Results for 'Antonio Magliulo'

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  1. La regolamentazione del mercato nella Costituzione italiana.Antonio Magliulo - 2001 - Studium 97 (6):913-936.
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  2. Liberalismo e cattolicesimo nel pensiero economico di Francesco Vito.Antonio Magliulo - 2008 - Studium 104 (3):399-430.
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    Effects of the “Active Communication Education” Program on Hearing-Related Quality of Life in a Group of Italian Older Adults Cochlear Implant Users.Ilaria Giallini, Maria Nicastri, Bianca M. S. Inguscio, Ginevra Portanova, Giuseppe Magliulo, Antonio Greco & Patrizia Mancini - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionThe present study aimed to evaluate the effects of the Active Communication Education program on the social/emotional impacts of hearing loss in a group of older adults with a cochlear implant.DesignProspective cohort study design, with a “within-subject” control procedure.Study SampleTwenty adults over-65 post-lingually deafened CI users. All subjects were required to be native Italian speakers, to have normal cognitive level, have no significant psychiatric conditions and/or diagnosed incident dementia, and used CI for at least 9 months.Materials and MethodsTwenty participants were (...)
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    (1 other version)Insurgencies: Constituent Power and the Modern State.Antonio Negri - 1999 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Kan demokrati - folkets magt - realiseres. Forfatteren gennemgår dette på baggrund af den konflikt, der altid har været mellem den påtvungne magt og den valgte magt.
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  5. (1 other version)The idealistic reaction against science.Antonio Aliotta - 1914 - London,: Macmillan & co.. Edited by Agnes McCaskill.
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    ¿Cuál debe ser el precio justo de un seguro?Antonio Heras - 2022 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 27 (2):147-165.
    Tradicionalmente, las primas de los contratos de seguros se han considerado justas o equitativas cuando se corresponden exactamente con el riesgo de las pólizas, medido este último mediante la esperanza matemática de la siniestralidad. En este artículo llevamos a cabo una crítica de este enfoque aparentemente objetivo y proponemos una justificación alternativa de la denominada equidad actuarial, basada en argumentos contractualistas. Para ello nos apoyamos en ciertas intuiciones de Jean Domat, un jurista francés del siglo XVII, acerca de la incertidumbre (...)
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    A força de trabalho como forma de ser: protoforma da individualidade do Capital em Marx.Antônio José Lopes Alves - 2023 - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas 28 (2):153-231.
    No presente artigo se apresenta uma análise do conceito marxiano de força de trabalho como uma categoria, um referente ideal geral de natureza teórica, cuja elaboração por Marx potencialmente faculta o rastreamento de traços essenciais para a compreensão crítica do caráter particular assumido pela individualidade nos contornos das formas de sociabilidade do capital. Nesse sentido, a discussão dos textos marxianos, bem como de obras de outros autores que abordam o tema ou questões conexas a este, tem como objetivo enumerar analiticamente, (...)
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    Critica dell'esistenzialismo.Antonio Aliotta - 1951 - Roma,: Perrella.
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  9. La conciencia moral hoy.Antonio Hortelano - 1971 - Madrid,: Edit. P. S.. Edited by Josef Endres & Domenico[From Old Catalog] Capone.
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    Problemas actuales de moral.Antonio Hortelano - 1979 - Salamanca: Sígueme.
    v. 1. Introducción a la teología moral. La conciencia moral -- v. 2. La violencia, el amor y la sexualidad -- v. 3. Etica y religión.
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  11. Il concetto di diritto oggi. Quattro tesi sul ruolo della fiosofia.Antonio Incampo - 2016 - In Bruno Montanari (ed.), Filosofia del diritto: il senso di un insegnamento. Milano: Mimesis.
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    La politica italiana nel 1871-1872: corrispondenze alle "Basler Nachrichten".Antonio Labriola - 1998 - Napoli: Bibliopolis. Edited by Stefano Miccolis.
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    Further Selections From the Prison Notebooks.Antonio Gramsci - 1995 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
  14.  21
    Some aspects of ethical argumentation: A reply to Daniel dahlstorm and John Marshall.Antonio S. Cua - 1987 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 14 (4):501-516.
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    "Undecidable Time: The Political Use of the Limits of Derrida's Democracy to Come" in Limina: Thresholds and Borders (eds.) J. Goering, F. Guardiani, G. Silano (Ottawa: Legas, 2005), 31-49.Antonio Calcagno - 2005 - In J. Goering, F. Guardiani & G. Silano (eds.), Limina: Thresholds and Borders F. Guardiani, G. Silano (Ottawa: Legas, 2005), 31–49. Legas Publishing.
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    Dall’intelletto potenziale alla coscienza eterna. Aristotelismo “averroizzante” e idealismo in Thomas Hill Green.Antonio Lombardi - 2021 - Quaestio 21:369-399.
    The essay examines Thomas Hill Green’s idealistic reading of Aristotle’s Metaphysics and De anima, starting from his “monopsychist” view of human understanding. His criticism of the Aristotelian notion of substance leads him to a recalibration of hylomorphism and a “noetization” of matter, which could be seen as an averroizing move. Green holds that there is only one “Eternal Consciousness” and that the individual thinking subjects are particular manifestations of it. As for Averroes’ unity of intellect, this idea derives from a (...)
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    Editorial.Antonio Marturano & Jonathan Gosling - 2005 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 14 (4):319–322.
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  18. Editorial: On IRIE Vol. 16.Antonio Marturano - 2011 - International Review of Information Ethics 16:1-2.
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    Unity and Diversity of Transcendental Reflection in Kant.António Marques - 2008 - In Valerio Hrsg v. Rohden, Ricardo Terra & Guido Almeida (eds.), Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants. de Gruyter. pp. 213.
  20. Salazar, prime minister of Portugal says..António Oliveira Salazader - 1939 - Lisbon,: SPN Books.
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    Social Construction of the Legal System. Research in the Northeastern Region of Romania.Antonio Sandu & Camelia Ignatescu - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (1):111-148.
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    Icônes.Antonio Gallego & José Maria Gonzalez - 2010 - Multitudes 42 (3):1.
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  23. Patentes y derechos.Antonio Garrigues & Dulce Miranda - 2007 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 49:139-143.
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    Blessed G. K. Chesterton?Antonio Gaspari & Paolo Gulisano - 2009 - The Chesterton Review 35 (3/4):782-784.
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    La ética vocacional, heroica, deportiva e ilustrada de Ortega y Gasset para tiempos de desorientación, parte I [The vocational, heroic, sportive and enlightened ethics of Ortega y Gasset for times of disorientation, part I].Antonio Gutiérrez - 2020 - Cinta de Moebio 68:108-119.
    Resumen: Este artículo pretende mostrar cómo Ortega y Gasset propone una ética vocacional, heroica y deportiva contra, por una parte, el idealismo abstracto y universalista de Kant y, por otra, contra el nihilismo ético de la época de las masas, que acaba en un positivismo utilitarista y en desorientación. Esa ética orteguiana presenta además un carácter humanista mundano, alejado de todo trascendentalismo y fundado sobre la autoilustración del sujeto. De esta forma, el sujeto puede ser dueño y señor de sí (...)
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  26. Giorgio Agamben: The discreet taste of the dialectic.Antonio Negri - 2007 - In Matthew Calarco & Steven DeCaroli (eds.), Giorgio Agamben: sovereignty and life. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. pp. 109--125.
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    Educating with Paulo Freire: Teaching and learning on the digital culture.Antônio Zuin & Roseli Rodrigues de Mello - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory.
    In the so-called digital culture, there is a constant presence of radical transformations on the cognitive and affective dimensions of the relations established among teachers and students. Upon this ubiquitous accessibility of information, the very historical and hierarchically verticalized relation between teachers and students has been increasingly questioned. Upon this situation, the authors in this article aim at stating that the revitalization of concepts developed by Paulo Freire, mainly the ones discussed in the books: ‘Pedagogy of Hope’, that sought a (...)
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  28. Precomprensión y contexto: visión y audición en la hermenéutica bíblica de San Agustín en relación con Martín Lutero.Antonio González Montes - 1986 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 13:61-98.
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    On Vaught’s Conjecture and finitely valued MV algebras.Antonio Di Nola & Giacomo Lenzi - 2012 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 58 (3):139-152.
    We show that the complete first order theory of an MV algebra has equation image countable models unless the MV algebra is finitely valued. So, Vaught's Conjecture holds for all MV algebras except, possibly, for finitely valued ones. Additionally, we show that the complete theories of finitely valued MV algebras are equation image and that all ω-categorical complete theories of MV algebras are finitely axiomatizable and decidable. As a final result we prove that the free algebra on countably many generators (...)
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  30. Democracia cosmopolita como idea regulativa.Antonio Oliver - 2009 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 56:106-119.
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  31. Fighting Software Piracy: Which Governance Tools Matter in Africa?Antonio R. Andrés & Simplice A. Asongu - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (3):667-682.
    This article integrates previously missing components of government quality into the governance-piracy nexus in exploring governance mechanisms by which global obligations for the treatment of IPRs are effectively transmitted from international to the national level in the battle against piracy. It assesses the best governance tools in the fight against piracy and upholding of intellectual property rights (IPRs). The instrumentality of IPR laws (treaties) in tackling piracy through good governance mechanisms is also examined. Findings demonstrate that: (1) while all governance (...)
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    Economic ethics and institutional change.Antonio Argandoña - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 53 (1-2):191-201.
    Our economic system, the market economy, is a part of a broader system or “society.” We frequently study the operation of the market economy as if it were autonomous, even though there are many complex and mutual relationships between society, the economic system and the other systems – political, cultural, religious, legal, etc. – that form part of society. In a market economy we may identify several components: a frame or background in which the economic activity takes place, a set (...)
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    L'Homme Copernican.Antonio Banfi - 1949 - Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Philosophy 1:29-32.
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  34. Conferencias del Ateneo de la Juventud.Antonio Caso, Alfonso Reyes, Pedro Henriquez Urena, Carlos Gonzales Pena, Jose Escofet & Jose Vasconcellos - 1911 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 19 (5):26-27.
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  35. The correspondence and papers of Samuel Hartlib, educationalist and natural philosopher.Antonio Clericuzio - 1989 - Nouvelles de la République des Lettres 1:209-210.
  36. Per la storia dell'idealismo italiano.Antonio Corsano - 1978 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:121.
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  37. La droga del siglo XXI.Antonio Maria Costa, Bernat Soria Escoms, Nora Volkow & Agustín Remesal - 2007 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 50:26-31.
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  38. Ensino Público da Filosofia. Perspectivas Programáticas e Ideológicas.António Pedro Mesquita & Maria Luísa Ribeiro Ferreira (eds.) - 2014 - Lisboa, Portugal: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
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    Humanismo tecnocientífico e metafísica realizada.Antônio José Nascimento - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (2):129-139.
    A cabal organização técnica do mundo corresponde à era da metafísica consumada –como a viu Heidegger, mas não Habermas– e à instrumentalização do pensamento que automatiza a existência humana, tornando-a inteiramente dependente do cálculo que move a disponibilização de tudo em conformidade com a vontade de poder da “armação”. A tecnificação da vida, com os constrangimentos que derivam da rigidez de sua própria lógica, não se apresenta como mero produto ou desdobramento de necessidades naturais do humano tornado “sujeito” da técnica. (...)
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  40. Aristóteles: Silogismo práctico y akrasía.Antonio García Ninet - 2007 - A Parte Rei 50:11.
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    Coniectanea et marginalia I.Antonio la Penna - 1962 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 106 (1-2):267-276.
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    Network governance as a response to risk society dilemmas: A proposal from the sociology of health.Antonio Maturo - 2004 - Topoi 23 (2):195-202.
    After a short description of the major sociological theories based on the concept of risk (Douglas, Beck, Luhmann, Giddens) I propose to integrate the concept of risk with the concept of trust. On a less theoretical level I propose to consider governance as the institutional response to the growing complexity of the risk society. Above all, network governance – that is institutional steering based on a high community participation – seems to give good results in the field of health care (...)
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    Religião, prós e contras.Antonio Da Silva Mello - 1963 - Rio de Janeiro,: Editôra Civilização Brasileira.
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  44. Deontología y práctica clínica en Hipócrates.António Pedro Mesquita - 2017 - In José María Zamora Calvo (ed.), Éticas griegas y filosofía contemporânea. pp. 19-34.
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    (1 other version)Entre Filosofia e Medicina.António Pedro Mesquita - 1998 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 6 (11):63-85.
    Any analysis of the Hippocratic anthropology must begin by taking a stand on two quite different issues. On the one hand, it must ascertain a precise and definite meaning of the word ‘Hippocratic’ in such a context, considering the historical problems surrounding the 'real' Hippocrates and the doctrinal heterogeneity of the Hippocratic collection. On the other hand, it must justify the very possibility of an anthropology within the Hippocratic tradition, by accommodating it with the obvious animadversion that its most representative (...)
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    Geopolítica y energía.Antonio Elizalde - 2008 - Polis 21.
    Joseph E. Stiglitz, premio Nóbel de Economía, ha sostenido que la Guerra de Irak es «Una guerra que no ha tenido más que dos vencedores: las compañías petrolíferas y los contratistas de defensa». A su vez Jay Hanson, cita a Robert Constanza quien señala: «En los años 50, los productores de petróleo descubrieron 50 barriles de petróleo por cada barril invertido en perforación y bombeo. Hoy, la cifra es de aproximadamente cinco barriles por cada uno gastado en obtenerlos. Hacia el (...)
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    La prolongación de Xavier Zubiri en Latinoamérica.Antonio González Fernández - 2009 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 36:419-426.
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  48. Big Data. Retórica de la abundancia en tiempos de escasez.Antonio Fumero - 2013 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 95:91-93.
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    The Call “Back to the Things Themselves” and the Notion of Phenomenology.Q. Antonio - 2006 - Husserl Studies 22 (1):29-51.
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    Kripkenstein on Belief.Antonio Capuano - 2018 - Journal of Philosophical Research 43:249-258.
    I offer a skeptical reading of Saul Kripke’s “A Puzzle about Belief.” I maintain that Kripke formulates a skeptical paradox about belief that is analogous to the skeptical paradox about meaning and rule-following that, according to Kripke, Wittgenstein formulates in his Philosophical Investigations.
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