Results for 'Anne Marie Champagne'

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  1. Interpreting the body: between meaning and matter.Anne Marie Champagne & Asia Friedman (eds.) - 2023 - Bristol, UK: Bristol University Press.
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    Anne-Marie du Boccage: La Colombiade (1756) – Die Columbiade (1762): Édition Bilingue, Établie Et Présentée Par Ina Schabert – Zweisprachige Kritische Edition, Herausgegeben von Ina Schabert.Anne-Marie du Boccage - 2021 - Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
    La Colombiade war bis zur französischen Revolution ein in Frankreich und in den westeuropäischen Ländern vielbeachtetes Epos. Aus heutiger Sicht ist das gut lesbare Gedicht erneut von Interesse: es wägt Segnungen und Schäden der Kolonialisierung gegeneinander ab, propagiert die Idee eines auf wissenschaftlichem und humanistischem Ethos gegründeten Europas, und artikuliert das aufklärerische Selbstbewusstsein einer schreibenden Frau. Die Einführung der Herausgeberin stellt das Gedicht in den Wissenshorizont der Entstehungszeit und skizziert die Rezeption. Der Anhang informiert über Textvarianten, bringt erläuternde Anmerkungen und (...)
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    Expanded Prenatal Testing: Maintaining a Non-Directive Approach to Promote Reproductive Autonomy.Anne-Marie Laberge, Tierry M. Laforce, Marie-Françoise Malo, Julie Richer, Marie-Christine Roy & Vardit Ravitsky - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (2):39-42.
    In "Implementing Expanded Prenatal Genetic Testing: Should Parents Have Access to Any and All Fetal Genetic Information?," Bayefsky and Berkman argue in favor of establishing three categorie...
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    Moral Philosophy and Moral Life.Anne-Marie Søndergaard Christensen - 2020 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Anne-Marie Søndergaard Christensen presents a new account of the role of moral philosophy and its relationship to our ordinary moral lives. She challenges the idea that moral theories have an authoritative explanatory or action-guiding role, and develops instead a descriptive, pluralistic, and elucidatory conception of moral philosophy.
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    Use of cadavers to train surgeons: respect for donors should remain the guiding principle.Anne Marie Slowther - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (7):472-473.
    Hannah James makes a persuasive case for the use of donated bodies and body parts in surgical training, enabling high fidelity training, improved competency of surgeons and reduced risk of harm to patients from trainees ‘learning on the job’.1 She also identifies some pertinent ethical questions that arise from this practice that should be considered by training organisations, regulatory authorities and the trainees themselves. Many countries throughout the world have regulated programmes, governed by strict ethical principles, for donating bodies, usually (...)
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    Stéphane Gougelmann & Anne Verjus (dir.), Écrire le mariage en France au xixe.Anne-Marie Sohn - 2019 - Clio 49:314-317.
    Ce colloque devenu livre comble une lacune. Alors que le sujet a été labouré pour le xviiie siècle, aucune synthèse n’existait jusque-là sur le mariage dans la littérature du xixe siècle. Or, la rupture avec les Lumières est frappante comme l’attestent, par exemple, les réécritures d’Inès de Castro étudiées par Maurizio Melai. Le thème du « mariage interdit », inspiré par la tragédie d’Houdar de la Motte (1723) mais subverti un siècle plus tard, illustre le passage de l’Ancien Régime aristocr...
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  7. The concept of autonomy and its interpretation in health care.Anne-Marie Slowther - 2007 - Clinical Ethics 2 (4):173-175.
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    From Community-Based Carrier Programs to Opportunistic Carrier Screening: How the Objective of Carrier Screening Was Lost in Translation.Anne-Marie Laberge - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (7):123-126.
    I agree with Dive et al. (2023) “that generating and reporting information about genetic variants beyond the scope of the screening program usually lacks clinical, and perhaps personal, utility” an...
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    Reading Plato’s Dialogues to Enhance Learning and Inquiry: Exploring Socrates’ Use of Protreptic for Student Engagement, written by Mason Marshall.Anne-Marie Schultz - 2023 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 17 (1):129-131.
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  10. Medical ethics in France: The latest great political debate.Anne Marie Moulin - 1988 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 9 (3).
    The American term Bioethics has been adopted over the last ten years and the development of Bioethics committees on the American model testifies this influence, even before the official appointment of a National Committee in 1983. This phenomenon acknowledged as the emergence of French bioethics is in fact the final outcome of a long-lasting crisis in the medical profession, in quest for a new style of ethics, breaking with the traditional professional ethics (French Déontologie, through the Ordre des Médecins). Among (...)
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    The earliest Homo sapiens (sapiens): Biological, chronological and taxonomic perspectives.Anne-Marie Tillier - 2007 - Diogenes 54 (2):110 - 121.
    Over the last twenty years the debate over the origin of modern Man has broadened, the supporters of a theory of regional diversification of Homo sapiens being often opposed by those holding to the single source theory (the ‘Out of Africa’ model). At the same time, the idea of Homo neanderthalensis as a separate species was being resurrected, supported by bone classification typology and drawing on arguments derived from palaeogenetic analyses, which buttressed the case for the existence of distinct species (...)
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    Maria Goupil-Travert, Braves combattantes, humbles héroïnes. Trajectoires et mémoires des engagées volontaires de la Révolution et de l’Empire.Anne-Marie Sohn - 2021 - Clio 54 (54).
    Le travail de Maria Goupil-Travert clôt, de façon sans doute définitive, le sujet des combattantes de la Révolution et de l’Empire. Les Républicaines sont privilégiées puisque la jeune chercheuse s’est principalement appuyée sur vingt-huit dossiers du service historique de la Défense, constitués par ces dernières pour appuyer leur demande de pension auprès du ministère de la Guerre. Certes, leur nombre est faible, mais Manon Pignot, pour sa part, n’a pu travailler de façon approfondie que sur...
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    Løgstrup, Levinas and the Mother: Ethics, Love, and the Relationship to the Other.Anne-Marie Søndergaard Christensen - 2020 - The Monist 103 (1):1-15.
    In this article, I investigate the similarities and differences between the ways we relate to the other in ethics and in love through an engagement with the thinking of K.E. Løgstrup and Emmanuel Levinas. My point of departure will be a reading of a novel by Maja Lucas, Mother, which brings out the important and complicated nature of the relation between ethics and love. My main concern, however, is to investigate how Løgstrup’s and Levinas’s different conceptions of natural love point (...)
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    (1 other version)An Interview with Rianna Walcott.Anne-Marie McCallion - forthcoming - Symposion. Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences.
    Anne-Marie McCallion ABSTRACT: This is an interview with Rianna Walcott, the co-founder of Project Myopia – a student-led initiative to decolonise university curricula. The discussion explores the difference between ‘diversity’ and ‘decolonisation’: how these two concepts relate to and contradict one another. Walcott outlines some of the recent student efforts to ‘decolonise’ the university and ….
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  15. Determining best interests in patients who lack capacity to decide for themselves.Anne-Marie Slowther - 2007 - Clinical Ethics 2 (1):19-21.
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    Florent Gaboriau, Philosophie issue des sciences.Anne-Marie Guillaume - 1988 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 86 (69):105-106.
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    The paths of ethics in research in Laos and the Mekong countries: health, environment, societies.Anne Marie Moulin, Bansa Oupathana, Manivanh Souphanthong & Bernard Taverne (eds.) - 2018 - Marseille: Institut de recherche pour le développement.
    In an historic first, two ethics committees - one from Laos, the other from France - met in Vientiane in October 2015. Researchers examined a multitude of ethical issues related to health, the environment, and societies in countries in the Mekong region. Urgent, universal questions were discussed in local contexts ; productive debates illustrated a complex array of possible solutions. This book, born out of that meeting, serves as a guide for those working across the spectrum of scientific fields on (...)
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    “Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places”?Anne Marie Wolf - 2020 - Common Knowledge 26 (3):385-406.
    Examining, for a symposium on xenophilia, the views of some of the period’s most open-minded and tolerant thinkers, as well as the historical development of Christian writers’ treatment of Muslims, this article considers whether the term Islamophilia can be applied to any Christian’s attitudes during the Middle Ages. The analysis considers what qualifies as an expression of love for Muslims, the distinction between positive regard for Islam and positive regard for Muslims, and whether Islamophilia essentializes Muslims in the same way (...)
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    ‘I Think I Disagree’: Murdoch on Wittgenstein and Inner Life.Anne-Marie Søndergaard Christensen - 2019 - In Nora Hämäläinen & Gillian Dooley (eds.), Reading Iris Murdoch’s Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals. Springer Verlag. pp. 145-161.
    After receiving a copy of Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals, Murdoch’s friend Brian Medlin writes back: ‘So far I think I disagree with what you say in “Wittgenstein and the Inner Life,” but I’ll have to make sure that I’ve understood you aright before I launch into a complaint.’ Here, I reconstruct Murdoch’s reading of Wittgenstein and show its ambivalence. While Murdoch acknowledges Wittgenstein’s aim to dissolve illusionary ideas about the inner, she also thinks he presents substantial theses threatening (...)
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    La Philosophie dans la Cité: Hommage à Hélène Ackermans.Anne-Marie Dillens (ed.) - 1997 - Bruxelles: Publications Fac St Louis.
    Depuis près d'un demi-siècle, Madame Hélène Ackermans a coopéré très activement à l'organisation de l'École des sciences philosophiques et religieuses des F.U.S.L. Avec Monseigneur Henri Van Camp, elle a donné à la tribune des leçons publiques sa renommée internationale; auprès de l'actuel comité de direction, elle n'a cessé de prodiguer ses multiples compétences et ses conseils avisés. En hommage à son travail, il a été demandé à quelques-uns des penseurs avec lesquels Madame Hélène Ackermans a noué des liens d'amitié, de (...)
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    Waiting for Godot in Sarajevo (review).Anne-Marie Bowery - 2003 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 25 (1):105-106.
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  22. Sharing information in health care: the nature and limits of confidentiality.Anne-Marie Slowther - 2006 - Clinical Ethics 1 (2):82-84.
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    Each Other’s World, Each Other’s Fate—Løgstrup’s Conception of Basic Trust.Anne-Marie Søndergaard Christensen & Cecilie Eriksen - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 29 (1):24-43.
    Since the publication of Annette Baier’s agenda-setting article entitled ‘Trust and Antitrust’, trust has become an increasingly popular topic, not only in moral philosophy and epistemology but als...
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    Sharing Data – Not With Us! Distrust as Decisive Obstacle for Public Authorities to Benefit From Sharing Economy.Ann-Marie Ingrid Nienaber, Andree Woodcock & Fotis K. Liotopoulos - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Future mobility planning to cope with ongoing environmental challenges such as air pollution has to be anchored in the work of every public authority worldwide. One recent trend that could support public authorities to meet the European Union’s sustainability targets is the creation and sharing of transport and mobility “big” data between public authorities via tools such as crowdsourcing. While the benefits of the use of big data to increase public authorities’ efficiency and effectivity and their citizens’ lives is well (...)
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    The Return of Results of Deceased Research Participants.Anne Marie Tassé - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (4):621-630.
    Until the mid-20th century, biomedical research centered on the study of specific diseases, concerned with short periods of time and small groups of living research participants. However, the growth of longitudinal population studies and long-term biobanking now forces the research community to examine the possibility of the death of their research participants.The death of a research participant raises numerous ethical and legal issues, including the return of deceased individuals’ research results to related family members. As with the return of individual (...)
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    It’s a Kind of Magic: Wittgenstein on Understanding and Weltanschauung in the Remarks on Frazer.Anne-Marie Søndergaard Christensen - 2016 - In Aidan Seery, Josef G. F. Rothhaupt & Lars Albinus (eds.), Wittgenstein’s Remarks on Frazer: The Text and the Matter. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 207-232.
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    The role of the family in patient care.Anne-Marie Slowther - 2006 - Clinical Ethics 1 (4):191-193.
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    La communication et la question de l'universel.Anne-Marie Roviello - 1992 - Hermes 10:173.
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    Improving Real-Life Estimates of Emotion Based on Heart Rate: A Perspective on Taking Metabolic Heart Rate Into Account.Anne-Marie Brouwer, Elsbeth van Dam, Jan B. F. van Erp, Derek P. Spangler & Justin R. Brooks - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    A Critique of John Dewey's theory of fine art in the light of the principles of Thomism.Anne Mary Tamme - 1956 - Washington,: Catholic University of America Press.
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    Macht, Zwang und Gewalt - Notwendigkeit und Entartung.Anne-Marie Thunberg - 1971 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 15 (1):141-150.
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  32. Drawing Shadows on the Wall.Anne-Marie Bowery - 2001 - Teaching Philosophy 24 (2):121-132.
    This paper incorporates the work that Jeffrey Gold, Jim Robinson, and Jonathan Schonsheck have done into an innovative method for teaching Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. The method involves breaking students into small groups and asking them to draw three images that depict the plot of the Allegory of the Cave. In addition to giving a description of this activity and detailing the pedagogical benefits, the paper considers possible objections to this exercise and suggests that this method provides a model (...)
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  33. Migrant belongings: memory, space, identity.Anne-Marie Fortier - 2000
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    Les plus anciens homo sapiens (sapiens).Anne-Marie Tillier - 2006 - Diogène 214 (2):132-.
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    Looking Beyond the Elenchus.Anne-Marie Bowery - 1998 - Southwest Philosophy Review 14 (1):157-168.
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    Conflits d’intérêts et expertises dans le domaine de la santé : l’annulation par le Conseil d’État d’une recommandation de l’HAS.Anne-Marie Duguet - 2012 - Médecine et Droit 2012 (112):10-15.
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  37. Development of clinical ethics services in the UK: a national survey.Anne Marie Slowther, Leah McClimans & Charlotte Price - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (4):210-214.
    Background In 2001 a report on the provision of clinical ethics support in UK healthcare institutions identified 20 clinical ethics committees. Since then there has been no systematic evaluation or documentation of their work at a national level. Recent national surveys of clinical ethics services in other countries have identified wide variation in practice and scope of activities. Objective To describe the current provision of ethics support in the UK and its development since 2001. Method A postal/electronic questionnaire survey administered (...)
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    Sciences varia vulgarisation scientifique.Anne-Marie Chouillet, Hervé Guénot, Robert Fox, Claude Blanckaert, Jean-François Baillon & Andreas Kleinert - 1992 - Revue de Synthèse 113 (3-4):487-498.
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    The Role of Body Image in Women's Mental Health.Anne Marie Cussins - 2001 - Feminist Review 68 (1):105-114.
    This article was inspired by the Body Image Summit on 21 June 2000 in London at which a panel, headed by Tessa Jowell, Minister for Women, led a discussion among representatives of the media and British fashion industry. The aims of the Summit were to consider the effects of advertising images on teenage girls and women and to develop a consensus from within these industries to incorporate a social and ethical awareness in their promotional activities. A negative reaction to this (...)
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  40. Ecotheology and the Practice of Hope.Ann Marie Dalton & Henry C. Simmons - 2010
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  41. Wittgenstein and ethics.Anne-Marie S. Christensen - 2011 - In Oskari Kuusela & Marie McGinn (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Wittgenstein. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
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    Wittgenstein, Psychological Self-Ascriptions and the Moral Dimension of Our Inner Lives.Anne-Marie Søndergaard Christensen - 2019 - In Joel Backström, Hannes Nykänen, Niklas Toivakainen & Thomas Wallgren (eds.), Moral Foundations of Philosophy of Mind. Springer Verlag. pp. 179-202.
    The aim of this chapter is to open the question of this pervasiveness of the moral by arguing for the impossibility of delimiting the moral in one specific case, that of psychological self-ascription. The first part presents two views of the relationship between nature and morality found in forms of scientific and relaxed naturalism. In the main part, I argue, first, that psychological self-ascriptions are in most cases not to be understood on the standard model of observation and descriptions, but (...)
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    The Role of Innocent Guilt in Post‐Conflict Work.Anne-Marie Søndergaard Christensen - 2013 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 30 (4):365-378.
    The phenomenon of ‘innocent guilt’ regards cases where people feel guilty without being responsible for the wrongdoing or suffering at which the guilt is directed. The aim of this article is to develop a consistent account of innocent guilt and show how it may arise in the aftermath of conflicts. In order to do this, innocent guilt is contrasted with guilt and collective guilt, and the account is substantiated by drawing on the writings of Ludwig Wittgenstein and Emmanuel Levinas, who (...)
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    From ICH to IBH in Biobanking? A Legal Perspective on Harmonization, Standardization and Unification.Anne-Marie Tassé - 2013 - Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology 7 (1).
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    Transcendence of the Unconditioned and Responsibility of Judgement.Anne-Marie Roviello - 2000 - In Guillaume de Stexhe & Johan Verstraeten (eds.), Matter of breath: foundations for professional ethics. Leuven: Peeters. pp. 3--107.
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    Memorial Notice.Anne-Marie Schultz - 2022 - Southwest Philosophy Review 38 (1):1-5.
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    What regulates secretion of non‐stored proteins by eukaryotic cells?Ann Marie Gebhart & Raymond W. Ruddon - 1986 - Bioessays 4 (5):213-218.
    Protein secretion is conventionally viewed as taking place by either of two cellular routes, a regulated pathway, involving external stimuli and secretory granules, and a presumptive ‘constitutive’ pathway, which does not involve hormonal or neuronal stimuli or the production of secretory granules. The evidence reviewed here strongly suggests that there are post‐synthesis rate‐limiting steps for many proteins released by the ‘constitutive’ pathway and, hence, that regulation in some sense is involved here too. The nature of these rate‐limiting determinants and events (...)
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    Letter to Richard Marius.Anne Marie Drew - 1992 - Moreana 29 (Number 111-29 (3-4):166-166.
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    (1 other version)Hommage à : Pierre Fougeyrollas.Anne-Marie Laulan - 2009 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 53 (1):207.
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    Engraved Images, the Visualization of the Past, and Eighteenth-Century Universal History.Anne-Marie Link - 2006 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 25:175.
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