Results for 'Barry Barber'

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  1.  98
    Idiolects and understanding: Comments on Barber.Barry C. Smith - 2001 - Mind and Language 16 (3):284–289.
  2. Territories of Citizenship.A. Abizadeh, G. Agamben, D. Archibugi, C. Armstrong, B. Barber, K. Barry, R. Bauböck, K. Baynes & U. Beck - 2012 - In Eva Erman & Ludvig Beckman (eds.), Territories of Citizenship. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 170.
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    Book Review:Democracy, Power, and Justice: Essays in Political Theory. Brian Barry[REVIEW]Benjamin Barber - 1993 - Ethics 103 (3):590-.
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    Richard L. Barber.Mind Matters, Ernest le Pore & Barry Loewer - 1988 - Journal of Philosophy 85 (1).
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  5. Audi, Robert, Religious Commitment and Secular Reason (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), 258 pages. Barber, Michael D., Equality and Diversity: Phenomenological Investigations of Prejudice and Discrimination (Amherst: Prometheus Books, 2001), 296 pages. Barry, Brian, Culture and Equality (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2001). [REVIEW]David Bostock, Klaus Brinkmann, Jean-Pierre Changeux & Paul Ricoeur - 2001 - The Journal of Ethics 5:411-413.
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    Living in Time: The Philosophy of Henri Bergson.Barry Allen - 2023 - New York, US: OUP Usa.
    Henri Bergson (1859-1941) was once the most famous philosopher in the world, but his reputation waned in the latter half of the 20th century. Barry Allen here makes the case for Bergson as a great philosopher, one whose thought has much to contribute to contemporary philosophical questions. Living in Time presents chapters on each of Bergson's four major works, explaining his theories of time, perception, memory, and panpsychic consciousness, his innovative concept of virtual existence, his objection to Darwin, his (...)
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  7. Reading McDowell: On Mind and World.Barry G. Stroud - 2002 - New York: Routledge.
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    Introduction to moral education.Barry Chazan - 1975 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 9 (1):138-143.
  9. Handsome Is as Handsome Does.Barry Hallen - 1999 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 4:187-196.
    Today the study of African aesthetics constitutes one of the most exciting and dynamic subdisciplines in African and intercultural studies. Yet, because it is also a discipline in which African meanings must of necessity be translated into and expressed by one of the few ‘world’ languages (English, French), it is in the interests of all concerned—Africans and non-Africans—to work together to ensure that the highest possible professional standards are maintained. For it is intercultural dialogue based upon reciprocal language fluency that (...)
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    The Transparency of "Naturalism".Barry Stroud - 2009 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 83 (2):157 - 169.
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    Self-Knowledge and Teaching in Confucius and Plato.Barry Bull - 2011 - Philosophy of Education 67:212-214.
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  12. A plant disease extension of the Infectious Disease Ontology.Ramona Walls, Barry Smith, Elser Justin, Goldfain Albert, W. Stevenson Dennis & Pankaj Jaiswal - 2012 - In Walls Ramona, Smith Barry, Justin Elser, Albert Goldfain & Stevenson Dennis W. (eds.), Proceeedings of the Third International Conference on Biomedical Ontology (CEUR 897). pp. 1-5.
    Plants from a handful of species provide the primary source of food for all people, yet this source is vulnerable to multiple stressors, such as disease, drought, and nutrient deficiency. With rapid population growth and climate uncertainty, the need to produce crops that can tolerate or resist plant stressors is more crucial than ever. Traditional plant breeding methods may not be sufficient to overcome this challenge, and methods such as highOthroughput sequencing and automated scoring of phenotypes can provide significant new (...)
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    Interdisciplinarity: reconfigurations of the social and natural sciences.Andrew Barry & Georgina Born (eds.) - 2013 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The idea that research should become more interdisciplinary has become commonplace. According to influential commentators, the unprecedented complexity of problems such as climate change or the social implications of biomedicine demand interdisciplinary efforts integrating both the social and natural sciences. In this context, the question of whether a given knowledge practice is too disciplinary, or interdisciplinary, or not disciplinary enough has become an issue for governments, research policy makers and funding agencies. Interdisciplinarity, in short, has emerged as a key political (...)
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    Striking Beauty: A Philosophical Look at the Asian Martial Arts.Barry Allen - 2015 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    The first book to focus on the intersection of Western philosophy and the Asian martial arts, _Striking Beauty_ comparatively studies the historical and philosophical traditions of martial arts practice and their ethical value in the modern world. Expanding Western philosophy's global outlook, the book forces a theoretical reckoning with the concerns of Chinese philosophy and the aesthetic and technical dimensions of martial arts practice. _Striking Beauty_ explains the relationship between Asian martial arts and the Chinese philosophical traditions of Confucianism, Buddhism, (...)
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  15. Holism and horizon: Husserl and McDowell on non-conceptual content.Michael D. Barber - 2008 - Husserl Studies 24 (2):79-97.
    John McDowell rejects the idea that non-conceptual content can rationally justify empirical claims—a task for which it is ill-fitted by its non-conceptual nature. This paper considers three possible objections to his views: he cannot distinguish empty conception from the perceptual experience of an object; perceptual discrimination outstrips the capacity of concepts to keep pace; and experience of the empirical world is more extensive than the conceptual focusing within it. While endorsing McDowell’s rejection of what he means by non-conceptual content, and (...)
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    Choice response times as functions of intralist similarity, stimulus type, and number of equally probable alternatives.Barry Gholson & Raymond H. Hohle - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 82 (3):581.
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  17. A pragmatic treatment of simple sentences.Alex Barber - 2000 - Analysis 60 (4):300–308.
    Semanticists face substitution challenges even outside of contexts commonly recognized as opaque. Jennifer M. Saul has drawn attention to pairs of simple sentences - her term for sentences lacking a that-clause operator - of which the following are typical: -/- (1) Clark Kent went into the phone booth, and Superman came out. (1*) Clark Kent went into the phone booth, and Clark Kent came out. -/- (2) Superman is more successful with women than Clark Kent. (2*) Superman is more successful (...)
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  18.  42
    Foucault, Marxism, and critique.Barry Smart - 1983 - Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
    Examines the relevance of Foucault's work for developing an understanding of those issues which lie beyond the limits of Marxist theory and analysis - issues such as 'individualising' forms of power, power-knowledge relations, the rise of ...
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  19. On Singularities and Simulations.Barry Dainton - 2012 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 19 (1-2):42.
  20.  27
    Luminance controls the perceived 3-D structure of dynamic 2-D displays.Barry J. Schwartz & George Sperling - 1983 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 21 (6):456-458.
  21. The regulation of harm in international trade: a critique of James's Collective Due Care principle.Christian Barry - 2014 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 44 (2):255-263.
    In his important recent book, Aaron James has defended a principle ? Collective Due Care ? for determining when a form of economic integration is morally objectionable because it causes unjustified harm (including unemployment, wage suppression and diminished working conditions). This essay argues that Collective Due Care would yield implausible judgements about trade practices and would be too indeterminate to play the practical role for which it is intended.
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    Précis of Responding to Global Poverty: Harm, Responsibility, and Agency.Christian Barry - 2019 - Ethics and Global Politics 12 (1):5-7.
    In this article I respond to the eight critical essays in this issue that evaluate the claims in my book with Gerhard Øverland, Responding to Global Poverty: Harm, Responsibility, and Agency.
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    The use of useless knowledge: Bergson against the pragmatists.Barry Allen - 2013 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 43 (1):37-59.
    Henri Bergson and William James were great admirers of each other, and James seemed to think he got valuable ideas from Bergson. But early critics were right to see in Bergson the antithesis of pragmatism. Unfolding this antithesis is a convenient way to study important concepts and innovations in Bergson's philosophy. I concentrate on his ideas of duration and intuition, and show how they prove the necessity of going beyond pragmatism. The reason is because knowledge itself goes beyond the utilitarian (...)
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    Notes on the Reliability and Objectivity of the Tu Yü Commentary on the Tso ChuanNotes on the Reliability and Objectivity of the Tu Yu Commentary on the Tso Chuan.Barry B. Blakeley - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (2):207.
  25.  4
    The Priority of Prudence by Daniel Mark Nelson.Robert Barry - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (1):156-160.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:156 BOOK REVIEWS ject could never arrive at a viable metaphysics and shows effectively that Marechal's subject was never in isolation from the objects of sensation and thought. On the other side, he presents the PDM as an alternative to the soft theism of thinkers like Hans Kiing and as a promising approach in contemporary epistemological debates involving Thomas Kuhn, Richard Rorty, Joseph Margolis, and many others. The historians (...)
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    Form, Experience and the Centrality of Rhetoric to Pedagogy.Barry Brummett - 2014 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 34 (4):377-384.
    This essay notes a resurgence of interest in rhetorical studies on the appeal of form, grounded in the work of rhetorical theorist Kenneth Burke. The essay argues that form is not only a way to structure discourses, it is a way to structure experience. Form is foundational in creating perceptions and thus experiences. Form is also highly rhetorical, in that how we structure our world carries social and ideological implications. The essay thus argues that an understanding of form as foundational (...)
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  27. Laws and induction(2000).Barry Loewer - unknown
    "I have come to think that the laws of physics are real because my experience with the laws of physics does not seem to me to be very different in any fundamental way from my experience with rocks. For those who have not lived with the laws of physics, I can offer the obvious argument that the laws of physics as we know them work, and there is no other known way of looking at nature that works in anything like (...)
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    Dictionary of Visual Discourse: A Dialectical Lexicon of Terms.Barry Sandywell - 2009 - Ashgate.
    As both a substantive academic contribution to this growing field and a useful reference tool, this book offers a theoretical introduction to the many languages ...
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  29. Art, Work and Analysis in an Age of Electronic Simulation.Barry Smart - 2000 - In Mike Gane (ed.), Jean Baudrillard: in radical uncertainty. Sterling, Va.: Pluto Press. pp. 3--332.
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    Neue Lektüren von Wittgensteins Logisch-Philosophischer Abhandlung.Barry Stocker - 2008 - Philosophische Rundschau 55:95 - 122.
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    (1 other version)The Theory of Meaning and the Practice of Communication.Barry Stroud - 1998 - Critica 30 (88):3-28.
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    (1 other version)Leibniz in France: from Arnauld to Voltaire.William Henry Barber - 1955 - New York: Garland.
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    The Age of the enlightenment: studies presented to Theodore Besterman.Theodore Besterman & W. H. Barber (eds.) - 1967 - London,: published for the University Court of the University of St. Andrews, by Oliver & Boyd.
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  34. Phenomenology 2010, Vol. 5: Selected Essays From North America. Part 2: Phenomenology Beyond Philosophy.Lester Embree, M. Barber & T. Nenon (eds.) - 2010 - Zeta Books.
  35.  49
    Knowledge and Power: Toward a Political Philosophy of Science. Joseph Rouse.Barry Barnes - 1988 - Isis 79 (3):488-489.
  36.  72
    Richard Misek (2010) Chromatic Cinema.Robert Barry - 2011 - Film-Philosophy 15 (2):139-142.
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    Naming, predicting and contingency.Barry Miller - 1973 - Sophia 12 (3):24-30.
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  38. King Midas in America: Science, Morality, and Modern Life.Barry Schwartz - forthcoming - Enriching Business Ethics, Ed. C. Walton (New York: Plenum Press, 1990).
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    Gruesome arithmetic: Kripke's sceptic replies.Barry Allen - 1989 - Dialogue 28 (2):257-264.
    Kripke's Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language has enlivened recent discussion of Wittgenstein's later philosophy. Yet it is quite possible to disengage his interpretive thesis from its supporting argumentation. Doing so leaves one with an intriguing sceptical argument which Kripke first powerfully advances, then tries to halt. But contrary to the impression his argument may leave, Kripke's solution and the position it concedes to the Sceptic are deeply allied. Here I shall demonstrate their common assumption, and on that basis argue (...)
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    Crossmodal spatial interactions in subcortical and cortical circuits.Barry E. Stein, Terrance R. Stanford, Mark T. Wallace, J. William Vaughan & Wan Jiang - 2004 - In Charles Spence & Jon Driver (eds.), Crossmodal Space and Crossmodal Attention. Oxford University Press.
  41. The neurology of the weird: brain states and anamalous experience.Barry L. Beyerstein - 2007 - In Sergio Della Sala (ed.), Tall Tales About the Mind and Brain: Separating Fact From Fiction. Oxford University Press.
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    Healing social divisions: the truth of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.Barry Spivack - 2022 - Washington, USA: Changemakers Books.
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    Application Of Systemic And Complexity Thinking In Organizational Development.Barry W. Stevenson - 2012 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 14 (2).
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    (2 other versions)Meaning, Understanding and Translation.Barry Stroud - 1990 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 20 (sup1):343-361.
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  45. Carnap's contexts : Comte, Heidegger, Nietzsche.Barry Allen - 2003 - In C. G. Prado (ed.), A house divided: comparing analytic and continental philosophy. Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books.
    Carnap apparently never mentions August Comte’s name in his writings. Not that that is unusual. He seldom discusses individuals, or historical references of any sort. But you cannot evade context, and nothing comes from nothing. Merely allowing the name of “logical positivist” makes Comte a context for Carnap, which is hardly inappropriate, since Comte practically invented the idea of a “philosophy of science.” We can learn about the positivist mentality (for instance, how it is still with us) by searching out (...)
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  46. From Metaphysical to Moral Evil: Thomas Aquinas' Theory of Evil and Sin in the "Disputed Questions de Malo", Questions One to Three.Robert J. Barry - 1996 - Dissertation, Boston College
    Thomas' theory of sin is a specification of his general theory of metaphysical evil. Both his theory of evil in general and his theory of moral evil specifically provide an understanding that constitutes a scientia, for both theories consist of an explanation of the four causes of evil. As a contrary of good, evil can be explained by means of its causes, for the scientia of good includes the understanding of the contrary of good. Thus sin can be understood precisely (...)
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  47. Is social justice a myth?Brian Barry - 1980 - In Lars O. Ericsson, Harald Ofstad & Giuliano Pontara (eds.), Justice, social, and global: papers presented at the Stockholm International Symposium on Justice, held in September 1978. Stockholm: Akademilitteratur.
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    Knowledge and the Curriculum By Paul H. Hirst Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1974, xiii+193, £3.50.Barry Slater - 1976 - Philosophy 51 (195):111-.
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    lizma, preveli Lovorka Cesarec i Enes Kulenović, Naklada Jesen-ski i Turk, Zagreb 2006, xv+ 463 str.Brian Barry - 2007 - Prolegomena 6:1.
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    Talkativeness and verbal aptitude: Perception and reality.R. Barry Ruback & James M. Dabbs - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (6):423-426.
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