Results for 'Andres Loizou'

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    The Reality of Time: A Reply to Hale.Andres Loizou - 1989 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 20 (1):100-101.
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  2. Structural description and qualitative content in perception theory.Johannes Andres & Rainer Mausfeld - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (1):307-311.
    The paper is a critical comment on D. Hoffman. The Scrambling Theorem: A simple proof of the logical possibility of spectrum inversion. Consciousness and Cognition, 2006, 15, 31–45.
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    Plausibility orderings in dynamic games.Andrés Perea - 2014 - Economics and Philosophy 30 (3):331-364.
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    Should I Stay or Should I Go? In Search of a Duty-free Theory of Political Obligation.Andrés Rosler - 2016 - Polis 33 (2):379-390.
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    Conciencia, sujetos colectivos y praxis transformadoras en el mundo actual.Andrés Piqueras Infante - 1997 - [Madrid?]: Sodepaz.
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  6. The Changing Face of Jewish Philanthropy.Andres Spokoiny - 2019 - In Mary L. Zamore & Elka Abrahamson (eds.), The sacred exchange: creating a Jewish money ethic. New York, NY: CCAR Press.
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    Dictionary of values.Tomas Quintin D. Andres - 2000 - Quezon City: Giraffe Books.
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  8. Las humanidades y la formación integral de la persona en la Universidad.José Román Flecha Andrés - 2006 - Critica 56 (934):58-62.
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    Sujeto cibernético, los chatbots y gólem artificial.Andrés Merejo - 2023 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 118:231-245.
    En este ensayo, analizaré cómo el sujeto cibernético, los chatbots y el gólem artificial se relacionan entre sí y con el contexto histórico en el que surgen y se desarrollan en el cibermundo. El cibermundo es el escenario virtual y material donde se desarrollan las interacciones entre los sujetos cibernéticos y los dispositivos inteligentes que emplean la inteligencia artificial (IA) para comunicarse, aprender, crear y construir estrategia de saber- poder. Los conceptos de sujeto cibernético, chatbot y gólem artificial entran en (...)
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    La filosofía matemática de Kant/Kant's philosophy of mathematics.Andrés Raggio - 2007 - Manuscrito 30 (2):229-244.
    En este artículo analizo primero la significación de la filosofía matemática de Kant para la investigación de fundamentos; paso luego a mostrar su función en la Crítica de la Razón Pura; finalmente rastreo algunos antecedentes históricos.: In the first part of the paper the author describes the reception of the kantian philosophy of mathematics in the foundational research from Frege to Cohen. The second part deals with the question whether Kant has rejected or not the ideal of mathematizing philosophy. In (...)
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    The good old discovery-justification distinction: Remarks on Melogno’s analysis of a Kuhnian account.Andrés A. Ilcic & Pío García - forthcoming - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia).
    The discovery-justification distinction stands as a pivotal issue within 20th-century philosophy of science. It subtly underpins many foundational topics and concepts pertinent to our comprehension of knowledge. Thomas Kuhn's contributions are indispensable in this regard, with his critiques playing a pivotal role in shaping both his initial model of scientific progress and its subsequent revisions. Kuhn addressed this dichotomy head-on in the first of his Thalheimer Lectures, presented in 1984. In this paper, we revisit Pablo Melogno's (2019) examination of Kuhn's (...)
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  12. Kollapsprincipen och välsmakande färger.Andrés G. Garcia & Jakob Werkmäster - forthcoming - Filosofisk Tidskrift.
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  13. Discovery practices in natural sciences: from analogy to preduction.Andrés Rivadulla - 2008 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 33 (1):117-137.
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  14. El significado del teorema de Bernoulli para la teoría de la inferencia estadística.Andrés Rodríguez - 1997 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 17 (1):69-82.
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    Psillos, Knowing the Structure of Nature.Andrés Rivadulla - 2010 - Theoria : An International Journal for Theory, History and Fundations of Science 24 (3):363-367.
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    Review Article: Mind the Politics in the Politics.Andrés Rosler - 2012 - Polis 29 (2):309-320.
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    Circular Definitions of ‘Good’ and the Good of Circular Definitions.Andrés G. Garcia - forthcoming - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice:1-14.
    I defend the view that circular definitions can be useful and illuminating by focusing on the fitting-attitudes analysis of value. This definition states that an item has value if and only if it is a fitting target of attitudes. Good items are the fitting targets of positive attitudes, and bad items are the fitting targets of negative ones. I shall argue that a circular version of this definition, defended by Rabinowicz and Rønnow-Rasmussen (2006), is preferable to its non-circular counterpart and (...)
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  18. Anima, spiritus, mens y animus en la "suma contra gentiles" de Tomás de Aquino.Gabriel Martí Andrés - 2001 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 8:111-132.
    La diversificación moderna de los saberes sobre el ser humano ha llevado a una visión diversificada de la antropología tomista. Se impone una vuelta revitalizadora a esta antropología que muestre la unidad estructural que para Santo Tomás tienen el alma y el hombre. El trabajo se centrará en las tres tesis que articulan la teoría tomista del espíritu y, en concreto, la exposición que nuestro autor hace en la Summa contra gentiles, obra capital en la producción del Angélico que, sin (...)
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    Los alumbrados de 1525 como reforma intermedia.Melquíades Andrés - 1977 - Salmanticensis 24 (2):307-334.
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    Event Semantics: A Husserlian Critique.Andrés Colapinto - 2018 - Husserl Studies 34 (2):123-143.
    Event semantics is concerned with the formal structure of sentences which appear to describe an event of some kind, e.g. ‘Brutus kills Caesar,’ or ‘My tooth fell out.’ Phenomenologists should be interested in work in this field, if they hope to rescue Husserl’s phenomenology of judgment from its narrow focus on copular judgments of the form ‘S is p.’ An adequate phenomenology of judgment must ultimately develop an account of judgments whose intentional correlates seem to be events, rather than states (...)
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  21. Une Vie de Platon du VIe siècle.Nicolas D'andres, Damian Caluori & Davide Del Forno - 2010 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 57 (2):432-476.
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  22. Arte y vida de Ortega y Gasset / The Art and Life of Ortega y Gasset.Andrés Larrambebere - 1987 - Anuario Filosófico 20 (2):173-180.
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    The Limits of Political Obligation.Andres Rosler - 2005 - In Political authority and obligation in Aristotle. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Aristotle’s philosophy of law does not make sense if read as a plea for, or as taking for granted, unconditional political obligation. To be sure, he subscribes to the view that some unjust laws are to be put up with in the face of the consequences of disobedience for the common good. But this should not prevent us from seeing that Aristotle does defend the view not only that government is limited but also that there is a right of resistance (...)
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  24. La noción de ambivalencia en Jacques Ellul.Andrés Felipe Peralta Sánchez - 2003 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 41 (103):117-126.
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  25. Éxito, razón y cambio en física. Un enfoque instrumental en teoría de la ciencia.Andrés Rivadulla - 2004
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  26. How Moral Facts Cause Moral Progress.Andrés Luco - 2019 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 5 (4):429-448.
    Morally progressive social changes seem to have taken place with the onset of democratic governance, the abolition of slavery, the rise of gender equality, and other developments. This essay attempts to demonstrate that natural and objective moral facts are a plausible cause of some morally progressive social changes. Since this hypothesis is a version of naturalistic moral realism, I call it the Naturalist-Realist Hypothesis. To support the NRH, I argue that objective moral facts are natural facts pertaining to the impartial (...)
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    Explanations in K: An Analysis of Explanation as a Belief Revision Operation.Andrés Páez - 2006 - Athena Verlag.
    Explanation and understanding are intimately connected notions, but the nature of that connection has generally not been considered a topic worthy of serious philosophical investigation. Most authors have avoided making reference to the notion of understanding in their accounts of explanation because they fear that any mention of the epistemic states of the individuals involved compromises the objectivity of explanation. Understanding is a pragmatic notion, they argue, and pragmatics should be kept at a safe distance from the universal features of (...)
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    Nuestra América inventada: Imágenes de América Latina en los pensadores chilenos.Andrés C. G. Pérez - 2013 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 15 (2):104-107.
    Un vínculo necesario entre estética y socialización explica la profundidad sensible que debe construir todo cambio de paradigma y toda re-socialización. La democracia no funciona sin una apropiación individual y colectiva del sentir y de la producción de sentir. Es a partir entonces del trabajo artístico y de la instrospección y exteriorización de la dimensión sensible, que toda transformación puede ser aplicada. Se recorren parcialmente los pensamientos de Alain Badiou y Bernard Stiegler. A required link between aesthetic and socialization explains (...)
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    Miguel de Unamuno:; ¿amor a la razón o razón de amor?. Lectura del sentimiento trágico de la vida.Luis Andrés Marcos - 2015 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 42 (1):241-255.
    Suele entenderse la Filosofía como el desarrollo de problemas guiados por un método que el autor del texto propone, siendo este generalmente un método racional. Pero la propuesta que aquí se hace es que los textos capitales de Miguel de Unamuno se configuran como una estrategia, para que el lector se implique con el autor en problemas y métodos que deben comprenderse en claves distintas a los usuales. Los textos de Unamuno entienden la tarea del lector como condición de posibilidad (...)
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    On the Motion of Spikes: Turbulent-Like Neuronal Activity in the Human Basal Ganglia.Daniela Andres - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    The Finality and Instrumentality of Value in a Way.Andrés G. Garcia - 2019 - Philosophia 47 (3):681-692.
    Final value accrues to objects that are good for their own sakes, while instrumental value accrues to objects that are good for the sake of their effects. The following paper aims to show that this distinction cuts across some surprising areas of the evaluative domain. This means that there may be some unexpected types of value that can come in a final or instrumental form. The argument proceeds by looking at two prominent types of value, namely kind-value and personal value. (...)
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  32. El fundamentalismo de Zubiri.Andrés Ortiz Osés - 1993 - Diálogo Filosófico 25:87-88.
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    The Concept of Passivity in Husserl's Phenomenology.Andrés Miguel Osswald - 2011 - Dianoia 56 (67):179-180.
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    Re-pensar la emancipación: Cultura y política desde la perspectiva de un materialismo radical.Andrés Maximiliano Tello - 2011 - Astrolabio 11:453-462.
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  35. A Model of Minimal Probabilistic Belief Revision.Andrés Perea - 2009 - Theory and Decision 67 (2):163-222.
    In the literature there are at least two models for probabilistic belief revision: Bayesian updating and imaging [Lewis, D. K. (1973), Counterfactuals, Blackwell, Oxford; Gärdenfors, P. (1988), Knowledge in flux: modeling the dynamics of epistemic states, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA]. In this paper we focus on imaging rules that can be described by the following procedure: (1) Identify every state with some real valued vector of characteristics, and accordingly identify every probabilistic belief with an expected vector of characteristics; (2) For (...)
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    Escepticismo y teología natural en Comenius y Descartes. Una perspectiva comparativa.Andrés L. Jaume - 2024 - Praxis Filosófica 60:e21014637.
    El presente artículo aborda el problema del escepticismo en Comenius y Descartes en sus relaciones con la teología natural. Ambos autores emplean la teología natural como modo de deshacerse de la amenaza escéptica. Si bien, el uso que hacen de la misma es muy distinto, llegándose a plantear dos concepciones de la filosofía muy diferentes. Comenius supedita la filosofía al mensaje revelado, mientras que Descartes independiza la filosofía respecto de la teología revelada. Pese a las coincidencias en la necesidad de (...)
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  37. Political authority and obligation in Aristotle.Andres Rosler - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Andres Rosler's study looks at Aristotle and the question of political obligation and its limits. Rosler takes his exploration further, considering the ethical underpinning of Aristotle's political thought, the normativity of his ethical and political theory, and the concepts of political authority and obligation themselves"--Provided by publisher.
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    Estrategias de modelización en Alan Turing: términos y conceptos de máquina.Andrés Ilcic & Pío García - 2019 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 58:135-155.
    In 1936, Alan Turing proposed the notion of an automated machine as a model of the computation performed by a human being while only being aided by mechanical resources. Still, it seems that much more can be said about Turing’s own conception of machines in the scope of his later work, both terminologically and conceptually. In this paper we present the terms he used that refer to machines and that according to our understanding are important to give an account of (...)
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    Self-Regulated Learning and Academic Performance in Chilean University Students in Virtual Mode During the Pandemic: Effect of the 4Planning App.Andrés Jaramillo, Juan Pablo Salinas-Cerda & Paula Fuentes - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Research on the use of smartphone apps with the aim of developing self-regulated learning and increasing academic performance of university students in virtual mode, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, is recent and scarce. The present article shows the results of a study that analyzed the effect of using the 4Planning app with an intra-curricular approach on SRL and on the academic performance of 119 1st-year psychology students in virtual mode, at a Chilean university. The research was conducted with (...)
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    Nudging for Liberals.Andrés Moles - 2015 - Social Theory and Practice 41 (4):644-667.
    In this article I argue that anti-perfectionist liberals can accept nudging in certain areas: in particular, they can accept nudges aimed at helping people to discharge their nonenforceable duties, and to secure personal autonomy. I claim that nudging is not disrespectful since it does not involve a comparative negative judgment on people’s ability to pursue their plans, and that the judgments that motivate nudging are compatible with treating citizens as free and equal. I also claim that despite being sometimes manipulative, (...)
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  41. Non-negotiable: Why moral naturalism cannot do away with categorical reasons.Andrés Carlos Luco - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (9):2511-2528.
    Some versions of moral naturalism are faulted for implausibly denying that moral obligations and prescriptions entail categorical reasons for action. Categorical reasons for action are normative reasons that exist and apply to agents independently of whatever desires they have. I argue that several defenses of moral naturalism against this charge are unsuccessful. To be a tenable meta-ethical theory, moral naturalism must accommodate the proposition that, necessarily, if anyone morally ought to do something, then s/he has a categorical reason to do (...)
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    The Impact of Lamarck’s Theory of Evolution Before Darwin’s Theory.Andrés Galera - 2017 - Journal of the History of Biology 50 (1):53-70.
    This paper analyzes the impact that Lamarckian evolutionary theory had in the scientific community during the period between the advent of Zoological Philosophy and the publication Origin of Species. During these 50 years Lamarck’s model was a well known theory and it was discussed by the scientific community as a hypothesis to explain the changing nature of the fossil record throughout the history of Earth. Lamarck’s transmutation theory established the foundation of an evolutionary model introducing a new way to research (...)
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  43. De la melancolía y la Mors voluntaria.Ramon Andres - 2003 - Humanitas 1 (4):329-336.
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  44. Plato and invention of the eleatic school (sof. 242 d).Luis Andres Bredlow - 2011 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 24:25-42.
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    Social and individual behavior of female spiny mice paired with sexually experienced and inexperienced males.Sue Lynn Andres & Richard Deni - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 19 (5):311-314.
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    Al-Núri De Bagdad, Abû-L-Hasan. Moradas de los corazones.Andrés M. Guijarro Araque - 2000 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 5:260.
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  47. Dimensiones dialéctica y retórica de la argumentación en el Gorgias de Platón.Andrés Badenes - 2004 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 9:55-72.
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    Filosofía del entendimiento.Andrés Bello & José Gaos - 1948 - México,: Fondo de Cultura Económica. Edited by José Gaos.
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    Innovación o moda: las pedagogías activas en el actual modelo educativo. Una reflexión sobre las metodologías emergidas.Andrés Torres Carceller - 2019 - Voces de la Educación 4 (8):3-16.
    As society advances, the educational system remains linked to the traditional model focused on the transmission of information and must adapt to new times and new profile of students, with the students and learning centered education. Active pedagogies developed during the 20th century become a fundamental reference point for the implementation of education competencies.
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    Continuidades del imaginario de superioridad.Andrés Alfredo Castrillón Castrillón - 2020 - Perseitas 9.
    El imaginario de superioridad expresado a lo largo de tres siglos de colonia perdura pasados dos siglos de independencia de las naciones americanas en el ideario religioso y cultural. La idea de la superioridad de la religión católica o la protestante, cristiana en definitiva, gestado desde los preludios de una temprana modernidad por los conquistadores occidentales y refrendada por filósofos modernos de tendencia protestante como Hegel (en sus Lecciones sobre filosofía de la religión o en la Enciclopedia de las ciencias (...)
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