Results for 'Caitlin Peters'

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  1.  36
    Examining the “Best of Both Worlds” of Grammatical Evolution.Peter Whigham, Grant Dick, James Maclaurin & Caitlin Owen - 2015 - Proceedings of the 2015 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation 2015:1111-1118.
    Grammatical Evolution (GE) has a long history in evolutionary computation. Central to the behaviour of GE is the use of a linear representation and grammar to map individuals from search spaces into problem spaces. This genotype to phenotype mapping is often argued as a distinguishing property of GE relative to other techniques, such as context-free grammar genetic programming (CFG-GP). Since its initial description, GE research has attempted to incorporate information from the grammar into crossover, mutation, and individual initialisation, blurring the (...)
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    Acute stress enhances tolerance of uncertainty during decision-making.Kaileigh A. Byrne, Caitlin Peters, Hunter C. Willis, Dana Phan, Astin Cornwall & Darrell A. Worthy - 2020 - Cognition 205 (C):104448.
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    Is an off-task mind a freely-moving mind? Examining the relationship between different dimensions of thought.Caitlin Mills, Quentin Raffaelli, Zachary C. Irving, Dylan Stan & Kalina Christoff - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 58:20-33.
  4.  14
    Preparing dinosaurs: the work behind the scenes.Caitlin Donahue Wylie - 2021 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    Detailed and in-depth investigation of the important but often unappreciated work done by science technicians, in this case in the context of paleontology.
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    From faces to hands: Changing visual input in the first two years.Caitlin M. Fausey, Swapnaa Jayaraman & Linda B. Smith - 2016 - Cognition 152 (C):101-107.
    Human development takes place in a social context. Two pervasive sources of social information are faces and hands. Here, we provide the first report of the visual frequency of faces and hands in the everyday scenes available to infants. These scenes were collected by having infants wear head cameras during unconstrained everyday activities. Our corpus of 143 hours of infant-perspective scenes, collected from 34 infants aged 1 month to 2 years, was sampled for analysis at 1/5 Hz. The major finding (...)
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    Overcoming the underdetermination of specimens.Caitlin Donahue Wylie - 2019 - Biology and Philosophy 34 (2):24.
    Philosophers of science are well aware that theories are underdetermined by data. But what about the data? Scientific data are selected and processed representations or pieces of nature. What is useless context and what is valuable specimen, as well as how specimens are processed for study, are not obvious or predetermined givens. Instead, they are decisions made by scientists and other research workers, such as technicians, that produce different outcomes for the data. Vertebrate fossils provide a revealing case of this (...)
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    Exposing othering in nursing education praxis.Caitlin M. Nye, Mary K. Canales & Darryl Somayaji - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (3):e12539.
    This paper defines and analyzes the processes of “othering” as they manifest in the practice and praxis of nursing education. Othering is bound up in the establishment and reinforcement of norms, and shores up power inequities that negatively impact faculty, students, and patients. While previous analyses have addressed othering in nursing more broadly, this paper adds a consideration of the multiple processes of othering that operate within the context of nursing education spaces. Cases from recent nursing education literature are interpreted (...)
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    What are the most common reasons for return of ethics submissions? An audit of an Australian health service ethics committee.Caitlin Brandenburg, Sarah Thorning & Carine Ruthenberg - 2021 - Research Ethics 17 (3):346-358.
    One of the key criticisms of the ethical review process is the time taken to decision, and associated resource use. A key source of delay is that most submissions are required to respond to at leas...
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    Interrogating the Value of Return of Results for Diverse Populations: Perspectives from Precision Medicine Researchers.Caitlin E. McMahon, Nicole Foti, Melanie Jeske, William R. Britton, Stephanie M. Fullerton, Janet K. Shim & Sandra Soo-Jin Lee - 2024 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 15 (2):108-119.
    Background Over the last decade, the return of results (ROR) in precision medicine research (PMR) has become increasingly routine. Calls for individual rights to research results have extended the “duty to report” from clinically useful genetic information to traits and ancestry results. ROR has thus been reframed as inherently beneficial to research participants, without a needed focus on who benefits and how. This paper addresses this gap, particularly in the context of PMR aimed at increasing participant diversity, by providing investigator (...)
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    The plurality of assumptions about fossils and time.Caitlin Donahue Wylie - 2019 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 41 (2):21.
    A research community must share assumptions, such as about accepted knowledge, appropriate research practices, and good evidence. However, community members also hold some divergent assumptions, which they—and we, as analysts of science—tend to overlook. Communities with different assumed values, knowledge, and goals must negotiate to achieve compromises that make their conflicting goals complementary. This negotiation guards against the extremes of each group’s desired outcomes, which, if achieved, would make other groups’ goals impossible. I argue that this diversity, as a form (...)
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  11.  29
    Trust in Technicians in Paleontology Laboratories.Caitlin Donahue Wylie - 2018 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 43 (2):324-348.
    New technologies can upset scientific workplaces’ established practices and social order. Scientists may therefore prefer preserving skilled manual work and the social status quo to revolutionary technological change. For example, digital imaging of rock-encased fossils is a valuable way for scientists to “see” a specimen without traditional rock removal. However, interviews in vertebrate paleontology laboratories reveal workers’ skepticism toward computed tomography imaging. Scientists criticize replacing physical fossils with digital images because, they say, images are more subjective than the “real thing.” (...)
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  12.  31
    Applying a Women’s Health Lens to the Study of the Aging Brain.Caitlin M. Taylor, Laura Pritschet, Shuying Yu & Emily G. Jacobs - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:468826.
    A major challenge in neuroscience is to understand what happens to a brain as it ages. Such insights could make it possible to distinguish between individuals who will undergo typical aging and those at risk for neurodegenerative disease. Over the last quarter century, thousands of human brain imaging studies have probed the neural basis of age-related cognitive decline. “Aging” studies generally enroll adults over the age of 65, a historical precedent rooted in the average retirement age of U.S. wage-earners. A (...)
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  13.  43
    Resisting Epistemic Injustice: The Responsibilities of College Educators at Historically and Predominantly White Institutions.Caitlin Murphy Brust & Rebecca M. Taylor - 2023 - Educational Theory 73 (4):551-571.
    In this paper, Caitlin Murphy Brust and Rebecca Taylor examine the responsibilities of college educators to resist conditions of epistemic injustice within their institutions. Pedagogy alone cannot bring about epistemic justice in higher education, for no individual epistemic agent can single-handedly transform their epistemic environment. The roots of such injustices are structural and thus require structural interventions. However, college educators do retain some agency to engage in epistemic resistance. Brust and Taylor argue that they can and should take steps (...)
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  14.  6
    US Higher Education's Civic Responsibility to Educate for Informal Political Representation.Caitlin Murphy Brust & Hannah Widmaier - 2024 - Educational Theory 74 (5):715-734.
    In this paper, Caitlin Murphy Brust and Hannah Widmaier begin with the assumption that highly selective institutions of higher education in the United States have a duty to promote civic equality. They employ Wendy Salkin's theory of informal political representation to examine how highly selective institutions should go about promoting civic equality. According to Salkin's theory, someone serves as an informal political representative (IPR) when they speak or act on behalf of others, without having been selected to do so (...)
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    Entitled to Trust? Philosophical Frameworks and Evidence from Children.Caitlin A. Cole, Paul L. Harris & Melissa A. Koenig - 2012 - Analyse & Kritik 34 (2):195-216.
    How do children acquire beliefs from testimony? In this chapter, we discuss children's trust in testimony, their sensitivity to and use of defeaters, and their appeals to positive reasons for trusting what other people tell them. Empirical evidence shows that, from an early age, children have a tendency to trust testimony. However, this tendency to trust is accompanied by sensitivity to cues that suggest unreliability, including inaccuracy of the message and characteristics of the speaker. Not only are children sensitive to (...)
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  16.  40
    The Boundaries of Embryo Research: Extending the Fourteen-Day Rule: Australasian Association of Bioethics and Health Law John McPhee Student Essay Prize 2018.Caitlin Davis - 2019 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (1):133-140.
    The disciplines of ethics, science, and the law often conflict when it comes to determining the limits and boundaries of embryo research. Under current Australian law and regulations, and in various other jurisdictions, research conducted on the embryo in vitro is permitted up until day fourteen, after which, the embryo must be destroyed. Reproductive technology and associated research is rapidly advancing at a rate that contests current societal and ethical limits surrounding the treatment of the embryo. This has brought about (...)
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  17.  48
    Does “putting on your thinking cap” reduce myside bias in evaluation of scientific evidence?Caitlin Drummond & Baruch Fischhoff - 2019 - Thinking and Reasoning 25 (4):477-505.
    The desire to maintain current beliefs can lead individuals to evaluate contrary evidence more critically than consistent evidence. We test whether priming individuals’ scientific reasoning...
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    In Pursuit of School Ethos.Caitlin Donnelly - 2000 - British Journal of Educational Studies 48 (2):134 - 154.
    The purpose of this paper is to examine the linkages and relationships between the officially prescribed school ethos and that which emerges from social interaction. Qualitative data drawn from one Grant-Maintained-Integrated and one Catholic primary school in Northern Ireland show how school ethos, defined as the observed practices and interactions of school members, often departs considerably from school ethos defined as those values and beliefs which the school officially supports. On the basis of the data it is argued that much (...)
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    Disclosing neuroimaging incidental findings: a qualitative thematic analysis of health literacy challenges.Caitlin E. Rancher, Jody M. Shoemaker, Linda E. Petree, Mark Holdsworth, John P. Phillips & Deborah L. Helitzer - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):58.
    BackgroundReturning neuroimaging incidental findings may create a challenge to research participants’ health literacy skills as they must interpret and make appropriate healthcare decisions based on complex radiology jargon. Disclosing IF can therefore present difficulties for participants, research institutions and the healthcare system. The purpose of this study was to identify the extent of the health literacy challenges encountered when returning neuroimaging IF. We report on findings from a retrospective survey and focus group sessions with major stakeholders involved in disclosing IF.MethodsWe (...)
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  20.  38
    Are You Sure You Want to View This Community? Exploring the Ethics of Reddit’s Quarantine Practice.Caitlin Ring Carlson & Luc S. Cousineau - 2020 - Journal of Media Ethics 35 (4):202-213.
    In the United States, social media organizations are not legally liable for what users do or say on their platforms and are free to regulate expression in any way they see fit. As a result, dark co...
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    ‘Ethical responsibility’ or ‘a whole can of worms’: differences in opinion on incidental finding review and disclosure in neuroimaging research from focus group discussions with participants, parents, IRB members, investigators, physicians and community members.Caitlin Cole, Linda E. Petree, John P. Phillips, Jody M. Shoemaker, Mark Holdsworth & Deborah L. Helitzer - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (10):841-847.
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  22.  27
    Mothers modulate their gesture independently of their speech.Caitlin Hilliard, Elizabeth O’Neal, Jodie Plumert & Susan Wagner Cook - 2015 - Cognition 140 (C):89-94.
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    The Other Side of the Veil: North African Women in France Respond to the Headscarf Affair.Caitlin Killian - 2003 - Gender and Society 17 (4):567-590.
    The “headscarf affair,” Muslim girls wearing veils to school, has generated a storm of controversy in France. This study uses the headscarf affair to explore Muslim immigrant women's views of their place in French society and reveals that even those who disagree with French public opinion often invoke arguments that are more French than North African. Interviews with 41 North African women show that younger, well-educated women defend the headscarf as a matter of personal liberty and cultural expression. Older, poorly (...)
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    Self‐appropriation in nurse engagement: Facilitating the development of expert nurses using Benner and Lonergan.Caitlin Healy - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (3).
    Expert nurses, as described by the work of Patricia Benner, are at the peak of clinical nursing practice and vitally important in ensuring the best possible patient care and clinical outcomes. The development of Benner's theory and its relationship with the Dreyfus model of skill acquisition provides context for understanding the progression necessary for expert development. Contemporary healthcare challenges present implications to the development of advancing levels of nursing practice. Engagement has been identified as critical to achieving expert practice. I (...)
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  25. Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on access to HIV and reproductive health care among women living with HIV (WLHIV) in Western Kenya: A mixed methods analysis.Caitlin Bernard, Shukri A. Hassan, John Humphrey, Julie Thorne, Mercy Maina, Beatrice Jakait, Evelyn Brown, Nashon Yongo, Caroline Kerich, Sammy Changwony, Shirley Rui W. Qian, Andrea J. Scallon, Sarah A. Komanapalli, Leslie A. Enane, Patrick Oyaro, Lisa L. Abuogi, Kara Wools-Kaloustian & Rena C. Patel - 2022 - Frontiers in Global Women's Health 3:943641.
    Results: We analyzed 1,402 surveys and 15 in-depth interviews. Many (32%) CL participants reported greater difficulty refilling medications and a minority (14%) reported greater difficulty accessing HIV care during the pandemic. Most (99%) Opt4Mamas participants reported no difficulty refilling medications or accessing HIV/pregnancy care. Among the CL participants, older women were less likely (aOR = 0.95, 95% CI: 0.92–0.98) and women with more children were more likely (aOR = 1.13, 95% CI: 1.00–1.28) to report difficulty refilling medications. Only 2% of (...)
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    “When words become unclear”: unmasking ICT through visual methodologies in participatory ICT4D.Caitlin M. Bentley, David Nemer & Sara Vannini - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (3):477-493.
    Across the globe, our work and social lives are increasingly integrated with Information and Communication Technologies, yet massive disparities in the values, uses and benefits of ICT exist. New methods are needed to shed light on unique and integrative concepts of ICT across cultures. This paper explores the use of visual methods to facilitate critical engagement with ICT—defined as situational awareness, reflexive ICT practice and power and control over ICT. This definition of critical ICT engagement is informed by a cultural (...)
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    Persons and their Brains: Life, Death, and Lessened Humanity.Caitlin Maples - 2024 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 49 (2):117-127.
    The authors of the articles in this issue of The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy address a wide variety of topics, from definitions of disease to bioenhancement. Each author, however, draws out the importance of careful use of language. Over the years, philosophers of medicine and bioethicists have debated questions such as what qualifies something as a disease, whether disease language is evaluative, whether the term “person” encompasses more than just human beings, and what language ought to be used to (...)
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    Gutsy Moves: The Amygdala as a Critical Node in Microbiota to Brain Signaling.Caitlin S. M. Cowan, Alan E. Hoban, Ana Paula Ventura-Silva, Timothy G. Dinan, Gerard Clarke & John F. Cryan - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (1):1700172.
    The amygdala is a key brain area regulating responses to stress and emotional stimuli, so improving our understanding of how it is regulated could offer novel strategies for treating disturbances in emotion regulation. As we review here, a growing body of evidence indicates that the gut microbiota may contribute to a range of amygdala-dependent brain functions from pain sensitivity to social behavior, emotion regulation, and therefore, psychiatric health. In addition, it appears that the microbiota is necessary for normal development of (...)
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    Sadness facilitates “deeper” reading comprehension: a behavioural and eye tracking study.Caitlin Mills, Rosy Southwell & Sidney K. D’Mello - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (1):171-179.
    Reading is one of the most common everyday activities, yet research elucidating how affective influence reading processes and outcomes is sparse with inconsistent results. To investigate this question, we randomly assigned participants (N = 136) to happiness (positive affect), sadness (negative affect), and neutral video-induction conditions prior to engaging in self-paced reading of a long, complex science text. Participants completed assessments targeting multiple levels of comprehension (e.g. recognising factual information, integrating different textual components, and open-ended responses of concepts from memory) (...)
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  30.  5
    Developing a master of science in health research ethics program in Northern Nigeria: a needs assessment.Caitlin Bieniek, Fatimah I. Tsiga-Ahmed, Aishatu L. Adamu, Usman J. Wudil, C. William Wester, Zubairu Iliyasu, Muktar H. Aliyu, Elisa J. Gordon & Elizabeth S. Rose - 2025 - BMC Medical Ethics 26 (1):1-8.
    Background Nigeria is an emerging hub of biomedical research, requiring additional trained bioethicists for ethical oversight of research studies. There are currently two graduate-level health research ethics programs in Nigeria. However, both are in the southern part of the country and no such training programs exist in the north. Strengthening the health research ethics skills and knowledge of Nigerian researchers across the country is necessary given the growing genetics research infrastructure. Methods To inform the creation of a Master of Science (...)
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  31.  56
    Setting a standard for a “silent” disease: defining osteoporosis in the 1980s and 1990s.Caitlin Donahue Wylie - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 41 (4):376-385.
    Osteoporosis, a disease of bone loss associated with aging and estrogen loss, can be crippling but is ‘silent’ prior to bone fracture. Despite its disastrous health effects, high prevalence, and enormous associated health care costs, osteoporosis lacked a universally accepted definition until 1992. In the 1980s, the development of more accurate medical imaging technologies to measure bone density spurred the medical community’s need and demand for a common definition. The medical community tried, and failed, to resolve these differing definitions several (...)
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  32.  11
    Future Lives and Deaths with Purpose: Perspectives on Capacity, Character, and Intent.Caitlin Maples - 2024 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 49 (5):433-442.
    The articles in this issue of the Journal of Medicine and Philosophy explore emerging technologies, medical innovations, and shifting moral norms, expanding present discussions around topics in bioethics both old and new. Some question whether novel definitions of death and harm change the moral permissibility of killing, particularly at the hands of a physician. Others question how increased or decreased abilities affect responsibility and achievement. Another illustrates how rhetorical appeals to character have been used to justify otherwise morally illicit actions (...)
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    ‘Transporting thought’: cultures of balloon flight in Britain, 1784–1785.Caitlín Róisín Doherty - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Science 50 (2).
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    Sex education's community problem.Caitlin Howlett - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 56 (5):763-773.
    Legislating comprehensive sex education curricula has long been believed to be essential to aligning education about sex, sexuality and human relationships with the values of equality, inclusivity and autonomy. Defences of the need for ‘good’ sex education in public schools are contingent upon arguments about whose experiences ought to guide us in determining what sufficient alignment with such values might look like. The aim of this paper is to explore the assumptions underlying one prevailing norm in such defences: what I (...)
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  35.  40
    Protecting nurse survey participants: Ethical considerations for conducting survey research among nurses.Caitlin M. Campbell, Tanekkia Taylor-Clark & Lori A. Loan - 2022 - Clinical Ethics 17 (4):391-408.
    The nurse perspective is critical in survey research investigating various aspects of healthcare services, staff, and patient outcomes. Researchers are responsible for ensuring that survey research utilizing survey questionnaires employs research methodological strategies that are aligned with the ethical principles of beneficence, respect for persons, and justice. The purpose of this paper is to discuss best practices to facilitate high-quality survey data collection for nurse survey participants. Recommendations are based on the fundamental ethical principles described in the Belmont Report, an (...)
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  36. ‘Take Your Rosaries Out of Our Ovaries:’ Women's Rights in Argentina and Bolivia.Caitlin Guse - 2010 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 1 (2).
    Despite being neighbouring countries, Bolivia and Argentina appear to be a world apart in terms of economics, international relations, and women’s rights. Historically, women’s rights have been fairly similar in both countries, but while one country seemingly made “progress,” the other country appeared to be stagnating. By exploring violence against women, and the current state of contraception and abortion laws it becomes apparent that “progress” does not necessarily bring about social change.
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    Undoing Privilege: Unearned Advantage and Systematic Injustice in an Unequal World (Book Review).Caitlin Feeley - 2023 - Studies in Social Justice 17 (3):549-552.
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    Possessions: Indigenous Art/Colonial Culture/Decolonization (2nd edition).Caitlin Hera Cronin - 2024 - British Journal of Aesthetics 64 (3):417-419.
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    Rosamond Rhodes: The trusted doctor: medical ethics and professionalism.Caitlin Maples - 2022 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 43 (5):421-424.
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    An ontology for maintenance procedure documentation.Caitlin Woods, Tim French, Melinda Hodkiewicz & Tyler Bikaun - 2023 - Applied ontology 18 (2):169-206.
    In mining, manufacturing and industrial process industries, maintenance procedures are used as an aid to guide technicians through complex manual tasks. These procedures are not machine-readable, and cannot support reasoning in digitally integrated manufacturing systems. Procedure documents contain unstructured text and are stored in a variety of formats. The aim of this work is to query information held in real industrial maintenance procedures. To achieve this, we develop an ontology for maintenance procedures using the OWL 2 description language. We leverage (...)
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    AI Ethics in Higher Education: Insights from Africa and Beyond.Caitlin C. Corrigan, Simon Atuah Asakipaam, Jerry John Kponyo & Christoph Luetge (eds.) - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This open access book tackles the pressing problem of integrating concerns related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) ethics into higher education curriculums aimed at future AI developers in Africa and beyond. For doing so, it analyzes the present and future states of AI ethics education in local computer science and engineering programs. The authors share relevant best practices and use cases for teaching, develop answers to ongoing organizational challenges, and reflect on the practical implications of different theoretical approaches to AI ethics. (...)
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    Making Art at the End of the World: Reimagining Feminist Bioethics through Research-Creation.Caitlin Leach - 2022 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 15 (1):123-128.
    My mother died within the first few months of the pandemic. Her sudden and rapid decline from Alzheimer's disease is difficult to separate from the COVID-19 restrictions put in place by her nursing home just two months prior. We went from visiting her daily to not at all, then to a strictly enforced twenty-minute hospice visit to say goodbye. After her passing, and still amidst the pandemic, I could not write. The conventional methods and outputs of bioethics inquiry felt impossible.Making (...)
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    Depoliticizing Sex Education.Caitlin Howlett & Quentin Wheeler-Bell - 2018 - Philosophy of Education 74:409-423.
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    Invisibility as a mechanism of social ordering : how scientists and technicians divide power.Caitlin Wylie - 2022 - In Jenny Bangham, Xan Chacko & Judith Kaplan, Invisible Labour in Modern Science. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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    Matters of Fact and Concern: Conspiracy Theories and Media Literacy Education.Caitlin Murphey Brust - 2022 - Philosophy of Education 78 (2):167-172.
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    Reimagining “Learning for Its Own Sake” in Liberal Education.Caitlin Brust - 2021 - Philosophy of Education 77 (1):150-163.
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    What we should really worry about in pediatric functional magnetic resonance imaging (fmri).Caitlin M. Connors & Ilina Singh - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (1):16 – 18.
  48.  12
    Pediatric Responses to Fundamental and Formant Frequency Altered Auditory Feedback: A Scoping Review.Caitlin Coughler, Keelia L. Quinn de Launay, David W. Purcell, Janis Oram Cardy & Deryk S. Beal - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    PurposeThe ability to hear ourselves speak has been shown to play an important role in the development and maintenance of fluent and coherent speech. Despite this, little is known about the developing speech motor control system throughout childhood, in particular if and how vocal and articulatory control may differ throughout development. A scoping review was undertaken to identify and describe the full range of studies investigating responses to frequency altered auditory feedback in pediatric populations and their contributions to our understanding (...)
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    Viva España.Caitlin Cunningham - 2011 - The Chesterton Review 37 (3/4):665-667.
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  50. Ethics : caring for things.Caitlin DeSilvey - 2020 - In Bjørnar Olsen, Mats Burström, Caitlin DeSilvey & Þóra Pétursdóttir, After discourse: things, affects, ethics. New York, NY: Routledge.
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