Results for 'Alexei Pimenov'

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  1.  41
    Memories with a blind mind: Remembering the past and imagining the future with aphantasia.Alexei J. Dawes, Rebecca Keogh, Sarah Robuck & Joel Pearson - 2022 - Cognition 227 (C):105192.
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    Comprehending the Semiosis of Evolution.Alexei Sharov, Timo Maran & Morten Tønnessen - 2016 - Biosemiotics 9 (1):1-6.
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  3. Reconstruction of quantum theory.Alexei Grinbaum - 2007 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 58 (3):387 - 408.
    What belongs to quantum theory is no more than what is needed for its derivation. Keeping to this maxim, we record a paradigmatic shift in the foundations of quantum mechanics, where the focus has recently moved from interpreting to reconstructing quantum theory. Several historic and contemporary reconstructions are analyzed, including the work of Hardy, Rovelli, and Clifton, Bub and Halvorson. We conclude by discussing the importance of a novel concept of intentionally incomplete reconstruction.
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    Recognition and Trust: Hegel and Confucius on the Normative Basis of Ethical Life.Alexei Procyshyn & Mario Wenning - 2019 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 18 (1):1-22.
    This essay offers a comparative analysis of the notion of trust in Hegel and Confucius. It shows that Hegel’s two senses of trust depend upon his theory of recognition and recognitive struggle. The competitive thrust of Hegel’s account of trust, it argues, introduces a series of problems that cannot be adequately resolved within his theory, since it presupposes the kinds of trusting relations—self-, intersubjective- and world-trust—that it purports to explain. This essay then turns to the Confucian notions of xin 心 (...)
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    Reconstructing instead of interpreting quantum theory.Alexei Grinbaum - 2007 - Philosophy of Science 74 (5):761-774.
    A paradigmatic shift in the foundations of quantum mechanics is recorded, from interpreting to reconstructing quantum theory. Examples of reconstruction are analyzed, and conceptual foundations of the information-theoretic reconstruction developed. A concept of intentionally incomplete reconstruction is introduced to mark the novel content of research in the foundation of quantum theory. ‡Many thanks to Lucien Hardy, Jeff Bub and Bill Demopoulos for their comments. This research was supported through the ANR grant ANR-06-BLAN-0348-01. Part of this research was held at the (...)
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    Role of Utility and Inference in the Evolution of Functional Information.Alexei A. Sharov - 2009 - Biosemiotics 2 (1):101-115.
    Functional information means an encoded network of functions in living organisms from molecular signaling pathways to an organism’s behavior. It is represented by two components: code and an interpretation system, which together form a self-sustaining semantic closure. Semantic closure allows some freedom between components because small variations of the code are still interpretable. The interpretation system consists of inference rules that control the correspondence between the code and the function (phenotype) and determines the shape of the fitness landscape. The utility (...)
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    Business ethics.Alexei Marcoux - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  8. A Fiduciary Argument Against Stakeholder Theory.Alexei M. Marcoux - 2003 - Business Ethics Quarterly 13 (1):1-24.
    Critics attack normative ethical stakeholder theory for failing to recognize the special moral status of shareholders that justifiesthe fiduciary duties owed to them at law by managers. Stakeholder theorists reply that there is nothing morally significant about shareholders that can underwrite those fiduciary duties. I advance an argument that seeks to demonstrate both the special moral status of shareholders in a firm and the concomitant moral inadequacy of stakeholder theory. I argue that (i) if some relations morally requirefiduciary duties, and (...)
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  9. Ethics in robotics research: CERNA recommendations.Alexei Grinbaum & Raja Chatila - 2017 - IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine (99):1-8.
    This article summarizes the recommendations concerning robotics as issued by the Commission for the Ethics of Research in Information Sciences and Technologies (CERNA), the French advisory commission for the ethics of information and communication technology (ICT) research. Robotics has numerous applications in which its role can be overwhelming and may lead to unexpected consequences. In this rapidly evolving technological environment, CERNA does not set novel ethical standards but seeks to make ethical deliberation inseparable from scientific activity. Additionally, it provides tools (...)
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  10.  38
    Towards Synthesis of Biology and Semiotics.Alexei Sharov, Timo Maran & Morten Tønnessen - 2015 - Biosemiotics 8 (1):1-7.
    The journal Biosemiotics was envisioned by its founding editor, Marcello Barbieri, as a major periodical for interdisciplinary papers that integrate biology and semiotics. Since 2008 the journal has published 21 issues, including special issues on crucial problems such as the semiotics of perception, origins of mind, code biology, biohermeneutics, biosemiotic analysis of information and chance. The impact factor of the journal does not fully describe the significance of this journal, because the discipline of biosemiotics is young and remains in its (...)
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  11.  62
    Protosemiosis: Agency with Reduced Representation Capacity.Alexei A. Sharov & Tommi Vehkavaara - 2015 - Biosemiotics 8 (1):103-123.
    Life has semiotic nature; and as life forms differ in their complexity, functionality, and adaptability, we assume that forms of semiosis also vary accordingly. Here we propose a criterion to distinguish between the primitive kind of semiosis, which we call “protosemiosis” from the advanced kind of semiosis, or “eusemiosis”. In protosemiosis, agents associate signs directly with actions without considering objects, whereas in eusemiosis, agents associate signs with objects and only then possibly with actions. Protosemiosis started from the origin of life, (...)
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  12.  78
    On the eve of the LHC: Conceptual questions in high-energy physics.Alexei Grinbaum - unknown
    We start by remarks on the scientific and societal context of today's theoretical physics. Major classes of models for physics to be explored at the LHC are then reviewed. This leads us to propose an LHC timeline and a list of potential effects on theoretical physics and the society. We then explore three conceptual questions connected with the LHC physics: symmetry (and symmetry breaking), effective field theory, and fine tuning.
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    Cato's suicide in plutarch.Alexei V. Zadorojnyi - 2007 - Classical Quarterly 57 (01):216-.
  14.  35
    Evolution of Natural Agents: Preservation, Advance, and Emergence of Functional Information.Alexei A. Sharov - 2016 - Biosemiotics 9 (1):103-120.
    Biological evolution is often viewed narrowly as a change of morphology or allele frequency in a sequence of generations. Here I pursue an alternative informational concept of evolution, as preservation, advance, and emergence of functional information in natural agents. Functional information is a network of signs that are used by agents to preserve and regulate their functions. Functional information is preserved in evolution via complex interplay of copying and construction processes: the digital components are copied, whereas interpreting subagents together with (...)
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    The philosophy of mathematics in U.s.S.R.Alexei G. Barabashev - 1986 - Philosophia Mathematica (1-2):15-25.
  16.  16
    Rejection: A Historico-Epistemological View.Alexei Muravitsky - 2023 - Logica Universalis 17 (4):461-482.
    We seek to trace how the assertion–rejection dichotomy arose, as well as in what forms it was realized in logical discourse. From this viewpoint, we observe the approaches to the concept of rejection by Łukasiewicz, Carnap, and Słupecki. We also explore the controversy between rejection and negation. Our main observation is that for a correct understanding of this dichotomy, it is necessary to distinguish between the object language and metalanguages of different levels.
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  17.  41
    Is it time for the new cognitive revolution?Alexei V. Samsonovich - 2010 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 2 (1):55-58.
  18. Quantum Observer and Kolmogorov Complexity.Alexei Grinbaum - 2013 - In Tilman Sauer & Adrian Wüthrich (eds.), New Vistas on Old Problems. Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge. pp. 13.
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  19.  21
    Kant and Kantianism in Russia: A Historical Overview.Alexei N. Krouglov - 2021 - In Marina F. Bykova, Michael N. Forster & Lina Steiner (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Russian Thought. Springer Verlag. pp. 115-138.
    This chapter provides a brief history of Kantianism in Russia since the late eighteenth century and identifies the main themes of Kantianism in Russia. It considers the reasons for the uneven and intermittent spread of Kantianism, the main motives behind the fierce resistance to Kantianism within the framework of certain trends of Orthodox thought, and the ways in which this philosophical polemic was reflected in the Russian literature. The achievements of Russian Kantianism are analyzed with attention to both its undeniable (...)
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  20.  18
    Why organisms age: Evolution of senescence under positive pleiotropy?Alexei A. Maklakov, Locke Rowe & Urban Friberg - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (7):802-807.
    Two classic theories maintain that aging evolves either because of alleles whose deleterious effects are confined to late life or because of alleles with broad pleiotropic effects that increase early‐life fitness at the expense of late‐life fitness. However, empirical studies often reveal positive pleiotropy for fitness across age classes, and recent evidence suggests that selection on early‐life fitness can decelerate aging and increase lifespan, thereby casting doubt on the current consensus. Here, we briefly review these data and promote the simple (...)
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  21. Islam in Russia.Alexei V. Malashenko - 2009 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 76 (1):321-358.
    According to the 2002 census, the Muslim population of Russia was 14.5 million people. During the past decade, the idea of a Muslim demographic "threat" has spread, discussed most often by politicians with nationalist views, along with journalists and some writers. Islam remains a factor that regulates relations in society. The current revival of Islam is contradictory and diverse in terms of its consequences. Its main result is that we are dealing with a new Islam and new Muslims.
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  22.  36
    From the Guest Editors.Alexei Y. Muravitsky & Sergei P. Odintsov - 2008 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 17 (1-2):5-7.
    On the 28th of October, 2006, Alexander Vladimirovich Kuznetsov, so is his full name, would have turned 80. Although belated, the editorial board of Logic and Logical Philosophy, we, the editors and contributors of the present issue, and other members of the logic community mark this event with the present issue. Most of those who contributed to it knew Kuznetsov in person and/or were influenced by him or by his ideas, which very often resided in somebody else’s papers or became (...)
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  23.  23
    On Nonmonotonic Consequence Relations.Alexei Muravitsky - 2021 - Logica Universalis 15 (2):227-249.
    We discuss nonmonotonic reasoning in terms of consequence relations and corresponding operators. Based on the matrix consequence that gives the monotonic case, we define a restricted matrix consequence that illustrates the nonmonotonic case. The latter is a generalization of the relation of logical friendliness introduced by D. Makinson. We prove that any restricted single matrix consequence, although it may be nonmonotonic, is always weakly monotonic and, in the case of a finite matrix, the restricted matrix consequence is very strongly finitary. (...)
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  24. Comparative study of self-organizing semantic cognitive maps derived from natural language.Alexei V. Samsonovich & Colin P. Sherrill - 2007 - In McNamara D. S. & Trafton J. G. (eds.), Proceedings of the 29th Annual Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 1848.
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    Biology of purinergic signalling: Its ancient evolutionary roots, its omnipresence and its multiple functional significance.Alexei Verkhratsky & Geoffrey Burnstock - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (7):697-705.
    The purinergic signalling system, which utilises ATP, related nucleotides and adenosine as transmitter molecules, appeared very early in evolution: release mechanisms and ATP‐degrading enzymes are operative in bacteria, and the first specific receptors are present in single cell eukaryotic protozoa and algae. Further evolution of the purinergic signalling system resulted in the development of multiple classes of purinoceptors, several pathways for release of nucleotides and adenosine, and a system of ectonucleotidases controlling extracellular levels of purinergic transmitters. The purinergic signalling system (...)
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    n-Simple theories.Alexei S. Kolesnikov - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 131 (1-3):227-261.
    The main topic of this paper is the investigation of generalized amalgamation properties for simple theories. That is, we are trying to answer the question of when a simple theory has the property of n-dimensional amalgamation, where two-dimensional amalgamation is the Independence Theorem for simple theories. We develop the notions of strong n-simplicity and n-simplicity for 1≤n≤ω, where both “1-simple” and “strongly 1-simple” are the same as “simple”. For strong n-simplicity, we present examples of simple unstable theories in each subclass (...)
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  27.  40
    Towards a Biosemiotic Theory of Evolution.Alexei A. Sharov - 2021 - Biosemiotics 14 (1):101-105.
    The target article by Denis Noble is an excellent overview of the illusions of the Modern Synthesis that still remains in textbooks despite of the recent criticism. Overcoming these illusions shows the active role of organisms in the evolutionary process and accounts for additional mechanisms such as plasticity of embryo development, epigenetic heredity, multilevel selection, Baldwin effect, and niche construction, which are components of the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis. Adding these mechanisms is certainly an important step forward, but I argue that (...)
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  28.  30
    How device-independent approaches change the meaning of physical theory.Alexei Grinbaum - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 58:22-30.
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    The mental state formalism of gmu-Bica.Alexei V. Samsonovich, Kenneth A. de Jong & Anastasia Kitsantas - 2009 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 1 (1):111-130.
  30.  37
    Manifest Reason: Walter Benjamin on Violence and Collective Agency.Alexei Procyshyn - 2014 - Constellations 21 (3):390-400.
  31.  42
    Social Coordination or Social Cooperation? Ambiguities of Haslanger’s Approach to Social Life.Alexei Procyshyn - 2019 - Tandf: Australasian Philosophical Review 3 (1):104-108.
    Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2019, Page 104-108.
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  32.  39
    Umwelt-theory and pragmatism.Alexei Sharov - 2001 - Semiotica 2001 (134).
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  33.  15
    The origin and evolution of signs.Alexei A. Sharov - 1999 - Semiotica 127 (1-4):521-536.
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    Following Developments of Biosemiotics.Alexei A. Sharov - 2024 - Biosemiotics 17 (3):737-739.
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    Consciousness and Learning from the Biosemiotic Perspective.Alexei A. Sharov - 2022 - Biosemiotics 15 (3):483-490.
  36.  62
    Freeman and Evan.Alexei M. Marcoux - 1999 - Business Ethics Quarterly 9 (2):207-224.
    We argue that the Rawlsian social contract argument advanced for stakeholder theory by R. Edward Freeman, writing alone and with William M. Evan, fails in three main ways. First, it is true to Rawls in neither form, nor purpose, nor the level of knowledge (or ignorance) required to motivate the veil of ignorance. Second, it fails to tailor the veil of ignorance to the fairness conditions that are required to solve the moral problem that Freeman and Evan set out to (...)
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  37.  32
    Evolutionary Biosemiotics and Multilevel Construction Networks.Alexei A. Sharov - 2016 - Biosemiotics 9 (3):399-416.
    In contrast to the traditional relational semiotics, biosemiotics decisively deviates towards dynamical aspects of signs at the evolutionary and developmental time scales. The analysis of sign dynamics requires constructivism to explain how new components such as subagents, sensors, effectors, and interpretation networks are produced by developing and evolving organisms. Semiotic networks that include signs, tools, and subagents are multilevel, and this feature supports the plasticity, robustness, and evolvability of organisms. The origin of life is described here as the emergence of (...)
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  38.  51
    The Conditions of Immanent Critique.Alexei Procyshyn - 2022 - Critical Horizons 23 (1):22-43.
    ABSTRACT This article contributes to methodological debates in contemporary critical theory regarding the scope and features of immanent critique. I spell out the philosophical commitments presupposed by this approach to criticism and identify its basic features by comparing it with more recognizable argumentative or interpretative strategies. This comparison yields three immanent-critical requirements – for inherence, contradiction, and access – which bring into relief the heuristic and ampliative character of immanent criticism. Yet, these requirements also imply that “immanent critique” is not (...)
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  39.  76
    The nanotechnological golem.Alexei Grinbaum - 2010 - NanoEthics 4 (3):191-198.
    We give reasons for the importance of old narratives, including myths, in ethical thinking about science and technology. On the example of a legend about creating artificial men we explore the side effects of having too much success and the problem of intermediate social status of bioengineered artefacts.
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  40.  34
    Narratives of quantum theory in the age of quantum technologies.Alexei Grinbaum - 2017 - Ethics and Information Technology 19 (4):295-306.
    Quantum technologies can be presented to the public with or without introducing a strange trait of quantum theory responsible for their non-classical efficiency. Traditionally the message was centered on the superposition principle, while entanglement and properties such as contextuality have been gaining ground recently. A less theoretical approach is focused on simple protocols that enable technological applications. It results in a pragmatic narrative built with the help of the resource paradigm and principle-based reconstructions. I discuss the advantages and weaknesses of (...)
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  41.  40
    On Epistemological Modesty.Alexei Grinbaum - 2010 - Philosophica 83 (1):139-150.
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  42.  14
    Responsible Research and Innovation.Alexei Grinbaum - 2013 - In Armin Grunwald (ed.), Handbuch Technikethik. Stuttgart: Metzler. pp. 472-476.
    RRI is a science policy framework in the Horizon-2020 programme of the European Commission. The funding programme was launched in 2014, while the conceptual foundations of RRI have been laid in a series of conferences, expert meetings and publications beginning around 2011. RRI seeks to engage publics with science and technology stakeholders in a responsible, multi-dimensional dialogue on five themes called »RRI keys«: ethics, science education, open access, gender equality, and societal engagement.
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    Information synthesis in cortical areas as an important link in brain mechanisms of mind.Alexei M. Ivanitsky - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):686-687.
    To explore the mechanism of sensation correlations between EP component amplitude and signal detection indices were studied. The time of sensation coincided with the peak latency of those EP components that showed a correlation with both indices. The components presumably reflected information synthesis in projection cortical neurons. A mechanism providing the synthesis process is proposed.
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  44.  36
    Essays of a Soviet Scientist: A Revealing Portrait of a Life in Science and Politics. Vitalii I. Gol'danskii.Alexei Kojevnikov - 1998 - Isis 89 (3):571-572.
  45.  14
    Hegel’s Bellicis View of War. Initial State and Early Works.Alexei N. Krouglov - 2022 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 26 (3):644-657.
    For over a century, Hegel’s view of war is seen as controversial that results in mutually exclusive interpretations. To reach a proper evaluation of Hegel’s views, it is necessary to consider both Hegel’s initial states of philosophical doctrine about war and peace, and the development of his understanding of war from early works to mature ones. In the first part of the paper, I characterize Kant’s position on war, since it was the starting point for Hegel. Contrary to popular representations (...)
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    Plato’s Doctrine of Ideas: Conclusion.Alexei F. Losev - 2018 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 56 (6):515-537.
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    Who are the Stakeholders?Alexei M. Marcoux - 1998 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 17 (3):79-108.
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    Knowledge representation as domain.Alexei Yu Muravitsky - 1997 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 7 (3):343-364.
    ABSTRACT This is a continuing attempt in a series of papers [KM 93, Mur 93, Mur 96] to show how computer-represented knowledge can be arranged as elements of an effectively represented semantic (or algebraic) domain in the sense of [GS 90]. We present a direct deductive description of the domain, which was defined semantically in [KM 93], via the Scott's notion of information system. Also, the internal structure of the continuous ampliative operations coordinated with the domain's effective basis is established. (...)
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  49. Frederick C Beiser 'The German Historicist Tradition'.Alexei Procyshyn - unknown
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  50. Thinking Through the Language of Thought.Alexei Procyshyn - 2002 - Gnosis 6 (1):1-11.
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