Results for 'Carina Rodrigues'

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  1.  20
    Global Constitutionalism and Democracy: the Case of Colombia.Chris Thornhill & Carina Rodrigues de Araújo Calabria - 2020 - Jus Cogens 2 (2):155-183.
    Focusing on the case of Colombia, this article sets out a sociological examination of constitutions marked by strong, activist judiciaries, by entrenched systems of human rights protection, and by emphatic implementation of global human rights law. Contra standard critiques of this constitutional model, it argues that such constitutions need to be seen as creating a new pattern of democracy, which is often distinctively adapted to structures in societies in which the typical patterns of legitimation and subject formation required for democratic (...)
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  2.  18
    Postmodern Experimentation in Anthony Browne’s Picturebooks: The Reinvention of a Canon in Children’s Literature.Carina Rodrigues & Ana Isabel Pinto - 2024 - Bakhtiniana 19 (3):e64072p.
    RESUMO Este artigo1 pretende evidenciar as características do livro-álbum pós-moderno, concretamente, na obra de Anthony Browne, criador britânico de reconhecido valor na conformação deste segmento privilegiado da edição infantojuvenil contemporânea, cuja narrativização resulta da relação triádica texto-imagem-suporte. A revisitação do conjunto da sua obra, a partir de um corpus necessariamente restrito e mais representativo, propõe evidenciar as potencialidades estético-literárias e formativas de uma produção sui generis, reconhecendo o seu contributo na consolidação de um novo paradigma da literatura para a infância. (...)
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    Ações para conscientização e prática da educação ambiental na cidade de Patos / PB/ Brasil.Carina Cristina Agnes Calegari, Leandro Calegari, Alana Candeia de Melo, Edevaldo Da Silva & Joedla Rodrigues de Lima - 2020 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 22 (1):58-77.
    A pesquisa resgata atividades desenvolvidas junto ao projeto de extensão Florestal Recicla que compõe o Programa de Ações para a Sustentabilidade Socioambiental, da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campus de Patos. Este trabalho teve como motivação inicial a experiência profissional da autora, sob orientação dos coautores, atuando como educadora e geógrafa na iniciativa de oferecer contribuições relevantes às questões socioambientais, pela busca do consumo consciente e sustentável através da educação formal e não formal junto às comunidades, escolas e aos alunos (...)
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  4. Algorithmic Profiling as a Source of Hermeneutical Injustice.Silvia Milano & Carina Prunkl - forthcoming - Philosophical Studies:1-19.
    It is well-established that algorithms can be instruments of injustice. It is less frequently discussed, however, how current modes of AI deployment often make the very discovery of injustice difficult, if not impossible. In this article, we focus on the effects of algorithmic profiling on epistemic agency. We show how algorithmic profiling can give rise to epistemic injustice through the depletion of epistemic resources that are needed to interpret and evaluate certain experiences. By doing so, we not only demonstrate how (...)
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    Corporate Governance Quality and CSR Disclosures.MuiChing Carina Chan, John Watson & David Woodliff - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 125 (1):1-15.
    Given the increasing importance attached to both corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate governance, this study investigates the association between these two complimentary mechanisms used by companies to enhance relations with stakeholders. Consistent with both legitimacy and stakeholder theory and controlling for industry profile, firm size, stockholder power/dispersion, creditor power/leverage, and economic performance, our analysis of the annual reports for a sample of 222 listed companies suggests that firms providing more CSR information: have better corporate governance ratings; are larger; belong (...)
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  6.  16
    Creating theory: Encouragement for using creativity and deduction in qualitative nursing research.Elisabeth Bergdahl & Carina Berterö - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (4):e12421.
    Texts about theory in nursing often refer to theory construction by using inductive methods in a rigid way. In this paper, it is instead argued that theories are created, which is in line with most philosophers of science. Theory creation is regarded as a creative process that does not follow a specific method or logic. As in any creative endeavour, the inspiration for theory creation can come from many sources, including previous research and existing theory. The main idea put forward (...)
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    Encounters with Nineteenth-Century Continental Philosophy: Discussions and Debates.Jon Stewart & Patricia Carina Dip (eds.) - 2023 - Boston: BRILL.
    The nineteenth century was a dynamic time of philosophical development. This volume explores the rich tradition of nineteenth-century Continental philosophy, highlighting the importance of this tradition for the leading streams of thought of the twentieth and twenty-first century.
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  8.  59
    Is thermodynamics subjective?Katie Robertson & Carina Prunkl - forthcoming - Philosophy of Science:1-16.
    Thermodynamics is an unusual theory. Prominent figures, including J.C. Maxwell and E.T. Jaynes, have suggested that thermodynamics is anthropocentric. Additionally, contemporary approaches to quantum thermodynamics label thermodynamics a ‘subjective theory’. Here, we evaluate some of the strongest arguments for anthropocentrism based on the heat/work distinction, the second law, and the nature of entropy. We show that these arguments do not commit us to an anthropocentric view but instead point towards a resource-relative understanding of thermodynamics which can be shorn of the (...)
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  9.  17
    Foucault do suplício à ditadura militar: Memórias de Uma história política.Mária Tânia Rodrigues - 2021 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 12 (24):24-30.
    O presente trabalho tenta resgatar a memória do poder soberano, período que predominou o suplício, passando pelo poder disciplinar na visão de Michel Foucault, chegando ao período do regime militar no Brasil. Traz como objetivo procurar identificar como é o comportamento de cada indivíduo com relação ao poder, além de buscar uma delimitação da docilização, como algo permanente em toda história da humanidade, focando principalmente nos eventos acima mencionados. Utilizamos como metodologia as obras do autor “Vigiar e Punir ”, “Microfísica (...)
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  10.  28
    Effects of Acute Laboratory Stress on Executive Functions.Katrin Starcke, Carina Wiesen, Patrick Trotzke & Matthias Brand - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  11. Chapter Six Recognising Non-Western Thought in Human Rights Theory Maria Rodrigues.Maria Rodrigues - 2007 - In Julie Connolly, Michael Leach & Lucas Walsh, Recognition in politics: theory, policy and practice. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 101.
  12. There are no good objections to substance dualism.José Gusmão Rodrigues - 2014 - Philosophy 89 (2):199-222.
    This article aims to review the standard objections to dualism and to argue that will either fail to convince someone committed to dualism or are flawed on independent grounds. I begin by presenting the taxonomy of metaphysical positions on concrete particulars as they relate to the dispute between materialists and dualists, and in particular substance dualism is defined. In the first section, several kinds of substance dualism are distinguished and the relevant varieties of this kind of dualism are selected. The (...)
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  13.  33
    Using an interpreter in qualitative interviews: does it threaten validity?Inez Kapborg & Carina Berterö - 2002 - Nursing Inquiry 9 (1):52-56.
    Using an interpreter in qualitative interviews: does it threaten validity?There is an extensive literature on the problem of translating scales for use across cultures, but very little is published on the problems of conducting qualitative interviews in another language with assistance of an interpreter. The aim of this paper is to describe and discuss threats to validity that arise when conducting qualitative interviews using an interpreter. Ten female student nurses in two cities in Lithuania were interviewed about how they perceived (...)
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  14.  41
    Are future generations that belong to language minorities entitled to group rights?Luís Cordeiro-Rodrigues - 2016 - South African Journal of Philosophy 35 (1):1-8.
    In this article, I investigate to what extent future generations that belong to language minorities are entitled to group rights that protect their linguistic identity. In particular, I assess whether these future generations are entitled to assistance rights, symbolic claims, self-government rights and exemptions from the law. To address this I outline three arguments supporting group rights for current generations and raise the question of whether these arguments, which are true for current generations, will also be true for future generations. (...)
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  15.  60
    Stations dans la discursivité sociale : alternance et fenêtres.Suzy Lagazzi-Rodrigues - 2011 - Astérion 8 (8).
    Ce travail s’insère dans un projet intitulé « Le discours aux frontières du social », qui vise à analyser, dans des films documentaires, l’entrecroisement des différents matériaux en jeu dans ces productions. Pour comprendre comment se formule la critique sociale, j’ai choisi d’analyser deux documentaires ayant pour thème des conflits sociaux : Tereza (« Thérèse », qui met en scène la vie des détenus dans une prison de Campinas) et Boca de Lixo (« Décharge publique », qui présente la vie (...)
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  16.  22
    The Role of Portuguese Gardens in the Development of Horticultural and Botanical Expertise on Oranges.Ana Duarte Rodrigues - 2017 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 6 (1):69-89.
    In the early modern period, botany still remained a relatively new arrival at the top table of knowledge. Much botanical work was not done in universities, colleges, academies, laboratories, or botanic gardens, but behind the walls of different kinds of gardens – of the royalty as well as of common people, of monasteries as well as public gardens. By following the circula­tion of oranges, especially taking into consideration the role of Portugal as a turn­table, this paper sheds light on several (...)
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  17.  32
    Uma introdução ao Contextualismo na Epistemologia Contemporânea.Tiegue Vieira Rodrigues (ed.) - 2013 - Porto alegre: EDIPUCRS.
    Este livro oferece uma introdução ao Contextualismo Epistemológico e se destina aos leitores que possuem algumas noções/aptidões bem gerais sobre filosofia, mais especificamente sobre Teoria do Conhecimento ou Epistemologia, mas não requer qualquer conhecimento prévio sobre o Contextualismo e, portanto, acredito que deva ser de grande utilidade para estudantes e pesquisadores que se interessem e pretendam trabalhar com esse interessante tópico. Tendo em vista que ele reflete boa parte da minha pesquisa realizada durante o doutoramento, entendo que ele não deva (...)
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  18.  22
    Gaining Mathematical Understanding: The Effects of Creative Mathematical Reasoning and Cognitive Proficiency.Bert Jonsson, Carina Granberg & Johan Lithner - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:574366.
    In the field of mathematics education, one of the main questions remaining under debate is whether students’ development of mathematical reasoning and problem-solving is aided more by solving tasks with given instructions or by solving them without instructions. It has been argued, that providing little or no instruction for a mathematical task generates a mathematical struggle, which can facilitate learning. This view in contrast, tasks in which routine procedures can be applied can lead to mechanical repetition with little or no (...)
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  19.  7
    Algorithmic profiling as a source of hermeneutical injustice.Silvia Milano & Carina Prunkl - 2025 - Philosophical Studies 182 (1):185-203.
    It is well-established that algorithms can be instruments of injustice. It is less frequently discussed, however, how current modes of AI deployment often make the very discovery of injustice difficult, if not impossible. In this article, we focus on the effects of algorithmic profiling on epistemic agency. We show how algorithmic profiling can give rise to epistemic injustice through the depletion of epistemic resources that are needed to interpret and evaluate certain experiences. By doing so, we not only demonstrate how (...)
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  20. Building Smart Healthy Inclusive Environments for All Ages with Citizens.Willeke van Staalduinen, Carina Dantas, Joost van Hoof & Andrzej Klimczuk - 2021 - In Ivan Miguel Pires, Susanna Spinsante, Eftim Zdravevski & Petre Lameski, Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good. Springer Verlag. pp. 255–263.
    The paper provides an introduction to the public discourse around the notion of smart healthy inclusive environments. First, the basic ideas are explained and related to citizen participation in the context of implementation of a “society for all ages” concept disseminated by the United Nations. Next, the text discusses selected initiatives of the European Commission in the field of intergenerational programming and policies as well as features of the COST Action NET4Age-Friendly: Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments. The following sections are focused (...)
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  21.  10
    The Roots of Hermeneutics in Kant’s Reflective-Teleological Judgment.Boris Gubman & Carina Anufrieva - forthcoming - The European Legacy:1-4.
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  22. Building Inclusive Environments for All Ages with Citizens.Willeke van Staalduinen, Carina Dantas, Joost Van Hoof & Andrzej Klimczuk - 2021 - In Francisco Melero & Mike Burnard, Sheldon 3rd Online Conference Meeting: Solutions for ageing well at home, in the community and at work - Proceedings Book. Technical Research Centre of Furniture and Wood of the Region of Murcia. pp. 143–153.
    The paper provides an introduction to the public discourse around the notion of smart healthy inclusive environments. First, the basic ideas are explained and related to citizen participation in the context of implementation of a "society for all ages" concept disseminated by the United Nations. Next, the text discusses selected initiatives of the European Commission in the field of intergenerational programming and policies as well as features of the COST Action NET4Age-Friendly: Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments (SHAFE). The following sections are (...)
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  23.  29
    Moral Distress and the Marginalization of Nurses.Georgina Campelia & Carina Fourie - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (1):132-134.
    Responding to the nurse’s moral distress in this case depends on a deeper understanding of the source. It is possible that there is concern that resuscitation is morally wrong—perhaps because it wo...
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  24.  49
    The myth of induction in qualitative nursing research.Elisabeth Bergdahl & Carina M. Berterö - 2015 - Nursing Philosophy 16 (2):110-120.
    In nursing today, it remains unclear what constitutes a good foundation for qualitative scientific inquiry. There is a tendency to define qualitative research as a form of inductive inquiry; deductive practice is seldom discussed, and when it is, this usually occurs in the context of data analysis. We will look at how the terms ‘induction’ and ‘deduction’ are used in qualitative nursing science and by qualitative research theorists, and relate these uses to the traditional definitions of these terms by Popper (...)
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  25.  23
    Acidentes ambientais e planos de contingência.Aline Martini & Carina Letícia Hiining Schneider - 2020 - Aletheia 53 (2).
    Resenha: Acidentes ambientais e planos de contingência.
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    Citation Indexing and Indexes.Paula Carina de Araújo, Renata Cristina Gutierres, Castanha & Birger Hjørland - 2021 - Knowledge Organization 48 (1):72-101.
    A citation index is a bibliographic database that provides citation links between documents. The first modern citation index was suggested by the researcher Eugene Garfield in 1955 and created by him in 1964, and it represents an important innovation to knowledge organization and information retrieval. This article describes citation indexes in general, considering the modern citation indexes, including Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic, Crossref, Dimensions and some special citation indexes and predecessors to the modern citation index like (...)
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  27.  35
    Touching Wounds: On the Fugitivity of Stigma.Annette-Carina van der Zaag - 2022 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 12 (1):37-55.
    Abstract:What if our politics are shaped by the texture of wounds rather than the identity of selves? What possible future will have been opened up by posing that very question? I take up Eve Sedgwick’s invitation to begin with stigma “as a near-inexhaustible source of transformational energy” for a transformative queer politics and elaborate Sedgwick’s attention to spoiled identity through Hortense Spiller’s conceptualization of the flesh. The flesh substantiates the grounds for a materialist ontology that begins with stigma, the materiality (...)
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  28.  13
    Super Figures: Poetry, Picture Poetry, and Art in the Service of Human Connection.Herbert L. Colston & Carina Rasse - 2024 - Metaphor and Symbol 39 (1):1-9.
    There is an irony in that, the modern empirical and scientific study of metaphor, as arguably the major form of figurativity, arose in part from a realization that metaphor resides in territories s...
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  29.  27
    Valuing the individual – evaluating the Dignity Care Intervention.Annika Söderman, Carina Werkander Harstäde, Maria Hälleberg Nyman & Karin Blomberg - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (1):86-105.
    Background Palliative care needs in older persons can endanger their dignity. To provide dignity-conserving care to older persons, the Swedish Dignity Care Intervention (DCI-SWE) can be used. The DCI-SWE is built on Chochinov’s dignity model and the original version, developed and tested in UK and Scotland. Aim To describe older persons’ and their relatives’ experiences of dignity and dignity-conserving care when using the DCI-SWE in municipal health care. Research design A mixed method study with convergent parallel design. Participants and research (...)
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  30. Report on Shafe Policies, Strategies and Funding.Willeke van Staalduinen, Carina Dantas, Maddalena Illario, Cosmina Paul, Agnieszka Cieśla, Alexander Seifert, Alexandre Chikalanow, Amine Haj Taieb, Ana Perandres, Andjela Jaksić Stojanović, Andrea Ferenczi, Andrej Grgurić, Andrzej Klimczuk, Anne Moen, Areti Efthymiou, Arianna Poli, Aurelija Blazeviciene, Avni Rexhepi, Begonya Garcia-Zapirain, Berrin Benli, Bettina Huesbp, Damon Berry, Daniel Pavlovski, Deborah Lambotte, Diana Guardado, Dumitru Todoroi, Ekateryna Shcherbakova, Evgeny Voropaev, Fabio Naselli, Flaviana Rotaru, Francisco Melero, Gian Matteo Apuzzo, Gorana Mijatović, Hannah Marston, Helen Kelly, Hrvoje Belani, Igor Ljubi, Ildikó Modlane Gorgenyi, Jasmina Baraković Husić, Jennifer Lumetzberger, Joao Apóstolo, John Deepu, John Dinsmore, Joost van Hoof, Kadi Lubi, Katja Valkama, Kazumasa Yamada, Kirstin Martin, Kristin Fulgerud, Lebar S. & Lhotska Lea - 2021 - Coimbra: SHINE2Europe.
    The objective of Working Group 4 of the COST Action NET4Age-Friendly is to examine existing policies, advocacy, and funding opportunities and to build up relations with policy makers and funding organisations. Also, to synthesize and improve existing knowledge and models to develop from effective business and evaluation models, as well as to guarantee quality and education, proper dissemination and ensure the future of the Action. The Working Group further aims to enable capacity building to improve interdisciplinary participation, to promote knowledge (...)
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    Entre Taylor e a Acção Católica. A organização científica do trabalho e a tentativa de recristianização do mundo do trabalho em Portugal.Ana Carina Azevedo - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (38).
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  32.  12
    The Routledge handbook of collective intelligence for democracy and governance.Stephen Boucher, Carina Antonia Hallin & Lex Paulson (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Routledge.
    The Routledge Handbook of Collective Intelligence for Democracy and Governance explores the concepts, methodologies, and implications of collective intelligence for democratic governance, in the first comprehensive survey of this field. Illustrated by a collection of inspiring case studies and edited by three pioneers in collective intelligence, this handbook serves as a unique primer on the science of collective intelligence applied to public challenges and will inspire public actors, academics, students, and activists across the world to apply collective intelligence in policymaking (...)
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    Políticas para acompañar a las y los estudiantes y sus trayectorias educativas en pandemia. Hacia una pedagogía del cuidado socioafectivo.Claudia Bracchi, Carina V. Kaplan & Noemi Aizencang - 2021 - Voces de la Educación:193-205.
    La escolarización en pandemia instala el interrogante acerca de cómo acompañar trayectorias educativas atravesadas por el dolor social. El presente ensayo explicita una serie de supuestos teóricos hacia la construcción de una perspectiva sociocultural e histórica de las emociones. Entendiendo que las políticas de cuidado promueven acciones y estrategias tendientes a que la escuela pueda funcionar como soporte afectivo para la tramitación del sufrimiento singular y colectivo.
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    Science in Community: Anatomy, Academy, and Argument in the Eighteenth‐Century Holy Roman Empire.Julia Carina Böttcher - 2024 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 47 (3):242-261.
    Understanding physicians as actors who implemented the early modern ideal of collective empiricism into their practices within the local contexts of everyday life, the paper explores two cases from imperial cities in southern Germany in the 1720s and 1780s in which anatomical studies were contested. By analyzing the strategies and arguments that the two physicians used to justify and continue their anatomical dissections, it focuses on their references to different kinds of (local) community and relates these references to another type (...)
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    Casos equívocos entre barbarismos y solecismos: scala, scopa, quadriga en Quintiliano, Donato, Diomedes, Pompeyo y Consencio.Julia Burghini & Beatriz Carina Meynet - 2012 - Argos (Universidad Simón Bolívar) 35 (2):40-59.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es observar el tratamiento que se ofrece en la Institutio Oratoria de Quintiliano y en las artes de Donato, Diomedes y Consencio, como también en el comentario de Pompeyo a la obra de Donato, de los ejemplos estándar de singularización de pluralia tantum: scala, scopa, quadriga. El análisis de la ambigüedad de los nombres tantum cobra relevancia desde que trasciende la mera discusión automatizada de un lugar común de las artes grammaticales, convirtiéndose en un problema (...)
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    Centro Cultural y Artesanal Tonalá (Guadalajara, México).Cecilia Codazzi & Carina Eckard - 2006 - Polis 1 (9):70-71.
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  37. La crisis de los valores cristianos en el siglo XIX: Kierkegaard y Nietzsche.Patricia Carina Dip - 2002 - Universitas Philosophica 38:191-204.
  38.  17
    La paradoja del análisis conceptual del cristianismo en El concepto de la angustia.Patricia Carina Dip - 2005 - Enfoques 17 (2):123-148.
    This article is devoted to analyze the kierkegaardian concept of original Sin with the main purpose of highlighting that, even though Kierkegaard uses some resources “analogous” to analytical philosophy, the results are not connected with this tradition of thought. Existential concepts are presen..
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    La religión bajo sospecha: Freud y Gramsci.Patricia Carina Dip - 2018 - Praxis Filosófica 46:43-60.
    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar dos modelos complementarios de laicización de la cultura formulados a principios del siglo XX a partir de la confrontación con el paradigma religioso, a saber: el psicoanálisis freudiano y el socialismo del joven Gramsci. La hipótesis que conduce el análisis es la siguiente: la comprensión gramsciana del problema de la cultura introduce la dimensión política desconocida en los escritos antropológicos de Freud. Es la introducción de esta dimensión la que explica que Gramsci no (...)
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    Sexing the Child: Hans, Alice and the Repressive Hypothesis.Catherine Driscoll, Carina Garland & Anna Hickey-Moody - 2011 - In Frida Beckman, Deleuze and Sex. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 117-134.
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    A educação democrática na escola deweyana: para discutir a relação entre educação escolar e democracia.Altair Alberto Fávero & Carina Tonieto - 2015 - Filosofia E Educação 7 (2):75.
    Este artigo apresenta uma proposta de vivência da democracia na escola discutindo num primeiro momento a relação entre educação escolar e democracia a partir de Biesta e, num segundo momento, a proposta de educação formulada por Dewey em Democracia e educação. Em seguida, abordando a obra de Joseph Püig et al., Democracia e participação escolar, trata das características da escola democrática e de como elas podem efetivar-se no cotidiano escolar.
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    Women Who Emerge as Leaders in Temporarily Assigned Work Groups: Attractive and Socially Competent but Not Babyfaced or Naïve?Freya M. Gruber, Carina Veidt & Tuulia M. Ortner - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Unpacking Relational Dignity: In Pursuit of an Ethic of Care for Outdoor Therapies.Nevin J. Harper & Carina Ribe Fernee - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Dignity is a universal principle that requires us to treat every person as having worth beyond who a particular person is or what they do. Dignity is a complex and sometimes contested idea, that at times can be compromised in health care and allegedly also within the practice of outdoor therapy. Outdoor therapies comprise a range of therapeutic approaches including nature-based therapy, adventure therapy, animal-assisted therapy, forest therapy, wilderness therapy, surf therapy, and more. Within the literature of outdoor therapies there (...)
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    Testing the Weiss-Harter-Model: Physical Activity, Self-Esteem, Enjoyment, and Social Support in Children and Adolescents.Darko Jekauc, Carina Mnich, Claudia Niessner, Kathrin Wunsch, Claudio R. Nigg, Janina Krell-Roesch & Alexander Woll - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Kants kritische Psychologie als Aufklärung.Hyeongjoo Kim & Carina Pape - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 74 (2):253-273.
    In his famous essay from 1784, Kant denied that we "live in an enlightened age"; yet he claimed that we "live in an age of enlightenment". If we should answer the question if we live in an enlightened age now, we could basically give the same answer. The enlightenment as an ongoing process can be found throughout Kant's whole work. This article focuses on how the concept of enlightenment can be applied to the Kantian psychology, which marks an important change (...)
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    Switching from approach to withdrawal is easier than vice versa.Christof Kuhbandner, Carina M. Vogel & Stephanie Lichtenfeld - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (7):1168-1184.
    A fundamental property of emotional responses is a change in action tendencies that allow the individual to cope with the situation. Most basically, there are two types of behaviour one can switch to when responding emotionally: approach or withdrawal. The present study examined whether the ability to switch to approach or withdrawal depends on the type of behaviour shown before. Using familiar (Experiment 1) and unfamiliar (Experiment 2) neutral stimuli, we first show that switching from approach to withdrawal is generally (...)
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  47.  19
    Las prácticas de la enseñanza en entornos virtuales: dimensiones didácticas emergentes en el contexto de aislamiento.Mariana Maggio, Carina Lion & Jimena Jacubovich - forthcoming - Voces de la Educación:83-115.
    El artículo presenta los principales resultados de una investigación orientada a relevar aquellas prácticas educativas que tuvieron lugar, durante 2020, en una red de escuelas de gestión privada de distintos niveles de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina, en el marco del aislamiento social preventivo y obligatorio. Este trabajo se enmarca en uno más amplio que estudia el rediseño de prácticas de la enseñanza en escenarios de alta disposición tecnológica y en el marco de colectivos, comunidades e instituciones. Desde (...)
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    Restoring Connectedness in and to Nature: Three Nordic Examples of Recontextualizing Family Therapy to the Outdoors.Markus Mattsson, Carina Ribe Fernee, Kanerva Pärnänen & Pekka Lyytinen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Mentalization-based family therapy and family rehabilitation represent a rich variety of approaches for assisting families with difficult interaction patterns. On the other hand, adventure therapy methods have been successfully used with families to offer them empowering experiences of succeeding together against difficult odds and to improve communication between family members. Further, the health promoting qualities of spending time outdoors are now well established and recognized. The Nordic approach to mentalization-based family rehabilitation combines adventure, outdoor, and systemic therapy. We provide three (...)
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    An "R‐spondin code" for multimodal signaling ON‐OFF states.Christof Niehrs, Carina Seidl & Hyeyoon Lee - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (10):2400144.
    R‐spondins (RSPOs) are a family of secreted proteins and stem cell growth factors that are potent co‐activators of Wnt signaling. Recently, RSPO2 and RSPO3 were shown to be multifunctional, not only amplifying Wnt‐ but also binding BMP‐ and FGF receptors to downregulate signaling. The common mechanism underlying these diverse functions is that RSPO2 and RSPO3 act as “endocytosers” that link transmembrane proteins to ZNRF3/RNF43 E3 ligases and trigger target internalization. Thus, RSPOs are natural protein targeting chimeras for cell surface proteins. (...)
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  50. Könsstympade kvinnor och västerländsk sjukvård.Sofia Olsson, Carina Ragneheim & Anne-Sofi Sköldèn - 1996 - Theoria 5 (5):16-23.
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