Results for 'Bárbara Boloix-Gallardo'

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  1.  15
    La onomástica femenina de la dinastía meriní de Fez (siglos XIII-XV). Identificación y estudio.Bárbara Boloix-Gallardo - 2021 - Al-Qantara 42 (2):e19.
    El estudio de la onomástica femenina de los Banū Marīn de Fez ha adolecido, por lo general, de un análisis profundo y monográfico, a pesar de la gran utilidad de dichos nombres para definir mejor distintos rasgos de la idiosincrasia de esta estirpe. El objetivo principal del presente trabajo es cubrir precisamente dicha laguna científica, ofreciendo un análisis tanto filológico como socio-cultural del amplio catálogo de nombres femeninos presentes en el árbol genealógico meriní, desde el rigor científico. Como se intentará (...)
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    perfección de las vidas vulnerables. Modificación genética y discapacidad.Sandra Anchondo Pavón & Cecilia Gallardo Macip - 2021 - Medicina y Ética 32 (2):483-518.
    Los teóricos que defienden las técnicas de modificación genética sin algún conservadurismo argumentan que éstas aumentarán nuestras capacidades y, también, evitarán el dolor innecesario junto con algunos tipos de sufrimiento humano. Autores transhumanistas como Nick Bostrom, Natasha Vita-More y Max More, no sólo minusvaloran los riesgos del uso de biotecnología –así como la técnica CRISPR-CAS9–, sino que asumen que vivir una vida humana plena se relaciona en proporción directa con el pleno gozo de nuestras habilidades físicas e intelectuales y con (...)
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  3. Cognitive activity makes visual representations of scenes functional.E. Boloix & C. Bastien - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 116-117.
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    El Real Instituto y Observatorio de la Armada.Rafael C. Boloix Carlos-Roca - 2002 - Arbor 173 (682):349-364.
    Desde 1753, en que fue creado por el insigne marino Jorge Juany Santacilia, el Real Instituto y Observatorio de la Armada (ROA) ha sido el núcleo de la investigación científica de la Armada, manteniendo hoy día un reconocido prestigio tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. El autor de este artículo, director del ROA, a través de una síntesis descriptiva de la estructura orgánica del centro en cuatro Secciones (Efemérides, Astronomía, Geofísica, y Hora), nos introduce en la evolución histórica de esta (...)
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  5. Are abilities dispositions?Barbara Vetter - 2019 - Synthese 196 (196):201-220.
    Abilities are in many ways central to what being an agent means, and they are appealed to in philosophical accounts of a great many different phenomena. It is often assumed that abilities are some kind of dispositional property, but it is rarely made explicit exactly which dispositional properties are our abilities. Two recent debates provide two different answers to that question: the new dispositionalism in the debate about free will, and virtue reliabilism in epistemology. This paper argues that both answers (...)
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  6. Multi‐track dispositions.Barbara Vetter - 2013 - Philosophical Quarterly 63 (251):330-352.
    It is a familiar point that many ordinary dispositions are multi-track, that is, not fully and adequately characterisable by a single conditional. In this paper, I argue that both the extent and the implications of this point have been severely underestimated. First, I provide new arguments to show that every disposition whose stimulus condition is a determinable quantity must be infinitely multi-track. Secondly, I argue that this result should incline us to move away from the standard assumption that dispositions are (...)
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  7. Binding Implicit Variables in Quantified Contexts.Barbara Partee - 1989 - In Caroline Wiltshire, Randolph Graczyk & Bradley Music (eds.), Binding Implicit Variables in Quantified Contexts. Chicago Linguistic Society. pp. 342-365.
  8. “What” and “where” in spatial language and spatial cognition.Barbara Landau & Ray Jackendoff - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):217-238.
    Fundamental to spatial knowledge in all species are the representations underlying object recognition, object search, and navigation through space. But what sets humans apart from other species is our ability to express spatial experience through language. This target article explores the language ofobjectsandplaces, asking what geometric properties are preserved in the representations underlying object nouns and spatial prepositions in English. Evidence from these two aspects of language suggests there are significant differences in the geometric richness with which objects and places (...)
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  9. 'Can' without Possible Worlds: Semantics for Anti-Humeans.Barbara Vetter - 2013 - Philosophers' Imprint 13.
    Metaphysicians of modality are increasingly critical of possible-worlds talk, and increasingly happy to accept irreducibly modal properties – and in particular, irreducible dispositions – in nature. The aim of this paper is to provide the beginnings of a modal semantics which uses, instead of possible-worlds talk, the resources of such an 'anti-Humean' metaphysics. One central challenge to an anti-Humean view is the context-sensitivity of modal language. I show how that challenge can be met and a systematic modal semantics provided, given (...)
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  10. Must Physicalism Imply the Supervenience of the Mental on the Physical?Barbara Gail Montero - 2013 - Journal of Philosophy 110 (2):93-110.
  11. Comforting Discomfort as Complicity: White Fragility and the Pursuit of Invulnerability.Barbara Applebaum - 2017 - Hypatia 32 (4):862-875.
    In this article, I trouble the pedagogical practice of comforting discomfort in the social-justice classroom. Is it possible to support white students, for instance, and not comfort them? Is it possible to support white students without recentering the emotional crisis of white students, without disregarding the needs and interests of students of color, and without reproducing the violence that students of color endure? First I address the dangers of comforting discomfort and discuss Robin DiAngelo's notion of white fragility, which has (...)
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  12. What Does Matter? The Case for Killing the Trolley Problem.Barbara H. Fried - 2012 - Philosophical Quarterly 62 (248):505-529.
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  13. Linguistic solutions to philosophical problems: The case of knowing how.Barbara Abbott - 2013 - Philosophical Perspectives 27 (1):1-21.
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    A Mobilising Concept? Unpacking Academic Representations of Responsible Research and Innovation.Barbara E. Ribeiro, Robert D. J. Smith & Kate Millar - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (1):81-103.
    This paper makes a plea for more reflexive attempts to develop and anchor the emerging concept of responsible research and innovation. RRI has recently emerged as a buzzword in science policy, becoming a focus of concerted experimentation in many academic circles. Its performative capacity means that it is able to mobilise resources and spaces despite no common understanding of what it is or should be ‘made of’. In order to support reflection and practice amongst those who are interested in and (...)
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  15. Making room for character.Barbara Herman - 1996 - In Stephen Engstrom & Jennifer Whiting (eds.), Aristotle, Kant, and the Stoics: Rethinking Happiness and Duty. Cambridge University Press. pp. 36--60.
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    Collaborative plans for complex group action.Barbara J. Grosz & Sarit Kraus - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence 86 (2):269-357.
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    (1 other version)Montague Grammar.Barbara H. Partee - 1980 - Journal of Philosophy 77 (5):278-312.
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    Bringing the men back in:: Sex differentiation and the devaluation of women's work.Barbara F. Reskin - 1988 - Gender and Society 2 (1):58-81.
    To reduce sex differences in employment outcomes, we must examine them in the context of the sex-gender hierarchy. The conventional explanation for wage gap—job segregation—is incorrect because it ignores men's incentive to preserve their advantages and their ability to do so by establishing the rules that distribute rewards. The primary method through which all dominant groups maintain their hegemony is by differentiating the subordinate group and defining it as inferior and hence meriting inferior treatment. My argument implies that neither sex-integrating (...)
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  19. Integrity and Impartiality.Barbara Herman - 1983 - The Monist 66 (2):233-250.
    Most of us have been brought up on the idea that moral theories divide as they are, at the root, either deontological or consequentialist. A new point of division has been emerging that places deontological and consequentialist theories together against theories of virtue, or a conception of morality constrained at the outset by the requirements of the “personal.” In a series of important essays Bernard Williams has offered striking arguments for the significance of the personal in moral thought based on (...)
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  20. Disability, Self Image, and Modern Political Theory.Barbara Arneil - 2009 - Political Theory 37 (2):218-242.
    Charles Taylor argues that recognition begins with the politics of "self-image," as groups represented in the past by others in ways harmful to their own identity replace negative historical self-images with positive ones of their own making. Given the centrality of "self image" to his politics of recognition, it is striking that Taylor, himself, represents disabled people in language that is both limiting and depreciating. The author argues such negative self-images are not unique to Taylor but endemic to modern political (...)
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    Time.Barbara Adam - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (2-3):119-126.
    The article argues that the relationship to time is at the root of what makes us human and that culture arises with and from efforts to transcend death, change and the rhythmicity of the physical environment. Time can be tracked through systems of time measurement and later transformed from a process of nature into clock time, a time to human design that is abstracted from context and content. In this form time can be traded with all other times. With contemporary (...)
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  22. Embedded EthiCS: Integrating Ethics Across CS Education.Barbara J. Grosz, David Gray Grant, Kate Vredenburgh, Jeff Behrends, Lily Hu, Alison Simmons & Jim Waldo - 2019 - Communications of the Acm 62 (8):54-61.
    The particular design of any technology may have profound social implications. Computing technologies are deeply intermeshed with the activities of daily life, playing an ever more central role in how we work, learn, communicate, socialize, and participate in government. Despite the many ways they have improved life, they cannot be regarded as unambiguously beneficial or even value-neutral. Recent experience shows they can lead to unintended but harmful consequences. Some technologies are thought to threaten democracy through the spread of propaganda on (...)
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  23. Definiteness and Indefiniteness.Barbara Abbott - 2004 - In Laurence R. Horn & Gregory Ward (eds.), Handbook of Pragmatics. Blackwell.
    The prototypes of definiteness and indefiniteness in English are the definite article the and the indefinite article a/an, and singular noun phrases (NPs)1 determined by them. That being the case it is not to be predicted that the concepts, whatever their content, will extend satisfactorily to other determiners or NP types. However it has become standard to extend these notions. Of the two categories definites have received rather more attention, and more than one researcher has characterized the category of definite (...)
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    Mathematical Methods in Linguistics.Barbara Partee, Alice ter Meulen & Robert Wall - 1987 - Boston, MA, USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Elementary set theory accustoms the students to mathematical abstraction, includes the standard constructions of relations, functions, and orderings, and leads to a discussion of the various orders of infinity. The material on logic covers not only the standard statement logic and first-order predicate logic but includes an introduction to formal systems, axiomatization, and model theory. The section on algebra is presented with an emphasis on lattices as well as Boolean and Heyting algebras. Background for recent research in natural language semantics (...)
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    Category essence or essentially pragmatic? Creator’s intention in naming and what’s really what.Barbara C. Malt & Steven A. Sloman - 2007 - Cognition 105 (3):615-648.
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    At the Mercy of Strategies: The Role of Motor Representations in Language Understanding.Barbara Tomasino & Raffaella Ida Rumiati - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
  27. Internet memes as multimodal constructions.Barbara Dancygier & Lieven Vandelanotte - 2017 - Cognitive Linguistics 28 (3):565-598.
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    Until RCT proven? On the asymmetry of evidence requirements for risk assessment.Barbara Osimani - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (3):454-462.
    The problem of collecting, analyzing and evaluating evidence on adverse drug reactions (ADRs) is an example of the more general class of epistemological problems related to scientific inference and prediction, as well as a central problem of the health-care practice. Philosophical discussions have critically analysed the methodological pitfalls and epistemological implications of evidence assessment in medicine, however they have mainly focused on evidence of treatment efficacy. Most of this work is devoted to statistical methods of causal inference with a special (...)
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    Sceptical Counterpossibilities†.Barbara Winters - 2017 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 62 (1):30-38.
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  30. (1 other version)Issues in the Semantics and Pragmatics of Definite Descriptions in English.Barbara Abbott - 2008 - In Jeanette K. Gundel & Nancy Ann Hedberg (eds.), Reference: interdisciplinary perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 61-72.
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    How to improve Bayesian reasoning: Comment on Gigerenzer and Hoffrage (1995).Barbara A. Mellers & A. Peter McGraw - 1999 - Psychological Review 106 (2):417-424.
  32. An other face of ethics in Levinas.Barbara Jane Davy - 2007 - Ethics and the Environment 12 (1):39-66.
    : The main threads of Emmanuel Levinas's theory of ethics, developed in his philosophical works, Totality and Infinity (1969), and Otherwise than Being or Beyond Essence (1998), instruct that ethics require transcendence of being and nature, which he describes in terms of a transcendence of animality to the human. This apparent devaluation of the nonhuman would seem to preclude the development of Levinasian environmental ethics. However, a deconstructive reading of Levinas recognizes a subtext that interrupts the main threads of his (...)
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  33. Murder and Mayhem.Barbara Herman - 1989 - The Monist 72 (3):411-431.
    This paper began in the startled realization that little if anything is said in Kant’s ethics about the more violent forms of immoral action. There are discussions of lying, deception, self-neglect, nonbeneficence—but apart from suicide, a great silence about the darker actions. At the least, this should be an occasion for curiosity. Although the degree of concern with acts of violence in contemporary ethics may be in its own way curious, it does not seem unreasonable to expect a moral theory (...)
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    Guest Editor's Introduction: Toward an Archaeogenealogy of Post-truth.Barbara A. Biesecker - 2018 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 51 (4):329-341.
    The theme of this special issue is Post-truth. No doubt it was my exasperation with the terminological state of our collective situation that incited me in the spring of 2017 to settle upon it. What, exactly, does the hyphenated couplet mean or to what does it refer? What is its significance or sense? How is it being used, by whom, for what purpose, and with what consequences—for whom? And if, as was being asserted on nearly every side, we currently find (...)
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  35. Morality and Everyday Life.Barbara Herman - 2000 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 74 (2):29 - 45.
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    I Act Therefore I Live? Autopoiesis, Sensorimotor Autonomy, and Extended Agency.Barbara Tomczyk - forthcoming - Diametros:1-22.
    This paper aims to determine whether extended human-machine cognitive systems and group systems can be regarded as autonomous agents. For this purpose, I compare two notions of agency: one developed within analytical philosophy of action and based on the concept of intention, and the other introduced by enactivists via the concepts of autopoiesis and sensorimotor autonomy. I argue that only the latter approach can be used to demonstrate autonomous agency in respect of systems that are not humans as such, though (...)
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  37. John Dumbleton on Insolubles: An Edition of an Epitome of His Solution to Insolubles.Barbara Bartocci & Stephen Read - 2022 - Noctua 9 (3):48-88.
    This paper provides a philosophical analysis and a new edition of an anonymous Epitome of John Dumbleton’s solution to the semantic paradoxes. The first part of this paper briefly presents Dumbleton’s cassationist solution to the semantic paradoxes, which the English philosopher proposes in his Summa Logicae, written in the 1330s–40s. The second part investigates the solution to various types of insolubles proposed by the anonymous author of the Epitome. The third part provides a new critical edition of the Latin text (...)
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    Natural Reflections: Human Cognition at the Nexus of Science and Religion.Barbara Herrnstein Smith - 2009 - New Haven, CT, USA: Yale University Press.
    A consideration of efforts to explain religion naturalistically, including a range of recent cognitive-evolutionary approaches. The book also examines recent efforts to reconcile natural-scientific accounts of the world with traditional religious teachings.
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  39. Nondescriptionality and natural kind terms.Barbara Abbott - 1989 - Linguistics and Philosophy 12 (3):269 - 291.
    The phrase "natural kind term" has come into the linguistic and philosophical literature in connection with well-known work of Kripke (1972) and Putnam (1970, 1975a). I use that phrase here in the sense it has acquired from those and subseqnent works on related topics. This is not the transparent sense of the phrase. That is, if I am right in what follows there are words for kinds of things existing in nature which are not natural kind terms in the current (...)
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    Visuospatial reasoning.Barbara Tversky - 2005 - In K. Holyoak & B. Morrison (eds.), The Cambridge handbook of thinking and reasoning. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. pp. 209--240.
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    Wallace, Darwin, and the theory of natural selection.Barbara G. Beddall - 1968 - Journal of the History of Biology 1 (2):261-323.
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    Jacques the sophist: Lacan, logos, and psychoanalysis.Barbara Cassin - 2020 - New York: Fordham University Press. Edited by Michael Syrotinski.
    In a highly original rereading of the writings and seminars of Jacques Lacan, together with works of Freud and others, Cassin shows how psychoanalysis, like the sophists, challenges the very foundations of scientific rationality. In taking seriously equivocations, jokes, and unfinishable projects of interpretation, the analyst, like the sophist, allows performance, signifier, and inconsistency to reshape truth.
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  43. Spatial cognition: Embodied and situated.Barbara Tversky - 2008 - In Murat Aydede & P. Robbins (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 201--217.
  44. Irrational nativist exuberance.Barbara C. Scholz & Geoffrey K. Pullum - 2006 - In Robert Stainton (ed.), Contemporary Debates in Cognitive Science. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 59--80.
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    Reflections on the relational ontology of medical assistance in dying.Barbara Pesut & Sally Thorne - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (4):e12438.
    Canadian nursing practice has been profoundly influenced by the legalization of medical assistance in dying in 2016, requiring that nurses navigate new and sometimes highly challenging experiences. Findings from our longitudinal studies of nurses' experiences suggest that these include deep emotional responses to medical assistance in dying, an urgency in orchestrating the perfect death, and a high degree of relational impact, both professionally and personally. Here we propose a theoretical explanation for these experiences based upon a relational ontology. Drawing upon (...)
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    A Framework for Understanding Corporate Citizenship.Barbara W. Altman & Deborah Vidaver-Cohen - 2000 - Business and Society Review 105 (1):1-7.
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    Locating the phase transition in binary constraint satisfaction problems.Barbara M. Smith & Martin E. Dyer - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence 81 (1-2):155-181.
  48. The Semantics of ‘Spirituality’ and Related Self-Identifications: A Comparative Study in Germany and the USA.Barbara Keller, Constantin Klein, Anne Swhajor-Biesemann, Christopher F. Silver, Ralph Hood & Heinz Streib - 2013 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 35 (1):71-100.
    Culturally different connotations of basic concepts challenge the comparative study of religion. Do persons in Germany or in the United States refer to the same concepts when talking about ‘spirituality’ and ‘religion’? Does it make a difference how they identify themselves? The Bielefeld-Chattanooga Cross-Cultural Study on ‘Spirituality’ includes a semantic differential approach for the comparison of self-identified “neither religious nor spiritual”, “religious”, and “spiritual” persons regarding semantic attributes attached to the concepts ‘religion’ and ‘spirituality’ in each research context. Results show (...)
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    Thinking Tools: Gestures Change Thought About Time.Barbara Tversky & Azadeh Jamalian - 2021 - Topics in Cognitive Science 13 (4):750-776.
    Our earliest tools are our bodies. Our hands raise and turn and toss and carry and push and pull, our legs walk and climb and kick allowing us to move and act in the world and to create the multitude of artifacts that improve our lives. The list of actions made by our hands and feet and other parts of our bodies is long. What is more remarkable is we turn those actions in the world into actions on thought through (...)
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  50. Physicalism could be true even if Mary learns something new.Barbara Montero - 2007 - Philosophical Quarterly 57 (227):176-189.
    Mary knows all there is to know about physics, chemistry and neurophysiology, yet has never experienced colour. Most philosophers think that if Mary learns something genuinely new upon seeing colour for the first time, then physicalism is false. I argue, however, that physicalism is consistent with Mary's acquisition of new information. Indeed, even if she has perfect powers of deduction, and higher-level physical facts are a priori deducible from lower-level ones, Mary may still lack concepts which are required in order (...)
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