Results for 'Anita Ferreira'

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  1.  25
    (1 other version)Efectividad Del feedback correctivo escrito directo para mejorar el aprendizaje de las preposiciones Por Y para en español /l2.Nahum Lafleur & Anita Ferreira Cabrera - 2016 - Alpha (Osorno) 43:57-74.
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    El feedback correctivo escrito indirecto en el aprendizaje de la forma comparativa de adjetivos en inglés.Belén Muñoz & Anita Ferreira - 2017 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 27 (1):73-89.
    El feedback correctivo escrito ha demostrado ser efectivo para el tratamiento de ciertas estructuras gramaticales ; sin embargo, persisten factores que dificultan realizar conclusiones categóricas al respecto. Algunos de estos corresponden al tipo de las formas que se benefician de un tratamiento como este, a los distintos contextos de aprendizaje investigados, a los diversos niveles de competencia lingüística de los participantes, entre otros. La presente investigación estudia dos estrategias de FCE indirecto; a saber, indirecto con indicación y localización e indirecto (...)
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    Colocaciones gramaticales verbo + preposición en ELE: análisis contrastivo de la interlengua en aprendientes de nivel A2 y B1.René Oportus Torres & Anita Ferreira Cabrera - 2020 - Alpha: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofia 1 (50):179-193.
    Este estudio examina la frecuencia de colocaciones gramaticales verbo + preposición en aprendientes anglófonos de Español como Lengua Extranjera de nivel A2 y B1 bajo el modelo de Análisis Contrastivo de la Interlengua. Para ello, se implementa una tipología colocacional sustentada en un criterio de fijación intermedia de estas unidades. Los resultados muestran mayor frecuencia en el nivel B1, pero no en la variedad de unidades, y un mayor número de usos correctos que en A2. Respecto de las diferencias encontradas (...)
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    Grammatical colocations verb + preposition in Spanish as a foreign language: contrastive interlanguage analysis in learners of levels A2 and B1.René Oportus Torres & Anita Ferreira Cabrera - 2020 - Alpha (Osorno) 50:198-214.
    Resumen: Este estudio examina la frecuencia de colocaciones gramaticales verbo + preposición en aprendientes anglófonos de Español como Lengua Extranjera de nivel A2 y B1 bajo el modelo de Análisis Contrastivo de la Interlengua. Para ello se implementa una tipología colocacional sustentada en un criterio de fijación intermedia de estas unidades. Los resultados muestran mayor frecuencia en el nivel B1, pero no en la variedad de unidades, y un mayor número de usos correctos que en A2. Respecto de las diferencias (...)
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  5. Teatro, educação E comunidade.Anita Cione Tavares Ferreira da Silva - 2016 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 6 (14):21-33.
    RESUMO O artigo reflete sobre a pesquisa em andamento da autora, na linha de processos educacionais em artes cênicas, investigada pela via do Teatro em Comunidades, eixo específico abraçado pelo campo da Pedagogia do Teatro e fundamentado pela obra dos mestres contemporâneos Bertolt Brecht, Augusto Boal e Paulo Freire. O ponto de tensão desta discussão é o questionamento acerca da possibilidade de investigar a prática do Teatro em Comunidades como capaz de contribuir para construção de uma sistematização de procedimentos pedagógicos (...)
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    Health care ethics programs in U.S. Hospitals: results from a National Survey.Christopher C. Duke, Anita Tarzian, Ellen Fox & Marion Danis - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-14.
    BackgroundAs hospitals have grown more complex, the ethical concerns they confront have grown correspondingly complicated. Many hospitals have consequently developed health care ethics programs (HCEPs) that include far more than ethics consultation services alone. Yet systematic research on these programs is lacking.MethodsBased on a national, cross-sectional survey of a stratified sample of 600 US hospitals, we report on the prevalence, scope, activities, staffing, workload, financial compensation, and greatest challenges facing HCEPs.ResultsAmong 372 hospitals whose informants responded to an online survey, 97% (...)
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    What's trust got to do with it? Revisiting opioid contracts.Daniel Z. Buchman & Anita Ho - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (10):673-677.
    Prescription opioid abuse (POA) is an escalating clinical and public health problem. Physician worries about iatrogenic addiction and whether patients are ‘drug seeking’, ‘abusing’ and ‘diverting’ prescription opioids exist against a backdrop of professional and legal consequences of prescribing that have created a climate of distrust in chronic pain management. One attempt to circumvent these worries is the use of opioid contracts that outline conditions patients must agree to in order to receive opioids. Opioid contracts have received some scholarly attention, (...)
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  8. Imigração galega na cidade do Porto.Jorge Fernandes Alves, M. Fernanda V. Ferreira & M. Do Rosário Monteiro - 1992 - História 9:215-236.
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    A estética de Georg Lukács: pressupostos para a prática escolar.Carlos Henrique Ferreira Magalhães - 2020 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 25:142-154.
    Este ensaio teórico tem a finalidade de caracterizar os pressupostos antropomorfização e realismo na Estética de Lukács. A tensão que a objetividade promove na subjetividade do ser social, proporcionada pela arte realista, possibilita ao homem se aproximar dos ritmos das contradições da realidade. Isso permite ao homem aguçar sua crítica e buscar sua emancipação. Acreditamos que uma prática escolar sustentada pela necessidade de se apropriar da cultura clássica com as múltiplas contradições da realidade constitui-se numa alternativa para proporcionar uma Educação (...)
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  10. On the consistency of the Δ11-CA fragment of Frege's grundgesetze.Fernando Ferreira & Kai F. Wehmeier - 2002 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 31 (4):301-311.
    It is well known that Frege's system in the Grundgesetze der Arithmetik is formally inconsistent. Frege's instantiation rule for the second-order universal quantifier makes his system, except for minor differences, full (i.e., with unrestricted comprehension) second-order logic, augmented by an abstraction operator that abides to Frege's basic law V. A few years ago, Richard Heck proved the consistency of the fragment of Frege's theory obtained by restricting the comprehension schema to predicative formulae. He further conjectured that the more encompassing Δ₁¹-comprehension (...)
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    Dispersed information and the non-neutrality of money: fifty years after Lucas, 1972.Pierrick Clerc & Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira - 2022 - Journal of Economic Methodology 29 (1):86-104.
    This paper highlights the renewed interest in Lucas’s explanation of the non-neutrality of money put forward in his 1972 article – explanation based on information dispersion and signal extraction...
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    Blog/shop: it is authentic so don't worryˆˆˆ.Gordon Fletcher & Anita Greenhill - 2009 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 7 (1):39-53.
    PurposeThe popularity and persistence of Blogshops raises ethical issues regarding the presentation of the female teenage owners' “self” to others and the relationship they maintain with buyers and other owners.Design/methodology/approachThis ongoing observational study of Singaporean Blogshops reveals a layered and interrelated typology of alternative e‐commerce activities that critiques many of the myths associated with e‐commerce particularly the extent and manner in which it can empower consumers.FindingsIt is argued that Blogshops represent a new formulation of e‐commerce practice that draws upon a (...)
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  13.  21
    Zigzag and Fregean Arithmetic.Fernando Ferreira - 2018 - In Hassan Tahiri (ed.), The Philosophers and Mathematics: Festschrift for Roshdi Rashed. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 81-100.
    In Frege’s logicism, numbers are logical objects in the sense that they are extensions of certain concepts. Frege’s logical system is inconsistent, but Richard Heck showed that its restriction to predicative quantification is consistent. This predicative fragment is, nevertheless, too weak to develop arithmetic. In this paper, I will consider an extension of Heck’s system with impredicative quantifiers. In this extended system, both predicative and impredicative quantifiers co-exist but it is only permissible to take extensions of concepts formulated in the (...)
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    A Emergência da Perspectiva da Primeira Pessoa (Emergence of First Person Perspectiva).Claudia Passos-Ferreira - 2024 - Lampião - Revista de Filosofia 5 (1):35-54.
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    Do locavores have a dilemma? Economic discourse and the local food critique.Helen Scharber & Anita Dancs - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (1):121-133.
    Local food critics have recently argued that locavores, unaware of economic laws and principles, are ironically promoting a future characterized by less food security and more environmental destruction. In this paper, we critically examine the ways in which mainstream economics discourse is employed in arguments to undermine the proclaimed benefits of local food. We focus on several core concepts in economics—comparative advantage, scale, trade and efficiency—and show how they have been used to challenge claims about local food’s benefits in the (...)
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    Backward masking of conditioned stimuli: Effects on differential and single-cue classical conditioning performance.Leonard E. Ross, M. Cecilia Ferreira & Susan M. Ross - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (4):603.
  17. Knowledge, Emotion, Value and Inner Normativity: KEVIN Probes Collective Persons.Anita Konzelmann Ziv - 2011 - Philosophical Papers Dedicated to Kevin Mulligan.
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    A obra de arte como objeto comum.Filipe Ferreira Pires Völz - 2017 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 15 (1):301-323.
    O objetivo deste artigo é relacionar o ready-made de Duchamp – uma obra de arte que é idêntica a um objeto comum – com a história da arte que o precedeu e entender de que modo sua ruptura radical já estava dentro dessa história. Inicio com uma introdução ao e interpretação do ready-made. Em seguida, me respaldando em Gombrich, Greenberg e outros, examino os três tipos de arte na história propostos por Peter Bürger, focando na questão da realidade/irrealidade da obra, (...)
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    Infanticide, moral status and moral reasons: the importance of context.Leslie Francis & Anita Silvers - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (5):289-292.
    Giubilini and Minerva ask why birth should be a critical dividing line between acceptable and unacceptable reasons for terminating existence. Their argument is that birth does not change moral status in the sense that is relevant: the ability to be harmed by interruption of one's aims. Rather than question the plausibility of their position or the argument they give, we ask instead about the importance to scholarship or policy of publishing the article: does it to any extent make a novel (...)
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  20. Redistribuição E reconhecimento de gênero na perspectiva de Axel Honneth E Nancy Fraser.Alfrancio Ferreira Dias - 2012 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 2 (2):93-107.
    As teorias feministas de gênero passaram nas ultimas décadas de uma concepção pós-marxistas a partir dos novos estudos de cultura e identidade, baseando-se no movimento de redistribuição, para o de reconhecimento. Este artigo mostra esse processo de mudança de paradigma. Nele não se procura uma análise de gênero ampla o bastante para abrigar todas as variedades das preocupações feministas. Mostra a concepção de justiça de Nancy Fraser que abrange tanto a redistribuição quanto o reconhecimento, pois reparar a injustiça certamente requer (...)
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  21.  7
    Nietzsche e a relação entre arte, ciência e filosofia dos escritos de juventude até Humano, demasiado humano.Abraão Lincoln Ferreira Costa - 2021 - Cadernos Nietzsche 42 (3):89-113.
    Resumo: O artigo analisa o desenvolvimento da relação existente entre arte, ciência e filosofia no pensamento do jovem Nietzsche. Para tanto, recorre-se especialmente à consulta dosFragmentos Póstumosentre os anos de 1872 a 1875, possibilitando destacar os seguintes pontos: primeiro, a descoberta da filosofia pré-platônica como exemplo de conciliação das forças artística e científica e, segundo, a contribuição desses escritos para observância emHumano, demasiado humano da tipologia do “médico da cultura”, cuja função, similar a dos filósofos jônicos, será a de restaurar (...)
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    Lições de filosofia jurídica: natureza & arte do direito.Paulo Ferreira da Cunha - 1999 - Coimbra: Almedina.
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  23. Zur Rolle von Kräften und Wahrscheinlichkeit in Bolzanos Erkenntnislehre.Anita Konzelmann Ziv - 2005 - Dissertation, University of Geneva
  24.  71
    "O Primeiro Beijo": sobre a Origem da Filosofia nos Fichte-Studien de Novalis.Fernando Manuel Ferreira da Silva - 2016 - Trans/Form/Ação 39 (2):175-196.
    RESUMO: Fruto de longa maturação filosófica desde a sua estada em Jena, e instado a isso pelas influências de Karl L. Reinhold e Johann G. Fichte, o poeta Novalis produz, a partir do outono de 1795, um conjunto de anotações fragmentárias sobre a filosofia de Fichte, hoje conhecidas como Fichte-Studien. De entre os importantes temas aí abordados, um revela-se particularmente interessante: o tema do estatuto da Filosofia no seio do problema da autocompreensão do Eu -, e mais concretamente, o necessário (...)
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    Board structures and board behaviour: a cross-country comparison of privately held SMEs in Belgium, the Netherlands and Norway.Wim Voordeckers, Anita Van Gils, Jonas Gabrielsson, Diamanto Politis & Morten Huse - 2014 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 9 (2):197.
  26.  29
    The Influence of the Evolutionary Past on the Mind: An Analysis of the Preference for Landscapes in the Human Species.Joelson M. B. Moura, Washington S. Ferreira Júnior, Taline C. Silva & Ulysses P. Albuquerque - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    (1 other version)What are the ∀∑1 b-consequences of T 2 1 and T 2 2?Fernando Ferreira - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 75 (1):79-88.
    We formulate schemes and of the “typical” ∀∑ 1 b -sentences that are provable in T 2 1, respectively T 2 2. As an application, we reprove a recent result of Buss and Krajíček which describes witnesses for the ∀∑ 1 b -sentences provable in T 2 1 in terms of solutions to PLS-problems.
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    On the fallacy of accident in Aristotle's Sophistical refutations.Paulo Fernando Tadeu Ferreira - 2023 - In Ricardo Santos & Antonio Pedro Mesquita (eds.), New Essays on Aristotle's Organon. New York, NY: Routledge.
    Aristotle says that a fallacy of accident takes place whenever something is held to belong in the same way to an object and to its accident (SE 5 166b28-30). The Received View among interpreters takes “accident” (συμβεβηκός) in that connection to stand for any predicate that is not identical to its subject, and makes the fallacy consist in mistaking predication for identity. Such an analysis, however, gives “accident” a meaning otherwise unattested in the corpus; makes all cases of the fallacy (...)
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    Perspectivas de formação: diálogo entre crescimento e o cultivo de si.Thaís Ferreira Ali, Lúcia Schneider Hardt & Rosana Silva de Moura - 2015 - Filosofia E Educação 7 (2):143.
    O artigo apresenta o pensamento de Dewey sustentando a tese de que formação é crescimento em função de uma efetiva relação com a vida: o humano é exigido pela vida a desenvolver-se, a crescer em direções muito diversas para então ocupar um espaço na sociedade. No intuito de gerar uma reflexão sobre o dilema da formação humana, o texto introduz outro autor, como coadjuvante, pondo em diálogo duas perspectivas implicadas pelo mesmo tema.
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    Living the Threshold. The Kairos of World Person and New Perspective for Hospitality.Gabriel Antunes Ferreira de Almeida - 2017 - Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 23 (1-2):117-132.
    Starting from the analysis of a phenomenological reading of the parable of the Good Samaritan and arriving at the idea of the World Person in Chiara Lubich, this article will discuss two topics: union in difference and the model of the neighbor in the Gospel. For Christians this is the confirmation that the meeting with the stranger is possible. Christ founded a community that co-exists with the stranger. It is within this path that the intuition the figure of the World (...)
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    Complexity Challenges of critical situations caused by flooding.Viveca Asproth & Anita Håkansson - 2007 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 9 (1-2):34-39.
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    Direito constitucional aplicado: viver a constituição, a cidadania e os direitos humanos.Paulo Ferreira da Cunha - 2007 - Lisboa: Quid Juris.
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    Rethinking natural law.Paulo Ferreira da Cunha - 2013 - Heidelberg: Springer.
    For centuries, natural law was the main philosophical legal paradigm. Now, it is a wonder when a court of law invokes it. Arthur Kaufmann already underlined a modern general "horror iuris naturalis". We also know, with Winfried Hassemer, that the succession of legal paradigms is a matter of fashion. But why did natural law become outdated? Are there any remnants of it still alive today? This book analyses a number of prejudices and myths that have created a general misconception of (...)
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    professionalisation or professionalisation of the Academic in the Brave New World?Maria Jose Sa, Carlos Miguel Ferreira & Sandro Serpa - 2019 - Postmodern Openings 10 (2):84-113.
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    A pedagogia de Leonardo Coimbra: teoria e prática.Manuel Ferreira Patrício - 1992 - Porto: Porto Editora.
  36.  14
    Old ties from a new(s) perspective: Diversity in the Dutch press coverage of the 2006 general election campaign.Otto Scholten, Anita M. J. van Hoof, Nel Ruigrok & Janet Takens - 2010 - Communications 35 (4):417-438.
    This study examines the extent to which the highly diverse and volatile Dutch electorate received a diverse offer of political newspaper coverage during the 2006 general election campaign. We measured the level of diversity of five subscription based national newspapers with a partisan history and two free dailies. Two forms of diversity were examined: party diversity and issue diversity. The diversity of party coverage in the free dailies was greater than the diversity across all newspapers. Whereas free dailies paid a (...)
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    O conceito de memória na reflexão antropológica de Kant.Fernando Manuel Ferreira da Silva - 2018 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 59 (140):449-474.
    RESUMO A história do estatuto, bem como da posição da memória entre semelhantes forças, desde a formação do conceito moderno da antropologia, durante toda a tradição leibniz-wolffinana, e até Kant, é uma história de mudança ascendente, de cristalização de ambos os predicados desta faculdade, e também uma de grande influência sobre a história do próprio pensamento antropológico. O presente ensaio propõe-se analisar como Kant receberia essa evolução, e como ele sobre ela actuaria. Isto é, centrando-nos nas “Lições de Antropologia”, e (...)
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    Alone and Saying No.Jeffrey Spike & Anita J. Tarzian - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (2):76-77.
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    Why Did a Female Penis Evolve in a Small Group of Cave Insects?Kazunori Yoshizawa, Rodrigo L. Ferreira, Charles Lienhard & Yoshitaka Kamimura - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (6):1900005.
    The evolution of a female penis is an extremely rare event and is only known to have occurred in a tribe of small cave insects, Sensitibillini (Psocodea: Trogiomorpha: Prionoglarididae). The female penis, which is protrudable and inserted into the male vagina‐like cavity during copulation to receive semen, is thought to have evolved independently twice in this tribe, in the Brazilian Neotrogla and the African Afrotrogla. These findings strongly suggest that there are some factors unique to Sensitibillini that have facilitated female (...)
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    The Great Dissent: John Henry Newman and the Liberal Heresy by Robert Pattison.M. Jamie Ferreira - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (2):331-336.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 331 The Great Dissent: John Henry Newman and the Liberal Heresy. By ROBERT PATTISON. New York: Oxford University Press, 1991. Pp. xiii +231. $29.95. This extremely provocative and elegantly written study of John Henry Newman's struggle with "liberalism" argues that Newman was a genuine rebel whose solitary voice needs to be heard, as much today as then, but whose project was, in the end, eminently unsuccessful. The (...)
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    Inovações Metodológicas No Ensino de Filosofia Na Universidade.Rita Helena Sousa Ferreira Gomes, Deni Elliot Noronha Lopes, Elias Sá de Lima, Eliandro Antonio do Nascimento, Yorrana Ferreira Tomaz de Lima & Alexandre Willians Nascimento - 2023 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 14 (27):282-304.
    O artigo pretende contribuir com as discussões sobre o ensino de filosofia, partilhando achados de uma pesquisa realizada com duas turmas de estudantes universitários na disciplina de Estética (Curso de Música -Licenciatura). As inovações metodológicas aplicadas nas turmas buscaram valorizar o ensino de filosofia em diálogo permanente com as vivências cotidianas e artísticas dos estudantes através de atividades em sala sistematicamente vinculadas aos temas previstos no programa da disciplina. Os resultados dos dados apontaram que as estratégias metodológicas de ensino utilizadas (...)
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  42. (2 other versions)Doubt and Religious Commitment: The Role of the Will in Newman's Thought.M. Jamie Ferreira - 1980 - Religious Studies 19 (1):134-136.
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    O Logicismo de Frege e Russell e a Rejeição Tractariana de Classes: uma tentativa de elucidação de 6.031.Rodrigo Sabadin Ferreira - 2023 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 25 (2):179-198.
    Wittgenstein afirma no Tractatus que a teoria das classes é supérflua na Matemática e que isso está relacionado ao fato de que a generalidade exigida pela Matemática não é “acidental” (TLP 6.031). O objetivo deste texto é elucidar essa afirmação chamando a atenção para o que, seguindo Gregory Landini, tomaremos como uma forma de Logicismo compartilhada por Frege e Russell. Esta forma de Logicismo tem dois princípios básicos, a saber: o uso de uma teoria lógica cujas variáveis estruturadas incorporam o (...)
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    Cell cycle control and plant morphogenesis: is there an essential link?Adriana S. Hemerly, Paulo C. G. Ferreira, Marc Van Montagu & Dirk Inzé - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (1):29-37.
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  45. Bolzanian knowing: infallibility, virtue and foundational truth.Anita Konzelmann Ziv - 2011 - Synthese 183 (1):27-45.
    The paper discusses Bernard Bolzano’s epistemological approach to believing and knowing with regard to the epistemic requirements of an axiomatic model of science. It relates Bolzano’s notions of believing, knowing and evaluation to notions of infallibility, immediacy and foundational truth. If axiomatic systems require their foundational truths to be infallibly known, this knowledge involves both evaluation of the infallibility of the asserted truth and evaluation of its being foundational. The twofold attempt to examine one’s assertions and to do so by (...)
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    Les lectures de Gaston Bachelard.Jean Libis, Fabio Ferreira, Catherine Gublin & Sarah Mezaguer (eds.) - 2011 - Besançon: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté.
    La teneur d'un ouvrage philosophique dépend à la fois des thèses qui y sont déployées par son auteur et des références dont celui-ci se nourrit. Dans l'oeuvre de Gaston Bachelard, le système référentiel est tout particulièrement abondant : comme si le philosophe redoutait secrètement la vaticination, préférant étayer ses affirmations par des matériaux qu'il puise dans l'univers, pour ainsi dire illimité, de ses lectures. De fait, il n'a jamais caché avoir été un lecteur boulimique, insatiable. Ce faisant, il oublie de (...)
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    Modeling distributions of travel time variability for bus operations.Z. Ma, L. Ferreira, M. Mesbah & S. Zhu - unknown
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    Entzug des Göttlichen: interdisziplinäre Beiträge zu Jean-Luc Nancys Projekt einer "Dekonstruktion des Christentums".Friederike D. Rass, Anita Sophia Horn & Michael U. Braunschweig (eds.) - 2017 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Es geht nicht darum, die Religion wieder auferstehen zu lassen [...]. Sondern es geht darum, die blosse Vernunft auf die Unbegrenztheit hin zu offnen, die ihre Wahrheit ausmacht. Im vielbehaupteten Trend einer Ruckkehr zur Religion erweist sich Jean-Luc Nancys Philosophie als widerstandig: Einerseits steht die Frage nach der Bedeutung von Religion und insbesondere des Christentums im Mittelpunkt seiner Uberlegungen, andererseits stellt er sich nicht in die Tradition einer neuen (De-)Legitimation von Religion. In Auseinandersetzung mit Jean-Luc Nancy, insbesondere mit seinem Projekt (...)
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    The Poster Child for the Need for Central Review of Research Protocols: The Children's Oncology Group.Rebecca D. Pentz & Anita F. Khayat - 2004 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 13 (4):359-365.
    Multiple groups, including the National Bioethics Advisory Commission, the American Society of Clinical Oncology, the National Coalition of Comprehensive Cancer Centers, Workgroup 6 of the Summit Series on Cancer, PRIM&R, the Bell Report, and prominent ethicists have called for replacing the current system of local institutional review with central review for multisite national trials. We argue that this need is particularly acute in pediatric oncology, as shown by the experience of the Children's Oncology Group.
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    Integrated medicines management–can routine implementation improve quality?Claire Scullin, Anita Hogg, Ruoyin Luo, Michael G. Scott & James C. McElnay - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (4):807-815.
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