Results for 'Antônio Brand'

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  1. Formação de professores indígenas em nível superior.Antônio Brand - 2006 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 8 (1).
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  2. A Paidéia Jesuítica Entre os Itatínes no Século XVII.Neimar Machado de Sousa, Amarilio Ferreira Jr & Antonio Brand - 2010 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 12 (1).
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    Zur Aktualität der Staatsform: die materialistische Staatstheorie von Joachim Hirsch.Ulrich Brand, Christoph Görg & Benjamin Opratko (eds.) - 2018 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    Seit Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts hat die historisch-materialistische Gesellschaftstheorie wichtige Beitrage zur Rolle des Staates geleistet. Insbesondere seit den 1970er Jahren fragte eine Stromung, die sich zum "westlichen Marxismus" zahlte: Warum nimmt politische Herrschaft in burgerlich-kapitalistischen Gesellschaften die spezifische Form des Staates an? Wie transformiert sich der Staat historisch in enger Verbindung mit gesellschaftlichen Veranderungen? Joachim Hirsch ist ein herausragender Vertreter dieses theoretischen Ansatzes, der die Frage nach der Staatsform ins Zentrum gestellt hat. Er hat Begriffe wie "Sicherheitsstaat", "nationaler Wettbewerbsstaat" (...)
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    Female Micro-Entrepreneurs and Social Networks: Diagnostic Analysis of the Influence of Social-Media Marketing Strategies on Brand Financial Performance.Ana Isabel Jiménez-Zarco, Jose Antonio Clemente-Almendros, Inés González-González & Jorge Aracil-Jordà - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The business world is facing a very complicated situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Small- and medium-sized companies —both in Spain and at the global level—are seeing their survival jeopardized by a fall in revenues. This scenario is aggravated in the case of micro-SMEs headed by female entrepreneurs. Accordingly, micro-SMEs, particularly those led by female entrepreneurs, need to reinvent themselves to overcome the current adversities that could lead to the destruction of their businesses and hence their jobs. One of the (...)
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    Antonio Gramsci and the Question of Religion: Ideology, Ethics, and Hegemony.Bruce Grelle - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    Antonio Gramsci and the Question of Religionprovides a new introduction to the thought of Gramsci through the prisms of religious studies and comparative ethics. Bruce Grelle shows that Gramsci's key ideas - on hegemony, ideology, moral reformation, "traditional" and "organic" intellectuals - were formulated with simultaneous considerations of religion and politics. Identifying Gramsci's particular brand of Marxism, Grelle offers an overview of Gramsci's approach to religion and applies it to contemporary debates over the role of religion and morality in (...)
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    Further Selections From the Prison Notebooks.Antonio Gramsci - 1995 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
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    Corporate Social Responsibility: One Size Does Not Fit All. Collecting Evidence from Europe.Antonio Argandoña & Heidi Hoivik - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (S3):221-234.
    This article serves as an introduction to the collection of papers in this monographic issue on “What the European tradition can teach about Corporate Social Responsibility” and presents the rationale and the main hypotheses of the project. We maintain that corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an ethical concept, that the demands for socially responsible actions have been around since before the Industrial Revolution and that companies have responded to them, especially in Europe, and that the content of CSR has evolved (...)
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    La función ideológica del transhumanismo y algunos de sus presupuestos.Antonio Diéguez - 2020 - Isegoría 63:367-386.
    We must undoubtedly take advantage of the benefits brought by new technologies, and we must apply them to the human being to the extent that a prolonged and serene reflection tells us that this application brings improvements in a full sense. But that does not mean that we should accept the ideological discourse of transhumanism. This discourse owes much of its power of conviction to certain philosophical assumptions that have not been sufficiently clarified and discussed. This article aims to highlight (...)
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    Cosmovisión mesoamericana, descolonización de las ciencias sociales Y diálogo mundial de saberes.Juan Carlos Sánchez-Antonio - 2020 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte:351-388.
    RESUMEN El objetivo de este artículo de reflexión teórica es establecer un dialogo entre las ciencias sociales hoy en crisis y los aportes que encontramos en la cosmovisión me-soamericana para el diseño de una nueva matriz epistémica más ecológica y menos agresiva con la vida. En la primera parte se rastrea epistémicamente la genealogía de la cosificación de la naturaleza y de la vida que ha puesto en crisis el proyecto de la modernidad y las ciencias sociales, a partir de (...)
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  10. L'erreur de Descartes : la raison des émotions.Antonio Damasio & Marcel Blanc - 1997 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 187 (1):103-104.
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    The Experimental Turn in Moral and Political Philosophy.Antonio Gaitán, Fernando Aguiar & Hugo Viciana - 2024 - In Hugo Viciana, Antonio Gaitán & Fernando Aguiar González, Experiments in moral and political philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. pp. 1-19.
    This introduction presents the field of experimental moral and political philosophy as a confluence between different disciplines and research traditions. This chapter begins by highlighting the importance of several historical currents and presenting the scope and nature of a diverse and rich research agenda within the contours of a broad research area. The development of behavioural economics, the revisiting of John Rawls’ psychological assumptions in his Theory of Justice, the framework of bounded ethicality, the rebirth of philosophical naturalism, and the (...)
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  12. Le prime traduzioni della «Monadologie» di Leibniz . Introduzione storico-critica, sinossi dei testi, concordanze contrastive.Antonio Lamarra, Roberto Palaia & Pietro Pimpinella - 2001 - Studia Leibnitiana 33 (2):247-249.
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  13. Scrivere I confini.Antonio Maria Pusceddu - forthcoming - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano.
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    A respeito da crítica de Schopenhauer à doutrina do direito de Kant.Antonio Alves P. Junior - 2024 - Aufklärung 10 (3):109-122.
    No presente artigo tenho o intento de demonstrar o motivo de Schopenhauer ser um crítico ferrenho da doutrina do direito de Kant, e para tal empreendimento, além das investigações na Metafísica dos costumes, obra capital onde se encontram os conteúdos sobre a doutrina do direito de Kant, restrinjo minhas explicações em relação aos textos de Schopenhauer, principalmente em Sobre o fundamento da moral (para nesse caso, expor a crítica da ética na forma legislativa-imperativa), ao § 62 do primeiro tomo de (...)
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  15. Lassù sulle Montagne Dei sardi.Antonio Loi - forthcoming - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano.
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    O Ateísmo No Pensamento Político de John Locke.Antônio Carlos dos Santos - 2019 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 60 (143):257-277.
    ABSTRACT Locke’s Letter on Tolerance has been a controversial issue since the seventeenth century: its defense of tolerance compromises restricting atheists and Catholics, which would attain religious freedom, one of the highest values of liberal theory. Taking this issue as its central, the purpose of this article is to think about this tension in Locke’s political thinking. In order to collaborate with this debate, the text is divided in two parts: in the first one, the various meanings of what Locke (...)
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    Desafíos a los que se enfrenta el discurso de los derechos.Antonio Enrique Pérez Luño - 2024 - Derechos y Libertades: Revista de Filosofía del Derecho y derechos humanos 50:95-108.
    A lo largo de su evolución toda teoría suele enfrentarse con determinados retos o desafíos que, acreditan su vitalidad. El discurso de los derechos, en cuanto concepción teórica dirigida a su explicación y fundamentación, no se halla exento de la tarea permanente dirigida a responder a esos retos. En este ensayo se analizan los riesgos que se estiman más decisivos y acuciantes para el discurso de los derechos. Para ello, se estudian tres desafíos actuales a la teoría de los derechos (...)
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    "Edith Stein and Gerda Walther: The Role of Empathy in Experiencing Community", in Women Phenomenologists on Social Ontology: We-Experiences, Communal Life and Joint Action, ed. Ruth Hagengruber and Sebastian Luft (Dordrecht: Springer, 2018), 3 - 18.Antonio Calcagno - 2018 - In Sebastian Luft & Ruth Hagengruber, Women Phenomenologists on Social Ontology: We-Experiences, Communal Life, and Joint Action. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 3-18.
    Gerda Walther[aut] Walther, Gerda has no developed account of empathyEmpathy; rather, she draws from the writings of early phenomenologists and psychologists on empathy. Generally, for Walther[aut]Walther, Gerda, empathy is an act of mind that permits the understanding of another’s consciousnessConsciousness and experienceExperience. Edith Stein[aut]Edith Stein, in many respects, lays the ground for a phenomenological account of empathy. Stein[aut]Stein, Edith’s treatment of intersubjectivityIntersubjectivity and the nature of intersubjective acts such as empathy draws greatly from Husserl[aut]Husserl, Edmund. There exist three primary sources (...)
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  19. Campos de deméter: da impossibilidade de separar a ciência, a ética e a estética na Hermenêutica da paisagem.António Queirós - 2012 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 40 (40):69-94.
    Central conceptual terms, such as ‘culture’, ‘environment’, ‘nature’ and‘landscape’, are far from being neutral scientific objects. They are academic constructions which need to be understood in their emergence across their historic contexts. -/- Moral it is a cultural expression determined by social dominance and historical context, who gives them a sectary character. We need a moral theory that can be universal, trans-temporal and available to light human individual conduct and the human science and their political ideologies, but not considering the (...)
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    Aportes Teóricos Para Pensar “o Material” Em Marx.Antonio Francisco Lopes Dias - forthcoming - Revista Dialectus.
    Esse texto é um escrito que, ao final, é um termo médio entre um Artigo e um Ensaio. O objetivo é expor nossa compreensão sobre o sentido d“o material” e as implicações onto(epistemo)lógicas desta concepção no pensamento de Karl Marx. Em plano geral, primeiramente, nosso texto discorre sobre o que nomeamos de “a questão primeira”, qual seja: o que é “o material” no interior e no contexto dos escritos de Marx? Para cumprir essa tarefa procedemos com leituras de textos marxianos (...)
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  21. La pluralité des noms de Dieu selon Nicolas de Cues : leur progressive précision logique.Antonio Drago - 2017 - In Hervé Pasqua, Infini et altérité dans l'oeuvre de Nicolas de Cues (1401-1464). Bristol, CT: Peeters.
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  22. Miserere. Estetyka terroru.Antonio Incampo - 2011 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 2 (2):111-118.
    I say: “Oh, what a beautiful surrealist picture!” With quite precise awareness: this páthos, these emotions of mine do not stem from our common sense. An aesthetic judgment is founded on an immediate subjective intuition: an emotion or a free feeling of a single subject towards an object. A universal sense, possibly. Some judgments of ours in ethics and in law are no different from our perceptions in front of art. It would be the same for a hypothetical sentence of (...)
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  23. El Español Inglés George Santayana.Antonio Marichalar - 2002 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 21 (1-3):167-177.
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    Spinoza on the Distinction Between Substance and Attribute.Antonio Salgado Borge - 2022 - Philosophy 97 (2):207-231.
    I examine Spinoza's claim in the Metaphysical Thoughts that the attributes of God are only distinguished by a distinction of reason. I contend that for Spinoza essential attributes, such as Thought or Extension, cannot be distinguished by Francisco Suarez's distinction of reasoning reason, as Martin Lin suggests, nor can he be using Suárez’ distinction of reasoned reason for this purpose, as Yitzhak Melamed believes. Since reasoning reason and the distinction of reasoned reason are the only two kinds of rational distinction (...)
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    Technology and Society in Habermas’ Early Social Theory: Towards a Critical Theory of Technology beyond Instrumentalism.Antonio Oraldi - 2023 - Krisis | Journal for Contemporary Philosophy 43 (1):66-84.
    Jürgen Habermas is not often thought of as a philosopher of technology. After presenting his early critique of technocratic consciousness, I will contend that the main problem of Habermas’ conception of technology lies in the conflation of “technology” with “technical rationality”. Feenberg criticizes Habermas’ position for implicitly depoliticizing technology. By developing a distinction between “technology” and “technique”, I will argue that Habermas’ position does not exclude a critical theory of technology. The emergent picture will combine Habermas’ emphasis that technology is (...)
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    Spinozistic expression as signification.Antonio Salgado Borge - 2021 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 30 (1):24-47.
    I propose a new interpretation of Spinoza’s obscure but important concept of ‘expression’. Any account of Spinozistic expression must be able to fulfil two principal requirements. First, it must be...
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    Fuṣūṣ al-ḥikām y los desafíos filosóficos de un libro visionario.Antonio de Diego González - 2023 - Horizonte 21 (64):216404-216404.
    Fuṣūṣ al-ḥikām é uma das obras mais importantes do místico e pensador andaluz Muḥyi al-dīn Ibn 'Arabī (1165-1240). Esse texto, um dos melhores exemplos do pensamento medieval, é um autêntico repositório simbólico do conhecimento da tradição abraâmica. Ao mesmo tempo, o mestre murciano atribui essa obra a uma experiência visionária na forma de conhecimento descendente do qual ele se sentia um mero transcritor. Este trabalho se propõe a analisar simbolicamente os desafios de um livro visionário e, por outro lado, os (...)
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  28. "Foucault and Derrida: The Question of Empowering and Disempowering the Author" in Human Studies: A Journal for Philosophy and the Social Sciences.Antonio Calcagno - 2009 - Human Studies 32 (1):33-51.
    This article focuses on Michel Foucault’s concepts of authorship and power. Jacques Derrida has often been accused of being more of a literary author than a philosopher or political theorist. Richard Rorty complains that Derrida’s views on politics are not pragmatic enough; he sees Derrida’s later work, including his political work, more as a “private self-fashioning” than concrete political thinking aimed at devising short-term solutions to problems here and now. Employing Foucault’s work around authorship and the origins of power, I (...)
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  29. (1 other version)The idealistic reaction against science.Antonio Aliotta - 1914 - London,: Macmillan & co.. Edited by Agnes McCaskill.
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    Lógica e ontologia em Pedro da Fonseca.António Manuel Martins - 1994 - [Lisbon?]: Junta Nacional de Investigação Científica e Tecnológica.
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    Die Tradition in der Phänomenologie Husserls: ihre Bedeutung für d. Entwicklung d. Philosophiegeschichte.Antonio Ponsetto - 1978 - Meisenheim am Glan: Hain.
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    O Ideal transcendental da razão em Kant e a génese das explicações míticas.António Machuco Rosa - 2003 - Phainomenon 5-6 (1):389-400.
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    6. Xin and Moral Failure: Notes on an Aspect of Mencius’ Moral Psychology.Antonio S. Cua - 2002 - In Alan K. L. Chan, Mencius: Contexts and Interpretations. University of Hawaii Press. pp. 126-150.
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    Espacios de aparición: el concepto de lo político en Hannah Arendt.Antonio Campillo - 2002 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 26:159-186.
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    Criteria-based Content Analysis in True and Simulated Victims with Intellectual Disability.Antonio L. Manzanero, M. Teresa Scott, Rocío Vallet, Javier Aróztegui & Ray Bull - 2018 - Anuario de Psicología Jurídica 29 (1):55.
    The aims of the present study were to analyse people’s natural ability to discriminate between true and false statements provided by people with intellectual disability (IQTRUE = 62.00, SD = 10.07; IQFALSE = 58.41, SD = 8.42), and the differentiating characteristics of such people’s statements using criteria-based content analysis (CBCA). Thirty-three people assessed 16 true statements and 13 false statements using their normal abilities. Two other evaluators trained in CBCA evaluated the same statements. The natural evaluators differentiated between true and (...)
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    Nota del editor.Antonio Manuel Peña Freire - 2018 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 53:5-11.
    Es mi intención como Editor recién estrenado de los Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez hacer lo posible para que la revista siga siendo un foro de referencia en la reflexión filosófica sobre los problemas que plantea la organización política de la convivencia social. Han sido precisamente esa determinación y ese criterio los que han inspirado la elección del tema al que está dedicada la Sección Monográfica de este número: el populismo.Hasta hace relativamente poco, el populismo parecía un fenómeno singular (...)
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    La formación del sacerdote del Tercer Milenio. Crónica del Simposio de formación sacerdotal.Antonio Mª Calero de los Ríos - 2023 - Isidorianum 9 (17):253-255.
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  38. (1 other version)O problema da definição do acidente em aristóteles.António Pedro Mesquita - 2001 - Philosophica 17:103-149.
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    GARRIDO CLEMENTE, P., Obra completa del sufí Ibn Masarra de Córdoba. Córdoba, Almuzara, 2022.Antonio de Diego González - 2024 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 29 (1):153-156.
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    Filosofia Afro-Brasileira Como Contribuição Formativa Para o Ensino de Filosofia.Antonio Filogenio de Paula Junior - 2022 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 27:022013.
    Neste artigo apresentamos uma perspectiva de compreensão da história da filosofia, na qual é possível acessar outros modos de como essa história pode ser interpretada. Nesta perspectiva ocorre a desconstrução epistêmica eurocentrada de legitimação da ideia de um “milagre” grego que permite o surgimento da filosofia nessa região em detrimento a outros lugares. O pressuposto indicado é o da pluriversalidade de Mogobe Ramose (2011) que apresenta a ideia de pensamento reflexivo e crítico como condição humana, independente de local. Em relação (...)
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    Franz Brentano e Heinrich Denifle: Un carteggio inedito.Antonio Russo - 2003 - Studium 99 (3):333-356.
    Il volume analizza, con ampio apparato critico, il carteggio tra Heinrich Denifle e Franz Brentano. Viene riproddotta per la prima volta, e trascritta in tedesco moderno, la corrispondenza tra i due autori e, inoltre, offerta una loro traduzione in italiano. In appendice vengono riprodotti ulterori documenti inediti, di comuni amici di Denifle e di Brentano. Essi servono a inquadrare meglio il contesto.
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    Divinarum Rerum Notitia: La Teologia Tra Filosofia E Storia : Studi in Onore Del Cardinale Walter Kasper.Antonio Russo & Gianfranco Coffele - 2001 - Studium.
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    Henri de Lubac.Antonio Russo - 1994 - San Paolo.
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  44. Hans Küng e la teologia come scienza.Antonio Russo - 2010 - Studium 106 (3/4):185-206.
    A study on Hans Küng and his Idea of Theology and Science.
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    Populismo: guía de uso.Antonio Manuel Peña Freire - 2018 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 53:395-399.
    En reseña de: De la Torre, Carlos. Populismos. Una inmersión rápida, Tibidabo Ediciones, Barcelona, 2018.
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    Back to the Roots. ‘Functions’ and ‘Teleology’ in the Philosophy of Leibniz.Antonio Nunziante - 2008 - In Luca Illetterati, Purposiveness: Teleology Between Nature and Mind. Ontos Verlag. pp. 9-32.
    It is certainly true that in early modern thought the emergence of a new science changed the image of the universe in a mechanistic way. It must be considered, though, that most of the main protagonists of this revolution (Kepler, Newton, Leibniz, ‘biologists’ like Leeuwenhoek, Hartsoeker, Hooke, Malpighi, Redi, etc.) still continued to consider the importance and the utility of a finalistic explanation of natural phenomena. Concepts like “function”, “self-organization”, “organism” have roots in early modern thought: not only from a (...)
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    Is there philosophy before the greeks?António Pedro Mesquita - 2014 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 13:11-15.
  48. Virtudes y golondrinas (¿Están en buena compañía los universalistas éticos cuando se dejan tentar por el holismo?).Antonio Valdecantos Alcaide - 1999 - Laguna 1:159-170.
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  49. Il nuovo positivismo e lo sperimentalismo.Antonio Aliotta - 1954 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 160:95-96.
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  50. La misura in psicologia sperimentale. Pubblicazioni del i. istituto di studi superiori in Firenze.Antonio Aliotta - 1906 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 62:541-541.
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