Results for 'Andreas Preussner'

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  1.  13
    Die Komplexität der Tugend: eine historisch-systematische Untersuchung.Andreas Preussner - 1997 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
  2. Cesalpino, Andrea.Andrea Strazzoni - 2022 - Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy.
    Andrea Cesalpino is an important figure in the history of science. He demonstrated that blood circulates into heart from veins and from the heart to arteries, paving the way to Harvey’s complete description of blood circulation. Moreover, he was the founder of botany as a systematic discipline, which he based, rather than on the observation of accidental similarities of plants, on the discovery of their vegetative-generative principle. In philosophy, he attempted to conciliate the immortality of the soul (i.e., the form (...)
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  3. Blameworthiness as Deserved Guilt.Andreas Brekke Carlsson - 2017 - The Journal of Ethics 21 (1):89-115.
    It is often assumed that we are only blameworthy for that over which we have control. In recent years, however, several philosophers have argued that we can be blameworthy for occurrences that appear to be outside our control, such as attitudes, beliefs and omissions. This has prompted the question of why control should be a condition on blameworthiness. This paper aims at defending the control condition by developing a new conception of blameworthiness: To be blameworthy, I argue, is most fundamentally (...)
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  4. Deserved Guilt and Blameworthiness over Time.Andreas Brekke Carlsson - 2022 - In Self-Blame and Moral Responsibility. New York, USA: Cambridge University Press.
  5. Affordances explained.Andrea Scarantino - 2003 - Philosophy of Science 70 (5):949-961.
    I examine the central theoretical construct of ecological psychology, the concept of an affordance. In the first part of the paper, I illustrate the role affordances play in Gibson's theory of perception. In the second part, I argue that affordances are to be understood as dispositional properties, and explain what I take to be their characteristic background circumstances, triggering circumstances and manifestations. The main purpose of my analysis is to give affordances a theoretical identity enriched by Gibson's visionary insight, but (...)
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    Festschrift für Andreas Heldrich zum 70. Geburtstag.Andreas Heldrich & Stephan Lorenz (eds.) - 2005 - München: C.H. Beck.
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    Examining Carceral Medicine through Critical Phenomenology.Andrea J. Pitts - 2018 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 11 (2):14-35.
    The general aim of this paper is to provide insight into the relevance of critical phenomenology for the study of the patient-provider relationship in health care systems in U.S. jails, prisons, and detention facilities. In particular, I utilize tools from the work of scholars studying phenomenological approaches to health care and structural forms of oppression to analyze several harms that arise from the provision of medical care under the punitive constraints of carceral facilities.
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    Beyond Pregnancy: A Public Health Case for a Technological Alternative.Andrea Bidoli & Ezio Di Nucci - 2023 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 16 (1):103-130.
    This paper aims to problematize pregnancy and support the development of a safe alternative method of gestation. Our arguments engage with the health risks of gestation and childbirth, the value assigned to pregnancy, as well as social and medical attitudes toward women’s pain, especially in labor. We claim that the harm caused by pregnancy and childbirth provides a prima facie case in favor of prioritizing research on a method of extra corporeal gestation.
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  9. Merit and money: The situated ethics of transnational commercial surrogacy in Thailand.Andrea Whittaker - 2014 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 7 (2):100-120.
    Specific studies of the “situated ethics” of international surrogacy that address the structural conditions and local moral economies that sustain the trade are needed. In this essay, I describe the intimate industry of surrogacy in Thailand, exploring the local moral economy in which surrogacy is described as a form of Buddhist merit making and an opportunity to provide for one’s own children. This offers a further example of how other ethical values beyond the strictly economic are negotiated in commercial surrogacy (...)
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  10. Borderline Personality Disorder, Discrimination, and Survivors of Chronic Childhood Trauma.Andrea Nicki - 2016 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 9 (1):218-245.
    Many feminist researchers have been critical of the psychiatric category of borderline personality disorder 1 and have emphasized the gendered nature of the diagnosis. It is estimated that people diagnosed with BPD comprise 1 to 2 percent of the general population in the United States in a given year, and that women represent 75 percent of those diagnosed.2 Critics have argued that the diagnosis reinforces double-binds for women and pathologizes traits associated with both conventional femininity, such as emotionality, dependency, and (...)
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    Andrea C. White’s Response to Victor Carmona.Andrea C. White - 2021 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 41 (2):253-255.
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    Andrea Mantegnas camera pida im Kastell von Mantua. Ein Kraftwerk für intelligentes Sehen.Andreas Hauser - 2006 - In Andrea Mantegnas camera pida im Kastell von Mantua. Ein Kraftwerk für intelligentes Sehen. pp. 1-38.
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    Humboldtian Science and Humboldt’s science.Andreas W. Daum - 2025 - History of Science 63 (1):29-51.
    This article investigates why Humboldtian Science, as a heuristic concept, has gained prominence in the historiography of science and requires clarification. It offers an ideal-type model of comparative research and exact measurements across vast spaces, which Susan F. Cannon and others tied to Alexander von Humboldt (1769–1859). Yet, he himself was less “Humboldtian” than this concept suggests. The article proposes to disentangle Humboldtian Science from Humboldt’s science, which constituted a set of individual research practices that defied the ideal of precision. (...)
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  14. Representation of the quantity of visual items in the primate prefrontal cortex.Andreas Nieder, David Freedman & Earl K. Miller - 2002 - Science 297 (5587):1708–11.
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  15. Political Metaphor Analysis: Discourse and Scenarios.Andreas Musolff - 2016
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    Where are the Barbarians? Ethnocentrism Versus the Illusion of Cultural Universalism. The Answer of an Anthropologist to a Philosopher.Andreas Kronenberg - 1984 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 7 (3):233-237.
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  17. The debate on electricity in the eighteenth century: a multilayered digital perspective.Andrea Sangiacomo & Raluca Tanasescu - forthcoming - Perspectives on Science:1-91.
    Late-eighteenth century science tends to dismiss the search for the true causes of natural phenomena and tries instead to offer a quantifiable and eventually mathematical account of them. By taking the debates on electricity during that period as a case study, this paper aims to ascertain whether, and to what extent, later more quantified and even mathematized approaches are directly supported or continuously connected with earlier approaches. In order to do so, we take into account a relatively large pool of (...)
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  18. The Freedom of Future People.Andreas T. Schmidt - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Affairs.
    What happens to liberal political philosophy, if we consider not only the freedom of present but also future people? In this article, I explore the case for long-term liberalism: freedom should be a central goal, and we should often be particularly concerned with effects on long-term future distributions of freedom. I provide three arguments. First, liberals should be long-term liberals: liberal arguments to value freedom give us reason to be (particularly) concerned with future freedom, including freedom in the far future. (...)
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  19. From grammar to text: a semiotic perspective on a paradigm shift in computation and its usages.Andrea Valle - 2025 - Semiotica 2025 (262):51-69.
    Programming is a relevant semiotic activity, resulting in millions of lines of written code: the whole digital revolution is still rooted in writing as a semiotic activity. In relation to this, AI applications based on deep learning do not present particular features. They are standard computer programs relying on the von Neumann/Turing architecture. Yet there is an interesting epistemological difference. A distinction can be made between classical programming and machine learning. As the task for programming is always problem solving, in (...)
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    Insight and Vision Essays in Philosophy in Honor of Radoslav Andrea Tsanoff.Konstantin Kolenda & Radoslav Andrea Tsanoff - 1965 - Principia Press of Trinity University.
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    Andrea Dörries, Gerald Neitzke, Alfred Simon, Jochen Vollmann (Hrsg) (2008) Klinische Ethikberatung. Ein Praxisbuch: Verlag W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, 226 Seiten, 39,00 €, ISBN 978-3-17-019841-8. [REVIEW]Andrea Ziegler - 2009 - Ethik in der Medizin 21 (4):345-346.
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    Psychical research and the origins of American psychology.Andreas Sommer - 2012 - History of the Human Sciences 25 (2):23-44.
    Largely unacknowledged by historians of the human sciences, late-19th-century psychical researchers were actively involved in the making of fledgling academic psychology. Moreover, with few exceptions historians have failed to discuss the wider implications of the fact that the founder of academic psychology in America, William James, considered himself a psychical researcher and sought to integrate the scientific study of mediumship, telepathy and other controversial topics into the nascent discipline. Analysing the celebrated exposure of the medium Eusapia Palladino by German-born Harvard (...)
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    Humanity Without Dignity: Moral Equality, Respect, and Human Rights.Andrea Sangiovanni - 2017 - Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
    Name any valued human trait—intelligence, wit, charm, grace, strength—and you will find an inexhaustible variety and complexity in its expression among individuals. Yet we insist that such diversity does not provide grounds for differential treatment at the most basic level. Whatever merit, blame, praise, love, or hate we receive as beings with a particular past and a particular constitution, we are always and everywhere due equal respect merely as persons. -/- But why? Most who attempt to answer this question appeal (...)
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  24. Re-orienting discussions of scientific explanation: A functional perspective.Andrea I. Woody - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 52 (C):79-87.
  25. Anthropology in Cognitive Science.Andrea Bender, Edwin Hutchins & Douglas Medin - 2010 - Topics in Cognitive Science 2 (3):374-385.
    This paper reviews the uneven history of the relationship between Anthropology and Cognitive Science over the past 30 years, from its promising beginnings, followed by a period of disaffection, on up to the current context, which may lay the groundwork for reconsidering what Anthropology and (the rest of) Cognitive Science have to offer each other. We think that this history has important lessons to teach and has implications for contemporary efforts to restore Anthropology to its proper place within Cognitive Science. (...)
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  26. Lying and Asserting.Andreas Stokke - 2013 - Journal of Philosophy 110 (1):33-60.
    The paper argues that the correct definition of lying is that to lie is to assert something one believes to be false, where assertion is understood in terms of the notion of the common ground of a conversation. It is shown that this definition makes the right predictions for a number of cases involving irony, joking, and false implicature. In addition, the proposed account does not assume that intending to deceive is a necessary condition on lying, and hence counts so-called (...)
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  27.  45
    The Pragmatic Turn: Toward Action-Oriented Views in Cognitive Science.Andreas K. Engel, Karl J. Friston & Danica Kragic (eds.) - 2016 - MIT Press.
    Cognitive science is experiencing a pragmatic turn away from the traditional representation-centered framework toward a view that focuses on understanding cognition as "enactive." This enactive view holds that cognition does not produce models of the world but rather subserves action as it is grounded in sensorimotor skills. In this volume, experts from cognitive science, neuroscience, psychology, robotics, and philosophy of mind assess the foundations and implications of a novel action-oriented view of cognition. Their contributions and supporting experimental evidence show that (...)
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    Interview mit Dr. Andreas Höfer zum Thema „Olympia und Erinnerung“.Andreas Höfer - 2021 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 18 (1):81-89.
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    Navigating the social world: Toward an integrated framework for evaluating self, individuals, and groups.Andrea E. Abele, Naomi Ellemers, Susan T. Fiske, Alex Koch & Vincent Yzerbyt - 2021 - Psychological Review 128 (2):290-314.
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    Sources of Knowledge: On the Concept of a Rational Capacity for Knowledge.Andrea Kern - 2016 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    "How can human beings, who are liable to error, possess knowledge, since the grounds on which we believe do not rule out that we are wrong? Andrea Kern argues that we can disarm this skeptical doubt by conceiving knowledge as an act of a rational capacity. In this book, she develops a metaphysics of the mind as existing through knowledge of itself."--Provided by publisher.
  31.  19
    Ricordo di Andrea Vasa.Andrea Vasa, Cesare Luporini, Luciano Handjaras & Maria Grazia Sandrini (eds.) - 1982 - Firenze: Olschki.
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    Glauben. Essay über einen Begriff.Andreas Kemmerling - 2017 - Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann.
    Glauben und unser Begriff von ihm stehen seit wenigstens hundert Jahren mit im Zentrum der theoretischen Philosophie. Glauben im weitesten Sinn: jederlei Art des Fürwahrhaltens. Die Frage, was es ist und welchen Begriff wir davon haben, war und bleibt ein Thema insbesondere auch der Erkenntnistheorie, der Philosophie des Geistes und der Ontologie. Welche Auskünfte bietet die Philosophie heute darüber, was das Glauben ist? Wie gut sind sie? Inwieweit lassen sie sich aus dem Begriff begründen, den wir vom Glauben haben? Was (...)
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  33. Direct physiologic evidence for scene segmentation by temporal coding.Andreas K. Engel, P. Kreiter Konig & Wolf Singer - 1991 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Usa 88:1936-40.
  34.  32
    On Husserl’s so-called Reduction to the Real Component( Reduktion auf den reellen Bestand).Andrea Altobrando - 2023 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 54 (4):323-342.
    As Dieter Lohmar (Citation2002; Citation2012) has shown, in the Logical Investigation Husserl sketches a peculiar type of reduction, the so-called “Reduktion auf den reellen Bestand.” Husserl does not explicitly put this kind of reduction forward, though, and he does definitely not clarify how it works, and what its elements properly are. Lohmar proposes to understand it as a kind of empiricist reduction to mere sense-data. On the contrary, I believe that it should be considered as entailing also the apprehensional forms (...)
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    Psychological Restoration Can Depend on Stimulus-Source Attribution: A Challenge for the Evolutionary Account?Andreas Haga, Niklas Halin, Mattias Holmgren & Patrik Sörqvist - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  36. Rethinking Relational Autonomy.Andrea C. Westlund - 2009 - Hypatia 24 (4):26-49.
    John Christman has argued that constitutively relational accounts of autonomy, as defended by some feminist theorists, are problematically perfectionist about the human good. I argue that autonomy is constitutively relational, but not in a way that implies perfectionism: autonomy depends on a dialogical disposition to hold oneself answerable to external, critical perspectives on one's action-guiding commitments. This type of relationality carries no substantive value commitments, yet it does answer to core feminist concerns about autonomy.
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    Research Moratoria and Off-Label Use of Ketamine.Andrea Segal & Dominic Sisti - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (4):60-61.
    We wish to point out an additional consequence of the Catch-22 described by Andreae and colleagues (Andreae et al. 2016). The decades-long research gridlock of controlled drugs has unintentionally...
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  38. Organ Markets.Andreas Albertsen - 2022 - In Ezio Di Nucci, Ji-Young Lee & Isaac A. Wagner, The Rowman & Littlefield Handbook of Bioethics. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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    Otto Kresten/Andreas E. Müller, Samtherrschaft, Legitimationsprinzip und kaiserlicher Urkundentitel in Byzanz in der ersten Hälfte des 10. Jahrhunderts.Andreas Schminck - 2000 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 93 (2).
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  40. Die logischen Fragmente des Theophrast.Andreas Graeser - 1974 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 36 (2):367-368.
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  41. Macrocosmos in Microcosmo: Die Welt in der Stube; zur Geschichte des Sammelns 1450-1800.Andreas Grote & Anke Te Heesen - 1995 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 17 (1):173.
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    Meaningful Work.Andrea Veltman - 2016 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    This book develops the view that meaningful work is central in human flourishing. The author defends a pluralistic account of what makes work meaningful, arguing that work can be meaningful in virtue of developing capabilities, supporting virtues, providing a purpose, or integrating elements of a worker's life.
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  43. Are All Types of Morality Compromised in Psychopathy.Andrea Glenn, R. Lyer, J. Graham, S. Koleva & Jonathan Haidt - 2009 - Journal of Personality Disorders 23:384–398.
    A long-standing puzzle for moral philosophers and psychologists alike is the concept of psychopathy, a personality disorder marked by tendencies to defy moral norms despite cognitive knowledge about right and wrong. Previously, discussions of the moral deficits of psychopathy have focused on willingness to harm and cheat others as well as reasoning about rule-based transgressions. Yet recent research in moral psychology has begun to more clearly define the domains of morality, en- compassing issues of harm, fairness, loyalty, authority, and spiritual (...)
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  44.  51
    Aristotle’s First Moves Regarding Perception: A Reading of (most of) De Anima 2.5.Andreas Anagnostopoulos - 2023 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 105 (1):68-117.
    Whereas scholars often look to De Anima 2.5 to support one or another understanding of the sense in which perception, for Aristotle, qualifies as an alteration and qualitative assimilation to the sense-object, I ask the more basic question of what the chapter is meant to establish or accomplish with respect to the question whether perception is an alteration. I argue that the chapter does not presuppose or legitimate the view that perception is an alteration where it is thought to, and (...)
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  45. Selflessness and responsibility for self: Is deference compatible with autonomy?Andrea C. Westlund - 2003 - Philosophical Review 112 (4):483-523.
    She was intensely sympathetic. She was immensely charming. She excelled in the difficult arts of family life. She sacrificed herself daily. If there was chicken, she took the leg, if there was a draught, she sat in it—in short, she was so constituted that she never had a mind or wish of her own, but preferred to sympathise always with the minds and wishes of others. — Virginia Woolf (1979, 59).
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    Genres in Dialogue: Plato and the Construct of Philosophy.Andrea Wilson Nightingale - 1995 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This 1995 book takes as its starting point Plato's incorporation of specific genres of poetry and rhetoric into his dialogues. The author argues that Plato's 'dialogues' with traditional genres are part and parcel of his effort to define 'philosophy'. Before Plato, 'philosophy' designated 'intellectual cultivation' in the broadest sense. When Plato appropriated the term for his own intellectual project, he created a new and specialised discipline. In order to define and legitimise 'philosophy', Plato had to match it against genres of (...)
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    From Data Ethics to Data Justice in/as Pedagogy.Andrea Zeffiro - 2021 - Studies in Social Justice 15 (3):450-457.
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  48. Don’t Give Up on Basic Emotions.Andrea Scarantino & Paul Griffiths - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (4):444-454.
    We argue that there are three coherent, nontrivial notions of basic-ness: conceptual basic-ness, biological basic-ness, and psychological basic-ness. There is considerable evidence for conceptually basic emotion categories (e.g., “anger,” “fear”). These categories do not designate biologically basic emotions, but some forms of anger, fear, and so on that are biologically basic in a sense we will specify. Finally, two notions of psychological basic-ness are distinguished, and the evidence for them is evaluated. The framework we offer acknowledges the force of some (...)
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    An Interview with Andrea Lorenzo Baldini.Andrea Lorenzo Baldini & Nathan Hirscher - 2021 - Washington University Review of Philosophy 1:41-52.
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  50. From semantics to logic: The scenic route.Andreas Kapsner - 2013 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 32 (1):77-94.
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