Results for 'Ángela Boitano'

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  1. La exclusión del otro desde la elite y el Estado.Angela Boitano - 2015 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 14 (41):353-372.
    Resumen: El diálogo fallido entre Estado y pueblo mapuche se enraíza en la formación misma del Estado chileno promovido por una elite que construye una institucionalidad a su imagen y semejanza, ilusamente homogénea e invisibilizadora de las diferencias. No obstante, el mismo espíritu “civilizador” que espera integrar a estas minorías asimilándolas, facilita la inserción de estas minorías en el diálogo postmoderno acerca de la interculturalidad, en el cual se enfrentan a la perspectiva multiculturalista que no da cuenta del acto de (...)
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    Demanda mapuche: tensión entre identidad y diferencia, ciudadanía y comunidad, particularismo y universalismo.Angela Boitano - 2011 - Polis 28.
    La demanda mapuche nos obliga a pensar en un “sujeto incardinado” que sostiene ciertas reivindicaciones propiamente modernas en su reclamo por reconocimiento de la diferencia, al mismo tiempo que desafía la noción de ciudadanía universal y sostiene una demanda anclada territorialmente y basada en un discurso emancipatorio de derechos. En efecto, nos reenfoca en la constitución de una identidad colectiva que es efecto –por una parte– de una exclusión y de un reconocimiento erróneo y –por otra parte– de un entorno (...)
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  3. Noción de crisis: acepciones, límites y actualidad del concepto.Angela Boitano - 2019 - Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 14.
    En este artı́culo se examinan los usos, significados y la actualidad de la noción de crisis. Esta revisión se basa en el análisis de la polisemia del concepto (I), ası́ como en una revisión no exhaustiva del tratamiento que hacen de este concepto algunos autores como Jürgen Habermas y Bolı́var Echeverria (II). Finalmente, en base a las lecturas de Foucault y Butler, se sostiene la potencialidad de la noción de crisis como herramienta analı́tica para comprender nuestro presente marcado en Chile (...)
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  4. RESEÑA. Judith Butler. Sin miedo. Formas de resistencia a la violencia de hoy. Madrid: Taurus, 2020. Revista Estudios Públicos 160 (2020), 143-149.Angela Boitano - 2020 - Revista Estudios Públicos 160 (2020), 143-149 1 (160):143-149.
    Suele ser decepcionante asistir a la conferencia de algún/a filósofo/a u otro/a pensador/a, artista si es que uno ya lo ha leído, estudiado o seguido su obra por algún tiempo. Leer Sin miedo no ha sido la excepción. De ahí el valor de una reseña de libro, a saber: definir la audiencia para la cual el texto comentado podría ser un aporte. En este sentido, Sin miedo es perfecto para un público poco familiarizado con la obra de Butler o que (...)
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  5. "Preferiría no morir": las paradojas del sucidio hetero-referido.Angela Boitano - 2021 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Mutatis Mutandis 2 (16):59-70.
    En este artículo se desarrolla una reflexión acerca del suicidio hetero-referido o no-personal. Se lo analiza en tanto forma de voluntad e instrumento de presión política que tensiona críticamente los modos en que se organiza la vida en nuestras sociedades. Se indaga en el potencial de contra-soberanía que supone en tanto intenta desactivar el poder al que se enfrenta. Se tematiza cierta ética de la pasividad que surge en esta acción y se examina la lógica que recorre el acto de (...)
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  6. La Etnia Y El Género En Relatos De Mujeres Profesionales E Intelectuales Mapuche: Tradición Y Emancipación.Angela Boitano - 2017 - Latin American Research Review 5 (52):735-748.
    En torno a estas tres interrogantes se estructura este texto: ¿Potenciar una agenda de género es contraproducente cuando un sujeto político es marcado por la categoría “etnia”? Cuando las demandas son étnicas, culturalistas, o identitarias ¿implican siempre una revalorización de la tradición que sitúa a las mujeres en lugares desaventajados o subordinados? ¿La agenda autonomista recoge la diversidad del mundo indígena? También se hace una breve referencia a los aspectos metodológicos de la investigación que inspira este texto. Finalmente se deja (...)
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    Acerca del suicidio hétero-referido y la huelga de hambre reivindicativa.Ángela R. Boitano Gruettner - 2018 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 74:41-54.
    Resumen El artículo analiza el acto de darse muerte por razones políticas (suicidio hétero-referido) y la huelga de hambre como un proceso en que se está dispuesto a perder la vida por razones altruistas. Se sostiene que ambos actos amplían y radicalizan los términos que dan sentido a la vida política y se los concebirá como actos que subvierten el estado de cosas en el ámbito de la polis. El texto sitúa la reflexión en Chile y en el presente histórico, (...)
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    (1 other version)Review of Filosofas en con-texto. [REVIEW]Angela R. Boitano - 2018 - Essays in Philosophy 19 (1):50-59.
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  9. (1 other version)Intentionalism about Moods.Angela Mendelovici - 2013 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):126-136.
    According to intentionalism, phenomenal properties are identical to, supervenient on, or determined by representational properties. Intentionalism faces a special challenge when it comes to accounting for the phenomenal character of moods. First, it seems that no intentionalist treatment of moods can capture their apparently undirected phenomenology. Second, it seems that even if we can come up with a viable intentionalist account of moods, we would not be able to motivate it in some of the same kinds of ways that intentionalism (...)
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  10. One Imagination in Experiences of Beauty and Achievements of Understanding.Angela Breitenbach - 2020 - British Journal of Aesthetics 60 (1):71-88.
    I argue for the unity of imagination in two prima facie diverse contexts: experiences of beauty and achievements of understanding. I develop my argument in three steps. First, I begin by describing a type of aesthetic experience that is grounded in a set of imaginative activities on the part of the person having the experience. Second, I argue that the same set of imaginative activities that grounds this type of aesthetic experience also contributes to achievements of understanding. Third, I show (...)
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  11. Teleology in Biology: A Kantian Perspective.Angela Breitenbach - 2009 - Kant Yearbook 1 (1):31-56.
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    Mature counterfactual reasoning in 4- and 5-year-olds.Angela Nyhout & Patricia A. Ganea - 2019 - Cognition 183 (C):57-66.
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    The Sublime Object of Psychiatry: Schizophrenia in Clinical and Cultural Theory.Angela Woods - 2011 - Oxford University Press, Usa.
    Machine generated contents note: -- Clinical Theory -- 1. Psychiatry on schizophrenia: clinical pictures of a sublime object -- 2. Schizophrenia: the sublime text of psychoanalysis -- Cultural Theory -- 3. Antipsychiatry: schizophrenic experience and the sublime -- 4. Anti-Oedipus and the politics of the schizophrenic sublime -- 5. Schizophrenia, modernity, postmodernity -- 6. Postmodern schizophrenia -- 7. Glamorama, postmodernity and the schizophrenic sublime -- Conclusion.
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    The Road to Clinical Fantasy: A UK Perspective.Angela Fenwick, Peta Coulson-Smith & Anneke Lucassen - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (1):26-27.
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  15. The Beauty of Science without the Science of Beauty: Kant and the Rationalists on the Aesthetics of Cognition.Angela Breitenbach - 2018 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 56 (2):281-304.
    it is common to praise the beauty of theories, the elegance of proofs, and the pleasing simplicity of explanations. We may admire, for example, the beauty of Einstein’s theory of general relativity, the simplicity of Darwin’s idea of natural selection, and the elegance of a geometrical proof of Pythagoras’s theorem. Aesthetic judgments such as these have much currency among scientists, and they are employed in the search for knowledge more broadly. But while the use of aesthetic judgments in science is (...)
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    Chinese state and society in epidemic governance: A historical perspective.Angela Ki Che Leung - 2020 - Centaurus 62 (2):257-262.
    This paper looks at the role of state and society in the history of epidemic governance in China for an appreciation of the way China manages the current COVID-19 epidemic.
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    The Virtues of Gardening.Angela Kallhoff & Maria Schörgenhumer - 2017 - Environmental Ethics 39 (2):193-210.
    Environmental virtues have become an essential ingredient in an ethics of nature. An account of environmental virtues can contribute to this ethics of natre by exploring the virtues that the gardener displays in cultivating and caring for plants. An approach that relates to the virtues of gardening is helpful in explicating a more general approach in a certain domain of interaction with nature. Good gardeners get involved in processes of natural growth and decay, they are aware of their position within (...)
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    Emploi et handicap.Angela Wegscheider & Marie-Renée Guével - 2021 - Alter- European Journal of Disability Research 15-1 (15-1):8-14.
    Avoir un emploi est un facteur essentiel pour assurer à une personne un niveau d’indépendance et un sentiment d’estime de soi satisfaisant. Dans notre société où le travail occupe une place centrale, gagner sa vie grâce à un emploi suffisamment rémunéré permet de garantir sa propre existence et de mener une vie indépendante. Outre les bénéfices financiers, avoir un emploi est associé à des bénéfices psychologiques tels qu’un sentiment d’appartenance accru, une diminution de l’anxiété et un bi...
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    Interpreting and Writing the Law in Digital Society: Remarks Made on a Shift of Paradigm.Angela Condello - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 33 (4):1175-1186.
    In this article I discuss the nature and sense of legal reasoning as reasonableness, i.e. as judgement and equilibrium between normativity and factuality, and as constant approximation between these two dimensions. By phrasing the intertwinement between legal hermeneutics and the nature and function of writing, the structure of the article is constructed so that the focus is on the changes currently occurring with the so-called ‘digital revolution’: in imagining a juridical system administrated through data analysis and algorithms, some contradictions emerge, (...)
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  20.  28
    Plant Ethics: Concepts and Applications.Angela Kallhoff, Marcello Di Paola & Maria Schörgenhumer (eds.) - 2018 - Routledge.
    Large parts of our world are filled with plants, and human life depends on, interacts with, affects and is affected by plant life in various ways. Yet plants have not received nearly as much attention from philosophers and ethicists as they deserve. In environmental philosophy, plants are often swiftly subsumed under the categories of "all living things" and rarely considered thematically. There is a need for developing a more sophisticated theoretical understanding of plants and their practical role in human experience. (...)
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    Exploitative Labor, Victimized Families, and the Promise of the Sabbath.Angela Carpenter - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (1):77-94.
    Families and children are hidden victims of labor exploitation in the US economy across the economic spectrum. The Sabbath commandment, however, provides a theological basis for resisting this structural evil. In Karl Barth’s discussion of the commandment, Sabbath rest not only limits the scope of economic activity in human life but also sets the stage for reflection on the meaning and purpose of work. As a recurring reminder that human life is a gift to be lived in joyful fellowship with (...)
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    L’interprétation ricœurienne de Fichte : une lecture commune du primat kantien de la raison pratique.Angela Renzi - 2024 - Fichte-Studien 53 (2):541-563.
    Résumé Cette contribution se propose d’établir un lien critique entre Ricœur et Fichte afin de déterminer deux objectifs. Le premier objectif consiste à analyser la réception complexe de Fichte par Ricœur, qui constitue à mon avis une approche interprétative intéressante de la philosophie transcendantale. Ricœur souligne la richesse inexplorée de la philosophie fichtéenne, qui se trouve précisément dans la philosophie transcendantale et dans le sentiment d’être en tant qu’affirmation éthique et point de départ de la réflexion elle-même et affirme vouloir (...)
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  23. Violencia en el conflicto Estado chileno/Pueblo Mapuche.Ángela Boitano - 2016 - In Gina Paola Rodríguez, Franco Caviglia & Alberto Guillermo Ferrazzano (eds.), La medusa en el espejo: ensayos sobre la violencia contemporánea. CABA: Ediciones Ciccus.
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    A Critical Review of R. L. Simon’s Contribution to the Doping in Sport Literature.Angela J. Schneider - 2016 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 43 (1):115-128.
    In the following article, it will be argued that there are at least four clusters of arguments generally proposed to justify banning doping in sport and that Simon’s contribution has been of a seminal nature to at least two of the clusters.
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  25. ‘A pool of Bethesda’: Manchester‘s First Wesleyan Methodist Central Hall.Angela Connelly - 2012 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 89 (1):105-125.
    Methodist Central Halls were built in most British towns and cities. They were designed not to look like churches in order to appeal to the working classes. Entirely multi-functional, they provided room for concerts, plays, film shows and social work alongside ordinary worship. Some contained shops in order to pay for the future upkeep of the building. The prototype for this programme was provided in Manchester and opened on Oldham Street in 1886. This article offers a first analysis of it (...)
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    Between paternalism and autonomy.Angela Forstner Wegscheider - 2024 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 18-4 (18-4):13-30.
    Cet article examine la politique autrichienne en matière de handicap concernant le travail protégé dans le cadre des lois régionales sur le handicap. L’analyse s’appuie sur le modèles paternaliste, libertaire et socio-relationnel, trois modèles théoriques des relations de service social dans le triangle des prestataires de services, des acteurs de l’État et de la personne concernée. À travers ce prisme, une analyse approfondie du contenu des lois, des règlements et des rapports de suivi a été réalisée. Cet article souligne que (...)
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    North American Feminisms and Global Feminisms: Contradictory or Complementary?Angela Miles - 1994 - Feminist Theology 2 (6):30-47.
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    Beyond the Self: Virtue Ethics and the Problem of Culture, edited by Raymond Hain.Angela Knobel - 2023 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 20 (5-6):545-547.
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  29. Edelmans's biological theory of consciousness.J. Boitano - 1996 - In Stuart R. Hameroff, Alfred W. Kaszniak & Alwyn Scott (eds.), Toward a Science of Consciousness: The First Tucson Discussions and Debates. MIT Press.
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    Effects of hippocampal lesions on the water consumption of hooded and albino rats.John J. Boitano, H. Glendon Abel, George J. Heine & Geoffrey A. Patrissi - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1 (1):81-83.
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    The polemics of libertine conversion in Pascal's Pensées: a dialectics of rational and occult libertine beliefs.John F. Boitano - 2002 - Tübingen: G. Narr.
    Preface par PIERRE FORCE I have a very precise recollection of my first encounter with John Boi- tano. It was during the spring semester of 1988, ...
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    Negotiating the Inhuman: Bakhtin, Materiality and the Instrumentalization of Climate Change.Angela Last - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (2):60-83.
    The article argues that the work of literary theorist Mikhail M. Bakhtin presents a starting point for thinking about the instrumentalization of climate change. Bakhtin’s conceptualization of human–world relationships, encapsulated in the concept of ‘cosmic terror’, places a strong focus on our perception of the ‘inhuman’. Suggesting a link between the perceived alienness and instability of the world and in the exploitation of the resulting fear of change by political and religious forces, Bakhtin asserts that the latter can only be (...)
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    A cosa serve la politica?Piero Angela - 2011 - Milano: Mondadori.
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    What can humans learn from flies about adenomatous polyposis coli?Angela I. M. Barth & W. James Nelson - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (9):771-774.
    Somatic or inherited mutations in the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene are a frequent cause of colorectal cancer in humans. APC protein has an important tumor suppression function to reduce cellular levels of the signaling protein β‐catenin and, thereby, inhibit β‐catenin and T‐cell‐factor‐mediated gene expression. In addition, APC protein binds to microtubules in vertebrate cells and localizes to actin‐rich adherens junctions in epithelial cells of the fruit fly Drosophila (Fig. 1). Very little is known, however, about the function of these (...)
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    'Oh, was ich ein Kind bin!': Two Perceptions of Childhood in Die Leiden des jungen Werther.Angela Borchert - 1993 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 12:113.
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    Síndrome de Burnout e Fatores de Estresse em Estudantes de um Curso Técnico de Enfermagem.Angela Maria Brazil Borges & Mary Sandra Carlotto - 2004 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 19:45-56.
    Este artigo objetivou investigar a síndrome de burnout em estudantes de um curso técnico de enfermagem. Procurou identificar também a existência de associação entre variáveis demográficas e escolares e fatores de estresse numa amostra de 255 estudantes. Como instrumentos de pesquisa foi utilizado um..
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    8. Teleologie in den Lebenswissenschaften: Kant und die Philosophie der Biologie.Angela Breitenbach - 2009 - In Die Analogie von Vernunft Und Naturthe Analogy of Reason and Natur: Eine Umweltphilosophie Nach Kant. Walter de Gruyter.
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    L’ermeneutica giuridica come tecnica.Angela Condello & Maurizio Ferraris - 2018 - Rivista di Estetica 67:219-229.
    In this paper we argue that hermeneutics acquires additional relevance in the era of technology. In particular legal hermeneutics offers examples of how the use of specific instruments aimed at constituting legal objects (like the digital instruments used by notaries) demonstrate that legal professions will never be entirely delegated to machines. The capacity to use the instruments and the very functioning of those instruments can never be detached from comprehension, and from legal savoir.
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    Resistance, Regulation and Rights: The Changing Status of Polish Women’s Migration and Work in the ‘New’ Europe.Angela Coyle - 2007 - European Journal of Women's Studies 14 (1):37-50.
    Faced with high levels of unemployment and discrimination in Poland, Polish women have made up a very large proportion of those leaving the former Communist states of central Europe, to work in EU member states. They have constituted a large undocumented migrant workforce in Europe, usually working as domestic workers and carers in the informal economy. Poland’s membership of the EU is starting to regulate Polish women’s work abroad and to increase their access to better paid and skilled work in (...)
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    A peça Mãe de Alencar e as vozes sociais sobre a questão afro-brasileira.Angela Maria Rubel Fanini & Maria Domingos Pereira Ventura - 2019 - Bakhtiniana 14 (3):176-198.
    RESUMO Este artigo analisa a peça Mãe, de José de Alencar, que tem por cenário o Rio de Janeiro da segunda metade do séc. XIX, retratando a escravidão africana doméstica. Fundamenta-se nas ideias de Bakhtin e do Círculo, focalizando as vozes sociais sobre a escravidão presentes nas falas das personagens. A investigação leva o leitor a perceber os posicionamentos sobre a escravidão presentes no cotidiano nacional que migram para o interior do drama alencariano. Também se mobilizaram discursos historiográficos do século (...)
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    Beyond Cages: Animal Law and Criminal Punishment.Angela Fernandez - 2022 - Journal of Animal Ethics 12 (1):114-117.
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    (1 other version)Dots et institutions : la conquête d'un « patrimoine » (Rome, XVIIIe-XIXe siècle).Angela Groppi - 1998 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 1:9-9.
    L’article analyse le système des dots de charité mis en place dans la Rome pontificale et le rôle joué dans ce système par des institutions de réclusion (les « conservatoires ») destinées à sauvegarder l’honneur des jeunes filles, en les préparant à leur rôle d’adultes, c’est-à-dire d’épouse ou de religieuse. Le système de dotation est utilisé, par l’intermédiaire des conservatoires, en tant qu’observatoire pour saisir les dynamiques qui s’instauraient entre institutions, individus et familles, et pour mettre en évidence le rôle (...)
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    Ethische Gründe in der Konkreten Ethik.Angela Kallhoff, Christoph Halbig & Andreas Vieth - 2008 - In Angela Kallhoff, Christoph Halbig & Andreas Vieth (eds.), Ethik Und Die Möglichkeit Einer Guten Weltethics and the Possibility of a Good World: Eine Kontroverse Um Die „Konkrete Ethik“. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 83-92.
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    Ethischer Naturalismus nach Aristoteles – das umstrittene Verhältnis von menschlicher Natur und gutem Leben.Angela Kallhoff - 2009 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 63 (4):581-596.
    In der Moraltheorie ist der ethische Naturalismus umstritten. Seit der Zurückweisung eines metaethischen Naturalismus durch G.E. Moore galt es als ausgemacht, dass die Bedeutung von „gut“ nicht mit einem natürlichen Prädikat bestimmt werden kann. Trotz dieses Vorbehalts versuchen Aristotelikerinnen und Aristoteliker neuerlich wieder, Argumente des ethischen Naturalismus in die Erörterung der Moraltheorie einzuführen. In diesem Beitrag möchte ich dafür argumentieren, dass ein in der Aristotelischen Ethik angelegtes naturalistisches Argument zur Rechtfertigung einer Konzeption guten Lebens Berücksichtigung verdient. Dazu soll zunächst der (...)
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    Insight, Experience, and the Notion of “Infused” Virtue in advance.Angela M. Knobel - forthcoming - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly.
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    God, not Caesar: Revisiting National Socialism as ‘political religion’.Angela Astoria Kurtz - 2009 - History of European Ideas 35 (2):236-252.
    This article argues that use of the concept of ‘political religion’ to describe the radicalized political movements of the twentieth century has again gained currency in recent years as a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union as well as the global upsurge of religiously inspired violence and that research with respect to religion proper – what religion is, its role in public life, its evolving reception by ‘insiders’ and ‘outsiders’ – can advance the discussion. The article subsequently offers (...)
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    Perceptions of national wealth and skill influence pay expectations: replicating global hierarchy on a microscale.Angela T. Maitner & Jamie DeCoster - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Community Experiments in Public Health Law and Policy.Angela K. McGowan, Gretchen G. Musicant, Sharonda R. Williams & Virginia R. Niehaus - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (S1):10-14.
    Community-level legal and policy innovations or “experiments” can be important levers to improve health. States and localities are empowered through the 10th Amendment of the United States Constitution to use their police powers to protect the health and welfare of the public. Many legal and policy tools are available, including: the power to tax and spend; regulation; mandated education or disclosure of information, modifying the environment — whether built or natural ; and indirect regulation. These legal and policy interventions can (...)
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    Evaluating service delivery for speech and swallowing problems following paediatric brain injury: an international survey.Angela T. Morgan & Jemma Skeat - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (2):275-281.
  50. Considerações psicanalí­ticas sobre a paz e a guerra.Angela Pequeno - 2003 - Princípios 10 (13):57-66.
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