Results for 'Błażej Kmieciak'

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  1. Silence Perception and Spatial Content.Błażej Skrzypulec - 2022 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 100 (3):524-538.
    It seems plausible that visual experiences of darkness have perceptual phenomenal content that clearly differentiates them from absences of visual experiences. I argue, relying on psychological results concerning auditory attention, that the analogous claim is true about auditory experiences of silence. More specifically, I propose that experiences of silence present empty spatial directions like ‘right’ or ‘left’, and so have egocentric spatial content. Furthermore, I claim that such content is genuinely auditory and phenomenal in the sense that one can, in (...)
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    O (domniemanej) idolatryczności religii.Błażej Gębura - 2021 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 69 (4):357-365.
    Ireneusz Ziemiański argues that idolatry belongs to the essence of religion and for this reason a non-idolatrous religion is impossible. I formulate three objections to this thesis: the objection from "religion zero", the objection from the accidental act of worship and the objection from the non-relevance of ontic distance. The objection from “religion zero” refers to the possibility of the existence of an individual and non-institutionalised religion, thus lacking the components of typical religions that are constantly threatened by idolatry. The (...)
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  3. Perspectival content of visual experiences.Błażej Skrzypulec - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    The usual visual experiences possess a perspectival phenomenology as they seem to present objects from a certain perspective. Nevertheless, it is not obvious how to characterise experiential content determining such phenomenology. In particular, while there are many works investigating perspectival properties of experienced objects, a question regarding how subject is represented in visual perspectival experiences attracted less attention. In order to address this problem, I consider four popular phenomenal intuitions regarding perspectival experiences and argue that the major theories of perspectival (...)
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  4. Tracking representationalism and olfaction.Błażej Skrzypulec - 2022 - Mind and Language 38 (2):446-463.
    While philosophers of perception develop representational theories of olfactory experiences, there are doubts regarding whether features of olfactory perception can be accommodated within the representationalist framework. In particular, it is argued that the function of olfaction is not to represent stimuli but rather to evaluate it. The paper claims that the major representational accounts of olfaction have problems in accommodating the evaluative aspects of olfactory phenomenology. However, an alternative position, named “olfactory evaluativism,” is proposed which is free of these problems (...)
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    Ontology of early visual content.Błażej Skrzypulec - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (2):261-276.
    The main goal of the paper is to sketch an ontological model of visual content at the low- and medium-level of visual processing, relying on psychological conceptions of vision. It is argued that influential cognitive models contain assumptions concerning “objects of content,” that is, objects whose presence is a necessary condition of the adequacy of visual representations. Subsequently, the structure of considered objects of content is presented, and its development through the perceptual process is described. In addition, during the course (...)
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  6. Thisness and Visual Objects.Błażej Skrzypulec - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 9 (1):17-32.
    According to the traditional view, visual objects can be characterized as bundles of features and locations. This initially plausible idea is contested within the contemporary psychology and philosophy of perception, where it is claimed that the visual system can represent objects as merely ‘this’ or ‘that’, in abstraction from their qualities. In this paper, I consider whether philosophical and psychological arguments connected with the rejection of the ‘bundle’ view of visual objects show that it is needed to postulate an additional, (...)
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  7. Pojęcie przedmiotu w koncepcjach scalania wzrokowego.Blazej Skrzypulec - 2013 - Filozofia Nauki 21 (1):37-60.
    W artykule analizuję sposób, w jaki psychologiczne i neuronaukowe teorie percepcji wzrokowej posługują się pojęciem przedmiotu. Skupię się na dwóch koncepcjach, które wychodząc z odmiennych perspektyw badawczych, starają się rozwiązać tzw. problem scalania (binding problem) w percepcji. W analizie wykorzystuję pojęcia używane na gruncie analitycznej metafizyki, wskazując, że teoretyczna odmienność rozważanych koncepcji przekłada się na różnice w zakładanej przez nie charakterystyce przedmiotu. W metodologicznej części tekstu staram się odpowiedzieć na pytanie, jak za pomocą kategorii zaczerpniętych ze współczesnej metafizyki można zanalizować (...)
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    Empiryczna ontologia percepcji: struktura i tożsamość przedmiotów wzrokowych w perspektywie nauk kognitywnych.Blazej Skrzypulec - 2018 - Warszawa: Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN.
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    Recenzje: Antysceptycyzm na cztery ręce (W. Lycan, On Evidence in Philosophy, Oxford 2019).Błażej Gębura - 2021 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:127-130.
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  10. Prowizyjny system wynagradzania agentów ubezpieczeń na życie–narzędzie motywacji czy patologia? Abstrakt.Błażej Balewski & Andrzej Janowski - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15:951-962.
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  11. Space and perceptual boundaries.Błażej Skrzypulec - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (6):1393-1411.
    In consideration of the spatial structures of sensory experiences, an ‘Externality Thesis’ is commonly proposed, according to which awareness of sensory boundaries is also an awareness of the presence of a space beyond these boundaries. The paper evaluates the Externality Thesis in the context of vision and touch. More specifically, relying on mereotopological theories, it is shown that the notion of spatial boundaries is ambiguous as it encompasses various distinct ways in which entities may be connected by a boundary. It (...)
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    O fakcie wiary.Błażej Gębura - 2023 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 71 (4):109-117.
    Jacek Wojtysiak twierdzi, że powołując się na zachodzenie wielkiego faktu wiary, można wykazać przewagę teizmu nad ateizmem. Wobec tego poglądu formułuję trzy zarzuty: zarzut z rocznika statystycznego, zarzut z najmniejszego faktu wiary oraz zarzut z niempirycznych racji. Zarzut z rocznika statystycznego zwraca uwagę na fakt, że wielkość faktu wiary jest zawsze zrelatywizowana do momentu w czasie, w którym jest on stwierdzany. A to rodzi pytanie, na który fakt powinien powołać się teista. Zarzut z niewielkiego faktu wiary sugeruje, że w sporze (...)
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  13. Representational Solution to the Messenger-Shooting Objection.Błażej Skrzypulec - forthcoming - Acta Analytica.
    Representational accounts of painful experiences, which characterize contents of pain in indicative terms, face a serious problem known as the Messenger-Shooting Objection. This problem arises from the fact that indicative representational accounts do not seem to be able to accommodate the observation that painful experiences rationalize actions aimed towards their own removal. I present a novel representational account of painful experiences which can solve the Messenger-Shooting Objection while still being an indicative representational theory. I argue that the proposed account is (...)
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  14. Problematyka cudu w "A Discourse of Miracles" Johna Locke'a.Błażej Olżewski - 2010 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 10.
  15. Paula Ricoeura hermeneutyka tekstu.Błażej Baszczak - 2007 - Fenomenologia 5:127-148.
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    Wspólnota jako ontologia – koncepcja Jean-Luca Nancy ’ego‘.Błażej Baszczak - 2014 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 62 (2):75-96.
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    O Czerwonym Śledziu.Błażej Brzostek - 2012 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 3 (T).
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    Toksyczny związek: przemocowa nauka i filozofia nieasertywna. Recenzja książki "Filozofia i nauka: trudne związki. Metallmann – Witkiewicz – Gawecki".Błażej Brzostek - 2015 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 6 (2-3):148-154.
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  19. Kantowska recepcja filozofii George\'a Berkeleya a problem idealizmu.Błażej Olżewski - 2010 - Ruch Filozoficzny 67 (1).
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  20. Sprawozdanie z posiedzenia Łódzkiego Oddziału PTF poświęconemu omówieniu książki Jana Skoczyńskiego i Jana Woleńskiego Historia filozofii polskiej.Błażej Olżewski - 2011 - Ruch Filozoficzny 68 (3).
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  21. Ethical dimension of post-heroic and autonomous modern armed conflicts.Blazej Sajduk - 2018 - In Artur Gruszczak & Pawel Frankowski (eds.), Technology, ethics and the protocols of modern war. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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  22. Relational Construction of Visual Objects.Błażej Skrzypulec - 2015 - Filozofia Nauki 23 (2):45-68.
    One of the main functions of visual system is to construct representations of objects. These ‘visual objects’ are formed by developing the structure of more primitive visual representations. In the course of the article, I define the notions of ‘minimal visual object’, ‘maximal-non object representation’, and ‘constructing characteristic’ that differentiates minimal objects from maximal non-objects. Relying on these distinctions, I consider the type of ontological change that transforms visual regions, treated as maximal non-object representations, into basic, low-level visual objects. In (...)
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  23. Egocentric Content and the Complex Subject.Błażej Skrzypulec - forthcoming - Erkenntnis.
    While it is commonly observed that visual experiences have an egocentric character, it is less clear how to properly characterize it. This manuscript presents a new argument in favor of a thesis that (a) visual experiences represent a subject-element, i.e., an element to which the perceived objects stand in egocentric relations, and (b) the subject-element is represented as a complex bodily structure. More specifically, it is argued that there are two plausible interpretations of directional perceptual qualities such as ‘being to (...)
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  24. Visual Endurance and Auditory Perdurance.Błażej Skrzypulec - 2020 - Erkenntnis 85 (2):467-488.
    Philosophers often state that the persistence of objects in vision is experienced differently than the persistence of sounds in audition. This difference is expressed by using metaphors from the metaphysical endurantism/perdurantism debate. For instance, it is claimed that only sounds are perceived as “temporally extended”. The paper investigates whether it is justified to characterize visually experienced objects and auditorily experienced sounds as different types of entities: endurants and perdurants respectively. This issue is analyzed from the perspective of major specifications of (...)
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  25. The nonclassical mereology of olfactory experiences.Błażej Skrzypulec - 2019 - Synthese 198 (1):867-886.
    While there is a growing philosophical interest in analysing olfactory experiences, the mereological structure of odours considered in respect of how they are perceptually experienced has not yet been extensively investigated. The paper argues that odours are perceptually experienced as having a mereological structure, but this structure is significantly different from the spatial mereological structure of visually experienced objects. Most importantly, in the case of the olfactory part-structure, the classical weak supplementation principle is not satisfied. This thesis is justified by (...)
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  26. Smellscapes and diachronic olfaction.Błażej Skrzypulec - 2024 - Synthese 68 (204):1-22.
    According to a common view, olfactory experiences lack well-developed spatial content. Nevertheless, there is also an important opposition to such a restricted perspective on olfactory spatiality, which claims that a view ascribing only rudimentary spatial content to olfaction arises from a narrow focus on short and passive olfactory experiences. In particular, it is claimed that due to the active and diachronic aspects of olfaction, olfactory experiences represent ‘smellscapes,’ i.e., spatially organized arrangements of odor plumes. This paper considers the thesis that (...)
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    O (ukrytych) atrybutach Boga.Błażej Gębura - 2024 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 30 (2):129-144.
    Jeff Speaks twierdzi, że teiści bytu doskonałego powinno powstrzymać się od przypisywania Bogu atrybutów i przyjąć agnostycyzm w kwestii natury Boga. Powodem, dla którego mieliby dokonać takiego ograniczenia, jest problem ukrytych atrybutów. Nawet jeśli teista bytu doskonałego zdoła przypisać Bogu taki zestaw atrybutów, który nie będzie przejawiał żadnych niespójności, to i tak – zdaniem Speaksa – najrozsądniejszym wyborem w sprawie natury Boga będzie agnostycyzm. Speaks przekonuje, że choć możliwa jest sytuacja, w której teista proponuje spójny zestaw atrybutów Boga, to nie (...)
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  28. Is there a tactile field?Błażej Skrzypulec - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology 35 (3):301-326.
    It seems that there are important differences concerning the way in which space itself is presented in visual and tactile modalities. In the case of vision, it is usually accepted that visual objects are experienced as located in a visual field. However, it is controversial whether similar field-like characteristics can be attributed to the space in which tactile entities are experienced to be located. The paper investigates whether postulating the presence of a tactile field is justified. I argue that the (...)
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    Do we need visual subjects?Błażej Skrzypulec - 2018 - Philosophical Psychology 31 (4):574-594.
    It is widely accepted within contemporary philosophy of perception that the content of visual states cannot be characterized simply as a list of represented features. This is because such characterization leads to the so-called, “Many Properties problem”, i.e. it does not allow us to explain how the visual system is able to distinguish between scenes containing different arrangements of the same features. The usual solution to the Many Properties problem is to characterize some elements of content as subjects, to which (...)
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  30. The Death of the Homosexual: on Grzegorz Musiał’s Late Work and the Limits of Modernism in Poland.Błażej Warkocki & Piotr Mierzwa - 2010 - Dialogue and Universalism 20 (5-6):139-152.
    Grzegorz Musiał’s late work is exemplary of the Modernist coupling of desire and death, which German Ritz linked to the way that homosexual sensibility has been encoded in Polish literary Modernism. This reading of Musiał is paradoxical at heart, as the writer’s literary output must also be ridden with tensions, because his clinging to a bygone aesthetic in order to render homosexual desire seems quaint in an era in which the idea of gay emancipation is widespread. Musiał’s literary alter ego, (...)
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    Bycie jako zdarzenie. Filozofia Hegla w interpretacji Jeana-Luca Nancy’ego.Błażej Baszczak - 2015 - Studia Z Historii Filozofii 6 (3):93-107.
    Being as Event: Hegel’s Philosophy in the Interpretation of Jean-Luc Nancy This paper examines Jean-Luc Nancy’s interpretation of Hegel, focusing in particular on the category of an event. For Nancy, the closure of metaphysics means among other things the dislocation of the foundationalist of the being and to start thinking about the event as the surprise. The event is characterized by a structural unexpectedness because of its disturbing and surprising nature. That’s why being is in conflict with the present, with (...)
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    On the Epistemology of Chance.Błażej Gębura - 2020 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 68 (3):221-232.
    Teizm probabilistyczny Dariusza Łukasiewicza to teizm, który nobilituje pojęcie przypadku i wyjaśnia rolę, jaką ono odgrywa w kontekście opatrzności Bożej. Epistemolog może jednak zainteresować się kwestią o wiele bardziej podstawową i zapytać, czy nasze przekonania dotyczące przypadku można określić mianem wiedzy? Artykuł podzielony jest na trzy części. W pierwszej omawiam wybrane sposoby uzasadniania wiedzy o przypadku: uzasadnienie zdroworozsądkowe, pragmatyczne, empiryczne i aprioryczne, i konkluduję, że posiadamy wiedzę tychiczną w odniesieniu do przypadku nieintencjonalnego, epistemicznego, probabilistycznego i kauzalnego. W części drugiej podejmuję (...)
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    Mental rotation of emotional and neutral stimuli.Blazej Szymura & Karolina Czernecka - 2009 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 40 (2):101-111.
    Mental rotation of emotional and neutral stimuli The main aim of the study was to create and validate emotional version of mental rotation task. As all previously conducted experiments utilized neutral material only, such an attempt seemed necessary to confirm the generality of mental rotation effect and its properties. Emotional MRT was constructed using photos of negative facial expressions; a compatible neutral MRT was also created, for detailed comparisons. 2- and 3-dimensional figures and hexagrams served as affect-free stimuli. In three (...)
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  34. Seeing and Hearing Flavours.Błażej Skrzypulec - 2022 - In Benjamin D. Young & Andreas Keller (eds.), Theoretical Perspectives on Smell. Routledge.
    According to cognitive psychology, virtually every sensory system influences the way in which flavours are experienced. However, it is less clear which systems are actually constitutive of flavour perception and which have merely causal influence. The paper focuses on the status of vision and audition, which are usually not treated as constitutive in the context of flavour perception. First, it is proposed that the mechanistic explanation debate provides conceptual resources which allow the constitutivity of sensory systems to be assessed. Second, (...)
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    Olfactory Objecthood.Błażej Skrzypulec - 2019 - Philosophia 47 (3):881-900.
    In the contemporary analytic discussions concerning human olfactory perception, it is commonly claimed that (1) olfactory experiences are representations having content and (2) olfactory experiences represent odours, like coffee odour or vanilla odour. However, despite these common assumptions, there seems to be an ontological controversy between two views: the first states that odours are perceptually represented as features and the second states that they are represented as objects. In this paper, I aim to systematically address the Bfeature or object^ status (...)
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  36. The Context of Public Policy on the Sharing Economy.Błażej Koczetkow & Andrzej Klimczuk - 2022 - In Vida Česnuitytė, Andrzej Klimczuk, Cristina Miguel & Gabriela Avram (eds.), The Sharing Economy in Europe: Developments, Practices, and Contradictions. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 41–64.
    The purpose of this chapter is to analyse approaches to the sharing economy from the perspective of public policy science. In the first part of the text, attention is paid to perceiving the development of the emerging sharing economy not only as phenomenon with positive economic effects but also as a set of public problems (e.g., on the labour market and for existing economic structures) that require intervention at the level of national governments as well as at international level. Subsequent (...)
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  37. Contents of Unconscious Color Perception.Błażej Skrzypulec - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 13 (3):665-681.
    In the contemporary discussions concerning unconscious perception it is not uncommon to postulate that content and phenomenal character are ‘orthogonal’, i.e., there is no type of content which is essentially conscious, but instead, every representational content can be either conscious or not. Furthermore, this is not merely treated as a thesis justified by theoretical investigations, but as supported by empirical considerations concerning the actual functioning of the human cognition. In this paper, I address unconscious color perception and argue for a (...)
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  38. Bradley’s Regress and Visual Content.Błażej Skrzypulec - 2019 - Axiomathes 29 (2):155-172.
    According to the well-known Bradley’s Regress argument, one cannot explain the unity of states of affairs by referring to relations combining objects with properties. This argument has been widely discussed within analytic metaphysics, but has not been recognized as relevant for the philosophy of perception. I argue that the mainstream characterization of visual content is threatened by the Bradley’s Regress, and the most influential metaphysical solutions to the regress argument cannot be applied in the context of visual content. However, I (...)
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  39. Spatial content of painful sensations.Błażej Skrzypulec - 2021 - Mind and Language 36 (4):554-569.
    Philosophical considerations regarding experiential spatial content have focused on exteroceptive sensations presenting external entities, and not on interoceptive experiences that present states of our own body. A notable example is studies on interoceptive touch, in which it is argued that interoceptive tactile experiences have rich spatial content such that tactile sensations are experienced as located in a spatial field. This paper investigates whether a similarly rich spatial content can be attributed to experiences of acute, cutaneous pain. It is argued that (...)
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  40. Perceptual Kinds as Supervening Sortals.Błażej Skrzypulec - 2018 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 100 (1):174-201.
    It seems intuitive that in situations of perceptual recognition additional properties are represented. While much has been written about the significance of such properties for perceptual phenomenology, it is still unclear (a) what is the relation between recognition-based properties and lower-level perceptual properties, and (b) whether it is justified to classify them as kind-properties. Relying on results in cognitive psychology, I argue that recognition-based properties (I) are irreducible, high-level properties, (II) are kind properties by virtue of being sortal properties, but (...)
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  41. Perceptual experiences of particularity.Błażej Skrzypulec - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (6):1881-1907.
    Philosophers of perception often claim that usual perceptual experiences not only present particulars but also phenomenally present them as particulars. Nevertheless, despite the initial plausibility of this thesis, it is not clear what exactly it means to say that particularity is phenomenally presented. The paper aims to provide a deeper analysis of the claim that perceptual experiences phenomenally present objects as particulars. In doing so, I distinguish two theses regarding phenomenally presented particularity: Generic Particularity and Specific Particularity. According to the (...)
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  42. Bodily sense and structural content.Błażej Skrzypulec - 2023 - Synthese 202 (5):1-21.
    Bodily awareness seems to present the body as a topologically connected whole, composed of many parts. In consequence, the source of topological and mereological content of bodily awareness comes into question. In particular, it may be asked whether (a) such content is provided by the bodily sense, i.e., sensory mechanisms which, like proprioception, presents the body “from the inside,” or (b) it is a product of “exteroceptive” elements of bodily awareness, which represents the body “from the outside” in a similar (...)
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  43. Blur and interoceptive vision.Błażej Skrzypulec - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 178 (10):3271-3289.
    The paper presents a new philosophical theory of blurred vision according to which visual experiences have two types of content: exteroceptive content, characterizing external entities, and interoceptive content, characterizing the state of the visual system. In particular, it is claimed that blurriness-related phenomenology interoceptively presents acuity of vision in relation to eye focus. The proposed theory is consistent with the representationalist thesis that phenomenal character supervenes on representational content and with the strong transparency thesis formulated in terms of mind-independentness. Furthermore, (...)
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  44. The structure of audio–visual consciousness.Błażej Skrzypulec - 2019 - Synthese 198 (3):2101-2127.
    It is commonly believed that human perceptual experiences can be, and usually are, multimodal. What is more, a stronger thesis is often proposed that some perceptual multimodal characters cannot be described simply as a conjunction of unimodal phenomenal elements. If it is the case, then a question arises: what is the additional mode of combination that is required to adequately describe the phenomenal structure of multimodal experiences? The paper investigates what types of audio–visual experiences have phenomenal character that cannot be (...)
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    Two Types of Visual Objects.Błażej Skrzypulec - 2015 - Studia Humana 4 (2):26-38.
    While it is widely accepted that human vision represents objects, it is less clear which of the various philosophical notions of ‘object’ adequately characterizes visual objects. In this paper, I show that within contemporary cognitive psychology visual objects are characterized in two distinct, incompatible ways. On the one hand, models of visual organization describe visual objects in terms of combinations of features, in accordance with the philosophical bundle theories of objects. However, models of visual persistence apply a notion of visual (...)
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  46. Czy idealizm Fichtego jest antyrealizmem w ujęciu Dummetta?Błażej Skrzypulec - 2009 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:103-110.
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  47. Odróżnialność a indywidualność.Blazej Skrzypulec - 2011 - Filozofia Nauki 19 (3):13.
    Od opublikowania tekstu Maxa Blacka The Identity of Indiscernibles (1952) — stanowiącego locus classicus analitycznych dyskusji dotyczących obowiązywania zasady identyczności przedmiotów nieodróżnialnych — minęło już blisko 60 lat. W rozlicznych tekstach napisanych od tego czasu niejednokrotnie zwracano uwagę, że rozwiązanie problemu w dużej mierze determinowane jest przez przyjęte założenia, np. odnośnie zaakceptowanej wersji zasady identyczności przedmiotów nieodróżnialnych (np. Adams 1979) lub natury przestrzeni (np. O’Connor 1976). W poniższym tekście postaram się pokazać, w jaki sposób zmiany w przyjętych założeniach wpływają na (...)
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  48. Pain: Modularity and Cognitive Constitution.Błażej Skrzypulec - forthcoming - The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    Discussions concerning the modularity of the pain system have been focused on questions regarding the cognitive penetrability of pain mechanisms. It has been claimed that phenomena such as placebo analgesia demonstrate that the pain system is cognitively penetrated; therefore, it is not encapsulated from central cognition. However, important arguments have been formulated which aim to show that cognitive penetrability does not in fact entail a lack of modularity of the pain system. This paper offers an alternative way to reject the (...)
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  49. Paul Ricoeur – ku metaforze żywej.Błażej Baszczak - 2009 - Nowa Krytyka 22.
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  50. W poszukiwaniu Innego: Jacques'a Derridy filozofia podmiotu.Błażej Baszczak - 2012 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:123-138.
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