Results for 'Anti-counterfeiting trade agreement'

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  1. The anti-counterfeiting trade agreement: the ethical analysis of a failure, and its lessons.Luciano Floridi - 2015 - Ethics and Information Technology 17 (2):165-173.
    The anti-counterfeiting trade agreement was originally meant to harmonise and enforce intellectual property rights provisions in existing trade agreements within a wider group of countries. This was commendable in itself, so ACTA’s failure was all the more disappointing. In this article, I wish to contribute to the post-ACTA debate by proposing a specific analysis of the ethical reasons why ACTA failed, and what we can learn from them. I argue that five kinds of objections—namely, secret (...)
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    Combating Counterfeit Medicines and Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products: Minefields in Global Health Governance.Jonathan Liberman - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (2):326-347.
    In her opening address to the 2011 session of the World Health Organization's governing body, the World Health Assembly, WHO's Director-General, Dr. Margaret Chan, noted that WHO's job was much more straightforward when it was dealing mainly with germs, hygiene, medicines, vaccines and sister sectors, like water supply and sanitation. Today, international public health governance is much more complex. It is not only about forging agreement around shared health problems, but also being concerned with health as an outcome of (...)
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    Solidarity in the age of globalization: Lessons from the anti-MAI and Zapatista struggles. [REVIEW]Josée Johnston & Gordon Laxer - 2003 - Theory and Society 32 (1):39-91.
    While the Battle of Seattle immortalized a certain image of anti-globalization resistance, processes and agents of contestation remain sociologically underdeveloped. Even with the time-space compression afforded by new information technologies, how can a global civil society emerge among multi-cultured, multi-tongued peoples divided by miles of space and oceans of inequality? This article examines two cases that confronted the U.S. model of global corporate rule: the defeat of the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), and the Zapatista challenge to the (...)
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  4. Food sovereignty as decolonization: some contributions from Indigenous movements to food system and development politics.Sam Grey & Raj Patel - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (3):431-444.
    The popularity of ‘food sovereignty’ to cover a range of positions, interventions, and struggles within the food system is testament, above all, to the term’s adaptability. Food sovereignty is centrally, though not exclusively, about groups of people making their own decisions about the food system—it is a way of talking about a theoretically-informed food systems practice. Since people are different, we should expect decisions about food sovereignty to be different in different contexts, albeit consonant with a core set of principles (...)
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    Voter rationality and democratic government.D. Roderick Kiewiet & Andrea Mattozzi - 2008 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 20 (3):313-326.
    From a 1996 survey comparing the views of economists and ordinary voters, Bryan Caplan deduces several biases—anti‐market, anti‐foreign, pessimistic, and makework biases—to support his thesis that voters are rationally irrational, i.e., that, aware of the inconsequentiality of their votes, they rationally indulge their “preferences” for public policies that have harmful results. Yet if the standard of comparison is the public’s opposition to harmful policies, rather than the level of its opposition relative to that of economists, the “biases” disappear. (...)
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  6. The Intellectual Property Provisions of the United States-Jordan Free Trade Agreement: Template or Not Template.Bashar H. Malkawi - 2006 - Journal of World Intellectual Property 9:213-229.
    The objective of this article is to examine the implications of the intellectual property provisions in the US–Jordan Free Trade Agreement (US–JO FTA) and whether they serve as a template for other Arab countries who will be concluding free trade agreements with the USA. My claim in this article is that the intellectual property part of the US–JO FTA goes beyond the World Trade Organization Agreement and cannot form the right template for the proposed US–Middle (...)
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    Circumvention anxieties: Contemporary economies of dis/belief.Adam Lauder - 2011 - Technoetic Arts 8 (3):283-297.
    In an economy that increasingly trades in electronic information products, the copy assumes a new reversibility, as a figure at once valued for its rapid exchangeability and vilified for of its associations with counterfeit and fraud. The incorporation of confidence measures into the design of electronic information products is symptomatic of a primary crisis of belief installed within empiricist epistemologies, of which anti-circumvention technologies and knock-off economies are merely the incorrigible children. The aesthetic strategies practiced by Albert Oehlen and (...)
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  8. Come and Go? How Temporary Visa Works Under U.S. Bilateral Trade Agreements with Arab countries.Bashar H. Malkawi - 2010 - Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law 24:145-158.
    The United States (U.S.) and Jordan launched negotiations for a free trade agreement in 2000.The US-JO FTA includes a preamble, nineteen articles, three annexes, joint statements, memorandums of understanding, and side letters. In addition to the interesting articles on labor and environment, the US-JO FTA provides the opportunity for Jordanian nationals to come to the U.S. to make investments and participate in trade. Under certain conditions, Jordanian nationals can enter the U.S. to render professional services. The purpose (...)
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    Interactive Role of Consumer Discrimination and Branding against Counterfeiting: A Study of Multinational Managers' Perception of Global Brands in China. [REVIEW]Mahmut Sonmez, Deli Yang & Gerald Fryxell - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 115 (1):195-211.
    Prior research has examined consumer intentions to purchase fakes, branding strategies and anti-counterfeiting actions, but little attention seems to have been paid to the role of consumers’ ability to discern fakes and branding strategies against counterfeiting. This article, thus, based on a study of 128 multinational managers’ experience in China, examines these inter-relationships. As a result, we address how knowledgeable and experienced managers in branding, consumer consumption and anti-counterfeiting effort perceive consumers’ ability to discriminate fakes (...)
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    Growing the Pie or Slicing it Differently - on the Need to Disentangle Two Aspects of Trade Agreements.Peter Dietsch - 2017 - Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 10 (1).
    Recent trade negotiations such as TTIP include investor protection clauses. Against the background of an analysis of the case for trade, the paper asks whether such clauses can be justified from a normative perspective. More specifically, what is the impact of investor protection on the domestic distribution of the gains from trade between labour and capital, and how should we assess this impact from the perspective of justice? In order to answer this question, the paper develops a (...)
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    A free trade agreement of the americas: A case study of Brazil.Maria Eliana Cadario - 2003 - Inquiry: The University of Arkansas Undergraduate Research Journal 4.
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  12. The Anti-Danish Trade Boycott: Can it be Challenged under the World Trade Organization?Bashar H. Malkawi - 2008 - Mu'tah Journal for Research and Studies: Humanities and Social Sciences Series 22:61-84.
    The purpose of the paper is to examine trade boycott of Arab countries of Danish goods and role of WTO.
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    The High Price of “Free” Trade: U.S. Trade Agreements and Access to Medicines.Ruth Lopert & Deborah Gleeson - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (1):199-223.
    The United States’ pursuit of increasingly TRIPS-Plus levels of intellectual property protection for medicines in bilateral and regional trade agreements is well recognized. Less so, however, are U.S. efforts through these agreements, to directly influence and constrain the pharmaceutical coverage programs of its trading partners. The pursuit of increasing levels of intellectual property protection in successive bilateral and regional trade agreements has been driven, at least in part, by a U.S. desire to achieve standards of protection it anticipated (...)
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    The application of chatbot on Vietnamese misgrant workers’ right protection in the implementation of new generation free trade agreements (FTAS).Quoc Nguyen Phan, Chin-Chin Tseng, Thu Thi Hoai Le & Thi Bich Ngoc Nguyen - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (4):1771-1783.
    The accession and implementation of new generation free trade agreements bring numerous opportunities as well as challenges to Viet Nam, regarding trade, labor and investment. The increasing number of workers abroad puts a pressure on Vietnamese government to support them in new working cultures and environments. The application of chatbot, which has been known to help certain vulnerable groups such as patients, women and migrants could be one of the tools to support Vietnamese migrant workers by providing immediate (...)
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    The Poetical Trade of Favours: Swift, Mary Barber, and the Counterfeit Letters.Wendy Stewart - 1999 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 18:155.
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  16. The Social Clause of the U.S.-Jordan Free Trade Agreement: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back?Bashar H. Malkawi - 2008 - Journal of Law (Kuwait) 32:11-42.
    The purpose of this paper is to examine the labor and environment provisions of the US-Jordan FTA.
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    European Union and New Zealand Free Trade Agreement: promoting a global climate agenda.Beatriz Pérez de las Heras - 2023 - Araucaria 25 (54).
    Todos los Acuerdos de Libre Comercio (ALCs) concluidos recientemente por la Unión Europea (UE) incluyen capítulos sobre Comercio y Desarrollo Sostenible (CDS) donde se recogen compromisos mutuos en materia laboral y medioambiental. Las disposiciones sobre medio ambiente mencionan expresamente los acuerdos multilaterales que cada Parte se compromete a cumplir, como el Acuerdo de París sobre cambio climático. Sin embargo, la falta de un mecanismo de ejecución efectiva en caso de incumplimiento de las disposiciones sobre CDS merma la credibilidad de los (...)
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    The global education and the north american free trade agreement (NAFTA): exploring the opportunities for international education (La educación global y el tratado de libre comercio norteamericano (TLC): explorando las oportunidades para la educación internacional).J. N. Barragán - 2007 - Daena 2 (2):26-32.
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    Competition and Function: The Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement and the Philosophy of Health Care.Eike-Henner W. Kluge - 1991 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 10 (3):29 - 52.
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    Contract law, economic reasoning, and trade agreements.Elise Vâlcu - 2008 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 7.
  21. Bashar H. Malkawi, Regional Agreements and Regulatory Barriers to Trade in Services: Building Blocks to the Multilateral Foundation.Bashar H. Malkawi - 2019 - Journal of Business Law 34:251-265.
    Jordan agreed to extensive liberalization undertakings under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (“GATS”) that would open some sectors that were previously closed or restricted to foreign suppliers and investors. It undertook horizontal commitments in cross-border movement of individuals and commercial presence covering all types of services.
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    Emilie M. Hafner-Burton, Forced to Be Good: Why Trade Agreements Boost Human Rights: Cornell University Press, 2009. [REVIEW]Li Li - 2010 - Human Rights Review 11 (3):433-435.
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    This Birth and That: Surrogacy and Stratified Motherhood in India.Amrita Pande - 2014 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 4 (1):50-64.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:This Birth and ThatSurrogacy and Stratified Motherhood in IndiaAmrita PandeIn 2006, i came across a short newspaper article about the emergence of a new industry in India—the industry of paid birth or commercial surrogacy. People from all over the world could now hire Indian women to give birth to babies for them, for a fraction of the cost of surrogacy elsewhere and with no government regulations. After some digging (...)
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    Perspectives for International Law in the Twenty-First Century.Jan Wouters - 2000 - Ethical Perspectives 7 (1):17-23.
    In our increasingly interactive and interdependent world, we are confronted almost daily with issues in international law: think, for instance, of the recent Pinochet and Öcalan cases, the crises in Iraq, Kosovo and East Timor, or the banana and hormone disputes in the WTO. Add to this continual reports about the activities of international organizations, from the UN to the European Union, and it becomes clear that international law is the order of the day. Whoever follows these international developments, as (...)
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    Digital trade, digital economy and the digital economy partnership agreement (DEPA).Michael A. Peters - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (7):747-755.
  26. Clean Trade, Anti-Paternalism, and Resources’ Entitlement.Valentina Gentile - 2017 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 7 (1):79-94.
    In this paper, I examine whether Wenar's Bloody Oil ( 2016) succeeds in providing a theory able to accommodate the statist commitment to peoples’ sovereignty without dismissing the cosmopolitan concern regarding a just global market. Contextualising Blood Oil within the broader debate on global justice and resource ownership, I focus on some specific aspects of Wenar’s Clean Trade scheme and explain why it comes to quite radical conclusions. Yet, if these conclusions are taken seriously, Clean Trade seems too (...)
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  27. The recombinant BGH controversy in the United States: Toward a new consumption politics of food? [REVIEW]Frederick H. Buttel - 2000 - Agriculture and Human Values 17 (1):5-20.
    The history of the controversy overrecombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) is exploredin terms of the issue of the potential robustness ofa consumption-driven ``new'' politics of food andagriculture. It is noted that while the dominanthistorical traditions in the social sciences haveserved to discount the autonomous role that consumersand consumption play in modern societies, there hasbeen growing interest in consumption within foodstudies as well as other bodies of scholarship such aspostmodernism, social constructivism, socialcapital/social distinction, and environmentalsociology. A review of the shifting pattern (...)
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    NIH Licensing Would Benefit from Free-Market Provisions.Robin Feldman & Zachary Rosen - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (S2):24-27.
    Government encouragement of free markets is a highly effective means of fostering pharmaceutical innovation; the NIH, by including “free-market provisions” in its licensing agreements that discourage anti-competitive and research-impeding behavior, can do a great deal to support this goal even without legislative overhaul.
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    The Trade Gap: The Fallacy of Anti World-Trade Sentiment. [REVIEW]Emile Dreuil, James Anderson, Walter Block & Michael Saliba - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 45 (3):269 - 281.
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    Culture and international anti-corruption agreements in latin America.Bryan W. Husted - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 37 (4):413 - 422.
    This paper analyzes the likelihood that recent conventions against corruption signed by the OECD and the OAS will be effective in Latin America. It begins by looking at the cultural context of corruption in Latin America and examines efforts by Latin American signatories to implement both agreements. It then evaluates the extent to which these efforts will prove successful. It concludes with suggestions for the development of culturally sensitive policies that will be effective in the fight against corruption in Latin (...)
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  31.  19
    Inclusive Trade: Justice, Innovation, or More of the Same?Patricia Goff - 2021 - Ethics and International Affairs 35 (2):273-301.
    Inclusive trade is taking hold in various forms in international organizations and in the trade policy of national governments. Absent empirical evidence that will take time to generate, it can be difficult to assess the achievements of this new approach to trade. Nancy Fraser's three justice idioms provide a conceptual entry point for evaluating the potential of the inclusive trade agenda. Fraser argues that the contemporary global justice conversation must acknowledge claims for recognition, representation, and redistribution. (...)
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    Global Framework Agreements and Trade Unions as Monitoring Agents in Transnational Corporations.Rémi Bourguignon, Pierre Garaudel & Simon Porcher - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 165 (3):517-533.
    In combining the micropolitics approach in international management, the industrial relations literature and business ethics, this article conceptualizes global framework agreements as an alliance between central CSR managers of transnational corporations and central actors within trade unions to monitor subsidiaries in the implementation of CSR policies. The empirical investigation, based on the qualitative analysis of ten French multinational companies, confirms the relevance of such a conceptualization. It particularly shows that central CSR managers hope mobilizing the union network to increase (...)
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    ‘Skin Trade’: Genealogy of Anti-ageing ‘Whiteness Therapy’ in Colonial Medicine.Amina Mire - 2014 - Medicine Studies 4 (1):119-129.
    This article investigates the extent to which the emerging trend of do-it-yourself anti-ageing skin-whitening products represents a re-articulation of Western colonial concerns with environmental pollution and racial degeneracy into concern with gendered vulnerability. This emerging market is a multibillion dollar industry anchored in the USA, but expanding globally. Do-it-yourself anti-ageing skin-whitening products purport to address the needs of those looking to fight the visible signs of ageing, often promising to remove hyper-pigmented age spots from women’s skin, and replace (...)
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    The SPS Agreement: Addressing historical factors in trade dispute resolution. [REVIEW]Justin Kastner & Douglas Powell - 2002 - Agriculture and Human Values 19 (4):283-292.
    The World Trade Organization Agreement on the Application of Sanitary andPhytosanitary Measures (the SPS Agreement) isa product of international efforts to blendtrade liberalization with standards of publichealth protection. One of the aims of theAgreement is to facilitate the pre-emption andmanagement of food safety related tradedisputes. An examination of nineteenth-centuryand modern-day trade disputes illustrates howthe SPS Agreement is positioned to carry outthis remit. Historical research andcontemporary experience vindicate the Agreementas a necessary treaty to address severalfactors that (...)
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  35. Digitalization of International Trade.Bashar H. Malkawi - 2019 - Journal of Law and Technology 23.
    The question this article addresses is how the WTO supports and deals with digital trade. The article then analyzes how existing WTO agreements have dealt with digital trade. The article also addresses recent trade agreements particularly the USMCA.
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  36. U.S. Trade Relations with Arab Countries: Past, Present, and Future.Bashar H. Malkawi - 2009 - Global Jurist 9:1-54.
    Arab countries have adopted market economy principles and pursued policies designed to strengthen their economies. The cornerstone of Arab countries' long-term economic objectives has been to increase trade and support economic growth via regional and global integration. To this end, Arab countries are attempting to broaden their engagement in the multilateral trading system by joining the World Trade Organization (WTO). In addition, some Arab countries entered into trade arrangements with the United States (U.S.) to foster economic development, (...)
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    Clean Trade, Anti-Paternalism, and Resources’ Entitlement.Gianfranco Pellegrino - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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    The Trade Regime Complex and Megaregionals – An Exploration from the Perspective of International Domination.Clara Brandi - 2017 - Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 10 (1).
    Megaregional trade negotiations have become the subject of heated debate, above all in the context of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the Trans-Pacific Partnership. In this article, I argue that the justice of the global order suffers from its institutional fragmentation into regime complexes. From a republican perspective, which aspires to non-domination as a guiding principles and idea of global justice, regime complexes raise specific and important challenges in that they open the door to specific forms (...)
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    Trade and Totomoxtle: Livelihood strategies in the Totonacan region of Veracruz, Mexico. [REVIEW]Amanda King - 2007 - Agriculture and Human Values 24 (1):29-40.
    Following the implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Mexican farmers altered their livelihood strategies to respond to changing market incentives. While many commercial farmers responded to falling maize prices brought on by NAFTA by shifting into the production of vegetables for export, the coping strategies of low-income farmers have been varied, from diversifying income sources through off-farm employment, to migration, to searching for niche markets for new or added-value products. In the Totonocan region of the (...)
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  40. Limited Performance Agreements and the Cost/Quality/Access Trade-Off, 11 GEO. J.David A. Hyman, Charles Silver & Such Small Portions - 1998 - Legal Ethics 959:959.
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    International Trade and Health Policy: Implications of the GATS for US Healthcare Reform.Patricia J. Arnold & Terrie C. Reeves - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 63 (4):313-332.
    This paper examines the implications of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), the World Trade Organization’s agreement governing trade in health-related services, for health policy and healthcare reform in the United States. The paper describes the nature and scope of US obligations under the GATS, the ways in which the trade agreement intersects with domestic health policy, and the institutional factors that mediate trade-offs between health and trade policy. The (...)
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  42. Fair Trade: Three Key Challenges for Reaching the Mainstream.Anil Hira & Jared Ferrie - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 63 (2):107-118.
    After nearly 20 years of work by activists, fair trade, a movement establishing alternative trading organizations to ensure minimal returns, safe working conditions, and environmentally sustainable production, is now gaining steam, with increasing awareness and availability across a variety of products. However, this article addresses several major remaining challenges: (a) a lack of agreement about what fair trade really means and how it should be certified; (b) uneven awareness and availability across different areas, with marked differences between (...)
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    The Relationship Between Food Security and Trade Liberalization: Assessing the World Trade Organization’s Agreement on Agriculture and the Role of Transnational Corporations.Siti Musa - 2009 - International Corporate Responsibility Series 4:191-208.
    This paper addresses the issue of food security in developing countries and how agriculture plays an important role in achieving not only food security, but also in reducing poverty and promoting sustainable development. The promotion of trade liberalization by the World Trade Organization (WTO) through the Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) has undermined the productive capacity of developing countries and their comparative advantage in the agricultural sector, marginalizing small-scale farmers and benefitting the big corporations. The paper looks at (...)
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    (1 other version)Brexit and the Future UK-EU Trade Relationship. Confronting the Challenges.Federico Ortino - 2017 - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 2.
    Since the EU referendum took place in June 2016, the British government’s task to implementing the vote to leave the EU has been monumental. With regard to the future trade relationship with the EU27, the British government has proposed a ‘bold and ambitious’ free trade agreement aimed at the ‘freest and most frictionless trade possible’. The complexity of achieving such an agreement within the limited timeframe available has generated lot of controversy, uncertainty and anxiety. The (...)
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  45. Reforming Rules of Origin in Greater Arab Free Trade Area for Effective Economic Integration.Bashar H. Malkawi - 2017 - Economic Research Policy Forum Brief 29:1-7.
    Free trade agreements are about reducing tariffs, market access in services, protection of intellectual property rights, streamlining customs procedures, trade remedy measures, and dispute settlement mechanism. Equally important if not even more important than these provisions is the designation of rules of origin. Many benefits can be lost if restrictive rules of origin are incorporated. Rules of origin are supposed to be straightforward and easy-to-follow methods used to determine origin of imported goods. The policy question that arises is (...)
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    Modeling Trade Policy: Applied General Equilibrium Assessments of North American Free Trade.Joseph F. Francois & Clinton R. Shiells (eds.) - 1994 - Cambridge University Press.
    Applied general equilibrium models have received considerable attention and scrutiny in the public debate over the North American Free Trade Agreement. This collection brings together the leading AGE models that have been constructed to analyse NAFTA. A variety of approaches to modelling trade liberalization are taken in these studies, including multi-country and multi-sectoral models, models that focus on institutional features of particular sectors affecting multinational firms and rules of origin, and models with some inter-temporal structure. Further, by (...)
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    Free trade and economic integration with the United States : A critical view.J. Quiggin - 2003 - Dialogue: Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia. 22 (2):33-37.
    The debate over a possible Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the United States is complicated to the point that the famous Schleswig-Holstein question seems straightforward by comparison. As a result, the debate has been fragmented into a series of arguments on separate issues, more or less ensuring that it will not reach any satisfactory conclusion.
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  48. World Trade Organization.Christian Barry & Scott Wisor - 2021 - In Hugh LaFollette, International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
    The World Trade Organization (WTO) is a multilateral trade organization that, at least partially, governs trade relations between its member states. The WTO (2011a) proclaims that its “overriding objective is to help trade flow smoothly, freely, fairly and predictably.” The WTO is a “treaty-based” organization – it has been constituted through an agreed, legally binding treaty made up of more than 30 articles, along with additional commitments by some members in specific areas. At present, 153 states (...)
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    Freedom and Justice in Trade Governance.Sarah C. Goff - 2020 - Ethics and International Affairs 34 (3):401-412.
    Two recent books consider the future of trade governance.Consent and Tradeproposes reforms to trade agreements so that states can consent more freely to their terms.On Trade Justicedefends reforms to the World Trade Organization, arguing that multilateralism is the foundation for a “new global deal” on trade. Each book describes trade's distinctive features and proposes a principle to regulate both trade and trade governance.Consent and Tradedefends a principle of respect for state consent in (...)
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    The Perfect Business? Anti-Trafficking and the Sex Trade along the Mekong.Sverre Molland - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
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