Results for 'Bradley Dorn'

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  1.  78
    How the Brunswikian Lens Model Illustrates the Relationship Between Physiological and Behavioral Signals and Psychological Emotional and Cognitive States.Judee K. Burgoon, Rebecca Xinran Wang, Xunyu Chen, Tina Saiying Ge & Bradley Dorn - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Social relationships are constructed by and through the relational communication that people exchange. Relational messages are implicit nonverbal and verbal messages that signal how people regard one another and define their interpersonal relationships—equal or unequal, affectionate or hostile, inclusive or exclusive, similar or dissimilar, and so forth. Such signals can be measured automatically by the latest machine learning software tools and combined into meaningful factors that represent the socioemotional expressions that constitute relational messages between people. Relational messages operate continuously on (...)
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  2. Dialogue: Toward Superior Stakeholder Theory.Bradley R. Agle, Thomas Donaldson & R. Edward Freeman - 2008 - Business Ethics Quarterly 18 (2):153-190.
    A quick look at what is happening in the corporate world makes it clear that the stakeholder idea is alive, well, and flourishing; and the question now is not “if ” but “how” stakeholder theory will meet the challenges of its success. Does stakeholder theory’s “arrival” mean continued dynamism, refinement, and relevance, or stasis? How will superior stakeholder theory continue to develop? In light of these and related questions, the authors of these essays conducted an ongoing dialogue on the current (...)
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  3. Should subjective probabilities be sharp?Seamus Bradley & Katie Siobhan Steele - 2014 - Episteme 11 (3):277-289.
    There has been much recent interest in imprecise probabilities, models of belief that allow unsharp or fuzzy credence. There have also been some influential criticisms of this position. Here we argue, chiefly against Elga (2010), that subjective probabilities need not be sharp. The key question is whether the imprecise probabilist can make reasonable sequences of decisions. We argue that she can. We outline Elga's argument and clarify the assumptions he makes and the principles of rationality he is implicitly committed to. (...)
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  4. Carnap’s epistemological critique of metaphysics.Darren Bradley - 2018 - Synthese 195 (5):2247-2265.
    Many who take a dismissive attitude towards metaphysics trace their view back to Carnap’s ‘Empiricism, Semantics and Ontology’. But the reason Carnap takes a dismissive attitude to metaphysics is a matter of controversy. I will argue that no reason is given in ‘Empiricism, Semantics and Ontology’, and this is because his reason for rejecting metaphysical debates was given in ‘Pseudo-Problems in Philosophy’. The argument there assumes verificationism, but I will argue that his argument survives the rejection of verificationism. The root (...)
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  5. On Representational Redundancy, Surplus Structure, and the Hole Argument.Clara Bradley & James Owen Weatherall - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (4):270-293.
    We address a recent proposal concerning ‘surplus structure’ due to Nguyen et al.. We argue that the sense of ‘surplus structure’ captured by their formal criterion is importantly different from—and in a sense, opposite to—another sense of ‘surplus structure’ used by philosophers. We argue that minimizing structure in one sense is generally incompatible with minimizing structure in the other sense. We then show how these distinctions bear on Nguyen et al.’s arguments about Yang-Mills theory and on the hole argument.
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  6. Is Death Bad for a Cow?Ben Bradley - 2015 - In Tatjana Višak & Robert Garner, The Ethics of Killing Animals. New York: Oxford University Press USA. pp. 51-64.
  7. Against 3N-Dimensional Space.Bradley Monton - 2013 - In Alyssa Ney & David Albert, The Wave Function: Essays on the Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics. , US: Oxford University Press USA.
    I argue that space has three dimensions, and quantum mechanics does not show otherwise. Specifically, I argue that the mathematical wave function of quantum mechanics corresponds to a property that an N-particle system has in three-dimensional space.
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    Creating the Partnership Society: Understanding the Rhetoric and Reality of Cross‐Sectoral Partnerships.Bradley K. Googins & Steven A. Rochlin - 2000 - Business and Society Review 105 (1):127-144.
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  9. Against Multiverse Theodicies.Bradley Monton - 2010 - Philo 13 (2):113-135.
    In reply to the problem of evil, some suggest that God created an infinite number of universes—for example, that God created every universe that contains more good than evil. I offer two objections to these multiverse theodicies. First, I argue that, for any number of universes God creates, he could have created more, because he could have created duplicates of universes. Next, I argue that multiverse theodicies can’t adequately account for why God would create universes with pointless suffering, and hence (...)
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    Mathematical Responses to the Hole Argument: Then and Now.Clara Bradley & James Owen Weatherall - 2022 - Philosophy of Science 89 (5):1223-1232.
    We argue that several apparently distinct responses to the hole argument, all invoking formal or mathematical considerations, should be viewed as a unified “mathematical response.” We then consider and rebut two prominent critiques of the mathematical response before reflecting on what is ultimately at issue in this literature.
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  11. Climate Change Assessments: Confidence, Probability, and Decision.Richard Bradley, Casey Helgeson & Brian Hill - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (3):500–522.
    The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has developed a novel framework for assessing and communicating uncertainty in the findings published in their periodic assessment reports. But how should these uncertainty assessments inform decisions? We take a formal decision-making perspective to investigate how scientific input formulated in the IPCC’s novel framework might inform decisions in a principled way through a normative decision model.
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  12. Ellsberg's Paradox and the value of chances.Richard Bradley - 2016 - Economics and Philosophy 32 (2):231-248.
    What value should we put on our chances of obtaining a good? This paper argues that, contrary to the widely accepted theory of von Neumann and Morgenstern, the value of a chance of some good G may be a nonlinear function of the value of G. In particular, chances may have diminishing marginal utility, a property that is termed chance uncertainty aversion. The hypothesis that agents are averse to uncertainy about chances explains a pattern of preferences often observed in the (...)
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    Models on the move: Migration and imperialism.Seamus Bradley & Karim P. Y. Thébault - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 77:81-92.
    We introduce ‘model migration’ as a species of cross-disciplinary knowledge transfer whereby the representational function of a model is radically changed to allow application to a new disciplinary context. Controversies and confusions that often derive from this phenomenon will be illustrated in the context of econophysics and phylogeographic linguistics. Migration can be usefully contrasted with concept of ‘imperialism’, that has been influentially discussed in the context of geographical economics. In particular, imperialism, unlike migration, relies upon extension of the original model (...)
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  14.  20
    The Tree of Life, Health, and Risk Through the Lens of Biblical Wisdom.Bradley C. Gregory - 2023 - Christian Bioethics 29 (2):129-140.
    As a way forward in assessing how the Old Testament wisdom tradition might speak to decisions in a modern medical context, in this paper, I propose exploring the iconographic function of the “tree of life” in the Old Testament, which is consistently associated with both wisdom as well as life and health, in order to tease out two-related issues that can help in providing a Christian theological framework for thinking about the problem of the medicalization of risk: first, how should (...)
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    Cross-modal interactions in the perception of musical performance.Bradley W. Vines, Carol L. Krumhansl, Marcelo M. Wanderley & Daniel J. Levitin - 2006 - Cognition 101 (1):80-113.
    We investigate the dynamics of sensory integration for perceiving musical performance, a complex natural behavior. Thirty musically trained participants saw, heard, or both saw and heard, performances by two clarinetists. All participants used a sliding potentiometer to make continuous judgments of tension (a measure correlated with emotional response) and continuous judgments of phrasing (a measure correlated with perceived musical structure) as performances were presented. The data analysis sought to reveal relations between the sensory modalities (vision and audition) and to quantify (...)
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    Managing Our Uncertainty in the Crisis.Richard Bradley & Liam Kofi Bright - 2020 - The Philosophers' Magazine 90:32-35.
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    Role of left posterior superior temporal gyrus in phonological processing for speech perception and production.Bradley R. Buchsbaum, Gregory Hickok & Colin Humphries - 2001 - Cognitive Science 25 (5):663-678.
    Models of both speech perception and speech production typically postulate a processing level that involves some form of phonological processing. There is disagreement, however, on the question of whether there are separate phonological systems for speech input versus speech output. We review a range of neuroscientific data that indicate that input and output phonological systems partially overlap. An important anatomical site of overlap appears to be the left posterior superior temporal gyrus. We then present the results of a new event‐related (...)
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    Why We Should Avoid Artists Who Cause Harm: Support as Enabling Harm.Bradley Elicker - 2020 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 38 (2):306-319.
    This article examines our ethical responsibility toward artists engaged in harmful behaviors. Specifically, I demonstrate when and why we are morally obligated to withdraw our public and financial support from Artists Who Cause Harm such as Louis C.K., Terry Richardson, and Ryan Adams. Using a moral distinction presented by Philippa Foot and others, I identify this support as enabling harm when the wealth and influence that we support removes typical barriers that protect victims from harm and interposes barriers that prevent (...)
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    On the curation of negentropic forms of knowledge.Joff P. N. Bradley - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (5):465-476.
    My intention is to consider Bernard Stiegler’s concept of ‘journeys of knowledge’. Open Humanities Press, 2020) and to explore how one might rethink the knowledge-creating potentialities of information itself. This has become all the more apparent in the time of lockdowns, physical distancing during the pandemic but the primary purpose of the paper is to look at the distinction between knowledge/information and the role of the teacher in using technology pharmacologically to safeguard the savoirs and to stem the proletarianization of (...)
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  20. Mixed strategies can't evade Pascal's Wager.Bradley Monton - 2011 - Analysis 71 (4):642-645.
    I defend Pascal's Wager from a particular way of evading it, the mixed strategy approach. The mixed strategies approach suggests that Pascal's Wager does not obligate one to believe in God, because one can get the same infinite expected utility from other strategies besides the strategy of believing in God. I will show that while there's nothing technically wrong with the mixed strategy approach, rationality requires it to be applied in such a way that Pascal's Wager doesn't lose any force.
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    Bernard Stiegler, philosopher of reorientation.Joff Bradley - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (4):323-326.
    French philosopher Bernard Stiegler’s teacher, the great Jacques Derrida, when speaking of the nature of the life of Aristotle, questioned the need for biography and anecdote. Philosophy excludes b...
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  22. Deep calls to deep.Daniel O'Dea Bradley - 2023 - In Brian Treanor & James Taylor, Anacarnation and returning to the lived body with Richard Kearney. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  23. Atheistic Induction by Boltzmann Brains.Bradley Monton - 2018 - In Jerry L. Walls Trent Dougherty, Two Dozen (or so) Arguments for God: The Plantinga Project. New York, New York: Oxford University Press.
    I present a new thermodynamic argument for the existence of God. Naturalistic physics provides evidence for the failure of induction, because it provides evidence that the past is not at all what you think it is, and your existence is just a momentary fluctuation. The fact that you are not a momentary fluctuation thus provides evidence for the existence of God – God would ensure that the past is roughly what we think it is, and you have been in existence (...)
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  24.  9
    Contextualism and the truth norm.Darren Bradley - forthcoming - Episteme.
    What should we believe? One plausible view is that we should believe what is true. Another is that we should believe what is rational to believe. I will argue that both these theses can be accounted for once we add an independently motivated contextualism about normative terms. According to contextualism, the content of ‘ought’ depends on two parameters – a goal and a modal base (or set of possible worlds). It follows that there is a sense in which we should (...)
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    Research companion to ethical behavior in organizations: constructs and measures.Bradley R. Agle, David W. Hart, Jeffery A. Thompson & Hilary M. Hendricks (eds.) - 2014 - Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
    Compiling empirical work from management and social science disciplines, the Research Companion to Ethical Behavior in Organizations provides an entry point for academic researchers and compliance officers interested in measuring the moral dimensions of individuals. Accessible to newcomers but geared toward academics, this detailed book catalogs the varied and nuanced constructs used in behavioral ethics, along with measures that assess those constructs. With its cross-disciplinary focus and expert commentary, a varied collection of learned scholars bring essential studies into one volume, (...)
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  26. Fairness and risk attitudes.Richard Bradley & Stefánsson H. Orri - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (10-11):3179-3204.
    According to a common judgement, a social planner should often use a lottery to decide which of two people should receive a good. This judgement undermines one of the best-known arguments for utilitarianism, due to John C. Harsanyi, and more generally undermines axiomatic arguments for utilitarianism and similar views. In this paper we ask which combinations of views about (a) the social planner’s attitude to risk and inequality, and (b) the subjects’ attitudes to risk are consistent with the aforementioned judgement. (...)
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  27. Hegel's Theory of Tragedy.A. C. Bradley - 1903 - Hibbert Journal 2:662.
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    The Effectiveness of Equine-Assisted Experiential Therapy: Results of an Open Clinical Trial.Bradley T. Klontz, Alex Bivens, Deb Leinart & Ted Klontz - 2007 - Society and Animals 15 (3):257-267.
    This article describes an equine-assisted experiential therapy approach and presents treatment outcomes in 31 participants in an equine-assisted, experiential therapy program. Participants completed psychological measures prior to treatment, immediately following treatment, and 6 months after treatment. Reported reductions in psychological distress and enhancements in psychological well being were significant immediately following treatment and were stable at 6-month follow-up. The article discusses the clinical implications and limitations of the present study and directions for further research.
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  29. An Atheistic Defence of Christian Science.Monton Bradley - 2013 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 5 (3):43--54.
    Should the Christian community engage in Christian science – doing science starting from the standpoint of the Christian evidence base? Plantinga asks this question, and I argue that the answer is ‘yes’. Moreover, this is an answer that both Christians and atheists can agree upon. Scientific progress should not be shackled by methodological naturalism; instead we need an ecumenical approach to science, which will allow for various high-level research programmes to count as science (including Christian science). If one does science (...)
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  30. Medical student essay: Positive rights, negative rights and health care.Andrew Bradley - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (12):838-841.
    In the current debate about healthcare reform in the USA, advocates for government-ensured universal coverage assume that health care is a right. Although this position is politically popular, it is sometimes challenged by a restricted view of rights popular with libertarians and individualists. The restricted view of rights only accepts ‘negative’ rights as legitimate rights. Negative rights, the argument goes, place no obligations on you to provide goods to other people and thus respect your right to keep the fruits of (...)
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  31. Evan Fales, Divine Intervention: Metaphysical and Epistemological Puzzles.Bradley Monton - 2015 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 7 (4):259--263.
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  32. Morality Grounds Personal Identity.Bradley Monton - 2014 - Philosophical Analysis 31:1-26.
    There is a connection between moral facts and personal identity facts: morality grounds personal identity. If, for example, old Sally enters a teletransporter, and new Sally emerges, the fundamental question to ask is: is new Sally morally responsible for actions (and omissions) of old Sally? If the moral facts are such that she is morally responsible, then Sally persisted through the teletransporter event, and if not, Sally ceased to exist.
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  33. Supporters and underminers: reply to Chandler.Richard Bradley - 2017 - Mind 126 (502):603-608.
    I argue that two of the standard axioms of the AGM theory of belief revision stand in the way of it serving as the basis for an adequate account of defeasible reasoning, because they respectively disallow the adoption of beliefs not logically entailed by those previously learned and the abandonment of those not contradicted by them.
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    Presentism, Actualism, and Fatalism.Bradley Rettler - 2023 - Metaphysics 6 (1):13-23.
    In recent papers, Philip Swenson (2016) has argued that presentism is incompatible with the conjunction of libertarianism and divine foreknowledge, and Michael Rea (2006) has argued that presentism is incompatible with the conjunction of libertarianism and bivalence. In this paper, I respond to Swenson’s and Rea’s arguments. In each case, I develop a parody argument that seeks to show that actualism -- the view that everything is actual -- is inconsistent with the conjunction of (in the case of Rea) libertarianism (...)
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  35. Modeling item and category learning.Bradley C. Love & Douglas L. Medin - 1998 - In Morton Ann Gernsbacher & Sharon J. Derry, Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Lawerence Erlbaum. pp. 639--644.
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  36. The biopsychosocial model and philosophic pragmatism: Is George Engel a pragmatist?Bradley Lewis - 2007 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 14 (4):pp. 299-310.
    George Engel designed his biopsychosocial model to be a broad framework for medicine and psychiatry. Although the model met with great initial success, it now needs conceptual attention to make it relevant for future generations. Engel articulated the model as a version of biological systems theory, but his work is better interpreted as the beginnings of a richly nuanced philosophy of medicine. We can make this reinterpretation by connecting Engel’s work with the tradition of American pragmatism. Engel initiates inquiry like (...)
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    The effect of learning on the predictability of psychomotor performance.Bradley Reynolds - 1952 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 44 (3):189.
  38. Predicting information needs: Adaptive display in dynamic environments.Bradley C. Love, Matt Jones, Marc T. Tomlinson & Michael Howe - 2008 - In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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  39. Justice With Mercy.Bradley Wilson - 2012 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 26 (1):119-135.
    Crimes such as the mass murder recently committed in Norway provoke the strongest calls for the death penalty. Among ethicists, the morality of capital punishment typically is discussed in terms of whether or not capital punishment can be morally justified, i.e., the question is whether or not capital punishment is ever permissible. However, neither the morality nor immorality of capital punishment has been decisively demonstrated. My argument assumes that capital punishment is permissible in at least some circumstances. I argue that, (...)
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  40. Proposition-valued random variables as information.Richard Bradley - 2010 - Synthese 175 (1):17 - 38.
    The notion of a proposition as a set of possible worlds or states occupies central stage in probability theory, semantics and epistemology, where it serves as the fundamental unit both of information and meaning. But this fact should not blind us to the existence of prospects with a different structure. In the paper I examine the use of random variables—in particular, proposition-valued random variables— in these fields and argue that we need a general account of rational attitude formation with respect (...)
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  41. Concepts and Perceptual Belief: How (Not) to Defend Recognitional Concepts.Bradley Rives - 2010 - Acta Analytica 25 (4):369-391.
    Recognitional concepts have the following characteristic property: thinkers are disposed to apply them to objects merely on the basis of undergoing certain perceptual experiences. I argue that a prominent strategy for defending the existence of constitutive connections among concepts, which appeals to thinkers’ semantic-cum-conceptual intuitions, cannot be used to defend the existence of recognitional concepts. I then outline and defend an alternative argument for the existence of recognitional concepts, which appeals to certain psychological laws.
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    Be Right Back and Rejecting Tragedy.Bradley Richards - 2020 - In William Irwin & David Kyle Johnson, Black Mirror and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 39–49.
    In Be Right Back Martha's partner Ash is snatched away from her by an automobile accident. When, desperate and alone, she discovers that she is pregnant with Ash's child, she utilizes an emerging technology to bring him, or something like him, back. Would you replace your partner with a robotic likeness, maybe even make a few improvements? Should you?
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  43. Eternalism and death's badness syracuse university.Ben Bradley - unknown
    Suppose that at the moment of death, a person goes out of existence.1 This has been thought to pose a problem for the idea that death is bad for its victim. But what exactly is the problem? Harry Silverstein says the problem stems from the truth of the “Values Connect with Feelings” thesis (VCF), according to which it must be possible for someone to have feelings about a thing in order for that thing to be bad for that person (2000, (...)
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  44. Why Leave Nature Alone?Ben Bradley - 2013 - In Avram Hiller, Ramona Ilea & Leonard Kahn, Consequentialism and environmental ethics. New York: Routledge. pp. 92-103.
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    Modeling adaptivity in a dynamic task.Bradley J. Best, Christian D. Schunn & Lynne M. Reder - 1998 - In Morton Ann Gernsbacher & Sharon J. Derry, Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Lawerence Erlbaum. pp. 144--159.
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    Apparenza e realtà.Francis Herbert Bradley - 1947 - Milano,: V. Bompiani.
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    Being in Pain: a Nurse's Experience.Lucy Bradley-Springer - 1995 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 26 (2):58-70.
    This paper uses Schrag's framework to analyze an episode of pain and to discuss the phenomenological perspective of pain. The experience of pain is explicated through the metaphor of co-present, interwoven fields of consciousness, embodiment, attitudinal posture and custom, time, and space. Interventions based on the metaphor are discussed.
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    Bernard Stiegler and the philosophy of education III: AI and the entropy of thought.Joff P. N. Bradley - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory.
  49. Causation.F. H. Bradley - 2018 - Philosophy Pathways 225 (1).
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    (1 other version)Constitutional and Other Persons.Gerard V. Bradley - 2013 - In John Keown & Robert P. George, Reason, morality, and law: the philosophy of John Finnis. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 249.
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