Results for 'Andrea Scarabelli'

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    Vita avventurosa di Julius Evola: una biografia.Andrea Scarabelli - 2024 - Milano: Bietti.
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  2. Rethinking Relational Autonomy.Andrea C. Westlund - 2009 - Hypatia 24 (4):26-49.
    John Christman has argued that constitutively relational accounts of autonomy, as defended by some feminist theorists, are problematically perfectionist about the human good. I argue that autonomy is constitutively relational, but not in a way that implies perfectionism: autonomy depends on a dialogical disposition to hold oneself answerable to external, critical perspectives on one's action-guiding commitments. This type of relationality carries no substantive value commitments, yet it does answer to core feminist concerns about autonomy.
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  3. Solidarity as Joint Action.Andrea Sangiovanni - 2015 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 32 (4):340-359.
    The demand for social justice, especially in the context of the welfare state, is often framed as a demand of solidarity. But it is not clear why: in what sense, if any, is social justice best understood as a demand of solidarity? This article explores that question. There are two reasons to do so. First, very little has been written on the concept of solidarity, and almost nothing on why and how solidarity can both give rise to and be the (...)
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  4. Fictional objects, non-existence, and the principle of characterization.Andrea Sauchelli - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 159 (1):139-146.
    I advance an objection to Graham Priest’s account of fictional entities as nonexistent objects. According to Priest, fictional characters do not have, in our world, the properties they are represented as having; for example, the property of being a bank clerk is possessed by Joseph K. not in our world but in other worlds. Priest claims that, in this way, his theory can include an unrestricted principle of characterization for objects. Now, some representational properties attributed to fictional characters, a kind (...)
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    Die Implementierung Klinischer Ethikberatung in Deutschland: Ergebnisse einer bundesweiten Umfrage bei Krankenhäusern.Andrea Dörries & Katharina Hespe-Jungesblut - 2007 - Ethik in der Medizin 19 (2):148-156.
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    The Medvedev Lattice of Degrees of Difficulty.Andrea Sorbi - 1996 - In S. B. Cooper, T. A. Slaman & S. S. Wainer (eds.), Computability, enumerability, unsolvability: directions in recursion theory. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 224--289.
  7. Affordances explained.Andrea Scarantino - 2003 - Philosophy of Science 70 (5):949-961.
    I examine the central theoretical construct of ecological psychology, the concept of an affordance. In the first part of the paper, I illustrate the role affordances play in Gibson's theory of perception. In the second part, I argue that affordances are to be understood as dispositional properties, and explain what I take to be their characteristic background circumstances, triggering circumstances and manifestations. The main purpose of my analysis is to give affordances a theoretical identity enriched by Gibson's visionary insight, but (...)
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    Husserl’s philosophical estrangement from the conjunctivism-disjunctivism debate.Andrea Cimino - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (4):743-779.
    Various attempts have been made recently to bring Husserl into the contemporary analytic discussion on sensory illusion and hallucination. On the one hand, this has resulted in a renewed interest in what one might call a ‘phenomenology of sense-deception.’ On the other hand, it has generated contrasting—if not utterly incompatible—readings of Husserl’s own account of sense perception. The present study critically evaluates the contemporary discourse on illusion and hallucination, reassesses its proximity to Husserl’s reflection on sensory perception, and highlights the (...)
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  9. Books of the Body: Anatomic Ritual and Renaisance Learning.Andrea Carlino & I. I. Francis H. Straus - 2000 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 43 (4):609-640.
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    On the influence of causal beliefs on the feeling of agency.Andrea Desantis, Cédric Roussel & Florian Waszak - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1211-1220.
    The sense of agency is the experience of being the origin of a sensory consequence. This study investigates whether contextual beliefs modulate low-level sensorimotor processes which contribute to the emergence of the sense of agency. We looked at the influence of causal beliefs on ‘intentional binding’, a phenomenon which accompanies self-agency. Participants judged the onset-time of either an action or a sound which followed the action. They were induced to believe that the tone was either triggered by themselves or by (...)
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    Individuals, Essence and Identity: Themes of Analytic Metaphysics.Andrea Clemente Bottani, Massimiliano Carrara & P. Giaretta (eds.) - 2002 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer Verlag.
    The book's aim is to give a working representation of what metaphysics is today. The historical contributions reveal the roots of metaphysical themes and how today's methods are linked to their Aristotelian and Leibnizian past. The volume also touches on the relationships between ontological and linguistic analysis, the questions of realism and ontological commitment, the nature of abstract objects, the existential meaning of particular quantification, the primitiveness of identity, the question of epistemic versus ontological vagueness, the necessity of origin, the (...)
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  12. Structural Injustice and Individual Responsibility.Andrea Sangiovanni - 2018 - Journal of Social Philosophy 49 (3):461-483.
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    Lebensformen und epistemische Fähigkeiten.Andrea Kern - 2007 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 55 (2):245-260.
    In der zeitgenössischen Erkenntnistheorie ist die Idee verbreitet, dass der Erwerb von Wissen davon abhängig ist, dass das Subjekt des Wissens an einer bestimmten Lebensform teilhat, die grundlegender als sein Wissen ist. Das ist eine Lesart der Position Wittgensteins, deren exemplarischer Vertreter etwa Stanley Cavell ist. Meine These dagegen lautet, dass die Lebensformtheorie einem erkenntnistheoretischen Dogma aufruht, dessen Überwindung Wittgensteins eigentliches Anliegen war: Es ist das Dogma, dass die grundlegende Bedeutung des Wissensbegriffs in der Beschreibung eines einzelnen Aktes besteht, und (...)
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  14. Modeling task experience in user assistance systems.Andrea Kohlhase & Michael Kohlhase - unknown
    One of the major issues for user assistance systems consists of “providing help at an appropriate level”. In this paper we analyze the problem of modeling task experience — a prerequisite for provisioning adequate help. In contrast to level-based approaches we propose an ontology-based model, which allows fine-grained modeling of task experience using the concepts of the task domain as granules. The model is semantic in the sense that it allows to take advantage of the relations between concepts to provide (...)
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    From De Finetti to Today: Against the Domain of Mathematics for Deficients.Andrea Laforgia - 2018 - Science and Philosophy 6 (1):128-135.
    We present original remarks on some possible applications of classical results of Calculus. Suggestions to the higher schools teachers are also given.
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    Von kleinen Herren und großen Knechten. Gouvernementalitätstheoretische Anmerkungen zum Selbständigkeitskult in Politik und Pädagogik.Andrea Liesner - 2004 - In Norbert Ricken & Markus Rieger-Ladich (eds.), Michel Foucault: pädagogische Lektüren. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. pp. 285--300.
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  17. Turning Tides: Prospects for More Diversity in Cognitive Science.Andrea Bender, Sieghard Beller & Douglas L. Medin - 2012 - Topics in Cognitive Science 4 (3):462-466.
    This conclusion of the debate on anthropology’s role in cognitive science provides some clarifications and an overview of emergent themes. It also lists, as cases of good practice, some examples of productive cross-disciplinary collaboration that evince a forward momentum in the relationship between anthropology and the other cognitive sciences.
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    Understanding mental causation.Andrea White - 2024 - York: White Rose University Press.
    Understanding Mental Causation proposes a new, non-relational theory of mental causation. Andrea White believes that contemporary philosophy of mind labours under a misapprehension of what mental causation is supposed to be. This volume explains where the leading theories go astray, and how the new theory proposed solves critical problems for philosophers of mind and action. Ordinary experience suggests that what we do with our bodies causally depends, somehow, on what is going on in our minds. However, the problem of (...)
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    Some remarks on the mentalistic reformulation of the measurement problem: a reply to S. Gao.Andrea Oldofredi - 2019 - Synthese 198 (2):1-17.
    Gao presents a new mentalistic reformulation of the well-known measurement problem affecting the standard formulation of quantum mechanics. According to this author, it is essentially a determinate-experience problem, namely a problem about the compatibility between the linearity of the Schrödinger’s equation, the fundamental law of quantum theory, and definite experiences perceived by conscious observers. In this essay I aim to clarify that the well-known measurement problem is a mathematical consequence of quantum theory’s formalism, and that its mentalistic variant does not (...)
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    Processes and the philosophy of action.Andrea White - 2020 - Philosophical Explorations 23 (2):112-129.
    While the concept event has been an important tool in our thinking about causation and action, the concept process has not been appealed to so readily. However, recently, several philosophers have...
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  21. Come faccio a sapere che questo colore è rosso?Andrea Guardo - 2007 - In Simona Chiodo & Paolo Valore (eds.), Questioni di metafisica contemporanea. Milano: Il castoro. pp. 181-193.
    Un commentario al § 381 delle "Ricerche filosofiche" di Wittgenstein.
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    Human Life, Rationality and Education.Andrea Kern - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 54 (2):268-289.
    In this paper I explore the prospects of a Neo-Aristotelian position—according to which the difference between the human species and non-human animals is a difference in ‘form’—in the context of the question of how the human form of life is related to the idea of education. Two interpretations of this idea have been suggested by contemporary Neo-Aristotelian philosophy that offer contrasting accounts of the role played by education. According to the first, the idea of a formal difference goes with a (...)
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    Can Memory Make a Difference? Reasons for Changing or Not Our Autobiographical Memory.Andrea Lavazza - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 12 (1):38-40.
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    Top Management Team Behavioral Integration.Andrea K. Young - 2009 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 20:314-325.
    This paper examines how behavioral integration of top management teams may contribute to our understanding of how stakeholder initiatives become a part of a firm’s strategy. Multiple case design was used by conducting a series of interviews with the executive teams at three firms in the U.S. telecommunications industry.
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    The Notion and the Practices of vindicta in the Italian City-States in the Light of the Various Juridical and Theological Traditions.Andrea Zorzi - 2014 - In Guy Guldentops & Andreas Speer (eds.), Das Gesetz - the Law - la Loi. De Gruyter. pp. 123-136.
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    Access Isn’t Enough: Evaluating the Quality of a Hospital Medical Assistance in Dying Program.Andrea Frolic, Marilyn Swinton, Allyson Oliphant, Leslie Murray & Paul Miller - 2022 - HEC Forum 34 (4):429-455.
    Following an initial study of the needs of healthcare providers (HCP) regarding the introduction of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD), and the subsequent development of an assisted dying program, this study sought to determine the efficacy and impact of MAiD services following the first two years of implementation. The first of three aims of this research was to understand if the needs, concerns and hopes of stakeholders related to patient requests for MAiD were addressed appropriately. Assessing how HCPs and families (...)
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    A Deliberative Case for Democracy in Firms.Andrea Felicetti - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (3):803-814.
    The increasing centrality of business firms in contemporary societies calls for a renewed attention to the democratization of these actors. This paper sheds new light on the possibility of democratizing business firms by bridging recent scholarship in two fields—deliberative democracy and business ethics. To date, deliberative democracy has largely neglected the role of business firms in democratic societies. While business ethics scholarship has given more attention to these issues, it has overlooked the possibility of deliberation within firms. As argued in (...)
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  28. A “fidalguia escravista” ea constituição do Estado Nacional Brasileiro.Andréa Lisly Gonçalves - 1998 - História 4 (1):105-118.
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  29. A Libertarian View of the Ownership of Human Body.Andrea Hudecova - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (5):491-496.
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    Helen and Heidegger: Disabled Dasein, Language and Others.Andrea Hurst - 2003 - South African Journal of Philosophy 22 (1):98-112.
    Both Heidegger's Being and Time and Helen Keller's The Story of my Life address the problem of what it means for humans to be optimally human. In reading these texts together, I hope to show that Helen's life-story confirms Heidegger's existential analyses to some extent, but also, importantly, poses a challenge to them with respect to the interrelated issues of disability, language and others. Heidegger's hermeneutic explication of what it means to be human is intended to uncover supposedly basic human (...)
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    EL PROBLEMA DE LA NATURALEZA EN EL PENSAMIENTO DE MARTIN HEIDEGGER.Andrea Lehner - 2025 - Ideas Y Valores 74 (187):73-95.
    El propósito de este artículo es proporcionar algunas pistas sobre el problema de la naturaleza en la filosofía de Heidegger y mostrar por qué su manera de abordar la naturaleza resulta problemática. Problemática, puesto que, al estar obsesionado por evitar elaboraciones naturalistas de los fenómenos que le conciernen, Heidegger solo se centra en una aproximación existencial a la naturaleza y pone el foco en la forma en que esta se hace manifiesta al Dasein. Esto no le permite elaborar una reflexión (...)
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    Why Cognitive Sciences Do Not Prove That Free Will Is an Epiphenomenon.Andrea Lavazza - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  33. The Acquaintance Principle, Aesthetic Judgments, and Conceptual Art.Andrea Sauchelli - 2016 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 50 (1):1-15.
    The Acquaintance Principle is the principle according to which judgements concerning the aesthetic value of a work of art proffered by a critic must be based on the critic’s experience(s) or acquaintance with the work itself. The possible exception to this principle would be experiences obtained through other means of transmissibility, related in a particular way to the work in question, that can eventually provide the critic with an adequate basis for judging the artwork. However, recent philosophers claimed that some (...)
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    Future thinking about social targets: The influence of prediction outcome on memory.Andrea N. Frankenstein, Matthew P. McCurdy, Allison M. Sklenar, Rhiday Pandya, Karl K. Szpunar & Eric D. Leshikar - 2020 - Cognition 204 (C):104390.
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    The Influence of Christian Identity on SME Owner–Managers’ Conceptualisations of Business Practice.Andrea Werner - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (2):449-462.
    This paper reports on the findings of a qualitative study to understand how active adherence to the Christian faith influences the way SME owner–managers conceptualise their business practices. The study was based on in-depth interviews with 21 Christian SME owner–managers in Germany and the UK. Using a socio-psychological approach, the data analysis yielded a range of linguistic and conceptual resources that are peculiar to Christian discourse and that have the potential to influence business activity in rather distinctive ways. This paper (...)
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  36. Magic, Technics and Culture.Andrea Bardin - 2015 - In Epistemology and Political Philosophy in Gilbert Simondon. Springer Netherlands.
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    Distinguishing perfect set properties in separable metrizable spaces.Andrea Medini - 2016 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 81 (1):166-180.
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    The Sense of Deception: Illusion and Hallucination as Nullified, Invalid Perception.Andrea Cimino - 2019 - Husserl Studies 35 (1):27-49.
    The present study attempts to reconstruct Husserl’s account of empirical illusion and hallucination and disclose the significance of sense-deception in Husserl’s phenomenology. By clarifying the relation between the “leibhaftige presence” and “existence” of perceived objects, I shall be able to contend that illusion and hallucination are nullified, invalid perceptions. Non-existence or in-actuality is a form of invalidity: the Ungültigkeit of what demands its insertion in the totality of actual existence. Husserl elaborates an ex-negativo account of in-actuality, in which sensory deception (...)
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    European union. The ecj in search of legal certainty for jurisdiction in contract: The color drack decision.Andrea Bonomi & Paul Volken - 2008 - In Andrea Bonomi & Paul Volken (eds.), Yearbook of Private International Law: Volume Ix. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    Selected papers from the Logic in Databases Workshop 2008.Andrea Calì, Laks V. S. Lakshmanan & Davide Martinenghi - 2010 - Journal of Applied Logic 8 (2):151-152.
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    Hungary in 1956: Júlia Rajk or the power of mourning.Andrea Peto - 2015 - Clio 41:151-163.
    À travers le cas de Júlia Rajk (1914-1981), veuve du puissant ministre de l’Intérieur Laslo Rajk exécuté en 1949 à l’issue du premier grand procès en Hongrie, l’article explore la complexité de la construction des subjectivités politiques des femmes sous le communisme. Il soutient l’idée que ce n’est pas la participation à l’organisation officielle des femmes mais l’opposition à cette dernière qui conduit à des formes genrées de résistance.
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    Metalanguage and Revelation: Rethinking Theology’s Language and Relevance.Andrea Vestrucci - 2019 - Logica Universalis 13 (4):551-575.
    What distinguishes theology from the other uses of language? Is theology a specific language, or is it a specific situation of language, a specific way to consider language? I start with the issue of language’s inadequacy before divine revelation. By analyzing the variety of answers to this inopia verborum, I show that the theological inadequacy of language is not conceptual, but formal: it concerns the metalinguistic definition of inadequacy. Then, I formalize the relationship between metalanguage and object language, and I (...)
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    An Externalist Approach to Epistemic Responsibility: Intellectual Norms and Their Application to Epistemic Peer Disagreement.Andrea Robitzsch - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This monograph provides a novel reliabilist approach to epistemic responsibility assessment. The author presents unique arguments for the epistemic significance of belief-influencing actions and omissions. She grounds her proposal in indirect doxastic control. The book consists of four chapters. The first two chapters look at the different ways in which an agent might control the revision, retention, or rejection of her beliefs. They provide a systematic overview of the different approaches to doxastic control and contain a thorough study of reasons-responsive (...)
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  44. The Reunion of Marriage.Andrea C. Westlund - 2008 - The Monist 91 (3-4):558-577.
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    Tacit knowledge, implicit learning and scientific reasoning.Andrea Pozzali - 2007 - Mind and Society 7 (2):227-237.
    The concept of tacit knowledge is widely used in social sciences to refer to all those knowledge that cannot be codified and have to be transferred by personal contacts. All this literature has been affected by two kind of biases : (1) the interest has been focused more on the result (tacit knowledge) than on the process (implicit learning); (2) tacit knowledge has been somehow reduced to physical skills or know-how; other possible forms of tacit knowledge have been neglected. These (...)
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    Diálogos da dúvida: O eterno marido, de Dostoiévski e Dom Casmurro, de Machado de Assis.Andréa de Barros - 2015 - Bakhtiniana 10 (3):130-147.
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  47. Vico e Joyce negli atti del Simposio triestino.Andrea Battistini - 1976 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 6:189-192.
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    Elogio de la mano: el tacto, la mano y la piel en el discurso médico de la primera modernidad.Andrea M. Bau - 2018 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de Las Ideas 12:101-126.
    La percepción sensorial nos habla de la percepción del mundo. Es por eso que, descifrar el modo en que los médicos percibían a la enfermedad y al enfermo en un determinado marco histórico, nos permitirá reconstruir y re-componer los valores culturales de ese momento. Buscaremos delinear a través del material heurístico seleccionado este redescubrimiento del cuerpo, en donde el abordaje sensorial será un puente para comprender la complejidad de la enfermedad. La primera aproximación del médico se hará a través del (...)
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    Moses Mendelssohn: Register und Corrigenda.Andrea Berger & Daniel Krochmalnik (eds.) - 2024 - Stuttgart-Bad Canstatt: Frommann-Holzboog Verlag, Eckhart Holzboog.
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    Antiteatralidade e Reconhecimento Em Retrato de Uma Jovem Em Chamas: Cavell e o Estatuto da Representação No Cinema.Andrea Cachel & Igor Nascimento - 2024 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 16 (40):33-60.
    Pretendemos neste texto analisar as interfaces entre a ontologia do cinema do filósofo Stanley Cavell e as reflexões centrais apresentadas no filme Retrato de uma Jovem em Chamas, em especial no que se refere à relação entre o estatuto da representação no cinema e uma determinada forma de se conceber a subjetividade. Com base sobretudo nas reflexões realizadas por Cavell acerca das consequências solipsistas do que seria o “ceticismo moderno” e sobre o percurso de que resultariam a fotografia e o (...)
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