Results for 'Barry Murnane'

948 found
  1.  14
    In the Flesh and the Gothic Pharmacology of Everyday Life; or Into and Out of the Gothic.Barry Murnane - 2016 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 6 (1):227-244.
    One of the key questions facing Gothic Studies today is that of its migration into and out of its once familiar generic or symbolic modes of representation. The BBC series In the Flesh addresses these concerns against the background of a neoliberal medical culture in which pharmaceutical treatments have become powerful tools of socio-economic normalization, either through inducing passivity or in heightening productivity, generating chemically adapted biomachines tuned to think and produce. But the pharmakon has always been a risky form (...)
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    "[...] kill not with Bullets, but with Pills as fatal": das pharmazeutische Experiment des komischen Epos um 1 700.Barry Murnane - 2016 - In Jörn Steigerwald & Daniel Fulda (eds.), Um 1700: Die Formierung der Europäischen Aufklärung: Zwischen Öffnung Und Neuerlicher Schließung. De Gruyter. pp. 257-275.
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    Anatomy of the medical image: knowledge production and transfiguration from the renaissance to today.Axel Fliethmann & Christiane Weller (eds.) - 2021 - Boston: Brill.
    This volume addresses the interdependencies between visual technologies and epistemology with regard to our perception of the medical body. It explores the relationships between the imagination, the body, and concrete forms of visual representations: Ranging from the Renaissance paradigm of anatomy, to Foucault's "birth of the clinic" and the institutionalised construction of a "medical gaze"; from "visual" archives of madness, psychiatric art collections, the politicisation and economisation of the body, to the post-human in mass media representations. Contributions to this volume (...)
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    Laws of Nature and Chances: What Breathes Fire into the Equations.Barry Loewer - 2024
    Barry Loewer presents a novel account of the metaphysics of laws of nature, chances, fundamental ontology, and the space-time arena they occupy. He discusses the history of the concept of laws of nature, and shows how his Package Deal Account overcomes the problems of rival views and can accommodate recent developments in physics.
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  5. (1 other version)A guide to naturalizing semantics.Barry M. Loewer - 1997 - In Bob Hale, Crispin Wright & Alexander Miller (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Language. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 108-126.
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    Caught in a bind: Context information and episodic memory.Kevin Murnane - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (4):675-676.
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    The Mummy in Ancient Egypt: Equipping the Dead for Eternity.William J. Murnane, Salima Ikram & Aidan Dodson - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (1):97.
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  8. Reading McDowell: On Mind and World.Barry G. Stroud - 2002 - New York: Routledge.
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  9. Publications by Barry Smith.Barry Smith - 2017 - Cosmos + Taxis 4 (4):67-104.
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  10. Modes of Occurence, Verbs, Adverbs and Events.Barry Taylor - 1986 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 176 (3):406-407.
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    Akhenaten, King of Egypt.William J. Murnane & Cyril Aldred - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (2):388.
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    Context-dependent recognition memory: The ICE theory.Kevin Murnane, Matthew P. Phelps & Kenneth Malmberg - 1999 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 128 (4):403.
  13.  9
    The ethics of war.Barrie Paskins - 1979 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Edited by M. L. Dockrill.
  14.  24
    Chromosome rearrangements resulting from telomere dysfunction and their role in cancer.John P. Murnane & Laure Sabatier - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (11):1164-1174.
    Telomeres play a vital role in protecting the ends of chromosomes and preventing chromosome fusion. The failure of cancer cells to properly maintain telomeres can be an important source of the chromosome instability involved in cancer cell progression. Telomere loss results in sister chromatid fusion and prolonged breakage/fusion/bridge (B/F/B) cycles, leading to extensive DNA amplification and large deletions. These B/F/B cycles end primarily when the unstable chromosome acquires a new telomere by translocation of the ends of other chromosomes. Many of (...)
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  15. A retrospective account of the development and evaluation processes of a science curriculum project.Barry J. Fraser & David Cohen - 1989 - Science Education 73 (1):25-44.
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  16. Development and cross‐national validation of a laboratory classroom environment instrument for senior high school science.Barry J. Fraser, Campbell J. McRobbie & Geoffrey J. Giddings - 1993 - Science Education 77 (1):1-24.
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  17.  14
    Le Papyrus Harris I.William J. Murnane & Pierre Grandet - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (4):679.
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    Searle on Meaning and Speech Acts.Barry Richards - 1971 - Foundations of Language 7 (4):519-538.
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    Plurals and Events.Barry Schein - 1993 - MIT Press.
    Barry Schein proposes combining a second-order treatment of plurals with DonaldDavidson's suggestion that there are positions for reference to events in ordinary predicates inorder to account for several of the more puzzling features of ...
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    The paradox of choice: why more is less.Barry Schwartz - 2016 - New York: Ecco, an imprint of HarperCollins publishers.
    Whether we're buying a pair of jeans, ordering a cup of coffee, selecting a long-distance carrier, applying to college, choosing a doctor, or setting up a 401(k), everyday decisions ; both big and small ; have become increasingly complex due to the overwhelming abundance of choice with which we are presented. As Americans, we assume that more choice means better options and greater satisfaction. But beware of excessive choice: choice overload can make you question the decisions you make before you (...)
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  21. Rawlsian justice and economic systems.Barry Clark & Herbert Gintis - 1978 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 7 (4):302-325.
  22. Artifice and design: art and technology in human experience.Barry Allen - 2008 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    The book concludes that it is a mistake to think of Art as something subjective, or as an arbitrary social representation, and of Technology as an instrumental ..
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  23. Stream of Consciousness: Unity and Continuity in Conscious Experience.Barry Dainton - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
    _Stream of Consciousness_ is about the phenomenology of conscious experience. Barry Dainton shows us that stream of consciousness is not a mosaic of discrete fragments of experience, but rather an interconnected flowing whole. Through a deep probing into the nature of awareness, introspection, phenomenal space and time consciousness, Dainton offers a truly original understanding of the nature of consciousness.
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  24. The phenomenal self.Barry Dainton - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Barry Dainton presents a fascinating new account of the self, the key to which is experiential or phenomenal continuity. Provided our mental life continues we can easily imagine ourselves surviving the most dramatic physical alterations, or even moving from one body to another. It was this fact that led John Locke to conclude that a credible account of our persistence conditions - an account which reflects how we actually conceive of ourselves - should be framed in terms of mental (...)
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    Another Look at the Impact of Personal and Organizational Values Congruency.Barry Z. Posner - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 97 (4):535 - 541.
    This study re-examined the impact of personal and organizational values congruency on positive work outcomes and investigated the extent to which this relationship is affected by demographic variables. Data collection paralleled an earlier study (Posner and Schmidt, Journal of Business Ethics 12,1993, 341) and validated those findings, lending additional credibility to the continuing importance of this phenomenon. Both personal values congruence and organizational values clarity were significantly related to commitment, satisfaction, motivation, anxiety, work stress, and ethics using a cross-sectional sample (...)
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  26. Whose side are we on? Ethical dilemmas in research on 'race'and education.Barry Troyna & Bruce Carrington - 1989 - In Robert G. Burgess (ed.), The Ethics of educational research. New York: Falmer Press. pp. 205--223.
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  27. Proceedings of the Workshop on Autopoiesis and Perception. Dublin City University: Dublin, Pp. 121–136.Barry McMullin (ed.) - 1992
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    Ecologismo, mística y delimitación del universo moral.Pablo Razeto Barry - 2006 - Polis 13.
    La “conciencia ética”, la “conciencia mística” y la “conciencia ecológica” tienen en común un característico distanciamiento de los individuos con respecto a sí mismos. Se trata de la apertura a una perspectiva “holista”, en que los propios intereses y preocupaciones son vistos desde la perspectiva de un “todo”, del cual uno mismo es “sólo” una parte. Sin embargo existe una diferencia fundamental entre ellos: el “todo” de la conciencia mística es ilimitado, en cambio el “todo” de la ética (y con (...)
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    William R. Shadish, Jr., Arthur C. Houts, Barry Gholson, and Robert A. Neimeyer.Barry Gholson - 1989 - In Psychology of science: contributions to metascience. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 1.
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    Living in Time: The Philosophy of Henri Bergson.Barry Allen - 2023 - New York, US: OUP Usa.
    Henri Bergson (1859-1941) was once the most famous philosopher in the world, but his reputation waned in the latter half of the 20th century. Barry Allen here makes the case for Bergson as a great philosopher, one whose thought has much to contribute to contemporary philosophical questions. Living in Time presents chapters on each of Bergson's four major works, explaining his theories of time, perception, memory, and panpsychic consciousness, his innovative concept of virtual existence, his objection to Darwin, his (...)
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    Real Equality of Opportunity: BARRY R. GROSS.Barry R. Gross - 1987 - Social Philosophy and Policy 5 (1):120-142.
    We are often told that we are morally obligated to produce equal opportunity for all. Therefore, it seems we should examine what power we have to produce that desirable state. For it would be nonsense to say we are required to provide what is beyond our power to provide. When we examine this question, we find our power limited by two sets of constraints. One set comprises formal constraints upon the idea itself of equal opportunity. We cannot do the logically (...)
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  32. No. 3, Sprinq 2003.Barry DeCoster, Leonard Fleck, Tom Tomlinson, J. D. Clayton Thomason, M. A. Libby Bogdan-Lovis, Jan Holmes, Judith Andre & Beth McPhail - 2003 - Medical Humanities 24 (3).
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    Juvenile Unemployment in Twentieth-Century Britain: The Emergence of a Problem.Barry Eichengreen - 1987 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 54.
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    Making Sense of "Necessary Existence".Barry Miller - 1974 - American Philosophical Quarterly 11 (1):47 - 54.
  35. Management of perishable tools.Barry Neidorf - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum (ed.), Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif.. pp. 95.
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    Professional morality and guilty bystanding: Merton's conjectures and the value of work.Barry Lee Padgett - 2009 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Thomas Merton wrote extensively on spiritual and social issues, and his theories have profound implications on many areas of life. This book focuses on the significance of his reflections on work, which seek to transcend the complexities of professional life.
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  37. The Game of Belief.Barry Maguire & Jack Woods - 2020 - Philosophical Review 129 (2):211-249.
    It is plausible that there are epistemic reasons bearing on a distinctively epistemic standard of correctness for belief. It is also plausible that there are a range of practical reasons bearing on what to believe. These theses are often thought to be in tension with each other. Most significantly for our purposes, it is obscure how epistemic reasons and practical reasons might interact in the explanation of what one ought to believe. We draw an analogy with a similar distinction between (...)
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  38. Collected papers of Barry Castro: 1968 to 2005.Barry Castro - 2006 - Grand Rapids, MI: Business Ethics Center, Grand Valley State University. Edited by Leslie Newman.
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    Double stimulation with varying response information.Barry H. Kantowitz - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 82 (2):347.
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    Performing Tony Harrison.Barrie Rutter - 2007 - Arion 15 (2):143-148.
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    Dictionary of Visual Discourse: A Dialectical Lexicon of Terms.Barry Sandywell - 2009 - Ashgate.
    As both a substantive academic contribution to this growing field and a useful reference tool, this book offers a theoretical introduction to the many languages ...
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  42. Special Focus Sections of Process Studies.Barry Whitney - 2008 - Process Studies 37 (2):4.
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  43. Skepticism, 'Externalism,' and the Goal of Inquiry.Barry Stroud - 1999 - In Keith DeRose & Ted A. Warfield (eds.), Skepticism: Contemporary Readings. New York: Oxford University Press.
  44. Time and Space.Barry Dainton - 2001 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    These are just some of the fundamental questions addressed in Time and Space. Writing for a primary readership of advanced undergraduate and graduate philosophy students, Barry Dainton introduces the central ideas and arguments that make space and time such philosophically challenging topics. Although recognising that many issues in the philosophy of time and space involve technical features of physics, Dainton has been careful to keep the conceptual issues accessible to students with little scientific or mathematical training. Surveying historical debates (...)
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    The role of recombinational hotspots in genome instability in mammalian cells.John P. Murnane - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (12):577-581.
    Genome instability has been associated with progression of transformed cells to high tumorigenicity. Although genome instability may result from a variety of factors, some studies suggest that DNA in the region of a chromosome rearrangement can subsequently have much higher rates of DNA deletions or gene amplification. One approach to studying the factors that produce these high rates of DNA rearrangement is by analysis of unstable integration sites for DNA transfected into mammalian cells. Integrated sequences commonly show a temporary instability, (...)
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  46. Introduction: The American dream, then and now.Greg J. Duncan & Richard J. Murnane - 2011 - In Greg J. Duncan & Richard J. Murnane (eds.), Whither Opportunity?: Rising Inequality, Schools, and Children's Life Chances. Russell Sage. pp. 3--23.
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  47. The House of the ‘Inu’: Keys to the Structure of a Yoruba Theory of the ‘Self.’.Barry Hallen & J. Olubi Sodipo - 1994 - Quest: Philosophical Discussions 8 (1):3--23.
    In an effort to explain the Yoruba concept of "emi" or self, an elder uses the metaphor of a house with many tenants--such as memory and imagination, and then says the 'key' to accessing them is self-consciousness. A consideration of impressive contextual dexterity.
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  48. Consciousness and quantum theory: Strange bedfellows.Barry Loewer - 2002 - In Aleksandar Jokic & Quentin Smith (eds.), Consciousness: New Philosophical Perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press.
    When I look at the scale of the apparatus I know what it reads. Those absurdly delicate, hopelessly inaccessible, global correlations obviously vanish when they connect up with me. Whether this is because consciousness is beyond the range of phenomena that quantum mechanics is capable of dealing with, or because it has infinitely many degrees of freedom or special super selection rules of its own, I would not presume to guess. But this is a puzzle about consciousness that should not (...)
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    Comments on David Lewis:'Finkish dispositions'.Barry Taylor - 1999 - In Howard Sankey (ed.), Causation and Laws of Nature. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 157--159.
  50. The Quest for Reality: Subjectivism & the Metaphysics of Colour.Barry Stroud - 2000 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Distinguished scholar Barry Stroud presents a sustained and intricate philosophical argument based upon the question of whether physical objects are 'actually' coloured, or whether they merely appear to be so. He demonstrates how this specific question is inextricably linked to some of the most fundamental issues in metaphysics. He also questions the very nature and constitution of these specific metaphysical issues. This long-awaited model of subtle, elegant, and rigorous philosophical writing ahould have a wide readership among philosophers working in (...)
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