Results for 'Annamaria Torriani'

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  1.  33
    From cell membrane to nucleotides: The phosphate regulon in Escherichia coli.Annamaria Torriani - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (8):371-376.
    Most of the essential cellular components, like nucleic acids, lipids and sugars, are phosphorylated. The phosphate equilibrium in Escherichia coli is regulated by the phosphate (Pi) input from the surrounding medium. Some 90 proteins are synthesized at an increased rate during Pi starvation and the global control of the cellular metabolism requires cross‐talk with other regulatory mechanisms. Since the Pi concentration is normally low in E. coli's natural habitat, these cells have devised a mechanism for synthesis of about 15 proteins (...)
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    Beyond fluid intelligence and personality traits in social support: the role of ability based emotional intelligence.Annamaria Di Fabio - forthcoming - Frontiers in Psychology.
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    Being Reassuring About the Past While Promising a Better Future: How Companies Frame Temporal Focus in Social Responsibility Reporting.Annamaria Tuan, Matteo Corciolani & Elisa Giuliani - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (3):626-667.
    How is time framed in corporate social responsibility (CSR) talk? The literature mostly fails to analyze how multiple CSR activities are framed from a temporal perspective. Moreover, those researchers who undertake temporal framing tend to overlook the role of home-country cultural characteristics. Using a mixed-method analysis of 2,720 CSR reports from developing country companies, we show that CSR talk is mostly framed in the future tense when firms communicate complex human rights issues such as slavery or child labor, while the (...)
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    Media representations of nurses in the pandemic: Just doing our job?Annamaria Bagnasco, Gianluca Catania, Ann Gallagher & Georgina Morley - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (4):901-905.
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    Spatio-temporal deixis and cognitive models in early Indo-European.Annamaria Bartolotta - 2018 - Cognitive Linguistics 29 (1):1-44.
    This paper is a comparative study based on the linguistic evidence in Vedic Sanskrit and Homeric Greek, aimed at reconstructing the space-time cognitive models used in the Proto-Indo-European language in a diachronic perspective. While it has been widely recognized that ancient Indo-European languages construed earlier events as in front of later ones, as predicted in the Time-Reference-Point mapping, it is less clear how in the same languages the passage took place from this ‘archaic’ Time-RP model or non-deictic sequence, in which (...)
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    Computational biology and the limits of shared vision.Annamaria Carusi - 2011 - Perspectives on Science 19 (3):300-336.
    Since the 1980s, several studies of visual perception have persuasively argued that important aspects of human vision are best accounted for not by recourse to inner mental representations but rather through socially observable actions and behaviors (e.g. Lynch 1985, Latour 1986, Lynch 1990, Goodwin 1994, Goodwin 1997, Sharrock & Coulter 1998). While there are clearly physiological mechanisms required for vision, psychological accounts of perception in terms of inner mental representations have been dislodged from their position as the basic term in (...)
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    Scientific visualisations and aesthetic grounds for trust.Annamaria Carusi - 2008 - Ethics and Information Technology 10 (4):243-254.
    The collaborative ‹Big Science’ approach prevalent in physics during the mid- and late-20th century is becoming more common in the life sciences. Often computationally mediated, these collaborations challenge researchers’ trust practices. Focusing on the visualisations that are often at the heart of this form of scientific practice, the paper proposes that the aesthetic aspects of these visualisations are themselves a way of securing trust. Kant’s account of aesthetic judgements in the Third Critique is drawn upon in order to show that (...)
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  8. Galen and the World of Knowledge.Annamaria Schiaparelli - 2011 - Philosophical Review 120 (4):591-594.
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    Commentary on Nursing Ethics article.Annamaria Bagnasco, Gianluca Catania, Giuseppe Aleo & Loredana Sasso - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (6):742-743.
  10. Trust in the Virtual/Physical Interworld.Annamaria Carusi - 2011 - In Charles Ess & May Thorseth (eds.), Trust and Virtual Worlds: Contemporary Perspectives. Peter Lang.
  11.  13
    Trust in the Physical/Virtual Interworld.Annamaria Carusi - 2011 - In Charles Ess & May Thorseth (eds.), Trust and Virtual Worlds: Contemporary Perspectives. Peter Lang.
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    La philosophie de la vie en France.Annamaria Contini - 2022 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 119 (2):177-202.
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  13. Philosophy engines: Technology and reading/writing/thinking philosophy.Annamaria Carusi - 2009 - Discourse 8 (3).
    Knowledge does not float free of the technologies available for its production and presentation. The intimate connection between ideas and praxis - embodied, technological, social - exemplified in any knowledge practice is, in the terms of Ihde & Selinger (2004), an 'epistemology engine'. This refers to the material-semiotic connections that obtain for any specific rendering of an idea. Often this material-semiotic connection is easier to recognise in the case of art than in that of knowledge, where it appears more-or-less obvious (...)
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  14. Bodmer e Breitinger e l'estetica sei-settecentesca italiana.Annamaria Razzano - 1963 - Rivista di Estetica 8:61.
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    Achilles from Homer to the Masters of Late Archaic Poetry, or: From pathos to Splendour.Annamaria Peri Scholar - forthcoming - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption.
    Philologus, founded in 1846, is one of the oldest and most respected periodicals in the field of Classics. It publishes articles on Greek and Latin literature, historiography, philosophy, history of religion, linguistics, reception, and the history of scholarship. The journal aims to contribute to our understanding of Greco-Roman culture and its lasting influence on European civilization. The journal Philologus, conceived as a forum for discussion among different methodological approaches to the study of ancient texts and their reception, publishes original scholarly (...)
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  16. Definition and Explanation in Plotinus: Some Problems.Annamaria Schiaparelli - 2010 - In David Charles (ed.), Definition in Greek philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  17.  24
    Adherence Rate, Barriers to Attend, Safety, and Overall Experience of a Remote Physical Exercise Program During the COVID-19 Pandemic for Individuals After Stroke.Camila Torriani-Pasin, Gisele Carla dos Santos Palma, Marina Portugal Makhoul, Beatriz de Araujo Antonio, Audrea R. Ferro Lara, Thaina Alves da Silva, Marcelo Figueiredo Caldeira, Ricardo Pereira Alcantaro Júnior, Vitoria Leite Domingues, Tatiana Beline de Freitas & Luis Mochizuki - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction: The actions taken by the government to deal with the consequences of the coronavirus diseases 2019 pandemic caused different levels of restriction on the mobility of the population. The need to continue offering physical exercise to individuals after stroke became an emergency. However, these individuals may have barriers to adhere to the programs delivered remotely. There is a lack of evidence related to adherence, attendance, safety, and satisfaction of remote exercise programs for this population.Objective: The aim was to evaluate (...)
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  18. Perspectivism and Intersubjective Criteria for Personal Identity: A Defense of Bernard Williams' Criterion of Bodily Continuity.Tristan Guillermo Torriani - 2008 - Princípios 15 (23):153-190.
    In this article I revisit earlier stages of the discussion of personal identity, before Neo-Lockean psychological continuity views became prevalent. In particular, I am interested in Bernard Williams’ initial proposal of bodily identity as a necessary, although not sufficient, criterion of personal identity. It was at this point that psychological continuity views came to the fore arguing that bodily identity was not necessary because brain transplants were logically possible, even if physically impossible. Further proposals by Shoemaker of causal relations between (...)
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  19. Il problema della libertà in Rosmini.Annamaria Tripodi - 1976 - Roma: Città nuova.
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  20.  29
    Platonic Ideas and Appearance in Aristotle’s Topics.Annamaria Schiaparelli - 2017 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 99 (2):129-155.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie Jahrgang: 99 Heft: 2 Seiten: 129-155.
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  21. Harvesting the Promise of AOPs: An assessment and recommendations.Annamaria Carusi, Mark R. Davies, Giovanni De De Grandis, Beate I. Escher, Geoff Hodges, Kenneth M. Y. Leung, Maurice Wheelan, Catherine Willet & Gerald T. Ankley - 2018 - Science of the Total Environment 628:1542-1556.
    The Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) concept is a knowledge assembly and communication tool to facilitate the transparent translation of mechanistic information into outcomes meaningful to the regulatory assessment of chemicals. The AOP framework and associated knowledgebases (KBs) have received significant attention and use in the regulatory toxicology community. However, it is increasingly apparent that the potential stakeholder community for the AOP concept and AOP KBs is broader than scientists and regulators directly involved in chemical safety assessment. In this paper we (...)
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  22.  75
    Aristotle on the fallacies of combination and division in Sophistici Elenchi 4.Annamaria Schiaparelli - 2003 - History and Philosophy of Logic 24 (2):111-129.
    This paper discusses the fallacies of combination and division as they are presented by Aristotle in chapter 4 of his Sophistici Elenchi. Aristotle's examples are concise, their discussion is unclear, and it is difficult to distinguish the cases of combination from those of division. I analyse the Aristotelian examples and the interpretations offered so far. I show that these interpretations suffer from a major defect: they fail to identify a common characteristic whereby the Aristotelian examples can be classified as instances (...)
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  23.  19
    Implicit trust in clinical decision-making by multidisciplinary teams.Annamaria Carusi & Sophie Baalen - 2019 - Synthese 196 (11):4469-4492.
    In clinical practice, decision-making is not performed by individual knowers but by an assemblage of people and instruments in which no one member has full access to every piece of evidence. This is due to decision making teams consisting of members with different kinds of expertise, as well as to organisational and time constraints. This raises important questions for the epistemology of medicine, which is inherently social in this kind of setting, and implies epistemic dependence on others. Trust in these (...)
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  24.  28
    Ethical dimensions of paediatric nursing: A rapid evidence assessment.Annamaria Bagnasco, Lucia Cadorin, Michela Barisone, Valentina Bressan, Marina Iemmi, Marzia Prandi, Fiona Timmins, Roger Watson & Loredana Sasso - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (1):111-122.
    Background: Paediatric nurses often face complex situations requiring decisions that sometimes clash with their own values and beliefs, or with the needs of the children they care for and their families. Paediatric nurses often use new technology that changes the way they provide care, but also reduces their direct interaction with the child. This may generate ethical issues, which nurses should be able to address in the full respect of the child. Research question and objectives: The purpose of this review (...)
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  25.  18
    Mixed Reality for Cross-Cultural Integration: Using Positive Technology to Share Experiences and Promote Communication.Annamaria Recupero, Stefano Triberti, Camilla Modesti & Alessandra Talamo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Mathematical Features of Whitehead’s Point-free Geometry.Annamaria Miranda & Giangiacomo Gerla - 2008 - In Michel Weber and Will Desmond (ed.), Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought. De Gruyter. pp. 119-130.
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  27.  12
    L’Influenza Della Retorica di Aristotele in Eta Imperiale: L'Importanza di Essere Chiaramente Ambigui.Annamaria Schiaparelli - 1999 - Méthexis 12 (1):53-75.
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  28. Epistemological Problems in Aristotle’s Concept of Definition.Annamaria Schiaparelli - 2011 - Ancient Philosophy 31 (1):127-143.
  29.  27
    A Promise of Happiness? Nietzsche on Beauty.Annamaria Lossi - 2022 - Nietzsche Studien 51 (1):179-194.
    Nietzsche presents a challenging conception of aesthetics. One of the most well-known discussions on this issue is presented by Heidegger in Der Wille zur Macht als Kunst. In discussing Nietzsche’s aesthetic theory, Heidegger argues that Nietzsche’s reception of Kantian aesthetics is only ever indirect and necessarily mediated by Schopenhauer. His conclusion hinges on what he considers to be a widespread misinterpretation of Kant’s theory of the beautiful, a misinterpretation that begins with Schopenhauer but characterizes all of Kant’s followers, especially Nietzsche. (...)
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  30.  10
    In cammino con Edgar Morin.Annamaria Anselmo (ed.) - 2020 - Messina: Armando Siciliano editore.
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    Philosophical sources for Morin's sociology.Annamaria Anselmo - 2005 - World Futures 61 (6):470 – 480.
    The aim of this work is to show how Edgar Morin chose Vico and Hegel as cultural points of reference while elaborating a new method as an alternative to classical scientific knowledge. The French philosopher did this specifically when he tried to re-propose the problem s of history and the event in human sciences. The origins of sociology arose from the explicit extension of the scientific method to the socio-anthropological world; that is, with the intention of studying society as a (...)
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    Some Perplexities of Teaching Philosophy Online.Annamaria Carusi - 2006 - Discourse: Learning and Teaching in Philosophical and Religious Studies 5 (2):153-171.
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  33. Plus que la vie. L'esthétique sociologique de Guyau.Annamaria Contini - 2004 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 46:67-92.
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  34.  43
    Secular human rights: A challenge for the churches, a chance for the women.Annamaria Grünfelder - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (3):949-957.
  35.  67
    Implicit Trust in the Space of Reasons.Annamaria Carusi - 2009 - Journal of Social Epistemology 23 (1):25-43.
    Pila (2009) has criticised the recommendations made by requirements engineers involved in the design of a grid technology for the support of distributed readings of mammograms made by Jirotka et al. (2005). The disagreement between them turns on the notion of “biographical familiarity” and whether it can be a sound basis for trust for the performances of professionals such as radiologists. In the first two sections, this paper gives an interpretation of the position of each side in this disagreement and (...)
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  36.  30
    Le forme del patto e la teoria dei governi nel discours sur l'inégalité di Rousseau.Annamaria Loche - 2015 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 70 (1):65-78.
  37.  16
    Federico Vercellone, Oltre la bellezza.Annamaria Lossi - 2009 - Prolegomena 8 (1):119-124.
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  38.  22
    Achilles from Homer to the Masters of Late Archaic Poetry, or: From pathos to Splendour.Annamaria Peri - 2019 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 163 (1):1-15.
    Late archaic lyric poetry tends to obscure all pathetic and tragic elements of Achilles’ destiny present in the Iliad. The offence against his honour, his grief for Patroclus, his yearning for native Phthia, and a painful awareness of being ὠκύμορος – none of these themes play a role in the passages of Pindar, Bacchylides or Simonides where Achilles is mentioned. Yet each of these three poets operates differently with regard to the epic source, and it is worth investigating how they (...)
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  39. Ennead VI. 7 [38] 2: An Outline of Some Problems.Annamaria Schiaparelli - 2010 - In David Charles (ed.), Definition in Greek philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 467.
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  40. Plotinus on dialectic.Annamaria Schiaparelli - 2009 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 91 (3):253-287.
    In this paper, Plotinus' treatise On Dialectic I.3 [20] is discussed. In the first part of the paper, I argue that for Plotinus the importance of dialectic stands in the method of division that enables one to grasp the ‘what it is’. I present and examine some passages which contain a description of dialectic and an account of its activity. I then look into the reasons why Plotinus affirms the superiority of dialectic, as he conceived it, over logic, as the (...)
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  41.  8
    From the contemplative to the unbalanced intellect: Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and Piaget.Tristan Guillermo Torriani - 2018 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 9 (2):134.
    O discernimento entre o bem e o mal pode ser considerado a preocupação central da Filosofia, mas seu cultivo requer uma combinação complexa de habilidades cognitivas, linguísticas e sociais complexas. Diferentemente da religião ou da Teologia, espera-se que os filósofos superem a confusão ao apresentarem posições sustentáveis forma puramente lógica, sem apelos à autoridade ou às emoções. Isto deposita altas expectativas sobre o intelecto, a nossa habilidade de usar a razão discursiva. Schopenhauer defendia que a Filosofia seria primariamente teórica ou (...)
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  42.  75
    From transcendental to practical intersubjectivity: a social psychological approach to Kant's musical aesthetics.Tristan Torriani - 2010 - Trans/Form/Ação 33 (1):125-154.
    É bem sabido que a estética de Kant está estruturada intersubjetivamente, porque ele honra a reivindicação do gosto pela universalidade. No entanto, o fundamento transcendental desta universalidade compartilhada é uma base suprasensível tida por certa, mas que não pode ser trazida diretamente para dentro da experiência comunicativa. O apelo kantiano à estrutura sintética a priori do juízo estético também remove-o da esfera da interação pessoal observável. Esta estratégia argumentativa expõe-no a desafios céticos e gera referências inacessíveis às representações internas (sejam (...)
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  43.  17
    Schopenhauer, Wagner e a Ópera: algumas dificuldades com a metafísica musical a partir de uma abordagem psicolinguística.Tristan Torriani - 2010 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 1 (1):138.
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  44. L'interiorità oggettiva e il gioco del tempo.Annamaria Treppiedi - 2008 - Giornale di Metafisica 30 (3):519-540.
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  45. Making the Visual Visible in Philosophy of Science.Annamaria Carusi - 2012 - Spontaneous Generations 6 (1):106-114.
    As data-intensive and computational science become increasingly established as the dominant mode of conducting scientific research, visualisations of data and of the outcomes of science become increasingly prominent in mediating knowledge in the scientific arena. This position piece advocates that more attention should be paid to the epistemological role of visualisations beyond their being a cognitive aid to understanding, but as playing a crucial role in the formation of evidence for scientific claims. The new generation of computational and informational visualisations (...)
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    Bridging Museum Mission to Visitors’ Experience: Activity, Meanings, Interactions, Technology.Annamaria Recupero, Alessandra Talamo, Stefano Triberti & Camilla Modesti - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:486454.
    In recent years, the contribution of various disciplines and professionals (i.e. from marketing, computer science, psychology and pedagogy) to museum management has encouraged the development of a new conception of museology. Specifically, psychology has affected the overall conception of museum and the visitors towards a more holistic vision of the museum experience as a complexity of memory, personal drives, group identity, meaning-making process, as well as leisure preferences. In this regard, psychological research contributes to advance the scientific knowledge about psychological (...)
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  47.  34
    Implicit Trust in the Space of Reasons and Implications for Technology Design: A Response to Justine Pila.Annamaria Carusi - 2009 - Social Epistemology 23 (1):25-43.
    In this issue, Pila (2009) has criticised the recommendations made by requirements engineers involved in the design of a grid technology for the support of distributed readings of mammograms made by Jirotka et al. (2005). The disagreement between them turns on the notion of “biographical familiarity” and whether it can be a sound basis for trust for the performances of professionals such as radiologists. In the first two sections, this paper gives an interpretation of the position of each side in (...)
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  48.  51
    Validation and variability: Dual challenges on the path from systems biology to systems medicine.Annamaria Carusi - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 48:28-37.
  49. Trust in the Virtual/Physical Interworld.Annamaria Carusi - 2011 - In Charles Ess & May Thorseth (eds.), Trust and Virtual Worlds: Contemporary Perspectives. Peter Lang.
    The borders between the physical and the virtual are ever-more porous in the daily lives of those of us who live in Internet enabled societies. An increasing number of our daily interactions and transactions take place on the Internet. Social, economic, educational, medical, scientific and other activities are all permeated by the digital in one or other kind of virtual environment. Hand in hand with the ever-increasing reach of the Internet, the digital and the virtual, go concerns about trust. In (...)
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  50.  16
    Taking Philosophical Dialogue Online.Annamaria Carusi - 2003 - Discourse: Learning and Teaching in Philosophical and Religious Studies 3 (1):95-156.
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