Results for 'Alexandre Matzkin'

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  1.  69
    (1 other version)Classical and Bohmian trajectories in semiclassical systems: Mismatch in dynamics, mismatch in reality?Matzkin Alexandre & Nurock Vanessa - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 39 (1):17-40.
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  2. L'évaluation en sciences exactes : quand la quantité tue la qualité.Alexandre Matzkin - 2009 - Cités 37 (1):43.
    L’évaluation scientifique a toujours fait partie du paysage de la recherche en sciences exactes si l’on entend par là l’existence de procédures pertinentes d’examen par les pairs – qu’il s’agisse de la soumission d’un article à une revue scientifique, du recrutement et de l’affectation thématique d’un chercheur, ou du financement de programmes de recherche nécessitant..
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    Que fenómenos estuda a teoria da argumentação?: em que consistem as suas tarefas descritivas?Rui Alexandre Grácio - 2008 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 17 (33):125-145.
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    Lectures d'Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra.Olivier Agard, Alexandre Dupeyrix & Françoise Lartillot (eds.) - 2021 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
  5.  61
    Modeling Ethical Business Culture: Development of the Ethical Business Culture Survey and Its Use to Validate the CEBC Model of Ethical Business Culture.Douglas Jondle, Alexandre Ardichvili & James Mitchell - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (1):29-43.
    This article reports the results of research to develop a survey instrument and its use to validate an ethical business culture construct (CEBC Model). The reported three-stage quantitative study builds on our previous qualitative work, aimed at identifying dimensions of ethical business cultures. The research resulted in a parsimonious construct, covering five dimensions of ethical business cultures, and a ten-question instrument, measuring this construct. In this article, we report results of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses and convergent construct validity testing, (...)
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    A fenomenologia heideggeriana e a diferença de princípio entre filosofia e ciência.Marcos Alexandre Alves - 2018 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 23 (2):216-243.
    Este artigo examina em âmbito fenomenológico as categorias da experiência fática da vida e do fenômeno histórico, a partir da primeira parte da preleção “Introdução à fenomenologia da religião”, proferida por Martin Heidegger, no semestre de inverno de 1920/1921. Elucida a peculiaridade dos conceitos filosóficos e a diferença de princípio que há entre filosofia e ciência. Apresenta a reelaboração do método fenomenológico, enquanto ponto de partida da filosofia, capaz de fazer jus à vida fática e à historicidade do Ser-aí. Examina (...)
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    Online privacy behavior among youth in the Global South.Jan Michael Alexandre Cortez Bernadas & Cheryll Ruth Soriano - 2019 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 17 (1):17-30.
    Purpose The purpose of this paper is two-fold. First, it explores the extent to which diversity of connectivity or the connection through multiple internet access points may facilitate online privacy behavior. Second, it explains the diversity of connectivity-online privacy behavior link in terms of information literacy. Design/methodology/approach Situated in the context of urban poor youth in the Philippines, this paper used a quantitative approach, specifically an interview-administered survey technique. Respondents were from three cities in Metro Manila. To test for indirect (...)
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    History of the problems of philosophy.Paul Alexandre René Janet, Gabriel Séailles-Ranson, Henry Jones & Ada Monahan - 1902 - New York,: Macmillan. Edited by Gabriel Séailles, Henry Jones & Ada Monahan.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in (...)
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    Est-il trop tard pour l’effondrement?Laurence Allard, Alexandre Monnin & Cyprien Tasset - 2019 - Multitudes 76 (3):53-67.
    Cette introduction invite à décadrer et à recadrer la thématique de l’effondrement, popularisée et médiatisée par la théorie dite « collapsologie », vers le plan des acteurs, des terrains, des temporalités, et des régimes d’énonciation. Nous appelons à documenter empiriquement ce que fait l’effondrement, et ce qu’en font celles et ceux à qui cette idée « fait » quelque chose. En effet, l’effondrisme pose la question des façons de se positionner non pas uniquement par rapport à une théorie, mais également (...)
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    A presumed consent model for regulating Informed Consent of Genetic Research involving DNA Banking.B. Elger & Alexandre Mauron - 2003 - In Bartha Maria Knoppers (ed.), Populations and genetics: legal and socio-ethical perspectives. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff. pp. 269--95.
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  11. Interactivité de la fiction, fictions de l’interactivité.Alexis Anne-Braun & Alexandre Declos - 2023 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 60:115-142.
    L’interactivité est communément perçue comme la marque caractéristique des technologies digitales et, par extension, de différentes formes de fictions, de médias ou d’œuvres numériques – de la littérature hypertextuelle et des jeux vidéo au net art. On peut toutefois s’interroger sur le sens précis qu’il convient de donner à cette notion, ainsi que sur les promesses auxquelles elle est souvent associée. À défaut de pouvoir cerner un concept unique et maxi-englobant d’interactivité, nous suggérons qu’il est plus profitable de tenter d’identifier (...)
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    As noções de conveniência e aparência como novidade ética em Maquiavel.Marcos Alexandre Alves - 2023 - Griot 23 (2):54-66.
    Examina-se as posições teórico-práticas de Maquiavel e sua contraposição à moralidade tradicional, a fim de entender como se estrutura a sua nova proposta ética. A novidade está pautada nas categorias políticas da conveniência e da aparência: admite-se recorrer a todos os meios necessários para atingir os fins estabelecidos, e para manter-se no poder, obter a honra e a glória, não importa aquilo que o Príncipe é, mas o que aparenta ser perante os súditos e aliados. Disto decorre a necessidade de (...)
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    L’expérience de la maladie chronique et processus de biographisation : l’éducation thérapeutique comme espace relationnel d’un entre-deux identitaire.Marie-Amélie Dolcerocca & Alexandre Daguzan - 2024 - Revue Phronesis 13 (1):141-159.
    Being diagnosed with a disease is like being thrust onto a new path, a biographical bifurcation akin to a mourning process, bringing in its wake a shattering of the social self. The passage from an ideal of perfect health to a state of illness introduces various fractures into the individual's life course, leading to a process of biographization. To illustrate this, the life story of a diabetic person is used to analyze various biographical turning points. The analysis of the subjectivation (...)
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    Charles De Koninck et la pensée spéculative contemporaine : Une étude comparative autour de la question du réel.Pierre-Alexandre Fradet - 2016 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 72 (2):227-259.
    Pierre-Alexandre Fradet | : L’ambition de cet article est de tirer au clair le versant spéculatif de l’oeuvre de Charles De Koninck en la mettant en dialogue avec la pensée spéculative contemporaine. Pour ce faire, nous nous efforçons d’abord de synthétiser la manière dont Quentin Meillassoux et Iain Hamilton Grant réhabilitent la connaissance du réel lui-même, après quoi nous relevons différents points d’accord ou de désaccord entre ces auteurs et Charles De Koninck. Parmi les thèmes abordés en l’occurrence et (...)
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    Notas sobre a masculinidade no pensamento pedagógico de Johann Friedrich Herbart.Alexandre Rodrigo Nishiwaki da Silva & Celso Conti - 2022 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 27:022014.
    O presente artigo tem como objetivo, a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica desenvolvida no âmbito do doutorado em Educação, analisar as ideias pedagógicas de Johann Friedrich Herbart (1776-1841) e as possíveis contribuições do mesmo para a construção da masculinidade moderna. Herbart é um dos precursores da Pedagogia enquanto ciência organizada, associando diretamente os conhecimentos da filosofia, da educação e da psicologia para formular um aparato teórico que respondesse às transformações dos séculos XVII e XVIII, notadamente o Iluminismo Francês e a ascensão (...)
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    Kant e a Filosofia: Ensaio Sobre o Espírito da Filosofia de Kant.José Henrique Alexandre de Azevedo - 2013 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 5 (9):124-137.
    É legítimo nos perguntarmos sobre o estatuto próprio da filosofia em sua generalidade? Penso que não. No entanto, creio ainda ser legítimo nestes nosso tempo ultramoderno nos questionarmos acerca do espírito de nossa era ou ao menos de uma filosofia específica que nos diga muito a respeito de nós mesmos e de nosso período histórico. Afunilando mais este mote pergunto: qual o espírito da filosofia kantiana? Kant, como todos sabem, é o responsável pela virada teórica na filosofia moderna, re-significando-a de (...)
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    Política e Sacrifício: Considerações Acerca Das Categorias Matáveis Através de René Girard e Giorgio Agamben.Bruno Alexandre Cadete da Silva - 2021 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 14 (28):1-13.
    O presente artigo pretende demonstrar como são construídas as categorias matáveis a partir de dois autores contemporâneos que detém propósitos próximos, mas diferentes abordagens, como é o caso do antropólogo francês René Girard e do filósofo político italiano Giorgio Agamben. Para isso, dividiremos a nossa análise em dois campos: antropológico e político. No primeiro momento, faremos uso da teoria girardiana para exemplificar como os sacrifícios - bode expiatório -, recorrentes nas comunidades tradicionais, servem de alicerce para a compreensão desse mecanismo (...)
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    Genetic determinism, neuronal determinism, and determinism tout court.Bernard Baertschi & Alexandre Mauron - 2013 - In Judy Illes & Barbara J. Sahakian (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Neuroethics. Oxford University Press. pp. 151.
    This article analyses neuronal determinism and mentions that at first sight it appears to be a type of qualified determinism. Neurodeterminism is better conceived as determinism tout court when it is applied to human beings. It differs importantly from genetic determinism, together the two views that are often regarded as similar in form if not in content. Moreover, the article examines the question of genetic determinism, because it is a paradigm of qualified determinism. It then explains the meaning of determinism (...)
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  19. O Problema da Desnaturação Na Bot'nica de Rousseau.Victor Alexandre Garcia - 2024 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 18 (35):71-83.
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s passion for nature is well known. Less known is the fact that Rousseau devoted himself to the study of botany in the last years of his life. This article investigates how the themes of denaturation and monstrosity - classical themes of Rousseau’s thought - appear in his reflections on plants and the vegetal kingdom. After a brief incursion into the second Discourse and Émile, we will focus on the analysis of the so-called Elementary Letters on Botany, sent to (...)
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  20. Swann e a formação objetiva do sujeito: reflexões a partir de Theodor W. Adorno // Swann and the objective cultural formation: reflections by Theodor W. Adorno.Christian Muleka Mwewa & Alexandre Fernandez Vaz - 2013 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 18 (3):138-154.
    O presente artigo pretende refletir, a partir de contribuições de Theodor W. Adorno, sobre aspectos da formação objetiva do sujeito. Isso é feito por meio da apropriação de conceitos como autoconservação, autocrítica e crítica imanente. Tomamos como exemplo parte do projeto de à la recherche du temps perdu de Marcel Proust, nomeadamente, Un amour de Swann . A análise do processo de formação de Swann permite observar nexos e tensões que o sujeito elabora com o mundo objetivo. A ação do (...)
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    As I Come into Being.Alexandre L. De Miranda - 2001 - International Studies in Philosophy 33 (1):67-82.
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    Interview with Tim Berners‐Lee.Harry Halpin & Alexandre Monnin - 2013-12-13 - In Harry Halpin & Alexandre Monnin (eds.), Philosophical Engineering. Wiley. pp. 181–186.
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  23. Affect and the resolution of cognitive control dilemmas.R. Gray Jeremy, Tood Alexandre Schaefer, Steven S. Braver & B. Most - 2005 - In Lisa Feldman Barrett, Paula M. Niedenthal & Piotr Winkielman (eds.), Emotion and Consciousness. New York: Guilford Press.
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    Notes & Correspondence.L. Carrington Goodrich, Alexandre Koyré, Lynn Thorndike, Martin Levey, Emmet Field Horine & Brooke Hindle - 1950 - Isis 41 (2):194-198.
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    Alexandri Aphrodisiensis enarratio De anima ex Aristotelis institutione =.Alexandre D'Aphrodisias - 1495 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog. Edited by Girolamo Donato & Alexander.
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    Discussões sobre o genocídio da juventude negra brasileira à luz de Frantz Fanton.Cristiane Silveira Santos & Alexandre Anselmo Guilherme - 2020 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 25:222-239.
    O presente trabalho reflete sobre a significativa e desigual morte de jovens negros no País. Para tanto, a produção traz uma discussão sobre o teórico martinicano Frantz Fanon que, com suas ideias sobre racismo e colonialismo, nos ajuda a reconhecer o racismo brasileiro e a condição em que vivem os jovens negros do Brasil. Apesar de Fanon afirmar que suas considerações se referem apenas ao momento histórico em que escreve e aos estudos de colonialismo, acreditamos ser fácil fazer um paralelo (...)
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    Propos sur le Camp : les "tribus criminelles?".Arnaud Sauli & Alexandre Soucaille - 2008 - Multitudes 32 (1):203.
    If European metropolises witnessed the development, throughout the 19th century, of various forms of concentrationary assistance and radical isolation through penal colonies, colonial space was the site of an even more explicit formulation and experimentation with the creation and the exclusion of of an undesirable human surplus, notably in South Asia, where the social system of castes could provide powerful ideological foundations for the colonial thinking on exclusion. This article seeks to illustrate this by examining the creation of the category (...)
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    Pensar outros possíveis entre inf'ncias E necropolíticas.Ellen Lima Souza & Alexandre Filordi Carvalho - 2021 - Childhood and Philosophy 17:01-18.
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    Estudos filosóficos.Alexandre Fradique Morujão - 2004 - Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda. Edited by Carlos Morujão.
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    Obras filosóficas.A. Miranda Barbosa & Alexandre Fradique Morujäao - 1996 - [Lisbon]: Impr. Nacional-Casa da Moeda. Edited by Alexandre Fradique Morujão.
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    Exploration de quelques tells de la Thrace.Georges Seure & Jules Alexandre Degrand - 1906 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 30 (1):359-432.
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    La croyance d'être dans la phénoménologie de Husserl.Stéphane-Alexandre Godefroid - 2005 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 103 (1):177-183.
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    Affect and the resolution of cognitive control dilemmas.Jeremy R. Gray, Alexandre Schaefer, Todd S. Braver & Steven B. Most - 2005 - In Barr (ed.), Emotion and Consciousness. Guilford Press.
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    O sentido da cogitatio em A busca da verdade de Descartes.Alexandre Guimarães Tadeu de Soares - 2011 - Educação E Filosofia 25 (Especial):293-310.
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  35. Philosophical Engineering.Harry Halpin & Alexandre Monnin (eds.) - 2013-12-13 - Wiley.
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  36. Current anti-doping policy: a critical appraisal. [REVIEW]Bengt Kayser, Alexandre Mauron & Andy Miah - 2007 - BMC Medical Ethics 8 (1):2.
    Current anti-doping in competitive sports is advocated for reasons of fair-play and concern for the athlete's health. With the inception of the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA), anti-doping effort has been considerably intensified. Resources invested in anti-doping are rising steeply and increasingly involve public funding. Most of the effort concerns elite athletes with much less impact on amateur sports and the general public.
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    [Recensão a] Steiner, Rudolf. Schriften. Kritische Ausgabe . Band 2: Philosophische Schriften. Wahrheit und Wissenschaft – Die Philosophie der Freiheit. [REVIEW]Cláudio Alexandre S. Carvalho - 2016 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 25 (50):447-450.
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    Weak Values and Quantum Properties.A. Matzkin - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (3):298-316.
    We investigate in this work the meaning of weak values through the prism of property ascription in quantum systems. Indeed, the weak measurements framework contains only ingredients of the standard quantum formalism, and as such weak measurements are from a technical point of view uncontroversial. However attempting to describe properties of quantum systems through weak values—the output of weak measurements—goes beyond the usual interpretation of quantum mechanics, that relies on eigenvalues. We first recall the usual form of property ascription, based (...)
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    Alexandre Lefebvre interviews Paul Patton.Alexandre Lefebvre - 2013 - Contemporary Political Theory 12 (3):206-214.
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    Atheism.Alexandre Kojève - 2018 - Columbia University Press.
    One of the twentieth century’s most brilliant and unconventional thinkers, Alexandre Kojève was a Russian émigré to France whose lectures on Hegel in the 1930s galvanized a generation of French intellectuals. Although Kojève wrote a great deal, he published very little in his lifetime, and so the ongoing rediscovery of his work continues to present new challenges to philosophy and political theory. Written in 1931 but left unfinished, Atheism is an erudite and open-ended exploration of profound questions of estrangement, (...)
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  41. Metaphysics and measurement.Alexandre Koyré - 1968 - Langhorne, Pa.: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
    This collection of six essays centers on Professor Koyre;'s great theme: the relative importance of metaphysics and observation, with controlled experiment a kind of marriage between the two. Professor Koyre;'s thesis might be summed up as a claim that when one is seeking to explain the scientific revolution, attention must be concentrated on the philosophical outlook of the scientist and away from speculative theories. At the time of his death, Alexandre Koyre; was a professor at the Ecole Pratique des (...)
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  42.  29
    Impact of Anodal and Cathodal transcranial Direct Current Stimulation over the Left Dorsolateral Prefontral Cortex during Attention Bias Modification: an Eye-tracking Study.Heeren Alexandre, Baeken Chris, Vanderhasselt Marie-Anne, Philippot Pierre & De Raedt Rudi - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  43. A partial elucidation of the gauge principle.Alexandre Guay - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 39 (2):346-363.
    The elucidation of the gauge principle ‘‘is the most pressing problem in current philosophy of physics’’ said Michael Redhead in 2003. This paper argues for two points that contribute to this elucidation in the context of Yang–Mills theories. (1) Yang–Mills theories, including quantum electrodynamics, form a class. They should be interpreted together. To focus on electrodynamics is potentially misleading. (2) The essential role of gauge and BRST symmetries is to provide a local field theory that can be quantized and would (...)
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    Engaging Employees for the Long Run: Long-Term Investors and Employee-Related CSR.Alexandre Garel & Arthur Petit-Romec - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (1):35-63.
    This article explores whether and how long-term investors influence non-executive employees’ incentives. While long-term investors benefit from long-term investments that create value over time, employees tend to be averse to long-term investments. We conjecture that long-term investors foster employee-related CSR to motivate employees to engage in long-term investment projects. Consistent with this prediction, we find that long-term investor ownership is a strong driver of employee-related CSR. Additional analyses indicate that this result is not driven by self-selection or reverse causality. We (...)
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  45. (1 other version)Right out of the box: how to situate metaphysics of science in relation to other metaphysical approaches.Alexandre Guay & Thomas Pradeu - 2020 - Synthese 197 (5):1847-1866.
    Several advocates of the lively field of “metaphysics of science” have recently argued that a naturalistic metaphysics should be based solely on current science, and that it should replace more traditional, intuition-based, forms of metaphysics. The aim of the present paper is to assess that claim by examining the relations between metaphysics of science and general metaphysics. We show that the current metaphysical battlefield is richer and more complex than a simple dichotomy between “metaphysics of science” and “traditional metaphysics”, and (...)
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  46. Does Memory Modification Threaten Our Authenticity?Alexandre Erler - 2010 - Neuroethics 4 (3):235-249.
    One objection to enhancement technologies is that they might lead us to live inauthentic lives. Memory modification technologies (MMTs) raise this worry in a particularly acute manner. In this paper I describe four scenarios where the use of MMTs might be said to lead to an inauthentic life. I then undertake to justify that judgment. I review the main existing accounts of authenticity, and present my own version of what I call a “true self” account (intended as a complement, rather (...)
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    Trouble dans l’identité de genre : le transféminisme et la subversion de l’identité cisgenre : Une analyse de la sous-représentation des personnes trans* professeur-es dans les universités canadiennes.Alexandre Baril - 2017 - Philosophiques 44 (2):285-317.
    Alexandre Baril | : Cet article traite de la sous-représentation des personnes trans spécialistes des enjeux trans, professeur.e.s dans les universités canadiennes, et s’attarde au cas des départements d’études féministes et de genre. La question de recherche est : quelles sont les barrières systémiques empêchant le décentrement du sujet cis-centré du féminisme universitaire francophone canadien et contribuant à l’exclusion des personnes trans? Cet essai analyse ces obstacles. La première partie démontre la présence d’un cisgenrisme dans l’enseignement et la recherche, (...)
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    Galileo Studies.Alexandre Koyré - 1978 - Humanities Press.
  49. From the closed world to the infinite universe.Alexandre Koyré - 1957 - New York,: Harper.
    Alexandre Koyré. of the fixed stars is infinite commit a contradiction in adjecto. In truth, an infinite body cannot be comprehended by thought. For the concepts of the mind concerning the infinite are either about the meaning oftheterm "infinite,"  ...
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    Who can lead the revolution?: Re-thinking anticolonial revolutionary consciousness through Frantz Fanon and Pierre Bourdieu.Alexandre I. R. White - 2022 - Theory and Society 51 (3):457-485.
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