Results for 'Bogdan Popović'

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    Estetički spisi.Bogdan Popović - 1963 - Beograd,:
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  2. Collected Papers (on Neutrosophics, Plithogenics, Hypersoft Set, Hypergraphs, and other topics), Volume X.Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Miami, FL, USA: Global Knowledge.
    This tenth volume of Collected Papers includes 86 papers in English and Spanish languages comprising 972 pages, written between 2014-2022 by the author alone or in collaboration with the following 105 co-authors (alphabetically ordered) from 26 countries: Abu Sufian, Ali Hassan, Ali Safaa Sadiq, Anirudha Ghosh, Assia Bakali, Atiqe Ur Rahman, Laura Bogdan, Willem K.M. Brauers, Erick González Caballero, Fausto Cavallaro, Gavrilă Calefariu, T. Chalapathi, Victor Christianto, Mihaela Colhon, Sergiu Boris Cononovici, Mamoni Dhar, Irfan Deli, Rebeca Escobar-Jara, Alexandru Gal, (...)
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    Toward a rationale for literary literacy.Deanne Bogdan - 1990 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 24 (2):199–212.
    Deanne Bogdan; Toward a Rationale for Literary Literacy, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 24, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, Pages 199–212,
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    Variations on intra-theoretical logical pluralism: internal versus external consequence.Bogdan Dicher - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (3):667-686.
    Intra-theoretical logical pluralism is a form of meaning-invariant pluralism about logic, articulated recently by Hjortland :355–373, 2013). This version of pluralism relies on it being possible to define several distinct notions of provability relative to the same logical calculus. The present paper picks up and explores this theme: How can a single logical calculus express several different consequence relations? The main hypothesis articulated here is that the divide between the internal and external consequence relations in Gentzen systems generates a form (...)
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  5. (1 other version)The architectural nonchalance of commonsense psychology.Radu J. Bogdan - 1993 - Mind and Language 8 (2):189-205.
    Eliminativism assumes that commonsense psychology describes and explains the mind in terms of the internal design and operation of the mind. If this assumption is invalidated, so is eliminativism. The same conditional is true of intentional realism. Elsewhere (Bogdan 1991) I have argued against this 'folk- theory-theory' assumption by showing that commonsense psychology is not an empirical prototheory of the mind but a biosocially motivated practice of coding, utilizing, and sharing information from and about conspecifics. Here, without presupposing a (...)
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    Rules and Obligations.Bogdan Ciomaga - 2013 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 40 (1):19-40.
    The existence of the obligation to follow rules in sport is widely accepted, but there are only a few studies that provide accounts that justify it. Building upon Wolff's challenge to traditional political theories, this study proposes a theory that limits the level of normativity to which participants in sport contests are bound in an effort to maximize their autonomy. Instead of constructing a unitary theory of obligations to follow sport rules, a pluralistic account is offered, one that allows for (...)
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    Replies to Commentators.Radu J. Bogdan - 1988 - Mind and Language 3 (2):145-151.
  8. Some Remarks Concerning Legal Objectivity.Bogdan Dicher - 2006 - Studia Philosophica 2.
    In this paper I analyse the claim according to which law is objective. After clarifying the philosophically relevant meaning of this claim , I distinguish several aspects of the thesis, concerning, respectively legal truth , legal error , legal determinacy and the metaphysical status of legal entities . Then, I take into consideration the phenomenology of our legal practice and the apparent support it gives to claims of legal objectivity. Finally, I stress the connection between legal objectivity and normativity and (...)
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    (1 other version)Roderick M. Chisholm.R. Bogdan (ed.) - 1985 - Reidel.
    BIBLIOGRAPHY OF RODERICK M. CHISHOLM 1941 (a) 'Sextus Empiricus and Modern Empiricism', Philosophy of Science VIII, 371-384. 1942 (a) 'The Problem of the Speckled Hen', Mind u, 368-373. 1943 (a) Review of 'Lewin's Topological and Vector ...
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  10. The Legal Construction of the Ethical Character of Society.Bogdan David - 2012 - Analysis and Metaphysics 11:161-166.
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    Kilka uwag o epiatemulogicznyoh i semantycznych podstawach badań logicznych i ich zaatosowanle.Bogdan Djankov - 1985 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 3:127-132.
    Celem artykułu jest dyskusja pewnych ogólnych, epistemologicznych i semantycznych podstaw badań logicznych. Osią rozważań są pytania o 1) istotę i źródła rozwoju tzw. logiki czystej i 2) związek logiki czystej z logiką stosowaną. Autor stara się przy tym uzasadnić dlaczego taki właśnie dobór kwestii posiada zasadniczą teoretyczną i metodologiczną wartość, by po tym udzielić odpowiedzi na postawione pytania.
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    Uvod u leksičku polisemiju.Ana Halas-Popović - 2017 - Novi Sad: Filozofski fakultet.
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    Experiences of Order and Reason and Their Modern Ideological Destruction in Voegelin’s Work.Bogdan Ivaşcu - 2012 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 86 (4):605-626.
    The present study aims to provide a critical analysis of the account of modernity and modern thinkers done by the Austrian philosopher Eric Voegelin, arguably one of the most important political thinkers of the twentieth century. Eric Voegelin is a leading figure among those who considered it pertinent to speak about a crisis of modernity, primarily seen as a crisis of the spirit. The present study stresses Voegelin’s original analysis of “the ideological soul” of modern thinkers, his effort to go (...)
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    Dante Alighieri – poeta i filozof czasu kryzysu.Bogdan Lisiak - 2021 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 26 (2):67-88.
    This paper interprets the philosophical and poetic legacy of Dante Alighieri in the context of the crises he experienced in his life. Dante went through the number of experiences during his lifetime which were significant to his understanding of himself and the world. Such a very personal trial he had to deal with was his unrequited love for Beatrice Portinari, and, especially, her death at a young age. In addition, a very difficult period in his life was his political activity (...)
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    Jezik i bivstvovanje: fundamentalna ontologija jezika.Una Popović - 2019 - Beograd: Srpsko filozofsko društvo.
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    Logika i realʹnostʹ: logiko-filosofskie ocherki.V. G. Popov - 2004 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izdatelʹstvo Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta.
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  17. Pravovai︠a︡ ėmot︠s︡ionalʹnostʹ: vvedenie v i︠u︡risprudent︠s︡ii︠u︡, monografii︠a︡.S. N. Popov - 2004 - Barnaul: AGAU.
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    The concept "sinn Des lebens" in philosophy and psychology.V. Y. Popov & Е. V. Popova - 2020 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 17:28-40.
    Purpose. The paper considered the explication of the concept of "Sinn des Lebens" within the framework of Western philosophy and psychology of the ХІХ-ХХІ centuries. On the basis of this, the role of this concept in contemporary theoretical discussions and psychological and psychotherapeutic practices is understood. Theoretical basis. The authors believe that understanding the concept of "Sinn des Lebens" is possible only based on the synthesis of modern analytical philosophy methods with the methodological guidelines of modern psychology, in particular logotherapy. (...)
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  19. Musical Spirituality: Reflections on Identity and the Ethics of Embodied Aesthetic Experience in/and the Academy.Deanne Bogdan - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 37 (2):80.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 37.2 (2003) 80-98 [Access article in PDF] Musical Spirituality:Reflections on Identity and the Ethics of Embodied Aesthetic Experience in/and the Academy Deanne Bogdan Music in/and My Life Several years ago, I attended a Pontifical High Mass at St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna. It was the feast of the Epiphany, a public holiday in the predominantly Roman Catholic country of Austria. 1 A "lapsed" (...)
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    ST, LP and Tolerant Metainferences.Bogdan Dicher & Francesco Paoli - 2019 - In Can Başkent & Thomas Macaulay Ferguson (eds.), Graham Priest on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. pp. 383-407.
    The strict-tolerant approach to paradox promises to erect theories of naïve truth and tolerant vagueness on the firm bedrock of classical logic. We assess the extent to which this claim is founded. Building on some results by Girard we show that the usual proof-theoretic formulation of propositional ST in terms of the classical sequent calculus without primitive Cut is incomplete with respect to ST-valid metainferences, and exhibit a complete calculus for the same class of metainferences. We also argue that the (...)
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  21. Mind and Common Sense: Philosophical Essays on Common Sense Psychology.Radu J. Bogdan (ed.) - 1991 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The contributors to this volume examine recent controversies about the importance of common sense psychology for our understanding of the human mind. Common sense provides a familiar and friendly psychological scheme by which to talk about the mind. Its categories tend to portray the mind as quite different from the rest of nature, and thus irreducible to physical matters and its laws. In this volume a variety of positions on common sense psychology from critical to supportive, from exegetical to speculative, (...)
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  22. Minding minds: evolving a reflexive mind by interpreting others.Radu J. Bogdan - 2000 - Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
    The theme of this essay is rather simple, though its demonstration is not. It is that humans think reflexively or metamentally because -- and often in the forms in which -- they interpret each other. In this essay ‘metamental’ means ‘about mental’ and ‘reflexive mind’ means ‘a mind thinking about its own thoughts.’ To think reflexively or metamentally is to think about thoughts deliberately and explicitly, as in thinking that my current thoughts about metamentation are right. Thinking about thoughts requires (...)
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    Whitehead, Russell, and Moore.Bogdan Rusu & Ronny Desmet - 2012 - Process Studies 41 (2):214-234.
    The aim of this historically oriented article is to give an account of the methodological similarity of Whitehead and Russell with regard to the logico-mathematical mode of philosophical analysis, and of Whitehead and Moore with regard to common sense. According to the authors, these similarities, especially when taken together, justify the classification of Whitehead as an analytic philosopher. Because of the doctrinal uniqueness of Whitehead, however, they also hold that he will always remain an atypical analytic philosopher.
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    The Impact of COVID-19 Crisis on Stock Markets’ Statistical Complexity.Bogdan Dima, Stefana Maria Dima & Roxana Ioan - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-15.
    The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted all aspects of social and economic life, including the evolution of stock markets. Thus, we advance a methodological framework suitable for assessing 2020 year-long shifts in markets’ statistical complexity, and we apply such framework to ten major international developed or emerging stock markets. Our research reveals that this crisis had considerably altered markets’ evolutionary patterns. The network description of markets’ multivocal transmission of complex responses changed in 2020, European and Asian markets (...)
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    You are so kind – and I am kind and smart: Actor – Observer Differences in the Interpretation of On-going Behavior.Bogdan Wojciszke, Susanne Bruckmüller & Andrea E. Abele - 2014 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 45 (4):394-401.
    : The dual perspective model of agency and communion predicts that observers tend to interpret a target’s behavior more in terms of communion than agency, whereas actors interpret their behavior more in terms of agency. The present research for the first time tests this model in real interactions. Previously unacquainted participants had a short conversation and afterwards rated their own behavior and their interaction partner’s behavior in terms of agency and communion. Supporting the dual perspective model, observers rated the actor’s (...)
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    Conventionalism Revisited.Bogdan Ciomaga - 2012 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 6 (4):410-422.
    Conventionalism in sport philosophy has been rejected as unable to provide a theory of normativity and as collapsing in ethical relativism, but this criticism is rather imprecise about its target, which invites doubt about the legitimacy of the concept of conventionalism described by its critics. Instead, a more charitable and legitimate account of conventionalism is proposed, one that draws inspiration from conventionalism in axiomatic geometry and is able to avoid the counterarguments directed against conventionalism. This new model allows for a (...)
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  27. Interpreting Minds: The Evolution of a Practice.Radu J. Bogdan - 1997 - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
    In this original and provocative book, Bogdan proposes that the ability to interpret others' mental states should be viewed as an evolutionary adaptation.
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    Wokół koncepcji etyki Stycznia.Bogdan Bakies - 1981 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 29 (2):129-135.
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    Holding one's time in thought: the political philosophy of W.J. Stankiewicz.Bogdan Czaykowski & Samuel Victor LaSelva (eds.) - 1997 - Vancouver, B.C., Canada: Ronsdale Press.
    This collection of essays evolved from a colloquium held at the University of British Columbia in 1995 to honour the eminent political scientist and aphorist W.J. Stankiewicz. A theorist and consultant on political decisions, Stankiewicz has been noted for his ability to bring the classical concepts of political science into the decision-making rooms of everyday political action. Among the distinguished Canadian and American contributors are Alan Cairns, Jean Bethke Elshtain, George Feaver, Barry Cooper, Anthony Parel, Arpad Kadarkay and Ian Ross. (...)
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    The theory of ideas and Plato’s philosophy of mathematics.Bogdan Dembiński - 2019 - Philosophical Problems in Science 66:95-108.
    In this article I analyze the issue of many levels of reality that are studied by natural sciences. Particularly interesting is the level of mathematics and the question of the relationship between mathematics and the structure of the real world. The mathematical nature of the world has been considered since ancient times and is the subject of ongoing research for philosophers of science to this day. One of the viewpoints in this field is mathematical Platonism. In contemporary philosophy it is (...)
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  31. Czy Wittgenstein był kantystą.Bogdan Dziobkowski - 2002 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 44 (4):57-67.
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  32. Dwa naturalizmy.Bogdan Dziobkowski - 2003 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 47 (3):37-49.
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    Dadasein: (lotopragmatism).Bogdan Ghiu - 2011 - București: Tracus Arte.
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    Богът с много имена.Dimitŭr Petrov Popov - 1995 - Sofii︠a︡: IK "Svi︠a︡t-Nauka".
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    From Modern Closure to Postmodern Openings Editorial.Bogdan Popoveniuc - 2017 - Postmodern Openings 8 (3):6-10.
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  36. Neobkhodimost i svoboda.Aleksandŭr T. Popov - 1957
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    Nacrt za jednu fenomenologiju iracionalnog & hronika lumbaga ili slavenska binda.Koča Popović - 1985 - Beograd: Prosveta. Edited by Marko Ristić & Gojko Tešić.
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    Problem estetskog suđenja: perspektive estetike.Una Popović - 2013 - Filozofija I Društvo 24 (3).
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    The family virtues guide: simple ways to bring out the best in our children and ourselves.Linda Kavelin Popov - 1997 - New York: Plume. Edited by Dan Popov & John Kavelin.
    Provides advice on teaching children respect, honesty, responsibility, compassion, and faith.
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    "Deus semper maior" or theodicy of Erycha River.Bogdan Teodorovich Zavidniak - 2018 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 84:67-73.
    This article examines Erich Przywara‘s conceptual understanding of the proofs for the existence of God. It also interprets the proofs of God’s existence. Тhe concept of God in the philosophy of Przywara is considered by exploring the nature of the relations between the transcendent sphere of God and the spiritual world of the human person. From the point of view of historiography, the role of the book “The Analogia entis” by Przywara is highlighted.
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    Weltkriegsphilosophie and Scheler's philosophical anthropology.V. Y. Popov & E. V. Popova - 2018 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 13:142-155.
    Purpose. The research is aimed at understanding the philosophical and journalistic heritage of M. Scheler during 1914-1919. "The philosophy of war" is regarded as the middle link between the phenomenological and anthropological stages of its philosophical evolution. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the philosophical legacy of Max Scheler, as well as the work of domestic and Western researchers devoted to this issue. Problems of Weltkriegsphilosophie become comprehensible based on the historical, logical and comparative principles of historical (...)
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    Grounds for cognition: how goal-guided behavior shapes the mind.Radu J. Bogdan - 1994 - Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates.
    This is how guidance of behavior to goal grounds and explains cognition and the main forms in which it manages information.
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  43. ST, LP and tolerant metainferences.Bogdan Dicher & Francesco Paoli - 2019 - In Can Başkent & Thomas Macaulay Ferguson (eds.), Graham Priest on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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    James and Whitehead on Life after Death.Bogdan Rusu - forthcoming - Process Studies 53 (1):130-133.
  45.  24
    Does Infant‐Directed Speech Help Phonetic Learning? A Machine Learning Investigation.Bogdan Ludusan, Reiko Mazuka & Emmanuel Dupoux - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (5):e12946.
    A prominent hypothesis holds that by speaking to infants in infant‐directed speech (IDS) as opposed to adult‐directed speech (ADS), parents help them learn phonetic categories. Specifically, two characteristics of IDS have been claimed to facilitate learning: hyperarticulation, which makes the categories more separable, and variability, which makes the generalization more robust. Here, we test the separability and robustness of vowel category learning on acoustic representations of speech uttered by Japanese adults in ADS, IDS (addressed to 18‐ to 24‐month olds), or (...)
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  46. A proof-theoretic defence of meaning-invariant logical pluralism.Bogdan Dicher - 2016 - Mind 125 (499):727-757.
    In this paper I offer a proof-theoretic defence of meaning-invariant logical pluralism. I argue that there is a relation of co-determination between the operational and structural aspects of a logic. As a result, some features of the consequence relation are induced by the connectives. I propose that a connective is defined by those rules which are conservative and unique, while at the same time expressing only connective-induced structural information. This is the key to stabilizing the meaning of the connectives across (...)
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    Computer science and information vision of the world from the standpoint of the principle of materialistic monism.Nikolai Andreevich Popov - 2022 - Философия И Культура 2:47-72.
    The subject of this study is the problem of the failure of attempts by the scientific community to come to a common understanding of what exactly information can be as something encoded into material structures and moved along with them. At the same time, the following aspects of this problem are considered in detail: what is the immediate cause of the information problem; what are the objective and subjective prerequisites for its appearance; why the unresolved nature of this problem does (...)
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    Ask not what bilateralist intuitionists can do for Cut, but what Cut can do for bilateralist intuitionism.Bogdan Dicher - forthcoming - Analysis.
    On a bilateralist reading, sequents are interpreted as statements to the effect that, given the assertion of the antecedent it is incoherent to deny the succedent. This interpretation goes against its own ecumenical ambitions, endowing Cut with a meaning very close to that of tertium non datur and thus rendering it intuitionistically unpalatable. This paper explores a top-down route for arguing that, even intuitionistically, a prohibition to deny is as strong as a licence to assert.
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    Old Topics, New Formulations: Khaṇḍadeva and Navyanyāya.Bogdan Diaconescu - 2020 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 49 (2):291-321.
    This article is first in a series dedicated to issues in the intellectual history of Mīmāṃsā in early modern India and part of a larger effort to broaden the basis for understanding the new formulations of central topics of the Mīmāṃsā textual-ritual complex in this period. It examines how the Varanasi scholar Khaṇḍadevamiśra makes use of Navyanyāya tools of analysis by putting under the microscope the example of his investigation and new formulation of the signification of agent and agency by (...)
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  50.  61
    Belief: Form, Content, and Function.Radu J. Bogdan (ed.) - 1986 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Some of the topics presented in this volume of original essays on contemporary approaches to belief include the problem of misrepresentation and false belief, conscious versus unconscious belief, explicit versus tacit belief, and the durable versus ephemeral question of the nature of belief. The contributors, Fred Dretske, Keith Lehrer, William Lycan, Stephen Schiffer, Stephen P. Stich, and the editor, Radu Bogdan, focus on the mental realization of belief, its cognitive and behavioral aspects, and the semantic aspects of its content. (...)
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