Results for 'Arne Hannich'

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  1.  30
    Ethical aspects of time in intensive care decision making.Anna-Henrikje Seidlein, Arne Hannich, Andre Nowak, Matthias Gründling & Sabine Salloch - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):24-24.
    The decision-making environment in intensive care units (ICUs) is influenced by the transformation of intensive care medicine, the staffing situation and the increasing importance of patient autonomy. Normative implications of time in intensive care, which affect all three areas, have so far barely been considered. The study explores patterns of decision making concerning the continuation, withdrawal and withholding of therapies in intensive care. A triangulation of qualitative data collection methods was chosen. Data were collected through non-participant observation on a surgical (...)
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    Perception, Empathy, and Judgment: An Inquiry Into the Preconditions of Moral Performance.Arne Johan Vetlesen - 1993 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    _In Perception, Empathy, and Judgment_ Arne Johan Vetlesen focuses on the indispensable role of emotion, especially the faculty of empathy, in morality. He contends that moral conduct is severely threatened once empathy is prevented from taking part in an interplay with cognitive faculties in acts of moral perception and judgment. Drawing on developmental psychology, especially British "object relations" theory, to illuminate the nature and functioning of empathy, Vetlesen shows how moral performance is constituted by a sequence involving perception, judgment, (...)
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    Træk af individuationens biopsykologi: om oprindelse af og samspil mellem biologisk individualitet, personlighed og selv.Arne Friemuth Petersen - 1993 - København: Museum Tusculanums Forlag, Københavns universitet.
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    14 On the ethnography of cooperative work.Arne Raeithel - 1996 - In Yrjo Engeström & David Middleton (eds.), Cognition and Communication at Work. Cambridge University Press. pp. 319.
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  5. Fears, phobias and preparedness: Toward an evolved module of fear and fear learning.Arne Öhman & Susan Mineka - 2001 - Psychological Review 108 (3):483-522.
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    The Embodied Self Reformulating the Existential Difference in Kierkegaard.Arne Gron - 2004 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 11 (10-11):10-11.
    This article argues for the notion of the embodied self in reformulating insights in Kierkegaard that point to the existential difference in being embodied. The main arguments are: 1. Kierkegaard uses a Hegelian model: the human mind exteriorizes itself, in history and language, in actions and speech. Human being is being there. 2. This does not make the notions of self and interiority obsolete. On the contrary, in order to understand human exteriority, we need to re-define what a human self (...)
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  7. The shallow and the deep, long-range ecology movement. A summary.Arne Naess - 1973 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 16 (1-4):95 – 100.
    Ecologically responsible policies are concerned only in part with pollution and resource depletion. There are deeper concerns which touch upon principles of diversity, complexity, autonomy, decentralization, symbiosis, egalitarianism, and classlessness.
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    Dignity in relationships and existence in nursing homes’ cultures.Arne Rehnsfeldt, Åshild Slettebø, Vibeke Lohne, Berit Sæteren, Lillemor Lindwall, Anne Kari Tolo Heggestad, Maj-Britt Råholm, Bente Høy, Synnøve Caspari & Dagfinn Nåden - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (7-8):1761-1772.
    Introduction: Expressions of dignity as a clinical phenomenon in nursing homes as expressed by caregivers were investigated. A coherence could be detected between the concepts and phenomena of existence and dignity in relationships and caring culture as a context. A caring culture is interpreted by caregivers as the meaning-making of what is accepted or not in the ward culture. Background: The rationale for the connection between existence and dignity in relationships and caring culture is that suffering is a part of (...)
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  9. Experience-dependent structural plasticity in the adult human brain.Arne May - 2011 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 15 (10):475-482.
    Contrary to assumptions that changes in brain networks are possible only during crucial periods of development, research in the past decade has supported the idea of a permanently plastic brain. Novel experience, altered afferent input due to environmental changes and learning new skills are now recognized as modulators of brain function and underlying neuroanatomic circuitry. Given findings in experiments with animals and the recent discovery of increases in gray and white matter in the adult human brain as a result of (...)
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    Emotion drives attention: detecting the snake in the grass.Arne Öhman, Anders Flykt & Francisco Esteves - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 130 (3):466.
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    The meaning of dignity in nursing home care as seen by relatives.Arne Rehnsfeldt, Lillemor Lindwall, Vibeke Lohne, Britt Lillestø, Åshild Slettebø, Anne Kari T. Heggestad, Trygve Aasgaard, Maj-Britt Råholm, Synnøve Caspari, Bente Høy, Berit Sæteren & Dagfinn Nåden - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (5):507-517.
    Background: As part of an ongoing Scandinavian project on the dignity of care for older people, this study is based on ‘clinical caring science’ as a scientific discipline. Clinical caring science examines how ground concepts, axioms and theories are expressed in different clinical contexts. Central notions are caring culture, dignity, at-home-ness, the little extra, non-caring cultures versus caring cultures and ethical context – and climate. Aim and assumptions: This study investigates the individual variations of caring cultures in relation to dignity (...)
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    A critique of robotics in health care.Arne Maibaum, Andreas Bischof, Jannis Hergesell & Benjamin Lipp - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (2):467-477.
    When the social relevance of robotic applications is addressed today, the use of assistive technology in care settings is almost always the first example. So-called care robots are presented as a solution to the nursing crisis, despite doubts about their technological readiness and the lack of concrete usage scenarios in everyday nursing practice. We inquire into this interconnection of social robotics and care. We show how both are made available for each other in three arenas: innovation policy, care organization, and (...)
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  13. Neurocognitive mechanisms underlying the experience of flow.Arne Dietrich - 2004 - Consciousness and Cognition 13 (4):746-761.
    Recent theoretical and empirical work in cognitive science and neuroscience is brought into contact with the concept of the flow experience. After a brief exposition of brain function, the explicit–implicit distinction is applied to the effortless information processing that is so characteristic of the flow state. The explicit system is associated with the higher cognitive functions of the frontal lobe and medial temporal lobe structures and has evolved to increase cognitive flexibility. In contrast, the implicit system is associated with the (...)
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    Ethical Products = Less Strong: How Explicit and Implicit Reliance on the Lay Theory Affects Consumption Behaviors.Arne Buhs, Wassili Lasarov, Stefan Hoffmann & Robert Mai - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (3):659-677.
    Many consumers implicitly associate sustainability with lower product strength. This so-called ethical = less strong intuition (ELSI) poses a major threat for the success of sustainable products. This article explores this pervasive lay theory and examines whether it is a key barrier for sustainable consumption patterns. Even more importantly, little is known about the underlying mechanisms that might operate differently at the implicit and explicit levels of the consumer’s decision-making. To fill this gap, three studies examine how the implicit judgments (...)
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    Evil and Human Agency: Understanding Collective Evildoing.Arne Johan Vetlesen - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Evil is a poorly understood phenomenon. In this provocative 2005 book, Professor Vetlesen argues that to do evil is to intentionally inflict pain on another human being, against his or her will, and causing serious and foreseeable harm. Vetlesen investigates why and in what sort of circumstances such a desire arises, and how it is channeled, or exploited, into collective evildoing. He argues that such evildoing, pitting whole groups against each other, springs from a combination of character, situation, and social (...)
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  16. Korespondenca med Richardom Bentleyem in Isaacom Newtonom.Arne Kušej - 2024 - Filozofski Vestnik 45 (3).
    Besedila je prevedel Arne Kušej. Strokovno redakcijo prevoda je opravil Matjaž Vesel, ki je napisal tudi večino opomb.
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    Ethics in the Anthropocene: The case for questioning anthropocentrism.Arne Johan Vetlesen - 2023 - Constellations 30 (2):153-161.
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    Digitalization and organizational ethics. Scenarios from an ethical and philosophy of technology point of view.Arne Manzeschke - 2021 - Ethik in der Medizin 33 (2):219-232.
    Definition of the problem Organizations, being important intermediaries of modern, highly differentiated, and pluralistic societies, are a key place of decision making. This especially applied to health care organizations. Arguments Organizations and their processes are reconceptualized and eminently challenged by digitization and cross-linking in the World Wide Web. Thus, organizational ethics also needs to be reconceptualized. Conclusion The paper provides scenarios of some of the crucial issues of organizational ethics in light of digitization.
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  19. The Deep Ecological Movement.Arne Naess - 1986 - Philosophical Inquiry 8 (1-2):10-31.
  20.  38
    Communication and argument.Arne Naess - 1966 - [Totowa, N.J.]: Bedminster Press.
  21. (1 other version)Unconscious emotion: Evolutionary perspectives, psychophysiological data and neuropsychological mechanisms.Arne Öhman, Anders Flykt & Daniel Lundqvist - 2000 - In Richard D. R. Lane, L. Nadel & G. L. Ahern (eds.), Cognitive Neuroscience of Emotion. Series in Affective Science. Oxford University Press. pp. 296-327.
  22.  21
    Being Vulnerable: Contemporary Political Thought.Arne De Boever - 2023 - McGill-Queen's University Press.
    We are living in a time of acute vulnerability. From climate change to drone warfare, terrorist attacks to mass shootings, safe spaces to trigger warnings, not to mention the COVID-19 pandemic, homo vulnerabilis is once again coming to terms with the fact that it can be wounded, or even killed. Against such finitude, sovereignty is now reasserting itself as a political power that might save us from our ontological state. The irony is, of course, that such sovereignty – for example (...)
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  23. A defence of the deep ecology movement.Arne Naess - 1984 - Environmental Ethics 6 (3):265-270.
    There is an international deep ecology social movement with key terms, slogans, and rhetorical use of language comparable to what we find in other activist “alternative” movements today. Some supporters of the movement partake in academic philosophy and have developed or at least suggested philosophies, “ecosophies,” inspired by the movement. R. A. Watson does not distinguish sufficiently between the movement and the philosophical expressions with academic pretensions. As a result, he falsely concludes that deep ecology implies setting man apart from (...)
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  24.  76
    The efficient organization.Arne Manzeschke - 2011 - Ethik in der Medizin 23 (4):271-282.
    ZusammenfassungDie Gesundheitsreformen der vergangenen Jahrzehnte haben die Organisation Krankenhaus einem grundlegenden Wandel unterzogen. Neben offenkundig notwendigen und sinnvollen Veränderungen hat es aber auch solche gegeben, die die Frage aufwerfen, welchen gesellschaftlichen Aufgaben das Krankenhaus in Zukunft dienen soll. Pointiert gefragt: Welcher Effektivität soll die seit Jahren betriebene Effizienzsteigerung in der Organisation Krankenhaus dienen außer der Begrenzung eines allgemeinen Kostenanstiegs? Es ergibt sich ein paradoxer Befund: Der Wandel der Organisation Krankenhaus scheint sich maßgeblich der Ökonomisierung zu verdanken, die zugleich das Mittel (...)
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  25.  17
    A Philosophy of Pain.Arne Vetlesen - 2009 - Reaktion Books.
    “Living involves being exposed to pain every second—not necessarily as an insistent reality, but always as a possibility,” writes Arne Vetlesen in A Philosophy of Pain, a thought-provoking look at an inevitable and essential aspect of the human condition. Here, Vetlesen addresses pain in many forms, including the pain inflicted during torture; the pain suffered in disease; the pain accompanying anxiety, grief, and depression; and the pain brought by violence. He examines the dual nature of pain: how we attempt (...)
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  26. Spinoza and ecology.Arne Naess - 1977 - Philosophia 7 (1):45-54.
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    A Neurocognitive Framework for Human Creative Thought.Arne Dietrich & Hilde Haider - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  28. Erfaring og dagligsproglig begrebsdannelse.Arne Thing Mortensen - 1982 - In Knut Hanneborg (ed.), 6 Essays Om Erfaring. [Roskilde]: Institut for uddannelsesforskning, medieforskning og videnskabsteori (Institut vii).
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    Perception og sprog.Arne Thing Mortensen - 1972 - København,: Akademisk Forlag, D. B. K..
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  30. Hannah Arendt on conscience and evil.Arne Johan Vetlesen - 2001 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 27 (5):1-33.
    Though there exists a vast literature dealing with Hannah Arendt's thoughts on evil in general and Adolf Eichmann in particular, few attempts have been made to assess Arendt's position on evil by tracing its connection with her reflections on conscience. This essay examines the nature and significance of such a connection. Beginning with her doctoral dissertation on St Augustine and ending with her posthumously published studies in The Life of the Mind, Arendt's oeuvre exhibits strong thematic continuity: the triad thinking-conscience-evil (...)
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    Kritik: Existierend Leben. François Jullien ergründet den Weg zu einer neuen Ethik.Arne Klawitter - 2024 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2024 (1):211-215.
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    The Relation Between Part One and Part Two of The Sickness Unto Death.Arne Grøn - 1997 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 1997 (1):35-50.
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    Only human: studies in the history of the conceptions of man.Arne Jarrick (ed.) - 2000 - Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International.
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    Vermächtnisse für Zweifler.Arne Klawitter - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2019 (2):140-148.
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    The physical stature and bmi values of us army personnel in 1988.Arne Benjamin Kues - 2008 - Journal of Biosocial Science 40 (4):481-503.
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    Formalizing Knowledge Creation in Inventive Project Groups. The Malleability of Formal Work Methods.Arne Prahl - 2003 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 5 (2):3-24.
    This paper investigates how participants in cross-functional project groups use a formal work method in their sense making when dealing with the complexity of innovative work, especially in its inventive phase. The empirical basis of the paper is a prospective case study in which three project groups in three different companies are followed as they try to frame and solve their innovation tasks consisting in problems of a relatively general and vague character. The data are analyzed by means of a (...)
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    The creating consciousness: science as the language of God.Arne A. Wyller - 1999 - Denver, CO: Divina. Edited by Arne A. Wyller.
    Ours is a literal world. We spend so many words arguing the fundamental truth of a few ancient metaphors that we finally close them to personal meaning. Or we commit our energies to washing every literary form and figure of speech cleanly away to protect our definitions of correctness and to make everyday thinking even safer. But the arguing gives us doctrines. And the purging denies us poetry. And when all the metaphors are gone, we find we've lost the richest (...)
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    Exemplars and analogy: Semantic extension in constructional networks.Arne Zeschel - 2010 - In Dylan Glynn & Kerstin Fischer (eds.), Quantitative methods in cognitive semantics: corpus-driven approaches. New York: De Gruyter Mouton. pp. 201--219.
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  39. (2 other versions)Communication and Argument. Elements of Applied Semantics.Arne Naess - 1967 - Synthese 17 (1):344-345.
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    Generalisation of threat expectancy increases with time.Arne Leer, Dieuwke Sevenster & Miriam J. J. Lommen - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (5):1067-1075.
    Excessive fear generalisation is a feature characteristic of clinical anxiety and has been linked to its aetiology. Previous animal studies have shown that the mere passage of time increases fear generalisation and that brief exposure to training cues prior to long-term testing reverses this effect. The current study examined these phenomena in humans. Healthy participants learned the relationship between the presentation of a picture of a neutral male face and the delivery of a mild shock. One group was immediately tested (...)
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    Vertaling: Zorg dragen: landbouw en industrie/Bernard Stiegler.Arne Saeys, Paul Van Bortel & Liesbet Samyn - 2007 - Ethical Perspectives 17 (3):213-227.
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    The Role of Big Data in Ambient Assisted Living.Arne Manzeschke, Galia Assadi & Willy Viehöver - 2016 - International Review of Information Ethics 24.
    Big Data and biopolitics are two major issues currently attracting attention in public health discourse, but also in sociology of knowledge, STS Studies as well as in philosophy of science and bioethics. The paper considers big data to be a new form and instrument of biopolitics which addresses both the categories of body and space. It is expected to fundamentally transform health care systems, domestic environments and practices of self-observation and reflection. Accordingly the paper points out some problems and pitfalls (...)
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  43.  65
    "Truth" as Conceived by Those Who Are Not Professional Philosophers.Arne Ness - 1939 - Philosophy of Science 6 (3):379-380.
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    De onderneming AlS gemeenschap in het Recht.Arn Borret - 1947 - Bijdragen 8 (3):280-285.
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    De sociologie AlS zelfstandige wetenschap.Arn Borret - 1950 - Bijdragen 11 (2):110-139.
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    Aesthetics at work.Arne Melberg (ed.) - 2007 - Oslo: Unipub forlag.
    This anthology deals with the changing state of the arts and the incorporation and relevance of the aesthetic dimension in daily life in general. The articles are not restricted to the arts, but emphasis is given to aesthetics at work including art interaction, new aesthetical forms, new aesthetical activities, media and expressions including aesthetical dimensions in current economical and technological development â?? all the aesthetical tendencies that contribute to our world today. The book represents a decisive development in existing theories (...)
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  47. Aristotelische Naturphilosophie als Quelle und Medium der Explikation der cusanischen Lehre vom Unedlichen und der Koinzidenz der Gegensätze.Arne Moritz - 2020 - In Emmanuele Vimercati & Valentina Zaffino (eds.), Nicholas of Cusa and the Aristotelian tradition: a philosophical and theological survey. Berlin: De Gruyter.
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  48. Technology nature and ethics.Arne Johan Vetlesen - 2012 - In Roy Bhaskar (ed.), Ecophilosophy in a world of crisis: critical realism and the Nordic contributions. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Hannah Ruschemeier, Björn Steinrötter (Hrsg) (2024) Der Einsatz von KI & Robotik in der Medizin. Interdisziplinäre Fragen.Arne Manzeschke - 2025 - Ethik in der Medizin 37 (1):79-82.
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    Die Kirche des hl. Romanos in Konstantinopel und ihr Umfeld.Arne Effenberger - 2017 - Millennium 14 (1):191-226.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Millennium Jahrgang: 14 Heft: 1 Seiten: 191-226.
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