Results for 'Carlos Padilla'

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  1. Tratamiento en latín de laringal en posición inicial.Carlos Padilla Carmona - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
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    Moderating the Relationship Between Price and Perceived Value of Ethical Products.Rafael A. Araque-Padilla, María José Montero-Simó, Pilar Rivera-Torres & Carlos Aragón-Gutiérrez - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (2):217-230.
    Interest in ethical aspects associated to product acquisition and consumption is a growing trend among consumers. In this context, the concept of “product with ethical attributes” has arisen to refer to products with explicit social and environmental characteristics. However, one of the factors that most hinders the purchasing of these products is certainly price. Given the difficulty of reducing price, the question that arises is the extent to which other product attributes can attenuate the negative impact of price on perceived (...)
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    The Oxford Handbook of Parenting and Moral Development.Deborah Laible, Gustavo Carlo & Laura M. Padilla-Walker (eds.) - 2019 - Oup Usa.
    The Oxford Handbook of Parenting and Moral Development provides a collection of state-of-the-art theories and research on the role that parents play in moral development. Contributors who are leaders in their fields take a comprehensive, yet nuanced approach to considering the complex links between parenting and moral development.
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  4. The empathic emotions and self-love in Bishop Joseph Butler and the neurosciences.Arthur J. Dyck & Carlos Padilla - 2009 - Journal of Religious Ethics 37 (4):577-612.
    In Joseph Butler, we have an account of human beings as moral beings that is, as this essay demonstrates, being supported by the recently emerging findings of the neurosciences. This applies particularly to Butler's portrayal of our empathic emotions. Butler discovered their moral significance for motivating and guiding moral decisions and actions before the neurosciences did. Butler has, in essence, added a sixth sense to our five senses: this is the moral sense by means of which we perceive what we (...)
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    E-Portfolio as a Support for Teaching Practice at the University of Guayaquil.Juan Carlos Vasco Delgado, Karla Maribel Ortiz Chimbo, Geovanny Francisco Ruiz Muñoz, Norma Verónica Romero Amores, Betty Azucena Macas Padilla & David Arturo Yépez González - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (1):213-219.
    This project seeks to highlight the benefits of the implementation and management of the teaching digital portfolio. In today's world full of technology and tools that facilitate daily activities, education and its various processes must also embrace the digital tools available and make them the basis for any innovation and improvement process. The teaching portfolio in physics has long been the means by which teachers have organized the processes, evidence, and other results of educational work. Nowadays, all that range of (...)
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  6. Leukaemia Section.Etienne De Braekeleer, Juan Ramón González García, Janet Margarita Soto Padilla, Carlos Cordova Fletes, Frédéric Morel, Nathalie Douet-Guilbert & Marc De Braekeleer - forthcoming - Http://Atlasgeneticsoncology. Org.
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    Does Evil Have a Cause? Augustine's Perplexity and Thomas's Answer.Carlos Steel - 1994 - Review of Metaphysics 48 (2):251 - 273.
    IN THE DISCUSSION on education in the Republic, Socrates lays down the principles which those who speak about the gods must follow if they want to avoid the errors of traditional mythology. The first typos of this rational theology is this: "God is the cause, not of all things, but only of the good." For "God, being good, cannot be responsible for everything happening in our life, as is commonly believed, but only for a small part. For we have a (...)
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    Rosmini economista.Carlos Hoevel - 2024 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica 6:117-138.
    Il pensiero economico di Rosmini costituisce una sintesi originale tra diverse correnti di pensiero che egli riunisce per superare l’influenza della prospettiva utilitaristica. Basandosi sulla sua visione personalistica dell’essere umano, modifica la concezione dell’agire economico e, sulla base di essa, numerosi aspetti pratici delle politiche pubbliche. Al di là del suo interesse storico, il pensiero economico di Rosmini costituisce un contributo all’acquisizione di una prospettiva filosofica su molte delle scoperte attuali della ricerca teorica ed empirica in economia.
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    (1 other version)Linguagem, pragmatica e ideologia.Carlos Vogt - 1989 - São Paulo: Editora HUCITEC.
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    Blooming in the ruins: how Mexican philosophy can guide us toward the good life.Carlos Alberto Sánchez - 2024 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This book introduces readers to central concepts and ideas in Mexican philosophy. Couched in stories and anecdotes from the author's life, the book offers these concepts and ideas as orientations, recommendations, or exhortation for navigating today's world. The structure and the style of the book aims at making these accessible to both specialists and non-specialist or anyone who may have had some experience with contemporary forms of marginalization, alienation, objectification, or any of the various forms of dread and accidentality familiar (...)
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  11. Providence and Evil.Carlos Steel - 2016 - In Pieter D'Hoine & Marije Martijn (eds.), All From One: A Guide to Proclus. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    How can evil exist in a world governed by providence? That is the main question addressed in this chapter. To answer it, the author first sets out Proclus’ defence of providence, which combines the gods’ transcendence with their sharing goodness. The next step is to show that despite providence, evils have reality as well. There is, however, no substance or principle of evil, and only human and irrational souls and material bodies are susceptible to it. Evil’s having a ‘parhypostasis’ is (...)
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  12. Some remarks on Susan Hack's innocent realism.Carlos Caorsi - 2007 - In Cornelis De Waal (ed.), Susan Haack: a lady of distinctions: the philosopher responds to critics. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
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  13. El ser del mexicano y la nostalgia : Villaurrutia desde Uranga.Carlos Alberto Girón Lozano - 2011 - In Ramírez Barreto & Ana Cristina (eds.), Filosofía desde América: Temas, balances y perspectivas: (simposio del ICA 53). Quito-Ecuador: Abya Yala, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana.
  14. La Revolución Copernicana y quienes la hicieron.Carlos Solis - forthcoming - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy.
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  15. Los Acontecimientos y Las Leyes.Carlos H. Soto - 1981 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 16 (38):139.
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  16. Reconsidering the case of Elijah Delmedigo's Averroism and its impact on Spinoza.Carlos Fraenkel - 2013 - In Anna Akasoy & Guido Giglioni (eds.), Renaissance Averroism and its aftermath: Arabic philosophy in early modern Europe. New York: Springer.
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    El Proceso de Operacionalización de Variables en una Teoría Social Análisis del suicidio en durkheim.Carlos A. Gavarotto - 2004 - Cinta de Moebio 19.
    As much in the processes of education of sciences like in the methodological and epistemological analyses, usually are not examples of social theories that they allow to show how they are resisted with the experience. This work tries to show not only the methodological skeleton used by E. Durkheim i..
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  18. La nocion de experiencia en Kant in Segundo Coloquio de la Sociedad Colombiana de Filosofia (Immanuel Kant).Carlos B. Gutiérrez - 1985 - Ideas Y Valores 66:5-20.
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    Tocándonos...: Un Conocimiento desde el Cuerpo.Carlos Muñoz Gutiérrez - 2001 - A Parte Rei 14:1.
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    La universalidad de la metáfora en el arte.Carlos Alberto Ospina Herrera - 2010 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 41:181-200.
    Este trabajo defenderá la universalidad de la metáfora en arte (Arthur Danto), contra quienes piensan (Davidson, Carrol, Vilar) que en él la atribución de propiedades expresivas es literal y no metafórica. Se defiende la tesis de que la metáfora artística es como un símbolo tensivo que apunta a significados (epífora) y al mismo tiempo crea presencia (diáfora). Gracias a ambos elementos el arte crea presencia, crea realidad o transfigura lo usual y le otorga súbitas y asombrosas posibilidades de presencia, a (...)
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  21. Detachment and defeasibility in deontic logic.Carlos E. Alchourrón - 1996 - Studia Logica 57 (1):5 - 18.
    The purpose of the paper is to present a logical framework that allow to formalize a kind of prima facie duties, defeasible conditional duties, indefeasible conditional duties and actual (indefeasible) duties, as well as to show their logical interconnections.
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    Moral Responsibility: The Ways of Scepticism.Carlos J. Moya - 2006 - New York: Routledge.
    We are strongly inclined to believe in moral responsibility - the idea that certain human agents truly deserve moral praise or blame for some of their actions. However, recent philosophical discussion has put this natural belief under suspicion, and there are important reasons for thinking that moral responsibility is incompatible with both determinism and indeterminism, therefore potentially rendering it an impossibility. Presenting the major arguments for scepticism about moral responsibility, and subjecting them to sustained and penetrating critical analysis, _Moral Responsibility_ (...)
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    Las derivas éticas del concepto de “repetición” y su prolongamiento en la teoría de lo minoritario en la filosofía de Gilles Deleuze.Carlos Béjar - 2021 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 61:259-293.
    Along with the concept of difference, the ontological concept of repetition has many important drifts in Deleuze’s work. In this article, I shall analyze the concept of repetition that appears in Difference and Repetition, while also reviewing the precursory philosophies pertaining to Kierkegaard, Nietzsche and Péguy in relation to this topic. It will be shown that, although repetition is, in principle, an ontological category that fulfills an eminent role in relation to time and the constitution of subjectivity, it also has (...)
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    A relação entre revolução e estado: crítica de Hannah Arendt ao modelo atual.Carlos Fernando Silva Brito - 2021 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 21 (3):121-133.
    In this text, we intend to develop the elements that make up the criticism that Hannah Arendt presents at the end of the interview granted to the German writer Adelbert Reif in the summer of 1970 to the concept of state and modern government, and that are not developed by Arendt at that moment. To this end, we will initially expose Arendt's criticism of the emptying of public space and the attempt to reduce political participation to the electoral process. To (...)
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    El espacio absoluto de Newton concepción sustancialista del espacio.Carlos Adolfo Rengifo Castañeda - 2010 - Revista Disertaciones 1 (1):52-60.
    En el Escolio acerca del “Espacio y el Tiempo”, Newton expone su concepción referida a un Espacio absoluto, elcual posee existencia tan real, como la de los demás cuerpos físicos pero en forma independiente de estos, es asíque una de las características de la física newtoniana‡ va a ser el interés por conceder una existencia independientey real al espacio y al tiempo, así como a la materia, ya que en las leyes del movimiento de Newton aparece elconcepto de aceleración, y (...)
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  26. El desencanto weberiano en la sociedad posmoderna.Carlos Cerdá - 2000 - Enfoques 12.
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    Sovereign and property rights over plant genetic resources.Carlos M. Correa - 1995 - Agriculture and Human Values 12 (4):58-79.
    The existence of sovereign rights over genetic resources is today well recognized in international law. However, the legal status of such resources in terms of property rights is still unclear. The consideration of this issue requires a clear distinction between physical and intangible property. Legislation in developed countries has extended patent protection to genetic resources, in addition to the protection of plant varieties via breeders' rights. The extension of protection and the implementation of the TRIPs Agreement may have important implications (...)
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    Ethiek en retoriek: Beschouwingen bij een actuele vraag vanuit antieke en middeleeuwse denken.Carlos Steel - 1979 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 41 (3):405 - 432.
    La logique spécifique des jugements de valeur est à chercher dans le discours rhétorique. Cette thèse développée par Ch. Perelman dans L'Empire rhétorique (1977) nous rappelle l'introduction à l'éthique de Jean Buridan (XIVe s.). Selon Buridan la philosophie morale ne peut se contenter d'appliquer la logique générale: elle a besoin d'une logique spéciale, une „logique morale” qui n'est rien autre que la technique persuasive qu'on étudie dans la Rhétorique. Roger Bacon (XlIIe s.) a même essayé d'intégrer cette rhétorique dans l'éthique (...)
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    La doble faz de la dialéctica.Carlos Astrada - 1962 - Buenos Aires,: Editorial Devenir.
  30. Il diritto, saggio di una teoria scientifica dell' etica specialmente nella sua fase giuridica..Carlos O. Bunge - 1909 - Torino [etc.]: Fratelli Bocca. Edited by Mario Pertusio.
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  31. Table Des matières de l'année 1969.Carlos E. Alchourrôn, Leo Apostel, F. G. Asenjo, E. M. Barth, J. Evenden, H. G. Hubbeling, Paul Gochet, Joseph Gruenfeld, Hugues Leblanc & H. Montgomery - forthcoming - Logique Et Analyse.
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  32. pt. 5. Patients rights. Patients' rights and human dignity.Carlos Romeo Casabona - 2010 - In André den Exter (ed.), Human rights and biomedicine. Portland: Maklu.
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    COVID-19: o que aprendi com o coronavírus?Carlos Serpeloni - 2021 - São Paulo: Giostri.
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    The Art of Earth Measuring:: Overlapping Scientific Styles.Carlos Galindo - 2013 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 18:78-99.
    The aim of this paper is to point out significant and meaningful overlapping between several styles of scientific thinking, as they were proposed by Crombie (1981) and discussed by Hacking (1985; 2009). This paper is divided in four sections. First, I examine an interpretation made by Barnes (2004) about the incompatibility among scientific styles. As explained by its author, this interpretation denies any possibility of similarities between styles of scientific reasoning. In opposition, the following sections of this paper include explanations (...)
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    La idea de la filosofía en Patocka, o la otra carga de la fenomenología.Carlos Eduardo Maldonado - 2006 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 11 (32):93-103.
    Even though Pato ka never acheived a critique of the political limits of Husserl´s and Heidegger´s philosophies, he did clearly set the limits of those philosophies, limits after which the phenomenological philosophy of Patocka adopts a new dimension. En this paper we argue that vis-a-vis Husserl´s ..
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  36. El concepto de ciencia natural en Ortega.Carlos Paris - 1957 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 16 (60/61):89.
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    Las Condiciones de Partida.Carlos Falco - 2001 - Polis 1 (7):10-13.
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    Conocimiento y acción.Carlos Vaz Ferreira - 1920 - Montevideo,: Imprenta "El Siglo ilustrado,".
    Excerpt from Conocimiento y AccionY bien: cuando se afirma que el dogmatismo es indis pensable [para laa accion, y que el escepticismo fatalmente la paraliza. no se hara una afirmacion falsa o extre madamente exagerada, basada en lo que podria. Suceder, c en lo que pareceria. Razonable que sucediera, mas que en lo que sucede de hecho; mas en el raciocinio que en la observacion? Es precisamente lo que sostengo.About the PublisherForgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic (...)
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    Revista teatral, humor y vida urbana en la ciudad de México (El caso de La ciudad de los camiones. 1918).Alejandro Ortiz Bulle Goyri - 2022 - Valenciana 30:329-351.
    Resumen.- La ciudad de los camiones (1918), Ofrece un testimonio muy vivaz y chispeante de las transformaciones urbanas de la ciudad de México hacia el final de la lucha armada en el país y con el fin de exponer, ya no reflexiones y preocupaciones en torno de la vida política y de la revolución mexicana, sino de pasar revista a un hecho singular: el surgimiento de las líneas de autobuses en la ciudad. Sus autores fueron Pablo Prida y Carlos (...)
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    Time: Biological, intentional and cultural.Carlos Montemayor - 2010 - In Jo Alyson Parker, Paul Harris & Christian Steineck (eds.), Time: Limits and Constraints. Brill. pp. 13--39.
    In this paper, I propose that time representation should be classified as agent dependent motor-intentional, agent dependent conceptual and agent independent conceptual. I employ this classification to explain certain features of psychological and cultural time and discuss how biological time constrains such features. The paper argues that motor-intentional time is a crucial psychophysical link that bridges the gap between purely biochemical cycles and conceptual-intentional representations of time, and proposes that the best way to understand the transitions from biological to psychological (...)
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  41. Vindicación del ciudadano. Un sujeto reflexivo en una sociedad compleja.Carlos Thiebaut - 1998 - Critica 30 (90):113-122.
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    Schelling, “Discurso Sobre as Artes Plásticas”.Carlos João Correia - 2020 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (55-56):129-163.
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    New Perspectives on Animal Ethics Strangers to Nature: Animal Lives and Human Ethics Smulewicz-Zucker Gregory R. Lexington Books (Lanham, MD).Carlos Naconecy - 2014 - Journal of Animal Ethics 4 (2):80-85.
    In this article, I review a recent book edited by Gregory R. Smulewicz-Zucker that presents novel frameworks and refreshing perspectives on the issue of the ethical treatment of nonhuman animals.
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    The Joint Effects of Hubris, Growth Aspirations, and Entrepreneurial Phases for Innovative Behavior.Carlos Poblete - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Innovation is often seen as essential for ventures to succeed. High business failure rates in entrepreneurship, however, suggest that innovations are frequently driven by entrepreneurs blinded by overconfidence. Thus, anticipating when and why entrepreneurs will be motivated to innovate is fundamental for entrepreneurial success. Using a large sample obtained from population surveys conducted in 77 countries, this study analyzes the variables that are significantly associated with innovative behaviors. The research tests a model proposing that the joint effects of hubris, growth (...)
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    Visita y conferencias del Dr. Christoph Theobald sj.Carlos Álvarez sj - 2023 - Teología y Vida 64 (2):241-275.
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    Altered consciousness from the Age of Enlightenment through mid 20th century.Alvarado Carlos - 2011 - In E. Cardeña & M. Winkelman (ed.), Altering Consciousness. Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Praeger.. pp. 89--112.
  47. Prezada Censura”: cartas ao regime militar.Carlos Fico - forthcoming - Topoi.
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  48. Um mesmo sujeito e dois olhares.Carlos María Perez - 2011 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 1 (1):39-49.
    Este trabajo tiene la finalidad de discutir el papel de los intelectuales, su importancia como críticos de la sociedad en que viven y, por lo tanto, su participación miitante. No obstante, esa figura del intelectual, aliada y nacida con la modernidad, va perdiendo espacio con el intelectual-investigador que está más preocupado con la producción científica dentro de los claustros universitarios como de los grandes centros de investigación. Para el caso, se tomó como referencia dos figuras paradigmáticas de la intelectualidad argentina (...)
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  49. Presencia suareciana en la metafísica de X. Zubiri.Carlos Baciero - 1980 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 7:235-246.
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  50. The Place of Michael Novak in the History of Catholic Liberalism.Carlos Hoevel - 2014 - In Samuel Gregg (ed.), Theologian & philosopher of liberty: essays of evaluation & criticism in hornor of Michael Novak. Grand Rapids, Michigan: ActonInstitute.
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