Results for 'Angelo Carlo S. Carrascoso'

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  1.  44
    Addict to win? A different approach to doping.Carlos D'Angelo & Claudio Tamburrini - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (11):700-707.
    Traditionally the doping debate has been dominated by those who want to see doping forbidden (the prohibitionist view) and those who want to see it permitted (the ban abolitionist view). In this article, the authors analyse a third position starting from the assertion that doping use is a symptom of the paradigm of highly competitive elite sports, in the same way as addictions reflect current social paradigms in wider society. Based upon a conceptual distinction between occasional use, habitual use and (...)
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    The Ethical Issues Surrounding Network-Expansion Strategies in SME Internationalization.Angelo Carrascoso - 2011 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 30 (1-2):71-112.
    Research on small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) and the ethical dimension of their internationalization initiatives has not been sufficiently undertaken, with research in international business and business ethics focusing primarily on multinational enterprises and their corresponding social responsibilities. This paper addresses this lacuna by discussing the ethical issues surrounding the process by which such firms utilize network-expanding strategies to legitimate themselves to foreign networks and partners. Through a longitudinal grounded theory approach, this paper illustrates how SME internationalization is a relationally-influenced and ethically-laden (...)
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    Teaching Catholic Stakeholder Thinking Using the Open-Ended Case Method.Carlo Carrascoso - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 15:259-284.
    Today’s managers face a competitive and globalized marketplace, with a multitude of stakeholders demanding their time and attention. The fast pace of this environment can overwhelm them and may interfere with their desire for meaningful work and an integration of their personal and professional values. This paper addresses this challenge by combining stakeholder theory and Catholic Social Tradition to form Catholic Stakeholder Thinking. Possessing values that are shared by managers of diverse faiths and beliefs, it explains how key Catholic social (...)
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  4. Philosophy, history and political thought in Islam: essays in memory of Massimo Campanini.Carlo De Angelo, Marco Di Donato & Roberto Tottoli (eds.) - 2024 - Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press.
    A collection of essays in memory of Massimo Campanini, celebrating the scope of his work, approach, and methodology in his career as a researcher of Arabic-Islamic history, Islamic philosophy, and Islamic political thought.
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    Ethics on the Job: Cases and Strategies, 3rd Revised Edition by Raymond Pfeiffer and Ralph Forsberg.Carlo Carrascoso - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 10:397-400.
  6.  72
    Business Ethics by K. Praveen Parboteeah and John B. Cullen. [REVIEW]Carlo Carrascoso - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 9:473-476.
  7.  14
    Reforming Capitalism: The Scientific Worldview and Business, by Rogene Buchholz. London: Routledge, 2012. ISBN: 978-0415517386. [REVIEW]Carlo Carrascoso - 2014 - Business Ethics Quarterly 24 (1):139-141.
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    Na sombra de Herculano: Miguel Ângelo Pereira e os desafios de compor ópera no Portugal dos anos 1860-70.Luísa Cymbron - 2014 - Arbor 190 (766):a112.
    En febrero de 1870 se estrenó en el Teatro de S. Carlos de Lisboa una ópera cuyo libreto había sido extraído de Eurico, de Alexandre Herculano. El autor de la música, Miguel Ângelo Pereira (1843-1901), era un joven pianista y compositor oriundo del norte de Portugal que había pasado parte de su infancia y adolescencia en Brasil. A pesar de que fue mal recibida por el público y por la crítica, la ópera fue repuesta en 1874, en Oporto, y en (...)
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    The Epistemological Moral Relevance of Democracy.Carlos S. Nino - 1991 - Ratio Juris 4 (1):36-51.
    The author deals with one aspect of the justification of governmental action and its product (the law). He focuses on the authoritative character of legal rule, analyzing the apparent capacity of governments to produce reasons for action not grounded on substantive moral considerations. The assumption of that capacity seems necessary in order to establish a general moral obligation to obey a government irrespective of the actions required. This question is faced in connection with the thesis that only a particular form (...)
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  10. How to Adopt a Logic.Daniel Cohnitz & Carlo Nicolai - forthcoming - Dialectica.
    What is commonly referred to as the Adoption Problem is a challenge to the idea that the principles of logic can be rationally revised. The argument is based on a reconstruction of unpublished work by Saul Kripke. As the reconstruction has it, Kripke extends the scope of Willard van Orman Quine's regress argument against conventionalism to the possibility of adopting new logical principles. In this paper we want to discuss the scope of this challenge. Are all revisions of logic subject (...)
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  11. Getting Real about Taxes: Offshore Tax Sheltering and Realism's Ethic of Responsibility.Gordon Arlen & Carlo Burelli - 2022 - Ethics and International Affairs 36 (2):231-258.
    This article tackles the issue of offshore tax sheltering from the perspective of normative political realism. Tax sheltering is a pressing contemporary policy challenge, with hundreds of billions in private assets protected in offshore trusts and shell companies. Indeed, tax sheltering produces a variety of empirical dilemmas that render it a distinctive challenge for global governance. Therefore, it is crucial for normative political theorists to confront this problem. A realist approach offers three distinct advantages, elaborated in the three subsequent sections (...)
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  12.  83
    A theory of implicit commitment.Mateusz Łełyk & Carlo Nicolai - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-26.
    The notion of implicit commitment has played a prominent role in recent works in logic and philosophy of mathematics. Although implicit commitment is often associated with highly technical studies, it remains an elusive notion. In particular, it is often claimed that the acceptance of a mathematical theory implicitly commits one to the acceptance of a Uniform Reflection Principle for it. However, philosophers agree that a satisfactory analysis of the transition from a theory to its reflection principle is still lacking. We (...)
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    Dworkin and legal positivism.Carlos S. Nino - 1980 - Mind 89 (356):519-543.
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  14. Razones y prescripciones.Carlos S. Nino - 1981 - Análisis Filosófico 1 (1):37-48.
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    Essay Reviews, Book Reviews, Further Books of Note, Article of Interest.Carlos S. Alvarado, Michael Grosso, John L. Turner, Ryan D. Foster, Randy Moore, Alton Higgins, Hugh Cunningham, F. David Peat, Greg Ealick, Michael E. Tymn, Guy Lyon Playfair, Michael Schmicker, Horace Crater, Stephen C. Jett, Daniel Sheehan & Henry H. Bauer - 2011 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 25 (1).
    This paper consists of commentaries about and the reprint of an autobiographical essay authored by Italian medium Eusapia Palladino and published in 1910. The details of the essay are discussed in terms of the writings of other individuals about the life and performances of the medium. The essay conveys a view of Palladino as a person who has suffered much in life and has a mission to help scientific research into mediumship. Typical of the positive emphasis in autobiographies in general, (...)
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    Nineteenth century pioneers in the study of dissociation: William James and psychical research.Carlos S. Alvarado & Stanley Krippner - 2010 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 17 (11-12):11-12.
    Following recent trends in the historiography of psychology and psychiatry we argue that psychical research was an important influence in the development of concepts about dissociation. To illustrate this point, we discuss American psychologist and philosopher William James's writings about mediumship, secondary personalities, and hypnosis. Some of James's work on the topic took place in the context of research conducted by the American Society for Psychical Research, such as his early work with the medium Leonora E. Piper . James Following (...)
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  17.  42
    Organisms as subjects: Jakob von Uexküll and Adolf Portmann on the autonomy of living beings and anthropological difference.Filip Jaroš & Carlo Brentari - 2022 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (3):1-23.
    This paper focuses on the links between Jakob von Uexküll’s theoretical biology and Adolf Portmann’s conception of organic life. Its main purpose is to show that Uexküll and Portmann not only share a view of the living being as an autonomous and holistically organized entity, but also base this view on the seminal idea of the subjectivity of the organism. In other words, the respective holistic principles securing the autonomy of the living being—the Bauplan, for Uexküll; the Innerlichkeit, for Portmann—share (...)
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  18.  21
    Letters to the Editor.Carlos S. Alvarado, Michael Levin, Joel M. Kauffman & Douglas M. Stokes - 2010 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 23 (1).
    Analyzing Mediumistic Mentation - Alvarado Proposal for Short List of Best Papers in Parapsychology - Levin Kauffman Stokes.
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    Teoría de la política.Carlos S. Fayt - 1960 - Buenos Aires,: Abeledo-Perrot.
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    The Communitarian Challenge to Liberal Rights.Carlos S. Nino - 1989 - Law and Philosophy 8 (1):37 - 52.
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    The Reception of Husserlian Phenomenology in North America.Michela Beatrice Ferri & Carlo Ierna (eds.) - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book presents a historiographical and theorical analysis of how Husserlian Phenomenology arrived and developed in North America. The chapters analyze the different phases of the reception of Edmund Husserl’s thought in the USA and Canada. The volume discusses the authors and universities that played a fundamental role in promoting Husserlian Phenomenology and clarifies their connection with American Philosophy, Pragmatism, and with Analytic Philosophy. Starting from the analysis of how the first American Scholars of Edmund Husserl's thought opened the door (...)
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    Research involving subjects with Alzheimer’s disease in Italy: the possible role of family members.Corinna Porteri & Carlo Petrini - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):12.
    Alzheimer’s disease is a very common, progressive and still incurable disease. Future possibilities for its cure lie in the promotion of research that will increase our knowledge of the disorder’s causes and lead to the discovery of effective remedies. Such research will necessarily involve individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. This raises the controversial issue of whether patients with Alzheimer’s disease are competent to give their consent for research participation.
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  23.  54
    Nurse moral disengagement.Roberta Fida, Carlo Tramontano, Marinella Paciello, Mari Kangasniemi, Alessandro Sili, Andrea Bobbio & Claudio Barbaranelli - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (5):547-564.
    Background: Ethics is a founding component of the nursing profession; however, nurses sometimes find it difficult to constantly adhere to the required ethical standards. There is limited knowledge about the factors that cause a committed nurse to violate standards; moral disengagement, originally developed by Bandura, is an essential variable to consider. Research objectives: This study aimed at developing and validating a nursing moral disengagement scale and investigated how moral disengagement is associated with counterproductive and citizenship behaviour at work. Research design: (...)
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  24. Fundierung as a Logical Concept.Gian-Carlo Rota - 1989 - The Monist 72 (1):70-77.
    Husserl’s Third Logical Investigation, ostensibly dealing with the phenomenology of whole and parts, is actually meant to introduce the notion of Fundierung. This term is frequently used in the phenomenological literature, although little has been written about Fundierung itself since Husserl introduced it. Husserl himself, although he used it extensively, never again felt the need to reopen the discussion.
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    The temporality of normativity.Carlo Invernizzi Accetti - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (1):25-43.
    This article proposes an interpretation of the status of the Grundnorm in Hans Kelsen’s legal theory which addresses the broader philosophical problem of the ultimate foundation of normativity. It begins by reviewing the main objections that have been raised against Kelsen’s theory, pointing out that most of these can be met by a ‘transcendental’ interpretation of the Grundnorm as a condition of possibility for legal cognition. It then argues that in order to solve the problem of the ultimate foundation for (...)
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  26.  18
    Against dichotomies.Inge van Nistelrooij & Carlo Leget - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (6):694-703.
    Introduction: In previous issues of this journal, Carol Gilligan’s original concept of mature care has been conceptualized by several (especially Norwegian) contributors. This has resulted in a dichotomous view of self and other, and of self-care and altruism, in which any form of self-sacrifice is rejected. Although this interpretation of Gilligan seems to be quite persistent in care-ethical theory, it does not seem to do justice to either Gilligan’s original work or the tensions experienced in contemporary nursing practice. Discussion: A (...)
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  27.  69
    The Philosophy of Nicolai Hartmann.Roberto Poli, Carlo Scognamiglio & Frederic Tremblay (eds.) - 2011 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Nicolai Hartmann was one of the most prolific and original, yet sober, clear and rigorous, 20th century German philosophers. Hartmann was brought up as a Neo-Kantian, but soon turned his back on Kantianism to become one of the most important proponents of ontological realism. He developed what he calls the “new ontology”, on which relies a systematic opus dealing with all the main areas of philosophy. His work had major influences both in philosophy and in various scientific disciplines. The contributions (...)
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  28.  63
    Ideology and Iconology.Giulio Carlo Argan & Rebecca West - 1975 - Critical Inquiry 2 (2):297-305.
    Is it possible to compose a history of images? It is obvious that history can be composed only from that which is intrinsically historical; history has an order of its own because it interprets and clarifies an order which already exists in the facts. But is there an order in the birth, multiplication, combination, dissolution and re-synthesis of images? Mannerism had discredited or demystified form with its pretense of reproducing an order which does not exist in reality. But is the (...)
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  29.  19
    Non-signing children's assessment of telicity in sign language.Laura Wagner, Carlo Geraci, Jeremy Kuhn, Kathryn Davidson & Brent Strickland - 2024 - Cognition 249 (C):105811.
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    The autobiography of Giambattista Vico.Giambattista Vico, Carlo Antonio de Rosa di Villarosa, Max Harold Fisch & Thomas Goddard Bergin - 1944 - Ithaca, N.Y.,: Cornell University Press. Edited by Carlo Antonio de Rosa Villarosa, Max Harold Fisch & Thomas Goddard Bergin.
    The Autobiography of Giambattista Vico is significant both as a source of insight into the influences on the eighteenth-century philosopher's intellectual development and as one of the earliest and most sophisticated examples of philosophical autobiography. Referring to himself in the third person, Vico records the course of his life and the influence that various thinkers had on the development of concepts central to his mature work. Beyond its relevance to the development of the New Science, the Autobiography is also of (...)
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    Reuniting philosophy and science to advance cancer research.Thomas Pradeu, Bertrand Daignan-Fornier, Andrew Ewald, Pierre-Luc Germain, Samir Okasha, Anya Plutynski, Sébastien Benzekry, Marta Bertolaso, Mina Bissell, Joel S. Brown, Benjamin Chin-Yee, Ian Chin-Yee, Hans Clevers, Laurent Cognet, Marie Darrason, Emmanuel Farge, Jean Feunteun, Jérôme Galon, Elodie Giroux, Sara Green, Fridolin Gross, Fanny Jaulin, Rob Knight, Ezio Laconi, Nicolas Larmonier, Carlo Maley, Alberto Mantovani, Violaine Moreau, Pierre Nassoy, Elena Rondeau, David Santamaria, Catherine M. Sawai, Andrei Seluanov, Gregory D. Sepich-Poore, Vanja Sisirak, Eric Solary, Sarah Yvonnet & Lucie Laplane - 2023 - Biological Reviews 98 (5):1668-1686.
    Cancers rely on multiple, heterogeneous processes at different scales, pertaining to many biomedical fields. Therefore, understanding cancer is necessarily an interdisciplinary task that requires placing specialised experimental and clinical research into a broader conceptual, theoretical, and methodological framework. Without such a framework, oncology will collect piecemeal results, with scant dialogue between the different scientific communities studying cancer. We argue that one important way forward in service of a more successful dialogue is through greater integration of applied sciences (experimental and clinical) (...)
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  32.  10
    Discrete Thoughts: Essays on Mathematics, Science, and Philosophy.Mark Kac, Gian-Carlo Rota & Jacob T. Schwartz - 1986 - Springer Verlag.
    a Mathematicians, like Proust and everyone else, are at their best when writing about their first lovea (TM) a ] They are among the very best we have; and their best is very good indeed. a ] One approaches this book with high hopes. Happily, one is not disappointed. a ]In paperback it might well have become a best seller. a ]read it. From The Mathematical Intelligencer Mathematics is shaped by the consistent concerns and styles of powerful minds a three (...)
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    'The gift' in Nietzsche's Zarathustra: affirmative love and friendship.Emilio Carlo Corriero - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Tracing the notion of 'the gift' in Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra Emilio Corriero provides a new interpretation of this essential text, alongside 'the gift's' evolution as a key concept in the history of western philosophy and Christianity. The last phase of Nietzsche's thought, including his writings on the death of God, The Will to Power, the Overman, and eternal recurrence are analysed anew in Corriero's reading of Thus Spoke Zarathustra. From Nietzsche's Prologue, in which Zarathustra presents the idea of the (...)
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    D.S. Katos, Palladius of Helenopolis. The Origenist Advocate.Carlo Dell’Osso - 2013 - Augustinianum 53 (2):602-605.
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    Change and Management of Complex Services: The Ethno-narrative Form to Support Good Living and Working Together.Mara Gorli, Silvio Carlo Ripamonti & Laura Galuppo - 2016 - World Futures 72 (5-6):284-303.
    Nowadays, managing change in complex services requires that middle management re-designs its objects and professional practices, in order to cope with new needs. It seems therefore crucial to activate training settings that allow managers to: develop research and analytical skills on their own work practices and professional objects; face and manage conflict, related to every change, that represents an opportunity to reflect and review one's own practices; and build new and shared repertories of managerial practices, able to support a better (...)
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    Reading Aristotle's Physics Vii.3: "What is Alteration?": Proceedings of the European Society for Ancient Philosophy Conference: Organized by the Hyele Institute for Comparative Studies, Vitznau, Switzerland, 12/15 April 2007.Stefano Maso, Carlo Natali & Gerhard Seel (eds.) - 2011 - Las Vegas, Zurich, Athens: Parmenides.
    Aristotle has a rather extreme concept of change: Alteration is the change of a sensible quality in a thing. This is produced when a thing comes into immediate contact with another thing and is affected by the opposite sensible quality of the latter. Book VII, chapter 3 of the Aristotelian Physics is the crucial text to explore this topic. The present volume sets out to analyze and clarify the reason of this approach.
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    Robotic search: What's in it for comparative cognition?Carlo De Lillo - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (6):1057-1057.
    Although the advantage of biorobotics over traditional modelling tools is not always evident from the studies on animal search addressed in the target article, this commentary argues that testing different robotic architectures and specific biological organisms in structured search spaces, where environmental constraints matter, might prove one of the most promising research strategies in comparative cognition.
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    Belief or Nonbelief?: A Confrontation.Umberto Eco & Carlo Maria Martini - 2012 - Arcade.
    One is the beloved author of The Name of the Rose, a celebrated scholar, philosopher, and self-declared secularist; the other is a preeminent clergyman and a respected expert on the New Testament. In this intellectually stimulating dialogue, often adversarial but always amicable, these two great men, who stand on opposite sides of the church door, discuss some of the most controversial issues of our day, including the apocalypse, abortion, women in the clergy, and ethics. As we voyage onward into the (...)
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  39.  18
    Between reason and will: On Christopher Meckstroth’s The Struggle for Democracy.Carlo Invernizzi Accetti - 2017 - European Journal of Political Theory 16 (4):490-499.
    Christopher Meckstroth’s book The Struggle for Democracy poses and attempts to solve a central problem of democratic theory: what he calls the ‘paradox of authorization’, whereby the very activity of spelling out the political content of democracy is said to potentially contradict its object, since the democratic theorist may end up substituting himself or herself for ‘the people’ in deciding what this form government amounts to in practice. In order to avoid this problem, Meckstroth suggests that the political content of (...)
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    Good Points - Paolo Casalegno's criticism of some analytic philosophers.Diana Mazzarella & Carlo Monti - 2011 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Analitica Junior 2 (1):124-134.
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  41. Gottlob Frege and Gongsun Long in Dialogue.Nevia Dolcini & Carlo Penco - 2023 - Asian Studies 11 (1):267-295.
    This work addresses the critical discussion featured in the contemporary literature about two well-known paradoxes belonging to different philosophical traditions, namely Frege’s puzzling claim that “the concept horse is not a concept” and Gongsun Long’s “white horse is not horse”. We first present the source of Frege’s paradox and its different interpretations, which span from plain rejection to critical analysis, to conclude with a more general view of the role of philosophy as a fight against the misunderstandings that come from (...)
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    Université ou anti-université: les humanités dans l'idée de formation supérieure.Paolo Quintili, Carlo Cappa & Donatella Palomba (eds.) - 2016 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Les essais ici réunis sont les actes du colloque organisé en 2015 par le Collège international de philosophie. L'ouvrage questionne le rôle des humanités dans la construction des idées universitaires en Europe. Alors que les gouvernements européens ont adopté une vision de l'enseignement supérieur centrée sur la rentabilité de la recherche et de l'instruction, il apparaît nécessaire de réévaluer le sens et les possibilités des humanités. Une dizaine de chercheurs s'y emploient.
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    The velvet glove: Benevolent sexism in President Trump’s tweets.Giuseppina Scotto di Carlo - 2021 - European Journal of Women's Studies 28 (2):194-212.
    The present article is part of a preliminary study concerning the discursive manifestations of US President Trump’s sexist beliefs. While many studies have focused on Trump’s usage of hostile sexism, this work examines the linguistic strategies utilised by Trump to convey benevolent sexism, a form of discrimination based on the idea that women are weak and need to be protected, that they should respect traditional male-centric gender roles, and that they should be idolised by men. Drawing upon Fiske and Glick’s (...)
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  44. Competences and Motivation.Andrew J. Elliot & Carlos S. Dweck - 2005 - In Andrew J. Elliot & Carol S. Dweck (eds.), Handbook of Competence and Motivation. The Guilford Press.
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  45. Education towards critical consciousness and emancipation : Adorno's critique of Halbbildung and the tension between formation and conformation.Ranier Carlo V. Abengaña - 2017 - In Janis T. Ozolins (ed.), Civil society, education and human formation: philosophy's role in a renewed understanding of education. New York: Routledge.
  46. The necessary revolution in man's thinking after Immanuel Kant.Carlo Tullio-Altan - 1966 - Richmond Hill (Sy.): New Atlantis Foundation.
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  47. A Theory of Implicit Commitment for Mathematical Theories.Mateusz Łełyk & Carlo Nicolai - manuscript
    The notion of implicit commitment has played a prominent role in recent works in logic and philosophy of mathematics. Although implicit commitment is often associated with highly technical studies, it remains so far an elusive notion. In particular, it is often claimed that the acceptance of a mathematical theory implicitly commits one to the acceptance of a Uniform Reflection Principle for it. However, philosophers agree that a satisfactory analysis of the transition from a theory to its reflection principle is still (...)
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    Fondements et faisabilité du revenu social garanti.Jean-Marie Monnier & Carlo Vercellone - 2007 - Multitudes 4 (4):73-84.
    L'hypothèse de capitalisme cognitif et le réexamen de la notion de travail productif ouvrent sur une réforme radicale du mode de répartition des richesses. Le revenu social garanti (RSG) en est la clé de voûte et fait, sans doute pour cette raison, l'objet de vives critiques, en particulier quant à sa faisabilité financière. Or l'articulation entre cette dernière et les fondements économiques du RSG doit être étroite en raison même de la notion de travail productif sous-jacente que nous avons adoptée. (...)
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    Luther and Biopower: Rethinking the Reformation with Foucault.Samuel Lindholm & Andrea Di Carlo - forthcoming - Foucault Studies:470-493.
    In this article, we propose an alternative Foucauldian reading of Martin Luther’s thought and early Lutheranism. Michel Foucault did not mention the Reformation often, although he saw it as an amplification of pastoral power and the governing of people’s everyday lives. We aim to fill the gap in his analysis by outlining the disciplinary and biopolitical aspects in Luther and early Lutheranism. Therefore, we also contribute to the ongoing debate regarding the birth of biopolitics, which, we argue, predates Foucault’s periodisation. (...)
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  50. Antiaristotelismo.Stefano Maso & Carlo Natali (eds.) - 1999 - Hakkert.
    The book includes 13 contributions that deal with the first attempts of opposition to the of Aristotle's thought. From Theophrastus to Epicurus, and to Plotinus. The best specialists have collaborated (among others: M. Mignucci, E. Berti, K. Ierodiakonou, C. Natali, S. Maso, F. Ferrari, D. Taormina, A. Falcon, A. Schiaparelli).
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