Results for 'Bernd Kannowski'

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  1.  9
    Über Pico della Mirandola (1463–1494), das Chamäleon und die Würde des Menschen.Bernd Kannowski - 2021 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 107 (3):417-434.
    It is quite strange that a work whose author apparently deliberately avoided the term “human dignity” is today known under the title “Oration on the Dignity of Man”. In my contribution, I examine the extent to which the famous tract of Pico della Mirandola can be linked to the history of human dignity. This raises the fundamental question of what human dignity (for Pico) actually means. Pico’s famous text appears primarily as an ode to man’s capacity for transformation, which his (...)
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    Physicians' and nurses' expectations and objections toward a clinical ethics committee.Maximiliane Jansky, Gabriella Marx, Friedemann Nauck & Bernd Alt-Epping - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (7):0969733013478308.
    The study aimed to explore the subjective need of healthcare professionals for ethics consultation, their experience with ethical conflicts, and expectations and objections toward a Clinical Ethics Committee. Staff at a university hospital took part in a survey (January to June 2010) using a questionnaire with open and closed questions. Descriptive data for physicians and nurses (response rate = 13.5%, n = 101) are presented. Physicians and nurses reported similar high frequencies of ethical conflicts but rated the relevance of ethical (...)
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    Cooperation & Liaison between Universities & Editors (CLUE): recommendations on best practice.Gerrit van Meer, Paul Taylor, Bernd Pulverer, Debra Parrish, Susan King, Lyn Horn, Zoë Hammatt, Chris Graf, Michele Garfinkel, Michael Farthing, Ksenija Bazdaric, Volker Bähr, Sabine Kleinert & Elizabeth Wager - 2021 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 6 (1).
    BackgroundInaccurate, false or incomplete research publications may mislead readers including researchers and decision-makers. It is therefore important that such problems are identified and rectified promptly. This usually involves collaboration between the research institutions and academic journals involved, but these interactions can be problematic.MethodsThese recommendations were developed following discussions at World Conferences on Research Integrity in 2013 and 2017, and at a specially convened 3-day workshop in 2016 involving participants from 7 countries with expertise in publication ethics and research integrity. The (...)
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    Positivity effect and decision making in ageing.Fedor Levin, Susann Fiedler & Bernd Weber - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion:1-15.
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  5. Joachim Möller and Bernd Krysmanski (eds.), Creative Reception: John Locke's Impact on Literature and Pictorial Art.Bernd Krysmanski & Joachim Möller - 2024 - Dinslaken: Krysman Press.
    The authors of this volume — all of them recognized representatives of a wide range of academic disciplines — agree that Locke’s work must have had a considerable influence both on English and German literature and the visual arts of Great Britain, especially in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. From the perspective of interdisciplinarity and intertextuality, the essays presented here deal with Locke as a source of ideas for Archibald Alison, John Constable, Daniel Defoe, Henry Fielding, Oliver Goldsmith, Johann Timotheus (...)
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    On agents that have the ability to choose.Wiebe van der Hoek, Bernd van Linder & John-Jules Meyer - 2000 - Studia Logica 66 (1):79-119.
    We demonstrate ways to incorporate nondeterminism in a system designed to formalize the reasoning of agents concerning their abilities and the results of the actions that they may perform. We distinguish between two kinds of nondeterministic choice operators: one that expresses an internal choice, in which the agent decides what action to take, and one that expresses an external choice, which cannot be influenced by the agent. The presence of abilities in our system is the reason why the usual approaches (...)
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    Identity Politics: Participatory Research and Its Challenges Related to Social and Epistemic Control.Stefan Böschen, Martine Legris, Simon Pfersdorf & Bernd Carsten Stahl - 2020 - Social Epistemology 34 (4):382-394.
    Over the past 20 years, the participation of laypersons or representatives of civil society has become a guiding principle in processes of research and innovation. There is now a significant litera...
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  8. Brill Online Books and Journals.Robert A. Carrere, Theresa S. Smith, Bernd Jager, John W. Osborne, Ken Shapiro, Douglas M. Snyder & Larry Davidson - 1989 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 20 (2).
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    No Evidence for a Boost in Psychosocial Functioning in Older Age After a 6-Months Physical Exercise Intervention.Sandra Düzel, Johanna Drewelies, Sarah E. Polk, Carola Misgeld, Johanna Porst, Bernd Wolfarth, Simone Kühn, Andreas M. Brandmaier & Elisabeth Wenger - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    The beneficial effects of physical exercise on physical health and cognitive functioning have been repeatedly shown. However, evidence of its effect on psychosocial functioning in healthy adults is still scarce or inconclusive. One limitation of many studies examining this link is their reliance on correlational approaches or specific subpopulations, such as clinical populations. The present study investigated the effects of a physical exercise intervention on key factors of psychosocial functioning, specifically well-being, stress, loneliness, and future time perspective. We used data (...)
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    Ernst Günther Schmidt zum 65. Geburtstag.Joachim Ebert, Fritz Jürß, Peter Lebrecht Schmidt & Bernd Seidensticker - 1994 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 138 (2).
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    Zum 150. Band Des philologus.Widu-Wolfgang Ehlers, Fritz Jürß, Wolfgang Rösler, Peter Lebrecht Schmidt & Bernd Seidensticker - 2006 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 150 (1):I-IV.
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    Contralesional White Matter Alterations in Patients After Hemispherotomy.Jennifer Gaubatz, Conrad C. Prillwitz, Leon Ernst, Bastian David, Christian Hoppe, Elke Hattingen, Bernd Weber, Hartmut Vatter, Rainer Surges, Christian E. Elger & Theodor Rüber - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  13. Bd. 1. Interdisziplinäres Symposion Tübingen 2004.Bernd Janowski Und Hans P. Lichtenberger Herausgegeben von J. Christine Janowski & in Zusammenarbeit mit Annette Krüger - 2000 - In J. Christine Janowski, Bernd Janowski & Hans P. Lichtenberger, Stellvertretung: Theologische, Philosophische Und Kulturelle Aspekte. Neukirchener.
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    Islamic Mysticism Contested: Thirteen Centuries of Controversies and Polemics.Valerie Hoffman, Frederick de Jong & Bernd Radtke - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (4):717.
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  15. L'idéalisme objectif.Vittorio Hösle, Stéphanie Costa, Bernd Goebel & Jacob Schmutz - 2002 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 192 (1):94-94.
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    W.D. Ross - Das Richtige und das Gute.W. D. Ross, Philipp Schwind & Bernd Goebel (eds.) - 2020 - Felix Meiner Verlag.
    Das »Richtige und das Gute« (1930), das ethische Hauptwerk W. D. Ross’, enthält eine Vielzahl wichtiger moralphilosophischer Thesen und Argumente, die bis in die Gegenwart kontrovers diskutiert werden. Im Mittelpunkt steht seine pluralistische Deontologie, der zufolge sich die richtige Handlung aus einer Abwägung der in der jeweiligen Situation relevanten und unableitbaren Prima-facie-Pflichten ergibt, von denen nur ein Teil auf die Optimierung der Handlungsfolgen bezogen ist. Diese Deontologie wurde zu einem modernen Klassiker unter den normativen ethischen Theorien. Darüber hinaus stellt Ross’ (...)
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    "Sagen, was Sache ist": Versuche explorativer Ethik: Festgabe zu Ehren von Hans G. Ulrich.Hans Günter Ulrich, Gerard Cornelis den Hertog, Stefan Heuser, Marco Hofheinz & Bernd Wannenwetsch (eds.) - 2017 - Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
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    Punktierungen des Bösen: das Werk "Menschen" von Bernd Fischer mit Beiträgen aus Psychoanalyse, Strafrecht, Kunstwissenschaft, Theologie und Philosophie.Bernd Fischer, Ulrike Kuschel, Anna-Fee Neugebauer & Karsten H. Petersen (eds.) - 2015 - Giessen: Psychosozial-Verlag.
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    Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Case Studies and Options for Addressing Ethical Challenges.Bernd Carsten Stahl, Doris Schroeder & Rowena Rodrigues - 2022 - Springer Verlag.
    This open access collection of AI ethics case studies is the first book to present real-life case studies combined with commentaries and strategies for overcoming ethical challenges. Case studies are one of the best ways to learn about ethical dilemmas and to achieve insights into various complexities and stakeholder perspectives. Given the omnipresence of AI ethics in academic, policy and media debates, the book will be suitable for a wide range of audiences, from scholars of different disciplines (e.g. AI science, (...)
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    Organisational responses to the ethical issues of artificial intelligence.Bernd Carsten Stahl, Josephina Antoniou, Mark Ryan, Kevin Macnish & Tilimbe Jiya - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (1):23-37.
    The ethics of artificial intelligence is a widely discussed topic. There are numerous initiatives that aim to develop the principles and guidance to ensure that the development, deployment and use of AI are ethically acceptable. What is generally unclear is how organisations that make use of AI understand and address these ethical issues in practice. While there is an abundance of conceptual work on AI ethics, empirical insights are rare and often anecdotal. This paper fills the gap in our current (...)
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    Bernd Gräfrath: Evolutionäre Ethik? Philosophische Programme, Probleme und Perspektiven der Soziobiologie. [REVIEW]Bernd Gräfrath - 2002 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 5 (2):249-252.
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    Ethics and Privacy in AI and Big Data: Implementing Responsible Research and Innovation.Bernd Carsten Stahl & David Wright - 2018 - IEEE Security and Privacy 16 (3):26-33.
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    On the Origin of Autonomy: A New Look at the Major Transitions in Evolution.Bernd Rosslenbroich - 2014 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume describes features of biological autonomy and integrates them into the recent discussion of factors in evolution. In recent years ideas about major transitions in evolution are undergoing a revolutionary change. They include questions about the origin of evolutionary innovation, their genetic and epigenetic background, the role of the phenotype, and of changes in ontogenetic pathways. In the present book, it is argued that it is likewise necessary to question the properties of these innovations and what was qualitatively generated (...)
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  24.  14
    Kants Rechtslehre ER -.Bernd Ludwig & Werner Stark - 1988 - F. Meiner.
    Kants Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Rechtslehre galten seit ihrem Erscheinen 1797 als mehr oder weniger verunglücktes Alterswerk. Bernd Ludwigs Untersuchung beansprucht dagegen, in ihrem ersten Teil den Nachweis zu führen, daß der problematische Zustand der Schrift nicht etwa den nachlassen den Geisteskräften des Autors zuzuschreiben ist, sondern sich vielmehr einer verunglücken Drucklegung verdankt: Zum Druck gelangte ein Manuskript, in dem nicht nur einzelne Textpassagen falsch angeordnet waren, sondern das auch Vorarbeiten enthielt, die für den Druck gar nicht vorgesehen waren. Anhand (...)
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  25. On the emotional character of trust.Bernd Lahno - 2001 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 4 (2):171-189.
    Trustful interaction serves the interests of those involved. Thus, one could reason that trust itself may be analyzed as part of rational, goaloriented action. In contrast, common sense tells us that trust is an emotion and is, therefore, independent of rational deliberation to some extent. I will argue that we are right in trusting our common sense. My argument is conceptual in nature, referring to the common distinction between trust and pure reliance. An emotional attitude may be understood as some (...)
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  26. Lateral prefrontal cortex and self-control in intertemporal choice.Bernd Figner, Daria Knoch, Eric Johnson, Amy Krosch, Sarah Lisanby, Ernst Fehr & Elke Weber - 2010 - Nature Neuroscience 13 (5):538.
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    Research and Practice of AI Ethics: A Case Study Approach Juxtaposing Academic Discourse with Organisational Reality.Bernd Stahl, Kevin Macnish, Tilimbe Jiya, Laurence Brooks, Josephina Antoniou & Mark Ryan - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (2):1-29.
    This study investigates the ethical use of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies (BD + AI)—using an empirical approach. The paper categorises the current literature and presents a multi-case study of 'on-the-ground' ethical issues that uses qualitative tools to analyse findings from ten targeted case-studies from a range of domains. The analysis coalesces identified singular ethical issues, (from the literature), into clusters to offer a comparison with the proposed classification in the literature. The results show that despite the variety (...)
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  28. Responsible computers? A case for ascribing quasi-responsibility to computers independent of personhood or agency.Bernd Carsten Stahl - 2006 - Ethics and Information Technology 8 (4):205-213.
    There has been much debate whether computers can be responsible. This question is usually discussed in terms of personhood and personal characteristics, which a computer may or may not possess. If a computer fulfils the conditions required for agency or personhood, then it can be responsible; otherwise not. This paper suggests a different approach. An analysis of the concept of responsibility shows that it is a social construct of ascription which is only viable in certain social contexts and which serves (...)
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    Digital Domination and the Promise of Radical Republicanism.Bernd Hoeksema - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology 36 (1):1-20.
    In this paper, I approach the power of digital platforms by using the republican concept of domination. More specifically, I argue that the traditional, agent-relative interpretation of domination, in the case of digital domination, is best supplemented by a more radical version, on which republicans ought to give priority to structural elements. I show how radical republicanism draws attention to (1) the economic rationales and the socio-technical infrastructures that underlie and support digital platforms and to (2) the forms of influence (...)
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    The Role of Empathy and Life Satisfaction in Internet and Smartphone Use Disorder.Bernd Lachmann, Cornelia Sindermann, Rayna Y. Sariyska, Ruixue Luo, Martin C. Melchers, Benjamin Becker, Andrew J. Cooper & Christian Montag - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Katharsiskonzeptionen Vor Aristoteles: Zum Kulturellen Hintergrund des Tragödiensatzes.Bernd Seidensticker & Martin Vöhler (eds.) - 2007 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Biographical note: Bernd Seidensticker, Freie Universität Berlin; Martin Vöhler, Freie Universität Berlin.
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    Beyond Research Ethics: Dialogues in Neuro-ICT Research.Bernd Carsten Stahl, Simisola Akintoye, B. Tyr Fothergill, Manuel Guerrero, Will Knight & Inga Ulnicane - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:419547.
    The increasing use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to help facilitate neuroscience adds a new level of complexity to the question of how ethical issues of such research can be identified and addressed. Current research ethics practice, based on ethics reviews by institutional review boards (IRB) and underpinned by ethical principalism, has been widely criticised and even called ‘imperialist’. In this paper, we develop an alternative way of approaching ethics in neuro-ICT research, based on discourse ethics, which implements responsible (...)
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  33.  12
    Politische Philosophie der Tierrechte.Bernd Ladwig - 2020 - Berlin: Suhrkamp.
  34. Nietzsche’s Existential Imperative.Bernd Magnus - 1978 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 36 (4):658-661.
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  35. Towards a new epistemology of mathematics.Bernd Buldt, Benedikt Löwe & Thomas Müller - 2008 - Erkenntnis 68 (3):309 - 329.
    In this introduction we discuss the motivation behind the workshop “Towards a New Epistemology of Mathematics” of which this special issue constitutes the proceedings. We elaborate on historical and empirical aspects of the desired new epistemology, connect it to the public image of mathematics, and give a summary and an introduction to the contributions to this issue.
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    Kants Logik der Begriffe: Die Begriffslehre der formalen und transzendentalen Logik Kants.Bernd Prien - 2006 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Taking account of Kant's unpublished mss., the author presents a close textual interpretation of Kant's logic of concepts.
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    Robert Brandom on Communication, Reference, and Objectivity.Bernd Prien - 2010 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 18 (3):433-458.
    The two main challenges of the theory of conceptual content presented by Robert Brandom in Making It Explicit are to account for a referential dimension of conceptual content and to account for the objectivity of conceptual norms. Brandom tries to meet both these challenges in chapter 8 of his book. I argue that the accounts presented there can only be understood if seen against the background of Brandom's theory of communication developed in chapter 7. This theory is motivated by the (...)
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  38. The theory of increasing autonomy in evolution: a proposal for understanding macroevolutionary innovations.Bernd Rosslenbroich - 2009 - Biology and Philosophy 24 (5):623-644.
    Attempts to explain the origin of macroevolutionary innovations have been only partially successful. Here it is proposed that the patterns of major evolutionary transitions have to be understood first, before it is possible to further analyse the forces behind the process. The hypothesis is that major evolutionary innovations are characterized by an increase in organismal autonomy, in the sense of emancipation from the environment. After a brief overview of the literature on this subject, increasing autonomy is defined as the evolutionary (...)
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    The enigmatic Placozoa part 1: Exploring evolutionary controversies and poor ecological knowledge.Bernd Schierwater, Hans-Jürgen Osigus, Tjard Bergmann, Neil W. Blackstone, Heike Hadrys, Jens Hauslage, Patrick O. Humbert, Kai Kamm, Marc Kvansakul, Kathrin Wysocki & Rob DeSalle - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (10):2100080.
    The placozoan Trichoplax adhaerens is a tiny hairy plate and more simply organized than any other living metazoan. After its original description by F.E. Schulze in 1883, it attracted attention as a potential model for the ancestral state of metazoan organization, the “Urmetazoon”. Trichoplax lacks any kind of symmetry, organs, nerve cells, muscle cells, basal lamina, and extracellular matrix. Furthermore, the placozoan genome is the smallest (not secondarily reduced) genome of all metazoan genomes. It harbors a remarkably rich diversity of (...)
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  40.  13
    Ethische Methodenlehre: Didaktik und Asketik.Bernd Dörflinger - 2013 - In Andreas Trampota, Oliver Sensen & Jens Timmermann, Kant’s “Tugendlehre”. A Comprehensive Commentary. Boston: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 383-410.
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    Assessing responsible innovation training.Bernd Carsten Stahl, Christine Aicardi, Laurence Brooks, Peter J. Craigon, Mayen Cunden, Saheli Datta Burton, Martin De Heaver, Stevienna De Saille, Serena Dolby, Liz Dowthwaite, Damian Eke, Stephen Hughes, Paul Keene, Vivienne Kuh, Virginia Portillo, Danielle Shanley, Melanie Smallman, Michael Smith, Jack Stilgoe, Inga Ulnicane, Christian Wagner & Helena Webb - 2023 - Journal of Responsible Technology 16 (C):100063.
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  42.  25
    Das Leben Theoretischer Vernunft: Teleologische Und Praktische Aspekte der Erfahrungstheorie Kants.Bernd Dörflinger - 2000 - New York: De Gruyter.
    In der Reihe werden herausragende monographische Untersuchungen und Sammelbände zu allen Aspekten der Philosophie Kants veröffentlicht, ebenso zum systematischen Verhältnis seiner Philosophie zu anderen philosophischen Ansätzen in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Veröffentlicht werden Studien, die einen innovativen Charakter haben und ausdrückliche Desiderate der Forschung erfüllen. Die Publikationen repräsentieren damit den aktuellsten Stand der Forschung.
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    The notion of progress in evolutionary biology – the unresolved problem and an empirical suggestion.Bernd Rosslenbroich - 2006 - Biology and Philosophy 21 (1):41-70.
    Modern biology is ambivalent about the notion of evolutionary progress. Although most evolutionists imply in their writings that they still understand large-scale macroevolution as a somewhat progressive process, the use of the term “progress” is increasingly criticized and avoided. The paper shows that this ambivalence has a long history and results mainly from three problems: (1) The term “progress” carries historical, theoretical and social implications which are not congruent with modern knowledge of the course of evolution; (2) An incongruence exists (...)
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  44.  99
    Identifying the ethics of emerging information and communication technologies: An essay on issues, concepts and method.Bernd Carsten Stahl, Richard Heersmink, Philippe Goujon, Catherine Flick, Jeroen van den Hoven, Kutoma Wakunuma, Veikko Ikonen & Michael Rader - 2010 - International Journal of Technoethics 1 (4):20-38.
    Ethical issues of information and communication technologies (ICTs) are important because they can have significant effects on human liberty, happiness, and people’s ability to lead a good life. They are also of functional interest because they can determine whether technologies are used and whether their positive potential can unfold. For these reasons, policy makers are interested in finding out what these issues are and how they can be addressed. The best way of creating ICT policy that is sensitive to ethical (...)
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    Relativismus.Bernd Irlenborn (ed.) - 2016 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Ist der Relativismus eine Herausforderung für die Rationalität von Philosophie, Wissenschaft und Kultur? Seit der Antike bis hin zu aktuellen philosophischen Debatten wird kontrovers diskutiert, ob die Relativierung von Geltungsansprüchen auf bestimmte Erkenntnisformen oder Deutungskontexte eine Gefahr für die Objektivität der Wahrheitsfrage darstellt, oder ob sie, genau umgekehrt, angesichts der heutigen Pluralität von Denkformen und Weltbildern ein angemessenes Vorgehen ist, das epistemische Bescheidenheit ausdrückt und die Tolerierung unvereinbarer Überzeugungen ermöglicht. Das vorliegende Buch ist die erste deutschsprachige Einführung in die komplexe (...)
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    Critical Theory as an Approach to the Ethics of Information Security.Bernd Carsten Stahl, Neil F. Doherty, Mark Shaw & Helge Janicke - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (3):675-699.
    Information security can be of high moral value. It can equally be used for immoral purposes and have undesirable consequences. In this paper we suggest that critical theory can facilitate a better understanding of possible ethical issues and can provide support when finding ways of addressing them. The paper argues that critical theory has intrinsic links to ethics and that it is possible to identify concepts frequently used in critical theory to pinpoint ethical concerns. Using the example of UK electronic (...)
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    Whence Public Right? The Role of Theoretical and Practical Reasoning in Kant's Doctrine of Right.Bernd Ludwig - 2002 - In Mark Timmons, Kant's Metaphysics of morals: interpetative essays. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    (1 other version)Nietzsche's Case: Philosophy as/and Literature.Bernd Magnus, Stanley Stewart & Jean-Pierre Mileur - 1993 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 9:193-194.
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    Frei-schwebend zum Ereignis.Bernd Nissen - 2018 - Psyche 72 (9):847-868.
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    Rational Engineering Principles in Synthetic Biology: A Framework for Quantitative Analysis and an Initial Assessment.Bernd Giese, Stefan Koenigstein, Henning Wigger, Jan C. Schmidt & Arnim von Gleich - 2013 - Biological Theory 8 (4):324-333.
    The term “synthetic biology” is a popular label of an emerging biotechnological field with strong claims to robustness, modularity, and controlled construction, finally enabling the creation of new organisms. Although the research community is heterogeneous, it advocates a common denominator that seems to define this field: the principles of rational engineering. However, it still remains unclear to what extent rational engineering—rather than “tinkering” or the usage of random based or non-rational processes—actually constitutes the basis for the techniques of synthetic biology. (...)
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