Results for 'Artur Mamcarz-Plisiecki'

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  1.  9
    The Great Ideas of Religion and Freedom: A Semiotic Reinterpretation of The Great Ideas Movement for the 21st Century.Peter A. Redpath, Imelda Chłodna-Błach & Artur Mamcarz-Plisiecki (eds.) - 2021 - BRILL.
    This collective volume offers the radically new thesis that, generically-considered, philosophy and science are identical and great because they are mainly psychological forms of wondering about organizational formation and operation, forms of behavioral organizational and leadership psychology.
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    Précis of Artūrs Logins Normative Reasons: Between Reasoning and Explanation.Artūrs Logins - 2024 - Philosophia 52 (4):979-983.
    This is the précis of Artūrs Logins book Normative Reasons: Between Reasoning and Explanation (Logins 2022).
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  3. Quantum Algorithms: Entanglement-enhanced Information Processing.Artur Ekert & Richard Jozsa - 1998 - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 356:1769--1782.
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    What Is the Effect of Basic Emotions on Directed Forgetting? Investigating the Role of Basic Emotions in Memory.Artur Marchewka, Marek Wypych, Jarosław M. Michałowski, Marcin Sińczuk, Małgorzata Wordecha, Katarzyna Jednoróg & Anna Nowicka - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:202287.
    Studies presenting memory-facilitating effect of emotions typically focused on affective dimensions of arousal and valence. Little is known, however, about the extent to which stimulus-driven basic emotions could have distinct effects on memory. In the present paper we sought to examine the modulatory effect of disgust, fear and sadness on intentional remembering and forgetting using widely used item-method directed forgetting paradigm. Eighteen women underwent fMRI scanning during encoding phase in which they were asked either to remember (R) or to forget (...)
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    Entre Kardec e Roustaing.Artur Cesar Isaia - 2024 - Horizonte 22 (67):e226714.
    Neste texto perseguimos a polêmica presença do pensador francês Jean-Baptiste Roustaing no cenário espírita brasileiro, compondo-se com a obra de codificação de Allan Kardec. Tomamos, como ponto de referência, o papel de coordenador e representativo da Federação Espírita Brasileira (FEB) no processo, tanto de afirmação da presença de Roustaing ao lado de Kardec, quanto de posterior retirada da obra roustainguista, como leitura reconhecida e recomendada por aquela instituição. Concluímos pelo reconhecimento da importância da permanência da obra de Roustaing como bibliografia (...)
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    Antroponimiczne metafory odzwierzęce w języku polskim, rosyjskim i angielskim.Artur Czapiga - 2008 - Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.
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  7. Introduction: Protocols of modern war.Artur Gruszczak & Pawel Frankowski - 2018 - In Artur Gruszczak & Pawel Frankowski (eds.), Technology, ethics and the protocols of modern war. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Existential and psychological problems connected with Threat Predicting Process.Piotr Mamcarz - 2014 - Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 20 (1-2):53-69.
    The aim of the article is to present a very important phenomenon affecting human integrity and homeostasis that is Threat Prediction Process. This process can be defined as “experiencing apprehension concerning results of potential/ actual dangers,” oscillating in terminological area of anxiety, fear, stress, restlessness. Moreover, it highlights a cognitive process distinctive for listed phenomenon’s. The process accompanied with technological and organization changes increases number of health problems affecting many populations. Hard work conditions; changing life style; or many social and (...)
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  9. Estetyka ontologicznie ugruntowana. Opis zamiast oceny.Artur Mordka - 2007 - Colloquia Communia 82 (1-2):114-119.
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    Replies to Fassio, Schleifer McCormick, Finlay, and Schmidt.Artūrs Logins - forthcoming - Philosophia.
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    The psychological and ethological antecedents of human consent to techno-empowerment of autonomous office assistants.Artur Modliński - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):647-663.
    Human organizations’ adoption of the paradigm of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is associated with the growth of techno-empowerment, which is the process of transferring autonomy in decision-making to intelligent machines. Particular persuasive strategies have been identified that may coax people to use intelligent devices. However, there is a substantial research gap regarding what antecedents influence human intention to assign decision-making autonomy to artificial agents. In this study, ethological and evolutionary concepts are applied to explain the drivers for autonomous assistants’ techno-empowerment. (...)
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  12. Abductive reasoning in neural-symbolic systems.Artur S. D’Avila Garcez, Dov M. Gabbay, Oliver Ray & John Woods - 2007 - Topoi 26 (1):37-49.
    Abduction is or subsumes a process of inference. It entertains possible hypotheses and it chooses hypotheses for further scrutiny. There is a large literature on various aspects of non-symbolic, subconscious abduction. There is also a very active research community working on the symbolic (logical) characterisation of abduction, which typically treats it as a form of hypothetico-deductive reasoning. In this paper we start to bridge the gap between the symbolic and sub-symbolic approaches to abduction. We are interested in benefiting from developments (...)
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    Hyperscanning: A Valid Method to Study Neural Inter-brain Underpinnings of Social Interaction.Artur Czeszumski, Sara Eustergerling, Anne Lang, David Menrath, Michael Gerstenberger, Susanne Schuberth, Felix Schreiber, Zadkiel Zuluaga Rendon & Peter König - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Nisi ipse intellectus. Nie-redukcjonistyczna filozofia umysłu w Leibniza Nowych rozważaniach dotyczących rozumu ludzkiego.Artur Banaszkiewicz - 2015 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 27:105-125.
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    Model-driven engineering of multi-agent systems based on ontologies.Artur Freitas, Rafael H. Bordini & Renata Vieira - 2017 - Applied ontology 12 (2):157-188.
    Model-driven engineering provides abstractions and notations to improve the understanding and to support modeling, coding, and verification of applications for specific domains. Ontologies, on the...
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  16. Avicenne et Thomas d'Aquin. Les sources arabes de la conception existentielle de l'être.Artur Andrzejuk - 2003 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 39 (1):209-219.
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    Introduction: Solidarity and Utopia.Artur Blaim & Ludmiła Gruszewska-Blaim - 2018 - Utopian Studies 29 (2):127-132.
    The present special issue of Utopian Studies is devoted to utopia and solidarity considered from philosophical, sociopolitical, cultural, and literary perspectives. It was inspired by the 18th Utopian Studies Society Conference "Solidarity and Utopia," which took place in Gdańsk in July 2017. As the papers presented at that conference clearly demonstrated, the most immediate connotations of the word solidarity used in different contexts tend to be positive, invariably inducing utopian or messianic thinking, despite the fact that solidarity is "not morally (...)
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    Raj na Ziemi kontra obóz koncentracyjny.Artur Michalski - 2018 - Toruń: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek.
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    Socratic Askesis in the Symposium.Artur Pacewicz - 2019 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 14 (1):71-81.
    The present paper attempts to explain Socrates’ remark in Symposium 212b, where the expression “diapherontos askein” is used to describe Socrates’ attitude towards erotic matters [ta erotika]. The analysis of the dialogue shows that a human being with a reliable power of Eros and knowledge about the proper way of life should strengthen their character virtues through self-restraint and justice. This power is a natural component of every person, and the knowledge about life can be obtained both from the Symposium (...)
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  20. Filozofia od A do A.Artur Przybysławski - 2001 - Principia.
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    Epistemic Responsibility, Rights and Duties During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Artur Karimov, Andrea Lavazza & Mirko Farina - 2022 - Social Epistemology 36 (6):686-702.
    We start by introducing the idea of echo chambers. Echo chambers are social and epistemic structures in which opinions, leanings, or beliefs about certain topics are amplified and reinforced due to repeated interactions within a closed system; that is, within a system that has a rather homogeneous sample of sources or people, which all share the same attitudes towards the topics in question. Echo chambers are a particularly dangerous phenomena because they prevent the critical assessment of sources and contents, thus (...)
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    Death of the passive subject.Artur Ribeiro - 2018 - History of the Human Sciences 31 (3):105-121.
    In recent years some archaeological commentators have suggested moving away from an exclusively anthropocentric view of social reality. These ideas endorse elevating objects to the same ontological level as humans – thus creating a symmetrical view of reality. However, this symmetry threatens to force us to abandon the human subject and theories of meaning. This article defends a different idea. It is argued here that an archaeology of the social, based on human intentionality, is possible, while maintaining an ontology that (...)
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  23. Čínská filosofie v novověké evropské filosofii.Artur Zempliner - 1966 - Praha,: Academia.
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    Affinities between Fleck and Neurath.Artur Koterski - 2002 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 9:299-306.
    First, there are some striking similarities in the history of reception of Fleck’s and Neurath’s ideas. Due to the style of their writings they were not or often not well welcome in their national philosophical communities, i.e., the Vienna Circle and the Lvov-Warsaw School. This is especially true in the case of Fleck. On the other hand, some prominent logical positivists, like Hempel, are to some extent guilty of making of Neurath a clumsy thinker whose ideas needed to be clear (...)
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    The Paradox of Graded Justification.Artūrs Logins - 2024 - Episteme 21 (3):920-948.
    According to a widely held view epistemic justification is a normative notion. According to another widely held assumption, epistemic justification comes in degrees. Given that gradability requires a context-sensitivity that normativity seems to lack, these two assumptions stand in tension. Giving up the assumption of gradability of justification represents a lesser theoretical cost.
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  26. Mistyka miłości Bożej w pismach św. Bernarda z Clairvaux.Artur Andrzejuk - 2011 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 47 (2):63-102.
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    Portuguese national coat of arms as printers devices.Artur Anselmo - 2014 - Cultura:157-168.
    Este artigo apresenta e comenta três dezenas de casos de utilização das armas portuguesas nas portadas de livros quatrocentistas e quinhentistas. Esta utilização enquadra-se no âmbito da heráldica tipográfica, com força expressiva equivalente à dos símbolos pessoais ou familiares, quase sempre porque editores, impressores ou livreiros entendiam que o escudo nacional dignificava sobremaneira o seu trabalho.
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  28. Istnienie jako complementum possibilitatis.Artur Banaszkiewicz - 2005 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 54 (2):135-147.
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    Rewolucja naukowo-techniczna a socjalizm.Artur Bodnar - 1971 - Warszawa,: Książka i wiedza. Edited by Bogdan Zahn.
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    Wendel, Georg. Sozialpädagogische Essays. Berlin. L. Simion Nf. 1911.Artur Buchenau - 1911 - Kant Studien 16 (1-3).
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  31. Analytischer Kommentar zu Hegels Phänomenologie des Geistes: Die Architektonik des erscheinenden Wissens.Claus Artur Scheier - 1980.
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  32. Egzystencjalne źródła filozofii Davida Hume`a oraz filozofii transcendentalnej Immanuela Kanta.Artur Dobosz - 2000 - Nowa Krytyka 11:161-182.
  33. Informacja o konferencji \"Liberalzm u schyłku wieku\".Artur Grzybowski - 1999 - Civitas 3 (3).
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    Über die Korrespondenz von Tarskis Definition der Wahrheit. 4.2.Artur Rojszczak - 1994 - In Georg Meggle & Ulla Wessels (eds.), Analyōmen 1 =. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 539-543.
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  35. Reflections on music.Artur Schnabel - 1933 - New York,: Simon & Schuster. Edited by César Saerchinger.
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    Kapitel 5. Computerrecht – Computerspiele.Artur-Axel Wandtke - 2008 - In Medienrechtmedia and Industrial Property Law: Praxishandbuch. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Kapitel 12. Patent-/gebrauchsmusterrecht.Artur-Axel Wandtke - 2008 - In Medienrechtmedia and Industrial Property Law: Praxishandbuch. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Chopin’s Piano and the aesthetics of social life.Artur Wysocki - 2021 - Journal of Critical Realism 20 (4):428-440.
    The text, starting from the classic picture taken from Polish literature on the barbaric destruction of higher culture, first shows the contemporary manifestations of an attack on one of the basic...
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    Conquered by the North: creative trips of the artist V.A. Igoshev of the 1950s and 1960s.Artur Amirovich Galyamov - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The northern creative trips of the People's Artist of the USSR Vladimir Alexandrovich Igoshev (1921-2007) represent important and vivid pages in his creative biography. The object of this research is the creative heritage of the artist V.A. Igoshev. The subject of the study is the creative trips of the artist V.A. Igoshev to the North (Sverdlovsk and Tyumen regions) of the 1950s and 1960s. The purpose of this study is to reconstruct the overall picture of the northern creative trips of (...)
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    Christopher B. Kulp, Knowing Moral Truth. A Theory of Metaethics and Moral Knowledge.Artur Szutta - 2022 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 19 (2):209-212.
  41. Neural-Symbolic Cognitive Reasoning.Artur D'Avila Garcez, Luis Lamb & Dov Gabbay - 2009 - New York: Springer.
    Humans are often extraordinary at performing practical reasoning. There are cases where the human computer, slow as it is, is faster than any artificial intelligence system. Are we faster because of the way we perceive knowledge as opposed to the way we represent it? -/- The authors address this question by presenting neural network models that integrate the two most fundamental phenomena of cognition: our ability to learn from experience, and our ability to reason from what has been learned. This (...)
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  42. Theism and humanism, London 1915.Artur J. Balfour - 1922 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 1 (1):142-149.
  43. Principium contradictionis oraz Principium rationis sufficientis w ontologii Christiana Wolffa.Artur Banaszkiewicz - 2002 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 2.
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    The Theory of the Civilizing Process — An Idiographic Theory of Modernization?Artur Bogner - 1992 - Theory, Culture and Society 9 (2):23-53.
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    (1 other version)Über den Begriff des Unendlichen und der intelligibeln Ausdehnung bei Malebranche und die Beziehung des letzteren zum Kantischen Raumbegriff.Artur Buchenau - 1909 - Kant Studien 14 (1-3):440-467.
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    Descartes, Rene. Philosophische Werke.Artur Buchenau - 1911 - Kant Studien 16 (1-3).
  47. Neuere pädagogische Litteratur.Artur Buchenau - 1909 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 14:84.
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    In Memoriam: P. José Fernando Pereira Borges, SJ.Artur Ilharco Galvão - 2014 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 70 (1):191-192.
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    Inżynieria pojęciowa a metoda eksplikacji.Artur Kosecki - 2022 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 70 (3):251-272.
    Herman Cappelen w książce Fixing language (2018) zaproponował projekt w ramach inżynierii pojęciowej, w myśl którego to, co rewidujemy w pojęciach, to ich intensja i ekstensja. Podjął on polemikę z koncepcjami w inżynierii pojęciowej, zgodnie z którymi przy rewizji odwołujemy się do funkcji i celów. W pierwszej części artykułu opisuję wspomnianą dyskusję. W realizacji tego zamiaru korzystam z odwołań do artykułu Amie Thomasson „A Pragmatic Method for Normative Conceptual Work” (2020). Następnie podejmuję próbę obrony stanowisk odwołujących się przy rewizji pojęciowej (...)
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  50. Hermenêutica.Artur Morão - 1990 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 2.
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