Results for 'Anastasios Κ Orlandos'

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    Eine unbeachtete Kuppelform.Anastasios Κ Orlandos - 1929 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 30 (1).
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  2. New perspectives on Pierre Duhem’s The aim and structure of physical theory.Anastasios Brenner, Paul Needham, David J. Stump & Robert Deltete - 2011 - Metascience 20 (1):1-25.
    New perspectives on Pierre Duhem’s The aim and structure of physical theory Content Type Journal Article DOI 10.1007/s11016-010-9467-3 Authors Anastasios Brenner, Department of Philosophy, Paul Valéry University-Montpellier III, Route De Mende, 34199 Montpellier cedex 5, France Paul Needham, Department of Philosophy, University of Stockholm, 10691 Stockholm, Sweden David J. Stump, Department of Philosophy, University of San Francisco, 2130 Fulton Street, San Francisco, CA 94117, USA Robert Deltete, Department of Philosophy, Seattle University, 901 12th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98122-1090, USA Journal (...)
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  3. Objetos y propiedades.Anastasio Alemán - 1997 - Endoxa 9:101-123.
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  4. Introducción a la teoría de la relatividad.Orlando Calero - 1961 - San Salvador,: Ministerio de Educación, Departamento Editorial.
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    Plato and K. R. Popper.Anastasios Giannaras & Fred Eidlin - 1996 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 26 (4):493-508.
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    Marx e Kelsen.Orlando Gomes - 1959 - [Salvador, Brasil]:
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  7. (1 other version)La muerte en la sociedad murciana a finales del Antiguo Régimen: un estudio cuantitativo de testamentos.Anastasio Alemán Illán - 1987 - Contrastes: Revista de Historia Moderna 3:71-90.
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  8. Sentido, sinsentido y filosofía.Anastasio Alemán Pardo - 2004 - Endoxa 17:63-90.
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  9. Micro-domination.Orlando Lazar - 2023 - European Journal of Political Theory 22 (2):217-237.
    This article analyses the phenomenon of ‘micro-domination’, in which a series of dominated choices are individually inconsequential for a person’s freedom but collectively consequential. Where the choices concerned are objectively inconsequential, micro- domination poses a problem for ‘objective threshold’ accounts of domination which either prioritise particularly bad forms of domination or exclude powers that do not risk causing serious harm to their victims. Where the choices concerned are subjectively inconsequential to the victim, micro-domination poses a problem for the common republican (...)
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    Differential Sheaves and Connections: A Natural Approach to Physical Geometry.Anastasios Mallios & Elias Zafiris - 2015 - World Scientific.
    This unique book provides a self-contained conceptual and technical introduction to the theory of differential sheaves. This serves both the newcomer and the experienced researcher in undertaking a background-independent, natural and relational approach to "physical geometry". In this manner, this book is situated at the crossroads between the foundations of mathematical analysis with a view toward differential geometry and the foundations of theoretical physics with a view toward quantum mechanics and quantum gravity. The unifying thread is provided by the theory (...)
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    Ethical Behaviour of Tertiary Education Students in Cyprus.Anastasios A. Zopiatis & Maria Krambia-Kapardis - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (3):647-663.
    The purpose of this research was to investigate, for the first time, tertiary education students’ ethical judgements in the Republic of Cyprus academic environment. The authors developed and administered a quantitative questionnaire to a sample of 1,000 individuals currently pursuing accredited degrees at two tertiary institutions. Statistical analysis revealed four factors, named violation of school regulations, selfishness, cheating, and computer ethics that describe students’ ethical judgements in the academic environment. The results indicate that students exhibit the lowest tolerance with ethical (...)
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    La noción de convención en Wittgenstein.Anastasio Alemán - 1994 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 12 (2):369.
    This article intends to bring the philosophies of the first and second Wittgenstein closer together, concentrating on the concept of “use”. If this concept is considered the centre of philosophy of second Wittgenstein, this article shows it as already implicit in his Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, as the last responsible element in the sense of the propositions. As a general conclusion to the article, we learn that the point of view or the method used by the second Wittgenstein does not represent a (...)
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    Desigualdad, subdesarrollo y pobreza en la actual globalización ultraliberal.Anastasio Ovejero Bernal - 2008 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 18:107-177.
    Hoy día resulta imposible hablar de pobreza y de desigualdad sin hablar de globalización. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es mostrar que no existe ningún determinismo, que el hambre, la pobreza, el subdesarrollo y las desigualdades que aún se mantienen en el planeta en medio de la abundancia y el desarrollo, no es algo inevitable, sino que es producido por unas políticas concretas que van dirigidas, intencionadamente, a unos grupos frente a otros.
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  14. El autoritarismo: enfoque psicológico.Anastasio Ovejero Bernal - 1981 - El Basilisco 13:40-44.
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    Ausencia Y presencia de dios: Diez estudios fenomenológicos.Orlando Escobar - 2013 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 34 (109):4.
    Entendida como “la manera de vivir la historia, en cierto modo como condena o como fatalidad”, la fe ha sido recibida. Y esta ha sido transmitida en términos como en los que se sostiene que la filosofía debe aprenderse en Europa o Norteamérica, que nuestra economía es dependiente y que la piel y sangre que llevamos es impura. Para Vargas Guillén, la tragedia de nuestra historia se explica en parte por una educación patriarcalista que entrena solo para obedecer. Por esta (...)
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  16. Mnēmē Anastasiou Giannara, 1920-1977.Anastasios Giannaras & Nikolaos Dēmētriou Chronēs (eds.) - 1981 - Athēnai: Ekdoseis Papazēsē.
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    Recent progress in the biology, chemistry and structural biology of DNA glycosylases.Orlando D. Schärer & Josef Jiricny - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (3):270-281.
  18. Joining the dots: Analysing the sustainability of the Australian Aboriginal art market.Meaghan Wilson-Anastasios - 2011 - Diogenes 58 (3):22-34.
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    Quelle épistémologie historique ? Kuhn, Feyerabend, Hacking et l'école bachelardienne.Anastasios Brenner - forthcoming - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale.
    Pendant un demi-siècle, la méthode appropriée en philosophie des sciences dans la tradition continentale était l'étude historique ; dans la tradition anglosaxonne, l'analyse logique. Ce clivage au sein du discours philosophique s'est grandement estompé de nos jours. D'une part, Kuhn a défendu la pertinence philosophique de l'histoire des sciences. D'autre part, Vuillemin et Gilles-Gaston Granger ont promu l'étude de la philosophie analytique et l'emploi de ses techniques logiques. Le rapprochement des deux traditions a pris encore une nouvelle tournure dans les (...)
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    The French Connection: Conventionalism and the Vienna Circle.Anastasios Brenner - 2001 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 9:277-286.
    In 1929 Moritz Schlick and those scholars he had brought together came to realize that they had given rise to something entirely new, so the text of the Vienna Circle Manifesto has it. What was novel was the conception of the world, henceforth scientific. Or as we may put it otherwise: a discipline had been established, the philosophy of science, that is a reflection on science no longer subordinate to traditional theory of knowledge and metaphysics. The text goes on to (...)
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  21. Thematic Files-teaching history of science in France under the third republic. Presentation.Anastasios Brenner - 2005 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 58 (2):305-310.
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    Scientific Revolutions.Anastasios Economou - 1995 - Philosophy Now 14:19-21.
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    Reflections on Chimisso: French Philosophy of Science and the Historical Method.Anastasios Brenner - 2010 - In Thomas Uebel, Stephan Hartmann, Wenceslao Gonzalez, Marcel Weber, Dennis Dieks & Friedrich Stadler, The Present Situation in the Philosophy of Science. Springer. pp. 57--65.
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    The Issue of Rhetoric for Christian Apologists in the Second Century.Anastasios G. Maràs - 2010 - Augustinianum 50 (2):409-421.
    Viewing rhetoric as a product of pagan culture, the Apologists take a negative stance toward it. For Justin the art of persuasion may be useful in all areas ofpublic life but it is useless when it comes to the metaphysical truth of Christianity. The strength to teach or interpret Christianity, Justin posits, comes from God, not rhetoric. For his part, Tatian dismisses forensic rhetoric on the grounds that it often subverts Christian ethics by defending injustice, sycophancy and money-making, in effect (...)
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    (1 other version)Abduction, realism and ethics.Eleonora Orlando - 2001 - Theoria 16 (2):331-352.
    In this paper, I am concerned with the possibility of applying an abductive strategy in founding ethical realism. First, I criticize Harman’s position, according to which abduction, though useful for founding scientific realism, does not serve to found ethical realism. Secondly, I examine Sturgeon’s critique, according to which distinctively moral facts do constitute the best explanations of the moral evidence. Finally,I conclude that Sturgeon is right in as far as the ontological status of moral properties is concerned but his answer (...)
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    La fouille du terrain Yannopoulos et les établissements de bains à Thasos (IIIe-VIe s.).Anastasios Oulkeroglou & Stratis Papadopoulos - 2014 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 138 (2):467-507.
    The excavation of the Yannopoulos plot and the bathing establishments at Thasos (3rd-6th c.) This article concerns the bathing establishment excavated on the Yannopoulos property in the city of Thasos, its architectural particularities, the finds recovered, and its insertion in the urban environment. The twelve-room building, of rectangular plan, has three architectural phases. Two praefurnia, two hypocausts, and eight non-heated rooms have been distinguished. The study of this baths offers an occasion to present the totality of bathing establishments, public and (...)
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    On words and genes.Anastasios A. Tsonis & Panagiotis A. Tsonis - 2003 - Complexity 8 (5):12-13.
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    (1 other version)Le marché de l'art aborigène d'australie.Meaghan Wilson-Anastasios - 2010 - Diogène 231 (3):28.
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    Minerva Rava an Torva?Anastasios G. Nikolaidis - 2001 - American Journal of Philology 122 (1):81-86.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Minerva Rava An Torva?Anastasios G. Nikolaidis1. Ovid Ars 2.659: Si paeta est, Veneri similis, si torva, Minervaetorva Merkel: flava R in marg. cum plerisque codd.: rava Heinsius: parva R cum aliquot dett.: fulva F.2. Priapea 36.4: Minerva torvo lumine est, Venus paetotorvo scripsi: flavo libri edd. vett.: flava et post hoc verbum commate interpunxit De Rooy (probant Vollmer, Clairmont, Parker): ravo Haupt: glauco Antonius.IMost codices for line 2.659 (...)
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    Work, Domination, and the False Hope of Universal Basic Income.Orlando Lazar - 2020 - Res Publica 27 (3):427-446.
    Universal basic income is increasingly proposed as a simple answer to the problem of domination at work—one policy whose knock-on effects will transform the balance of power between workers and employers. I argue against such ‘UBI-first’ approaches. Compared to UBI proposals for other purposes, a UBI sufficient or near-sufficient for minimising domination at work would be especially demanding in two ways. First, the level of the grant would be more demanding compared to UBIs suitable for other purposes, in order for (...)
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    Thinking About the Opposite of What Is Said: Counterfactual Conditionals and Symbolic or Alternate Simulations of Negation.Orlando Espino & Ruth M. J. Byrne - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (8):2459-2501.
    When people understand a counterfactual such as “if the flowers had been roses, the trees would have been orange trees,” they think about the conjecture, “there were roses and orange trees,” and they also think about its opposite, the presupposed facts. We test whether people think about the opposite by representing alternates, for example, “poppies and apple trees,” or whether models can contain symbols, for example, “no roses and no orange trees.” We report the discovery of an inference‐to‐alternates effect—a tendency (...)
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    Les origines françaises de la philosophie des sciences.Anastasios Brenner - 2003 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Quelle conception de la science proposer aujourd'hui? Les grandes doctrines du XXe siècle se sont heurtées successivement à des difficultés, que ce soit le positivisme du Cercle de Vienne ou le rationalisme critique de Popper. Même la perspective historique inspirée par Bachelard et par Kuhn a donné lieu à des versions disparates. Pourtant, toutes ces tentatives partent d'un même constat : l'échec de la vision classique de la science et la nécessité d'un nouveau discours. On peut en retracer l'histoire. Face (...)
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    Social Interaction, Envy, and the Basic Income: Do Remedies to Technological Unemployment Reduce Well-being?Fabio D’Orlando - 2022 - Basic Income Studies 17 (1):53-93.
    The present article aims to utilize some insights from behavioral and happiness economics to discuss the consequences that the introduction of an unconditional basic income to cope with technological unemployment may hold for well-being. The impact of 21st-century technological progress on employment has only just begun to make itself felt and it will take time to realize its full extent. However, the main innovation is already common knowledge: robots are finding their way into the production process. According to several recent (...)
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    Solving hybrid Boolean constraints in continuous space via multilinear Fourier expansions.Anastasios Kyrillidis, Anshumali Shrivastava, Moshe Y. Vardi & Zhiwei Zhang - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 299 (C):103559.
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  35. Sentido, sinsentido y filosofía.Anastasio Alemán - 2003 - Endoxa 17:63-89.
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  36. H. Floris COHEN, How modern science came into the world : Four civilizations, one 17th-century breakthrough.Brenner Anastasios - 2012 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 65 (2):395-397.
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    A tarefa de estudo: Ciência E criatividade do professor.Orlando Aquino & Neire Cunha - 2015 - Educação E Filosofia 29 (57):125-152.
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  38. Lo spazio teoretico come spazio di libertà: La lezione filosofica del francescano Raimondo Lullo.Orlando Todisco - 2005 - Miscellanea Francescana 105 (3-4):501-570.
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    Fractals: a new look at biological shape and patterning.Anastasios A. Tsonis & Panagiotis A. Tsonis - 1987 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 30 (3):355.
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    Lo Unheimlich y su capacidad de «detonar» nuestra condición hermenéutica.Orlando Ortega Chacón - 2022 - Revista Filosofía Uis 21 (2):155-176.
    A la hora de pensar lo más inmediato a nosotros mismos es necesario acudir a lo que somos en cuanto Dasein. Sin embargo, la experiencia de lo inmediato tiene la condición de presentarse bajo la forma de un extrañamiento, un «no saber». Se verá que la corporeidad y su extrañamiento abren a la posibilidad de una hermenéutica de nuestra propia condición porque la experiencia de lo Unheimlich es una vía de epojé que «detona» (revienta) la cadena de significaciones habitual y (...)
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    In defense of Piaget's theory: A reply to 10 common criticisms.Orlando Lourenço & Armando Machado - 1996 - Psychological Review 103 (1):143-164.
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    The Suppression of Inferences From Counterfactual Conditionals.Orlando Espino & Ruth M. J. Byrne - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (4):e12827.
    We examine two competing effects of beliefs on conditional inferences. The suppression effect occurs for conditionals, for example, “if she watered the plants they bloomed,” when beliefs about additional background conditions, for example, “if the sun shone they bloomed” decrease the frequency of inferences such as modus tollens (from “the plants did not bloom” to “therefore she did not water them”). In contrast, the counterfactual elevation effect occurs for counterfactual conditionals, for example, “if she had watered the plants they would (...)
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    Teaching About Energy.Orlando Aguiar, Hannah Sevian & Charbel N. El-Hani - 2018 - Science & Education 27 (9-10):863-893.
    In this article, we draw upon the Conceptual Profile Theory to discuss the negotiation of meanings related to the energy concept in an 11th grade physics classroom. This theory is based on the heterogeneity of verbal thinking, that is, on the idea that any individual or society does not represent concepts in a single way. According to this perspective, the processes of conceptualization consist of the use of a repertoire of different socially stabilized signifiers, adjusted to the context in which (...)
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  44. L'insediamento nella regione del Limes mesopotamico tra la fine dell'Impero assiro e la conquista romana.S. Anastasio - 2003 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 24:63-90.
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  45. Monumenti sulla via della seta: la spedizione di De Filippi del 1913-1914.Stefano Anastasio - 2008 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 29:57-76.
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    Probability rather than logic as the basis of perception.Thomas J. Anastasio - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (3):283-284.
    Formal logic may be an inappropriate framework for understanding perception. The responses of neurons at various levels of the sensory hierarchy may be better described in terms of probability than logic. Analysis and modeling of the multisensory responses of neurons in the midbrain provide a case study.
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    La vita inaspettata. Il fascino di un'evoluzione che non ci aveva previsto di Telmo Pievani.Orlando Franceschelli, Simone Pollo & Massimo Stanzione - 2013 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 26 (2):425-444.
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    On a supposed contradiction in Ovid (Medicamina Faciei 18-22 vs. Ars Amatoria 3.129-32).Anastasios G. Nikolaidis - 1994 - American Journal of Philology 115 (1):97-103.
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    Quaestiones Convivales: Plutarch’s Sense of Humour as Evidence of his Platonism.Anastasios Nikolaidis - 2019 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 163 (1):110-128.
    Given Plutarch’s fragmentary piece on Aristophanes and Menander, a piece of Table Talk on almost the same topic and various attacks on comic poets scattered through the Lives, one might believe that Plutarch is a staid, conservative and humourless author. But several other instances in his writings reveal a playful, facetious, witty and humorous Plutarch. This paper will focus on the Quaestiones Convivales, which bear ample witness to this aspect of Plutarch’s personality and authorial technique. It will examine the ways (...)
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  50. G. Duns Scoto e il pluralismo epistemologico.Orlando Todisco - 1993 - Miscellanea Francescana 93 (3-4):427-433.
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