Results for 'Anton Tautscher'

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  1. Wirtschaftsethik.Anton Tautscher - 1957 - München,: M. Huber.
  2.  81
    Errors in Pragmatics.Anton Benz - 2012 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 21 (1):97-116.
    In this paper we are going to show that error coping strategies play an essential role in linguistic pragmatics. We study the effect of noisy speaker strategies within a framework of signalling games with feedback loop. We distinguish between cases in which errors occur in message selection and cases in which they occur in signal selection. The first type of errors affects the content of an utterance, and the second type its linguistic expression. The general communication model is inspired by (...)
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    Relevance and Excellence.John P. Anton - 1970 - Journal of Critical Analysis 2 (1):1-11.
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    De relativiteit van kennis en werkelijkheid: inleiding tot de kennissociologie.Anton C. Zijderveld - 1974 - Meppel: Boom.
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    Optimal assertions, and what they implicate. A uniform game theoretic approach.Anton Benz & Robert Rooij - 2007 - Topoi 26 (1):63-78.
    To determine what the speaker in a cooperative dialog meant with his assertion, on top of what he explicitly said, it is crucial that we assume that the assertion he gave was optimal. In determining optimal assertions we assume that dialogs are embedded in decision problems (van Rooij 2003) and use backwards induction for calculating them (Benz 2006). In this paper, we show that in terms of our framework we can account for several types of implicatures in a uniform way, (...)
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    The sting of negativity: Irad Kimhi and Michael Della Rocca on the Parmenidean challenge.Anton Friedrich Koch - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (2):577-595.
    Irad Kimhi considers the conundrum, first addressed by Parmenides, of how negative facts can be the case and be thought, to be the puzzle that philosophy has been working to solve since Plato and Aristotle and wants to do his part by criticizing Frege's dissociation of sense and force and developing a more Aristotelian account of judgment. Michael Della Rocca considers the conundrum a hopeless aporia that we must avoid by embracing Parmenides' radical monism of being and in a recent (...)
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    A Theory of Vulnerability-based Morality.Anton J. M. Dijker - 2014 - Emotion Review 6 (2):175-183.
    The recent introduction of the concepts of tenderness, vulnerability, and parental care in the field of moral emotions has brought us closer to an understanding of the underlying mechanisms, but has not yet resulted in a systematic evolutionary and proximate analysis. Applying such an analysis, the present article proposes a hypothetical care mechanism that produces different motivational states or moral emotions (e.g., tenderness, sympathy, guilt, moral anger) in response to individuals perceived as vulnerable. The mechanism consists of a care system (...)
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  8. The Organization of the Corpus Platonicum in Antiquity.Anton-Hermann Chroust - 1965 - Hermes 93 (1):34-46.
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    Hyperpolitiek en politiek engagement in de eenentwintigste eeuw.Anton Jäger - 2024 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 116 (1):24-38.
    Hyperpolitics and Political Commitment in the Twenty-First Century What do the January 6th invasion of the Capitol and the anti-racist demonstrations of mid-2020 have in common? Both birthed some of the largest protest movements in American history, but also diminished rapidly after their initial, pre-revolutionary peak. This article reads the recent political sequence through the concept of ‘hyperpolitics’. In contrast to previous types of post-politics or mass politics, ‘hyperpolitics’ stands for a distinctly novel mode of political commitment characteristic of the (...)
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  10. Biased Questions and Hamblin Semantics.Anton Zimmerling - 2023 - Typology of Morphosyntactic Parameters 6 (2):92-135.
    This paper takes a stand on Hamblin semantics and its relation to the semantics-to-pragmatics interface. Biased questions, where the speaker finds one of the options more likely and expects the confirmation that p is true, raise a concern about the limits of Hamblin semantics. I argue that biased questions have modified Hamblin semantics, while unbiased questions have unconstrained Hamblin semantics. The optional bias feature explains compositionally. It is triggered by likelihood presuppositions ranging Hamblin sets and highlighting the preferred alternative(s). Biased (...)
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  11. Предикаты состояния и семантические типы предикатов [States, Events and Predicate Types].Anton Zimmerling - 2022 - In Svetla Koeva, Elena Ivanova, Yovka Tisheva & Anton Zimmerling (eds.), С.Коева, Е. Ю. Иванова, Й. Тишева, А. Циммерлинг (ред.). Онтология на ситуациите за състояние – лингвистично моделиране. Съпоставително изследване за български и руски. Cофия: "Марин Дринов", 2022. [Svetla Koeva, Elena Yu. Ivanova, Yovka Tisheva. Sofia: Профессор "Марин Дринов" [Professor "Marin Drinov"]. pp. 31-52.
    I discuss the foundations of predicate ontologies based on two model notions – elementary states of affairs and eventualities, i.e. ordered pairs of initial and end states of affairs. Vendlerian classifications are oriented towards elementary states and tense logic, while Davidsonian classifications deal with eventualities and event logic. There are two kinds of atemporal predicates - fact and properties. Facts are propositional arguments of second-order predicates which add a special meaning that the embedded proposition was verified. Properties are atemporal first-order (...)
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  12. Логика прогноза [The Logic of Prognosis].Anton Zimmerling - 1997 - In Н.Д Арутюнова & Т.Е Янко (eds.), Логический анализ языка. Язык и время. Н.Д.Арутюнова, Т.Е.Янко (отв. ред.). М.: Индрик, 1997. 352 с. [Logical Analysis of Language. Language and Time / Nina D. Arutyunova, Tatiana E. Yanko (Eds.). Moscow: Indrik, 1997. 352 p.]. pp. 337-347.
    This paper introduces and discusses three models of future: a determinist model, a stochastic model, and the model of True Prophetic Knowledge. All three models coexist in natural languages and are represented both in their grammatical systems and in the text-building discourse strategies speakers and authors apply to.
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    Comment on “Philosophy of mind as a problem of philosophy and science: representatives of the west and east”.Anton Vekluk - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (2):e0240037.
  14.  14
    Democracy as Ambitendent Phenomenon: Problems of National and Social Solidarity.Anton Finko - 2023 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 4:39-55.
    The article’s intellectual core resides in the examination of social phenomena through the lenses of ambivalence and ambitemptiness. Democracy is conceived through the cultivation of the ideal of national solidarity within the framework of the “indivisible and unified nation” and revolution — values which, according to B. Anderson, individuals do not choose of their own volition. Nevertheless, it functions by virtue of structures that are freely chosen by individuals, specifically political parties and civil society organisations, among which trade unions assume (...)
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    Leisure with dignity: essays in celebration of Charles R. Kesler.Michael Anton, Glenn Ellmers & Charles R. Kesler (eds.) - 2024 - New York: Encounter Books.
    Charles R. Kesler, an eminent scholar and prodigious editor, has exerted a profound influence on the study of American politics and the practice of American conservatism. A precocious high-school student, he impressed a visiting William F. Buckley Jr. who, before becoming a life-long friend, wrote him a recommendation letter to Yale. Kesler asked for another--to Harvard, where he completed his undergraduate degree and earned a PhD under the legendary professor Harvey C. Mansfield. An early passion for political journalism, played out (...)
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    Schellings erste Münchner Vorlesung 1827/28 "System der Weltalter".Anton Mirko Koktanek - 1959 - [n.p.,:
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    After the War?: How the Ukraine War Challenges Political Theories.Anton Leist & Rolf Zimmermann (eds.) - 2024 - De Gruyter.
    Russia’s war against Ukraine has grave consequences in several political categories. These include: a reassessment of the school of ‘political realism’, one of whose proponents claims to have predicted the war. Was the West partly ‘responsible’ for the war? Second, to what extent does the war of aggression, as an undeniable violation of law, damage the status of international law and justice? Third, the war is embedded in political developments that stretch back a century. It is examined in its context (...)
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    Bachelard vis-à-vis Phenomenology.Anton Vydra - 2017 - In Eileen Rizo-Patron, Edward S. Casey & Jason M. Wirth (eds.), Adventures in phenomenology: Gaston Bachelard. Albany, NY: Suny Press. pp. 91-106.
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    Herrschen und lieben als grundmotive der philosophischen weltanschauungen.Abraham Anton Grünbaum - 1925 - Bonn,: F. Cohen.
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    Ästhetik des Opfers: Zeichen/Handlungen in Ritual und Spiel.Alexander Honold, Anton Bierl & Valentina Luppi (eds.) - 2012 - München: Fink.
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    Butler, Judith. La fuerza de la no violencia: La ética en lo político. Barcelona: Paidós, 2021.Miguel Antón Moreno - forthcoming - Thémata Revista de Filosofía.
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  22. Una lectura habermasiana de la teoría moral de Hume.Francisco Javier Espinosa Antón - 2005 - In Gerardo López Sastre (ed.), David Hume: nuevas perspectivas sobre su obra. Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.
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  23. Athens Bestows the Decree of Proxenia on Aristotle.Anton-Hermann Chroust - 1973 - Hermes 101 (2):187-194.
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    Treason and Patriotism in Ancient Greece.Anton-Hermann Chroust - 1954 - Journal of the History of Ideas 15 (1/4):280.
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    Wilhelm Dilthey's Contribution to the Philosophy of History.Antón Donoso - 1968 - Philosophy Today 12 (3):151-163.
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    Homo universalis: încercare asupra naturii realității umane.Anton Dumitriu - 1990 - București: Editura Eminescu.
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    Musicality in human evolution, archaeology and ethnography: Iain Morley: The prehistory of music: human evolution, archaeology, and the origins of musicality. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013.Anton Killin - 2014 - Biology and Philosophy 29 (4):597-609.
    This essay reviews Iain Morley’s The Prehistory of Music, an up-to-date and authoritative overview of recent research on evolution and cognition of musicality from an interdisciplinary viewpoint. Given the diversity of the project explored, integration of evidence from multiple fields is particularly pressing, required for any novel evolutionary account to be persuasive, and for the project’s continued progress. Moreover, Morley convincingly demonstrates that there is much more to understanding musicality than is supposed by some theorists. I outline Morley’s review of (...)
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    Bibliographie.Anton Leist - 2000 - In Die Gute Handlung: Eine Einführung in Die Ethik. De Gruyter. pp. 399-407.
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    Gerald Bernard Phelan, 1892-1965.Anton C. Pegis & Arthur G. Kirn - 1965 - Mediaeval Studies 27 (1):i-xi.
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    (1 other version)Knowledge and expression.Anton C. Pegis - 1955 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 29:54-64.
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    Philosophy and civil law.Anton C. Pegis - 1975 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 49:228-237.
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    Expert knowledge for non‐experts: Inherent and contextual risks of misinformation.Anton Vedder - 2005 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 3 (3):113-119.
    One of the most significant aspects of Internet, in comparison with other sources of information, such as libraries, books, journals, television, radio etcetera, is that it makes expert knowledge much more accessible to non‐experts than the other traditional sources. This phenomenon has often been applauded for its democratizing effects. Unfortunately, there is also a disadvantage. Expert information that was originally intended for a specific group of people ‐ and not in any way processed or adapted to make it fit for (...)
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    Hermeneutischer Realismus.Anton Friedrich Koch - 2016 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    English summary: In this work, Anton Friedrich Koch develops a hermeneutical realism using methods of analytic philosophy, i.e. the thesis that although the real is independent from individual beliefs and perceptions, it is, however, not independent of there being beliefs and perceptions at all. We, the finite spatiotemporally embodied subjects, are therefore not a 'cosmic coincidence' but rather necessary for the existence of the material system of space-time, which, on the other hand, encompasses us and is in no way (...)
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    Ethics and Religion in Hegel. Or on how reason speaks differently than it thinks.Anton Adamut - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (28):176-198.
    Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;} Hegel is often considered as obscure author. This means that for him, reason speaks differently than it thinks. It is at stake, first of all, the Hegelian terminology and the invocation of Heraclitus. It is interesting that Hegel himself had spoken out against an obscure terminology and against the abuse (...)
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    Expert Assistance in Security Politics: Problems and Possibilities.Marina A. Glaser, Anton V. Polyachenkov & Nikolay N. Novik - 2022 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 64 (6):33-54.
    The article examines the problem of correlation between the “knowledge society” and “knowledge practice,” based on analysis of the phenomenon of security expertise as a part of political expertise. In the article, we consider the relationship between politics and security and demonstrate under what circumstances security becomes politics. It is noted that at present the concept of security has become very multifaceted and includes various spheres, from military-political to informational and humanitarian. We defines security expertise, list its key parameters, origin, (...)
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  36. Teorii︠a︡ sootnositelʹnosti.Anton Raĭkov - 2012 - Sankt-Peterburg: Aleteĭi︠a︡.
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  37. The pedagogic relationship in existential education.Anton Sevilla-Liu - 2025 - In Gregory S. Moss & Takeshi Morisato (eds.), The dialectics of absolute nothingness: the legacies of German philosophy in the Kyoto school. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
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    Building the future in the 21st century: In conversation with Yuval Noah Harari.Anton A. van Niekerk - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1).
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    “Hasta El Punto de Olvidarme de Todo Lo Que No Era Leer”: Emilia Serrano de Wilson, América Latina y Los ‘Modelos de Mundo’.Beatriz Ferrús Antón - 2015 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 15:199-216.
    La obra americana de la baronesa de Wilson es un buen ejemlo para estudiar cómo en el siglo XIX se vive la "batalla" por los "modelos de mundo", fruto del encuentro entre las viejas representaciones de lo americano nacidas de las crónicas y aquellas nuevas producidas por la ideología criolla.Este artículo trabaja las nociones de modelo mundo y modelización de la Crítica como sabotaje (Asensi) ejemplificadas sobre este corpues textual. El modo en que la mujer es representada en este contexto (...)
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  40. Some novel interpretations of the man and his life.Anton-Hermann Chroust - 1973 - [Notre Dame, Ind.]: University of Notre Dame Press.
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    Basic Writings of St. Thomas Aquinas: (Volume 1).Anton C. Pegis (ed.) - 1997 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    Includes the whole of the First Part of the Summa Theologica. Pegis's revision and correction of the English Dominican Translation renders Aquinas' technical terminology consistently as it conveys the directness and simplicity of Aquinas' writing; the Introduction, notes, and index aim at giving the text its proper historical setting, and the reader the means of studying St. Thomas within that setting.
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    Algunos aspectos de la Hermenéutica en la Antigüedad.José Antonio Antón Pacheco - 2023 - Isidorianum 10 (20):403-429.
    El nacimiento de la hermenéutica está condicionado por la existencia de la noción de Libro revelado. la necesidad demantener vivo y actualizado el sentido del Libro constantemente genera nuevas interpretaciones, lo que se refleja en la categorías de midrás, hagadá, Tárgum, tipología, etc., como puede ser apreciado en el judaísmo, en San Pablo y en el gnosticismo.
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  43. Spengler-Studien; Festgabe für Manfred Schröter zum 85.Anton Mirko Koktanek - 1965 - München,: Beck. Edited by Manfred Schröter.
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  44. Chtoby chelovek ros.Anton Semenovich Makarenko - 1966 - Edited by Chubarov, Lev Alekseevich & [From Old Catalog].
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  45. Eine Auswahl.Anton Semenovich Makarenko - 1967 - Berlin,: Volk und Wissen. Edited by Alexander Bolz.
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  46. Vospitanie v sovetskoĭ shkole.Anton Semenovich Makarenko - 1966 - Moskva,: Prosveshchenie.
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  47. Philosophia cordis.Anton Maxsein - 1966 - Salzburg,: Müller.
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    Benedict XVI: A Life. Volume 2, Professor and Prefect to Pope and Pope Emeritus 1966–The Present by Peter Seewald (review). [REVIEW]Emil Anton - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (1):285-289.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Benedict XVI: A Life. Volume 2, Professor and Prefect to Pope and Pope Emeritus 1966–The Present by Peter SeewaldEmil AntonBenedict XVI: A Life. Volume 2, Professor and Prefect to Pope and Pope Emeritus 1966–The Present by Peter Seewald, translated by Dinah Livingstone (London: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2021), viii + 568 pp.What better way to spend Pope Benedict XVI's ninety-fifth birthday (which turned out to be his last) than by (...)
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    Ideario Etimológico de José Ortega y Gasset. [REVIEW]Antón Donoso - 1983 - International Philosophical Quarterly 23 (2):224-225.
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    Human Reality and the Social World: Ortega's Philosophy of History (review). [REVIEW]Antón Donoso - 1977 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 15 (4):491-493.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 491 adequacy of his ideas. Yet our view of a person's character can govern our view of what he is trying to do. More specifically, if we think Dewey never completely abandoned the idealistic standpoint with its emphasis upon the harmony of self and community realization, that he sought out easy solutions to tough moral problems, we will not regard his work as making an honest attempt (...)
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