Results for 'Bernd Kraft'

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  1.  28
    Kants Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten in der Edition der Akademieausgabe.Bernd Kraft & Dieter Schönecker - 2000 - Kant Studien 91 (s1):20-22.
  2.  43
    Toward Meeting the Obligation of Respect for Persons in Pragmatic Clinical Trials.Stephanie R. Morain, Stephanie A. Kraft, Benjamin S. Wilfond, Amy Mcguire, Neal W. Dickert, Andrew Garland & Jeremy Sugarman - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (3):9-17.
    Hastings Center Report, Volume 52, Issue 3, Page 9-17, May–June 2022.
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  3. Colour constancy: developing empirical tests of computational models. Brainard & Kraft & Longere - 2003 - In Rainer Mausfeld & Dieter Heyer, Colour Perception: Mind and the Physical World. Oxford University Press.
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    Index–Volume 22–2005.Jane Adams, Steven Kraft, Jb Ruhl, Christopher Lant, Tim Loftus & Leslie Duram - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (4):497-500.
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    Religious Tolerance Through Humility: Thinking with Philip Quinn.David Basinger & James Kraft - 2008 - Routledge.
    While many ground religious tolerance on a sense of unity or enrichment resulting from religious diversity, the acclaimed scholars contributing to this volume place under scrutiny a fascinating alternative proposal for a pathway to religious tolerance: that the serious consideration of religious diversity tends to reveal the weakness of support many have for their religious commitments and that the humility produced tends to result in religious tolerance. The authors illuminate the debate within philosophyabout the way beliefs are supported, the controversy (...)
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    Using Low Cost Eye-tracking to Verify Decision Aid Use.Amanda Harwood, Carryl Baldwin, Amanda Kraft, Alison Perez, Trevor Sands & Barlett Russell - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  7.  41
    The judgment of size, contrast, and sharpness of letter forms.William C. Howell & Conrad L. Kraft - 1961 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 61 (1):30.
  8.  15
    Personnel Decision Making of Chosen Czech Banking Subjects During the Economic Recession.Martin Petříček, Iva Nedomlelová & Jiří Kraft - 2011 - Creative and Knowledge Society 1 (2):6-15.
    Personnel Decision Making of Chosen Czech Banking Subjects During the Economic Recession The article focuses on personnel decision making of important banking subjects during the ongoing economic recession with the specialization on financial crisis in 2008. Main objective of the article is to verify the implicit contract theory and to answer the question of how the selected banks solve problem of reducing labour costs during the crisis. Four important banks in years 2005 - 2010 are examined. To identify the economic (...)
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    Office Automation, Gender, and Change: An Analysis of the Management Literature.Jurg K. Siegenthaler & Joan F. Kraft - 1989 - Science, Technology and Human Values 14 (2):195-212.
    This study examines the consequences of computerization for women who do information work. Syntheses of research findings from both the general social science literature and the business and management periodical literature are compared with each other. The two bodies of research results converge with respect to employment consequences and shifts in work, but differ markedly when it comes to control of the labor process and training. In contrast to social scientists, management researchers pay scant attention to differential gender effects of (...)
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    Watershed Planning: Pseudo-democracy and its Alternatives – The Case of the Cache River Watershed, Illinois. [REVIEW]Jane Adams, Steven Kraft, J. B. Ruhl, Christopher Lant, Tim Loftus & Leslie Duram - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (3):327-338.
    Watershed planning has typically been approached as a technical problem in which water quality and quantity as influenced by the hydrology, topography, soil composition, and land use of a watershed are the significant variables. However, it is the human uses of land and water as resources that stimulate governments to seek planning. For the past decade or more, many efforts have been made to create democratic planning processes, which, it is hoped, will be viewed as legitimate by those the plans (...)
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  11.  17
    Brief 38: Julius Kraft an Grete Hermann.Julius Kraft - 2019 - In Herrmann Kay, Grete Henry-Hermann: Philosophie – Mathematik – Quantenmechanik : Texte Zur Naturphilosophie Und Erkenntnistheorie, Mathematisch-Physikalische Beiträge Sowie Ausgewählte Korrespondenz Aus den Jahren 1925 Bis 1982. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 557-557.
    Liebe Grete Herrmann, besten Dank für Ihren Brief vom 19.5! Auch ich freue mich, Sie auf dem Pariser Kongreß zu sehen; wahrscheinlich werde ich auch an der vorangehenden Positivistentagung teilnehmen, also schon am 29.7. in Paris sein. Es interessiert mich, diese antimetaphysischen Metaphysiker einmal aus der Nähe zu beobachten. Ich werde sehen, es so einzurichten, daß ich eventuell auch nach dem Hauptkongreß noch einige Tage in Paris sein kann, um die von Ihnen angeregten Diskussionen mitzuführen. Jedenfalls hoffe ich auf einige (...)
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    Elena N. Boeck. The Bronze Horseman of Justinian in Constantinople, bespr. von András Kraft.András Kraft - 2022 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 115 (3):1129-1139.
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    Von Husserl zu Heidegger, Kritik der phänomenologischen Philosophie, von Dr. Julius Kraft,..Julius Kraft - 1932 - Leipzig,: H. Buske.
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  14. Joachim Möller and Bernd Krysmanski (eds.), Creative Reception: John Locke's Impact on Literature and Pictorial Art.Bernd Krysmanski & Joachim Möller - 2024 - Dinslaken: Krysman Press.
    The authors of this volume — all of them recognized representatives of a wide range of academic disciplines — agree that Locke’s work must have had a considerable influence both on English and German literature and the visual arts of Great Britain, especially in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. From the perspective of interdisciplinarity and intertextuality, the essays presented here deal with Locke as a source of ideas for Archibald Alison, John Constable, Daniel Defoe, Henry Fielding, Oliver Goldsmith, Johann Timotheus (...)
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  15. Beyond Consent: Building Trusting Relationships With Diverse Populations in Precision Medicine Research.Stephanie A. Kraft, Mildred K. Cho, Katherine Gillespie, Meghan Halley, Nina Varsava, Kelly E. Ormond, Harold S. Luft, Benjamin S. Wilfond & Sandra Soo-Jin Lee - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (4):3-20.
    With the growth of precision medicine research on health data and biospecimens, research institutions will need to build and maintain long-term, trusting relationships with patient-participants. While trust is important for all research relationships, the longitudinal nature of precision medicine research raises particular challenges for facilitating trust when the specifics of future studies are unknown. Based on focus groups with racially and ethnically diverse patients, we describe several factors that influence patient trust and potential institutional approaches to building trustworthiness. Drawing on (...)
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    Punktierungen des Bösen: das Werk "Menschen" von Bernd Fischer mit Beiträgen aus Psychoanalyse, Strafrecht, Kunstwissenschaft, Theologie und Philosophie.Bernd Fischer, Ulrike Kuschel, Anna-Fee Neugebauer & Karsten H. Petersen (eds.) - 2015 - Giessen: Psychosozial-Verlag.
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    The Vienna Circle.Viktor Kraft - 1953 - New York,: Greenwood Press.
    Have you ever wondered what it would be like to sit in on a meeting of the Vienna Circle, listening to discussions by the greatest Austrian thinkers of the 20th century, including Moritz Schlick, Gustav Bergmann, and Karl Menger? Join original Vienna-Circle member Victor Kraft in his discussion of the movement for an exclusive insider s view of this important point in philosophical history. In this in-depth philosophical study, Victor Kraft explores the role the Vienna Circle had on (...)
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  18.  14
    The epistemology of religious disagreement: a better understanding.James Kraft - 2012 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The opponent in either an ordinary or religious disagreement asserts you have made a mistake. To avoid mistakes we strive to have good justification for beliefs which holds us connected to them during difficult challenges, similar to how a good boat tether, pictured on this book's front cover, holds a valuable boat throughout the many stresses placed on it. The problem is that an equivalently informed and capable opponent shows a possible mistake as relevant, and this ought to reduce confidence (...)
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  19.  54
    Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Case Studies and Options for Addressing Ethical Challenges.Bernd Carsten Stahl, Doris Schroeder & Rowena Rodrigues - 2022 - Springer Verlag.
    This open access collection of AI ethics case studies is the first book to present real-life case studies combined with commentaries and strategies for overcoming ethical challenges. Case studies are one of the best ways to learn about ethical dilemmas and to achieve insights into various complexities and stakeholder perspectives. Given the omnipresence of AI ethics in academic, policy and media debates, the book will be suitable for a wide range of audiences, from scholars of different disciplines (e.g. AI science, (...)
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  20.  40
    Demonstrating ‘respect for persons’ in clinical research: findings from qualitative interviews with diverse genomics research participants.Stephanie A. Kraft, Erin Rothwell, Seema K. Shah, Devan M. Duenas, Hannah Lewis, Kristin Muessig, Douglas J. Opel, Katrina A. B. Goddard & Benjamin S. Wilfond - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):e8-e8.
    The ethical principle of ‘respect for persons’ in clinical research has traditionally focused on protecting individuals’ autonomy rights, but respect for participants also includes broader, although less well understood, ethical obligations to regard individuals’ rights, needs, interests and feelings. However, there is little empirical evidence about how to effectively convey respect to potential and current participants. To fill this gap, we conducted exploratory, qualitative interviews with participants in a clinical genomics implementation study. We interviewed 40 participants in English or Spanish (...)
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  21.  10
    Der Wiener Kreis: der Ursprung des Neopositivismus.Victor Kraft - 1997 - Wien,: Springer Verlag.
    Der Wiener Kreis war Ausgangspunkt fA1/4r eine internationale philosophische Bewegung, die eine Erneuerung und Reformierung der Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts zur Folge hatte. Der Neopositivismus dieser Gruppe ist die wohl wichtigste philosophische Erscheinung der Zwischenkriegszeit. Da gerade im deutschsprachigen Raum diese Philosophie Ablehnung erfahren hat, ihre ReprAsentanten von den faschistischen Machthabern verfolgt und vertrieben wurden, ist die Bedeutung dieser Gesamtdarstellung A1/4ber den Wiener Kreis von Victor Kraft, die erstmals 1946 publiziert wurde, kaum zu ermessen. Kraft, selbst GrA1/4ndungsmitglied des (...)
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  22.  9
    Philosophie als Wissenschaft und als Weltanschauung: Unters. zu d. Grundlagen von Philosophie u. Soziologie.Julius Kraft - 1977 - Hamburg: Meiner. Edited by Albert Menne.
  23.  91
    Organisational responses to the ethical issues of artificial intelligence.Bernd Carsten Stahl, Josephina Antoniou, Mark Ryan, Kevin Macnish & Tilimbe Jiya - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (1):23-37.
    The ethics of artificial intelligence is a widely discussed topic. There are numerous initiatives that aim to develop the principles and guidance to ensure that the development, deployment and use of AI are ethically acceptable. What is generally unclear is how organisations that make use of AI understand and address these ethical issues in practice. While there is an abundance of conceptual work on AI ethics, empirical insights are rare and often anecdotal. This paper fills the gap in our current (...)
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  24. Sceptical Scenarios Are Not Error-Possibilities.Tim Kraft - 2013 - Erkenntnis 78 (1):59-72.
    On a common view of scenario-based sceptical arguments sceptical scenarios are error-possibilities, i.e. their point is to introduce the possibility of having only false beliefs. However, global error is impossible for purely logical/conceptual reasons: Even if one’s beliefs are consistent, the negations of one’s beliefs need not be consistent as well. My paper deals with the question of what the consequences of this result are. Two attempts at repairing scenario-based sceptical arguments within the framework of understanding sceptical scenarios as error-possibilities (...)
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    Strategy, social responsibility and implementation.Kenneth L. Kraft & Jerald Hage - 1990 - Journal of Business Ethics 9 (1):11 - 19.
    This paper correlates community service goals from 82 business firms with various organizational characteristics, including goals, niches, structure, context, and performance. The results demonstrate that community-service goals are positively correlated with prestige goals, assets goals, superior-design niche, net assets size, and performance on income to net assets. Community-service goals, however, were not significantly correlated with profit goals, low-price niche, multiplicity of outputs, workflow continuity, qualifications, or centralization, as expected.
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    Bernd Gräfrath: Evolutionäre Ethik? Philosophische Programme, Probleme und Perspektiven der Soziobiologie. [REVIEW]Bernd Gräfrath - 2002 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 5 (2):249-252.
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    Can Open Science Advance Health Justice? Genomic Research Dissemination in the Evolving Data‐Sharing Landscape.Stephanie A. Kraft & Kathleen F. Mittendorf - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (S2):73-83.
    Scientific data‐sharing and open science initiatives are increasingly important mechanisms for advancing the impact of genomic research. These mechanisms are being implemented as growing attention is paid to the need to improve the inclusion of research participants from marginalized and underrepresented groups. Together, these efforts aim to promote equitable advancements in genomic medicine. However, if not guided by community‐informed protections, these efforts may harm the very participants and communities they aim to benefit. This essay examines potential benefits and harms of (...)
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  28.  37
    Ethics and Privacy in AI and Big Data: Implementing Responsible Research and Innovation.Bernd Carsten Stahl & David Wright - 2018 - IEEE Security and Privacy 16 (3):26-33.
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    On the Origin of Autonomy: A New Look at the Major Transitions in Evolution.Bernd Rosslenbroich - 2014 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume describes features of biological autonomy and integrates them into the recent discussion of factors in evolution. In recent years ideas about major transitions in evolution are undergoing a revolutionary change. They include questions about the origin of evolutionary innovation, their genetic and epigenetic background, the role of the phenotype, and of changes in ontogenetic pathways. In the present book, it is argued that it is likewise necessary to question the properties of these innovations and what was qualitatively generated (...)
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  30.  14
    Kants Rechtslehre ER -.Bernd Ludwig & Werner Stark - 1988 - F. Meiner.
    Kants Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Rechtslehre galten seit ihrem Erscheinen 1797 als mehr oder weniger verunglücktes Alterswerk. Bernd Ludwigs Untersuchung beansprucht dagegen, in ihrem ersten Teil den Nachweis zu führen, daß der problematische Zustand der Schrift nicht etwa den nachlassen den Geisteskräften des Autors zuzuschreiben ist, sondern sich vielmehr einer verunglücken Drucklegung verdankt: Zum Druck gelangte ein Manuskript, in dem nicht nur einzelne Textpassagen falsch angeordnet waren, sondern das auch Vorarbeiten enthielt, die für den Druck gar nicht vorgesehen waren. Anhand (...)
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  31. On the emotional character of trust.Bernd Lahno - 2001 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 4 (2):171-189.
    Trustful interaction serves the interests of those involved. Thus, one could reason that trust itself may be analyzed as part of rational, goaloriented action. In contrast, common sense tells us that trust is an emotion and is, therefore, independent of rational deliberation to some extent. I will argue that we are right in trusting our common sense. My argument is conceptual in nature, referring to the common distinction between trust and pure reliance. An emotional attitude may be understood as some (...)
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    Trustworthiness in Untrustworthy Times: Response to Open Peer Commentaries on Beyond Consent.Stephanie A. Kraft, Mildred K. Cho, Katherine Gillespie, Nina Varsava, Kelly E. Ormond, Benjamin S. Wilfond & Sandra Soo-Jin Lee - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (5):W6-W8.
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  33. Scepticism, Infallibilism, Fallibilism.Tim Kraft - 2012 - Discipline Filosofiche 22 (2):49-70.
    The relation of scepticism to infallibilism and fallibilism is a contested issue. In this paper I argue that Cartesian sceptical arguments, i.e. sceptical arguments resting on sceptical scenarios, are neither tied to infallibilism nor collapse into fallibilism. I interpret the distinction between scepticism and fallibilism as a scope distinction. According to fallibilism, each belief could be false, but according to scepticism all beliefs could be false at the same time. However, to put this distinction to work sceptical scenarios have to (...)
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  34. Epistemological Disjunctivism’s Genuine Access Problem.Tim Kraft - 2015 - Theoria 81 (4):311-332.
    Epistemological disjunctivism, as defended by, for example, McDowell, Neta and Pritchard, is the view that epistemic justification can be – and in paradigmatic cases of perceptual knowledge actually is – both factive and reflectively accessible. One major problem for this view is the access problem: apparently, epistemological disjunctivism entails that ordinary external world propositions can be known by reflection alone. According to epistemological disjunctivism, seeing that the sun is shining is reflectively accessible and seeing that the sun is shining entails (...)
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    ‘Equal though different’: laboratories, museums and the institutional development of biology in late-Victorian Northern England.Alison Kraft & Samuel J. M. M. Alberti - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 34 (2):203-236.
    Traditional accounts of the emergence of professional biology have privileged not only metropolis over province, but research over teaching and laboratory over museum. This paper seeks to supplement earlier studies of the ‘transformation of biology’ in the late nineteenth century by exploring in detail the developments within three biology departments in Northern English civic colleges. By outlining changes in the teaching practices, research topics and the accommodation of the departments, the authors demonstrate both locally contingent factors in their development and (...)
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    Bridging the Researcher-Participant Gap: A Research Agenda to Build Effective Research Relationships.Stephanie A. Kraft, Devan M. Duenas, Hannah Lewis & Seema K. Shah - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (5):31-33.
    Volume 20, Issue 5, June 2020, Page 31-33.
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    Modern Pregnancies and (Im)Perfect Babies.Stephanie A. Kraft - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (1):1-2.
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  38. Lateral prefrontal cortex and self-control in intertemporal choice.Bernd Figner, Daria Knoch, Eric Johnson, Amy Krosch, Sarah Lisanby, Ernst Fehr & Elke Weber - 2010 - Nature Neuroscience 13 (5):538.
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    Research and Practice of AI Ethics: A Case Study Approach Juxtaposing Academic Discourse with Organisational Reality.Bernd Stahl, Kevin Macnish, Tilimbe Jiya, Laurence Brooks, Josephina Antoniou & Mark Ryan - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (2):1-29.
    This study investigates the ethical use of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies (BD + AI)—using an empirical approach. The paper categorises the current literature and presents a multi-case study of 'on-the-ground' ethical issues that uses qualitative tools to analyse findings from ten targeted case-studies from a range of domains. The analysis coalesces identified singular ethical issues, (from the literature), into clusters to offer a comparison with the proposed classification in the literature. The results show that despite the variety (...)
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    Pragmatism, Patronage and Politics in English Biology: The Rise and Fall of Economic Biology 1904–1920.Alison Kraft - 2004 - Journal of the History of Biology 37 (2):213-258.
    The rise of applied biology was one of the most striking features of the biological sciences in the early 20th century. Strongly oriented toward agriculture, this was closely associated with the growth of a number of disciplines, notably, entomology and mycology. This period also saw a marked expansion of the English University system, and biology departments in the newly inaugurated civic universities took an early and leading role in the development of applied biology through their support of Economic Biology. This (...)
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    Die Grundformen der Wissenschaftlichen Methoden.Viktor Kraft - 1927 - Philosophical Review 36 (6):594-597.
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  42. The Vienna Circle: The Origins of Neo-Positivism.Victor Kraft & Arthur Pap - 1954 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 5 (19):263-266.
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  43. Defending the Ignorance View of Sceptical Scenarios.Tim Kraft - 2015 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 5 (4):269-295.
    What is the role of sceptical scenarios—dreams, evil demons, brains in a vat—in scep- tical arguments? According to the error view, sceptical scenarios illustrate the possibil- ity of massive falsity in one’s beliefs, whereas according to the ignorance view, they illustrate the possibility of massive ignorance not necessarily due to falsity. In this paper, the ignorance view is defended by surveying the arguments in favour of it and by replying to two pressing objections against it. According to the first objection, (...)
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    An Ethical Case for Dual-Role Consent: Increasing Research Diversity as a Matter of Respect and Justice.Stephanie A. Kraft & Nanibaa’ A. Garrison - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (4):44-46.
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    Subjective Socioeconomic Status, Cognitive Abilities, and Personal Control: Associations With Health Behaviours.Pål Kraft, Brage Kraft, Thomas Hagen & Thomas Espeseth - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    ObjectiveTo examine subjective and objective socioeconomic status as predictors, cognitive abilities as confounders, and personal control perceptions as mediators of health behaviours.DesignA cross-sectional study including 197 participants aged 30–50 years, recruited from the crowd-working platform, Prolific.Main Outcome MeasureThe Good Health Practices Scale, a 16-item inventory of health behaviours.ResultsSSES was the most important predictor of health behaviours. Among the OSES indicators, education, but not income, predicted health behaviours. Intelligence and memory were negatively correlated with health-promoting behaviours, and the effect of memory (...)
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  46. Responsible computers? A case for ascribing quasi-responsibility to computers independent of personhood or agency.Bernd Carsten Stahl - 2006 - Ethics and Information Technology 8 (4):205-213.
    There has been much debate whether computers can be responsible. This question is usually discussed in terms of personhood and personal characteristics, which a computer may or may not possess. If a computer fulfils the conditions required for agency or personhood, then it can be responsible; otherwise not. This paper suggests a different approach. An analysis of the concept of responsibility shows that it is a social construct of ascription which is only viable in certain social contexts and which serves (...)
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    Erkenntnislehre.Victor Kraft - 1960 - Springer Verlag.
  48.  71
    The Vienna Circle, the origin of neo-positivism.Viktor Kraft - 1953 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
  49.  40
    Digital Domination and the Promise of Radical Republicanism.Bernd Hoeksema - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology 36 (1):1-20.
    In this paper, I approach the power of digital platforms by using the republican concept of domination. More specifically, I argue that the traditional, agent-relative interpretation of domination, in the case of digital domination, is best supplemented by a more radical version, on which republicans ought to give priority to structural elements. I show how radical republicanism draws attention to (1) the economic rationales and the socio-technical infrastructures that underlie and support digital platforms and to (2) the forms of influence (...)
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    Neuroscience and Education: Blind Spots in a Strange Relationship.Volker Kraft - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 46 (3):386-396.
    This article—mainly referring to the situation in Germany—consists of three parts. In a first section the current presence of neurosciences in the public discourse will be described in order to illuminate the background which is relevant for contemporary educational thinking. The prefix ‘neuro-’ is ubiquitous today and therefore concepts like ‘neuropedagogy’ or ‘neurodidactics’ seem to be in the mainstream of modern thinking. In the second part of the article the perspective changes from the public discourse to the disciplinary discourse; a (...)
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