Results for 'Bauls Doctrines'

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  1.  22
    Bāul philosophy.Pūrṇadāsa Bāula - 2003 - New Delhi: A.P.H. Pub. Co.. Edited by Selina Thielemann.
    () Baul sadhana: introduction The word 'baul, in popular interpretation, is generally equated with singing: with folk song of Bengal or, more concretely, ...
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    Mystical Thoughts of Tagore and Iqbal: A Comparative Analysis.Taposi Rabeya - forthcoming - Philosophy and Progress:183-214.
    Mysticism is a spiritual search for hidden truth or wisdom that aims to unite with the metaphysical realm. Mysticism is a direct experience of oneness with God. It is a diverse set of practices, discourses, teachings, articles, texts, institutions, traditions, and experiences related to the instruction of human transformation. Mysticism encompasses everything associated with God. Mystical experiences are unique to each individual. This paper delves into the mystical thoughts of two multi-genius thinkers, the greatest philosophers and mystical poets: Rabindranath Tagore (...)
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    Hannah Arendt und die Berliner Republik: Fragen an das vereinigte Deutschland.Baule Bernward (ed.) - 1996 - Berlin: Aufbau-Verlag.
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    Kulturerkenntnis und Kulturbewertung bei Theodor Lessing.Bernward Baule - 1992 - Hildesheim: A. Lax.
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    " Disconnected at the.Catholic Social Doctrine - 2005 - In Nicholas Capaldi, Business and religion: a clash of civilizations? Salem, MA: M & M Scrivener Press.
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  6. Marţian iovan.Reflections On Christian, Democratic Doctrine & Social Action - 2009 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 8 (23):159-165.
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  7. Organ donation and transplantation.Human Organs & Substituted Judgement Doctrine - 1984 - Bioethics Reporter 1 (1).
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  8. Aquinas, Thomas (1997) Aquinas on Creation. Trans. by Steven E. Baldner and William E. Carroll. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 166 pp. Audi, Robert (1997) Moral Knowledge and Ethical Character. New York: Oxford University Press, 304 pp. Bencivegna, Ermanno (1997) Freedom: A Dialogue. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett. [REVIEW]John Paul Ii & Christian Doctrine - 1998 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 43:191-193.
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    Bāuls, Bhakti, Beats, and Bob: the Influence of Oral Indian Tradition in the Poetry of Allen Ginsberg and Its Connection with Bob Dylan.Geetanjali Joshi - 2019 - Journal of Dharma Studies 1 (2):241-258.
    The term Bāul is universally associated with singing. It is a form of folk music that emerges from Bengal in India. However, Bāul does not simply imply singing. It is more of a philosophy which is deeply rooted in the quest for self-realization. The raison d’être for the kind of attraction the music of Bāuls and the poetry of Kabir had for the West is that their music and poetry was essentially a poetry of simplicity, peace and celestial love. Since (...)
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  10. The bâüls of bengal.Shrî Anirvân - 1971 - In Lizelle Reymond, To live within. London: G. Allen & Unwin.
  11.  17
    Writing the Self: The Life and Philosophy of a Dissenting Bengali Baul Guru.Jeanne Openshaw - 2010 - Oxford University Press.
    This book investigates the largely unexplored terrain of the lives of Baul Gurus by studying the autobiography of Baul Guru, Raj Krishna, and situating Baul songs in a larger socio-historical perspective. The author examines the life, 'lineage', and legacy of Raj Krishna in the context of the Renaissance in colonial Bengal, the growth of urban middle classes, transforming identities and the development of spiritual philosophy in the subcontinent. She traces the life and beliefs of Raj and his disciples through both (...)
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    In-between worlds: performing [as] Bauls in an age of extremism.Sukanaya Chakrabarti - 2023 - New York: Routledge.
    This book examines the performance of Bauls 'folk' performers from Bengal, in the context of a rapidly globalizing Indian economy and against the backdrop of extreme nationalistic discourses. Recognizing their scope beyond the musical and cultural realm, Sukanya Chakrabarti engages in discussing the subversive and transformational potency of Bauls and their performances. In-Between Worlds argues that the Bauls through their musical, spiritual, and cultural performances offer 'joy' and 'spirituality', thus making space for what Dr. Ambedkar in his (...)
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    Bāuls in conversation: Cultivating oppositional ideology. [REVIEW]Lisa I. Knight - 2010 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 14 (1):71-120.
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    The Music of the Bauls of Bengal.Carol Salomon & Charles Capwell - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (2):322.
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    Elsa Pérez Carrasco. Baúl sin fondo.Carlos Trujillo - 2007 - Alpha (Osorno) 24.
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    Quelles doctrines constitutionnelles pour quel(s) droit(s) constitutionnel(s)?Xavier Mouton & Ste?Phane Mouton (eds.) - 2021 - Paris: Éditions Mare & Martin.
    L'ouvrage Quelles doctrines constitutionnelles pour quel(s) droit(s) constitutionel(s) réuni les contributions des plus éminents spécialistes du droit constitutionnel français, mais aussi étrangers, dans le but de dresser un état des lieux scientifiques de cette discipline : qu'est-ce le droit constitutionnel aujourd'hui? Quellle est son utilité? Et quelles sont ses méthodes, ses évolutuons? Les différentes contributions ici proposées se penchent sur la possible formalisation (ou pas) d'une discipline scientifique autour d'une ou différentes écoles, ainsi que les évolutions qui travaillent les (...)
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  17. La Doctrine de L’État.J. Fichte, Marc Maesschalck & Jean-Christophe Goddard - 2006 - Vrin.
    La doctrine de l’État rassemble les Leçons sur des contenus variés de philosophie appliquée données par Fichte à l’université de Berlin pendant le semestre d’éré 1813. Elle est le dernier grand cours donné par Fichte avant sa mort en janvier 1814, et témoigne de l’état ultime de la pensée du philosophe, qui la présente lui-même à ses auditeurs comme livrant les résultats des recherches de toute une vie. Par « philosophie appliquée » Fichte n’entendait pas un quelconque effort d’adaptation de (...)
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    The doctrine of nuclear deterrence: Impact on contemporary international relations.Marek Thee - 1987 - World Futures 24 (1):65-85.
    (1988). The doctrine of nuclear deterrence: Impact on contemporary international relations. World Futures: Vol. 24, Strategic Doctrines and Their Alternatives, pp. 65-85.
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  19. Doctrine of double effect.Alison McIntyre - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The doctrine (or principle) of double effect is often invoked to explain the permissibility of an action that causes a serious harm, such as the death of a human being, as a side effect of promoting some good end. According to the principle of double effect, sometimes it is permissible to cause a harm as a side effect (or “double effect”) of bringing about a good result even though it would not be permissible to cause such a harm as a (...)
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    Under the Talking-Tree: Proverbs as Reasons. The Dialogical Articulaton of Proverbs Within the Baule Tradition.Adjoua Bernadette Dango & Shahid Rahman - 2021 - In Teresa Lopez-Soto, Dialog Systems: A Perspective From Language, Logic and Computation. Springer Verlag. pp. 55-73.
    The Talking-Tree or Palaver Tree is a designated location in many African traditions where the community comes together to discuss, in a peaceful and constructive manner, issues of common interest. It is conceived as an open gathering space of interactive communication led by the stance that finding a compromise or common solution is the best way to consolidate a community. At times, the interchange taking place at a Talking-Tree may also transform into conflict management. Conflict management unfolds into several specific (...)
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  21. Joint Doctrine Ontology: A Benchmark for Military Information Systems Interoperability.Peter Morosoff, Ron Rudnicki, Jason Bryant, Robert Farrell & Barry Smith - 2015 - In Peter Morosoff, Ron Rudnicki, Jason Bryant, Robert Farrell & Barry Smith, Joint Doctrine Ontology: A Benchmark for Military Information Systems Interoperability. CEUR vol. 1325. pp. 2-9.
    When the U.S. conducts warfare, elements of a force are drawn from different services and work together as a single team to accomplish an assigned mission. To achieve such unified action, it is necessary that the doctrines governing the actions of members of specific services be both consistent with and subservient to joint Doctrine. Because warfighting today increasingly involves not only live forces but also automated systems, unified action requires that information technology that is used in joint warfare must (...)
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    Les doctrines littéraires de l'Encyclopédie ou Le romantisme des Encyclopédistes.Jacques Rocafort - 1890 - Genève,: Slatkine Reprints.
    Les Doctrines littéraires de l'Encyclopédie, ou le Romantisme des encyclopédistes / par J. Rocafort,... Date de l'édition originale: 1890 Le présent ouvrage s'inscrit dans une politique de conservation patrimoniale des ouvrages de la littérature Française mise en place avec la BNF. HACHETTE LIVRE et la BNF proposent ainsi un catalogue de titres indisponibles, la BNF ayant numérisé ces oeuvres et HACHETTE LIVRE les imprimant à la demande. Certains de ces ouvrages reflètent des courants de pensée caractéristiques de leur époque, (...)
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    The Doctrine of Double Effect and Affirmative Action.Jeff Jordan - 1990 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 7 (2):213-216.
    ABSTRACT William Cooney has recently argued (The Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol. 6, pp. 201–204) that the social programme of affirmative action, though controversial, can be supported by the doctrine of double effect in that, according to the doctrine, responsibility falls on the side of intended consequences and not on that of unintended consequences. The point of affirmative action is to include certain disadvantaged groups; it is not to exclude other groups, though this is an inevitable and foreseeable by‐product. In (...)
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  24. The Doctrinal Paradox, the Discursive Dilemma, and Logical Aggregation theory.Philippe Mongin - 2012 - Theory and Decision 73 (3):315-355.
    Judgment aggregation theory, or rather, as we conceive of it here, logical aggregation theory generalizes social choice theory by having the aggregation rule bear on judgments of all kinds instead of merely preference judgments. It derives from Kornhauser and Sager’s doctrinal paradox and List and Pettit’s discursive dilemma, two problems that we distinguish emphatically here. The current theory has developed from the discursive dilemma, rather than the doctrinal paradox, and the final objective of the paper is to give the latter (...)
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    The doctrine of creation.William Charlton - 2008 - Heythrop Journal 49 (4):620-631.
    Synopsis: We are often told that the doctrine of creation has not been refuted by modern science, but we cannot judge whether that is true unless we know exactly what the doctrine is, and that is seldom explained. I first offer an interpretation of the doctrine, then defend this as an interpretation, and finally argue that we should use not scientific but forensic methods to decide whether the doctrine, so interpreted, is true.
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  26. La Doctrine De L’oikeiosis Dans L’ancien Stoïcisme.Clara Acker - 2008 - Ethic@ 15 (1):105-135.
    Partindo da tese de Pembroke, segundo a qual a doutrina da oikeiosis é umapeça essencial da filosofia estóica, procuramos demonstrar que é justamenteessa doutrina, que assegura a perfeita coesão entre Física e Ética na Escolaestóica. Para os estóicos, virtude é viver segundo a Natureza, ela será odesenvolvimento de um dom natural, a oikeiosis, a capacidade de todo servivo de reconhecer a si mesmo e aquilo que lhe é apropriado. Conciliando asinterpretações de Pohlenz e de White,entendemos com Chrysippo que as duas (...)
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    Doctrine of Deification in the Works of Cardinal Tomáš Špidlík and His Pupils.Ivana Noble & Zdenko Širka - 2019 - Philotheos 19 (1):125-143.
    This article focuses on the work of Czech Jesuit Cardinal Tomáš Špidlík (1919-2010), continued in his pupils, both in Rome, where he taught for most of his life, and in the Czech Republic. It explores in particular how studies of hesychasm marked their understanding of deification. It asks in which sense their work can be seen as a Western attempt to rehabilitate the doctrine of deification in its experiential and theological complexity, where they contribute to the renewal of the communication (...)
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    Doctrine and Tradition in the Early Thought of W. Benjamin: A Neglected Chapter in the Study of Benjamin's Reception of I. Kant.Florencia Abadi - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (152):159-181.
    The article examines the meaning of the concepts of "doctrine" and "tradition" in Walter Benjamin's 1917 reflections, concepts that are closely linked to his reception of Kant. Given the scarce analysis of this appropriation, the paper seeks to show that these concepts express an interest in Kant's idea of the systematic unity of knowledge and that Benjamin reinterprets such unity in Messianic terms, that is, not as a necessary assumption, but as a demand for redemption. Finally, it shows how these (...)
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    Les doctrines non écrites de platon et la métaphysique de la transcendance.Giancarlo Movia, Alonso Tordesillas & Luc Brisson - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
    Cet article résume le contenu des doctrines non écrites attribuées à Platon ainsi que la démarche méthodique selon laquelle elles procèdent. Il atteste la présence de ces doctrines non écrites, notamment dans le Sophiste. L'article cherche à concilier entre elles la théorie des premiers principes et la métaphysique platonicienne, laquelle admet la transcendance théologique. En effet, en raison de la différence qui existe entre la Dyade du grand et du petit dans la sphère cosmologique et la Dyade dans (...)
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    Social doctrine of Islam.Ayder Rustamov - 2004 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 31:69-85.
    The main factors determining the dynamics of the social development of a country, in addition to economic and political, include spiritual components: religion, culture and national traditions. Among the many theoretical developments, a special place is occupied by the social doctrines of world religions: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism. According to such authoritative scholars as Sergiy Bulgakov, Max Weber and Ivan Ilyin, it is religious foundations that are the sources of social development of various types of civilizations, and, in the (...)
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    The Doctrine of Karma: Towards a Sociological Perspective.Shrirama Indradeva - 1987 - Diogenes 35 (140):141-154.
    It is well known that in India, over the last two thousand five hundred years or more, there has been a pervasive belief in the doctrine of Karma. Various forms and variants in which this doctrine has found expression in the multifarious texts and metaphysical systems have drawn a good deal of attention. The present paper, however, is an attempt at analysing the function of this doctrine, in the sustenance of the traditional social system, and particularly the scheme of social (...)
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    Originalidad doctrinal Humanae vitae.Alain Mattheeuws - 2024 - Medicina y Ética 35 (4):1262-1310.
    El presente artículo pone en evidencia una de las dificultades que se encuentran en la recepción de la Humanae vitae y de la Familiaris consortio: la profundidad del sentido de todo acto conyugal, su belleza y su vínculo explicito con el Creador. Esta paradoja provoca en primer lugar la fe de los bautizados en el misterio de Dios, que es amor y vida, y en segundo término la conciencia moral. ¿No sería acaso demasiado hermoso para ser verdad? Sin embargo, la (...)
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    Doctrinal Legal Science: A Science of Its Own?William Hamilton Byrne & Henrik Palmer Olsen - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 37 (2):343-367.
    Doctrinal legal scholarship faces persistent challenges from empirical approaches, but such criticism rarely seeks to encounter doctrine on its own terms. In this article, we seek to excavate the theoretical and methodological basis of doctrinal legal scholarship by situating the discipline in a hermeneutic continuum between theory and practice, or law’s engagement with the social world. We first unfold this dynamic as an exercise in methodological interpretivism and ontological hermeneutics and then turn to explicate our analysis with examples drawn from (...)
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  34. The Doctrine of Double Effect: Intention and Permissibility.William J. FitzPatrick - 2012 - Philosophy Compass 7 (3):183-196.
    The Doctrine of Double Effect (DDE) is an influential non-consequentialist principle positing a role for intention in affecting the moral permissibility of some actions. In particular, the DDE focuses on the intend/foresee distinction, the core claim being that it is sometimes permissible to bring about as a foreseen but unintended side-effect of one’s action some harm it would have been impermissible to aim at as a means or as an end, all else being equal. This article explores the meaning and (...)
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    The Doctrine of Double Effect and the Question of Constraints on Business Decisions.Patrick A. Tully - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 58 (1-3):51-63.
    . How does the doctrine of double effect apply to business decisions to sell products which may be harmful to consumers? Lawrence Masek believes that some authors have misapplied the doctrine to this type of decision and, as a consequence, have committed themselves to placing unwarranted constraints on businesses. Seeking to correct this mistake, Masek presents his account of how the doctrine applies here, an account which is rather permissive but which, he claims, nevertheless preserves the virtues of the doctrine. (...)
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    La doctrine eucharistique chez Philon d'Alexandrie.Jean Laporte - 1972 - Paris,: Beauchesne.
    Philon d'Alexandrie, un philosophe juif contemporain de Jésus et de saint Paul et le principal témoin de la théologie de la Diaspora, éclaire les multiples visages de sa foi religieuse à l'aide de la philosophie grecque, au cours de ses abondants commentaires sur la Loi de Moïse. Il est très proche du monde de pensée de saint Paul, de l'Épître aux Hébreux et de saint Jean, c'est-à-dire du milieu où s'est développé le christianisme. L'auteur, Jean Laporte, élève de l'Institut catholique (...)
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  37. The Doctrine of Doing and Allowing I: Analysis of the Doing/Allowing Distinction.Fiona Woollard - 2012 - Philosophy Compass 7 (7):448-458.
    According to the Doctrine of Doing and Allowing, the distinction between doing and allowing harm is morally significant. Doing harm is harder to justify than merely allowing harm. This paper is the first of a two paper critical overview of the literature on the Doctrine of Doing and Allowing. In this paper, I consider the analysis of the distinction between doing and allowing harm. I explore some of the most prominent attempts to analyse this distinction:. Philippa Foot’s sequence account, Warren (...)
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  38. (1 other version)The doctrinal paradox and the mixed-motivation problem.Luc Bovens - 2006 - Analysis 66 (1):35-39.
    There are two seemingly unrelated paradoxes of democracy. The older one is the doctrinal paradox or the discursive dilemma. or a comprehensive bibliography, see List 1995. The younger one is the mixed motivation problem introduced by Jonathan Wolff (1994) in this journal. In the mixed motivation problem, we have voters with mixed Benthamite and Rousseauian motivations who reach a majority on an issue that is neither in the self-interest of a majority of the voters, nor considered to be conducive to (...)
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  39. The doctrine of double effect: Reflections on theoretical and practical issues.Frances M. Kamm - 1991 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 16 (5):571-585.
    The Doctrine of Double Effect and the Principle of Do No Harm raise important theoretical and practical issues, some of which are discussed by Boyle, Donagan, and Quinn. I argue that neither principle is correct, and some revisionist, and probably nonabsolutist, analysis of constraints on action and omission is necessary. In making these points, I examine several approaches to deflection of threat cases, discuss an argument for the permissibility of voluntary euthanasia, and present arguments relevant to medical contexts which justify (...)
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  40. The doctrine of sufficiency: A defence.Yitzhak Benbaji - 2005 - Utilitas 17 (3):310-332.
    This article proposes an analysis of the doctrine of sufficiency. According to my reading, the doctrine's basic positive claim is ‘prioritarian’: benefiting x is of special moral importance where (and only where) x is badly off. Its negative claim is anti-egalitarian: most comparative facts expressed by statements of the type ‘x is worse off than y’ have no moral significance at all. This contradicts the ‘classical’ priority view according to which, although equality per se does not matter, whenever x is (...)
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    Doctrines and Dimensions of Justice: Their Historical Backgrounds and Ideological Underpinnings.Matti Häyry - 2018 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 27 (2):188-216.
    :Justice can be approached from many angles in ethical and political debates, including those involving healthcare, biomedical research, and well-being. The main doctrines of justice are liberal egalitarianism, libertarianism, luck egalitarianism, socialism, utilitarianism, capability approach, communitarianism, and care ethics. These can be further elaborated in the light of traditional moral and social theories, values, ideals, and interests, and there are distinct dimensions of justice that are captured better by some tactics than by others. In this article, questions surrounding these (...)
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  42. The Doctrine of Doing and Allowing II: The Moral Relevance of the Doing/Allowing Distinction.Fiona Woollard - 2012 - Philosophy Compass 7 (7):459-469.
    According to the Doctrine of Doing and Allowing, the distinction between doing and allowing harm is morally significant. Doing harm is harder to justify than merely allowing harm. This paper is the second of a two paper critical overview of the literature on the Doctrine of Doing and Allowing. In this paper, I consider the moral status of the distinction between doing and allowing harm. I look at objections to the doctrine such as James’ Rachels’ Wicked Uncle Case and Jonathan (...)
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    The doctrine of God in reformed orthodoxy, Karl Barth, and the Utrecht School: a study in method and content.Roelf T. Te Velde - 2013 - Boston: Brill.
    In The Doctrine of God Dolf te Velde examines the interaction of method and content in three historically important accounts of the doctrine of God.
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  44. The doctrine of double effect.David Simon Oderberg - 2010 - In Timothy O'Connor & Constantine Sandis, A Companion to the Philosophy of Action. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 324-330.
    Few moral theorists would disagree that the fundamental principle of morality – perhaps of practical rationality itself – is “ Do good and avoid evil. ” Yet along with such an uncontroversial principle comes a major question: Can you fulfi l both halves satisfactorily across your life as a moral agent? We all have opportunities to perform acts that do good with no accompanying evil, but these are not as common as we might think. We can avoid evil by doing (...)
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    The Doctrine of Moral Feeling.Keith Ward - 1972 - In The development of Kant's view of ethics. New York,: Humanities Press. pp. 21–33.
    There are many moral qualities which are valued in men. But the question of virtue, of the moral worth of the person as an agent, is quite a different question from that of whether or not he possesses these moral qualities. The problem with which Kant wrestled for many years was that of the nature of the relation between the ‘feeling’ and the ground or motivation of moral action. His Critical doctrine was that the moral feelings lie at the basis (...)
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  46. On the Doctrine of Elements and the Demands of Kantian Virtue.Guus Duindam - forthcoming - Kant Studien.
    In the Doctrine of Virtue, Kant develops an elaborate virtue ethics grounded in two ends that are also duties: our own perfection and the happiness of others. Kant says apparently inconsistent things about the nature of these duties, however, leaving ambiguous precisely what the demands of Kantian virtue are. In the Doctrine of Virtue, Kant says that duties of virtue govern only our freedom to set ends, not our freedom of action; that such duties are not coercively enforceable; and that (...)
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    The doctrine of God: a global introduction.Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen - 2017 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic.
    In recent years, the doctrine of God has once again become a central focus of theological discussion and debate. Internationally respected scholar Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen offers a global survey of understandings of God in Scripture, Christian history, and contemporary theology. This new edition incorporates developments in theological research over the past decade and has been substantially updated throughout.
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    Doctrines of Heathen Philosophy.Joseph Priestley - 1987 - Scholars' Facsimiles & Reprints.
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    Two Doctrines of Jus ex Bello.Darrel Moellendorf - 2015 - Ethics 125 (3):653-673.
    This article discusses two doctrines of jus ex bello concerning whether and how to end wars. In Section I, I defend the claim that there is a distinct morality of ending wars. Section II rebuts a challenge that the account is too permissive of war. Section III rejects a forward-looking conception of proportionality for jus ex bello. In Section IV, I allow an exception in cases in which the just cause for the war has changed. In Section V, I (...)
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    La doctrine leibnizienne de la vérité: aspects logiques et ontologiques.Jean-Baptiste Rauzy (ed.) - 2001 - Paris: Vrin.
    Toujours, dans toute proposition affirmative veritable, necessaire ou contingente, universelle ou singuliere, la notion du predicat est comprise en quelque facon dans celle du sujet, praedicatum inest subjecto, ou bien je ne sais ce que c'est que la vetite. Parce qu'elles mettaient principalement l'accent sur les liaisons conceptuelles, les precisions de ce genre ont ete interpretees comme autant d'indices permettant de reconstituer le contenu du predicat de verite a partir de presupposes coherentistes. Dans le concensus qui s'est etabli sur ce (...)
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