Results for 'Antonio Messinèo'

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  1. The Social Doctrine of Luigi Sturzo.Antonio Messineo - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  2. Social doctrine of Sturzo, L.A. Messineo - 1967 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 34 (2):355-368.
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    Contextual guidance of eye movements and attention in real-world scenes: The role of global features in object search.Antonio Torralba, Aude Oliva, Monica S. Castelhano & John M. Henderson - 2006 - Psychological Review 113 (4):766-786.
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  4. Dependence relations in general relativity.Antonio Vassallo - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 10 (1):1-28.
    The paper discusses from a metaphysical standpoint the nature of the dependence relation underpinning the talk of mutual action between material and spatiotemporal structures in general relativity. It is shown that the standard analyses of dependence in terms of causation or grounding are ill-suited for the general relativistic context. Instead, a non-standard analytical framework in terms of structural equation modeling is exploited, which leads to the conclusion that the kind of dependence encoded in the Einstein field equations is a novel (...)
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    (1 other version)El error de Descartes.Antonio Damasio - 1997 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 49:129-131.
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  6. The brain binds entities and events by multiregional activation from convergence zones.Antonio R. Damasio - 1989 - Neural Computation 1:123-32.
  7. On the Conceptual Issues Surrounding the Notion of Relational Bohmian Dynamics.Antonio Vassallo & Pui Him Ip - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (8):943-972.
    The paper presents a program to construct a non-relativistic relational Bohmian theory, that is, a theory of N moving point-like particles that dispenses with space and time as fundamental background structures. The relational program proposed is based on the best-matching framework originally developed by Julian Barbour. In particular, the paper focuses on the conceptual problems that arise when trying to implement such a program. It is argued that pursuing a relational strategy in the Bohmian context leads to a more parsimonious (...)
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    La función ideológica del transhumanismo y algunos de sus presupuestos.Antonio Diéguez - 2020 - Isegoría 63:367-386.
    We must undoubtedly take advantage of the benefits brought by new technologies, and we must apply them to the human being to the extent that a prolonged and serene reflection tells us that this application brings improvements in a full sense. But that does not mean that we should accept the ideological discourse of transhumanism. This discourse owes much of its power of conviction to certain philosophical assumptions that have not been sufficiently clarified and discussed. This article aims to highlight (...)
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  9. The State of Teacher Training in Philosophy.David W. Concepción, Melinda Messineo, Sarah Wieten & Catherine Homan - 2016 - Teaching Philosophy 39 (1):1-24.
    This paper explores the state of teacher training in philosophy graduate programs in the English-speaking world. Do philosophy graduate programs offer training regarding teaching? If so, what is the nature of the training that is offered? Who offers it? How valuable is it? We conclude that philosophers want more and better teaching training, and that collectively we know how to deliver and support it.
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    Stone-Type Representations and Dualities for Varieties of Bisemilattices.Antonio Ledda - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (2):417-448.
    In this article we will focus our attention on the variety of distributive bisemilattices and some linguistic expansions thereof: bounded, De Morgan, and involutive bisemilattices. After extending Balbes’ representation theorem to bounded, De Morgan, and involutive bisemilattices, we make use of Hartonas–Dunn duality and introduce the categories of 2spaces and 2spaces\. The categories of 2spaces and 2spaces\ will play with respect to the categories of distributive bisemilattices and De Morgan bisemilattices, respectively, a role analogous to the category of Stone spaces (...)
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    On the equimorphism types of linear orderings.Antonio Montalbán - 2007 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 13 (1):71-99.
    §1. Introduction. A linear ordering embedsinto another linear ordering if it is isomorphic to a subset of it. Two linear orderings are said to beequimorphicif they can be embedded in each other. This is an equivalence relation, and we call the equivalence classesequimorphism types. We analyze the structure of equimorphism types of linear orderings, which is partially ordered by the embeddability relation. Our analysis is mainly fromthe viewpoints of Computability Theory and Reverse Mathematics. But we also obtain results, as the (...)
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  12. Groundwork for weak analysis.António M. Fernandes & Fernando Ferreira - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (2):557-578.
    This paper develops the very basic notions of analysis in a weak second-order theory of arithmetic BTFA whose provably total functions are the polynomial time computable functions. We formalize within BTFA the real number system and the notion of a continuous real function of a real variable. The theory BTFA is able to prove the intermediate value theorem, wherefore it follows that the system of real numbers is a real closed ordered field. In the last section of the paper, we (...)
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    The Positivity Scale: Concurrent and Factorial Validity Across Late Childhood and Early Adolescence.Antonio Zuffianò, Belén López-Pérez, Flavia Cirimele, Jana Kvapilová & Gian Vittorio Caprara - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    A Metaphysical Reflection on the Notion of Background in Modern Spacetime Physics.Antonio Vassallo - 2016 - In Laura Felline (ed.), New Developments in Logic and Philosophy of Science. pp. 349-365.
    The paper presents a metaphysical characterization of spatiotemporal backgrounds from a realist perspective. The conceptual analysis is based on a heuristic sketch that encompasses the common formal traits of the major spacetime theories, such as Newtonian mechanics and general relativity. It is shown how this framework can be interpreted in a fully realist fashion, and what is the role of background structures in such a picture. In the end it is argued that, although backgrounds are a source of metaphysical discomfort, (...)
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    Opposites as complements: Reflections on the significance of Tao.Antonio S. Cua - 1981 - Philosophy East and West 31 (2):123-140.
  16. L'erreur de Descartes : la raison des émotions.Antonio Damasio & Marcel Blanc - 1997 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 187 (1):103-104.
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    The selfless consciousness.Antonio R. Damasio - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):208-209.
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    New drugs and polydrug use: implications for clinical psychology.Antonio Iudici, Gianluca Castelnuovo & Elena Faccio - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Occupations at Risk and Organizational Well-Being: An Empirical Test of a Job Insecurity Integrated Model.Antonio Chirumbolo, Flavio Urbini, Antonino Callea, Alessandro Lo Presti & Alessandra Talamo - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  20. Spiritus Vitalis. Studio sulle teorie fisiologiche da Fernel a Boyle.Antonio Clericuzio - 1988 - Nouvelles de la République des Lettres 2:33-84.
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  21. Dictionnaire d'épistémologie génétique.Antonio M. Battro & Jean Piaget - 1967 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 157:427-427.
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  22. Le prime traduzioni della «Monadologie» di Leibniz . Introduzione storico-critica, sinossi dei testi, concordanze contrastive.Antonio Lamarra, Roberto Palaia & Pietro Pimpinella - 2001 - Studia Leibnitiana 33 (2):247-249.
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  23. S. Francesco di Sales scrittore-Roma, Editr.«.Antonio Mor - forthcoming - Studium.
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  24. On the Prospects of a de Broglie-Bohm-Barbour-Bertotti Theory.Antonio Vassallo & Pedro Naranjo - 2023 - In Andrea Oldofredi (ed.), Guiding Waves In Quantum Mechanics: 100 Years of de Broglie-Bohm Pilot-Wave Theory. Oxford University Press.
    Pure shape dynamics (PSD) is a novel implementation of the relational framework originally proposed by Julian Barbour and Bruno Bertotti. PSD represents a Leibnizian/Machian approach to physics in that it completely describes the dynamical evolution of a physical system without resorting to any structure external to the system itself. The chapter discusses how PSD effectively describes a de Broglie-Bohm N-body system and the conceptual benefits of such a relational description. The analysis will highlight the new directions in the quest for (...)
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    Leibniz’s Mirror Thesis. Solipsism, Private Perspectives and Conceptual Holism.Antonio Nunziante - 2017 - Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature 16 (3):185-199.
    One of the symbolic images to which Leibniz constantly entrusted the synthesis of his philosophy regards the idea of considering one and the same city from various visual perspectives. Such an image is diffused throughout all Leibniz’s writings and clearly reflects the philosopher’s interest for matters regarding perspective as well as optical phenomena. The point of view of its inhabitants can therefore be compared to a mirror that reflects some different portions of reality. But what do the city-viewers really see? (...)
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    Power’s Two Bodies.Antonio Cerella - 2024 - Philosophy Today 68 (1):71-89.
    This article seeks to problematize Agamben’s interpretation of sovereignty in light of the “archaeological method” he uses in his Homo Sacer project. In contrast to Agamben’s exposition, which treats biopolitics as the original and ontological paradigm of Western politics, the essay discusses how, historically, sovereign power has been conceived as a “double body”—transcendent and immanent, sacred and sacrificial, absolute and perpetual—from whose tension conceptual and political metamorphoses of sovereignty arise. The first attribute of sovereignty—absoluteness, on which Agamben has often focused—should (...)
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    On the inevitability of the consistency operator.Antonio Montalbán & James Walsh - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (1):205-225.
    We examine recursive monotonic functions on the Lindenbaum algebra of EA. We prove that no such function sends every consistent φ to a sentence with deductive strength strictly between φ and (φ∧Con(φ)). We generalize this result to iterates of consistency into the effective transfinite. We then prove that for any recursive monotonic function f, if there is an iterate of Con that bounds f everywhere, then f must be somewhere equal to an iterate of Con.
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    O Ateísmo No Pensamento Político de John Locke.Antônio Carlos dos Santos - 2019 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 60 (143):257-277.
    ABSTRACT Locke’s Letter on Tolerance has been a controversial issue since the seventeenth century: its defense of tolerance compromises restricting atheists and Catholics, which would attain religious freedom, one of the highest values of liberal theory. Taking this issue as its central, the purpose of this article is to think about this tension in Locke’s political thinking. In order to collaborate with this debate, the text is divided in two parts: in the first one, the various meanings of what Locke (...)
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    Towards a Phenomenology of the Digitalization of Consciousness. The Virtualization of the Social Space.Antonio Sandu - 2019 - Postmodern Openings 10 (2):155-161.
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    Practical knowledge and empire in the early modern Iberian world. Towards an artisanal turn.Antonio Sánchez - 2019 - Centaurus 61 (3):268-281.
    Several fields of research associated with the history of the early modern Iberian world have experienced a significant boost in recent decades: Iberian science as it relates to the Atlantic world, the history of European colonial empires, and the study of knowledge production in Latin American cultures. This expansion has coincided with a renewed interest of historians of the early modern period in practical knowledge and artisanal cultures. This paper presents an updated historiographic review of both lines of research as (...)
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  31. Analyzing the Explanatory Power of Bionic Systems With the Minimal Cognitive Grid.Antonio Lieto - 2022 - Frontiers in Robotics and AI 9.
    In this article, I argue that the artificial components of hybrid bionic systems do not play a direct explanatory role, i.e., in simulative terms, in the overall context of the systems in which they are embedded in. More precisely, I claim that the internal procedures determining the output of such artificial devices, replacing biological tissues and connected to other biological tissues, cannot be used to directly explain the corresponding mechanisms of the biological component(s) they substitute (and therefore cannot be used (...)
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    History for a practice profession.Patricia D'Antonio - 2006 - Nursing Inquiry 13 (4):242-248.
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    Reflexões Filosóficas Sobre Edição Genômica: Uma Discussão Com Habermas.Antonio Alves Pereira Junior - 2024 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 15 (39):51-71.
    No presente artigo começo fazendo considerações sobre a história das inovações de desenvolvimentos genéticos, abordando as questões relativas ao descobrimento e elucidação do DNA, sobre a influência da genética para o pensamento evolucionista, a decodificação do genoma humano, a técnica DGPI e também sobre o CRISPR-Cas9. Depois, o texto passa a ter um tom mais filosófico, donde exponho e reflito a partir da perspectiva habermasiana em Sobre o futuro da natureza humana: a caminho de uma eugenia liberal? – Nesse sentido, (...)
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    The Positioned Construction of Water Values: Pluralism, Positionality and Praxis.Antonio A. R. Ioris - 2012 - Environmental Values 21 (2):143 - 162.
    Water values serve as an entry point into the intricacies of public policies and management approaches. Values are contingent assessments that emerge out of socio-ecological relations and reflect particular demands, legacies and opportunities. The concept of value positionality is introduced as the synthesis of multiple expressions of worthiness cherished by a social group. Positionality is a metaphor that connects the phenomenological understanding of water value with the politics of everyday life and the broader politico-institutional framework. It entails a cluster of (...)
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    Spinoza and the Kingdom of God.Antonio Giardino - 2018 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 73 (3):419-447.
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    O Problema da Fraqueza da Vontade na Filosofia Prática Kantiana.Antonio Frederico Saturnino - 2018 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 21 (1):123-141.
    Resumo: O objetivo do presente artigo é analisar o problema da fraqueza da vontade no quadro conceitual da filosofia moral kantiana. A fim de realçar uma característica da filosofia kantiana relevante para a posição conceitual do problema, servimo-nos do contraste com as análises de Donald Davidson sobre o fenômeno da fraqueza da vontade. Depois de evidenciado o modo como o fenômeno pode ser admitido no sistema kantiano, procuramos defender uma hipótese quanto ao modo como ele poderia ser aí explicado. Trata-se (...)
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  37. Bounded Rationality and Heuristics in Humans and in Artificial Cognitive Systems.Antonio Lieto - 2019 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 1 (4):1-21.
    In this paper I will present an analysis of the impact that the notion of “bounded rationality”, introduced by Herbert Simon in his book “Administrative Behavior”, produced in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). In particular, by focusing on the field of Automated Decision Making (ADM), I will show how the introduction of the cognitive dimension into the study of choice of a rational (natural) agent, indirectly determined - in the AI field - the development of a line of research (...)
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    O Valor de um Bach Autêntico: um estudo sobre o conceito de autenticidade na execução de obras musicais.António Manuel Correia de Jesus Lopes - 2009 - Lisbon: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian/ FCT.
    The concept of authenticity as a predicate of performances of musical works is discussed in the context of the Western classical tradition.I claim that the concept of a performance of a musical work raises issues of relativity and indeterminacy, since its application is not completely free from music-historical contextuality and from considerations of aesthetic value.I challenge the argument for the necessity of authenticity in performance that eschews the problem of determining the extension of the concept authentic performance of a work' (...)
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    Literatura Afro-Brasileira Nos “Anos de Chumbo” da Ditadura Militar No Brasil: Identidade, (Re)Existência e Combate Ao Racismo.Antônio Roberto Xavier, Sarah Maria Forte Diogo & Edmilson Alves Maia Junior - 2024 - Revista Dialectus 33 (33):389-401.
    o presente artigo objetiva abordar acerca da crítica consistente ao autoritarismo violento, degradante, racista e desumano dos “anos de chumbo” da ditadura militar no Brasil, constante na literatura afro-brasileira dramática negro-brasileira a partir, sobretudo, de três teatros peculiares, a saber: o Teatro Experimental Negro, o Teatro Profissional do Negro e o Grupo Teatro Palmares Iñaron. Metodologicamente, esclarece-se que esta escrita emprega uma abordagem qualitativa de natureza básica e é de cunho teórico exploratório quanto ao objetivo principal, pois se debruça ao (...)
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    Francisco Suárez y la Filosofía del Derecho actual (Aspectos de su pensamiento jurídico ante el Cuarto Centenario de su muerte).Antonio Enrique Pérez Luño - 2017 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 51:9-25.
    La conmemoración, en el año 2017 del cuarto Centenario de la muerte de Francisco Suárez, constituye un motivo cultural que invita a repensar la persistencia de su legado doctrinal jurídico en la Filosofía y la Teoría del Derecho de la actualidad. En este ensayo se analizan su concepción de la ley, a partir de sus elementos constitutivos y de sus implicaciones. Así como las relevantes observaciones de Suárez sobre las características del lenguaje lega. Este trabajo se propone ofrecer un balance (...)
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  41. Un Sistema di Creatività Computazionale basato su Logiche Non Monotòne per la Generazione di Nuovi Personaggi/Storie/Format in Ambienti Multi-Mediali.Antonio Lieto - 2019 - In Proceedings of Ital-IA. pp. 123-135.
    In questo contributo descriviamo un sistema di creatività computazionale in grado di generare automaticamente nuovi concetti utilizzando una logica descrittiva non monotòna che integra tre ingredienti principali: una logica descrittiva della tipicalità, una estensione probabilistica basata sulla semantica distribuita nota come DISPONTE, e una euristica di ispirazione cognitiva per la combinazione di più concetti. Una delle applicazioni principali del sistema riguarda il campo della creatività computazionale e, più specificatamente, il suo utilizzo come sistema di supporto alla creatività in ambito mediale. (...)
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  42. 3. Concepts in the Brain.Antonio R. Damasio - 1989 - Mind and Language 4 (1-2):24-28.
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    2. PRESENTE Y FUTURO DE LA FILOSOFÍA DEL DERECHO. La Filosofía del Derecho y sus tareas: presente y futuro.Antonio Enrique Pérez Luño - 2024 - Anuario de Filosofía Del Derecho 39.
    El propósito de este trabajo consiste en exponer las tareas más apremiantes que, a juicio del autor, debe asumir la Filosofía del Derecho del presente y del inmediato futuro. Para ello, se analizan las dos tareas que se consideran de interés prioritario: la primera versa en torno a lo que entraña el desafío tecnológico propio de la sociedad digital que habitamos y que se concreta en la respuesta que desde la filosofía jurídica debe avanzarse respecto a la omnipresencia en todos (...)
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    Badiou and Derrida: Politics, Events and Their Time, viii + 136 pp.Antonio Calcagno - 2007 - New York/London: Continuum.
    Badiou and Derrida have dedicated much of their thought to politics and the nature of the political. Calcagno shows how their views diverge and converge, providing some very intriguing developments in Continental philosophy.
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    Wittgenstein on Dreaming and Skepticism.Antonio Ianni Segatto - 2022 - Topoi 41 (5):1033-1042.
    In this paper I aim to elucidate Wittgenstein’s claim that the so-called dream argument is senseless. Unlike other interpreters, who understand the sentence “I am dreaming” as contradictory or self-defeating, I intend to elucidate in what sense one should understand it as senseless or, more precisely, as nonsensical. In this sense, I propose to understand the above-mentioned claim in light of Wittgenstein’s criticism of skepticism from the _Tractatus logico-philosophicus_ to his last writings. I intend to show that the words “I (...)
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    A Levinasian Opening on the Affirmative Ethics of Care.Antonio Sandu - 2016 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 15 (43):28-47.
    In the order of beingness, duty is a state much closer to Dasein than any form of rationality could be. The true duty and the true respect for the golden rule can only come from the authenticity of one’s beingness. The same goes for what we call humility. This duty, as an existential state, is a movement of the spirit which seems to be overwhelmed by the care for the Other, towards the Other. Any duty which does not “move the (...)
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    The Singularity, Superintelligent Machines, and Mind Uploading: The Technological Future?Antonio Diéguez & Pablo García-Barranquero - 2023 - In Francisco Lara & Jan Deckers (eds.), Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 237-255.
    This chapter discusses the question of whether we will ever have an Artificial General Superintelligence (AGSI) and how it will affect our species if it does so. First, it explores various proposed definitions of AGSI and the potential implications of its emergence, including the possibility of collaboration or conflict with humans, its impact on our daily lives, and its potential for increased creativity and wisdom. The concept of the Singularity, which refers to the hypothetical future emergence of superintelligent machines that (...)
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    Una crítica al cosmopolitismo: psicopolítica y globalización.Antonio Mesa León - 2024 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 58.
    En los últimos años han adquirido especial relevancia dentro de la filosofía jurídica las teorías cosmopolitas. El cosmopolitismo supone una propuesta de gran potencial para insuflar nuevas fuerzas al ideal liberal democrático, debilitado ante los desafíos que presenta la globalización. Aunque los enfoques cosmopolitas actuales son valiosos, requieren complementarse con un análisis de las dinámicas de poder y control existentes en la sociedad tecnológica actual. La vía que se propone para ello es considerar las contribuciones recientes de Byung-Chul Han en (...)
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    Debunking Multiform Dimensionality: many, Romance tant-PL, & morpho-syntactic opacity.Antonio Maria Cleani & Luis Miguel Toquero-Pérez - 2022 - Proceedings of Salt32.
    The interpretation of `much/many' has been argued to be regulated by Uniform Dimensionality (Hackl 2000; Solt 2009): `much' is underspecified but `many' encodes cardinality. However, given some data where `many' denotes ‘volume’, Snyder (2021) proposes the need for Multiform Dimensionality: both `much' and `many' are underspecifed. After reviewing the English data, and in light of novel cross-linguistic data, we argue that neither generalization is fully accurate. Instead, following Wellwood (2015, 2018), we argue for an alternative, Abstract Uniform Dimensionality, which we (...)
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    The Call “Back to the Things Themselves” and the Notion of Phenomenology.Q. Antonio - 2006 - Husserl Studies 22 (1):29-51.
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