Results for 'Benedetto Lorenzo Cannatelli'

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  1.  20
    Entrepreneurship in the Controversial Economy: Toward a Research Agenda.Benedetto Lorenzo Cannatelli, Brett Richard Smith & Alisa Sydow - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (3):837-851.
    This work extends theory about entrepreneurship across formal and informal institutional boundaries. While research has identified formal, informal, and renegade economies, we introduce the concept of the controversial economy, defined as the set of legal but illegitimate activities through which actors exploit opportunities. We explain the existence of the controversial economy, its prevalence, and provide examples. We explore how and why entrepreneurs may exploit opportunities in the controversial economy based on individual and opportunity-related attributes. Finally, we identify several theoretical perspectives (...)
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    The Impact of Moral Intensity and Desire for Control on Scaling Decisions in Social Entrepreneurship.Brett R. Smith, Geoffrey M. Kistruck & Benedetto Cannatelli - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 133 (4):677-689.
    While research has focused on why certain entrepreneurs elect to create innovative solutions to social problems, very little is known about why some social entrepreneurs choose to scale their solutions while others do not. Research on scaling has generally focused on organizational characteristics often overlooking factors at the individual level that may affect scaling decisions. Drawing on the multidimensional construct of moral intensity, we propose a theoretical model of ethical decision making to explain why a social entrepreneur’s perception of moral (...)
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    Boosting court judgment prediction and explanation using legal entities.Irene Benedetto, Alkis Koudounas, Lorenzo Vaiani, Eliana Pastor, Luca Cagliero, Francesco Tarasconi & Elena Baralis - forthcoming - Artificial Intelligence and Law:1-36.
    The automatic prediction of court case judgments using Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing is challenged by the variety of norms and regulations, the inherent complexity of the forensic language, and the length of legal judgments. Although state-of-the-art transformer-based architectures and Large Language Models (LLMs) are pre-trained on large-scale datasets, the underlying model reasoning is not transparent to the legal expert. This paper jointly addresses court judgment prediction and explanation by not only predicting the judgment but also providing legal experts (...)
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    Another Logic is known”: Benedetto Croce's assessment of “Indian Logic.Lorenzo Leonardo Pizzichemi - 2024 - Metaphilosophy 55 (3):338-350.
    This essay aims to shed new light on the theoretical pertinence of classical Indian logic and epistemology in Benedetto Croce's criticism of Western Aristotelian and modern logic. As a matter of fact, Croce gave a positive and extraordinarily enterprising evaluation of “Indian Logic” in his review of Hermann Jacobi's Indische Logik (1905) and in his book Logic as the Science of the Pure Concept (1996 [1909]). Yet Croce's significant and considerable evaluation of “Indian Logic” has remained neglected until today. (...)
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  5. A lezione con I mostri. Benedetto varchi E la lezzione sulla generazione Dei mostri.Lorenzo Montemagno Ciseri - 2007 - Rinascimento 47:301-345.
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    Benedetto XVI (Joseph Ratzinger), Una nuova cultura per un nuovo uma-nesimo, a cura di Lorenzo Lezzi, Presentazione di Agostino Card. Vallino, Libreria Editrice Vaticana 2011, pp. 168. Francesca Bonicalzi, Paolo Mottana, Carlo Vinti, Jean-Jacques Wunenbur-ger (a cura di), Bachelard e le 'provocazioni'della materia, il melangolo. [REVIEW]Michele Cattane, Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi Zanzi & Daniele Chiffi - 2013 - Epistemologia 36:169-171.
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    Filosofia: maschile singolare: un problema di genere in filosofia.Lorenzo Gasparrini - 2024 - [Rome]: Tlon.
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    Dispositional Reality: A Novel Approach to Power Ontology and Metaphysics.Lorenzo Azzano - 2024 - Springer Verlag.
    Dispositionalism, perhaps the most popular variant of non-Humean metaphysics, submits that dispositions, powers, or capacities, are part of the furniture of the world. In this book I advance an original approach to dispositionalism revolving around the notion of Dispositional Reality; the novelty lies in the fact that the account, unlike most alternatives on the market, does not require the reification of objects, facts, properties, nor their dispositional essences – and is in fact compatible with a far more deflationary approach to (...)
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    Subjectivity and Otherness: A Philosophical Reading of Lacan.Lorenzo Chiesa - 2007 - MIT Press.
    The evolution of the concept of subjectivity in the works of Jacques Lacan.
  10. A Social Contract Account for CSR as an Extended Model of Corporate Governance : Rational Bargaining and Justification.Lorenzo Sacconi - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 68 (3):259-281.
    This essay seeks to give a contractarian foundation to the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility, meant as an extended model of corporate governance of the firm. It focuses on justification according to the contractarian point of view. It begins by providing a definition of CSR as an extended model of corporate governance, based on the fiduciary duties owed to all the firm's stakeholders. Then, by establishing the basic context of incompleteness of contracts and abuse of authority, it analyses how the (...)
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  11. Functionalising the wavefunction.Lorenzo Lorenzetti - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 96 (C):141-153.
    Functionalism is the view that being x is to play the role of x. This paper defends a functionalist account of three-dimensional entities in the context of Wave Function Realism (WFR), that can explain in detail how we can recover three-dimensional entities out of the wavefunction. In particular, the essay advocates for a novel version of WFR in terms of a functional reductionist approach in the style of David Lewis. This account entails reduction of the upper entities to the bottom (...)
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  12.  54
    Is Tone at the Top Associated with Financial Reporting Aggressiveness?Lorenzo Patelli & Matteo Pedrini - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (1):3-19.
    The discussion about the relationship between tone at the top and financial reporting practices has been primarily focused on the oversight role played by the board of directors and other structural elements of corporate governance. Another relevant determinant of tone at the top is the corporate narrative language, since it is a fundamental way in which the chief executive officer enacts leadership. In this study, we empirically explore the association between financial reporting aggressiveness and five thematic indicators capturing different traits (...)
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  13. The Self as Narrative in Hume.Lorenzo Greco - 2015 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 53 (4):699-722.
    In this paper, I return to the well-known apparent inconsistencies in Hume’s treatment of personal identity in the three books of A Treatise of Human Nature, and try to defend a Humean narrative interpretation of the self. I argue that in Book 1 of the Treatise Hume is answering (to use Marya Schechtman’s expressions in The Constitution of Selves) a “reidentification” question concerning personal identity, which is different from the “characterization” question of Books 2 and 3. That is, I maintain (...)
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  14. Functionalism, Reductionism, and Levels of Reality.Lorenzo Lorenzetti - 2023 - Philosophy of Science:1-26.
    I consider a problem for functional reductionism, based on the following tension. Say that b is functionally reduced to a. On the one hand, a and b turn out to be identical, and identity is a symmetric relation. On the other hand, functional reductionism implies that a and b are asymmetrically related: if b is functionally reduced to a, then a is not functionally reduced to b. Thus, we ask: how can a and b be asymmetrically related if they are (...)
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  15. The Force of Sympathy in the Ethics of David Hume.Lorenzo Greco - 2012 - In Lorenzo Greco & Alessio Vaccari, Hume Readings. Roma: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura. pp. 193-210.
  16. A Unified Theory of Truth and Paradox.Lorenzo Rossi - 2019 - Review of Symbolic Logic 12 (2):209-254.
    The sentences employed in semantic paradoxes display a wide range of semantic behaviours. However, the main theories of truth currently available either fail to provide a theory of paradox altogether, or can only account for some paradoxical phenomena by resorting to multiple interpretations of the language. In this paper, I explore the wide range of semantic behaviours displayed by paradoxical sentences, and I develop a unified theory of truth and paradox, that is a theory of truth that also provides a (...)
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    The PC Algorithm and the Inference to Constitution.Lorenzo Casini & Michael Baumgartner - 2023 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 74 (2):405-429.
    Gebharter has proposed using one of the best known Bayesian network causal discovery algorithms, PC, to identify the constitutive dependencies underwriting mechanistic explanations. His proposal assumes that mechanistic constitution behaves like deterministic direct causation, such that PC is directly applicable to mixed variable sets featuring both causal and constitutive dependencies. Gebharter claims that such mixed sets, under certain restrictions, comply with PC’s background assumptions. The aim of this article is to show that Gebharter’s proposal incurs severe problems, ultimately rooted in (...)
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  18. A Social Contract Account for CSR as an Extended Model of Corporate Governance : Compliance, Reputation and Reciprocity.Lorenzo Sacconi - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 75 (1):77-96.
    This essay seeks to give a contractarian foundation to the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility, meant as an extended model of corporate governance of the firm. Whereas, justificatory issues have been discussed in a related paper, in this essay I focus on the implementation of and compliance with this normative model. The theory of reputation games, with reference to the basic game of trust, is introduced in order to make sense of self-regulation as a way to implement the social contract (...)
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    How to Model Mechanistic Hierarchies.Lorenzo Casini - 2016 - Philosophy of Science 83 (5):946-958.
    Mechanisms are usually viewed as inherently hierarchical, with lower levels of a mechanism influencing, and decomposing, its higher-level behaviour. In order to adequately draw quantitative predictions from a model of a mechanism, the model needs to capture this hierarchical aspect. The recursive Bayesian network formalism was put forward as a means to model mechanistic hierarchies by decomposing variables. The proposal was recently criticized by Gebharter and Gebharter and Kaiser, who instead propose to decompose arrows. In this paper, I defend the (...)
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  20.  68
    Is the Optimism in CEO’s Letters to Shareholders Sincere? Impression Management Versus Communicative Action During the Economic Crisis.Lorenzo Patelli & Matteo Pedrini - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (1):19-34.
    In this study, we explore the sincerity of the rhetorical tone of 664 annual letters to shareholders (CEO letters). Prior studies adopt Impression Management theory to predict that firms obfuscate failures and emphasize successes to unfairly enhance their image and maintain organizational legitimacy. Yuthas et al. (J Bus Ethics 41:141–157, 2002) challenged such a view, showing that firms reporting earnings surprises engage in ethical discourse with shareholders. We adopt the methodology of Yuthas et al. (J Bus Ethics 41:141–157, 2002) to (...)
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  21.  39
    Cultural evolutionary theory as a theory of forces.Lorenzo Baravalle - 2019 - Synthese 198 (3):2801-2820.
    Cultural evolutionary theory has been alternatively compared to a theory of forces, such as Newtonian mechanics, or the kinetic theory of gases. In this article, I clarify the scope and significance of these metatheoretical characterisations. First, I discuss the kinetic analogy, which has been recently put forward by Tim Lewens. According to it, cultural evolutionary theory is grounded on a bottom-up methodology, which highlights the additive effects of social learning biases on the emergence of large-scale cultural phenomena. Lewens supports this (...)
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  22. Bad inclinations: Cavarero, Queer theories, and the drive.Lorenzo Bernini - 2021 - In Adriana Cavarero, Toward a feminist ethics of nonviolence. New York: Fordham University Press.
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    Adding a Conditional to Kripke’s Theory of Truth.Lorenzo Rossi - 2016 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 45 (5):485-529.
    Kripke’s theory of truth, 690–716; 1975) has been very successful but shows well-known expressive difficulties; recently, Field has proposed to overcome them by adding a new conditional connective to it. In Field’s theories, desirable conditional and truth-theoretic principles are validated that Kripke’s theory does not yield. Some authors, however, are dissatisfied with certain aspects of Field’s theories, in particular the high complexity. I analyze Field’s models and pin down some reasons for discontent with them, focusing on the meaning of the (...)
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  24.  49
    What do hashtags afford in digital fashion communication? An exploratory study on Gucci-related hashtags on Twitter and Instagram.Lorenzo Cantoni, Nadzeya Kalbaska & Olga Karamalak - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (243):325-351.
    Being enmeshed in a digital environment, we daily produce internet-mediated texts – encompassing several different semiotic codes – accessible on a global scale. Posts on different networks usually contain hashtags, which can be understood as affordances or behavior opportunities. These affordances allow specific actions both from the part of the writer and the reader. They can also be “behavior triggers,” which invite certain behavior online or offline. Digital fashion communication experts should take into consideration these affordances to pursue their goals (...)
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  25.  35
    Variable Definition and Independent Components.Lorenzo Casini, Alessio Moneta & Marco Capasso - 2021 - Philosophy of Science 88 (5):784-795.
    In the causal modeling literature, it is well known that ill-defined variables may give rise to ambiguous manipulations. Here, we illustrate how ill-defined variables may also induce mistakes in causal inference when standard causal search methods are applied. To address the problem, we introduce a representation framework, which exploits an independent component representation of the data, and demonstrate its potential for detecting ill-defined variables and avoiding mistaken causal inferences.
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    (1 other version)Giorgio Agamben's Franciscan Ontology.Lorenzo Chiesa - 2009 - Cosmos and History 5 (1):105-116.
    This paper analyses Agamben’s notion of homo sacer, showing how it should not be confined to the field of a negative critique of biopolitics. In his work, Agamben cautiously delineates a positive figure of homo sacer, whom, according to him, we all virtually are. Such figure would be able to subvert the form in which the relation between bare life and political existence has so far been both thought and lived in the West. How and when is this passage from (...)
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  27.  42
    Jules Vuillemin and the Morality of Pyrrhonism.Lorenzo Corti - 2016 - Philosophia Scientiae 20:9-27.
    Dans la première partie de son article « Une morale est-elle compatible avec le scepticisme? », Jules Vuillemin propose une interprétation du scepticisme de Pyrrhon d’Élis et s’interroge sur sa compatibilité avec une vie morale. La présente contribution s’attache à resituer la lecture de Vuillemin dans l’histoire du pyrrhonisme ainsi que dans les débats récents à son sujet, et à la discuter en la comparant au néo-pyrrhonisme de Sextus Empiricus. À suivre Vuillemin, Pyrrhon suspend son jugement par rapport à tout, (...)
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  28.  15
    Badiou/Lacan-Badiou.Lorenzo Chiesa - 2024 - Filozofski Vestnik 45 (1).
    For Badiou, Lacan is not a philosopher. He is instead a sui generis anti-philosopher. Anti-philosophy is, in a complex manner but eventually by definition, against philosophy. I intend to dispute this reading of Lacan while also profoundly sympathising with Badiou’s understanding of philosophy and acknowledging his extensive engagement with Lacan.
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    Worms, gaps, and hydras.Lorenzo Carlucci - 2005 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 51 (4):342-350.
    We define a direct translation from finite rooted trees to finite natural functions which shows that the Worm Principle introduced by Lev Beklemishev is equivalent to a very slight variant of the well-known Kirby-Paris' Hydra Game. We further show that the elements in a reduction sequence of the Worm Principle determine a bad sequence in the well-quasi-ordering of finite sequences of natural numbers with respect to Friedman's gapembeddability. A characterization of gap-embeddability in terms of provability logic due to Lev Beklemishev (...)
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  30.  49
    Conjectures and manipulations: External representations in scientific reasoning.Lorenzo Magnani - 2002 - Mind and Society 3 (1):9-31.
    What I call theoretical abduction (sentential and model-based) certainly illustrates much of what is important in abductive reasoning, especially the objective of selecting and creating a set of hypotheses that are able to dispense good (preferred) explanations of data, but fails to account for many cases of explanations occurring in science or in everyday reasoning when the exploitation of the environment is crucial. The concept of manipulative abduction is devoted to capture the role of action in many interesting situations: action (...)
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  31.  48
    Schrödinger Cats and Quantum Complementarity.Lorenzo Maccone - 2024 - Foundations of Physics 54 (1):1-10.
    Complementarity tells us we cannot know precisely the values of all the properties of a quantum object at the same time: the precise determination of one property implies that the value of some other (complementary) property is undefined. E.g. the precise knowledge of the position of a particle implies that its momentum is undefined. Here we show that a Schrödinger cat has a well defined value of a property that is complementary to its “being dead or alive” property. Then, thanks (...)
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  32.  4
    Carteggio Croce-Carducci (1887-1906).Felicita Audisio, Benedetto Croce & Giosuè Carducci (eds.) - 2023 - Torino: Nino Aragno Editore.
    Le lettere che compongono il carteggio intercorso fra Benedetto Croce e Giosue Carducci sfuggono, per l'una e l'altra parte, alle classificazioni dell'epistolografia e vari sono i motivi: la limitata consistenza delle lettere, in tutto ventiquattro, inclusive di carte da visita e telegramma, che si susseguono, talvolta a lunghi intervalli e in numero decrescente, nell'arco di tempo 1887-1906; la distanza anagrafica che si dà tra i due interlocutori: l'uno, il 'poeta vate' che alla data dell'incontro, pur ancora in piena attività, (...)
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    Clearing our Minds for Hedonic Phenomenalism.Lorenzo Buscicchi & Willem van der Deijl - forthcoming - Review of Philosophy and Psychology:1-16.
    What constitutes the nature of pleasure? According to hedonic phenomenalism, pleasant experiences are pleasant in virtue of some phenomenological features. According to hedonic attitudinalism, pleasure involves an attitude—a class of mental states that necessarily have an object. Consequently, pleasures are always _about_ something. We argue that hedonic attitudinalism is not able to accommodate pleasant moods. We first consider this argument more generally, and then consider what we call _the globalist strategy response_ to the possible objectless of moods, namely that pleasant (...)
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    Philosophy as Chance: An Interview with Jean‐Luc Nancy.Lorenzo Fabbri - 2007 - Critical Inquiry 33 (2):427.
  35. Depoliticization as impotent praxis: A Sartrean perspective.Lorenzo Buti - 2022 - Constellations 29 (2):184-196.
    Constellations, Volume 29, Issue 2, Page 184-196, June 2022.
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    Wolff's theory of consciousness, re‐examined.Lorenzo Sala - forthcoming - European Journal of Philosophy:e13037.
    In this article, I develop a new account of Wolff's theory of consciousness. In contrast to the received view, I argue that Wolff's texts can be better made sense of by reading ‘perception’ and ‘apperception’ as two radically different acts, each one accounting for radically different aspects of the consciousness of an object and both necessary for its possibility. ‘Perception’ accounts for the intentional component of our representations, that is, for their being about a certain object. Apperception accounts instead for (...)
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  37.  31
    From Inoperativeness to Action.Lorenzo Fabbri - 2011 - Radical Philosophy Review 14 (1):85-100.
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  38.  21
    Contractarian Compliance and the 'Sense of Justice': A Behavioral Conformity Model and Its Experimental Support.Lorenzo Sacconi, Marco Faillo & Stefania Ottone - 2011 - Analyse & Kritik 33 (1):273-310.
    The social contract approach to the study if institutions aims at providing a solution to the problem of compliance with rational agreements in situations characterized by a conflict between individual rationality and social optimality. After a short discussion of some attempts to deal with this problem from a rational choice perspective, we focus on John Rawls's idea of 'sense of justice' and its application to the explanation of the stability of a well-ordered society. We show how the relevant features of (...)
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  39. Uso logico e uso reale della ragione: origine e ruolo regolativo delle idee.Lorenzo Sala - 2018 - Con-Textos Kantianos 8:303-318.
    In questo articolo si analizzano congiuntamente l'origine delle idee e il loro uso regolativo. A questo scopo si comincia considerando la connessione tra uso logico della ragione e definizione della ragione in generale come facoltà dei principi. Si considera poi come la rappresentazione di un incondizionato derivi necessariamente dall'uso logico, e come quindi questo implichi necessariamente un uso reale della ragione. Si considera poi come le varie rappresentazioni dell'incondizionato diano origine alle idee trascendentali. Infine, si considera l'uso regolativo delle idee (...)
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  40. À même les «choses mêmes».Lorenzo Altieri - 2007 - Studia Phaenomenologica 7:285-302.
    In this paper I would like to reconstruct Patočka’s effort to give a faithful account of the phenomena, without betraying these phenomena with an objectivistic theory of perception. Only by remaining close to the things themselves will we be able to understand them as an appeal, as a call, while understanding ourselves as a response to this call. On the basis of this “ontological rehabilitation of the sensible”, which reveals Patočka’s affinity with Merleau-Ponty as much as his departure from Husserl, (...)
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    Devo-darwinismo : lo que el lenguaje nos enseña sobre el papel del desarrollo en la evolución natural.Guillermo Lorenzo - 2010 - Endoxa 24:247.
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    Seeing Something as Something Else: The Logic of Mitate 見立て.Lorenzo Marinucci - forthcoming - Journal of East Asian Philosophy:1-19.
    Mitate is the name used to describe a typically Japanese visual trope, in which one object is meant to be seen as something else. While mitate is a defining element of Edo period haikai and ukiyo-e, a this kind of overlapping meanings can be found in much earlier sources. Its aesthetic effects are often smile, laughter, and parody, but mitate can also bestow a hidden depth to the commonplace and the contemporary through explicit and implicit connections to more noble and (...)
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  43. Genèse d’une hérésie : la phénoménologie herméneutique de Paul Ricœur.Lorenzo Altieri - 2013 - Studia Phaenomenologica 13:187-208.
    In this essay I revisit Ricœur’s famous greffe in light of Husserl’s method. In other words, I try to highlight the anti-idealist interpretation of phenomenology exposed by Ricœur in his early project (Philosophie de la volonté) and in some later works, in order to present the necessity of the graft of hermeneutics onto the worn out body of western reflexive philosophy. This surgery has a radical effect on the “Subject”: far from provoking a “rejection crisis”, the hermeneutical graft provides the (...)
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    The World of Desire: Lacan between Evolutionary Biology and Psychoanalytic Theory.Lorenzo Chiesa - 2009 - Filozofski Vestnik 30 (2):200-225.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The World Of Desire:Lacan Between Evolutionary Biology and Psychoanalytic TheoryLorenzo Chiesa (bio)The primary aim of this paper is to analyse the biological foundations of Lacan's notion of desire as expounded in his first two Seminars (1953-1955). These works provide us with his most detailed discussion of the species-specific preconditions that allow Homo sapiens to speak and establish symbolic pacts among individuals. Despite its irreducibility to the domain of animal (...)
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    The mathematical example of gnomons in Aristotle, Physics 3.4, 203a10–16.Lorenzo Salerno - 2024 - Classical Quarterly 74 (1):67-84.
    This article examines a complex passage of Aristotle's Physics in which a Pythagorean doctrine is explained by means of a mathematical example involving gnomons. The traditional interpretation of this passage (proposed by Milhaud and Burnet) has recently been challenged by Ugaglia and Acerbi, who have proposed a new one. The aim of this article is to analyse difficulties in their account and to advance a new interpretation. All attempts at interpreting the passage so far have assumed that ‘gnomons’ should indicate (...)
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    Mauro Dorato: Science and Representative Democracy: Experts and Citizens.Lorenzo Magnani - forthcoming - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice:1-3.
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    The machine-organism relation revisited.Lorenzo Baravalle & Maurizio Esposito - 2023 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 45 (3):1-23.
    This article addresses some crucial assumptions that are rarely acknowledged when organisms and machines are compared. We begin by presenting a short historical reconstruction of the concept of “machine.” We show that there has never been a unique and widely accepted definition of “machine” and that the extant definitions are based on specific technologies. Then we argue that, despite the concept's ambiguity, we can still defend a more robust, specific, and useful notion of machine analogy that accounts for successful strategies (...)
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    Bicontextualism.Lorenzo Rossi - 2023 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 64 (1):95-127.
    Can one quantify over absolutely everything? Absolutists answer positively, while relativists answer negatively. Here, I focus on the absolutism versus relativism debate in the framework of theories of truth, where relativism becomes a form of contextualism about truth predications. Contextualist theories of truth provide elegant and uniform solutions to the semantic paradoxes while preserving classical logic. However, they interpret harmless generalizations (such as “everything is self-identical”) in less than absolutely comprehensive domains, thus systematically misconstruing them. In this article, I show (...)
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    Margherita Margani: preside epigrafista. Riflessioni su un epitafio greco degli Iblei.Lorenzo Guardiano - 2024 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 77 (1):5-12.
    Queste pagine sono dedicate a uno studio epigrafico compiuto da Margherita Margani su una stele funeraria contenente un distico elegiaco, conservata al Museo Archeologico Ibleo. Il testo dell’epitafio, scritto da un figlio che seppellì i genitori con devozione nel vi secolo a.C., è stato oggetto di dibattito a partire dal 1942, soprattutto per gli antroponimi ivi contenuti. Margherita Margani, docente liceale e preside a Comiso e a Ragusa, riuscì a congetturare delle letture che furono adottate indipendentemente da studiosi di chiara (...)
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    Laudato sì and the New Paradigm of Catholic Environmental Ethics: Reflections on Environmentalist Movements in Italy.Lorenzo Orioli - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (6):931-943.
    This article explores certain aspects related to the environmental ethical message in the Encyclical Letter Laudato si, written in 2015 by Pope Francis, leader of the Catholic Church, and compares them to recent Green party political movements in Italy. Italy offers a unique case study in that the religious background of the country acts as an independent variable with respect to the social acceptance of current environmental issues. The ethical message in Laudato sì is compared to recent debates on the (...)
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