Results for 'Business ethics Bibliography.'

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  1. Bibliography of business ethics and business moral values.Kenneth M. Bond - 1988 - Omaha, NE: College of Business Administration, Creighton University.
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    (2 other versions)A bibliography of business ethics, 1971-1975.Donald G. Jones - 1977 - Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia. Edited by Daniel L. Gothie.
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    Business ethics: a selected guide to periodical literature, 1976-1987.Joseph C. Santora - 1988 - Monticello, Ill., USA: Vance Bibliographies.
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    Ethics and economics: bibliography on economic and business ethics.Frauke Siefkes - 1993 - Kiel: Bibliothek des Instituts für Weltwirtschaft an der Universität Kiel.
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    Business ethics and the history of economics in Spain "the school of salamanca: A bibliography". [REVIEW]León Gómez Rivas - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 22 (3):191 - 202.
    The name "School of Salamanca" refers to a group of theologians and natural law philosophers who taught in the University of Salamanca, following the inspiration of the great Thomist Francisco de Vitoria. It turns out that the Scholastics were not simply medieval, but began in the 13th century and expanded through the 16th and 17th centuries; and they developed some original theories about economics and international law.Why should a few men mainly interested in theology and ethics apply themselves in (...)
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    The Oxford Handbook of Business Ethics: 1750 to the Present.George G. Brenkert & Tom L. Beauchamp (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Business ethics raises many important philosophical issues. A first set of issues concerns the methodology of business ethics. What is the role of ethical theory in business ethics? To what extent, if at all, can thinking in business ethics be enhanced by philosophy, so as to provide real moral guidance? Another set of issues involves questions regarding markets, capitalism, and economic justice. There are related concerns about the nature of business organizations (...)
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    Economic ethics bibliography.Philip W. Van Vlack - 1964 - Brookings, S.D.,: Economics Dept., Agricultural Experiment Station. Edited by Charles Louis Sewrey & Charles E. Nielsen.
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  8. A Bibliography of Business Ethics.Frank McHugh - 1989 - Studies in Christian Ethics 2 (1):82-98.
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    Business ethics and responsibility: an information sourcebook.Patricia Ann Bick - 1988 - Phoenix: Oryx Press.
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    Business ethics.Michael Shally-Jensen (ed.) - 2019 - Amenia, NY: Grey House Publishing.
    efining Documents in American History: Business Ethics offers an in-depth analysis of 67 primary source documents at the foundation of the study of business ethics. These include letters, newspaper accounts, book excerpts, speeches, political debates, testimony, firsthand accounts, memoirs, court rulings, legal texts, legislative acts, excerpts from both fiction and nonfiction books, and dialogues from dramatic works. More and more, the specific ethics policies that have many businesses and corporations developed in the 1970s and 80s (...)
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  11. Ethics in business; an annotated bibliography.Donald T. Popielarz - 1965 - Minneapolis,: Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Minnesota.
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    Teaching Business Ethics: The use of films and videota. [REVIEW]LaRue Tone Hosmer & Nicholas H. Steneck - 1989 - Journal of Business Ethics 8 (12):929-936.
    Audio-visual material is extremely useful in the teaching of Business Ethics, yet no bibliography of the commercially available films and videotapes seems to be available. We have prepared a formal listing, complete with titles, descriptions, sources, prices and a brief evaluation, and have explained our selection and use of this material.
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    Authorities in business ethics.John E. Fleming - 1987 - Journal of Business Ethics 6 (3):213 - 217.
    It is the purpose of this study to identify the most-referenced authors, works, periodicals and publishers in business ethics. A computer analysis was made of over eight hundred references taken from fifty-seven recent articles. The result is a special type of bibliography designed to conserve time for readers in this field. The two most-cited authors were Milton Friedman and Christopher Stone; while the most-referenced works were Where the Law Ends by Stone, Is the Ethics of Business (...)
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    Keyguide to information sources in business ethics.Francis P. McHugh - 1988 - New York: Nichols.
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    Ethical Issues in Business: A Philosophical Approach T. Donaldson and P. H. Werhane, editors Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1983 (Second Edition). Pp. viii, 392, $16.95Business Ethics, Corporate Values and Society M. Snoeyenbos, R. Almeder, and J. Humber, editors Topic Bibliographies Buffalo, NY: Prometheus, 1983. Pp. 502. $15.95. [REVIEW]Vincent Di Norcia - 1985 - Dialogue 24 (2):368-370.
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    Business for the Common Good: A Christian Vision for the Marketplace by Kenman L. Wong and Scott B. Rae, and: Market Complicity and Christian Ethics by Albino Barrera.Ann Gibson - 2013 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 33 (1):208-211.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Business for the Common Good: A Christian Vision for the Marketplace by Kenman L. Wong and Scott B. Rae, and: Market Complicity and Christian Ethics by Albino BarreraAnn GibsonBusiness for the Common Good: A Christian Vision for the Marketplace Kenman L. Wong and Scott B. Rae Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 2011. 285 pp. $24.00Market Complicity and Christian Ethics Albino Barrera New York: Cambridge University (...)
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    Business Ethics in a New Europe.John Mahoney, Elizabeth Vallance & European Business Ethics Network - 1992 - Springer Verlag.
    The new business opportunities and prospects emerging in Europe within the Common Market and other Western and European countries also raise important ethical challenges. This work comprises a collection of ethical insights to enhance the conduct of business in an evolving Europe.
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    (1 other version)FOCUS: Women in business - a select bibliography.Jack Mahoney - 1993 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 2 (1):30–36.
    Sources include the data‐base of the Institute of Management Information Centre, Management House, Cottingham Road, Corby, Northants NN17 1TT, England , to whom acknowledgement is made.
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  19. Rogene A. Buchholz.Ethics & GovernanceRethinking Business Ethics A. Pragmatic Approach Sandra B. Rosenthal - 2000 - The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics 2000.
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    A Bibliography for the Theology of the Body.Louise A. Mitchell - 2003 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 3 (1):69-77.
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    Organizational ethics and health care: Expanding bioethics to the institutional arena.Laura Jane Bishop, M. Nichelle Cherry & Martina Darragh - 1999 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 9 (2):189-208.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Organizational Ethics and Health Care: Expanding Bioethics to the Institutional Arena **Laura Jane Bishop (bio), M. Nichelle Cherry (bio), and Martina Darragh* (bio)In 1995, the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) expanded its patient rights standards to include requirements for assuring that hospital business practices would be ethical. Renamed “Patient Rights and Organization Ethics,” these standards are based on the realization that a hospital’s (...)
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    Comprehensive Bibliography.Deni Elliott - 1995 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 4 (3-4):205-217.
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    Bibliography on East Asian religion and philosophy.James T. Bretzke - 2001 - Lewiston, N.Y.: E. Mellen Press.
    Machine generated contents note: INTRODUCTION 1 -- Focus of the Sections and Sub-sections 1 -- East Asian Internet Resources 1 -- A Note on Using the Index 2 -- GENERAL WORKS ON PHILOSOPHY& RELIGION IN ASIA 5 -- BUDDHISM 37 -- Primary Sources 37 -- Buddhist Ethics 38 -- Buddhism and Judeo-Christianity 52 -- Zen Buddhism 69 -- Other Works on Buddhism 76 -- CONFUCIANISM 95 -- Chinese and Confucian Classics 95 -- Translations of the Four Books 95 -- (...)
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    Ocr Religious Ethics for as and A2.Jon Mayled (ed.) - 2005 - Routledge.
    _OCR Religious Ethics for AS and A2_ is a textbook for students of Advanced Subsidiary or Advanced Level courses, endorsed by OCR for use with the OCR GCE Religious Studies specification. The book covers all the topics of the Religious Ethics component of the A Level specification in an enjoyable and student-friendly fashion. This second edition has been restructured for the revised specification and now includes a section on business ethics. Each chapter includes: a list of (...)
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  25. Roger Crisp.A. Defence ofPhilosophical Business Ethics 1 - 2003 - In William H. Shaw, Ethics at work: basic readings in business ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Bibliography.Patricia H. Werhane - 1999 - The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics:129-139.
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    A bibliography on corporate loyalty.Jack Mahoney - 1992 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 1 (3):202–204.
  28. Teaching & learning guide for: Contemporary virtue ethics.Karen Stohr - 2010 - Philosophy Compass 5 (1):102-107.
    Virtue ethics is now well established as a substantive, independent normative theory. It was not always so. The revival of virtue ethics was initially spurred by influential criticisms of other normative theories, especially those made by Elizabeth Anscombe, Philippa Foot, John McDowell, Alasdair MacIntyre, and Bernard Williams. 1 Because of this heritage, virtue ethics is often associated with anti-theory movements in ethics and more recently, moral particularism. There are, however, quite a few different approaches to (...) that can reasonably claim to be versions of virtue ethics. The predominant strand of virtue ethics is broadly Aristotelian, although some accounts bear little resemblance to Aristotle's. In its most general form, virtue ethics is compatible with a wide range of meta-ethical and normative commitments. This diversity makes it difficult to compare virtue ethics as such with other normative theories. It can also be a challenge to see just what the various versions of virtue ethics have in common with each other. Three major types of virtue ethics are represented in the books by Rosalind Hursthouse, Michael Slote, and Christine Swanton, recommended in the following section. Each of these book sets forward a considerably self-standing form of virtue ethics. The authors differ on central issues such as the relationship between virtue and flourishing and the link between virtuous agents and right or virtuous actions. Unlike Swanton and Slote, Hursthouse defends a version of ethical naturalism that has affinities with theories recently defended by Philippa Foot and Alasdair MacIntyre. 2 Slote's theory is agent-based, meaning that his account derives judgments about the moral status of actions from moral features of agents. Hursthouse and Swanton defend theories according to which the moral status of an action depends on its broader relationship to human flourishing (Hursthouse) or whether it hits the target of a virtue (Swanton). Although these three books presently form the core of contemporary virtue ethics, there are other approaches that might reasonably be described as versions of virtue ethics, such as those presented by Julia Driver, Linda Zagzebski, and Robert Adams. 3 There are also, of course, a large number of articles in which authors defend or criticize tenets that are central to most versions of virtue ethics. Some recent articles on especially important topics are listed in the following section. Current 'hot topics' in virtue ethics include whether its account of right action is adequate and whether virtue ethics is at odds with empirical psychology. Articles on these debates and others are listed in the following section. Author Recommends: Books These three books are foundational works in contemporary virtue ethics, and represent quite different approaches to virtue ethics. For each book, I have also listed an article by the same author in which he or she articulates some similar themes. Those pressed for time or space on a syllabus might start by examining those articles. 1. Hursthouse, Rosalind. On Virtue Ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. Hursthouse defends a eudaimonistic version of virtue ethics with Aristotelian affinities. *See also Hursthouse, Rosalind. 'Normative Virtue Ethics.' How Should One Live? Ed. Roger Crisp. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996. 19–36. 2. Slote, Michael. Morals from Motives. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. Slote defends a version of virtue ethics based on evaluations of motives, drawing on historical figures like Martineau, Hutcheson, and Hume. Note that this book represents a fairly significant departure from his first book in virtue ethics, From Morality to Virtue (New York: Oxford, 1992). *See also Slote, Michael. 'Agent-Based Virtue Ethics.' Virtue Ethics . Ed. Roger Crisp and Michael Slote. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997. 3. Swanton, Christine. Virtue Ethics: A Pluralistic View. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. Swanton defends a pluralistic, non-eudaimonistic version of virtue ethics that draws on influences ranging from Aristotle to Nietzsche to contemporary psychoanalytic theory. *See also Swanton, Christine. 'A Virtue Ethical Account of Right Action.' Ethics 112 (2001): 32–52. Articles The following is a selection of articles that address some of the central and controversial topics within virtue ethics. 1. Annas, Julia. 'Being Virtuous and Doing the Right Thing.' Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 78.2 (2004): 61–75. This article addresses the problem of action guidance and the role that an account of right action should play in virtue ethics. 2. Conly, Sarah. 'Flourishing and the Failure of the Ethics of Virtue.' Midwest Studies in Philosophy Vol. XIII, Ethical Theory: Character and Virtue . Eds. P. French et al. South Bend: University of Notre Dame Press, 1988. 83–96. This article articulates the central problems faced by versions of virtue ethics that rely on a conception of human flourishing. 3. Das, Ramon. 'Virtue Ethics and Right Action.' Australasian Journal of Philosophy 81 (2003): 324–39. This article raises objections about insularity and circularity to accounts of right action presented by Hursthouse, Slote, and Swanton. 4. Doris, John M. 'Persons, Situations, and Virtue Ethics.' Nous 32 (1998): 504–30. This article argues that situationist psychology undermines the concept of a character trait on which virtue ethicists rely. An expanded version of this criticism can be found in Doris, Lack of Character, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. 5. Hursthouse, Rosalind. 'Virtue Theory and Abortion.' Philosophy and Public Affairs 20.3 (1991): 223–46. This article argues that virtue ethics is capable of providing action guidance in the difficult problem of abortion. 6. Johnson, Robert N. 'Virtue and Right.' Ethics 113 (2003): 810–34. This article raises several objections against the accounts of right action in virtue ethics, one of which is that they cannot make sense of the rightness of self-improving actions. The criticism is directly primarily at Hursthouse's theory, but Swanton and Slote are discussed as well. 7. Kamtekar, Rachana. 'Situationism and Virtue Ethics on the Content of Our Character.' Ethics 114 (2004): 458–91. This article argues that situationist critiques of virtue ethics rely on a mistaken understanding of virtuous character. 8. Kawall, Jason. 'Virtue Theory and Ideal Observers.' Philosophical Studies 109 (2002): 197– 222. This article argues for an ideal observer-style account of right action in virtue ethics. 9. Nussbaum, Martha. 'Non-Relative Virtues: An Aristotelian Approach.' Midwest Studies in Philosophy, Vol. XIII, Ethical Theory: Character and Virtue . Ed. P. French et al. South Bend: University of Notre Dame Press, 1988. 32–53. This article presents a view of the virtues on which the virtues are excellences in spheres of activity. Although the spheres are common to all humans, the manifestation of excellence in a given sphere is subject to cultural variation. 10. Sreenivasan, Gopal. 'Errors about Errors: Virtue Theory and Trait Attribution.' Mind 111 (2002): 47–68. This article addresses the situationist critique of character traits by arguing that virtue ethics does not depend on the concept of a character trait as Doris and others understand it. 11. Stangl, Rebecca. 'A Dilemma for Particularist Virtue Ethics.' Philosophical Quarterly 58 (2008): 665–78. This article addresses the relationship between virtue ethics and radical moral particularism, arguing that the latter may have undesirable consequences for virtue ethicists unless they accept the unity of the virtues. 12. Stohr, Karen. 'Contemporary Virtue Ethics.' Philosophy Compass 1.1 (January 2006): 22–7. This article provides an overview and analysis of contemporary virtue ethics. It includes discussion of main problems and challenges for the future. 13. Stohr, Karen. 'Moral Cacophony: When Continence is a Virtue.' Journal of Ethics 7 (2003): 339–63. This article raises problems for the commonly accepted distinction between virtue and continence, arguing that the mixed emotions normally associated with continence are sometimes characteristic of virtue instead. 14. van Zyl, Liezl. 'Agent-Based Virtue Ethics and the Problem of Action Guidance.' Journal of Moral Philosophy 6 (2009): 50–69. This article defends agent-based virtue ethics against objections that it cannot distinguish agent-appraisal from act-appraisal and that it cannot provide adequate action guidance. Anthologies 1. Crisp, Roger, ed. How Should One Live? Essays on the Virtues. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996. This is one of the first virtue ethics anthologies published, and so reflects a correspondingly earlier picture of the field. The essays, however, are important and interesting in their own right, and cover a broad array of topics. 2. Crisp, Roger and Michael Slote, eds. Virtue Ethics . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997. This anthology was published over a decade ago and does not capture recent developments in the field. It is, however, an admirably thorough collection of the most influential essays from the early days of virtue ethics, both promoting and criticizing it. 3. Darwall, Stephen, ed. Virtue Ethics. Oxford: Blackwell, 2003. This anthology is distinctive in that it includes material from Aristotle, Hutcheson, and Hume, along with some central contemporary sources. 4. Walker, Rebecca L. and Philip J. Ivanhoe, eds. Working Virtue. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. This recent anthology focuses on applied virtue ethics and has an excellent selection of essays by influential thinkers on topics including the environment, business, medicine, war, and poverty. Online Sources 'Virtue Ethics', Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Entry written by Rosalind Hursthouse and updated in 2007. 'Bibliography on Virtue Ethics', maintained by Jörg Schroth. Extensive list of work published in virtue ethics. Updated regularly, listed in both alphabetical and chronological order, and contains abstracts of papers. 'Janusblog', maintained by Guy Axtell. Blog devoted to current work in virtue ethics and virtue epistemology, although with an emphasis on the latter. It contains spirited discussion among the many contributors, as well as a library of papers. Sample Syllabus This syllabus is for a graduate seminar or intense upper-level undergraduate course. Books for purchase for this course might include the Crisp and Slote anthology, the Walker and Ivanhoe anthology, and Hursthouse's On Virtue Ethics. Week 1: The Roots of Contemporary Virtue Ethics Anscombe, Elizabeth. 'Modern Moral Philosophy' (Crisp and Slote) Foot, Philippa. 'Virtues and Vices' (Crisp and Slote) MacIntyre, Alasdair. 'The Nature of the Virtues' (Crisp and Slote) Week 2: The Roots of Contemporary Virtue Ethics Stocker, Michael. 'The Schizophrenia of Modern Ethical Theories' (Crisp and Slote) Williams, Bernard. 'Morality, the Peculiar Institution' (Crisp and Slote) McDowell, John. 'Virtue and Reason' (Crisp and Slote) Week 3: Aristotelian Virtue Ethics Hursthouse, Rosalind. On Virtue Ethics, Part I Hursthouse, Rosalind. 'Practical Wisdom: A Mundane Account.' Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 106.3 (2006): 283–307. Stangl, Rebecca. 'A Dilemma for Particularist Virtue Ethics' Week 4: Aristotelian Virtue Ethics Hursthouse, Rosalind. On Virtue Ethics, Part II Stark, Susan. 'Virtue and Emotion.' Nous 33.5 (2001): 440–55. Stohr, Karen. 'Moral Cacophony: When Continence is a Virtue' Week 5: Aristotelian Virtue Ethics Hursthouse, Rosalind. On Virtue Ethics, Part III Conly, Sarah. 'Flourishing and the Failure of an Ethics of Virtue' Nussbaum, Martha. 'Non-Relative Virtues: An Aristotelian Approach' MacIntyre, Alasdair. Dependent Rational Animals, chapter 10 Week 6: Agent-Based Virtue Ethics Slote, Michael 'Agent-Based Virtue Ethics' (Crisp and Slote) Slote, Michael, Morals from Motives, chapters 1 and 3 Week 7: Pluralistic Virtue Ethics Swanton, Christine. Virtue Ethics: A Pluralistic View , chapters 3, 4, and 11. Week 8: The Situationist Critique of Virtue Ethics Doris, John. 'Persons, Situations, and Virtue Ethics' Kamtekar, Rachana. 'Situationism and Virtue Ethics on the Content of Our Character' Sreenivasan, Gopal. 'Errors about Errors: Virtue Theory and Trait Attribution' Merritt, Maria. 'Aristotelian Virtue and the Interpersonal Aspect of Ethical Character.' Journal of Moral Philosophy 6 (2009): 23–49. Week 11: Right Action – Problems Johnson, Robert. 'Virtue and Right' Das, Ramon. 'Virtue Ethics and Right Action' Week 12: Right Action – Virtue Ethics Solutions Annas, Julia. 'Being Virtuous and Doing the Right Thing' van Zyl, Liezl. 'Agent-Based Virtue Ethics and the Problem of Action Guidance' Kawall, Jason. 'Virtue Theory and Ideal Observers' Week 13: Virtue Ethics and Professional Roles Pelligrino, Edmund. 'Professing Medicine, Virtue Based Ethics, and the Retrieval of Professionalism' (Walker and Ivanhoe) Swanton, Christine. 'Virtue Ethics, Role Ethics, and Business Ethics' (Walker and Ivanhoe) Sherman, Nancy. 'Virtue and a Warrier's Anger' (Walker and Ivanhoe) Week 14: Virtue Ethics and the Non-Human World Hursthouse, Rosalind. 'Environmental Virtue Ethics' (Walker and Ivanhoe) Walker, Rebecca. 'The Good Life for Non-Human Animals: What Virtue Requires of Humans' (Walker and Ivanhoe) Focus Questions 1. What is the relationship between virtue and flourishing? Are the virtues necessary for flourishing? Sufficient? 2. Can virtue ethics provide an adequate account of right action? 3. On what concept of a character trait does virtue ethics rely, and does situationist psychology undermine it? 4. Is the project of ethical naturalism a plausible one? To what extent does the success of Aristotelian virtue ethics depend on it? 5. How does virtue ethics affect the way that applied ethics is done? (shrink)
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    Bibliography.Timothy L. Fort - 2001 - The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics:279-295.
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    Bibliography.Robert C. Solomon - 1993 - The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics:267-275.
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    Bibliography.Edwin Hartman - 1996 - The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics:189-196.
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    Responsible Management Education for the 21st Century: An Update on the State of Affairs and an Open Forum.Duane Windsor - 2008 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 19:512-523.
    This paper reports on recent developments concerning responsible management education for the 21st century. AACSB International’s posture is evidently to permit local flexibility concerning delivery of any business ethics education while highlighting the general importance of ethics for business and business schools. Campaign AACSB organized to argue the case for a strong requirement emphasizing foundational course work followed by infusion/diffusion as opposed to local option. The Business Roundtable and theUN Global Compact in 2007 issued (...)
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    A select bibliography on auditor independence.Arnold Schilder - 1992 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 1 (4):257–263.
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    (1 other version)Business ethics and values: individual, corporate and international perspectives.C. M. Fisher - 2006 - New York: FT Prentice Hall. Edited by Alan Lovell.
    "Business Ethics and Values" introduces students to the complexities and principles of ethical issues by focusing on developing ethical awareness and the ability to argue business ethics matters. A proven resource, the second edition of this text continues to present a successful blend of concrete issues and academic theory, suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate students with or without practical experience of the world of organisations. It gives as much importance to individual conscience at work as it (...)
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  35. (2 other versions)Business ethics: ethical decision making and cases.O. C. Ferrell - 2012 - Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. Edited by John Fraedrich & Linda Ferrell.
    Providing a vibrant four-color design, market-leading BUSINESS ETHICS: ETHICAL DECISION MAKING AND CASES, Ninth Edition, thoroughly covers the complex environment in which managers confront ethical decision making. Using a proven managerial framework, this accessible, applied text addresses the overall concepts, processes, and best practices associated with successful business ethics programs--helping readers see how ethics can be integrated into key strategic business decisions. Thoroughly revised, the new ninth edition incorporates coverage of new legislation affecting (...) ethics, the most up-to-date examples, and the best practices of high-profile organizations. It also includes 20 all-new or updated original case studies. (shrink)
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  36. (2 other versions)Managing business ethics: straight talk about how to do it right.Linda Klebe Treviño - 2014 - Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons. Edited by Katherine A. Nelson.
    Linda Treviño and Kate Nelson bring together a mix of theory and practice in Managing Business Ethics: Straight Talk about How to Do It Right 6th Edition. In this new edition, the dynamic author team of Linda Treviño, prolific researcher and Distinguished Professor, and Kate Nelson, Professor and longtime practitioner of strategic organizational communications and human resources, equip students with the pragmatic knowledge they need to identify and solve ethical dilemmas, understand their own and others’ ethical behavior, and (...)
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    Undergraduate Business Ethics Pedagogy.Michael S. Poulton - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 6:93-102.
    Business ethics materials are, by and large, case studies based on corporate policy issues or corporate malfeasance. Yet, many ethical situations are of a very personal nature and require personal responsibility. For undergraduate students who have not had any real exposure to a corporate environment or who do not have enough business savvy to realize what is unethical, the present article explores the use of “constructed narrative cases” to provide students with coursematerials that may increase their understanding (...)
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    Business Ethics and the Social Sciences.Linda Klebe Treviño - 1999 - In Robert Frederick, A companion to business ethics. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 218–230.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The social science perspective on business ethics What is unethical conduct in organizations? Influences on ethical decisions and conduct in organizations Managing ethics and legal compliance in US corporations Firm social responsibility and financial performance Conclusion.
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    The business ethics twin-track: combining controls and culture to minimise reputational risk.Steve Giles - 2015 - Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley.
    Institute a proactive reputational management framework that matches individual behaviour to organizational values The Business Ethics Twin-Track is a practical guide to reputational risk management. A deep exploration of the concept of reputation, the ways in which it can suffer, and the consequences when it does, the book outlines an ethics controls framework that can mitigate risk and improve business performance. Readers will learn how to identify and manage weaknesses, and how to institute a system of (...)
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  40. Business Ethics: A Kantian Perspective.Norman E. Bowie - 1982 - New York, NY: Wiley-Blackwell.
    This book provides essential reading for anyone with an academic or professional interest in business ethics today.
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    Routledge A level religious studies: AS and year one.Jon Mayled - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    Cover -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- Acknowledgements -- How to use this book -- Answering examination questions -- Timeline -- Part I Philosophy of religion -- Ancient philosophical influences -- 1 Plato -- 2 Aristotle -- 3 Soul, mind and body -- The existence of God -- 4 Arguments based on observation -- 5 Arguments based on reason: the ontological argument -- God and the world -- 6 Religious experience -- 7 The problem of evil -- Part II (...)
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  42. Teaching Business Ethics: Targeted Outputs.Edward L. Felton & Ronald R. Sims - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 60 (4):377-391.
    Business ethics is once again a hot topic as examples of improper business practices that violate commonly accepted ethical norms are brought to our attention. With the increasing number of scandals business schools find themselves on the defensive in explaining what they are doing to help respond to the call to teach ‘‘more’’ business ethics. This paper focuses on two issues germane to business ethics teaching efforts: the ‘‘targeted output’’ goals of teaching (...)
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    Business Ethics of Innovation.Gerd Hanekamp - 2005 - Poiesis and Praxis 3 (4):310-314.
    Business ethics of innovation strives to give orientation in settings where new products, new markets, new environments are predominant. The provision of new products and solutions is inseparably intertwined with the consequences of their use. These can be manifold and in some cases an (unwanted) consequence might even preclude them from being used. A case in point is illustrated by an example from the pharmaceutical industry.
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    Business ethics and accounting information. An analysis of the spanish code of best practice.Marcela Espinosa-Pike - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 22 (3):249 - 259.
    The main purpose of this article is to analyse one aspect of Spanish business ethics: the role of the transparency and quality of the economic and financial information given to meet the demands and requirements of shareholders. To that end we concentrate firstly on analysing the Spanish capital market and the situation of shareholders prior to the publication in February 1988 of the Code of Best Practice for Spanish Companies, drawn up by a Special Committee created at the (...)
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    Business ethics: readings and cases in corporate morality.W. Michael Hoffman, Robert Frederick & Mark S. Schwartz (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Can a corporation have a conscience? What is wrong with reverse discrimination? Can ethical management and managed care coexist? Hoffman, Frederick, and Schwartz address these and many other current, intriguing, often complex issues in corporate morality. This introductory business ethics text contains a thorough general introduction on ethical theory, 54 readings, and 25 cases. Divided into five parts, each with an introduction that presents the major themes of its articles and cases, the text contains an impartial, point-counterpoint presentation (...)
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  46. Business Ethics.Richard T. De George - 1995 - Prentice-Hall.
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    For business ethics.Campbell Jones - 2005 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Martin Parker & René ten Bos.
    Taking a fundamentally critical approach to the subject of business ethics, this book deals with the traditional material of ethics in business, as well as introducing and surveying some of the most interesting developments in critical ethical theory which have not yet been introduced to the mainstream. Including chapters on different philosophical approaches to ethics, this is a highly structured and clearly written textbook, the first book of its kind on this often neglected aspect of (...)
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  48. Business ethics in action: seeking human excellence in organizations.Domènec Melé - 2009 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The role of ethics in business -- Business in society : beyond the market and laws? -- Cultural diversity and international standards for business -- Ethics, at the core of the human action -- Individual responsibility and moral judgments in business -- Frequent ethical issues in business -- The purpose of the firm and mision-driven management -- Use and misuse of power -- Human virtues in leadership of organizations -- Ethics in organizational (...)
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  49. Business Ethics from the Standpoint of Redemption: Adorno on the Possibility of Good Work.Craig Reeves & Matthew Sinnicks - 2021 - Business Ethics Quarterly 31 (4):500-523.
    Given his view that the modern world is ‘radically evil’, Adorno is an unlikely contributor to business ethics. Despite this, we argue that his work has a number of provocative implications for the field that warrant wider attention. Adorno regards our social world as damaged, unfree, and false and we draw on this critique to outline why the achievement of good work is so rare in contemporary society, focusing in particular on the ethical demands of roles and the (...)
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    Constituting Business Ethics: A Metatheoretical Exploration.Phil Johnson & Ken Smith - 2002 - Philosophy of Management 2 (2):21-35.
    Reviews of business ethics usually differentiate the field in terms of prescription as opposed to description: the application of normative ethical theory verses empirical analysis. Despite recent departures from this dualism, through the elaboration of what has been called postmodern business ethics, the metatheoretical basis of this (increasing) pluralism of business ethics remains opaque. This paper attempts to provide some reflexive clarification and, using codes of ethics as an example, to show that the (...)
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