Results for 'Arts of Action'

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  1.  84
    Art in Action: Toward a Christian Aesthetic.Nicholas Wolterstorff - 1980 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 39 (2):209-210.
  2. Stain removal: On race and ethics.Art Massara - 2007 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 33 (4):498-528.
    What role does race play in the moral judgment of character? None, ideally, philosophers insist, contending that the proper assessment of an action requires that we disregard any social values associated with the body performing it. What rightly comes under evaluation, they assert, is the neutral, abstract deed irrespective of the race of the agent. Only under these conditions, presumably, can we gauge true moral worth. Reading together Immanuel Kant and Frantz Fanon on ethics and race, I propose instead (...)
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    Art in Action: Toward a Christian Aesthetic. [REVIEW]F. David Martin - 1982 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 16 (1):114.
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    Emote aloud during learning with AutoTutor: Applying the Facial Action Coding System to cognitive–affective states during learning.Scotty D. Craig, Sidney D'Mello, Amy Witherspoon & Art Graesser - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (5):777-788.
    In an attempt to discover the facial action units for affective states that occur during complex learning, this study adopted an emote-aloud procedure in which participants were recorded as they verbalised their affective states while interacting with an intelligent tutoring system (AutoTutor). Participants’ facial expressions were coded by two expert raters using Ekman's Facial Action Coding System and analysed using association rule mining techniques. The two expert raters received an overall kappa that ranged between.76 and.84. The association rule (...)
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    Joanna Freuh, Cassandra L. Langer, and Arlene Raven, Eds., New Feminist Criticism: Art, Identity, Action.Patricia Failing - 1995 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 53 (2):225-226.
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  6. An Action Research Exploration Integrating Student Choice and Arts Activities in a Sixth.Courtney Kosky - 2008 - Journal of Social Studies Research 32 (1):1.
  7.  17
    Actions and Decisions: Pragmatism Gateway to Artful Analytic Management Philosophizing.Pierre Guillet de Monthoux - 2017 - Philosophy of Management 16 (3):279-290.
    How management philosophy is conceived depends on if pragmatism is acknowledged or not! After having been under the main domination of management science both research and education has until recently widened its scope from a decision-making to an action-perspective. It seems to be a recent reconnection to pragmatism that makes the 2011 Carnegie report propose to rethink management in liberal arts terms, whilst the vastly influential 1959 Carnegie Pierson report distanced itself from American pragmatism thus focusing on decisions (...)
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    Takedown: art and power in the digital age.Farah Nayeri - 2022 - New York: Astra House.
    Farah Nayeri addresses the difficult questions plaguing the art world, from the bad habits of Old Masters, to the current grappling with identity politics. For centuries, art censorship has been a top-down phenomenon--kings, popes, and one-party states decided what was considered obscene, blasphemous, or politically deviant in art. Today, censorship can also happen from the bottom-up, thanks to calls to action from organizers and social media campaigns. Artists and artworks are routinely taken to task for their insensitivity. In this (...)
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    Action, Art, History: Engagements with Arthur C. Danto.Daniel Alan Herwitz & Michael Kelly (eds.) - 2007 - Columbia University Press.
    Arthur C. Danto is unique among philosophers for the breadth of his philosophical mind, his eloquent writing style, and the generous spirit embodied in all his work. Any collection of essays on his philosophy has to engage him on all these levels, because this is how he has always engaged the world, as a philosopher and person. In this volume, renowned philosophers and art historians revisit Danto's theories of art, action, and history, and the depth of his innovation as (...)
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    Education as a pharmakon. Action art as political pedagogic device for enacting radical democracy.Guerra Luis - 2023 - Ethics and Education 18 (3-4):371-386.
    By considering the position of education as a pharmakon, highlighting its potential positive and negative effects on societies by its technical unfolding, the article proposes to explore the political and pedagogical role that public and collective performances can have within the public sphere as political devices for promoting and enacting radical democracy. To this end, it analyzes a contemporary collaborative artistic practice, the performance ‘Un Violador en Tu Camino’ (‘A rapist in your path’) by the feminist collective LASTESIS from Chile, (...)
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    On Consumerism, Collective Action, and Whether Art Teaches Anything.Claudia W. Ruitenberg - 2014 - Educational Theory 64 (2):179-194.
    In this review essay, Claudia Ruitenberg discusses Trevor Norris's Consuming Schools, René Arcilla's Mediumism, and Martha Nussbaum's Not for Profit. While the primary focus of each book is different — with Norris concentrating on the pressures of consumerism and commercialism on K–12 schooling, Arcilla analyzing modernist art and existentialist education, and Nussbaum emphasizing the role of the humanities in educating for democratic citizenship — each of the books in some way addresses the question of how people can be educated to (...)
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    Art, Action and Ambiguity.Marx W. Wartofsky - 1974 - The Monist 58 (2):327-338.
    The title of this paper is intended to evoke several connotations. Since it will doubtless fail to do so, let me confess them explicitly and artlessly. First, the trinitarian character of the title suggests my debt to the dialectical tradition, from Hegel and Marx to Peirce and Dewey. Second, the alliterative character of the title indicates my debt to Nelson Goodman, perpetrator of the most alarming alliterations allowed in contemporary philosophy. In fact, the text of my sermon can be found (...)
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  13. Art and Agency: An Anthropological Theory.Alfred Gell - 1998 - Clarendon Press.
    Alfred Gell puts forward a new anthropological theory of visual art, seen as a form of instrumental action: the making of things as a means of influencing the thoughts and actions of others. He shows how art objects embody complex intentionalities and mediate social agency, and he explores the psychology of patterns and perceptions, art and personhood, the control of knowledge, and the interpretation of meaning, drawing upon a diversity of artistic traditions--European, Indian, Polynesian, Melanesian, and Australian. Art and (...)
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  14. Art and intention: a philosophical study.Paisley Livingston - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In Art and intention Paisley Livingston develops a broad and balanced perspective on perennial disputes between intentionalists and anti-intentionalists in philosophical aesthetics and critical theory. He surveys and assesses a wide range of rival assumptions about the nature of intentions and the status of intentionalist psychology. With detailed reference to examples from diverse media, art forms, and traditions, he demonstrates that insights into the multiple functions of intentions have important implications for our understanding of artistic creation and authorship, the ontology (...)
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  15.  6
    Art and art-attempts.Christy Mag Uidhir - 2013 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Although few philosophers agree about what it is for something to be art, most, if not all, agree on one thing: art must be in some sense intention dependent. Art and Art-Attempts is about what follows from taking intention dependence seriously as a substantive necessary condition for something's being art. Christy Mag Uidhir argues that from the assumption that art must be the product of intentional action, along with basic action-theoretic account of attempts (goal-oriented intention-directed activity), follows a (...)
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  16. Action, Art, History: Engagements with Arthur C. Danto: Book Reviews. [REVIEW]Michalle Gal - 2008 - British Journal of Aesthetics 48 (1):105-107.
  17.  58
    Movement and action in the performing arts.Haig Khatchadourian - 1978 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 37 (1):25-36.
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  18.  25
    Philosophizing Art: Selected Essays.Arthur Coleman Danto - 1999 - University of California Press.
    Arthur Danto's work has always affirmed a deep relationship between philosophy and art. These essays explore this relationship through a number of concrete cases in which either artists are driven by philosophical agendas or their art is seen as solving philosophical problems in visual terms. The essays cover a varied terrain, with subjects including Giotto's use of olfactory data in _The Raising of Lazarus; _chairs in art and chairs as art; Mel Bochner's Wittgenstein drawings; the work of Robert Motherwell, Andy (...)
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    Art history?Donald Brook - 2004 - History and Theory 43 (1):1–17.
    This article is presented in two parts. In part I, I call into question the viability of a currently received opinion about the foundations of the subject called “Art History,” primarily by challenging assumptions that are implicit in conventional uses of the terms “art” and “work of art.” It is widely supposed that works of art are items of a kind, that this kind is the bearer of the name “art,” and that it has a history. In part II, I (...)
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    The Art Opening: Proximity and Potentiality at Events.Martin Fuller & Julie Ren - 2019 - Theory, Culture and Society 36 (7-8):135-152.
    This article develops the concept of proximity as socio-spatial distance by looking at the temporally and spatially condensed events of contemporary art exhibition openings. The article begins by examining some developments in proximity research, the limitations of theorizing the importance of proximity as mere physical nearness, arguing that potentiality renders proximity meaningful. After introducing the art event, we offer a three-pronged approach to proximity by showing the imperatives for being-there, the conditional indeterminacy of potentiality and the politics of proximity. In (...)
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  21. Action, Perception, and Art.Harold Lee - 1970 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 1 (3):85-90.
  22.  15
    Art World: Grudger, Sucker, Cheat.Christopher Perricone - 2017 - Philosophy and Literature 41 (1):31-44.
    A picture lives by companionship.In Art as Experience, John Dewey is clear that art, like life, goes on in an environment—or, more emphatically, art, like life, goes on "not merely in it but because of it, through interaction with it.... The career and destiny of a living being are bound up with its interchange with its environment, not externally but in the most intimate way."2 Later, Dewey says: "The word 'esthetic' refers, as we have already noted, to experience as appreciative, (...)
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  23.  13
    El arte entre la tecnología y la rebelión: en torno al 68'.Luis Felipe Noé - 2020 - Buenos Aires: Argonauta. Edited by Juan Pablo Pérez.
    In 1967 I began writing this book in New York as an analysis of what had been enunciated in the visual arts, conditioned between technology and rebellion. When I return to Buenos Aires I continued to write (until 1972) in a different context where rebellion had revolutionary cravings for the prevailing dictatorship. In the early 1970s, very tough times began in our country (Argentina) and in Latin America in general. For that reason, I didn't publish it. It is now (...)
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  24.  75
    Fine Art as Preparation for Christian Love.Ian Rottenberg - 2014 - Journal of Religious Ethics 42 (2):243-262.
    This essay links Jean-Luc Marion's phenomenology of fine art to his description of Christian love. It does so by carefully showing how Marion's overall project is closely related to Kant's well-known account of the relationship between aesthetics and morality. While Kant and Marion both believe that aesthetic experience can lay the groundwork for moral action, their contrasting views of morality lead them to very different articulations of such a relationship. While Kant sees encounters with fine art as preparing individuals (...)
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    The Japanese Arts and Meditation‐in‐Action.Harris Wiseman - 2022 - Zygon 57 (3):744-771.
    The Japanese arts (dō) provide a rigorous, ritual-like set of structures which involve moral and aesthetic training, as well as providing techniques for body-mind synchronization (constituting as such: meditation-in-action). The article explores the links between the Japanese arts and Zen Buddhist ideals (particularly Sōtō Zen) of enlightenment being nothing other than the consistent practice of one's art. Japanese archery (kyudō) will be highlighted to illustrate this, as will the Japanese lifelong learning philosophy (shugyō). The article concludes by (...)
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    Artes viv(id)as: despliegues en la vida cotidiana.M. Munévar & Dora Inés (eds.) - 2007 - Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Dirección de Investigación.
    A two year artistic project "Cuerpos-Manos en la Vida Cotidiana" is documented in this catalogue of art and art theory in relation to the body and to daily life. A collective of 11 artists and art historians reflect on their contribution to the project, from the proposition, action, result and media. Many contributions deal with women, gender.
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  27. Failed-Art and Failed Art-Theory.Christy Mag Uidhir - 2010 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 88 (3):381-400.
    An object being non-art appears only trivially informative. Some non-art objects, however, could be saliently 'almost' art, and therefore objects for which being non-art is non-trivially informative. I call these kinds of non-art objects 'failed-art' objects—non-art objects aetiologically similar to art-objects, diverging only in virtue of some relevant failure. I take failed-art to be the right sort of thing, to result from the right sort of action, and to have the right sort of history required to be art, but (...)
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    Creative Arts and Experiences in Palliative Care.Maria José dos Santos Cunha & Manuel Luís Capelas - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):87-102.
    In this article, we present a work developed with palliative patients with the aim of, through art, enabling them to find answers that would help them overcome situations that kept them involved in thoughts, fears, and anxiety that consumed their energy, joy, and will to live. For this purpose, we used a qualitative methodology —research-action— and the attained results revealed how arts can be useful to these patients by providing them, through the work they have developed, with an (...)
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  29.  66
    (1 other version)Art and Intention.Paisley Nathan Livingston - 2005 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 68 (2):414-415.
    In aesthetics, the topic of intentions comes up most often in the perennial debate between intentionalists and anti-intentionalists over standards of interpretation. The underlying assumptions about the nature and functions of intentions are, however, rarely explicitly developed, even though divergent and at times tendentious premises are often relied upon in this controversy. Livingston provides a survey of contentions about the nature and status of intentions and intentionalist psychology more generally, arguing for an account that recognizes the multiple functions fulfilled by (...)
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  30.  68
    On art and intention.Steven Farrelly-Jackson - 1997 - Heythrop Journal 38 (2):172–179.
    The author discusses a puzzle about the place of intention in art, a puzzle first articulated by Richard Wollheim in his well‐known lecture ‘On Drawing an Object’. The puzzle arises if we try to hold jointly three commonly‐held claims, viz. Art is intentional; The artist, in making a work of art, needs to observe what he has done, in order to know what he has done; A necessary condition of intentional action is that when an agent acts intentionally then (...)
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  31. Assessing Socially Engaged Art.Vid Simoniti - 2018 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 76 (1):71-82.
    The last twenty‐five years have seen a radical shift in the work of politically committed artists. No longer content to merely represent social reality, a new generation of artists has sought to change it, blending art with activism, social regeneration projects, and even violent political action. I assess how this form of contemporary art should lead us to rethink theories of artistic value and argue that these works make a convincing case for an often‐dismissed position, namely, the pragmatic view (...)
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  32. Schelling's 'Art in the Particular': Re-orienting Final Cause.Nat Trimarchi - 2024 - Cosmos and History 20 (1):416-419.
    Schelling’s Principle of Art returns us to an ancient epic sensibility, laying the foundations for reversing the unrealistic ‘modern mythology’ arguably at the core of humanity’s ecological/existential crisis. This contribution examines how, by detailing his systematic approach to constructing art ‘in the particular’ (art-forms/works). ‘Particularity’ is subject only to the reason inherent in the potences (or consequences) of the affirmation of the whole unity (Principle). Hence Schelling’s ‘affirming principles’ determine boundary conditions for his ‘mythological categories’, revealing why their generalities inform (...)
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    Undoing art.Mary Ann Caws - 2017 - Macerata: Quodlibet. Edited by Michel Delville.
    Here is, we think, the point. It doesn't matter for what reason the writer or painter or lover destroys the creation: the real point is that destruction itself, like a gigantic statement. It is, in fact, something of an excitation, a stimulation to further thought: what is this ACTION about?' What do Stéphane Mallarmé, Antonin Artaud, Meret Oppenheim, Asger Jorn, Yoko Ono, Tom Phillips and Martin Arnold have in common? Whereas a wealth of critics have diagnosed contemporary art's preoccupations (...)
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    Arche i arte. Prymarny dualizm z ducha muzyki.Krzysztof Szwajgier - 2019 - Principia 66 (Tom 66):187-208.
    The arche–arte dualism (concrete–abstract) is fundamental and basic, due to its universality and comprehensive generative function. This duality characterizes our actions in every dimension, and is thus necessarily involved in cognitive and creative acts. The “arteic” includes the categories of consciousness, consideration, calculation, ordering, knowledge, intellect, and artificiality. On the other hand, the “archeic” refers to that which is, in us, subconscious, eternal, primordial, innate, instinctive, and natural. When this basic duality is posited at the outset, it furnishes an analytical‑interpretative‑synthesizing (...)
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    Art, truth and vocation: Validity and disclosure in Heidegger’s anti-aesthetics.Lambert Zuidervaart - 2002 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 28 (2):153-172.
    A central point of contention between Critical Theory and Heideggerian thinking concerns the question of truth. Whereas Martin Heidegger orients his conception of truth towards the ongoing disclosure of Being, Jürgen Habermas regards truth as one dimension of validity in 'communicative action'. Unlike Habermas, who usually emphasizes validity at the expense of disclosure, Heidegger tends to emphasize disclosure at the expense of validity. The essay uses Heidegger's 'The Origin of the Work of Art' as its point of departure. While (...)
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  36. Monuments as commitments: How art speaks to groups and how groups think in art.C. Thi Nguyen - 2019 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 100 (4):971-994.
    Art can be addressed, not just to individuals, but to groups. Art can even be part of how groups think to themselves – how they keep a grip on their values over time. I focus on monuments as a case study. Monuments, I claim, can function as a commitment to a group value, for the sake of long-term action guidance. Art can function here where charters and mission statements cannot, precisely because of art’s powers to capture subtlety and emotion. (...)
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  37. Artifacts, art works, and agency.Randall R. Dipert - 1993 - Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
    This is the first philosophical study of artifacts that is book length. In it Randall Dipert develops a theory of what artifacts are and applies it extensively to one of the most complex and intriguing kind of artifacts, art works. He presents his own account of what agents, intentions, and actions are, then uses these notions to clarify what it is for an agent to "make" something. From this starting point, he develops a full theory of artifacts and other artificial (...)
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    (In)visible Actions – Disruptive Practices: Art and Philosophy in the ČSSR 1950–1980.Hana Gründler - 2024 - Journal of Social and Political Philosophy 3 (1):67-84.
    It is not well known that in the context of the unofficial artistic and philosophical scene of the ČSSR there was an aesthetically refined and theoretically differentiated reflection on the different degrees and limits of visibility as well as a rethinking of participation – be it aesthetic, epistemic or political. In this paper I first investigate the relation between history and (in)visibility in its broadest sense: questions such as ‘whose history is present’ and ‘what visual memory building strategies are used’ (...)
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    The Subsidized Muse or the Market-oriented Muse? Supporting Artistic Creation in Romania between State Intervention and Art Market.Dan Eugen Ratiu - 2006 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 5 (13):106-127.
    The analysis focuses on the manner in which public authorities in Romania have carried out their role of supporting artistic creation, as well as on the institutional and financial instruments put into practice for this purpose. First, it is about exposing the contradictory logics that grounds the public action in supporting arts and artists and understanding the character of the State intervention in the cultural field, pointing up its oscillations between mediator and cultural agent roles, neutral and valorizing (...)
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    Workshops with style: minor art in the making.Galit Noga-Banai - 2004 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 97 (2):531-542.
    In his book Byzantine Art in the Making; Main Lines of Stylistic Development in Mediterranean Art 3 rd–7 th Century, Ernst Kitzinger describes three types of subjects represented in a group of ivory plaques most likely executed in the same Roman workshop c. 400. He begins with the famous pair of ivory panels inscribed with the names Nicomachi (Paris, Musée Cluny) and Symmachi (London, Victoria and Albert Museum), two of the old Roman senatorial families known for their efforts and actions (...)
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  41. David Davies, art as performance.Reviews by Robert Stecker & John Dilworth - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 63 (1):75–80.
    In his absorbing book Art as Performance, David Davies argues that artworks should be identified, not with artistic products such as paintings or novels, but instead with the artistic actions or processes that produced such items. Such a view had an earlier incarnation in Currie’s widely criticized “action type hypothesis”, but Davies argues that it is instead action tokens rather than types with which artworks should be identified. This rich and complex work repays the closest study in spite (...)
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    Liberalism, Art, and Funding.Dale Francis Murray - 2004 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 38 (3):116.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Liberalism, Art, and FundingDale Francis MurrayLiberalism, Art, and FundingSince Ronald Dworkin published A Matter of Principle, a host of critics have attempted to systematically dismantle his arguments advocating state support for the arts that appear in a chapter entitled, "Can a Liberal State Support Art?"1 The combined critical force of Noël Carroll, Samuel Black, and most recently, Harry Brighouse, has dislodged the main supports of Dworkin's position on (...)
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    Art and Multitude.Antonio Negri - 2011 - Polity.
    Nine letters on art, written to friends from exile in France in the 1980s. Starting from earlier materialist approaches to art, Negri relates artistic production to the structures of social production characteristic of each historical era. This enables him to define the nature of both material and artistic production in the era of post-modernity and post-Fordism - the era Negri characterizes as that of immaterial labour. Negri then seeks to define artistic beauty in this new era, and this he does (...)
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    Art, Affect, and Social Media in the ‘No Dakota Access Pipeline’ Movement.Robyn Lee - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (7-8):179-192.
    Indigenous-led activism against proposed oil pipelines has relied heavily on social media, as in the #NoDAPL campaign against the Dakota Access Pipeline. This paper explores affective engagement in online activism, including the Standing Rock ‘check-in’ campaign on Facebook. Moving beyond dichotomous understandings of embodied vs digital activism, Cannupa Hanska Luger’s Mirror Shields Project employs digital media in order to support direct action at Standing Rock. Patricia Clough draws a direct link between affect and technoscientific understandings of the body in (...)
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  45. Art, Mind, and Intention.Noël Carroll - 2007 - Philosophy and Literature 31 (2):394-404.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Art, Mind, and IntentionNoël CarrollArt and Intention: A Philosophical Study, by Paisley Livingston ; 266 pp. oxford: oxford University Press, 2005, $74.00, $35.00 paper.The relevance of intention to the philosophy of art was perhaps first made explicit by G.W.F. Hegel who, in his monumental The Philosophy of Fine Art, narrowed the domain of aesthetics to art on the grounds that the beauty that pertains to art is the product (...)
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    Moist art as telematic dance: Connecting wet and dry bodies.Ivani Santana - 2015 - Technoetic Arts 13 (1-2):187-201.
    Assuming that the contemporary world is inevitably set in the context of moistmedia (Ascott 2000), this article discusses some artistic proposals that specifically seek to explore the relationship between dry technology and the wet human body, as in the case of telematic dance. This article is grounded in Clark’s (2003) concept of the ‘extended mind’ and ‘cognitive artefact’; Noë’s (2004; 2012) ‘activism’ theory; and Gallagher’s (2005) ideas surrounding ‘body image’ and ‘body schema’. My discussion of ‘moistmedia’ is focused on Ascott’s (...)
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    Art, face and breathscape.Silvia Barbotto - 2021 - Sign Systems Studies 49 (3-4):437-462.
    We consider breath as a vast prospect that includes actions and traces of them, that builds images and texts, that involves the human being and the extra-human context; we call this great scenery ‘breathscape’. We then study how breathscape interacts with the human apparatus of the face, both giving rise to signs, but also giving rise to a liminal zone of extremely intriguing interpretative processes on a mereological scale. How and where do the territory of breath and the body interact? (...)
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    Attending: an ethical art.Warren Heiti - 2021 - Chicago: McGill-Queen's University Press.
    Attending--patient contemplation focused on a particular being--is a central ethical activity that has not been recognized by any of the main moral systems in the European philosophical tradition. That tradition has imagined that the moral agent is primarily a problem solver and world changer when what might be needed most is a witness. Moral theory has been agonized by dualism--motivation is analyzed into beliefs and desires, descriptions of facts and dissatisfactions with them, while action is represented as an effort (...)
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    Why Aesthetic Patterns Matter: Art and a “Qualitative” Social Theory.Eduardo Fuente - 2014 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 44 (2):168-185.
    This paper argues that an explanation of the role of aesthetic patterning in human action needs to be part of any “qualitative” social theory. It urges the social sciences to move beyond contextualism and to see art as visual, acoustic and other media that lead to heightened sensory perception and the coordination of feelings through symbols. The article surveys the argument that art provides a basic model of how the self learns to interact with external environments; and the complementary (...)
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    Art and intention: A philosophical study – Paisley Livingston.Cain Todd - 2007 - Philosophical Quarterly 57 (226):153–156.
    Do the artists intentions have anything to do with the making and appreciation of works of art? In Art and Intention, Paisley Livingston develops a broad and balanced perspective on perennial disputes between intentionalists and anti-intentionalists in philosophical aesthetics and critical theory. He surveys and assesses a wide range of rival assumptions about the nature of intentions and the status of intentionalist psychology. With detailed reference to examples from diverse media, art forms, and traditions, he demonstrates that insights into the (...)
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