hoffman, Corrie Vilsaint, Alexandra Abry, Brandon Bergman, Bettina Hoeppner, Charles Weinstein & John F. Kelly - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    “To Suffer in Paradise”: Feelings Mothers Share on Portuguese Facebook Sites.Filipa César, Patrício Costa, Alexandra Oliveira & Anne Marie Fontaine - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The role of appraisal in dysphoric affect reactivity to positive laboratory films and daily life events in depression.Vanessa Panaite, Alana Whittington & Alexandra Cowden Hindash - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (6):1362-1373.
    ABSTRACTHedonic deficits are linked to protracted dysphoric affect in depression, a disorder characterised by emotion context insensitivity. Recent findings from daily life studies contradict the ECI view. This study longitudinally investigated DA across laboratory and daily life contexts and the conditions associated with discrepancies in DA reactivity. Thirty-three healthy controls and 41 adults with major depressive disorder provided responses to neutral and positive films viewed in the laboratory and daily events recorded over the course of three days using ecological momentary (...)
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    Facebook activity of residents and fellows and its impact on the doctor–patient relationship.Ghassan Moubarak, Aurélie Guiot, Ygal Benhamou, Alexandra Benhamou & Sarah Hariri - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (2):101-104.
    Aim Facebook is an increasingly popular online social networking site. The purpose of this study was to describe the Facebook activity of residents and fellows and their opinions regarding the impact of Facebook on the doctor–patient relationship. Methods An anonymous questionnaire was emailed to 405 residents and fellows at the Rouen University Hospital, France, in October 2009. Results Of the 202 participants who returned the questionnaire (50%), 147 (73%) had a Facebook profile. Among responders, 138 (99%) displayed their real name (...)
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    How Working Memory Provides Representational Change During Insight Problem Solving.Sergei Korovkin, Ilya Vladimirov, Alexandra Chistopolskaya & Anna Savinova - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  30. Mother’s physical activity during pregnancy and newborn’s brain cortical development.Xiaoxu Na, Rajikha Raja, Natalie E. Phelan, Marinna R. Tadros, Alexandra Moore, Zhengwang Wu, Li Wang, Gang Li, Charles M. Glasier, Raghu R. Ramakrishnaiah, Aline Andres & Xiawei Ou - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:943341.
    BackgroundPhysical activity is known to improve mental health, and is regarded as safe and desirable for uncomplicated pregnancy. In this novel study, we aim to evaluate whether there are associations between maternal physical activity during pregnancy and neonatal brain cortical development.MethodsForty-four mother/newborn dyads were included in this longitudinal study. Healthy pregnant women were recruited and their physical activity throughout pregnancy were documented using accelerometers worn for 3–7 days for each of the 6 time points at 4–10, ∼12, ∼18, ∼24, ∼30, (...)
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  31. Defining Transformative Experiences: A Conceptual Analysis.Alice Chirico, Marta Pizzolante, Alexandra Kitson, Elena Gianotti, Bernhard E. Riecke & Andrea Gaggioli - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:790300.
    The concept of transformative experience (TE) has been widely explored by several disciplines from philosophy to neurobiology, and in different domains, from the spiritual to the educational one. This attitude has engendered heterogeneous models to explain this phenomenon. However, a consistent and clear understanding of this construct remains elusive. The aim of this work is to provide an initial comprehensive interdisciplinary, cross-domain, up-to-date, and integrated overview on the concept of TEs. Firstly, all the models and theories on TEs were reviewed (...)
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    Patients' views of consent in clinical trials for acute myocardial infarction: impact of trial design.Neal W. Dickert, Kristopher A. Hendershot, Candace D. Speight & Alexandra E. Fehr - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (8):524-529.
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  33. The Child Emotion Facial Expression Set: A Database for Emotion Recognition in Children.Juliana Gioia Negrão, Ana Alexandra Caldas Osorio, Rinaldo Focaccia Siciliano, Vivian Renne Gerber Lederman, Elisa Harumi Kozasa, Maria Eloisa Famá D'Antino, Anderson Tamborim, Vitor Santos, David Leonardo Barsand de Leucas, Paulo Sergio Camargo, Daniel C. Mograbi, Tatiana Pontrelli Mecca & José Salomão Schwartzman - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: This study developed a photo and video database of 4-to-6-year-olds expressing the seven induced and posed universal emotions and a neutral expression. Children participated in photo and video sessions designed to elicit the emotions, and the resulting images were further assessed by independent judges in two rounds. Methods: In the first round, two independent judges, experts in the Facial Action Coding System, firstly analysed 3,668 emotions facial expressions stimuli from 132 children. Both judges reached 100% agreement regarding 1,985 stimuli, (...)
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    Biobanking and consenting to research: a qualitative thematic analysis of young people’s perspectives in the North East of England.Momodou Ndure, Isatou Sarr, Anna Roca, Kalifa Bojang, Effua Usuf, Fiona Cresswell, Elizabeth Fitchett, David Bath, Manuel Dewez, Shunmay Yeung, Sebastian Schroepf, Carola Schoen, Karl Reiter, Esther Maier, Eberhard Lurz, Matthias Kappler, Sabrina Juranek, Tobias Feuchtinger, Matthias Griese, Florian Hoffmann, Niklaus Haas, Katharina Danhauser, Irene Alba-Alejandre, Ioanna Mavridi, Patricia Schmied, Laura Kolberg, Ulrich von Both, Maike K. Tauchert, Elmar Wallner, Volker Strenger, Andrea Skrabl-Baumgartner, Siegfried Rödl, Klaus Pfurtscheller, Andreas Pfleger, Heidemarie Pilch, Tobias Niedrist, Sabine Löffler, Markus Keldorfer, Andreas Kapper, Christa Hude, Almuthe Hauer, Harald Haidl, Siegfried Gallistl, Ernst Eber, Astrid Ceolotto, Martin Benesch, Sebastian Bauchinger, Manfred G. Sagmeister, Martina Strempfl, Bianca Stoiser, Glorija Rajic, Alexandra Rusu, Lena Pölz, Manuel Leitner, Susanne Hösele, Christoph Zurl, Nina A. Schweintzger, Daniel S. Kohlfürst, Benno Kohlmaier & Ale Binder - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundBiobanking biospecimens and consent are common practice in paediatric research. We need to explore children and young people’s (CYP) knowledge and perspectives around the use of and consent to biobanking. This will ensure meaningful informed consent can be obtained and improve current consent procedures.MethodsWe designed a survey, in co-production with CYP, collecting demographic data, views on biobanking, and consent using three scenarios: 1) prospective consent, 2) deferred consent, and 3) reconsent and assent at age of capacity. The survey was disseminated (...)
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    High‐Pitched Sound is Open and Low‐Pitched Sound is Closed: Representing the Spatial Meaning of Pitch Height.Lari Vainio, Ida-Lotta Myllylä, Alexandra Wikström & Martti Vainio - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (8):e13486.
    Research shows that high- and low-pitch sounds can be associated with various meanings. For example, high-pitch sounds are associated with small concepts, whereas low-pitch sounds are associated with large concepts. This study presents three experiments revealing that high-pitch sounds are also associated with open concepts and opening hand actions, while low-pitch sounds are associated with closed concepts and closing hand actions. In Experiment 1, this sound-meaning correspondence effect was shown using the two-alternative forced-choice task, while Experiments 2 and 3 used (...)
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    Doing Without Action Types.Hein Duijf, Jan Broersen, Alexandra Kuncová & Aldo Iván Ramírez Abarca - 2021 - Review of Symbolic Logic 14 (2):380-410.
    This paper explores the analysis of ability, where ability is to be understood in the epistemic sense—in contrast to what might be called a causal sense. There are plenty of cases where an agent is able to perform an action that guarantees a given result even though she does not know which of her actions guarantees that result. Such an agent possesses the causal ability but lacks the epistemic ability. The standard analysis of such epistemic abilities relies on the notion (...)
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    Philosophy of Childhood and children's Political Participation: Poli(s)Phonic Challenges.Susana Brissos Matos & Paula Alexandra Vieira - 2023 - Childhood and Philosophy 19:01-23.
    What challenges does the political participation of children pose to the Philosophy of Childhood? What challenges does the Philosophy of Childhood pose to children's political participation? This text is inspired by the idea that “research is not about enumerating situations, but making researchers lose their sleep”. It is divided into two distinct parts. In the first, we introduce the theoretical framework that orients our research group and our work with children in the philosophical research community. We posit a link between (...)
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    Ethical, legal, and social implications in research biobanking: A checklist for navigating complexity.Olga Tzortzatou-Nanopoulou, Kaya Akyüz, Melanie Goisauf, Łukasz Kozera, Signe Mežinska, Michaela Th Mayrhofer, Santa Slokenberga, Jane Reichel, Talishiea Croxton, Alexandra Ziaka & Marina Makri - 2023 - Developing World Bioethics 24 (3):139-150.
    Biobanks’ activity is based not only on securing the technology of collecting and storing human biospecimen, but also on preparing formal documentation that will enable its safe use for scientific research. In that context, the issue of informed consent, the reporting of incidental findings and the use of Transfer Agreements remain a vast challenge. This paper aims to offer first–hand tangible solutions on those issues in the context of collaborative and transnational biobanking research. It presents a four‐step checklist aiming to (...)
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    RETRACTION NOTICE: Sustainability and eco – efficiency.Marlén Deyanira Melo Zamora & Mónica Alexandra Zarta Campos - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (2):1-12.
    Retraction note: Melo Zamora, M. D. & Zarta Campos, M. A. (2022). Sustainability and eco – efficiency: A regional business model with a global vision (Colombia). HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 14(4), 1–12. The Editorial Office of Eurasia Academic Publishing Group has retracted this article. An investigation carried out by our Research Integrity Department has found a group of articles, among which this one is found, that are not within the thematic scope of the journal. We (...)
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  40. Guide - User Co-Production in Standardisation.Estelle Huchet, Fernando Machicado, Roberto Scano, Malcolm Fisk, Alexandra Engelt, Diane Whitehouse, Stephan Schug, Caroline Holland, Verina Waights, Andrzej Klimczuk, Frederic Lievens, Marlou Bijlsma & Thamar Zijlstra - 2018
    Research within the H2020 PROGRESSIVE project has identified good practices in user co-production strategies and methodologies. Early findings from research in the PROGRESSIVE project were shared with relevant stakeholders outside the consortium for consultation and review. The outcomes of that initial investigation highlighted the need to focus on the objectives, processes, and methods used in user and older people co-production. This guide adapts these insights and makes them relevant specifically for standardisation in ICT for active and healthy ageing. This guide (...)
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    Interpreting a Field in its Heisenberg Group.Rachael Alvir, Wesley Calvert, Grant Goodman, Valentina Harizanov, Julia Knight, Russell Miller, Andrey Morozov, Alexandra Soskova & Rose Weisshaar - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (3):1215-1230.
    We improve on and generalize a 1960 result of Maltsev. For a field F, we denote by $H(F)$ the Heisenberg group with entries in F. Maltsev showed that there is a copy of F defined in $H(F)$, using existential formulas with an arbitrary non-commuting pair of elements as parameters. We show that F is interpreted in $H(F)$ using computable $\Sigma _1$ formulas with no parameters. We give two proofs. The first is an existence proof, relying on a result of Harrison-Trainor, (...)
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    Concussion Management Plans' Compliance with NCAA Requirements: Preliminary Evidence Suggesting Possible Improvement.Christine M. Baugh, Emily Kroshus, Kaitlyn I. Perry & Alexandra P. Bourlas - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (2):231-237.
    This study examined the extent to which concussion management plans at National Collegiate Athletic Association member schools were in line with NCAA Concussion Policy and best practice recommendations in absence of any process to ensure compliance. Most schools' concussion management plans were in compliance with 3 or 4 of the NCAA's 4 required components. Annual athlete education and acknowledgement was the requirement least often included, representing an area for improvement. Further, schools tended to more often include best practices that were (...)
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  43. Notre Dame, Indiana May 20–May 23, 2009.Patricia Blanchette, Heike Mildenberger, André Nies, Anand Pillay, Alexander Razborov, Alexandra Shlapentokh, John R. Steel & Boris Zilber - 2009 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 15 (4).
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    Weak One-Basedness.Gareth Boxall, David Bradley-Williams, Charlotte Kestner, Alexandra Omar Aziz & Davide Penazzi - 2013 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 54 (3-4):435-448.
    We study the notion of weak one-basedness introduced in recent work of Berenstein and Vassiliev. Our main results are that this notion characterizes linearity in the setting of geometric þ-rank 1structures and that lovely pairs of weakly one-based geometric þ-rank 1 structures are weakly one-based with respect to þ-independence. We also study geometries arising from infinite-dimensional vector spaces over division rings.
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    Sofistas: testemunhos e fragmentos.Levi Condinho, Maria José Vaz Pinto & Ana Alexandra Alves de Sousa (eds.) - 2005 - Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda.
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    Stress, coping e adaptação na transição para o segundo ciclo de escolaridade: efeitos de um programa de intervenção.Karla Sandy de Leça Correia & Maria Alexandra Marques Pinto - 2008 - Revista Aletheia 27:07-22.
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    Complementation: A Cross-Linguistic Typology.Robert M. W. Dixon & Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald (eds.) - 2006 - Oxford University Press UK.
    A complement clause is used instead of a noun phrase; for example one can say either I heard [the result] or I heard [that England beat France]. Languages differ in the grammatical properties of complement clauses, and the types of verbs which take them. Some languages lack a complement clause construction but instead employ other construction types to achieve similar ends; these are called complementation strategies. The book explores the variety of types of complementation found across the languages of the (...)
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  48.  19
    Figure-Disembedding Is Inferior in Non-autistic Compared to Autistic Individuals but Can Be Improved by Training.Christine M. Falter-Wagner, Carola Bloch, Marta Robles, Lea Horch, Kai Vogeley & Alexandra Livia Georgescu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundFigure-disembedding is one of the most discussed visuo-cognitive functions, in which individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder have been reported to outperform non-autistic individuals. A local processing bias has been assumed to underlie such superior performance patterns. The aim of the current study is to investigate whether processing preferences can be modified by procedural priming.MethodThe current study used a procedural priming task to induce more local or global processing in 25 autistic and 21 typically developing control participants, using hierarchical figures preceding (...)
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  49.  13
    Widerständigkeiten des Alltags: Beiträge zu einer empirischen Kulturanalyse: für Klaus Schönberger zum 60. Geburtstag.Marion Hamm, Ute Holfelder, Christian Ritter, Alexandra Schwell, Ove Sutter & Klaus Schönberger (eds.) - 2019 - Klagenfurt: Drava Verlag.
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    La production des poteries néolithiques à décor peint « noir sur rouge » en Grèce du Nord.Vassilis Kilikoglou, Dimitra Malamidou, Zoï Tsirtsonis, Alexandra Tsolakidou & Paraskevi Yiouni - 2002 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 126 (2):547-549.
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