Results for 'Alicia Rothstein'

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    Loux on Particulars: Bare and Concrete.L. Nathan Oaklander & Alicia Rothstein - 2000 - Modern Schoolman 78 (102):97-102.
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    Om Bo Rothstein: forskaren, debattören, livsnjutaren.Bo Rothstein, Sven Engström & Sven E. O. Hort (eds.) - 2019 - Lund: Arkiv förlag.
    I väntan på den engelska Festschriften, den definitiva biografin eller de självförhärligande memoarerna kommer här för första gången en samling porträtt av den internationellt mest uppmärksammade svenska statsvetaren, den kontroversielle samhällsdebattören Bo Rothstein. Få samhällsforskare har med sådan intensitet tagit universitetens tredje uppgift till intäkt för att ifrågasätta gängse uppfattningar om sakernas tillstånd i riket. Många är de läsare, tittare eller åhörare som knappast kunnat undgå att beröras av hans synpunkter på allt från metoo till tiggeri, något färre är (...)
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    Semantics for counting and measuring.Susan Rothstein - 2017 - New York: University of Cambridge Press.
    The book is an investigation of the semantics of numericals, counting and measuring, and its connection to the mass/count distinction from a theoretical and crosslinguistic perspective. It reviews some recent major linguistic results in these topics, and presents the author's new research including in-depth case studies of a number of typologically unrelated languages.
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  4. Social Traps and the Problem of Trust.Bo Rothstein - 2005 - Cambridge University Press.
    A 'social trap' is a situation where individuals, groups or organisations are unable to cooperate owing to mutual distrust and lack of social capital, even where cooperation would benefit all. Examples include civil strife, pervasive corruption, ethnic discrimination, depletion of natural resources and misuse of social insurance systems. Much has been written attempting to explain the problem, but rather less material is available on how to escape it. In this book, Bo Rothstein explores how social capital and social trust (...)
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  5. Power, suffering, and courts : reflections on promoting health rights through judicialization.Alicia Ely Yamin - 2011 - In Alicia Ely Yamin & Siri Gloppen (eds.), Litigating health rights: can courts bring more justice to health? Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
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  6. Range and limits of the countryside schooling historiography in Latin America (nineteenth and twentieth centuries): some reflections.Alicia Civera - 2014 - In Barnita Bagchi (ed.), Connecting histories of education: transnational and cross-cultural exchanges in (post-)colonial education. London: Berghahn Books.
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    Does Level Generation Always Generate Act-Tokens?Alicia Juarrero Roque - 1983 - Philosophy Research Archives 9:177-192.
    After a brief summary of Alvin Goldman’s theory of the “level-generation” of complex act-tokens from basic acts, it is argued that if the occurrent want which causes the basic act becomes deactivated in medias res, or during the interval between the basic act and the generated events, the latter do not qualify as actions proper. A discussion follows of Steven Davis’s at tempts to provide a counterexample to GoIdman’s theory by suggesting an example in which the Goldman conditions are met (...)
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    The End of Modernity: Nihilism and Hermeneutics in Post-Modern Culture.Alicia Juarrero Roque - 1991 - Review of Metaphysics 44 (3):657-658.
    Vattimo rethinks ontology at a time when modernity's concept of Being has been uprooted along with any faith in history as a unitary process characterized by progressive reappropriations of its own origins. Having dissolved the ground of the new, the end of modernity sees Being reduced to exchange value, the new for the sake of the new, which in turn science and technology make routine. The impasse is a radical one, for modernity cannot be left behind by offering a truer (...)
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  9. Adverbial clauses.Susan Rothstein - 2019 - In Paul Portner, Klaus von Heusinger & Claudia Maienborn (eds.), Semantics: noun phrases, verb phrases and adjectives. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    A simplified procedure for the study of memory retrieval processes.Lee D. Rothstein - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 4 (2):73-75.
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    User-Centered Research: A Status Report.Paul Rothstein & Michelle Tornello Shirey - 2004 - Design Philosophy Papers 2 (1):7-19.
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    Visual Fidelity in Simulation-Based Training for Aviation: Behavioral and Neuroimaging Research.Nina Rothstein - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  13.  26
    The propaganda value of imperial patronage: ecclesiastical foundations and charitable establishments in the late twelfth century.Alicia Simpson - 2015 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 108 (1):179-206.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Byzantinische Zeitschrift Jahrgang: 108 Heft: 1 Seiten: 179-206.
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  14. Poder, sufrimiento y los tribunales. Reflexiones acerca de la promoción de los derechos de la salud por la vía de la judicialización.Alicia Ely Yamin - 2013 - In Alicia Ely Yamin, Siri Gloppen & Elena Odriozola (eds.), La lucha por los derechos de la salud: ¿puede la justicia ser una herramienta de cambio? México, D.F.: Siglo Veintiuno Editores.
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    Stucturing Events.Susan Rothstein - 2004 - Blackwell.
    Throughout, the emerging theory of aspect is extensively compared with alternative theories, and the book concludes with general reflections on the semantic ...
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    Events and Grammar.Susan Rothstein - 1998 - Springer.
    This volume covers a broad spectrum of research into the role of events in grammar. It addresses event arguments and thematic argument structure, the role of events in verbal aspectual distinctions, events and the distinction between stage and individual level predicates, and the role of events in the analysis of plurality and scope relations. It is of interest to scholars and students of theoretical linguistics, philosophers of language, computational linguists, and computer scientists.
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  17. Counting, Measuring And The Semantics Of Classifiers.Susan Rothstein - 2010 - The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication 6:1-42.
    This paper makes two central claims. The first is that there is an intimate and non-trivial relation between the mass/count distinction on the one hand and the measure/individuation distinction on the other: a defining property of mass nouns is that they denote sets of entities which can be measured, while count nouns denote sets of entities which can be counted. Crucially, this is a difference in grammatical perspective and not in ontological status. The second claim is that the mass/count distinction (...)
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  18.  41
    Predicates and Their Subjects.Susan Rothstein - 2001 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    The second half of the book extends the theory of predication to cover copular constructions; it includes an account of the structure of small clauses in Hebrew ...
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    (1 other version)RESEÑA de: Moreno, César, Mingo, Alicia María de (eds.). Signo, intencionalidad, verdad: estudios de fenomenología. Sevilla: SEFE: Universidad de Sevilla, 2005. [REVIEW]Alicia María de Mingo - 2007 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 5:309-315.
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    Emblems of mind: the inner life of music and mathematics.Edward Rothstein - 1995 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    One is a science, the other an art; one useful, the other seemingly decorative, but mathematics and music share common origins in cult and mystery and have been linked throughout history. Emblems of Mind is Edward Rothstein’s classic exploration of their profound similarities, a journey into their “inner life.” Along the way, Rothstein explains how mathematics makes sense of space, how music tells a story, how theories are constructed, how melody is shaped. He invokes the poetry of Wordsworth, (...)
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    Theoretical and Crosslinguistic Approaches to the Semantics of Aspect.Susan Deborah Rothstein (ed.) - 2008 - John Benjamins.
    INTRODUCTION Theoretical and crosslinguistic approaches to the semantics of aspect Susan Rothstein Bar-Han University. Theoretical issues The papers in this ...
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  22.  8
    Visions of Utopia.Edward Rothstein, Herbert Muschamp & Martin Marty - 2003 - Oup Usa.
    From the sex-free paradise of the Shakers to the worker's paradise of Marx, utopian ideas seem to have two things in common--they all are wonderfully plausible at the start and they all end up as disasters. In Visions of Utopia, three leading cultural critics--Edward Rothstein, Martin Marty, and Herbert Muschamp--look at the history of utopian thinking, exploring why they fail and why they are still worth pursuing. Edward Rothstein, New York Times cultural critic, contends that every utopia is (...)
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  23.  41
    Towards a theory of proprioception as a bodily basis for consciousness in music.Alicia Peñalba Acitores - 2011 - In David Clarke & Eric Clarke (eds.), Music and consciousness: philosophical, psychological, and cultural perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press.
  24. There is no pure evil, nor pure good, only purity" : William Blake's and Patti Smith's Art as Opposition to Societal Boundaries.Alicia Carpenter - 2022 - In James Rovira (ed.), Women in rock, women in romanticism. New York: Routledge.
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    Damnatio Paruulorum. El Pensamiento de san Agustín sobre el pecado original en los ss. 174,175, 176 y ss. 293-294.Alicia Eelen & Anthony Dupont - 2013 - Augustinus 58 (230-231):201-214.
    In our contribution we will discuss a specific aspect of Augustine’s doctrine of grace in a specific genre of his oeuvre: the thematisation of infant baptism and its consequence -the damnation of unbaptised children to hell— in his preaching ministry, particularly in sermones 174-176 and sermones 293-294. First, we will introduce Augustine’s position by sketching the historical, controversial and theological framework. Subsequently, we will present the said two groups of sermones ad populum. This research will enable us to evaluate the (...)
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  26. El personaje de Hagen en la épica germánica.Alicia Soler Merenciano - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
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    Pluralismo y futuro compartido : una aportación al espacio cultural-trascendental.Alicia María de Mingo - 2010 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 7:233.
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  28. Voltaire y Rousseau.Alicia Ortiz - 1971 - Puebla,: Méx., J. M. Cajica, Jr..
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    Baby Carriages.Alicia Ostriker - 2004 - Feminist Studies 30 (3):704.
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    Practical, state, and federal limits on the scope of compelled disclosure of health records.Alicia Ouellette & Jacob Reider - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (3):46 – 48.
  31.  43
    Currents in Contemporary Bioethics: Physicians' Duty to Inform Patients of New Medical Discoveries: The Effect of Health Information Technology.Mark A. Rothstein - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (4):690-693.
    Physicians' duties to their patients traditionally have been construed narrowly in time and scope to focus on the specific episode of care or clinical encounter. Physicians generally have had no ethical or legal duty to notify patients about new medical information discovered after a visit, notwithstanding the health care benefits to patients that might flow from receiving the information. The rule was based on the relatively high burdens that notification would impose on physicians compared with the likelihood of benefits to (...)
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    Response to Open Peer Commentaries on "Compelled Authorizations for Disclosure of Health Records: Magnitude and Implications".Mark Rothstein & Meghan Talbott - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (3):1-3.
    Each year individuals are required to execute millions of authorizations for the release of their health records as a condition of employment, applying for various types of insurance, and submitting claims for benefits. Generally, there are no restrictions on the scope of information released pursuant to these compelled authorizations, and the development of a nationwide system of interoperable electronic health records will increase the amount of health information released. After quantifying the extent of these disclosures, this article discusses why it (...)
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  33.  13
    Las grandes regiones urbanas y el distanciamiento social impuesto por el COVID-19.Alicia Ziccardi - 2020 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 25:46-64.
    En este artículo, se analizan las desiguales condiciones de habitabilidad que ofrecen las viviendas en la gran región metropolitana de Ciudad de México, las cuales inciden en la forma como la población enfrenta el distanciamiento social impuesto por el Covid-19. En particular, se consideran tres procesos que caracterizan a estas zonas metropolitanas: una nueva arquitectura espacial, la amplificación de las desigualdades urbanas y los dos patrones de gobernanza local que coexisten conflictivamente. Estos procesos llevan a que amplios sectores populares vivan (...)
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    Disclosing Decedents' Research Results to Relatives Violates the HIPAA Privacy Rule.Mark A. Rothstein - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (10):16-17.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 12, Issue 10, Page 16-17, October 2012.
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    Top-down causation and autonomy in complex systems.Alicia Juarrero - 2009 - In Nancey Murphy, George Ellis & Timothy O'Connor (eds.), Downward Causation and the Neurobiology of Free Will. Springer Verlag. pp. 83--102.
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    Matching Ethical Work Climate to In-role and Extra-role Behaviors in a Collectivist Work Setting.Alicia S. M. Leung - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (1-2):43-55.
    This paper studies the relationship between organizational ethical climate and the forms of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), including in-role and extra-role behaviors, and examines the mediating effect of employee loyalty. A sample of employees from a traditional Hong Kong-based company was used as a study group. The purpose of this study was to examine the causes and implications of how various ethical work climates affect employee performance. Based on a model proposed by Victor and Cullen, ethical climate is arranged from (...)
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    Workplace Bullying in a Sample of Italian and Spanish Employees and Its Relationship with Job Satisfaction, and Psychological Well-Being.Alicia Arenas, Gabriele Giorgi, Francesco Montani, Serena Mancuso, Javier Fiz Perez, Nicola Mucci & Giulio Arcangeli - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Dancing at the Devil's Party: Some Notes on Politics and Poetry.Alicia Ostriker - 1987 - Critical Inquiry 13 (3):579-596.
    My education in political poetry begins with William Blake’s remark about John Milton in The Marriage of Heaven and Hell: “The reason Milton wrote in fetters when he wrote of Angels & God, and at liberty when of Devils & Hell, is because he was a true Poet and of the Devil’s party without knowing it.”1 The statement is usually taken as a charming misreading of Milton or as some sort of hyperbole. We find it lumped with other readings which (...)
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    El Pascal trágico de Miguel de Unamuno (En el cuarto centenario del nacimiento de Blaise Pascal: 1623-2023).Alicia Villar - 2024 - Pensamiento 79 (304):1405-1425.
    Análisis de la interpretación de Blaise Pascal por parte de Miguel Unamuno, precisando lo que le unió al escritor francés en fondo y forma, y señalando asimismo lo que en realidad les separa. Después de resaltar el estilo compartido por los dos autores, se precisa el contenido de las referencias más importantes de Unamuno a Pascal en diferentes escritos. Todo ello muestra la interpretación de Pascal por parte de Unamuno como un espíritu «atormentado». Dicha interpretación se vio propiciada por el (...)
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    Cristianos en la Universidad: un reto.Alicia Alvarez - 1988 - Verdad y Vida 46 (181):109-124.
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  41. Nothingness as the dark side of social representations.Alicia Barreiro & Jose Antonio Castorina - 2016 - In Jytte Bang & Ditte Winther-Lindqvist (eds.), Nothingness: philosophical insights into psychology. New Brunswick (U.S.A.): Transaction Publishers.
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  42. La ciencia en el aula.Alicia Cigana - 2015 - In Susana Espinosa & Silvia Alderoqui (eds.), Ciencia, arte y tecnología: enfoques plurales para abordajes multidisciplinares. Remedios de Escalada, Lanús, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ediciones de la UNLa.
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  43. La muerte de las palabras: El holocausto en la voz de las escritoras sefardíes.Alicia Ramos González - 2006 - Critica 56 (933):60-63.
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    Pythagoras.Alicia Klepeis - 2017 - Hallandale, FL: Mitchell Lane Publishers.
    Mathematician. Philosopher. World traveler. Pythagoras was an intelligent and curious scholar and teacher. While he¿s best-known for the Pythagorean theorem, he shared ideas about numbers, animals, and many other areas of knowledge with his students. Since none of his writings were left behind, it¿s not always easy for historians to know what¿s true about Pythagoras and what may be legendary. What does seem apparent is that he was a vegetarian but not a trendy dresser. Some people saw him as godlike. (...)
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    Frieze D–L. y González Ibáñez, J. . Totalmente extraoficial. Autobiografía de Raphael Lemkin.Alicia Villar Lecumberri - 2019 - Araucaria 21 (41).
    La lectura de todo libro, de entrada, crea expectativas en el lector. Hay libros que consiguen despertar el interés a sabiendas de que han sido publicados gracias a la confluencia de diversos factores que prometen algo novedoso y de calidad. Este es el caso de la obra que nos ocupa, publicada por un Instituto que trabaja incansablemente por los Derechos Humanos, y que ha tenido a bien reconocer la obra y el compromiso humano de Raphael Lemkin, la persona que dio (...)
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    Moral Schemas and Business Practices: The Ethics of Guangzhou Migrant Marketers.Alicia S. M. Leung, Xiangyang Liu & Shanshi Liu - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (S1):11 - 23.
    This article explores the ethics of migrant marketers in Guangzhou. Data were collected from 357 migrant marketers who lived in Guangzhou. A model of Ethical Action has been developed to test the antecedents and outcomes of the ethical decision-making process. It measured moral intention using four ethical scenarios. The results show that the egoistic schema had a positive effect on their intention to act unethically, while the legislative schema exerted a negative effect. The results confirm that moral intention was a (...)
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    Democracia directa contra déficit democrático: el caso uruguayo.Alicia Lissidini - forthcoming - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi.
    This article analyzes the functions and effects of direct democracy in Uruguay, especially in recent years. It studies the plebiscites and referendums that were actually carried out, and also those that were initiated but did not materialize because they did not achieve the necessary signatures or adhesions. The main objective of this research is to show that the mechanisms of direct democracy constitute an institutional way to channel and give voice to social discontent, contributing to avoid the democratic deficit and (...)
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    Effects of pictorial instruction on paired-associate recall in first-graders.Alicia K. Lopes & Charles L. Richman - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (5):393-394.
  49. Ética, bioética y psicoanálisis.Alicia I. Losoviz - 2019 - In Roberto Cataldi Amatriain & Christian Byk (eds.), Bioética, conflictos y dilemas. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Hygea Ediciones.
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    Podcast Como Identificador de Las Necesidades de Aprendizaje Del Universitario.Alicia Tapia López & Oliver Carrero Márquez - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-13.
    Desde un análisis descriptivo-cualitativo, basado en encuestas de calidad validadas por ANECA (2017-2022), se presenta el proceso de mejora de la asignatura Documentación Informativa, ubicada en 2º del Grado en Publicidad, gracias a la implementación de metodologías centradas en el aprender haciendo. La propuesta formativa se apoyó en que los alumnos participaran en todo el proceso de creación de un podcast. De los resultados se desprenden, como principales conclusiones, que los estudiantes entienden el fenómeno del podcasting como una herramienta que (...)
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