Results for 'C. Smyth'

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  1.  9
    Reading Peirce Reading.Richard A. Smyth - 1997 - Lanham, MD, USA: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The founder of American pragmatism, C.S. Peirce, lived as an eccentric, but thought as a dedicated communitarian. In Reading Peirce Reading, Richard Smyth demonstrates that Peirce's early essays presuppose a very distinctive perspective on the history of philosophy. One important mark of a major philosopher, Smyth argues, is that the philosopher causes us to read the history of thought in new ways. Smyth shows not only that Peirce passes that test, but that Peirce's philosophical practice actually did (...)
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  2. Prior learning experience influences regional cerebral blood flow during human REM sleep.P. Maquet, P. Peigneux, S. Laureys, M. Van der Linden, C. Smyth & A. Cleeremans - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (2):S70 - S71.
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    Benner-Smythe, Beginner's Greek Book.F. C. Mitchell - 1908 - Classical Weekly 2:21.
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    Othmar Keel, La généalogie de l’histopathologie. Une révision déchirante. Philippe Pinel, lecteur discret de J. C. Smyth (1741-1821). Préf. de Georges Canguilhem. Paris, Vrin, 1979. 16 × 24, 147 p. ( « Histoire des Sciences » ). [REVIEW]Mirko Drazen Grmek - 1980 - Revue de Synthèse 101 (99-100):393-394.
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    Methodologies for researching cultural diversity in education: international perspectives. Edited by Geri Smyth and Ninetta Santoro. [REVIEW]Alexandra C. Gunn - 2016 - British Journal of Educational Studies 64 (1):119-122.
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    Competing Values: A Respectful Critique of Narrative Research.Jon Lasser & Michael C. Gottlieb - 2001 - Ethics and Behavior 11 (2):191-194.
    Smythe and Murray presented the basic ethical issues in narrative research in a comprehensive, well-reasoned, and direct manner. In this critique, we highlight 3 issues. Two matters appear to challenge the internal inconsistency of the assumptions of NR: privileging some voices over others and a potential inherent conflict of interest for some researchers. We also examine some issues regarding the protection of research participants and conclude with modest recommendations.
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    Case note: Same-sex Marriage in South Africa –the constitutional Court's Judgment: Minister of Home Affairs and Another v. Fourie and Another, with Doctors for Life International , John Jackson Smyth and Marriage Alliance of South Africa , Case C.C.T. 60/04, decided on 1 December 2005 Lesbian and Gay Equality Project and Eighteen Others v. Minister of Home Affairs and Others, Case C.C.T.10/04, decided on 1 December 2005. [REVIEW]Beth Goldblatt - 2006 - Feminist Legal Studies 14 (2):261-270.
    Late last year the Constitutional Court of South Africa decided that the exclusion of same-sex couples from the common law definition of marriage and the statutory marriage formula was unconstitutional as it violated the rights of such couples to equality. The Court suspended the declaration of invalidity for one year to allow Parliament to enact new legislation to correct the defects, failing which certain words would be read into the legislation to accommodate same-sex marriage. A single judge dissented on the (...)
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    The 'Askew Collations' of Aeschylus.E. B. Ceadel - 1940 - Classical Quarterly 34 (1-2):55-.
    Nearly every edition of Aeschylus published between 1782 and 1852 contained readings from what were called ‘Askew's collations’ or the ‘Askew MSS.’—usually referred to as Ask. A, Ask. B, Ask. C, Ask. D, Ask. a, Colb. 1, and Colb. 2. These MSS., which were very briefly described, were stated in these editions to be Paris MSS. which had been collated by Askew. Blomfield, however, discovered that Askew had transcribed all the collations from a note-book that had belonged to Needham, and (...)
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    Age differences in negative and positive expectancy bias in comorbid depression and anxiety.Dusanka Tadic, Colin MacLeod, Cindy M. Cabeleira, Viviana M. Wuthrich, Ronald M. Rapee & Romola S. Bucks - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (8):1531-1544.
    ABSTRACTAnxious individuals report disproportionately negative expectations concerning the future, termed the negative expectancy bias. In contrast, ageing is associated with an inflated expectancy for positive future events. A recent study [Steinman, S. A., Smyth, F. L., Bucks, R. S., MacLeod, C., & Teachman, B. A.. Anxiety-linked expectancy bias across the adult lifespan. Cognition and Emotion, 27, 345–355. doi:10.1080/02699931.2012.711743] found using an interpretation bias task, a negative expectancy bias in young adults and positive expectancy bias in older adults with high (...)
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    Rahner on the Unoriginate Father.Robert Warner - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (4):569-593.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:RAHNER ON THE UNORIGINATE FATHER ROBERT WARNER St. Joseph's University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania I. Introduction Y ANY MEASURE, Karl Rahner was one of the principal architects of the renascence of trinitarian theology that has marked the last half of this century. Rahner found that in their pract:icail lives Christians were "a1most mere' monotheists'" 1 while :in speculative endeavors the treatise on the Trinity stood " isofoted in the structriwe of (...)
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  11. The function of morality.Nicholas Smyth - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (5):1127-1144.
    What is the function of morality? On this question, something approaching a consensus has recently emerged. Impressed by developments in evolutionary theory, many philosophers now tell us that the function of morality is to reduce social tensions, and to thereby enable a society to efficiently promote the well-being of its members. In this paper, I subject this consensus to rigorous scrutiny, arguing that the functional hypothesis in question is not well supported. In particular, I attack the supposed evidential relation between (...)
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  12. A Genealogy of Emancipatory Values.Nick Smyth - 2020 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 1.
    Analytic moral philosophers have generally failed to engage in any substantial way with the cultural history of morality. This is a shame, because a genealogy of morals can help us accomplish two important tasks. First, a genealogy can form the basis of an epistemological project, one that seeks to establish the epistemic status of our beliefs or values. Second, a genealogy can provide us with functional understanding, since a history of our beliefs, values or institutions can reveal some inherent dynamic (...)
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    Kant’s Mereological Account of Greater and Lesser Actual Infinities.Daniel Smyth - 2023 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 105 (2):315-348.
    Recent work on Kant’s conception of space has largely put to rest the view that Kant is hostile to actual infinity. Far from limiting our cognition to quantities that are finite or merely potentially infinite, Kant characterizes the ground of all spatial representation as an actually infinite magnitude. I advance this reevaluation a step further by arguing that Kant judges some actual infinities to be greater than others: he claims, for instance, that an infinity of miles is strictly smaller than (...)
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  14. The Inevitability of Inauthenticity: Bernard Williams on Practical Alienation.Nick Smyth - 2018 - In Sophie Grace Chappell & Marcel van Ackeren, Ethics Beyond the Limits: New Essays on Bernard Williams' Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy. New York: Routledge.
    "Ethical thought has no chance of being everything it seems." Bernard Williams offered this cryptic remark in Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy, and in this chapter I argue that understanding it is the key to understanding Williams' skepticism about moral theory and about systematization in ethics. The difficulty for moral philosophy, Williams believed, is that ethics looks one way to embodied, active agents, but looks entirely different when considered from the standpoint of theory. This, in turn, means that following (...)
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  15. Nothing Personal: On the Limits of the Impersonal Temperament in Ethics.Nicholas Smyth - 2022 - Journal of Value Inquiry 56 (1):67-83.
    David Benatar has argued both for anti-natalism and for a certain pessimism about life's meaning. In this paper, I propose that these positions are expressions of a deeply impersonal philosophical temperament. This is not a problem on its own; we all have our philosophical instincts. The problem is that this particular temperament, I argue, leads Benatar astray, since it prevents him from answering a question that any moral philosopher must answer. This is the question of rational authority, which requires the (...)
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  16. Integration and authority: rescuing the ‘one thought too many’ problem.Nicholas Smyth - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 48 (6):812-830.
    Four decades ago, Bernard Williams accused Kantian moral theory of providing agents with ‘one thought too many’. The general consensus among contemporary Kantians is that this objection has been decisively answered. In this paper, I reconstruct the problem, showing that Williams was not principally concerned with how agents are to think in emergency situations, but rather with how moral theories are to be integrated into recognizably human lives. I show that various Kantian responses to Williams provide inadequate materials for solving (...)
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  17. What Is the Question to which Anti-Natalism Is the Answer?Nicholas Smyth - 2020 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 23 (1):1-17.
    The ethics of biological procreation has received a great deal of attention in recent years. Yet, as I show in this paper, much of what has come to be called procreative ethics is conducted in a strangely abstract, impersonal mode, one which stands little chance of speaking to the practical perspectives of any prospective parent. In short, the field appears to be flirting with a strange sort of practical irrelevance, wherein its verdicts are answers to questions that no-one is asking. (...)
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    Causation: A Realist Approach.Richard Smyth - 1993 - Noûs 27 (1):91-93.
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  19. Moral disagreement and non-moral ignorance.Nicholas Smyth - 2019 - Synthese 198 (2):1089-1108.
    The existence of deep and persistent moral disagreement poses a problem for a defender of moral knowledge. It seems particularly clear that a philosopher who thinks that we know a great many moral truths should explain how human populations have failed to converge on those truths. In this paper, I do two things. First, I show that the problem is more difficult than it is often taken to be, and second, I criticize a popular response, which involves claiming that many (...)
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  20. Purity and Practical Reason: On Pragmatic Genealogy.Nicholas Smyth - 2023 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 10 (37):1057-1081.
    Pragmatic Genealogy involves constructing fictional, quasi-historical models in order to discover what might explain and justify our concepts, ideas or practices. It arguably originated with Hume, but its most prominent practitioners are Edward Craig, Bernard Williams and Mathieu Queloz. Its defenders allege that the method allows us to understand “what the concept does for us, what its role in our life might be” (Craig, 1990), and that this in turn can ground practical reasons to preserve or further a conceptual practice. (...)
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  21. Moral Knowledge and the Genealogy of Error.Nicholas Smyth - 2017 - Journal of Value Inquiry 51 (3):455-474.
    In this paper, I argue that in order to explain our own moral reliability, we must provide a theory of error for those who disagree with us. Any story that seeks to vindicate our own reliability must also explain how so many others have gone wrong, otherwise it is not actually a vindicatory story. Thus, we cannot claim to have vindicated our own moral reliability unless we can explain the unreliability of those who hold contrary beliefs. This, I show, requires (...)
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  22. Socratic reductionism in ethics.Nicholas Smyth - 2020 - European Journal of Philosophy 28 (4):970-985.
    In this paper, I clarify and defend a provocative hypothesis offered by Bernard Williams, namely, that modern people are much more likely to speak in terms of master-concepts like “good” or “right,” and correspondingly less likely to think and speak in the pluralistic terms favored by certain Ancient societies. By conducting a close reading of the Platonic dialogues Charmides and Laches, I show that the figure of Socrates plays a key historical role in this conceptual shift. Once we understand that (...)
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  23. Infinity and givenness: Kant on the intuitive origin of spatial representation.Daniel Smyth - 2014 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 44 (5-6):551-579.
    I advance a novel interpretation of Kant's argument that our original representation of space must be intuitive, according to which the intuitive status of spatial representation is secured by its infinitary structure. I defend a conception of intuitive representation as what must be given to the mind in order to be thought at all. Discursive representation, as modelled on the specific division of a highest genus into species, cannot account for infinite complexity. Because we represent space as infinitely complex, the (...)
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    On the gender–science stereotypes held by scientists: explicit accord with gender-ratios, implicit accord with scientific identity.Frederick L. Smyth & Brian A. Nosek - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Merleau-Ponty's Existential Phenomenology and the Realization of Philosophy.Bryan A. Smyth - 2014 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Bryan A. Smyth.
    Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Perception - a canonical text of twentieth-century philosophy - concludes with an appeal to 'heroism' by citing a series of enigmatic sentences drawn from Saint-Exupe;ry's Pilote de guerre. Surprisingly, however, these lines are antithetical to the philosophical thrust of Merleau-Ponty's project. This book aims to explain this situation. Foregrounding liminal themes in Merleau-Ponty's thought that have been largely overlooked - e.g., sacrifice, death, myth, faith - and showing how these themes support Merleau-Ponty's reinterpretation of Husserlian phenomenology, (...) shows that Merleau-Ponty's appeal to 'heroism' represents an extra-philosophical appeal to a historical purposiveness as a universal feature of human nature, and that Merleau-Ponty makes this appeal in virtue of his recognition of the intrinsic methodological limitations of philosophy as a theoretical endeavor. The book thus recovers the 'militant' dimension of Merleau-Ponty's thought. This sheds considerable new light on his work. It does so in a way that challenges some of the basic parameters of existing Merleau-Ponty scholarship by illuminating the intrinsic normativity of his existential phenomenology, and its epistemic reliance on forms of non-reason such as faith and myth. (shrink)
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  26. A moral critique of psychological debunking.Nicholas Smyth - 2021 - Journal of Social Philosophy 53 (2):255-272.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, Volume 53, Issue 2, Page 255-272, Summer 2022.
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    Critical Phenomenology and the Mythopoetics of Nature.Bryan Smyth - 2023 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 37 (3):381-392.
    ABSTRACT The idea of “critical phenomenology” is premised on the belief that there is a radically critical political impetus intrinsic to phenomenology as such. This belief is sound, but its grounds are unclear. This article clarifies the sense of critical phenomenology by showing how it is based in the methodological need for a generative apprehension of nature as the outermost horizon of experience, that this horizon is pregiven in the mythic Urdoxa of the lifeworld, and that critical phenomenology ultimately goes (...)
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    Foucault and Binswanger.Bryan Smyth - 2011 - Philosophy Today 55 (Supplement):92-101.
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    Owning the Story: Ethical Considerations in Narrative Research.William E. Smythe - 2000 - Ethics and Behavior 10 (4):311-336.
    This article argues that traditional, regulative principles of research ethics offer insufficient guidance for research in the narrative study of lives. These principles presuppose an implicit epistemology that conceives of research participants as data sources, a conception that is argued not tenable for narrative research. The case is made by drawing on recent discussions of research ethics in the qualitative and narrative research literature. This article shows that narrative ethics is inextricably entwined with epistemological issues--namely, issues of narrative ownership and (...)
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    Simulation games.William E. Smythe - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (3):448-449.
  31. Michael J. Thompson, ed., Georg Lukács Reconsidered: Critical Essays in Politics, Philosophy and Aesthetics; Timothy Bewes and Timothy Hall, eds., Georg Lukács: The Fundamental Dissonance of Existence. Aesthetics, Politics, Literature, Review by Bryan Smyth[REVIEW]Bryan Smyth - 2012 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 16 (2):274-280.
  32. There is no such thing as a political conservative.Nicholas Smyth - 2025 - European Journal of Political Theory 24 (1):111-131.
    A great deal of ink has been spilled trying to define political conservatism. Yet, far too many of these definitions have failed to isolate a unified and distinctive set of normative commitments that conservatives can be said to share. This has led some critics to allege that the view has no definition. In this paper, I show that there are in fact two perfectly comprehensible conceptions of the theory that meet these criteria. However, I argue that, given some fairly uncontroversial (...)
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  33. From beginning to end : how to do hermeneutic interpretive phenomenology.Elizabeth Smythe - 2011 - In Gill Thomson, Fiona Dykes & Soo Downe, Qualitative Research in Midwifery and Childbirth: Phenomenological Approaches. Routledge.
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    Merleau-Ponty and the “Naturalization” of Phenomenology.Bryan Smyth - 2010 - Philosophy Today 54 (Supplement):153-162.
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    Marxism and Phenomenology: The Dialectical Horizons of Critique.Bryan Smyth & Richard Westerman (eds.) - 2021 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This volume examines various points of contact between Marxism and phenomenology. Although these traditions can appear conceptually incompatible, the contributors reveal productive complementarities on themes such as alienation, reification, and ecology, which illuminate and can help to resolve the crises of contemporary capitalism.
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  36. Craig on God and Morality.Thomas W. Smythe & Michael Rectenwald - 2011 - International Philosophical Quarterly 51 (3):331-338.
    In this paper we critically evaluate an argument put forward by William Lane Craig for the existence of God based on the assumption that if there were no God, there could be no objective morality. Contrary to Craig, we show that there are some necessary moral truths and objective moral reasoning that holds up whether there is a God or not. We go on to argue that religious faith, when taken alone and without reason or evidence, actually risks undermining morality (...)
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  37. Heroism and history in Merleau-Ponty’s existential phenomenology.Bryan Smyth - 2010 - Continental Philosophy Review 43 (2):167-191.
    Whereas Phenomenology of Perception concludes with a puzzling turn to “heroism,” this article examines the short essay “Man, the Hero” as a source of insight into Merleau-Ponty’s thought in the early postwar period. In this essay, Merleau-Ponty presented a conception of heroism through which he expressed the attitude toward post-Hegelian philosophy of history that underwrote his efforts to reform Marxism along existential lines. Analyzing this conception of heroism by unpacking the implicit contrasts with Kojève, Aron, Caillois, and Bataille, I show (...)
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  38. Swinburne's Argument for Dualism.Thomas W. Smythe - 1994 - Faith and Philosophy 11 (1):127-133.
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    Mythopoetic naturalization.Smyth Bryan - 2021 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 9 (2):469-500.
    This paper sketches a new approach to the critical-theoretic problem of reification understood as a normatively problematic form of naturalizing or dehistoricizing entifcation. Entifcation in general is approached phenomenologically in terms of the mythic outer horizonality of the lifeworld, and reification is shown to stem from the dichotomy between nature and history which, along with a corresponding dichotomy between myth and reason, is characteristic of Enlightenment rationality. Dereification necessitates overcoming these dichotomies, and this implies a critical embrace of myth and (...)
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  40. Reading Peirce Reading.Richard A. Smyth - 1998 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 34 (1):313-318.
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    Teachers' Work in a Globalizing Economy.John Smyth, Alistair Dow, Robert Hattam, Geoffrey Shacklock & Alan Reid - 2000 - Psychology Press.
    This study locates what is happening to teachers' work in the global economy. Two case studies show how teachers are simultaneously experiencing significant changes to their work, and responding in ways that actively shape these process.
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  42. Resolute Expressivism.Nicholas Smyth - 2014 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17 (4):1-12.
    Over the years, metaethicists have witnessed the rise of a cottage industry devoted to claiming that expressivist analyses cannot capture some allegedly important feature of moral language. In this paper, I show how Simon Blackburn's pragmatist method enables him to respond decisively to many of these objections. In doing so, I hope to call into question some prevailing assumptions about the linguistic phenomena that a metaethical theory should be expected to capture.
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    The primacy question in Merleau-Ponty’s existential phenomenology.Bryan Smyth - 2016 - Continental Philosophy Review 50 (1):127-149.
    This paper takes up the question as to what has primacy within Merleau-Ponty’s existential phenomenology as a way to provide insight into the relation between empirical science and transcendental philosophy within his account of embodiment. Contending that this primacy necessarily pertains to methodology, I show how Kurt Goldstein’s conception of biology provided Merleau-Ponty with a scientific model for approaching human existence holistically in which primacy pertains to the transcendental practice of productive imagination that generates the eidetic organismic Gestalt in terms (...)
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  44. When does self‐interest distort moral belief?Nicholas Smyth - 2022 - Wiley: Analytic Philosophy 2 (4):392-408.
    In this paper, I critically analyze the notion that self-interest distorts moral belief-formation. This belief is widely shared among modern moral epistemologists, and in this paper, I seek to undermine this near consensus. I then offer a principle which can help us to sort cases in which self-interest distorts moral belief from cases in which it does not. As it turns out, we cannot determine whether such distortion has occurred from the armchair; rather, we must inquire into mechanisms of social (...)
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  45. The New Philosopher-Kings: Conceptual Engineering and Social Authority.Nick Smyth - manuscript
    Many philosophers have recently become interested in conceptual engineering, or the activity of producing better conceptual schemes in human populations. But few, if any, are asking the question: what would it mean for actual human agents to possess the social authority to modify a conceptual scheme in this way? This paper argues for a deontological approach to conceptual engineering, wherein we have to secure social authority qua engineers before attempting to modify social concepts. I show that the dominant, consequentialist conception (...)
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    A conductivity-dependent phase transition from closed-loop to open-loop dendritic networks.David Smyth & Alfred Hübler - 2003 - Complexity 9 (1):56-60.
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    Developing and Sustaining Critical Reflection in Teacher Education.John Smyth - 1989 - Education and Culture 9 (1):2.
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    Heideggerian phenomenological hermeneutics: Working with the data.Elizabeth Smythe & Deb Spence - 2020 - Nursing Philosophy 21 (4):e12308.
    It is one thing to read about the methodology and methods of Heideggerian hermeneutic phenomenological research, the ontic description. It is quite another thing to be faced with an interview transcript. This article draws on a study that asked doctoral students about their experience of doing such research. How did they become “phenomenological/hermeneutic” in their thinking and writing? What helped them to find their way? We offer this article as a means of letting others learn from our own experiences. We (...)
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    Reading Heidegger.Elizabeth Smythe & Deb Spence - 2020 - Nursing Philosophy 21 (2):e12271.
    Heidegger’s philosophy is a significant contribution to understanding the meaning of lived experience. Recognizing this, nurses and other health professionals have taken on the research approach of Heideggerian hermeneutic phenomenology. This requires reading the writing of Heidegger. Philosophers themselves acknowledge this writing is dense, difficult to grasp, uses language for which there is no easy translation, and leaves the reader with more questions than answers. Drawing on commentary from philosophers who seek to read Heidegger and from a research study which (...)
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    The neoliberal toxic university: Beyond no is not enough and daring to dream a socially just alternative into existence.John Smyth - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (7):716-725.
    This article deploys critical sociology to examine institutions of higher learning, worldwide, within a context of a more utopian set of possibilities. The article contests the idea of univ...
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