Results for 'Antoni Dümenech'

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  1.  74
    Wherein is Human Cognition Systematic?Antoni Gomila, David Travieso & Lorena Lobo - 2012 - Minds and Machines 22 (2):101-115.
    The “systematicity argument” has been used to argue for a classical cognitive architecture (Fodor in The Language of Thought. Harvester Press, London, 1975, Why there still has to be a language of thought? In Psychosemantics, appendix. MIT Press, Cambridge, pp 135–154, 1987; Fodor and Pylyshyn in Cognition 28:3–71, 1988; Aizawa in The systematicity arguments. Kluwer Academic Press, Dordrecht, 2003). From the premises that cognition is systematic and that the best/only explanation of systematicity is compositional structure, it concludes that cognition is (...)
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    Naturalizing Darwall's Second Person Standpoint.Carme Isern-Mas & Antoni Gomila - 2020 - Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Scienc 54:785–804.
    In this paper, we take Darwall’s analytical project of the second-person standpoint as the starting point for a naturalistic project about our moral psychology. In his project, Darwall contends that our moral notions constitutively imply the perspective of second-personal interaction, i.e. the interaction of two mutually recognized agents who make and acknowledge claims on one another. This allows him to explain the distinctive purported authority of morality. Yet a naturalized interpretation of it has potential as an account of our moral (...)
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  3. Playing at Being Gods.Antoni Abad I. Ninet - 2010 - Philosophia 38 (1):41-55.
    The present article commences analyzing the origins and influences of the religious discourse on the configuration of the modern constitutional discourse and the contributions of the jus-positivism in the consolidation of this sacred-civil language. The second issue is the definition of the U.S. Constitution as a mixed and not as a democratic constitution, with regard to the influences of Plato, Aristotle, Cicero and Polybius to the Drafters of the first modern constitutional text; stability and equilibrium took preference over democracy in (...)
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    On the sense of unsaturated expressions.Antoni Diller - 1993 - Philosophical Papers 22 (1):71-79.
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    Peirce y la ciencia cognitiva.Antoni Gomila - 1996 - Anuario Filosófico:1345-1367.
    In this paper I try to establish the relevance of Peirce's Semeiotics to the conceptual foundations of Cognitive Science. Given Cognitive Science's commitment to the Representational Theory of Mind, I try to clarify the nature of mental representation from the standpoint of Peirce's general theory of signs. As it turns out, mental representations, because of their special role as interpretants of non-mental signs, present especial problems for their interpretation, whose solution Peirce anticipated in a way very close to that developed (...)
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    Ocho desiderata metodológicos de las teorías sociales normativas.Antoni Dümenech - 1998 - Isegoría 18:115-141.
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    What is a thought experiment?Antoni Gomila - 1991 - Metaphilosophy 22 (1-2):84-92.
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  8. Recepcja myśli Sørena Kierkegaarda w filozofii Józefa Tischnera.Antoni Szwed - 2011 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 1 (2):275-290.
    English title: The Reception of Søren Kierkegaard’s Thought in Józef Tischner’s Philosophy. The aim of this article is to indicate sources of Józef Tischner’s philosophical inspiration in Søren Kierkegaard’s texts. For Tischner Kierkegaard apperared as a great expert of human matters and as a exquisite, subtle romantic writer. In his refined use of metaphors Tischner searches material to describe a network of almost imperceptible connections of values, norms and customs, by which a human being is wrapped in his/her everyday life. (...)
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  9. Comentarios críticos a los comentarios críticos.Antoni Domènech Figueras - 2005 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 25:167-180.
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  10. Myśl filozoficzno-społeczna Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego.Antoni Klinger - 1978 - Zielona Góra: Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna.
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    A Contribution to the History of Propositional Calculus.Antoni Korcik - 1953 - Studia Logica 1 (1):253.
    The anonimous scholiumOn all forms of syllogism was copied in 1884 from the Paris Codex 2064 by E. Richter. In 1899 M. Wallies published it in the preface to Ammonius' commentary on the Prior Analytics of Aristotle. There appear in that scholium, apart from the complex figure of Galenos, other characteristic forms of inference.Among these forms I found five so-called non-demonstrable stoic syllogisms, three modifications of the law of transposition of which the third is not mentioned by the authors of (...)
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  12. Hodnocení a hodnoty v činnosti člověka.Antonín Velehradský - 1978 - Praha: Svoboda.
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    Acerca de la naturaleza psicológica de la lingüística.Antoni Gomila Benejam - 1992 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 7 (1-3):973-987.
    Katz has denied the psychological import of Linguistics on the grounds of alleged inconsistencies that arise when Linguistics is conceived as a psychological enterprise, and proposed an alternative Platonistic conception. The paper discards the plausibility of this latter approach to the study of natural language but recognizes the difficulties Katz has pointed out. It is claimed that these difficulties appear if the “strong competence hypothesis” is assumed, that is, if it is assumed that the form of the speaker’s knowledge of (...)
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    Hobbes y el problema del realismo metafísico.Antoni Defez I. Martín - 2002 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 35 (1):273-296.
    En este artículo se propone una interpretación no paradójica de la defensa que hiciera Hobbes del realismo científico de corte materialista. Se trata de explicar cómo este autor pudo defender la verdad del materialismo y, a la vez, negar que ello pudiera ser demostrado metafísicamente. La clave de su posición depende del uso metafórico del concepto de 'imitación' y del tratamiento del poder infinito e irresistible de dios como su atributo filosóficamente relevante. Así, la intención de Hobbes consistiría en decir (...)
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    La influència de la Crítica del judici en l'estètica romàntica.Antoni Marí - 1988 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 14:9-18.
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  16. Odpowiedzialność w filozofii Andrzeja Nowickiego.Antoni Płoszczyniec - 2015 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 10 (3).
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    Jan Kłos, Freedom as an Uncertain Cause in Graham Greene’s Novels: A Philosophical and Literary Analysis.Antoni Szwed - 2013 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 61 (4):160-164.
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    Johna Locke’a koncepcja tolerancji jako reakcja na zasadę „cuius regio, eius religio”.Antoni Szwed - 2014 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 62 (4):65-85.
    Celem artykułu jest prezentacja i ocena argumentacji na rzecz potrzeby tolerancji religijnej, jaką znajdujemy w Liście o tolerancji Johna Locke’a. Pojęcie tolerancji zostało wypracowane przez angielskiego filozofa w odniesieniu do politycznej zasady cuius regio, eius religio, sformułowanej expressis verbis na Zjeździe w Augsburgu w 1555 r., ale znacznie wcześniej zastosowanej w Anglii za rządów króla Henryka VIII. Locke pokazał, że podporządkowanie religii bieżącej polityce było fatalnym błędem politycznym. W latach 1530-1689 spowodowało to państwowy terror, wrzenie społeczne i wyraźną deprecjację religii (...)
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  19. Virtuality as a basis for problem solving?Gianni Degli Antoni & Rita Pizzi - 1991 - AI and Society 5 (3):239-245.
    This paper is an attempt to develop a paradigm in problem solving where the notion of virtuality plays a central role. Following a brief discussion on virtual simulation, the paper attempts to identify a notion of virtuality based on the identification of the self (man or computer) with the problem solver. It is shown that such an identification/distinction possibly violates some general principle of the problem environment.To deal with this violation, a new problem is generated and a new virtualization act (...)
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    La relatività è proprio indispensabile?Giuseppe Antoni - 1959 - Terni,: Edizioni Thyrus.
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    Fronts oberts: quatre estudis sobre Wittgenstein, Russell i Heidegger.Antoni Defez - 2020 - Girona: Edicions de la Ela Geminada.
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    L'homme de geni.Antoni Marí - 1984 - Barcelona: Edicions 62.
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    Studia prawnicze.Antoni Peretiatkowicz - 1938 - Poznań,: Skł. gł.: Księg. św. Wojciecha.
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  24. A Second-Personal Approach to the Evolution of Morality.Carme Isern-Mas & Antoni Gomila - 2022 - Biological Theory 17 (3):199-209.
    Building on the discussion between Stephen Darwall and Michael Tomassello, we propose an alternative evolutionary account of moral motivation in its two-pronged dimension. We argue that an evolutionary account of moral motivation must account for the two forms of moral motivation that we distinguish: motivation to be partial, which is triggered by the affective relationships we develop with others; and motivation to be impartial, which is triggered by those norms to which we give impartial validity. To that aim, we present (...)
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  25.  51
    Why Does Empathy Matter for Morality?Carme Isern-Mas & Antoni Gomila - 2019 - Análisis Filosófico 39 (1):5-26.
    In this paper we discuss Prinz’s Kantian arguments in “Is Empathy Necessary for Morality?”. They purport to show that empathy is not necessary for morality because it is not part of the capacities required for moral competence and it can bias moral judgment. First, we show that even conceding Prinz his notions of empathy and moral competence, empathy still plays a role in moral competence. Second, we argue that moral competence is not limited to moral judgment. Third, we reject Prinz’s (...)
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    A simple “classical” interpretation of Fizeau's experiment.Giuseppe Antoni-Umberto Bartocci - 2001 - Apeiron 8 (3):139.
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    Lattice BCK logics with Modus Ponens as unique rule.Joan Gispert & Antoni Torrens - 2014 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 60 (3):230-238.
    Lattice BCK logic is the expansion of the well known Meredith implicational logic BCK expanded with lattice conjunction and disjunction. Although its natural axiomatization has three rules named modus ponens, ∨‐rule and ∧‐rule, we show that we can give an equivalent presentation with just modus ponens and ∧‐rule, however it is impossible to obtain an equivalent presentation with modus ponens as unique rule. In this paper we study and characterize all axiomatic extensions of lattice BCK logic with modus ponens as (...)
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    Core/periphery scientific collaboration networks among very similar researchers.Antoni Rubí-Barceló - 2012 - Theory and Decision 72 (4):463-483.
    Empirical studies such as Goyal et al. (J Polit Econ 114(2):403–412, 2006) or Newman (Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 101(Suppl. 1):5200–5205, 2004) show that scientific collaboration networks present a highly unequal and hierarchical distribution of links. This implies that some researchers can be much more active and productive than others and, consequently, they can enjoy a much better scientific reputation. One may think that big intrinsical differences among researchers can constitute the main driving force behind these inequalities. Nevertheless, this model (...)
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    Antecedents of CSR communication by hotels: The case of the Colombian Caribbean Region.Antoni Serra-Cantallops, David D. Peña Miranda & José Ramón-Cardona - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 30 (3):323-337.
    By measuring the level of CSR communication carried out by hotels located in the Colombian Caribbean region and identifying the main determinant factors influencing this level (including pressure from the different stakeholders), this paper contributes to deepening our understanding of the antecedents of CSR communication in small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in emerging economies and, particularly, in the hotel industry, for which no previous studies on this topic could be uncovered. The results reveal that the level of CSR disclosure (...)
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    Social Cognition and the Second Person in Human Interaction.Diana I. Pérez & Antoni Gomila - 2021 - London and New York: Routledge.
    This book is a unique exploration of the idea of the "second person" in human interaction, the idea that face-to-face interactions involve a distinctive form of reciprocal mental state attributions that mediates their dynamical unfolding. Challenging the view of mental attribution as a sort of "theory of mind", Pérez and Gomila argue that the second person perspective of mental understanding is the conceptually, ontogenetically, and phylogenetically basic way of understanding mentality. Second person interaction provides the opportunity for the acquisition of (...)
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    Lukasiewicz logic and Wajsberg algebras.Antonio J. Rodriguez, Antoni Torrens & Ventura Verdú - 1990 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 19 (2):51-55.
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    Bounded BCK‐algebras and their generated variety.Joan Gispert & Antoni Torrens - 2007 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 53 (2):206-213.
    In this paper we prove that the equational class generated by bounded BCK-algebras is the variety generated by the class of finite simple bounded BCK-algebras. To obtain these results we prove that every simple algebra in the equational class generated by bounded BCK-algebras is also a relatively simple bounded BCK-algebra. Moreover, we show that every simple bounded BCK-algebra can be embedded into a simple integral commutative bounded residuated lattice. We extend our main results to some richer subreducts of the class (...)
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  33.  16
    The Truth in Social Media.Andrés Bernstein & Antoni Gomila - forthcoming - Topoi:1-12.
    In the last chapter of In the beginning was the deed: realism and moralism in political argument, Williams raised the question of truthfulness in politics and warned that the media, particularly, television, and the market of communication in general, work in ways contrary to truthfulness -understood as the combination of the virtues of sincerity and accuracy. In this paper we would like to carry on Williams’ line of thinking in connection with the impact of the new social media platforms on (...)
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    Interculturalidad, democracia y emancipación social: algunos retos para una teoría política intercultural.Antoni Jesús Aguiló Bonet - 2011 - Astrolabio 11:1 - 13.
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    Topologiczno-ontologiczne poglądy Benedykta Bornsteina.Bolesław Antoni Bieniek - 2005 - Olsztyn: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie.
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    Wajsberg algebras and post algebras.Antonio Jesús Rodríguez & Antoni Torrens - 1994 - Studia Logica 53 (1):1 - 19.
    We give a presentation of Post algebras of ordern+1 (n1) asn+1 bounded Wajsberg algebras with an additional constant, and we show that a Wajsberg algebra admits a P-algebra reduct if and only if it isn+1 bounded.
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  37. Peirce y la ciencia congnitiva.Antoni Gomila Benejam - 1996 - Anuario Filosófico 29 (56):1345-1368.
    In this paper I try to establish the relevance of Peirce's Semeiotics to the conceptual foundations of Cognitive Science. Given Cognitive Science's commitment to the Representational Theory of Mind, I try to clarify the nature of mental representation from the standpoint of Peirce's general theory of signs. As it turns out, mental representations, because of their special role as interpretants of non-mental signs, present especial problems for their interpretation, whose solution Peirce anticipated in a way very close to that developed (...)
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    Boaventura de Sousa Santos: une proposition du dialogue interculturel à l'époque de la mondialisation.Antoni Jesús Aguiló Bonet - 2011 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 16 (54):51-65.
    A partir de la definición de la globalización neoliberal como un localismo occidental globalizado, expresión de un nuevo tipo de imperialismo cultural, el objetivo principal de este artículo es el de llevar a cabo una exposición analítica de la propuesta de traducción intercultural e interpolítica d..
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    Reseña "Descolonizar el saber, reinventar el poder" de Boaventura de Sousa Santos.Antoni Jesús Aguiló Bonet - 2011 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 16 (54):145-147.
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  40. El arte abstracto y lo indecible: el fondo abisal de la obra de arte.Antoni Gonzalo Carbó - 1998 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 11:128-151.
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    La visión teofánica en el sufismo de Ibn al-'Arabî (ob. 638/1240).Antoni Gonzalo Carbó - 2004 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 17:23.
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    Life Saved a Hundred Times.Antoni Czarkowski - 2006 - Dialogue and Universalism 16 (7-9):133-141.
    The author recounts the dramatic life of Warsaw’s population during the uprising against the Germans. After miraculously escaping death in a mass execution,Czarkowski teamed up with several other men and lived the hard life of a refugee among the city’s ruins. He and his companions continuously risked death, both from the hands of Nazi execution squads as well as in the buildings, methodically demolished by the occupant as the city was razed to the ground in revenge for the insurgency.
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    (1 other version)Les deux sexes ou l'imaginaire du Mâle Moyen Âge (Espagne).Antoni Furió - 1998 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 2:9-9.
    L’article passe en revue le développement de l’histoire des femmes au Moyen Âge en Espagne depuis ses origines, la fin des années 1970, et discute l’influence que les thèses de Georges Duby ont exercée sur elle. Il relève que les regards venus de l’étranger ont contribué à discréditer et faire abandonner les préoccupations nationalistes qui avaient longtemps obsédé l’historiographie autochtone jusque dans la façon d’envisager et représenter les femmes. Le long et fécond parcours de l’histoire des femmes dans les vingt (...)
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  44. El Dios de Ockham y la ética de la voluntad.Antoni Gari & Miguel Beltrán - 2004 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 31:23-36.
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    Understanding brain circuits and their dynamics.Antoni Gomila & Paco Calvo - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (4):274-275.
    We argue that Anderson's (MRH) needs further development in several directions. First, a thoroughgoing criticism of the several alternatives is required. Second, the course between the Scylla of full holism and the Charybdis of structural-functional modularism must be plotted more distinctly. Third, methodologies better suited to reveal brain circuits must be brought in. Finally, the constraints that naturalistic settings provide should be considered.
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  46. The Club of Rome-The Future of Europe- The Global Future.Antoni Kukliński - 2003 - Dialogue and Universalism 13 (9-10):43-46.
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  47. The Death of My Father.Antoni Marianowicz - 2002 - Dialogue and Universalism 12 (6-7):75-80.
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  48. Art as Technology.Antoni Porczak - 2008 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 10:113-118.
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    Rodzaje bezpośredniego poznania.Antoni B. Stępień - 1971 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 19 (1):95-127.
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    Krytyka Popperowskiej krytyki Hegla.Antoni Szwed - 1988 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 10.
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